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Females target elaborate secondary sexual traits to acquire either direct benefits, represented or provided by the trait, or indirect benefits usually in the form of genetic components. The link between a males trait and his potential genetic contribution is often unclear. Bowers are extreme examples of secondary sexual traits, built and decorated by males and targeted by females. However, why females should base their mate choice on such structures is unclear. One of the simplest suggestions is that bowers are sites where males exhibit collections of objects that are inherently highly costly, indicating male quality to the choosy female. Such costs can be imposed in two ways, acquisition from the local area, and maintenance in the face of degradation. We studied bowers of spotted bowerbirds Chlamydera maculata at three sites in central Queensland and tested whether components of the bowers that best predict mating success were some of the most costly in the local environment by measuring their abundance, physical dimensions and rate of decay. We also tested whether rare objects per se found on the bowers, were relatively good predictors of mating success. Finally, we experimentally tested whether males preferentially chose rare, and hence costly, objects to use as decorations. We found that objects used on bowers were not unusually costly. Specific objects identified as good predictors of mating success were also some of the more common objects found in the area. They were not the largest objects used on bowers and decayed slowly relative to other objects available for use as decorations. Rare objects in general were not good predictors of mating success and males did not prefer to use rare objects when offered choices. In conclusion, we found no support for the theory that by simply inspecting numbers of decorations and assessing their costs of acquisition and maintenance females can easily obtain information regarding the owners quality. This is due to the fact that decorations used by spotted bowerbirds are not inherently costly.Communicated by J. Graves  相似文献   

Variation in the mating success of males can often be predicted by considering measures of their exaggerated sexual traits. Male spotted bowerbirds Chlamydera maculata build and decorate elaborate structures--bowers--that function in mate choice. I show that numbers of certain decorations correlate with the mating success of the bower owner. Specifically, numbers of Solanum berries used as decorations, accurately predict variation in mating success over 2 years. I show a relationship between changes in rank berry number and changes in rank mating success. These predictive decorations differ from those shown to relate to mating success in another population of spotted bowerbirds, suggesting that the exact form of sexual display may differ between populations of the same species.  相似文献   

Summary Male satin bowerbirds often destroy the bowers of other males. Bowers are a key element in male sexual display and their destruction represents a unique pattern of sexual competition. For two mating seasons bowers of displaying males were continously monitored to produce a complete record of bower destructions. The number of destructions at bowers and the amount of destruction of bowers were invesely correlated with bower quality. The best predictor of male bower destroying behaviour is male aggressiveness at feeding sites. Males directed most destructions at adjacent bower sites. These results show that male interactions are important in determining differences in the quality of display among male satin bower-birds, and are consistent with the view that females use bowers as indicators of male quality in mate choice.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Conditional mating strategies enable individuals to modulate their mating behaviour depending on ‘individual status’ to maximise fitness. Theory predicts that variation in individual quality can lead to differences in mating preferences. However, empirical evidence is scarce particular in terms of variation in male and female strategies. Here, we experimentally investigated quality-dependent variation in mating preferences concerning reliable quality indicators in Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a colourful cichlid fish with mutual mate choice and ornamentation. Males as well as females were artificially manipulated in phenotypic quality by different feeding regimes. Ornamentation was connected to individual quality in both sexes. Males and females showed conditional mating strategies in different directions. Males showed prudent choice by preferring females of similar quality. In contrast to males, low-quality females preferred highly ornamented males, whereas high-quality females showed neither preferences for high- nor for low-quality males. The results suggest that individuals aim for specific benefits depending on individual quality. Furthermore, the conflicting conditional mating preferences of males and females might lead to sexual conflict, implicating a highly dynamical mating system that evolves even in absence of environmental changes.  相似文献   

Males vary in the degree to which they invest in mating. Several factors can explain this variation, including differences in males’ individual condition and the fact that males allocate their energy depending on the context they face in each mating attempt. Particularly, female quality affects male reproductive success. Here, we studied whether male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) strategically allocated more mating effort, in terms of mating behaviour and male–male competition, when they were matched with a receptive (R) female than a non-receptive one. In accordance with our prediction, we found that males increased their mating behaviour when they were with a receptive female. Even though male guppies can inseminate non-receptive females, we only found high levels of courtship between males that were with a receptive female rather than a non-receptive one. Although there was little affect of female receptivity on male–male competition, we found that males chased and interrupted courtships more with receptive females than with non-receptive females regardless of odour. Finally, we also studied whether the sexual pheromone produced by receptive female guppies is a cue that males use in order to increase their mating effort. We found that males were more attracted to a female when they perceived the sexual pheromone, but only increased their mating and aggressive behaviours when females showed receptive behaviour. This strategic increase in mating effort could result in higher male reproductive success because mating attempts towards receptive females are likely to be less costly and males could have a greater probability of fertilisation.  相似文献   

Many animals use signals to communicate their social status to conspecifics, and the social control hypothesis suggests that social interactions maintain the evolutionary stability of status signals: low-quality individuals signal at a low level to prevent high-quality individuals from “punishing” them. I examined whether the numbers of decorations at bowers are socially controlled in the great bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis). In two populations, I supplemented males with decorations to determine whether they (a) rejected supplemental decorations and (b) experienced increased bower destruction from rivals. In contrast to the social control hypothesis, males in both populations accepted most supplemental decorations. Though the mean destruction rate did not increase during supplementation in either population, one of the study populations (Townsville) exhibited a negative correlation between the numbers of decorations naturally displayed at bowers and the change in destruction rate during the experiment. Townsville males that naturally had few decorations at their bowers also had more decorations stolen by other males during supplementation than males that naturally had many decorations. These results suggest that the numbers of decorations at bowers are an honest signal of the male's ability to defend his display site from rivals in at least one population of the great bowerbird (Townsville), but they do not support the social control hypothesis because males at both sites failed to limit signal expression. I discuss how the external nature of bower decorations and their availability in the environment may influence the costs and benefits of decoration theft and social control.  相似文献   

Summary Luyten and Liley (1985) obtained evidence that in populations of Trinidad guppies from two clear headwater streams, where Rivulus harth is the major aquatic predator, selection has favored visual aspects of male mating behavior — display activity and conspicuous coloration. Males in two lowland turbid stream populations, with numerous aquatic predators, were found to rely more heavily upon non-display components of courtship. In this study males of the four populations were placed in competition in clear water for mating with females of the same populations. Males of two populations were allowed to compete in turbid water. Mating success was determined on the basis of the frequency of insemination and the proportion of sperm attributable to males of the competing populations. The sperm of competing males were identified by radioisotope labelling and autoradiographic techniques. Males from headwater populations were more successful than lowland males in mating with headwater females in clear water. There was no difference in mating success of headwater and lowland males in competition for lowland females in clear water, but in turbid water lowland males were more successful in inseminating lowland females. Males were more successful in mating with females of their own population when the two headwater population were in competition. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that conspicuous coloration and high frequency and duration of display are adaptations to clear water conditions, and that non-display tactics are adapted to turbid water. Evidence of intrapopulation preferences suggest that male traits and female sexual responses in the guppy have evolved in parallel as predicted by sexual selection theory.  相似文献   

Male–male competition has historically been considered the major force driving sexual selection. However, female choice and inter-sexual conflict are increasingly recognized as important influences affecting differential mating and reproductive success. Many females exhibit preferences for particular males; however, male strategies may conflict with females’ ability to obtain their mate preferences. To influence paternity, females must affect both (1) whether or not sexual interactions occur, particularly during the periovulatory period (POP) and (2) the outcome of sexual interactions. This study focuses on the effectiveness of female choice in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Over 2,600 h of data were collected on two habituated chimpanzee communities in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. Female mate preferences were measured by quantifying proceptive and resistance behavior toward males in both the periovulatory period and non-POP phases of estrus. The efficacy of female preference was measured both (1) by measuring success rates of female proceptivity and resistance behaviors and (2) by determining how well measures of female mate preference (proceptivity and resistance rates) predict male mating success. Though male chimpanzees are clearly dominant to females, the results indicate that females could effectively resist male solicitations and, in most cases, unwanted copulations were averted. Both female proceptivity and resistance rates correlate (positively and inversely, respectively) with male mating success in POP. Outside POP, female proceptivity rates corresponded with male mating success, but resistance rates did not. Males (irrespective of rank) that were preferred by females obtained higher mating success compared to other males during the POP, suggesting that females were effective in their mate choice and that, despite clear male dominance, female choice influences paternity in wild chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and species recognition play important roles in mate choice; however, sexual selection preferences may overlap with traits found in heterospecifics, producing a conflict between sexual selection and species recognition. We examined female preferences in Xiphophorus pygmaeus for male traits that could provide both types of information to determine how females use multiple cues when preferences for these cues would conflict. We also examined X. pygmaeus behavior in the field to determine if females have the opportunity to choose mates. As no male-male competition was observed in the field, and females occasionally chased males from feeding areas, females apparently have the opportunity to exercise mate choice in their natural habitat. In the laboratory, female X. pygmaeus used body size as a sexual selection cue, preferring large heterospecifics (X. cortezi) to small conspecifics. Females also preferred barless X. cortezi over barred X. cortezi when males were size matched. Because X. pygmaeus males do not have bars, this preference suggests that X. pygmaeus females use vertical bars in species recognition, and that large body size and vertical bars are conflicting cues. However, X. pygmaeus females did not have a preference for males of either species when sexual selection and species recognition cues were presented concurrently. This result was surprising, because preferences for species recognition cues are often assumed to be stronger than sexual selection cues. We suggest that females may be using additional species-specific cues in mate choice to prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

Determining the factors that affect male mating success is essential to understanding how sexual selection operates, including explanations of the adaptive value of female preferences and how variation in male traits is maintained in a population. Although females may appear to choose males based on a single parameter, female mate choice is often a complex series of assessments of male quality that can only be revealed through manipulation of multiple male traits. In the moth Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), females have been shown to judge males primarily on their production of a courtship pheromone, hydroxydanaidal, derived from defensive chemicals acquired as larvae. Recent work, however, suggested that other factors, including prior mating experience by males, may also influence the outcome of precopulatory interactions with females. I ran mating trials with one female and two males to determine whether there were any differences in male mating success based on their prior exposure to females, mating experience, and time between matings. Previously mated males were favored over virgins when both males lacked the pheromone, but courting experience and mating interval did not explain these differences in male mating success. Furthermore, multiply mated males lacking the pheromone were favored over virgin males that produced the pheromone, thus reversing the commonly observed trend of female precopulatory bias towards males with higher levels of the pheromone. These results demonstrate that males with mating experience can secure copulations despite deficiencies in the pheromone, and I provide possible mechanisms and discuss their implications regarding sexual selection.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs, Uca paradussumieri, mate underground during a 4- to 7-day period each full and new moon. As soon as the tide recedes, males enter the burrows of females that will ovulate the following day ('pre-ovigerous' females). Males copulate with and guard these females until they ovulate. When interrupted by an intruding male, the first male to reach the female is usually able to defend her and successfully mate with her. In fiddler crabs, females mate multiply and there is last male sperm precedence. Before each semi-lunar mating period, male U. paradussumieri were more likely to court females with whom they would later mate than other nearby females with whom they did not mate. This suggests that males collect information on female reproductive state prior to the females becoming ovigerous. In this species, aggression was common between males that courted the same female. When previously courted females were approached by other males, the initial courter attempted to forcefully disrupt the courtship. This behavior may allow males the exclusive use of information on female reproductive condition. It also suggests a type of scramble competition between males over females. Furthermore, it indicates that males are able to locate receptive females prior to their becoming ovigerous. The shorter guarding period observed in this species, as compared with other fiddler crabs, is caused by females rejecting longer guarding periods. Male ability to assess female reproductive status may therefore be advantageous because it increases male mating success within a scramble type of competitive polygyny.  相似文献   

M. Thiel 《Marine Biology》2002,141(1):175-183
Mating systems of many symbiotic crustaceans are characterised by a high degree of mate guarding. A peculiar case of mate guarding has been reported for small symbiotic janirid isopods where males mate with immature females. Field samples of individual hosts and laboratory experiments were conducted to reveal the mating behaviour of the symbiont in a natural environment, that is, on their hosts. Along the coast of the Magellan Strait, Chile, the janirid isopod Iais pubescens was frequently found on the shore-living isopod Exosphaeroma gigas. Symbiont prevalence (percent hosts occupied) was high at eight of the nine sampling sites. Mean symbiont intensity was very low at one site (<<1 individual host-1), intermediate at two sites (1-10 individuals host-1) and high at the other sites (10-40 individuals host-1). The mean sex ratio (males:females) was male biased at most sampling sites (n=7). Females of I. pubescens reached substantially larger sizes (1.5-3.0 mm body length, BL) than males (1.1-1.9 mm BL). The majority of males were carrying small juveniles (66.15%), and males with juveniles were significantly larger than males without juveniles - this suggests that males prefer virgin juveniles to adult females and that they compete for small juveniles. In laboratory observations, males were seen to manipulate the marsupium of adult females that were about to release small juveniles. Males obtained virgin juveniles in this manner. Juveniles were carried for ~7 days, and they moulted shortly before being fertilised and released by males. The high proportion of juveniles carried by males in the field (68.2%) supports previous observations that males initially are not able to distinguish male and female juveniles. It is suggested that the mating system of symbiotic janirid isopods with long-term sperm storage and continuous receptivity in females and male mating with virgin females has evolved in response to highly unpredictable encounter probabilities between the sexes. Mate guarding and manipulation of small virgin juveniles may be favoured on the highly mobile hosts of symbiotic janirid isopods. Furthermore, adult females may gain by leaving their emerging offspring in the protective grip of guarding males, thereby reinforcing the maintenance of this peculiar mating system.  相似文献   

Summary Males of the water strider Gerris elongatus established territories which included copulation and oviposition sites (small pieces of fallen bamboo). Males were aggressive and competition for territory and females was observed frequently. Male midlegs were more developed than female midlegs and were used as weapons. Reproductive behaviour changed as the breeding season advanced. Early in the season immature females were attracted by male surface wave courtship signals, then copulated white floating on the water surface without ovipositing (type 1). In midseason, males established territories, produced calling signals and attracted females which copulated and oviposited there with male postcopulatory guarding (type 2). In late season, many females oviposited without postcopulatory guarding on pondweed mats near fallen bamboo. Non-territorial males waiter for the arrival of these females and copulated without courtship, but mating success was low (type 3). These alternative mating strategies appeared to depend on differences in male size. Larger males were superior to smaller males in many ways (establishing territory, fighting, mating etc.). The largest males defended territories and had higher mating success than small non-territorial males. Medium sized males used all three strategies according to the number of empty territories and seasonal femald distribution.  相似文献   

The costs of courtship and mating may include increased risks of predation, the transmission of pathogens, and a loss of foraging opportunities. Thus, a female's decision to tolerate a courting male will depend upon how these costs offset the benefits of mating, which will depend on her reproductive and nutritional status. While these costs may be similar for mated and unmated females, the benefits of mating will be less for mated than virgin females. However, the cost of lost foraging opportunities may be higher for females with fewer nutritional reserves necessary for forming eggs. We examined how these costs and benefits influence the courtship and mating behaviour of male and female orb-web spiders, Argiope keyserlingi. In the field, females on webs that also contained a courting male intercepted fewer prey items per hour than females on webs without a male. In the laboratory, the presence of a courting male at the hub also attracted mantid predators to the web, increasing the risk of predation for both male and female. Staged mating experiments in the laboratory revealed that the frequency of female attacks and pre-copulatory cannibalism was greater among mated than virgin females. Feeding history did not affect aggression in virgin females but, among mated females, food-deprived spiders attacked and cannibalized males more frequently than sated females and only the latter ever remated. These differences in female behaviour influenced male mating strategies. Choice experiments demonstrated that males preferred to venture onto the silk threads of virgin rather than those of mated females. Similar patterns of mate selectivity were observed in the field; females with narrow abdomens attracted more males to the webs than females with broad abdomens, and copulations were observed more frequently among females with narrow abdomens. These smaller females are likely to be virgins that have recently molted. Males that preferentially mate with virgin females will not only avoid potentially fatal attacks but also obtain, on average, a higher fertilization success.  相似文献   

Mating aggregations of red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba provide a unique opportunity to identify the cues that attract a male snake and induce him to court. The snakes are abundant, tolerate human presence, and males direct courtship to a subset of other males ("she-males") as well as to females. Previous work has emphasised the role of pheromonal cues (skin lipid profiles) as sexual attractants in snakes. However, pheromones are so widely distributed throughout the den area that these chemical cues may be difficult for males to use to localise females. Our field studies show that males and females differ in several other attributes such as size (females are larger than males), body temperature (very cold snakes are often females), muddiness (females are often covered in mud) and whether or not they are solitary (most females are surrounded by courting males). Experiments show that males use all of these cues to identify possible sexual partners. Visual and thermal cues are particularly important for solitary mate-searching males; but after a mating ball forms around a female, pheromones may be most important. Our study also reveals substantial variation among individuals: females vary in attractiveness, and males vary in their intensity of courtship as well as in the magnitude of their preference for one potential partner versus another. Thus, a male snake's "decision" whom to court depends not only on visual and thermal as well as chemical cues, but also on the male's own preferences and on subtle differences among potential sexual "targets".  相似文献   

In most mating systems, males and females are commonly within signalling and receiving distance of conspecifics during courtship and mating activities. Although it is well known that females who observe sexual interactions between conspecifics will use public information obtained from these interactions when making their own mating decisions, much less is known about whether males use this type of information in making mating decisions. We used the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) to test whether males use public information to (i) copy the apparent mate choice of another male and (ii) modify their mating preference for a given female in the presence of one or two sexual rivals (potential copiers). We show that males use public information to copy the mate choice of other males and that males alter their mating preferences in response to the presence of an audience of sexual rivals, but find no evidence of a stronger audience effect when the number of sexual rivals increases. Collectively, these results indicate that males pay attention to their immediate social environment in making mating decisions and suggest that they avoid having another male copy their mate choice by weakening or even reversing their initial mating preference in the presence of eavesdropping male sexual competitors. Our findings highlight the importance of social context and public information in male mate-choice decisions and have implications for the evolution of male mating preferences and of social information use in populations.  相似文献   

We studied female mate choice by Hyla versicolor in three venues to examine how acoustic and spatial complexity, background noise, and the calling behavior of males might influence preferences manifest in previous laboratory two-stimulus choice tests. Our laboratory-based two-stimulus choice tests with and without broadcasts of chorus noise demonstrated that females prefer long calls relative to short calls when calling efforts of alternatives are equivalent. Background noise impaired the ability of females to discriminate in favor of longer over shorter calls, but the magnitude of the effect was small. Captures of females at eight speakers broadcasting 6- to 27-pulse calls at the edge of a pond revealed strong discrimination against only the shortest call variant. In natural choruses, females may only rarely encounter males using such unattractive vocalizations. Female phonotaxis at an artificial pond with caged and electronically monitored calling males also indicated that consequences of female preferences for temporal aspects of calling observed in two-stimulus choice tests are much attenuated in choruses and explain only small portions (<10%) of the variation in male mating success. Nevertheless, relatively high call duration and calling effort increased male attractiveness. Acoustic interference emerged as another significant factor influencing male mating success and possibly the differences in female choice observed in laboratory and chorus settings. We suggest that the bias of females against both overlapped and very short calls may help explain why males lengthen their calls but lower their rate of delivery in response to increases in chorus size.  相似文献   

The territory establishment of male marine iguanas and their subsequent mating success were analysed to identify spatial spillover (hotshot) and temporal spillover effects on lek formation. Males started to establish small display territories 2 months ahead of the mating season. Males did not establish territories in temporal synchrony and did not settle at sites where the probability of encountering females was highest. However, males arriving later preferentially established their territories in the neighbourhood of already established territories independently of the density of female-sized iguanas in these territories. Although settling in close proximity, there were no fights between those males. The number of fights between territorial males increased towards, and peaked during, the mating season. Fights did not result in the transfer of space, indicating that space per se was no resource. Instead, fights were directed towards central (hotshot) males. These central males had higher mating success than marginal males. Female density during the time of territory establishment did not predict the mating success of males, because females changed their spatial preferences between early establishment and mating periods. Similarly, the areas where males achieved the highest numbers of copulations changed during 4 years of our study. Thus, there was no evidence for temporal spillover between subsequent seasons. However, most male-male interactions served to distract successful males and may lead to spatial spillover of females into territories of unsuccessful males. In marine iguanas, territorial establishment appears largely governed by hotshot processes.  相似文献   

Female preference for dominant males is widespread and it is generally assumed that success in male-male competition reflects high quality. However, male dominance is not always attractive to females. Alternatively, relatively symmetric individuals may experience fitness advantages, but it remains to be determined whether males with more symmetrical secondary sexual traits experience advantages in both intra- and intersexual selection. We analysed the factors that determine dominance status in males of the lizard Lacerta monticola, and their relationship to female mate preference, estimated by the attractiveness of males' scents to females. Sexually dimorphic traits of this lizard (head size and femoral pores) appear to be advanced by different selection pressures. Males with relatively higher heads, which give them advantage in intrasexual contests, were more dominant. However, head size was unimportant to females, which preferred to be in areas marked by relatively heavier males, but also by males more symmetric in their counts of left and right femoral pores. Chemicals arising from the femoral pores and other glands might honestly indicate quality (i.e. related to the symmetry levels) of a male to females and may result from intersexual selection. Females may use this information because the only benefit of mate choice to female lizards may be genetic quality. Chemical signals may be more reliable and have a greater importance in sexual selection processes of lizards than has previously been considered.  相似文献   

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