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The value of mangroves for fish species is usually explained in terms of high food abundance or shelter against predators as a result of high turbidity and structural complexity. In a field experiment, artificial mangrove units (AMUs) were designed as open cages, each of which was provided with a different degree of structural complexity and shade. Fish species that were attracted to the AMUs were identified and counted and the effects of shade and structural complexity, as well as the interaction between the two factors, were tested. Diurnal fish showed a preference for the greatest structured complexity and for a moderate increase in shade. Two nocturnal species common in local mangroves as well as seagrass beds showed statistically significant effects: densities of Haemulon sciurus were positively related to both shade and structural complexity, whereas only shade had a significant positive effect on densities of Ocyurus chrysurus. The experiment indicated that the attractiveness of mangrove vegetation for H. sciurus may be influenced by the structural complexity of the habitat as well as by the degree of shade, and that both factors are equally and separately important. Individuals of O. chrysurus that are attracted to mangroves are more likely to be influenced by the presence of shade than by the degree of structural complexity. The data thus indicated that the positive relationship between fish densities in mangrove habitats and the degree of shade and structural complexity, or both, is species-specific.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Prey that are capable of continuously learning the identity of new predators whilst adjusting the intensity of their responses to match their level of risk, are often at a substantive advantage. Learning about predators can occur through direct experience or through social learning from experienced individuals. Social learning provides individuals with an effective means of acquiring information while reducing the costs associated with direct learning. Under a natural setting, social learning is likely to occur between more than two individuals. As such, investigating the effect that group size has on the ability of individuals to acquire information is vital to understanding social learning dynamics. Given the characteristics of coral reefs and the biology of coral reef fishes, these habitats are an ideal medium to test whether group size affects the transmission of information. Using newly settled damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis), we examined whether the number of observers present influences transmission of information. We showed that: (1) predator recognition is socially transmitted from predator-experienced to predator-naïve individuals regardless of group size, and that (2) the level of response displayed by the observer does not differ following learning in different sized groups. Our study highlights that information on predator identities is able to be passed onto group members quickly without a dilution of information content.  相似文献   

Bay  L. K.  Choat  J. H.  van Herwerden  L.  Robertson  D. R. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(4):757-767
Historical sea level fluctuations have influenced the genetic structure and evolutionary history of marine species and examining widespread species across their species ranges may elucidate some of these effects. Chlorurus sordidus is a common and widespread parrotfish found on coral reefs throughout the Indo-central Pacific. We used phylogenetic, phylogeographic, and cladistic analyses to examine the genetic composition and population structure of this species across most of its latitudinal range limits. We sequenced 354 bp of the mitochondrial control region I in 185 individuals from nine populations. Populations of C. sordidus displayed high levels of genetic diversity, similar to those recorded for widespread pelagic fish species, but much greater nucleotide diversity values than those previously recorded for other demersal reef fishes. Both phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses detected strong genetic subdivision at the largest spatial scale (i.e. among oceans). The Pacific Ocean was characterised by weak population genetic structure. Separation of the Hawaiian location from other Pacific and West Indian Ocean sites was evident in phylogenetic analyses, but not from analysis of molecular variance. NCA and isolation-by-distance tests suggested that the genetic structure of this species was the result of multiple contemporary and historical processes, including long-distance colonisation and range expansion arising from fluctuating sea levels, limited current gene flow, and isolation by distance. This pattern is to be expected when historically fragmented populations come into secondary contact. We suggest the patterns of population genetic structure recorded in C. sordidus are caused by large local population sizes, high gene flow, and a recent history of repeated fragmentation and remixing of populations resulting from fluctuating sea levels.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

Five hundred and ninety-nine primary producers and consumers in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) (22°N–30°N, 160°W–180°W) were sampled for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition to elucidate trophic relationships in a relatively unimpacted, apex predator–dominated coral reef ecosystem. A one-isotope (δ13C), two-source (phytoplankton and benthic primary production) mixing model provided evidence for an average minimum benthic primary production contribution of 65 % to consumer production. Primary producer δ15N values ranged from ?1.6 to 8.0 ‰ with an average (2.1 ‰) consistent with a prevalence of N2 fixation. Consumer group δ15N means ranged from 6.6 ‰ (herbivore) to 12.1 ‰ (Galeocerdo cuvier), and differences between consumer group δ15N values suggest an average trophic enrichment factor of 1.8 ‰ Δ15N. Based on relative δ15N values, the larger G. cuvier may feed at a trophic position above other apex predators. The results provide baseline data for investigating the trophic ecology of healthy coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the composition of the demersal fish fauna in coastal marine waters in temperate Australia changes markedly with increasing water depth and distance from the shore and whether the composition of the fish fauna in water depths of 5 to 35 m undergoes cyclic, seasonal changes. Samples of demersal fishes were therefore collected by trawling over the predominantly sandy substrate at nine sites located in water depths of 5 to 15 m or 20 to 35 m and within 20 km of the shore in four regions along ∼200 km on the lower west coast of Australia. The sampling regime involved trawling for fishes at each site at night in seven consecutive seasons between the summer of 1990/1991 and winter of 1992. A total of 72 435 fishes, representing 77 families, 143 genera and 172 species was caught. The compositions of the fish faunas in offshore waters with depths of 5 to 35 m were shown to differ markedly from those previously recorded for nearshore marine waters in the same regions. However, as some species, such as Sillago burrus, S. vittata, S. bassensis and Rhabdosargus sarba, increase in size, they move out from their nursery areas in nearshore waters into deeper and more offshore waters, where spawning occurs. Ordination showed that, in each of the four regions, the composition of the fish fauna in depths of 5 to 15 m differs from that in depths of 20 to 35 m. This difference is attributable to the fact that some species, such as  S. burrus, S. vittata and Upeneichthys lineatus, are far more abundant in depths of 5 to 15 m, whereas other species, such as S. robusta, U. stotti and Lepidotrigla modesta, occur predominantly in depths of 20 to 35 m. However, the samples collected from the single site that was inshore but in deeper water demonstrate that the composition of the fish fauna is influenced by distance from shore as well as by water depth. The compositions of the fish faunas differed with latitude, largely due to the fact that some subtropical species, such as Polyspina piosae, S. burrus and  S. robusta, did not extend down into the more southern regions. Ordination also showed that the composition of the fish faunas at all but one of the nine sites underwent pronounced and consistent cyclic, seasonal changes. This seasonal cyclicity at the different sites was attributable to sequential patterns of immigrations and emigrations by a number of fish species during the course of the year. These seasonal migrations involved, inter alia (1) movements of certain species from their nursery areas into these deeper waters, e.g.  S. bassensis and Scobinichthys granulatus; (2) migrations into and off the sandy areas of the inner continental shelf, e.g. Arnoglossus muelleri; (3) migrations to spawning areas, e.g. Sillago robusta; and (4) movements into areas where detached macrophytes accumulate in winter, e.g. Cnidoglanis macrocephalus and Apogon rueppellii. Received: 21 August 1998 / Accepted: 9 February 1999  相似文献   

The quantification of small-scale coral morphology using tissue-free skeletons often requires colonies, or colony sections, to be removed from the reef. This undesirable destruction can be reduced by using a with-tissue technique based on photographic images of living corals. The results of this study indicate that with-tissue multivariate morphometric data contain similar information to skeleton-derived data and can help identify phenotypic plasticity in the massive coral Favia speciosa. With-tissue data can also be used to discern changes with time in individual polyps exposed to new environments.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Ecosystem-focused models have, for the first time, become available for the combined demersal and pelagic components of a large tropical lake ecosystem, Lake Malawi. These provide the opportunity to explore continuing controversies over the production efficiencies and ecological functioning of large tropical lakes. In Lake Malawi these models can provide important insight to the effect of fishing on fish composition, and the potential competition that the lakefly Chaoborus edulis may have with fisheries production. A mass-balanced trophic model developed for the demersal fish community of the southern and western areas of Lake Malawi was integrated with an existing trophic model developed for the open-water pelagic. Input parameters for the demersal model were obtained from a survey of fish distributions, fish food consumption studies, and from additional published quantitative and qualitative information on the various biotic components of the community. The model was constructed using the Ecopath approach and software. The graphically presented demersal food web spanned four trophic levels and was based primarily on consumption of detritus, zooplankton and sedimented diatoms. Zooplankton was imported into the system at trophic levels three and four through fish predation on carnivorous and herbivorous copepods and Chaoborus larvae. It is proposed that the primary consumption of copepods was by fish migrating into the pelagic zone. Chaoborus larvae in the demersal were probably consumed near the lakebed as they conducted a daily migration from the pelagic to seek refuge in the sediments. This evidence for strong benthic-pelagic coupling provided the opportunity for linking the demersal model to the existing model for the pelagic community so producing the first model for the complete ecosystem. Energy fluxes through the resulting combined model demonstrated that the primary import of biomass to the demersal system was detritus of pelagic origin (72.1%) and pelagic zooplankton (10.6%). Only 15.8% of the biomass consumed within the demersal system was of demersal origin. Lakefly production is efficiently utilised by the lake fish community, and any attempt to improve fishery production through introduction of a non-native plantivorous fish species would have a negative impact on the stability and productivity of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

A. M. Fowler  D. J. Booth 《Marine Biology》2012,159(12):2787-2796
The amount of artificial habitat (termed ??artificial reef??, AR) in marine systems is rapidly increasing, yet the effect of most types of AR on reef communities remains unknown. We examined the role of well-established vessel-reefs in structuring coral reef fish assemblages by comparing assemblages on 7 World War II wrecks (>65?years old) to those on interspersed coral patch reefs of comparable size in a tropical lagoon. Fish abundance, species richness, diversity and feeding guild structure on wrecks were similar to natural reefs; however, species composition differed between the two reef types (R?=?0.189?C0.341, average dissimilarity: 67.3?C68.8?%). Despite being more species-rich and diverse, fish assemblages on larger wrecks were less similar to assemblages on their adjacent natural reefs than smaller wrecks. Wrecks may also have affected fish abundance on adjacent natural reefs, with reefs adjacent to larger wrecks supporting higher abundances than reefs adjacent to smaller wrecks. Our results indicate that increases in vessel-reef habitat may not greatly affect reef fish assemblage parameters, but may affect the relative abundances of particular species.  相似文献   


This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of the contribution of communal resources to households in Bokong and Tsehlanyane in Lesotho. It argues that communal resources are an extremely important element in the livelihoods of people in the study area. It uses households as units of analysis in order to gain an understanding of the role that communal resources play at the micro level before any extrapolations are made to the regional and national levels. A household survey, guided by a detailed semistructured questionnaire, was used. Ten newly constructed houses and vegetable garden enclosures were sampled to categorize and count all poles used to build them. The amount of thatch grass used in building those houses was also estimated. The results indicated that communal resources play a central role in the livelihoods of people in the area with firewood ($1492), crops ($1363) and wild vegetables ($774) recording the highest annual use values per household?1 yr?1. The total present value was estimated at $3899 household?1 yr?1 with firewood, crops and wild vegetables constituting 93% of that value. The study further demonstrated that communal resources are used across the entire income spread in the area, thereby negating the general belief that they are a preserve of the poor. Finally, the results demonstrated that very little value is derived through trading of resources both within and outside the area but through direct consumption within households invariably escaping national economic accounting. With declining employment rates in Lesotho due to continued retrenchments in the South African mining industry, communal resources in the country remain an indispensable resource that must be carefully managed for the common good.  相似文献   

Lunar patterns of settlement of 15 Caribbean reef fishes were assessed from daily collections of newly arrived fishes from each of two small (A=63 and B=28 m2) patch reefs at Punta de San Blas (Panamá) during two consecutive 2 yr periods (1984, 1985 and 1986, 1987). In 12 species settlement was lunar-cyclic, with a broad peak of activity around the new moon in 11 cases, and at first quarter in 1 species. However, 3 of these lunar-cyclic species displayed intermittent semilunar periodicity in settlement, with peaks around the quarter moons. One other species had a semilunar cycle of settlement with peaks at both quarter moons. Two species apparently lacked lunar settlement cycles. In some, but not all, paris of congeners: (a) monthly variation in settlement intensity was positively correlated, (b) the duration of settlement pulses in the same month consistently differed, and (c) the timing of settlement pulses in the same month often differed (although one species did not consistently arrive before the other). Recruitment of juvenile fish that survived to the end of the lunar cycle in which they settled was monitored monthly, concurrently with settlement, at a number of large sites scattered up to 2 km apart. The levels of variation in the amount of settlement and recruitment each month differed in only 2 of 17 cases, with settlement variation exceeding recruitment variation in only one of these. The intensity of recruitment was positively correlated with the intensity of settlement in 16 of 17 cases. In 15 of those 16 cases, R 2 values for linear regressions of recruitment on settlement exceeded R 2 values for curvilinear regressions that would indicate either increasing or decreasing recruitment success with increasing intensity of settlement. Thus it appears that variation in recruitment can be used to estimate variation in settlement, and that recruitment success may be density-independent.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of studies have clearly pointed out the nutritional benefits of fish consumption. However, some concerns about potential health risks derived from contaminants found in fish have also been raised. Therefore, balancing adequately the risks and benefits of fish consumption is currently a health key issue. As tuna fish represents a large part of the traditional food in some countries, the possible impact of tuna fish consumption on public health was investigated. Hepatic damages following consumption of tuna fish white (ordinary) or red (dark) muscle were evaluated in rat. Under our experimental conditions, feeding the animals for 60?days with white or, more markedly, red tuna meat resulted in 1) an elevated uric acid level in blood, 2) an accumulation of lead in liver, 3) an atrophy of liver, 4) an increase in plasma aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities, and 5) an oxidative stress in liver including an increased level of lipids peroxidation and enhanced activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. In addition, liver histology revealed several abnormalities. These alterations could be attributed to both lead accumulation and high purine levels in tuna meat. We conclude that attention should be paid to a possible health impact of frequent and important consumption of tuna fish meat, especially the dark one.  相似文献   

Eelgrass, Zostera marina, produces two types of shoots: morphologically simple vegetative shoots and highly branched flowering (reproductive) shoots, the latter found only in summer months. We examined whether the abundance and diversity of mobile epifaunal assemblage are affected by the presence of flowering shoots in an eelgrass meadow of Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan. Comparisons of epifauna in natural vegetation revealed that density and species richness did not differ significantly between sites consisting of both flowering and vegetative shoots, and those only of vegetative shoots. A transplant experiment, conducted to examine the colonization rates of epifauna to defaunated eelgrass planted with different combination of vegetative and flowering shoots, showed no obvious variation in abundance and species richness. At species level, the density of some species such as a tanaid Zeuxo sp. and a polychaete Platynereis sp. was higher at sites and/or treatments with flowering shoots, whereas that of some gastropods, such as Lirularia iridescens and Siphonacmea oblongata was higher at sites without flowering shoots. The species-specific response led to dissimilarity of epifaunal assemblage between sites and among treatments with different densities of vegetative and flowering shoots. Similar patterns observed for natural vegetation and the transplant experiment suggest that the variation in assemblage structure is caused by habitat selection of each species, for example, the utilization of flowering shoots as feeding ground and nursery by Zeuxo sp.  相似文献   

Current taxonomy indicates a single global species of the Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) despite differences in color and behavior between Atlantic and Pacific forms. To investigate these differences and qualify the dispersal characteristics of this unique coastal–pelagic teleost (bony fish), we conducted a global phylogeographic survey of 246 specimens from thirteen sampling locations using a 629-base pair fragment of mtDNA cytochrome b. Data indicate high overall gene flow in the Indo-Pacific over large distances (>16,500 km) bridging several biogeographic barriers. The West Atlantic population contains an mtDNA lineage that is divergent from the Indo-Pacific (d = 1.9%), while the East Atlantic (N = 23) has two mutations (d = 0.6%) apart from the Indo-Pacific. While we cannot rule out distinct evolutionary partitions among ocean basins based on behavior, coloration, and near-monophyly between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific subpopulations, more investigation is required before taxonomic status is revised. Overall, the pattern of high global dispersal and connectivity in S. barracuda more closely resembles those reported for large oceanic predators than reef-associated teleosts.  相似文献   

Hydrophobicity and bioaccumulation potential of linear and cyclic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) oligomers were estimated by reversed‐phase liquid chromatography and feeding experiments with guppies (Poecilia reticulata). PDMS concentrations in fish were determined by capillary column gas chromatography and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. In contrast to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), only very small amounts of PDMS were retained by the fish after six weeks feeding.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope (δ18O) stable water tracer can be a promising new tool for identifying trace metals in volcanoes and their sources. In the present study, the origin of vanadium in water from a spring at the base of Mt. Fuji is examined using δ18O, a dormant stratovolcano consisting of lava and basalt rock located on the North Pacific Coast of Japan. A comparison of water from the main springs at the foot of the Mt. Fuji volcano indicates that only V, Cr, Mn and Co enrichment could be related to volcanic events, whereas Ni, Cu, Cd and Pb originate from the dissolution of particles of anthropogenic origin from the industrial areas of Fuji and Fujinomiya. The average V concentrations at the mountain sites ranged from 50 to 110 µg L?1 and from 18 to 47 µg L?1 in the coastal areas. The δ18O became depleted at higher elevations and increased in coastal areas as well as in some NO3?-contaminated water. Therefore, variations in the dissolved V/δ18O ratio in springs of the study area occur due to the elevations of their catchments and the increased concentrations of δ18O from NO3? as a contaminant.  相似文献   

Rates of biogeochemical processes often vary widely in space and time, and characterizing this variation is critical for understanding ecosystem functioning. In streams, spatial hotspots of nutrient transformations are generally attributed to physical and microbial processes. Here we examine the potential for heterogeneous distributions of fish to generate hotspots of nutrient recycling. We measured nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) excretion rates of 47 species of fish in an N-limited Neotropical stream, and we combined these data with population densities in each of 49 stream channel units to estimate unit- and reach-scale nutrient recycling. Species varied widely in rates of N and P excretion as well as excreted N:P ratios (6-176 molar). At the reach scale, fish excretion could meet >75% of ecosystem demand for dissolved inorganic N and turn over the ambient NH4 pool in <0.3 km. Areal N excretion estimates varied 47-fold among channel units, suggesting that fish distributions could influence local N availability. P excretion rates varied 14-fold among units but were low relative to ambient concentrations. Spatial variation in aggregate nutrient excretion by fish reflected the effects of habitat characteristics (depth, water velocity) on community structure (body size, density, species composition), and the preference of large-bodied species for deep runs was particularly important. We conclude that the spatial distribution of fish could indeed create hotspots of nutrient recycling during the dry season in this species-rich tropical stream. The prevalence of patchy distributions of stream fish and invertebrates suggests that hotspots of consumer nutrient recycling may often occur in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Interest in animal personalities has generated a burgeoning literature on repeatability in individual traits such as boldness or exploration through time or across different contexts. Yet, repeatability can be influenced by the interactive social strategies of individuals, for example, consistent inter-individual variation in aggression is well documented. Previous work has largely focused on the social aspects of repeatability in animal behaviour by testing individuals in dyadic pairings. Under natural conditions, individuals interact in a heterogeneous polyadic network. However, the extent to which there is repeatability of social traits at this higher order network level remains unknown. Here, we provide the first empirical evidence of consistent and repeatable animal social networks. Using a model species of shark, a taxonomic group in which repeatability in behaviour has yet to be described, we repeatedly quantified the social networks of ten independent shark groups across different habitats, testing repeatability in individual network position under changing environments. To understand better the mechanisms behind repeatable social behaviour, we also explored the coupling between individual preferences for specific group sizes and social network position. We quantify repeatability in sharks by demonstrating that despite changes in aggregation measured at the group level, the social network position of individuals is consistent across treatments. Group size preferences were found to influence the social network position of individuals in small groups but less so for larger groups suggesting network structure, and thus, repeatability was driven by social preference over aggregation tendency.  相似文献   

The success of marine protected areas (MPAs) as a tool for conservation and fisheries management has been well documented. However, these results have typically been seen in shallow water systems and questions remain whether this management strategy could be successfully applied to deepwater ecosystems. Our objectives were to determine the efficacy of four deepwater MPAs called bottomfish restricted fishing areas (BRFAs), with various time spans of protection, monitored at depths between 90 and 310 m from 2007 to 2011 for six species of deepwater snapper and one grouper harvested in the Main Hawaiian Islands. Our results suggested that the duration of protection influenced reserve effects, particularly for target species. Mean fish length, and in some cases abundance, increased for one or more of the most economically important target species inside nearly all tested BRFAs. In addition, more mature fish were seen inside the BRFA with the longest duration of protection (~14 years); species richness increased outside this area while inside it remained the same. Here, we provide the first evidence that deepwater MPAs can have positive effects on deepwater species and that many protection effects were consistent with results found in shallow water ecosystems. While these findings are novel, additional data over greater temporal scales will be necessary to determine whether these trends will continue and if others will become important over time.  相似文献   

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