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The Structure of the Shear Layer in Flows over Rigid and Flexible Canopies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flume experiments were conducted with rigid and flexible model vegetation to study the structure of coherent vortices (a manifestation of the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability) and vertical transport in shallow vegetated shear flows. The vortex street in a vegetated shear layer creates a pronounced oscillation in the velocity profile, with the velocity near the top of a model canopy varying by a factor of three during vortex passage. In turn, this velocity oscillation drives the coherent waving of flexible canopies. Relative to flows over rigid vegetation, the oscillation in canopy geometry has the effect of decreasing the amount of turbulent vertical momentum transport in the shear layer. Using a waving plant to determine phase in the vortex cycle, each vortex is shown to consist of a strong sweep at its front (during which the canopy is most deflected), followed by a weak ejection at its rear (when the canopy height is at a maximum). Whereas in unobstructed mixing layers the vortices span the entire layer, they encompass only 70% of the flexibly obstructed shear layer studied here.  相似文献   

We explored the utility of odor-gated rheotaxis (OGR) with a biomimetic robot. OGR is a widely accepted biological plume-tracing strategy that uses mean flow and chemical detection for guidance. In experiments which contrasted the `classic' single-sensor formulation of the strategy against one which used two sensors and against another which combined the use of two sensors and memory of past stimulation patterns we quantified the relative advantages of each. The use of two, spatially separated, chemical sensors confers a significant advantage and still greater performance is obtained with rudimentary memory. The performance of the American lobster under the same turbulent dispersal regime leads us to conclude that significantly more effective plume tracing strategies remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

A variety of animals use olfactory appendages bearing arrays of chemosensory neurons to detect chemical signatures in the water or air around them. This study investigates how particular aspects of the design and behavior of such olfactory appendages on benthic aquatic animals affect the patterns of intercepted chemical signals in a turbulent odor plume. We use virtual olfactory `sensors' and `antennules' (arrays of sensors on olfactory appendages) to interrogate the concentration field from an experimental dataset of a scalar plume developing in a turbulent boundary layer. The aspects of the sensors that we vary are: (1) The spatial and temporal scales over which chemical signals arriving at the receptors of a sensor are averaged (e.g., by subsequent neural processing), and (2) the shape and orientation of a sensor with respect to ambient water flow. Our results indicate that changes in the spatial and temporal resolution of a sensor can dramatically alter its interception of the intermittency and variability of the scalar field in a plume. By comparing stationary antennules with those sweeping through the flow (as during antennule flicking by the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus), we show that flicking alters the frequency content of the scalar signal, and increases the likelihood that the antennule encounters peak events. Flicking also enables a long, slender (i.e., one-dimensional) antennule to intercept two-dimensional scalar patterns.  相似文献   

The force of wind on the ground created by turbulent eddies is commonly used to describe the horizontal flux of material during wind erosion. Here we present the Murdoch Turbulence Probe, an instrument for use in both clean and eroding flows which uses pressure differences to measure the three components of wind velocity. Correlation techniques calculate the forces near the ground and turbulence statistics in nearly real time, including turbulent velocity fluctuations from less than 0.1 Hz to 200 Hz, mean flow velocities, Reynolds stresses as well as the integral length and time scales. In the portable wind-tunnel used by Agriculture Western Australia, turbulence statistics were recorded over stable surfaces and in blowing sand from the initiation of erosion up to the time the sand supply was exhausted. Estimates of the friction velocity derived from the turbulence probe were compared with estimates obtained from the wind speed profile measured with a rake of pitot and static tubes. The Murdoch Turbulence Probe appears to work well in sandblasting conditions. Relative turbulence intensities ranged from 0.11 to 0.2 and are in close agreement with values in the literature. The ratio of the turbulence to the friction velocity (3 to 3.2) is at the high end of the reported range. The Reynolds stress measurements agree closely with predictions of the threshold friction velocities of the sand and estimates from the wind speed profile with a von Kármán constant of about 0.3, lower than the commonly accepted value of 0.4. We suggest that the wind-tunnel profile represents the `outer layer' of the boundary-layer that may best be described by a `Wake Law' or `Defect Law'. At about 54 mm above the surface, the friction velocity decreases from 0.64 m/s to 0.39 m/s and the mean velocity increases from 9.6 m/s to 11.6 m/s as the supply of sand is depleted. In addition to the friction velocity, other scales may be necessary to characterise the overriding effect of the wind and in extending wind-tunnel results to the field.  相似文献   

量子点半导体光放大器(QD—SOA)的二能级速率方程具有简单易懂并能较好的描述其工作特性的特点.为便于利用数值模拟方法分析QD—SOA的动态工作特性,在QD—SOA的二能级速率方程基础上,采用对QD—SOA进行了空间分段,对输入脉冲进行了时间分段的方法,建立了QD—SOA的二能级数值模型.图2,参4.  相似文献   

In this study, emphasis has focused on assessing the potential hydro-environmental impacts of a barrage across the Severn Estuary, with a numerical model being developed and applied to the estuary to assess the impacts of proposed Severn Barrage on the hydrodynamic, sediment transport and faecal indicator organism distribution within the estuary. The results show that the Severn Barrage has the potential to reduce the tidal currents in a highly dynamic estuary. This leads to the reduction of suspended sediment concentrations, which in turn affects the bacterial transport processes which is highly related to the sediment transport processes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Tanzania is a premier destination for trophy hunting of African lions (Panthera leo) and is home to the most extensive long-term study of unhunted lions. Thus, it provides a unique opportunity to apply data from a long-term field study to a conservation dilemma: How can a trophy-hunted species whose reproductive success is closely tied to social stability be harvested sustainably? We used an individually based, spatially explicit, stochastic model, parameterized with nearly 40 years of behavioral and demographic data on lions in the Serengeti, to examine the separate effects of trophy selection and environmental disturbance on the viability of a simulated lion population in response to annual harvesting. Female population size was sensitive to the harvesting of young males (≥3 years), whereas hunting represented a relatively trivial threat to population viability when the harvest was restricted to mature males (≥6 years). Overall model performance was robust to environmental disturbance and to errors in age assessment based on nose coloration as an index used to age potential trophies. Introducing an environmental disturbance did not eliminate the capacity to maintain a viable breeding population when harvesting only older males, and initially depleted populations recovered within 15–25 years after the disturbance to levels comparable to hunted populations that did not experience a catastrophic event. These results are consistent with empirical observations of lion resilience to environmental stochasticity .  相似文献   

应用无结构网格有限体积法 /Osher格式的二维水流 -水质耦合数值模型 ,采用黎曼近似解计算模拟区域水量、动量及污染物输送通量。通过对长江南京八卦洲江段浓度场的模拟计算 ,其结果与遥感卫星图片确定的污染带分布相吻合 ,证实了模型的合理性和模拟能力  相似文献   

Given a numerical model for solving two-dimensional shallow water equations, we are interested in the robustness of the simulation by identifying the rate of change of the water depths and discharges with respect to a change in the bottom friction coefficients. Such a sensitivity analysis can be carried out by computing the corresponding derivatives. Automatic differentiation (AD) is an efficient numerical method, free of approximation errors, to evaluate derivatives of the objective function specified by the computer program, Rubar20 for example. In this paper AD software tool Tapenade is used to compute forward derivatives. Numerical tests were done to show the robustness of the model and to demonstrate the efficiency of these AD-derivatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development of a model for the sustainable release of e-flows from the regional water resource infrastructure (e.g., reservoirs, rivers with available water) for lake restoration and preservation, and use the model in a case study of Baiyangdian Lake, China. First, we define the sustainable environmental flows (e-flows), with an emphasis on the ecological importance of temporal variation in factors such as water level (depth). By analyzing historical data on the suitable range of water levels in the lake, we evaluated fluctuations using canonical correspondence analysis and frequency distribution analysis. The temporal variations required by the ecosystem of the lake were also assessed. Based on this approach, we developed an optimization model for sustainable release of e-flows. We used the adaptive genetic algorithm approach to solve the model and determine the required release of e-flows. Scenario analysis then provided a range of potential management strategies for the e-flows. The optimal results are helpful to the lake managers to establish sustainable e-flow release schemes for the lake restoration and preservation.  相似文献   

A multi-purpose model for small-scale atmospheric flows over heterogeneous landscapes is being developed. The aim of this research is to build a tool able to predict the dynamical (wind, turbulence) and diffusive (gases, particles) fields over landscapes characterised by heterogeneous plant cover. In its present stage of development the model is based on the numerical integration of neutral atmospheric flow equations, using an energy-dissipation closure scheme and over a domain that may include vegetation layers. Three validation cases of the model are presented: (i) response of the airflow to a change in surface roughness; (ii) airflow within and above a horizontally homogeneous plant canopy; (iii) airflow over two complex forest-to-clearing and clearing-to-forest transitions. All simulations provide results in good agreement with the experimental data, except for turbulent kinetic energy just after a clearing-to-forest transition. This result is not surprising for a statistical k– model in a flow region characterised by strong distorsion and intermittent turbulence. However the overall good performance of the model is promising for environmental research at fine scales over heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

The stability, mixing and effect of downstream control on axisymmetric turbulent buoyant jets discharging vertically into shallow stagnant water is studied using 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS) combined with a buoyancy-extended k –ε model. The steady axisymmetric turbulent flow, temperature (or tracer concentration) and turbulence fields are computed using the finite volume method on a high resolution grid. The numerical predictions demonstrate two generic flow patterns for different turbulent heated jet discharges and environmental parameters (i) a stable buoyant discharge with the mixed fluid leaving the vertical jet region in a surface warm water layer; and (ii) an unstable buoyant discharge with flow recirculation and re-entrainment of heated water. A stratified counterflow region always appears in the far-field for both stable and unstable buoyant discharges. Provided that the domain radius L exceeds about 6H, the near field interaction and hence discharge stability is governed chiefly by the jet momentum length scale to depth ratio lM/H, regardless of downstream control. The near field jet stability criterion is determined to be lM/H = 3.5. A radial internal hydraulic jump always exists beyond the surface impingement region, with a 3- to 6-fold increase in dilution across the jump compared with vertical buoyant jet mixing. The predicted stability category, velocity and temperature/concentration fields are well-supported by experiments of all previous investigators.  相似文献   

Social networks are critical to the success of behavioral interventions in conservation because network processes such as information flows and social influence can enable behavior change to spread beyond a targeted group. We investigated these mechanisms in the context of a social marketing campaign to promote a wildlife poisoning hotline in Cambodia. With questionnaire surveys we measured a social network and knowledge and constructs from the theory of planned behavior at 3 points over 6 months. The intervention initially targeted ∼11% (of 365) of the village, but after 6 months ∼40% of the population was knowledgeable about the campaign. The likelihood of being knowledgeable nearly doubled with each additional knowledgeable household member. In the short term, there was also a modest, but widespread improvement in proconservation behavioral intentions, but this did not persist after 6 months. Estimates from stochastic actor-oriented models suggested that the influences of social peers, rather than knowledge, were driving changes in intention and contributed to the failure to change behavioral intention in the long term, despite lasting changes in attitudes and perceived norms. Our results point to the importance of accounting for the interaction between networks and behavior when designing conservation interventions.  相似文献   

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