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The use of pressure feedback microwave digestion technique has permitted rapid and efficient digestion of soil and sediment samples. The evaluation of different acid mixtures to digest soil samples were studied by mixed-level orthogonal array design. The selected acid mixture of HCl-HNO3-HF was employed in the survey of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Mn in soil samples. Surface soil samples were collected from industrial, residential and nature reserve areas in Singapore. The five metal concentrations were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The lead and other metal contents in NBS SRM 1645, NIES CRM No. 2 and NRCC BCSS-1 sediment standard references were determined concurrently with the survey samples. Five measured metal loading on the surface soils was in the order: industrial area > residential area > nature reserve area. The trace metal concentrations in surface soil from areas of heavy traffic are higher than those from residential areas. The main sources of trace metal pollution are vehicular exhaust and industrial activities.  相似文献   

This paper describes one example of how the UK National Air Quality Strategy (NAQS) is implemented in a local urban environment. The paper reviews the beginning of this process, by examining the review and assessment procedures of the NAQS in the London Borough of Barnet. By the application of available UK tools of local air quality management (LAQM), the process began through analysis of the levels of local emissions and progressed onto modelling of current and future air quality. A map showing combined emission hotspot areas for the Borough indicated and higher emission rates occur in the south of the Borough and along the major transport corridors, as road sources dominate emissions. Dispersion modelling studies were also conducted for this purpose, using the screening models GRAM, PGRAM and ADMS Urban for an in-depth assessment. These analyses found that some local point sources and the majority of Borough roads with over 20,000 vehicles per day produced exceedances of the future objectives for air quality for some pollutants.Recommendations for the progression of LAQM in the Borough are made and include the update and expansion of the emissions information held for use in future modelling studies. The paper demonstrates the experience of implementing the Strategy, using the tools and procedures available for this purpose, in a local urban environment that is similar to many in the UK.  相似文献   

House dust has been identified as a major exposure medium for lead (Pb) in children. High levels of Pb in soil and house dust have been recorded at the Bunker Hill Superfund Site (BHSS) in northern Idaho, an historic mining and smelting district. Soil and dust remediation at the site was required; however, regional background soil and dust Pb levels had not been well characterized. The objective of this survey was to determine background house dust Pb levels and to compare those levels with concentrations, and dust and Pb loading rates measured at the BHSS. Soil and house dust samples were collected in five towns demographically similar to the BHSS but unaffected by the mining industry. The background concentrations and loading rates were significantly lower than those observed at the site. House age was a significant factor affecting background soil and house dust Pb concentrations and loading rates.  相似文献   

将采集有TSP的过氯乙烯滤膜以HNO3-HClO4湿法消争,用火焰原子吸收法直接测定其中的铅,因无基体和背景干扰,测值可比性和准确度均较好,微观测定结果与宏观环境状况一致。  相似文献   

使用RBLM-Chem模式,利用杭州市高分辨率城市建筑资料,通过敏感性试验的方法,定量分析城市植被的直接环境效应.结果表明,城市植被对大气污染物干沉降速率总体上起增加作用.夏季城市植被使城区SO2、NO2、O3、PM2.5的干沉降速率分别增加0.15 cm/s、0.10 cm/s、0.02 cm/s、0.05 cm/s...  相似文献   

Air emission data from offshore oil platforms, gas and oil processing installations and contribution of marine activities at the Sonda de Campeche, located at the Gulf of Mexico, were compiled and integrated to facilitate the study of long range transport of pollutants into the region. From this important region, roughly 76% of the total Mexican oil and gas production is obtained. It was estimated that the total air emissions of all contaminants are approximately 821,000 tons per year. Hydrocarbons are the largest pollutant emissions with 277,590 tons per year, generated during flaring activities, and SOx in second place with 185,907 tons per year. Marine and aviation activities contribute with less than 2% of total emissions. Mass of pollutants emitted per barrel of petroleum produced calculated in this work, are in the range reported by similar oil companies.  相似文献   

This study determined the spatial distribution of soiland of sediment-associated lead in Iqaluit, Nunavut.Samples were collected from the following areas:outside the built-up area of the town to reflectbackground concentrations; known or potential pointsources of lead, such as the Upper Base, the SylviaGrinnell Dump and the Metal Dump (North 40); andresidential and commercial areas of Iqaluit and Apex,a satellite community. In the laboratory, the <63 m sample fraction was analyzed for total lead andbioavailable lead, estimated by non-residual acidextractable lead content. The research findings revealthat elevated levels of bioavailable lead are presentin the study area. Total lead concentrations generallydo not exceed environmental guidelines. However, leadconcentrations in the Sylvia Grinnell Dump, and Apexand Iqaluit grid areas exceed health-based guidelines.The research concludes that there is not a serioushealth hazard posed by lead levels in the soil andsediment in the study area. However, severalenvironmental (elevated lead levels, bioavailableforms of lead and bare soil surfaces) and behaviouralfactors (vigorous and unsupervised play outside) maycreate a risk of lead exposure.  相似文献   

Competitive Retention of Lead and Cadmium on an Agricultural Soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lead and cadmium contamination of an agricultural soil has been studied using batch and column experiments. Thermodynamics of theretention phenomena may be represented by a Langmuir isotherm foran aqueous metal concentration up to 100 mg L-1. First order kinetics with respect to the solid phase yield good predictabilityfor both batch and column experiments. Kinetics and thermodynamics of lead retention predominate over those ofcadmium. As a consequence, lead is preferentially retainedand can even displace sorbed cadmium. In the event of anspill involving both metals, cadmium would move further inthe soil and its aqueous concentration downstream could beeven higher than that of the influent solution, increasingpotential risks. A two-region model has been used to fit all the experimental results. Satisfactory predictions for column experiments are obtained with parameters which are consistent with those obtained for the batch experiments, for which sorption is described by a Langmuir isotherm including competitive retention.  相似文献   

Environmental lead (Pb) exposure and toxicity have been recognised as public health problems of global importance, affecting both the developed and developing nations. In this work, blood Pb of pregnant women that were not exposed to lead by their occupation (n?=?349), with mean ± SD age of 27.0?±?4.8 years and gestational age of 21.8?±?3.1 weeks at recruitment were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed that 309 (88.5 %) of the women had a mean?±?SD blood Pb of 40.0?±?16.5 μg/dl, which is higher than the current US Centre for Disease Prevention and Control action limit (>10 μg/dl). The observed high prevalence of elevated blood Pb levels may be related to maternal low socioeconomic status. Health education is, therefore, urgently needed to sensitise the general public and the policy makers of the level of Pb exposure in Abakaliki environment and the inherent health implications. In addition to mandatory environmental lead monitoring, blood Pb screening for would-be mother is recommended, and those whose blood Pb are found elevated should be appropriately treated.  相似文献   

化石燃料燃烧产生的温室气体与大气污染物具有同根同源性,但具体治理中减污降碳的协同效果尚不明确。以浙江省11个设区市为研究样本,对环境空气质量和二氧化碳(CO2)排放数据进行分析研究,结果显示:2016—2020年浙江省环境空气质量持续改善,但CO2排放总量仍处于增长阶段。11个设区城市PM2.5年均浓度降幅在26%~41%之间,二氧化氮(NO2)年均浓度下降趋势不明显,大部分城市呈现碳排放增加、NO2浓度下降的特征,只有杭州和温州两市呈现碳排放总量和NO2、PM2.5浓度协同下降的趋势。因子相关性分析结果表明,各设区市呈现NO2浓度与碳排放相关性较大、协同性强,PM2.5浓度与碳排放相关性较小的特点。进一步通过减污降碳协同定量评价分析表明,浙江地区在环境空气质量改善和温室气体减排已表现出一定成效,但各设区市因产业结构、环境基础条件、协同程度等不同导致减污降碳综合绩效有明显差异。从源头减排实现...  相似文献   

In the environment of a lead smeltery contamination with lead, zinc and cadmium was measured over a 15-year period. Efficient bag filters were installed in order to remove dust from the flue gases. This measure of improvement resulted in a drastic reduction of lead, zinc and cadmium content in suspended particles (by 92, 94 and 89%), to a lesser extent in depositions (by 79, 75 and 68%), whereas in household dust the reduction was considerably lower (by 53, 55 and 70%). It can be assumed that household dust contains also redispersed soil particles on which the dust from the smeltery flue gases has deposited over years. To determine to what extent contaminated soil continues to cause increased population exposure directly or through plants or pastures, in the period 1981–1985 the content of metallic ions in the soil was measured at three depths. Selective solubility of soil metallic compounds was analysed in water, in 1 mol ammoniumacetate solution and in 0.05 mol ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) solution in relation to their solubility in suspended particles, depositions and household dust. A considerably low portion of soluble metallic compounds was found in the soil and physico-chemical characteristics of the soil and portion of metallic ions bound to fulvice and humic acids were determined. The behaviour of metallic ions in contact with soil samples was studied in laboratory and it was found that approximately 50% of lead, 70% of zinc and 7% of cadmium ions change into non-soluble or poorly soluble compounds. By qualitative phase analysis in the non-soluble fraction PbO2, Pb3P4O13, Zn(OH)2, ZnO, Fe2O3 and Cd(OH)2 were identified.  相似文献   

通过调研2018年四川省37条水泥生产线活动水平数据,结合企业污染治理技术,分析该省水泥工业的主要大气污染物排放水平.结果表明:2018年四川省水泥行业SO2、NOx、PM2.5和PM10的排放量分别为1.2万t、5.5万t、3.9万t和6.5万t,其不确定性主要来自污染物的产生系数和去除效率.四川省水泥生产企业各工序...  相似文献   

Assessment of community noise problem in Greater Beirut Area,Lebanon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last two decades, urban noise has been increasingrapidly, primarily in urban areas, due to population growthand the increase of certain noise sources. The main objectiveof this paper is to assess the sources and possible impactsof the community noise problems in Lebanese urban areas,particularly the Greater Beirut Area. The causes and effectsof community noise pollution are briefly presented. Soundpressure levels that were measured to define existing noiseexposure levels in various locations in the Greater BeirutArea are also presented. The attitudes toward noise pollutionand perceived annoyance impact on a sample of 1,038 exposedresidents are described. The association between measurednoise levels and sources, as well as annoyance, is examinedusing correlation analysis and linear and multiple linearregressions. A set of recommendations is presented to reducecommunity noise problem in Greater Beirut Area.  相似文献   

通过在2012年5月-2013年4月1个周期年内,对修复基地和对照点每月大气降尘中铅、镉、砷沉降量的监测,结果表明:修复基地大气降尘中铅、镉、砷含量明显较对照点高,年总沉降量分别是对照点的17.6倍、16.3倍和14.1倍,表明铅冶炼企业对基地大气降尘中铅、镉、砷含量影响显著;大气降尘中铅、镉、砷沉降量受位置和时间影响较大,在相距不到100 m的测点间,沉降量相差1倍以上,冬季主导风明显、地面植被少、二次扬尘大,使处于铅冶炼企业下风向的基地降尘中铅、镉、砷沉降量较大。沉降量时空不均匀与土壤污染不均匀现状一致,也验证了铅冶炼企业是基地大气和土壤重金属污染的主要来源。以降尘缸模拟土壤进行测算,结果表明大气降尘中镉对土壤污染速度最快,风险最大。  相似文献   

文章系统研究了土壤中四乙基铅的吹扫捕集-气相色谱质谱测定方法,优化了吹扫捕集前处理条件参数。结果表明,吹扫时间13 min、吹扫温度60℃,脱附温度190℃,脱附时间1 min为最佳的吹扫捕集方法参数。校正曲线的线性关系良好,相关系数大于0.999,方法检出限为0.3 μg/kg。采用该方法测定农田、公路两侧、加油站附近等3种不同类型的土壤样品并进行了加标回收实验,回收率范围为81.5%~108%。  相似文献   

有关室内尘埃中铅的赋存形态与儿童血铅的相关性研究尚未见报道。在对某地儿童血铅进行调查期间,发现当地儿童血铅浓度与室内尘埃中铅的水溶态、离子交换态、腐殖酸结合态、铁锰氧化态、强有机结合态和残渣态呈正相关,但不显著,无统计学意义。但与总铅浓度呈显著正相关(R=0.447,P=0.032),与铅的碳酸盐结合态呈高显著相关(R=0.537,P=0.008)。在此基础上,将儿童血铅分别与尘埃中铅暴露量、摄入量和潜在剂量进行相关分析,结果表明,儿童血铅与室内尘总铅摄入量和总铅潜在剂量正相关但无统计意义,与尘总铅暴露量显著相关(R=0.431,P=0.040),与碳酸盐态的暴露量(R=0.537,P=0.008)、摄入量(R=0.538,P=0.008)和潜在剂量(R=0.540,P=0.008)高度显著相关。提示在土壤和尘埃中铅的碳酸盐态含量较高的地区,碳酸盐态铅可能是造成儿童血铅超标的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用原子吸收光谱法(AAS法)、电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-OES法)和X-荧光光谱法(XRF法)分别测定污染土壤中的铅,并对检出限、精密度、准确度等指标进行了比对。结果表明,3种方法均能满足质量控制的要求,测定结果之间无显著性差异; 3种方法中ICP-OES法和XRF法可同时测定多元素,但XRF法更快速简便。  相似文献   

通过湿法消解土壤样品,利用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法(GAAS)和火焰原子吸收分光光度法(FAAS)测定不同土壤样品中铅的含量,以验证2种方法的有效性并加以对比。实验结果表明:2种方法均满足土壤中铅含量的测定要求,测定的标准土样含量均在标准值的不确定度范围内,GAAS方法测定结果更接近保证值。二者的相对标准偏差(RSD)值均低于1.5%,FAAS方法的精密度更高,且具有快速简单等优势。  相似文献   

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