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Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) face a variety of threats, including risk of exposure to brevetoxins produced by blooms of the harmful alga Karenia brevis. This study investigated brevetoxin exposure in a population of dolphins inhabiting Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA (27°N, 82°W), utilizing tissues from dolphins recovered between 1994 and 2003. Brevetoxin levels detected by ELISA in tissues, gastric samples and excreta from dolphin carcasses (n = 19) associated with K. brevis blooms were compared with with levels in carcasses (n = 16) associated with background K. brevis conditions. In the K. brevis-exposed set, 84% of dolphin carcasses recovered during K. brevis blooms had detectable brevetoxin levels, with values ranging between 7 and 2,896 ng PbTx-3 eq g−1. Over 50% of dolphin carcasses recovered during non-bloom conditions also tested positive by ELISA for brevetoxins, with concentrations ranging from 6 to 44 ng PbTx-3 eq g−1. Control samples from the east coast of Florida were negative by the ELISA. Results from this study establish baseline brevetoxin body burdens in a dolphin population frequently exposed to K. brevis blooms, and data indicate that dolphin carcasses not associated with large-scale mortality events can contain levels of brevetoxins comparable to carcasses stranding during such events.  相似文献   

Blooms of the brevetoxin-producing Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico cause massive fish kills, food poisoning and adverse respiratory effects in humans. Sedimentation of toxic cells following inert clay application could reduce toxin incorporation by commercially important suspension-feeding bivalves and thus prevent direct public health impacts, but could potentially lead to brevetoxin (PbTx) accumulation by benthic deposit-feeders. The goal of this study was therefore to compare suspension- and deposit-feeding as pathways for brevetoxins. We investigated: (1) the effect of toxic K. brevis on both feeding modes using a facultative deposit-suspension feeding tellinid bivalve, the clam Macoma balthica, as a model species and (2) the relative effectiveness of brevetoxin transfer via suspension- and deposit-feeding over 24-h exposure. Sedimentation of K. brevis was achieved by treatment with 0.25 g phosphatic clay l−1 and brevetoxin concentrations were measured by ELISA. Karenia brevis reduced both suspension- and deposit-feeding activity. This study demonstrates that brevetoxins can be rapidly accumulated by a surface deposit-feeding bivalve from sedimented K. brevis cells and that comparable toxin levels can be attained by both suspension- and deposit-feeding modes [1.2–1.6 μg PbTx (g tissue wet weight)−1]. Deposit-feeding clams generally do not pose a direct threat to humans but may provide a pathway for brevetoxin food web transfer.  相似文献   

The dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is the largest member of the genus Carcharhinus and inhabits coastal and pelagic ecosystems circumglobally in temperate, subtropical and tropical marine waters. In the western North Atlantic Ocean (WNA), dusky sharks are overfished and considered vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. As a result, retention of dusky sharks in commercial and recreational fisheries off the east coast of the United States (US) and in the northern Gulf of Mexico is prohibited. Despite the concerns regarding the status of dusky sharks in the WNA, little is known about their habitat utilization. During the summers of 2008–2009, pop-up satellite archival tags were attached to ten dusky sharks (one male, nine females) at a location where they have been observed to aggregate in the north central Gulf of Mexico southwest of the Mississippi River Delta to examine their movement patterns and habitat utilization. All tags successfully transmitted data with deployment durations ranging from 6 to 124 days. Tag data revealed shark movements in excess of 200 km from initial tagging locations, with sharks primarily utilizing offshore waters associated with the continental shelf edge from Desoto Canyon to the Texas/Mexican border. While most sharks remained in US waters, one individual moved from the northern Gulf of Mexico into the Bay of Campeche off the coast of Mexico. Sharks spent 87 % of their time between 20 and 125 m and 83 % of their time in waters between 23 and 30 °C. Since dusky sharks are among the most vulnerable shark species to fishing mortality, there is a recovery plan in place for US waters; however, since they have been shown to make long-distance migrations, a multi-national management plan within the WNA may be needed to ensure the successful recovery of this population.  相似文献   

The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is the only shark species known to inhabit ice-covered seas in the North Atlantic, but remains a missing component in most studies of Arctic food webs. In the present study, stable isotopes (SIs) of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) and fatty acids (FAs) were analyzed to identify the role of Greenland sharks (sampled during June 2008–2009) in Kongsfjorden, a productive fjord on the west coast of Svalbard, Norway (~79ºN, 12–13ºE). The Greenland shark fed at a high trophic position (4.8) based on δ15N values, and δ13C confirmed that most (70 %) of their carbon was derived from phytoplankton-based food chains, which is consistent with a heavy reliance on pelagic teleosts and seals. Greenland sharks from Kongsfjorden had fatty acid profiles in both muscle and plasma (e.g., low 20:1n-9, high 22:5n-3) that suggested a low portion of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and high proportion of gadoids and seals in their diet compared to Greenland sharks sampled in Cumberland Sound, Canada, during April 2008, which were previously shown to derive much of their energy from Greenland halibut. The high proportions of seal fatty acids in both slow- (muscle) and fast- (plasma) turnover tissues indicate that trophic interactions between Greenland sharks and seals in Kongsfjorden are a common occurrence. Results from the present study suggest that Greenland sharks likely play a unique and significant role in Arctic marine food webs as a top predator of fishes and marine mammals.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure of the blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus, a commercially and recreationally important species in the southeast U.S. shark fishery, was investigated using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Neonate blacktip sharks were sampled from three nurseries, Pine Island Sound, Terra Ceia Bay, and Yankeetown, along the Gulf of Mexico coast of Florida (Gulf) and one nursery, Bulls Bay, on the Atlantic Ocean coast of South Carolina (Atlantic). Sequencing of the complete mitochondrial control region of 169 neonates revealed 10 polymorphic sites and 13 haplotypes. Overall haplotype diversity and percent nucleotide diversity were 0.710 and 0.106%, respectively. Haplotype frequencies were compared among nurseries to determine if the high mobility and seasonal migrations of adult blacktip sharks have maintained genetic homogeneity among nurseries in the Atlantic and Gulf. Chi-square analysis and AMOVA did not detect significant structuring of haplotypes among the three Gulf nurseries, P(2)=0.294, ST=–0.005 to –0.002. All pairwise AMOVA between Gulf nurseries and the Atlantic nursery detected significant partitioning of haplotypes between the Gulf and Atlantic (ST=0.087–0.129, P<0.008), as did comparison between grouped Florida Gulf nurseries and the Atlantic, CT=0.090, P<0.001. Based upon the dispersal abilities and seasonal migrations of blacktip sharks, these results support the presence of philopatry for nursery areas among female blacktip sharks. Our data also support the treatment of Atlantic and Gulf blacktip shark nursery areas as separate management units.Communicated by P.W.Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

A cryptic lineage of hammerhead shark closely related to but evolutionarily distinct from the scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) was recently documented in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Here, we demonstrate using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences that this cryptic lineage also occurs in the western South Atlantic Ocean, extending its distribution >7,000 km from its only previously reported location. Our results also further validate the existence of this evolutionarily distinct hammerhead shark lineage. The southern hemisphere cryptic individuals were 1.6 and 5.8% divergent from S. lewini (sensu stricto) for the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and mitochondrial control region loci, respectively, and formed a strongly supported, reciprocally monophyletic sister group to sympatric S. lewini. Coalescent analysis (ITS2 locus) yielded a divergence estimate of ~4.5 million years between S. lewini and the cryptic lineage. Given expanding concerns about overfishing of the large-bodied hammerhead sharks, this cryptic lineage needs to be formally recognized and incorporated into shark management and conservation planning to avoid the inadvertent, potential extirpation of a unique hammerhead lineage.  相似文献   

Wildlife tourism has become increasingly popular and is one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry. A radio-acoustic positioning system was deployed to monitor the fine-scale movements of 21 white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and investigate the effects of shark cage-diving activities on their swimming behaviour and space use. This study contributes towards improving our understanding of the complex relationship between wildlife tourism and its effects on sharks, and assesses how tourism targeting sharks affects behaviour at a finer spatial scale than previously investigated. Our study demonstrated that shark cage-diving operators (SCDO) influenced the fine-scale three-dimensional spatial distribution and the rate of movement of white sharks at the Neptune Islands. White sharks stayed more than 30 m away from the SCDO on 21 % of the days detected, but spent a significant amount of time in close proximity to the SCDO on the remaining days. Individual variation was detected, with some sharks behaviourally responding to SCDO more than others. The degree of variation between individual sharks and the different levels of interaction (e.g. presence, proximity to SCDO, and consumption of tethered bait) highlights the complexity of the relationships between SCDO and the effects on sharks. To improve our understanding of these relationships, future monitoring of shark cage-diving operations requires proximity to SCDO to be recorded in addition to the presence within the area. Further work is needed to assess whether the observed behavioural changes would affect individual fitness and ultimately population viability, which are critical information to unambiguously assess the potential impacts of wildlife tourism targeting sharks.  相似文献   

Aggregation patterns of a population of juvenile blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) within a summer nursery area were examined over a period of 3 years using an array of acoustic monitors. Individually coded acoustic tags were surgically implanted into 33–40 neonate sharks each year from 2000 to 2002 and their presence monitored continuously by the acoustic array. Data from the acoustic monitors was processed to estimate the center of activity location of each tagged shark every 30 min. Nearest neighbor analysis of shark locations revealed that sharks aggregated within the nursery in all years of the study. Sharks were aggregated most commonly during the early and late summer months (June, October and November) and became less common through the middle of the study period each year (July–September). Temporal periodicity within the data revealed a strong diel pattern with sharks aggregating during the day and dispersing at night, except in June when aggregations often persisted through the night. Aggregations were generally restricted to the mid and northern sections of the study site. Reasons for aggregations may include predator avoidance or improved feeding efficiency.  相似文献   

We equipped individual tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier Péron and Lesueur, 1822) and Galapagos (Carcharhinus galapagensis Snodgrass and Heller, 1905) sharks with both acoustic and satellite transmitters to quantify their long-term movements in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands). Tiger sharks exhibited two broad patterns of behavior. Some individuals were detected at French Frigate Shoals (FFS) year round, whereas others visited FFS atoll in summer to forage on fledging albatross, then swam thousands of kilometers along the Hawaiian chain, or out into open ocean to the North Pacific transition zone chlorophyll front, before returning to FFS in subsequent years. These patterns suggest tiger sharks may use cognitive maps to navigate between distant foraging areas. Different patterns of spatial behavior may arise because cognitive maps are built up through individual exploration, and each tiger shark learns a unique combination of foraging sites. Galapagos shark detections were all associated with FFS, suggesting these sharks may be more resident around oceanic islands. Both Galapagos and tiger sharks primarily used the mixed layer (<100 m depth) and made occasional deeper dives through the thermocline down to 680 m. Results show reef-associated sharks utilize a wide variety of habitats ranging from shallow atoll lagoons to deep reefs and open ocean and may provide important trophic links between these habitats.  相似文献   

Developing-world shark fisheries are typically not assessed or actively managed for sustainability; one fundamental obstacle is the lack of species and size-composition catch data. We tested and implemented a new and potentially widely applicable approach for collecting these data: mandatory submission of low-value secondary fins (anal fins) from landed sharks by fishers and use of the fins to reconstruct catch species and size. Visual and low-cost genetic identification were used to determine species composition, and linear regression was applied to total length and anal fin base length for catch-size reconstruction. We tested the feasibility of this approach in Belize, first in a local proof-of-concept study and then scaling it up to the national level for the 2017–2018 shark-fishing season (1,786 fins analyzed). Sixteen species occurred in this fishery. The most common were the Caribbean reef (Carcharhinus perezi), blacktip (C. limbatus), sharpnose (Atlantic [Rhizoprionodon terraenovae] and Caribbean [R. porosus] considered as a group), and bonnethead (Sphyrna cf. tiburo). Sharpnose and bonnethead sharks were landed primarily above size at maturity, whereas Caribbean reef and blacktip sharks were primarily landed below size at maturity. Our approach proved effective in obtaining critical data for managing the shark fishery, and we suggest the tools developed as part of this program could be exported to other nations in this region and applied almost immediately if there were means to communicate with fishers and incentivize them to provide anal fins. Outside the tropical Western Atlantic, we recommend further investigation of the feasibility of sampling of secondary fins, including considerations of time, effort, and cost of species identification from these fins, what secondary fin type to use, and the means with which to communicate with fishers and incentivize participation. This program could be a model for collecting urgently needed data for developing-world shark fisheries globally. Article impact statement: Shark fins collected from fishers yield data critical to shark fisheries management in developing nations.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, inhabits shallow, tropical, and subtropical waters in the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific. Unlike many other species of sharks, nurse sharks are remarkably sedentary. We assayed the mitochondrial control region and eight microsatellite loci from individuals collected primarily in the western Atlantic to estimate the degree of population subdivision. Two individuals from the eastern Atlantic and one from the Pacific coast of Panama also were genotyped. Overall, the mtDNA haplotype (h = 48 ± 5%) and nucleotide (π = 0.08 ± 0.06%) diversities were low. The microsatellite data mirror the mitochondrial results with the average number of alleles ([`(N)]A \bar{N}_{A}  = 9) and observed heterozygosity ([`(H)]O \bar{H}_{O}  = 0.58) both low. The low levels of diversity seen in both the mtDNA and the microsatellite may be due to historical sea level fluctuations and concomitant loss of shallow water habitat. Eight of the 10 pair-wise western Atlantic F ST estimates for mtDNA indicated significant genetic subdivision. Pair-wise F ST values for the microsatellite loci indicated a similar pattern as the mtDNA. The western Atlantic population of nurse sharks is genetically subdivided with the strongest separation seen between the offshore islands and mainland Brazil, likely due to deep water acting as a barrier to dispersal. The eastern and western Atlantic populations were closely related. The eastern Pacific individual is quite different from Atlantic individuals and may be a cryptic, sister species.  相似文献   

Investigation of the social framing of human–shark interactions may provide useful strategies for integrating social, biological, and ecological knowledge into national and international policy discussions about shark conservation. One way to investigate social opinion and forces related to sharks and their conservation is through the media's coverage of sharks. We conducted a content analysis of 300 shark‐related articles published in 20 major Australian and U.S. newspapers from 2000 to 2010. Shark attacks were the emphasis of over half the articles analyzed, and shark conservation was the primary topic of 11% of articles. Significantly more Australian articles than U.S. articles treated shark attacks (χ2 = 3.862; Australian 58% vs. U.S. 47%) and shark conservation issues (χ2 = 6.856; Australian 15% vs. U.S. 11%) as the primary article topic and used politicians as the primary risk messenger (i.e., primary person or authority sourced in the article) (χ2 = 7.493; Australian 8% vs. U.S. 1%). However, significantly more U.S. articles than Australian articles discussed sharks as entertainment (e.g., subjects in movies, books, and television; χ2 = 15.130; U.S. 6% vs. Australian 1%) and used scientists as the primary risk messenger (χ2 = 5.333; U.S. 25% vs. Australian 15%). Despite evidence that many shark species are at risk of extinction, we found that most media coverage emphasized the risks sharks pose to people. To the extent that media reflects social opinion, our results highlight problems for shark conservation. We suggest that conservation professionals purposefully and frequently engage with the media to highlight the rarity of shark attacks, discuss preventative measures water users can take to reduce their vulnerability to shark encounters, and discuss conservation issues related to local and threatened species of sharks. When integrated with biological and ecological data, social‐science data may help generate a more comprehensive perspective and inform conservation practice. Descripción de Tiburones y su Conservación por Medios Informativos Australianos y Norteamericanos  相似文献   

Knowing the trophic ecology of marine predators is essential to develop an understanding of their ecological role in ecosystems. Research conducted on deep-sea and threatened shark species is limited. Here, by combining analyses of individual stomach contents and stable isotope values, we examined the trophic ecology (dietary composition and trophic position) of the kitefin shark Dalatias licha, a deep-sea shark considered as near threatened globally and as data deficient in the Mediterranean Sea. Results revealed the importance of small sharks in the diet of the kitefin shark at short- and long-term scales, although fin-fish, crustaceans and cephalopods were also found. Predation on sharks reveals the high trophic position of the kitefin shark within the food web of the western Mediterranean Sea. Stable isotope values from liver and muscle tissues confirmed our results from stomach content analysis and the high trophic position.  相似文献   

The degree to which white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, are social while hunting is unclear. Our aim was to describe the behavior and interactions among white sharks hunting seals near a seal colony. We attached ultrasonic beacons to five adult white sharks, 4.5–5.2?m long, and recorded their movements and behavior toward each other over a 15-day period in October 1997 at Año Nuevo Island, California. This site is home to colonies of four species of seals and sea lions. Two additional sharks, females 5.5 and 4.7?m in length, were later tracked intensively during periods of 12 and 3?days during October 1998 and November 1999, respectively. We recorded stomach temperature (indicative of feeding on warm-bodied seals) and swimming depths from the 5.5-m female, swimming speed and depth from the 4.7-m female. We monitored the movements and behavior of these sharks using an array of sonobuoys moored near the island; the receptive field measured 1?km2. Our principal findings were: (1) the sharks spent a mean time of 39.5% of each day patrolling within the receptive field; (2) no shark ever moved far out of it; (3) the sharks spent an equal amount of time and activity in the receptive field at all times of the day, daytime, twilight, and nighttime; (4) movements with respect to the island rookery were most often back and forth parallel to the shoreline, (5) tracks of three sharks, tagged at the same time and place, overlapped more often than those of the other two sharks; and (6) some sharks patrolled certain areas in the field preferentially, but there was no conclusive evidence that they defended these areas as territories. Feeding appeared to be infrequent: only two likely feeding bouts occurred during a cumulative 78-day/shark period that individuals were monitored at Año Nuevo Island. The behavior and movements of the sharks were consistent with a hunting strategy, in which individuals search for prey independently but, at the same time, remain close enough to each other to “sense” and exploit a kill by any one of them by joining in on the kill to feed.  相似文献   

Sleeper sharks are a poorly studied group of deep-sea sharks. The subgenus, Somniosus, contains three morphologically similar species: S. microcephalus found in the Arctic and North Atlantic; S. pacificus in the North Pacific; and S. antarcticus in the Southern Ocean. These sharks have been reported mainly in temperate to polar waters and occasionally in subtropical locations. They have not been recorded in tropical waters. This study investigates the relationships among the accepted species of Somniosus through analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence variation. Seventy-five samples were examined from four sampling locations in the North Pacific, Southern Ocean and North Atlantic. Twenty-one haplotypes were found. A minimum spanning parsimony network separated these haplotypes into two divergent clades, an S. microcephalus and an S. pacificus/antarcticus clade, strongly supporting the distinction of S. microcephalus as a separate species from the Pacific sleeper shark species. Analysis of genetic structure within the S. pacificus/antarcticus clade (analysis of molecular variance, allele frequency comparisons, and a nested clade analysis) showed limited or no differences amongst three populations. Further examination of genetic variation at more variable mtDNA and nuclear markers is needed to examine the species status of S. pacificus and S. antarcticus.  相似文献   

The leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) is an important predator in coastal marine ecosystems of California, targeted by recreational and commercial fishermen and of specific interest in fisheries management. From October 2003 to August 2006, 169 leopard sharks were collected from the coast of California (between 40.750°N and 32.678°N) and analyzed for mitochondrial and nuclear genetic structure. Analyses of mtDNA control region sequences revealed relatively low levels of genetic variation (five haplotypes, average pairwise divergence π = 0.0067). In contrast, leopard sharks were highly polymorphic for inter simple sequence repeats (ISSRs), which characterize a broad range of the nuclear genome. The null hypothesis of panmixia in California waters was rejected for both genetic markers, and ISSRs displayed a statistically significant pattern of isolation by distance (IBD) across the species range (P = 0.002). A variety of analyses showed that divergence is most pronounced in the northernmost population of Humboldt Bay. Natal philopatry in T. semifasciata was tested using Siegel-Tukey tests on data partitioned by breeding site status, and sex-specific philopatry was tested by comparing IBD plots between sexes. Although there was some evidence for natal philopatry in leopard sharks (P = 0.038), and population divergence may be related to the proximity of breeding sites (P = 0.064), we found no support for sex-specific philopatry. In addition to identifying a novel set of highly variable genetic markers for use in shark population studies, these results may be used to better inform management decisions for leopard sharks in California.  相似文献   

The Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi), an abundant coral-reef-associated apex predator, is one of the most economically and ecologically important, yet least studied species of large shark in the greater Caribbean region. The relative abundance and population structure of C. perezi off Cape Eleuthera, The Bahamas, was surveyed by standardised longline surveys from May 2008 to October 2011, which resulted in the capture of 331 sharks. Abundance peaked in the summer and was lowest during the winter. Females were 1.6 times more abundant than males and the assemblage was dominated by immature female sharks (45.5 %). The abundance of mature male and female sharks peaked a month apart in June and August, respectively. All 331 sharks were tagged and released with 15.4 % being recaptured after periods at liberty between 5 and 1,159 days (Mean = 333.4 ± 42.7 SE). The mean distance between tagging and recapture was 1.77 km for recaptures in excess of 6 months, indicating seasonally stratified philopatry in this species. C. perezi inhabiting Bahamian waters have developed complex habitat use patterns that are both spatiotemporally and demographically segregated, most probably in response to the large and diverse habitat mosaic available on the Bahamas Banks compared to contemporary study sites. This study represents an important step in understanding the spatiotemporal population structure of C. perezi and illustrates the potential for studies examining behavioural plasticity in response to environmental variation and anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Approximately 25% of globally reported shark catches occur in Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries. Strong declines in shark populations have been detected in the North Atlantic, whereas in the South Atlantic the situation is less clear, although fishing effort has been increasing in this region since the late 1970s. We synthesized information on shark catch rates (based on 871,177 sharks caught on 86,492 longline sets) for the major species caught by multiple fleets in the South Atlantic between 1979 and 2011. We complied records from fishing logbooks of fishing companies, fishers, and onboard observers that were supplied to Brazilian institutions. By using exploratory data analysis and literature sources, we identified 3 phases of exploitation in these data (Supporting Information). From 1979 to 1997 (phase A), 5 fleets (40 vessels) fished mainly for tunas. From 1998 to 2008 (phase B), 20 fleets (100 vessels) fished for tunas, swordfishes, and sharks. From 2008 to 2011 (phase C), 3 fleets (30 vessels) fished for multiple species, but restrictive measures were implemented. We used generalized linear models to standardize catch rates and identify trends in each of these phases. Shark catch rates increased from 1979 to 1997, when fishing effort was low, decreased from 1998 to 2008, when fishing effort increased substantially, and remained stable or increased from 2008 to 2011, when fishing effort was again low. Our results indicate that most shark populations affected by longlines in the South Atlantic are currently depleted, but these populations may recover if fishing effort is reduced accordingly. In this context, it is problematic that comprehensive data collection, monitoring, and management of these fisheries ceased after 2012. Concurrently with the fact that Brazil is newly identified by FAO among the largest (and in fastest expansion) shark sub‐products consumer market worldwide.  相似文献   

The attraction or provisioning of sharks for the purpose of tourism is a lucrative and popular industry that remains controversial regarding its possible risks to target species and impacts on local ecosystems. The long-term impacts of such activities on the behaviour and movement patterns of sharks have typically been difficult to establish as most studies investigate contemporary behaviour concurrent with existing operations and thus have no comparative base from which to compare effects. We compared patterns of residency and behaviour of acoustic-tagged white sharks at the Neptune Islands in South Australia between periods before and after an abrupt and sustained doubling of cage-diving effort that occurred in 2007. The number of sharks reported by cage-dive operators significantly increased after 2007. Comparisons also revealed there were significant increases in sharks’ periods of residency, the periods spent within areas where shark cage-diving operations occur and changes in sharks’ diel pattern of habitat use. Changes were site-specific with no significant differences in shark behaviour revealed over the same period at an island group 12 km from regular shark cage-dive sites. The results suggest that cage-diving operations can lead to long-term changes in the site-specific behaviour of a highly vagile shark species which may need to be considered in the context of their conservation and in managing the impacts of the industry.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are key tools in addressing the global decline of sharks and rays, and marine parks and shark sanctuaries of various configurations have been established to conserve shark populations. However, assessments of their efficacy are compromised by inconsistent terminology, lack of standardized approaches to assess how MPAs contribute to shark and ray conservation, and ambiguity about how to integrate movement data in assessment processes. We devised a conceptual framework to standardize key terms (e.g., protection, contribution, potential impact, risk, threat) and used the concept of portfolio risk to identify key attributes of sharks and rays (assets), the threats they face (portfolio risk), and the specific role of MPAs in risk mitigation (insurance). Movement data can be integrated into the process by informing risk exposure and mitigation through MPAs. The framework is operationalized by posing 8 key questions that prompt practitioners to consider the assessment scope, MPA type and purpose, range of existing and potential threats, species biology and ecology, and management and operational contexts. Ultimately, MPA contributions to shark and ray conservation differ according to a complex set of human and natural factors and interactions that should be carefully considered in MPA design, implementation, and evaluation.  相似文献   

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