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One of the main goals in decision-making for sustainable development is to identify and choose the most sustainable option from among different alternatives. This process usually involves a large number of stakeholders with multiple, often conflicting, objectives. Facilitating and resolving such difficult decision situations can be complex, so that a more formal and systematic approach to decision-making may be necessary. This two-part paper proposes an integrated multiple criteria decision-support framework specifically developed to provide systematic, step-by-step guidance to decision-makers. The framework, which is suitable for both corporate and public policy-making in the context of sustainable development, comprises three steps: problem structuring, problem analysis and problem resolution. In this paper, the focus is on problem structuring while Part II concentrates on problem analysis and resolution. Problem structuring includes identification of stakeholders, sustainability issues and indicators relevant for a particular decision problem. Sustainability indicators are used as decision criteria for identifying and choosing the most sustainable option. In the problem analysis step, decision makers articulate their preferences for different decision criteria. A suitable Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) technique, such as multi-objective optimisation, goal programming, value-based and outranking approaches, is then used to model the preferences. These techniques are discussed in Part II, which also gives guidance on the choice of the most appropriate MCDA method. Based on the outcome of preference modelling, which estimates the overall 'value' of each alternative being considered, decision-makers can then choose the 'best' or most sustainable option. Such an integrated decision-support framework is useful for providing structure to the debate, ensuring dialogue among decision-makers and showing trade-offs between conflicting objectives. In this way, it may be possible to create shared understanding about the issues, generate a sense of common purpose, and often, resolve 'difficult' decision problems.  相似文献   

One of the main goals in decision-making for sustainable development is to identify and choose the most sustainable option among different alternatives. This process usually involves a large number of stakeholders with multiple, often conflicting objectives. Facilitating and resolving such difficult decision situations can be complex, so that a more formal and systematic approach to decision-making may be necessary. This paper proposes an integrated multiple criteria decision-support framework specifically developed to provide a systematic, step-by-step guidance to decision-makers. The framework, which is suitable for both corporate and public policy-making in the context of sustainable development, comprises three steps: problem structuring, problem analysis and problem resolution. This paper concentrates on problem analysis and resolution, where decision-makers articulate their preferences for different decision criteria. A suitable Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) technique, such as multi-objective optimisation, goal programming, value-based and outranking approaches, is then used to model the preferences. These techniques are discussed here in some detail, to provide guidance on the choice of the most appropriate MCDA method. Based on the outcome of preference modelling, which estimates the overall 'value' of each alternative being considered, decision-makers can then choose the 'best' or most sustainable option. Such an integrated decision-support framework is useful for providing structure to the debate, ensuring dialogue among decision-makers and showing trade-offs between conflicting objectives. In this way, it may be possible to create shared understanding about the issues, generate a sense of common purpose and, often, resolve 'difficult' decision problems.  相似文献   

The southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), a region that rarely experiences cyclones, was impacted by tropical cyclone (TC) Hamish in March 2009. We documented on-reef physical and habitat conditions before, during and after the cyclone at One Tree Reef (OTR) using data from environmental sensor instrumentation and benthic surveys. Over 5 years of monitoring, ocean mooring data revealed that OTR experienced large swells (4–8 m) of short duration (10–20 min) not associated with a cyclone in the area. These swells may have contributed to the physical disturbance of benthic biota and decline in coral cover recorded prior to and after TC Hamish. During the cyclone, OTR sustained southeasterly gale force winds (>61.2 km h−1) for 18.5 h and swells >6 m in height for 4 h. Benthic surveys of exposed sites documented a 20% drop in live coral cover, 30% increase in filamentous algae cover and the presence of dislodged corals and rubble after the storm. Leeward sites were largely unaffected by the cyclone. Benthic cover did not change in the lagoon sites. Significant rubble movement and infill of the lagoon occurred. Two years after the cyclone, algal cover remained high and laminar corals had not recovered. Total coral cover at impacted sites had continued to decline. Environmental conditions and habitat surveys supported Puotinen’s (Int J Geogr Inf Sci 21:97–120, 2007) model for cyclone conditions that cause reef destruction. While TC Hamish had a major impact on the reef, change in benthic cover over several years was due to multiple stressors. This on-reef scale integration of physical and biological data provided a rare opportunity to assess impacts of a major storm and other disturbances, showing the importance of considering multiple stressors (short-lived and sustained) in assessing change to reef habitats.  相似文献   

Responses by marine species to ocean acidification (OA) have recently been shown to be modulated by external factors including temperature, food supply and salinity. However the role of a fundamental biological parameter relevant to all organisms, that of body size, in governing responses to multiple stressors has been almost entirely overlooked. Recent consensus suggests allometric scaling of metabolism with body size differs between species, the commonly cited ‘universal’ mass scaling exponent (b) of ¾ representing an average of exponents that naturally vary. One model, the Metabolic-Level Boundaries hypothesis, provides a testable prediction: that b will decrease within species under increasing temperature. However, no previous studies have examined how metabolic scaling may be directly affected by OA. We acclimated a wide body-mass range of three common NE Atlantic echinoderms (the sea star Asterias rubens, the brittlestars Ophiothrix fragilis and Amphiura filiformis) to two levels of pCO2 and three temperatures, and metabolic rates were determined using closed-chamber respirometry. The results show that contrary to some models these echinoderm species possess a notable degree of stability in metabolic scaling under different abiotic conditions; the mass scaling exponent (b) varied in value between species, but not within species under different conditions. Additionally, we found no effect of OA on metabolic rates in any species. These data suggest responses to abiotic stressors are not modulated by body size in these species, as reflected in the stability of the metabolic scaling relationship. Such equivalence in response across ontogenetic size ranges has important implications for the stability of ecological food webs.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how honeybees coped with successive tasks of colour discrimination with conflicting demands. Free-flying honeybees (Apis mellifera) were trained on tasks in which they had to choose one of three colours to obtain a reward of sugar water. In acquisition, the bees learned this task in about four trials of training. Colour memory was retained after 24-h delay in an unrewarded retention test. Integration experiments were then conducted in which the bees had to learn two successive tasks of colour discrimination with conflicting demands, task 1 for 20 trials and task 2 for ten trials. In task 1, one of three colours provided sugar water while the other two provided tap water, while in task 2 a different colour provided the reward. The bees were given unrewarded tests immediately after training on task 2 and then re-tested after 10 min, 22 h (circadian time of the start of task 1 training), or 24 h (circadian time of the end of task 2 training). Bees strongly preferred the rewarded colour for task 2 on immediate testing and after 10-min delay. After 22-h delay, they switched their preference to the rewarded colour for task 1. But after 24-h delay, the bees again strongly preferred the rewarded colour for task 2. Further tests at a number of delays between 0 and 22 h revealed a sigmoidal pattern of rise in the preference for the task 1 colour. We conclude that circadian time modulates the retrieval of colour memories in honeybees, even when all the training took place in a single day.  相似文献   

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