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Åihman Markus Zetterberg Lars 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2005,10(4):597-645
The article investigates four alternative allocation schemes for emission allowances. The investigated schemes are emission-based
allocation, production-based allocation with actor-specific emission factors, production-based allocation with benchmarking
and production-based allocation based on data on best available technology (BAT). All the examined schemes apply free allocation
based on historical activities. The allocation schemes are evaluated against the criteria for a National Allocation Plan,
listed in the Annex III of the EU ETS Directive, and regarding their conformity with the criteria put forward by the Swedish
Parliamentary Delegation on Flexible Mechanisms, The FlexMex 2 Commission.
No allocation scheme unambiguously meets all criteria. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Emission-based allocation
schemes are most straightforward, transparent and are the easiest to implement.
Production-based allocation schemes meet more of the criteria, but are more costly to implement and require more data. Data
on BAT will not be available to the extent necessary in order to base an allocation scheme implemented for the trading starting
2005 on BAT. It is unlikely that any given allocation scheme will be perceived as fair by all concerned parties, no matter
how sophisticated it is. The overall characteristics of the studied allocation schemes are summarised in the paper. Due to
the lack of abatement cost curves, it is not possible to accurately model capital flows between the trading sectors. Data
availability will most probably limit the options available to the authorities designing the allocation schemes.
An erratum to this article is available at . 相似文献
综述了美国氮氧化物排放交易项目的演进过程,总结其实践经验,并探讨美国经验对中国氮氧化物排放控制的借鉴意义。 相似文献
为模拟废弃物焚烧处理过程中产生的温室气体排放,积极推动温室气体减排工作,早日实现碳达峰碳中和目标.基于系统动力学和IPCC温室气体排放计算方法,构建了以基准情景(BAU)为基础,从单一和综合技术类型减排情景出发的焚烧处理温室气体排放模型,并模拟预测了2010~2050年温室气体排放量(以CO2e计,CO2e为CO2当量)的趋势变化、减排潜力以及空间分布.结果表明:①2010~2019年我国废弃物焚烧处理温室气体排放量呈增长趋势,于2016年后显著提升,年增速为18.61%.②2020~2050年,单一技术减排情景的中端改进情景(S2)和终端减排情景(S3)温室气体排放量分别于2043年和2036年达到峰值8410万t和6966万t.综合技术减排情景相较于单一技术减排情景较早达到排放峰值,综合技术减排情景中全过程减排情景(S7)采用多种减排技术协同控制温室气体排放,2050年累积排放量为205927万t,相对BAU情景减排了78.27%,排放达峰时间最早且减排潜力最大.③焚烧处理温室气体排放空间差异显著,排放量较多的省份主要分布在人口密集且经济发达的区域,江苏和广东省排放量最多,甘肃、吉林和宁夏等6个省份为排放低值区. 相似文献