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The aim of the study was to determine centimeter-scale spatial variation in mineralization potential in diffusely polluted soil. To this end we employed a 96-well microplate method to measure the mineralization of 14C-labeled organic compounds in deep-well microplates and thereby compile mineralization curves for 348 soil samples of 0.2-cm3. Centimeter-scale spatial variation in organic matter and the mineralization of glucose, benzoic acid, and PAHs (phenanthrene and pyrene) was determined for urban road-side soil sampled as arrays (7 × 11 cm) of 96 subsamples. The spatial variation in mineralization was visualized by means of 2-D contour maps and quantified by means of semivariograms. The geostatistical analysis showed that the easily degradable compounds (glucose and benzoic acid) exhibited little spatial variation in mineralization potential, whereas the mineralization was highly heterogeneous for the PAH compounds that require specialized degraders. The spatial heterogeneity should be taken into account when estimating natural attenuation rates.  相似文献   

The potential for storing additional C in U.S. Corn Belt soils - to offset rising atmospheric [CO2] - is large. Long-term cultivation has depleted substantial soil organic matter (SOM) stocks that once existed in the region's native ecosystems. In central Illinois, free-air CO2 enrichment technology was used to investigate the effects of elevated [CO2] on SOM pools in a conservation tilled corn-soybean rotation. After 5 and 6 y of CO2 enrichment, we investigated the distribution of C and N among soil fractions with varying ability to protect SOM from rapid decomposition. None of the isolated C or N pools, or bulk-soil C or N, was affected by CO2 treatment. However, the site has lost soil C and N, largely from unprotected pools, regardless of CO2 treatment since the experiment began. These findings suggest management practices have affected soil C and N stocks and dynamics more than the increased inputs from CO2-stimulated photosynthesis.  相似文献   

采集朔州市市区采暖季和非采暖季季PM10样品,测定其中元素碳(EC)和有机碳(OC)含量,并对碳组分的浓度水平、时空分布特征和主要来源进行了研究,结果表明:朔州市市区PM10中OC、EC平均浓度分别为(25.95±9.36)μg/m3和(26.58±10.36)μg/m3,总碳气溶胶(TAC)在PM10中的平均百分含量为30.1%;采暖季OC和EC浓度大于非采暖季,且OC、EC质量浓度大小在5个采样点位均呈现出点位5(工业开发区) > 点位2(居民区) > 点位1(商业、居民混合区) > 点位3(商业、文教混合区) > 点位4(相对清洁区)的变化规律,其中,点位5的OC、EC质量浓度最大,分别为(29.66±8.72)μg/m3和(31.40±10.42)μg/m3;PM10中OC/EC在采暖季和非采暖季比值均低于2,一次污染严重;OC和EC相关性较好,相关系数(R2)分别为0.85(采暖季)和0.69(非采暖季),说明PM10中的碳气溶胶主要来源于一次排放源,加强对燃煤烟尘、机动车尾气和生物质的燃烧等空气污染来源的控制对于改善朔州市环境空气质量有重要作用。  相似文献   

The thawing and subsequent decomposition of large stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) currently stored in the northern circumpolar permafrost region are projected to result in a ‘positive’ feedback on global warming. The magnitude of this feedback can only be assessed with improved knowledge about the total size and geographic distribution of the permafrost SOC pool. This study investigates SOC storage in an under-sampled mountain permafrost area in the Russian High Altai. SOC stocks from 39 soil pits are upscaled using a GIS-based land cover classification. We found that the top 100 cm of soils in Aktru Valley and the adjacent Kuray Basin only holds on average 2.6 ± 0.6 kg C m−2 (95% confidence interval), of which only c. 1% is stored in permafrost. Global warming will result in an upward shift of alpine life zones, with new plant cover and soil development at higher elevations. As a result, this type of mountain permafrost area might act as a net C sink in the future, representing a ‘negative’ feedback on global warming.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01433-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the distribution of exogenous HCB and DDT among different soil organic matter fractions were studied under sterile and non-sterile conditions, different soil water contents, and different concentrations of added Cu(2+). The residence time was 311days. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions by a methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) method. Results revealed that there is a mass transfer tendency of DDT and HCB from FA, HA and BHA to IR and lipid fractions with increasing residence time. Microbial activity accelerated the mass transfer, while the addition of Cu(2+) slowed it down. The HCB and DDT transfer rate decreased as the soil moisture increased from 1.9% to 60%, but increased when soil moisture increased further to 90%. A two-compartment first order kinetic model was used to describe the mass transfer from FA, HA and BHA.  相似文献   

The influence of different organic amendments on diuron leaching was studied through undisturbed vineyard soil columns. Two composts (A and D), the second at two stages of maturity, and two soils (VR and Bj) were sampled. After 1 year, the amount of residues (diuron + metabolites) in the leachates of the VR soil (0.19-0.71%) was lower than in the Bj soil (4.27-8.23%), which could be explained by stronger diuron adsorption on VR. An increase in the amount of diuron leached through the amended soil columns, compared to the blank, was observed for the Bj soil only. This result may be explained by the formation of mobile complexes between diuron and water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) through the Bj soil, or by competition between diuron and WEOM for the adsorption sites in the soil. For both soils, the nature of the composts and their degree of maturity did not significantly influence diuron leaching.  相似文献   

Detailed soil screening data from the Czech Republic as a typical Central European country are presented here. Determination of a wide selection of organic and inorganic pollutants as well as an assessment of specific soil parameters allowed us to study the soil contamination in relation to the land use and soil properties. While HCHs and HCB were found at highest levels in arable soils, the higher concentrations of PCDDs/Fs, PCBs, PAHs and DDTs were observed in high altitude forest soils. Concentrations of these compounds strongly correlated with the soil organic carbon content. Several possible reasons have been suggested for the observed higher concentrations in mountain forest soils but the impact of each of these influencing factors remains to be identified. An inventory of the soil contamination is needed as a first step in our effort to estimate an extent to which the secondary sources contribute to the enhanced atmospheric levels of POPs.  相似文献   

This study identifies the natural background, anthropogenic background and distribution of contamination caused by heavy metal pollutants in soil in Chunghua County of central Taiwan by using a finite mixture distribution model (FMDM). The probabilities of contaminated area distribution are mapped using single-variable indicator kriging and multiple-variable indicator kriging (MVIK) with the FMDM cut-off values and regulation thresholds for heavy metals. FMDM results indicate that Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn can be individually fitted by a mixture model representing the background and contamination distributions of the four metals in soil. The FMDM cut-off values for contamination caused by the metals are close to the regulation thresholds, except for the cut-off value of Zn. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve validates that indicator kriging and MVIK with FMDM cut-off values can reliably delineate heavy metals contamination, particularly for areas lacking background information and high heavy metal concentrations in soil.  相似文献   

Hsu WM  Hsi HC  Huang YT  Liao CS  Hseu ZY 《Chemosphere》2012,86(6):606-613
The accumulation of As in rice due to groundwater irrigation in paddy fields represents a serious health hazard in South and Southeast Asia. In Taiwan, the fate of As in long-term irrigated paddy fields is poorly understood. Groundwater, surface soil, and rice samples were collected from a paddy field that was irrigated with As-containing groundwater in southwestern Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the source and sink of As in the paddy field by comparing the As fractions in the soils that were obtained by a sequential extraction procedure (SEP) with the As uptake of rice. The risks associated with eating rice from the field can thus be better understood. The concentration of As in groundwater varied with time throughout the growing seasons of rice, but always exceeded the permitted maximum (10 μg L−1) for drinking water by the WHO. The As concentration increased with the concentration of Fe in the groundwater, supporting the claim that a large amount of As was concentrated in the Fe flocs collected from the internal wall of the groundwater pump. The results of the SEP revealed that As bound with amorphous and crystalline hydrous oxides exhibited high availability in the soils. The root of rice accumulated the largest amount of As, followed by the straw, husk, and grain. Although the As concentration in the rice grain was less than 1.0 mg kg−1, the estimated intake level was close to the maximum tolerable daily intake of As, as specified by the WHO.  相似文献   

Liu S  Xia X  Zhai Y  Wang R  Liu T  Zhang S 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):223-228
The concentrations of black carbon (BC), total organic carbon (TOC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been determined in soils from urban and rural areas of Beijing. The rural area can be divided into plain and mountainous areas which are close to and relatively far from the urban area, respectively. Concentration of BC (5.83 ± 3.05 mg g−1) and BC/TOC concentration ratio (0.37 ± 0.15) in Beijing’s urban soil are high compared with that in world background soils and rural soils of Beijing, suggesting the urban environment to be an essential source and sink of BC. Concentration of BC in the urban area decreases from the inner city to exterior areas, which correlates with the urbanization history of Beijing and infers accumulation of BC in old urban soils. Black carbon in Beijing soils mainly comes from fossil fuel combustion, especially traffic emission. Median PAH concentration in the urban area (502 ng g−1) is one order of magnitude higher than that in the rural plain (148 ng g−1) and mountainous area (146 ng g−1) where PAHs are supposed to mainly come from atmospheric deposition from the urban area. Concentrations of BC correlate significantly with those of PAHs (p < 0.01, except naphthalene) in the urban area and with those of heavier 4-, 5- and 6- ring PAHs (p < 0.01) in the adjacent rural plain area, while there is no significant correlation with any PAH in the farther rural mountainous area.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To evaluate the health risks of drinking water in Hanyuan County, 96 samples of peripheral drinking water were collected from 30 sites in the area....  相似文献   

The diamondback terrapin’s (Malaclemys terrapin) wide geographic distribution, long life span, occurrence in a variety of habitats within the saltmarsh ecosystem, predatory foraging behavior, and high site fidelity make it a useful indicator species for contaminant monitoring in estuarine ecosystems. In this study fat biopsies and plasma samples were collected from males and females from two sites within Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, as well as tissues from a gravid female and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), which are terrapin prey. Samples were analyzed for persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), chlorinated pesticides, and methyl-triclosan. Terrapins from the northern site, Spizzle Creek, closest to influences from industrial areas, had higher POP concentrations for both tissues than terrapins from the less impacted Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. Sex differences were observed with males having higher contaminant concentrations in fat and females in plasma. PCB patterns in terrapin fat and plasma were comparable to other wildlife. An atypical PBDE pattern was observed, dominated by PBDEs 153 and 100 instead of PBDEs 47 and 99, which has been documented in only a few other turtle species. The typical PBDE patterns measured in mussels, terrapin prey, suggests that the terrapin may efficiently biotransform or eliminate PBDE 47 and possibly PBDE 99. Plasma contaminant concentrations significantly and positively correlated with those in fat. This study addresses several aspects of using the terrapin as an indicator species for POP monitoring: site and sex differences, tissue sampling choices, maternal transfer, and biomagnification.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - It has become a great habit for driving to work in people’s daily life in China. In order to understand the concentration of volatile organic...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Urban Heat Island (UHI) is related to the theory of higher atmosphere and surface temperature taking place in the city area as compared to the nearby...  相似文献   

Wang C  Feng Y  Zhao S  Li BL 《Chemosphere》2012,88(1):69-76
A one-dimensional dynamic contaminant fate model, coupling kinematic wave flow option with advection-dispersion-reaction equation, has been applied to predict Nitrobenzene pollution emergency in Songhua River, China that occurred on November 13, 2005. The model includes kinetic processes including volatilization, photolysis and biodegradation, and diffusive mass exchange between water column and sediment layer as a function of particles settling and resuspension. Four kinds of quantitative statistical tests, namely Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, percent bias, ratio of root-mean-square to the standard deviation of monitoring data and Theil’s inequality coefficient, are adopted to evaluate model performance. The results generally show that the modeled and detected concentrations exhibit good consistency. Flow velocity in the river is most sensitive parameter to Nitrobenzene concentration in water column based on sensitivity analysis of input parameters. It indicates flow velocity has important impact on both distribution and variance of contaminant concentration. The model performs satisfactory for prediction of organic pollutant fate in Songhua River, with the ability to supply necessary information for pollution event control and early warning, which could be applied to similar long natural rivers.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) have been widely studied in landfill leachates but not in the surrounding environment of landfills. In this...  相似文献   

Thirteen soils collected from 11 provinces in eastern China were used to investigate the butachlor adsorption. The results indicated that the total organic carbon (TOC) content, clay content, amorphous Fe2O3 content, silt content, CEC, and pH had a combined effect on the butachlor sorption on soil. Combination of the data obtained from the 13 soils in the present study with other 23 soil samples reported by other researchers in the literature showed that Koc would be a poor predictive parameter for butachlor adsorption on soils with TOC content higher than 4.0% and lower than 0.2%. The soils with the ratio of clay content to TOC content (RCO) values less than 60 adsorbed butachlor mainly by the partition into soil organic matter matrix. The soils with RCO values higher than 60 apparently adsorbed butachlor by the combination of the partition into soil organic matter matrix and adsorption on clay surface.  相似文献   

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