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Loggerhead turtles nesting in the Mediterranean Sea exhibit remarkable genetic structuring. This paper tests the hypothesis that young loggerhead turtles from different rookeries do not distribute homogeneously among the major Mediterranean foraging grounds, due to a complex pattern of surface currents. We extracted long fragments of mitochondrial DNA from 275 stranded or bycaught juvenile turtles from six foraging grounds (Catalano-Balearic Sea, Algerian basin, Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, northern Ionian Sea and southern Levantine Sea). We used a Bayesian mixed-stock analysis to estimate the contributions from rookeries in the Mediterranean, the North-west Atlantic and Cape Verde to the studied foraging grounds. Differences were found in the relative contribution of juvenile turtles of Atlantic and Mediterranean origin to each foraging ground. A decreasing proportion of Atlantic juveniles was detected along the main surface current entering the Mediterranean, with a high prevalence of turtles from eastern Florida in the Algerian basin and lower numbers elsewhere. In regard to the turtles of Mediterranean origin, juveniles from Libya prevailed in central and western Mediterranean foraging grounds other than the Algerian basin. Conversely, the Adriatic Sea was characterised by a large presence of individuals from western Greece, while the southern Levantine Sea was inhabited by a heterogeneous mix of turtles from the eastern Mediterranean rookeries (Turkey, Lebanon and Israel). Overall, the distribution of juveniles may be related to surface circulation patterns in the Mediterranean and suggests that fisheries might have differential effects on each population depending on the overlap degree between foraging and fishing grounds.  相似文献   

Bioassays were conducted to test crude extracts of nine temperate-water ascidians for bioactivity against a range of marine organisms. The extracts generally produced moderate to weak effects, with the exception of those from the ascidian Clavelina lepadiformis, which consistently produced high mortalities against invertebrates. Some of these were then tested in simple palatability assays for feeding-deterrent effects. In general, no strong effects were detected for assays with shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) and fishes (the goby Pomatoschistus minutus and the grey mullet Chelon labrosus). Feeding-deterrent effects were observed with Carcinus maenas for the extracts of Aplidium proliferum, Botryllus schlosseri and Dendrodoa grossularia. It is postulated that these ascidians are unpalatable, but no toxic effects are evident.  相似文献   

Combined effects of temperature, salinity and nutrition on larval survival and growth of the European oyster Ostrea edulis L. were studied over a period of seven days in the laboratory. Larvae were obtained in August 1985 from oysters reared under field conditions on the Mediterranean coast. Four temperatures (15°, 20°, 25°, 30°C), four salinities (20, 25, 30, 35 S) and two levels of nutrition (fed or unfed) were used in the experimental design; the fed larvae received a mixed algal diet of Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans forma pumilum at a concentration of 100 cells per microlitre. Larvae survived over a wide range of temperature and salinity; statistical analysis indicated that nutrition had the greatest effect on the development of O. edulis larvae, explaining 85 to 88% of the variance in growth. Compared with temperature, the effect of salinity was very slight, usually statistically insignificant. The combined effects of temperature and nutrition produced the only significant interaction. Growth of starved larvae seems to be independent of both temperature and salinity within the range of levels tested.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (33-37° N and 11-16° W) in May 1983, and vertical profiles of chemical and physical parameters allowed us to identify the different water masses. A significant difference in salinity and its maximum can be found at different places and depths, as a consequence of the spreading of the Mediterranean Water (MW) from the Strait of Gibraltar. The apparent oxygen utilization shows a correlation with nutrients in North Atlantic Central Water. The relative percentages of water masses were assessed in order to examine the depth of maximum influence of MW as a function of latitude and to apply this knowledge to the black scabbard fish long-line strategy. The long-line fishing depth location was adapted to the specific MW distribution of the different banks with improvements in the mean catch efficiency. The thickness of the MW prevalence layer has a pronounced decrease to the south. MW influence clearly sinks and decrease to south-west. The highest percentage of the MW was found in the Gorringe Bank area and the lowest in the Madeira area.  相似文献   

Species boundaries among taxa of colonial marine organisms are often obscured by intraspecific morphological and ecological variation; genetic comparisons of recognized “ecotypes” frequently reveal them to be reproductively isolated species. Based on morphological similarities, it has been proposed that the Mediterranean soft coral Alcyonium (=Parerythropodium) coralloides Pallas, 1766 and its Atlantic congener A. hibernicum belong to one highly variable and geographically widespread species, A. coralloides. I collected A. coralloides from ten Atlantic and three Mediterranean locations in 1990 and 1994, and used differences in colony form, substrate use and color to separate them into five distinct morphotypes. Two occur sympatrically in the Mediterranean (M1, M2) and three have overlapping distributions in the Atlantic (A1, A2, A3). I used allozyme electrophoresis to compare morphotypes genetically at 14 enzyme loci. Where two morphotypes occurred sympatrically, fixed allelic differences at 4 to 6 loci indicated reproductive isolation. In all but one pairwise comparison (M1 and A2), morphotypes whose ranges did not overlap were also separated by large genetic distances. From these results I suggest that the five morphotypes represent four distinct species. A. coralloides comprises two morphotypes (M1, A2) with relatively high genetic identity. A. hibernicum (=A1) is reproductively isolated from A. coralloides and should be retained as a valid species; levels of genetic diversity and heterozygosity within populations support the absence of outcrossing in this reportedly asexual species. Morphotypes M2 and A3 are also reproductively isolated from A. coralloides; they are taxonomically distinct from but belong to the same phylogenetic clade as A. hibernicum. Although preliminary observations suggest that differences in reproductive timing maintain species boundaries in sympatry, wider geographic sampling will be required to elucidate the events leading to speciation within this species complex. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Non-indigenous ascidians in southern California harbors and marinas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Southern California's many large harbors form an important coastal ecosystem, yet they are also a␣major destination for thousands of pleasure craft and cargo vessels that have often traveled great distances. Many groups of marine organisms, including ascidians, have now been documented as undergoing range extensions as a consequence of rapid ship-transport between distant harbors phenomenon. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the rate of introductions of non-indigenous species worldwide, yet these effects of boat traffic remain largely unstudied in southern California. Ascidians are sessile marine filter-feeders, hermaphroditic, and often self-fertilizing; many species are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions, can reach sexual maturity in just a few weeks, and have a long breeding season. This paper documents the arrival of 14␣non-indigenous species in southern California harbors␣during this century, 13 of which have persisted:␣four prior to the 1960s (Cionaintestinalis, Styelaclava, S.␣plicata, Botryllusschlosseri), another by 1972 (S.␣canopus, formerly S. partita), and 8 since 1983 [C.␣savignyi, Ascidia zara, Ascidia sp., Polyandrocarpa zorritensis, Symplegma brakenhielmi (formerly S. oceania, and S. reptans, Microcosmus squamiger, and Molgula␣manhattensis)]. We estimate the relative abundance and seasonal fluctuations of both non-indigenous and native ascidians in all harbors in southern California from San Diego to Santa Barbara based upon the historical record, our 35 yr of field notes, and our recent surveys carried out during fall 1994, spring and fall 1995, fall 1996 and spring 1997. Possible points of origin of the exotics and predictions on further U.S. Pacific coast range-extensions are included. The concomitant decline in numbers and species of native ascidians in the harbors of southern California during this century is also reviewed. Received: 4 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 September 1997  相似文献   

The spatial strategies and activity patterns of two populations of Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Fabricius), from Italy and Portugal, were studied in the field. The Mediterranean site was a non-tidal splash zone about 30 cm wide, while the Atlantic site was a 30 m wide intertidal belt. Almost all P. marmoratus of both populations were active on the emerged rocks, rarely entering the sea. The Mediterranean crabs actively fed on the algal turf throughout the 24 h, while in Portugal active crabs were more numerous at night. In the Italian population, all crabs were packed together, although large males had larger activity areas than females and smaller males. In Portugal, the large males were more concentrated in the sublittoral fringe, while both small males and females were confined to the eulittoral and littoral fringe. The Italian P. marmoratus performed feeding loops within areas smaller than 9 m2. Although most Portuguese crabs showed the same spatial strategy, some of them performed feeding migrations to the sublittoral fringe, covering distances of up to 20 m. Environmental factors (e.g. temperature), physical factors (e.g. refuge availability) and biotic factors (e.g. competitors and predators) of the different shores probably determine the behavioural plasticity of␣P.␣marmoratus. Received: 1 February 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

Subtidal benthic communities on hard substrata are usually characterised by intense competition for space; neighbouring organisms are generally viewed as a threat to the maintenance of this limited resource. Here, I describe an association between two species of subtidal ascidians where the abundance of one appears to be wholly determined by the abundance of the other.Pyura spinifera is a large subtidal stalked ascidian that is common in south-eastern Australia and usually occurs in clumps. At the base of these clumps the unstalked ascidianCnemidocarpa pedata is often present. Between February and May 1992, I used a removal experiment to test the prediction that the recruitment ofP. spinifera was dependent on the presence ofC. pedata. There were three treatments at two sites: (i)C. pedata were totally removed, (ii)C. pedata densities were reduced by half, and (iii) ascidians were left untouched (control). The removal ofC. pedata significantly reducedP. spinifera recruitment relative to controls; recruitment ofP. spinifera was only observed onC. pedata. Results were consistent between sites. Furthermore, laboratory settlement trials indicated thatP. spinifera settle preferentially in response to cues with which recruits are normally associated, while settlement is poor or does not occur in the absence of such cues. Laboratory trials also indicate that these responses are mediated by water-borne compounds.  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis on starch gels was used to investigate population genetic structure of the barnacles Chthamalus montagui Southward and C. stellatus (Poli) over their north-east Atlantic and Mediterranean ranges. In each species, a single locus exhibited marked differentiation of allele frequencies between Atlantic and Mediterranean localities; in C. stellatus, genetic differentiation between the two basins had not previously been noted. In both species, mean heterozygosity per locus appeared higher in the Mediterranean samples than in the Atlantic, and Mediterranean populations had more alleles at the loci studied. Possible explanations for the differentiation between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean populations are discussed. Received: 30 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

T. Wilke  E. Rolán  G. M. Davis 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):827-833
The mudsnail taxon Hydrobia s.l. plays a major role in numerous ecological and parasitological studies. Yet, its taxonomy is confusing and its biogeography is poorly understood. A principal problem is that taxa of Hydrobia s.l. belong to morphostatic radiations – widely allopatric species radiations with little or no habitat diversification and a low level of anatomical change. So far, three morphostatic radiations can be identified within Hydrobia s.l.: Hydrobia s.s., Peringia, and Ventrosia. These radiations are identical with the putative genera of Hydrobia s.l. The purpose of the paper is to infer phylogenetic relationships within one of these radiations, Hydrobia s.s. in the northern Atlantic and western Mediterranean. A total of 22 populations, including topotypical populations of five commonly used taxa, were studied genetically using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Based on molecular data and the species concept we define, the following species and subspecies were identified: Hydrobia acuta acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) [=H. minoricensis (Paladilhe, 1875)], H. acuta neglecta Muus, 1963, and H. glyca (Servain, 1880) (=H. joossei van Aartsen, Menkhorst and Gittenberger, 1984). One population from Djerba, Tunisia (Hydrobia sp. A) and one population from Mallorca, Spain (Hydrobia sp. B) are genetically distinct from all other taxa studied here. Both populations potentially represent new species. Due to the fact that only one population each has been studied, and so the degree of variation within these two taxa cannot be assessed, a final decision regarding their species level cannot yet be made. Received: 6 October 1999 / Accepted: 12 September 2000  相似文献   

Seabirds are the most threatened group of marine animals; 29% of species are at some risk of extinction. Significant threats to seabirds occur on islands where they breed, but in many cases, effective island conservation can mitigate these threats. To guide island‐based seabird conservation actions, we identified all islands with extant or extirpated populations of the 98 globally threatened seabird species, as recognized on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, and quantified the presence of threatening invasive species, protected areas, and human populations. We matched these results with island attributes to highlight feasible island conservation opportunities. We identified 1362 threatened breeding seabird populations on 968 islands. On 803 (83%) of these islands, we identified threatening invasive species (20%), incomplete protected area coverage (23%), or both (40%). Most islands with threatened seabirds are amenable to island‐wide conservation action because they are small (57% were <1 km2), uninhabited (74%), and occur in high‐ or middle‐income countries (96%). Collectively these attributes make islands with threatened seabirds a rare opportunity for effective conservation at scale. La Biogeografía de Aves Marinas Amenazadas Globalmente y las Oportunidades de Conservación en Islas  相似文献   

A study was made of the pigment composition and ultrastructure of a unicellular cyanophyte living in symbiosis with colonial didemnid ascidians and encrusting sponges collected from the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, in 1981–1984. The ascidians were Trididemnum tegulum Kott and T. clinides. Kott; the sponges were Prianos aff. melanos de Laubenfels, Spirastrella aff. decumbens Ridley and an unidentified brown fleshy sponge (BFS). This cyanophyte seems to be identical with Synechocystis trididemni Lafargue et Duclaux. A phycoerythrin containing both phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin chromophores was shown to be present; the urobilin was carried on and subunits, no subunit was found. A second phycoerythrin possessing only erythrobilin chromophores was also present. In thin-sections the cells showed no central DNA-containing nucleoid, and an unusual thylakoid arrangement with some thylakoids having greatly expanded lumens forming pseudo-vacuoles in the centre of the cell. Freeze-fracture showed 11 to 12 nm particles on both PF (protoplasmic face) and EF (exoplasmic face) faces of thylakoids. In many ways, the ultrastructure resembled that of the chlorophyll-b containing prokaryote Prochloron spp.  相似文献   

In situ and in vitro observations indicate that brooding colonial ascidians commonly display limited larval dispersal, whilst the larvae of most solitary species are assumed to be widely dispersed. We used allozyme data to determine the population genetic consequences of reproduction and dispersal in a broadcast-spawning solitary ascidian and two brooding colonial species along the central and southern coast of New South Wales, Australia. We surveyed genetic variation at 2 to 9 variable loci for samples collected from 6 to 8 local populations of each of the stalked solitary species Pyura gibbosa gibbosa Heller, 1878; the social Stolonica australis Michaelsen, 1927 and the compound Botrylloides magnicoecum Hartmeyer, 1912. Samples from each local population displayed levels and patterns of genotypic diversity that were consistent with expectations for sexually-derived recruitment of both solitary zooids and separate colonies. However, we found clear differences in the structure of the populations of solitary and colonial species. Genotype frequencies within all nine samples of P. gibbosa gibbosa conformed to expectations for random mating (i.e. Hardy–Weinberg equilibria). Moreover, allele frequencies showed little variation among samples [mean standardised genetic variance (F S T ) =0.002], which implies that local populations are strongly connected by larval dispersal. We estimate (via Wright's “island model”) that gene flow (N e m) within this set of local populations is 125 effective migrants per generation, which is very similar to estimates obtained for other broadcast-spawning taxa in this region. In contrast, genotype frequencies within samples of both colonial species were characterised by large and statistically significant deficits of heterozygotes, consistent with expectations for highly limited dispersal of larvae or sperm. Moreover, local populations were highly differentiated (F S T =0.201 and 0.202 for S. australis and B. magnicoecum, respectively) and N e m was estimated to be ∼1.0 in each case. These values of F S T and subsequent estimates of N e m lie within the range of values reported for other New South Wales taxa with direct larval development, and imply that local populations are effectively closed to immigration. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted 18 July 1997  相似文献   

M. Thiel 《Marine Biology》2000,137(4):661-674
 The population dynamics and reproductive biology of an ascidian- and a sponge-dwelling amphipod were examined. The two undescribed amphipod species, Leucothoeascidicola” and L.spongicola”, are closely related to each other, and occur in ascidians and sponges, respectively, along the Florida Atlantic coast. L. “ascidicola” was abundant in solitary ascidians during fall 1997, disappeared during spring/early summer, and became abundant again in September 1998. During the time when L. “ascidicola” were absent from their hosts, a copepod became a frequent inhabitant of the ascidians but disappeared again when L.ascidicola” returned to the ascidians in September 1998. The numbers of L.spongicola” in sponges increased substantially during spring, when high reproductive activity was observed. Following this reproductive peak, both adult and juvenile amphipods apparently left the sponges, and during the summer amphipod numbers in the sponges were very low. Another small amphipod species, which often co-occurred with L.spongicola”, showed less seasonal variation and was found in sponges throughout the whole study period. The percentage of ovigerous females per host unit was usually lower in the ascidian-dwelling than in the sponge-dwelling amphipods. In solitary ascidians, L.ascidicola” amphipods usually occurred in groups of several adults, yet there never was more than one ovigerous female per ascidian. In contrast, several ovigerous L.spongicola” females were found to cohabit in the same spongocoel. This suggests that intrasexual aggression may be stronger among reproductive amphipod females in the ascidians than in sponges. The size distributions of juvenile cohorts indicate that juvenile L.ascidicola” remain for relatively long time periods in the parental ascidian, where they may reach sexual maturity. In contrast, in L.spongicola”, only cohorts of very small juveniles could be identified, indicating that juveniles disperse shortly after emerging from the female's brood pouch. It is concluded that extended parental care is of very short duration or does not occur in the sponge-dwelling amphipod L. “spongicola”, possibly because fast-growing sponges with a highly branched spongocoel system do not allow long-lasting coexistence of parent-offspring groups. In contrast, the discrete character of the solitary ascidians may enhance the potential for exclusion of other species, resource monopolization by reproductive females, and furthermore for long-lasting extended parental care in the ascidian-dwelling amphipod. Groups of single parents together with cohorts of large juveniles are reported in the literature for amphipods and isopods from brachiopods, bivalves and ascidians, suggesting that these discrete biotic microhabitats may favor the evolution of extended parental care in peracarid crustaceans. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 8 May 2000  相似文献   

C. M. Young 《Marine Biology》1989,102(4):481-489
Ascidian densities were manipulated while controlling for negative effects of biodeposition and space preemption to examine the effects of ascidian filter-feeding on larval recruitment in St. Joseph Bay and near Turkey Point, Florida (Northern Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA). Using three different experimental designs during 1984 and 1985, recruitment near living Styela plicata or Molgula occidentalis was as high as recruitment near ascidian models. Disruption of flow by ascidian bodies had little effect on settlement. Predation rates by ascidians on larvae in six phyla were high in laboratory experiments. The field effects of larval depletion by solitary ascidians are apparently obscured by other factors influencing the abundance of recruiting larvae. Consumption of larvae in the laboratory cannot be used to assume significant inhibitory effects in the field.  相似文献   

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