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The chloroplast gene rbcL was sequenced to elucidate the evolution of the gymnosperm plant order Cycadales. In accordance with traditional systematics, the order Cycadales and the corresponding genera cluster as monophyletic clades. Among them, the genus Cycas forms a basal group. The genetic distances within the genus Encephalartos and between the sister groups Encephalartos, Lepidozamia and Macrozamia, are unexpectedly small, suggesting that the extant species are the result of Miocene and Pliocene speciation. Their distribution in Africa or Australia, respectively, may therefore rather be due to long-distance dispersal than to Cretaceous continental drift, as had previously been assumed. The rbcL sequences also indicate that the colonisation of Madagascar by Cycas thouarsii occurred only recently as the sequences of C. thouarsii and Cycas rumphii from Indonesia are identical. In contrast, the divergence of the Cycadaceae and Zamiaceae apparently occurred in the Mesozoic. 相似文献
《Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics》1990,24(10):2655-2666
Understanding the cycling of ammonia between croplands and the atmosphere is of importance to agriculturalists and atmospheric scientists. Flux densities of gaseous ammonia (NH3), particulate ammonium (NH4+), and total ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) were measured using an aerodynamic method above an alfalfa (Medicago sativa, L.) canopy between April and July 1981 at a rural location in central New York State. In air not influenced by local sources, NH3 and NH4+ averaged 1.5 and 3.0 ppb, respectively, at 1 m above the crop. Ambient NH4+ varied consistently with synoptic air masses, being lowest (2.3 ppb) for NW and highest (6.4 ppb) for SW flows. Concentrations and gradients of both species were higher during periods of hay harvest. Gradients of NH3 were much steeper than those of NH4+ within the alfalfa canopy, but NH4+ contributed appreciably (36% on average) to above-canopy AN gradients. Alfalfa's NH3 compensation point was estimated by combining concentration and gradient data with transport resistances. Gaseous gradients indicated a compensation point of 2 ppb, lower than previously published estimates. Conversion of NH3 to NH4+ within the canopy air could have reduced NH3 gradients and caused a low estimate of the compensation point. Acidic aerosols, by keeping NH3 levels low, may compete with plants for NH3. Future studies of ammonia exchange should distinguish between NH3 and NH4+ if flux densities are to be related to ambient conditions. Total AN level is a poor predictor of soil-plant-atmosphere ammonia exchange since high AN was frequently associated with low NH3, and NH3 is more surface reactive than NH4+. 相似文献
The developmental changes of the fetal central nervous system (CNS) during the second and third trimesters, specifically the brain, relate mostly to changes in size. However, other changes do occur in the fetal brain during the second and third trimester such as: the union of the cerebellar hemispheres, development of the corpus callosum (CC), and increasing complexity of the cerebral cortex. These changes follow a well-defined developmental timeline recognizable by sonography. The fetal neuroscan can be divided into a ‘basic scan’ which is performed transabdominally and a ‘targeted Exam or neurosonogram’ which uses a multiplanar approach, which preferably should be performed transvaginally. During the ‘basic scan’, several brain structures are imaged in addition to obtaining important biometric measurements. The ‘neurosonogram’ is a more extensive or detailed fetal study during which the emphasis is on the addition of coronal and sagittal planes. The easiest way to obtain these planes, if the fetus is in a cephalic presentation, is the transvaginal route. Three-dimensional (3D) sonography should, if possible, be performed transvaginally using the multiplanar approach. An added benefit of 3D sonography is the ability to display and render the volume in a variety of ways which may enhance the detection of pathology. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为了厘清主要经济地理要素与城市群工业污染物排放量的关系,引入新经济地理学3D——density(密度)、distance(距离)、division(分工/分割)框架,并采用该框架系统分析主要经济地理要素与长三角城市群污染物排放量之间的关系. 结果表明:①地均GDP对长三角城市群工业污染物排放量均存在显著影响,与工业SO2、废水和烟粉尘排放量的弹性系数分别为0.027、2.080和1.014. ②综合交通距离对工业废水和烟粉尘排放量存在显著影响,弹性系数分别为-1.638和-0.625,而心理距离对污染物排放量未产生显著影响. ③分工/分割要素对城市群工业污染物排放量的影响各不相同. 外商直接投资对工业SO2、废水、烟粉尘排放量存在显著影响,制造业专业化指数仅对工业SO2和烟粉尘排放量有显著影响,而进出口总额占GDP比重与工业废水和烟粉尘排放量存在显著影响. ④长三角城市群工业污染物排放量与地均GDP、外商直接投资呈正相关,与综合交通距离、制造业专业化指数和进出口总额占GDP比重呈负相关,缓解长三角城市群工业污染物排放困境,不仅要适度控制经济发展速度和提高外资进入的环境标准,还应进一步优化长三角城市群在国内外市场上的分工和协作地位. 相似文献
本文通过对《立体构成》课程教学对象的分析,探讨了该课程在理论与实践教学环节教学方法的改进。实践证明,这些改进对于充分发掘学生潜力,激发学生的求知欲望,提高教师业务水平,促进《立体构成》课程教学改革具有重要意义。 相似文献
1 Introduction1-1 DiatomsDiatoms(ClassBacillariophyceae)arecommonandwidelydistributedinbothfreshandmarinewaters(Moser,1996).ThesemicroscopicunicellularplantsfixamajorportionoftheEarth○scarbon,generateoxygen,andsupplyfoodtoanimalswhichfeedonthem(Dixit… 相似文献
《Journal of Manufacturing Processes》2014,16(2):329-334
This paper presents a novel 3D finite element model for the radial forging process with consideration of mandrel. As different with the previous works, the proposed model captures more accurately the features of the radial forging process. The proposed model is validated. With the proposed model, a comprehensive analysis of the deformation for the tube is presented. The contributions of the present work are: (1) a full 3D finite element model which captures more features of the radial forging process than the models in literature, (2) a proof that a full 3D finite element model is needed, (3) a proof of the effectiveness of the spring bar in stabilizing the contact between the hammer die and work-piece, and (4) the spindle speed has little effect on forging load. Finally, this model can be well used for the analysis and comprehensive understanding of the radial forging process and optimization of the process in future. 相似文献
选取武汉东湖的2个子湖——郭郑湖和庙湖,分别在冬季和夏季采样,对T4类浮游病毒的g23基因进行PCR扩增,经连接转化后,随机挑选克隆子进行测序.结果表明,共得到46条有效序列,根据系统发育分析发现其明显分为6个组,显示出较高的多样性且具有明显的时空差异,说明富营养化水平的差异和季节变化将对浮游病毒的种群结构产生影响.仅部分g23序列与海洋T4类浮游病毒同源性较高,另一部分序列则可能代表了淡水富营养化水体中特有的浮游病毒类群.人为干扰会明显影响某些淡水水体中T4类浮游病毒的遗传多样性. 相似文献
本文以北京市怀柔区北房镇为例,介绍了3S技术在小城镇生态功能区划中的特点和优势. 相似文献
肖斌涛 《安全.健康和环境》2017,17(12):8-10
利用虚拟现实技术构建三维可交互式技能训练系统,系统通过三维可视化、情景化、互动式的培训方式代替传统的被动式授课培训方式,通过学、练、考、评一体化的组合形式,对覆盖安全生产活动中的作业流程、技术要求及注意事项进行情景化教学。系统提供引导模式、训练模式、考核模式三种培训模式,具备考核评估功能,有效地解决了安全作业培训的成本和效果问题,实现高效培训。 相似文献
地下水曝气法是去除挥发性有机污染物的重要原位修复方法之一,目前已得到广泛应用,但其现场设计主要依据经验,缺乏系统的设计标准.为深入了解曝气去除污染物过程,并为现场设计提供重要参考依据,针对地下水曝气过程开展了数值模拟研究.水气两相渗流数值模型以水压力和气压力作为基本未知量,利用达西定律和质量守恒原理可以建立水气两相渗流过程的控制方程.利用Van Genuchten(VG)模型及Mualem公式,建立渗透系数-饱和度-基质吸力(K-S-P)三者之间的关系.污染物的去除过程则是在水气两相渗流的基础上,引入污染物的溶质运移、相间交换及生物降解模型.采用开发的有限元数值模型,对地下水曝气过程及污染物去除过程进行三维数值模拟,并将三维数值模拟的结果与二维数值模拟的结果进行对比.结果表明,三维模型的曝气影响区域偏小,在曝气口附近,水有效饱和度最小;在曝气口上方,水饱和度先增大后减小.考虑气体所受的浮力作用或不考虑气体可压缩性均会使计算得到的曝气影响区域偏小.污染物去除边界与曝气影响区域的边界基本一致,在曝气区域内,溶质交换过程大大促进了污染物的去除速率;在曝气区域外,污染物的去除主要通过生物降解作用,去除较慢.结果表明实际工程地下水曝气修复系统设计时,应使得曝气影响区域覆盖污染区域以得到较好的修复效果.研究结果表明,两相渗流模型结合污染物迁移转化模型的三维有限元数值模拟可以较好地模拟地下水曝气法去除污染物的全过程,对地下水曝气的设计、应用与效果评价具有重要指导意义. 相似文献
基于FLAC3D的矩形硐室围岩松动圈确定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
围岩松动圈厚度的确定是地下硐室支护的基础,而对于非圆形硐室没有现成的计算公式,且现场实测松动圈一般比较困难,因此,对于非圆形硐室建立围岩松动圈与其影响因素之间的函数关系势在必行。本文采用FLAC3D数值计算程序,通过模拟不同条件下矩形硐室的松动圈,用回归方法建立松动圈厚度(Lp)与围压(P)、粘聚力强度(C)、摩擦角(φ)及跨高比K之间的关系,并通过了假设检验。 相似文献