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In passerine birds, storage and maturation of sperm takes place in the cloacal protuberance (CP), an external swelling of the reproductive organ. The considerable variation in CP size among species is presumed to be a consequence of varying levels of sperm-competition, but whether individual variation in CP size within a species also reflects sperm competition is not well established. Here, we study temporal variation in male CP size in relation to within-pair and extra-pair mating opportunities and cuckoldry risk in purple-crowned fairy-wrens Malurus coronatus. This is a socially monogamous cooperatively breeding passerine that can breed year-round and has low levels of extra-pair paternity (in 6?% of broods). We show that male CP size sharply increased a few weeks before, and rapidly regressed after his partner laid eggs, consistent with a cost of its maintenance and/or sperm production. Surprisingly, despite low levels of extra-pair paternity, CP size of non-breeding and pre-breeding males was positively correlated with the number of breeding females in the population, suggesting that CP size is sensitive to extra-pair mating opportunities. However, CP sizes do not seem to reflect cuckoldry risk: CP size of dominant males was unaffected by the presence of a subordinate that was unrelated to the dominant female, although those subordinates occasionally sire offspring, and had a larger CP than subordinates living with their mother. Our results suggest that, even in a species with low levels of extra-pair paternity, individual investment in sperm storage reflects both within-pair and, albeit to lesser extent, extra-pair mating opportunities.  相似文献   

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - In the animal kingdom, conspicuous colors are often used for inter- and intra-sexual communication. Even though primates are the most colorful mammalian taxon,...  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, helpers may contribute to the success of the brood by increasing the number of independent offspring, but also, they may affect offspring condition and, hence, their survival and recruitment into the breeding population. This second type of benefits is rarely included in theoretical models or assessed in field studies. Immune response is a good proxy of individual quality and fitness, and there is good evidence that the performance of the immune system of chicks during the nestling phase is related to their chances of survival and future reproduction. However, no study has so far explored whether helpers at the nest might contribute to enhance immune functioning of nestlings in species with a cooperative breeding system. Here we investigate this issue in the azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus) and found for the first time a positive correlation between the number of helpers at nest and the cell-mediated immune response of nestlings. This effect was not explained by a general improvement of body condition of chicks because it was independent of individual variation in body mass or tarsus length. Our results suggest that helping can have subtle effects on the quality of offspring that may influence their survival and future reproduction.  相似文献   

Kin selection has played an important role in the evolution and maintenance of cooperative breeding behaviour in many bird species. However, although relatedness has been shown to affect the investment decisions of helpers in such systems, less is known about the role that kin discrimination plays in other contexts, such as communal roosting. Individuals that roost communally benefit from reduced overnight heat loss, but the exact benefit derived depends on an individual's position in the roost which in turn is likely to be influenced by its position in its flock's dominance hierarchy. We studied the effects of kinship and other factors (sex, age, body size and flock sex ratio) on an individual's roosting position and dominance status in captive flocks of cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus. We found that overall, kinship had little influence on either variable tested; kinship had no effect on a bird's position in its flock's dominance hierarchy and the effect of kinship on roosting position was dependent on the bird's size. Males were generally dominant over females and birds were more likely to occupy preferred roosting positions if they were male, old and of high status. In this context, the effect of kinship on social interactions appears to be less important than the effects of other factors, possibly due to the complex kin structure of winter flocks compared to breeding groups.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus), helper males have a large positive effect on fledging success in good acorn crop years but only a small positive effect in poor acorn crop years, while helper females exhibit the opposite pattern. Based on these findings, we tested the “concealed helper effects” hypothesis, which proposes that laying females reduce investment in eggs (with respect to their size, number, or quality) in a way that confounds helper effects and results in an absence of a relationship between helpers and breeding success. Results generally failed to support the hypothesis. Mean egg size was positively related to temperatures during the 10 days prior to egg-laying and negatively related to the food supply as indexed by the prior fall’s acorn crop, but there were no significant differences vis-à-vis helpers except for interactions with the acorn crop that only partly corresponded to those predicted. With respect to clutch size, females laid larger clutches when assisted by female helpers, opposite the pattern predicted. Although our results suggest that egg size is adjusted to particular ecological circumstances, we conclude that neither egg nor clutch size is adjusted in a way that confounds the apparent effects of helpers, as proposed by the concealed helper effects hypothesis.  相似文献   

Tug-of-war over reproduction in a cooperatively breeding cichlid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In group-living animals, dominants may suppress subordinate reproduction directly and indirectly, thereby skewing reproduction in their favour. In this study, we show experimentally that this ability (‘power’) is influenced by resource distribution and the body size difference between unrelated dominants and subordinates in the cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Reproduction was strongly skewed towards the dominant female, due to these females producing more and larger clutches and those clutches surviving egg eating better than those of subordinate females, but was not so when subordinates defended a patch. If breeding shelters were provided in two patches, subordinate females were more likely to exclusively defend a patch against the dominant female and breed, compared to when the same breeding resource was provided in one patch. Relatively large subordinate females were more likely to defend a patch and reproduce. Females also directly interfered with each other’s reproduction by eating the competitors’ eggs, at which dominants were more successful. Although dominant females benefited from subordinate females due to alloparental care and an increase in egg mass, they also showed costs due to reduced growth in the presence of subordinates. The results support the view that the dominant’s power to control subordinate reproduction determines reproductive partitioning, in agreement with the predictions from tug-of-war models of reproductive skew.  相似文献   

Summary During a two year study of the moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, a quarter of the nests found had two or more females laying in them. This was the result of two features of the moorhens' breeding biology: (1) Cooperative nesting; two (or more) females were paired to the same male. Both laid in the same nest, the second laid a large clutch synchronously to the first, and both cooperated in parental care. (2) Intraspecific brood parasitism; some females (parasites or dumpers) laid a small number of eggs at random in the nests' of neighbours. Cooperatively nesting females were mother and daughter, while parasite and host were not. Parasitic females laid in their own nest as well, and generally did so after completing a dumping sequence. Parasitic eggs were laid at random during the host's laying and incubation period, and were about a quarter as likely to produce an independent chick as were non-parasitic eggs. Parasitic females would probably have reared more chicks by laying in their own nests straight away, instead of dumping any eggs at all, because there was a strong decline in reproductive success with season. Possible reasons why they did not do so are discussed. Parasitised pairs tended to rear fewer own chicks than non-parasitised pairs. There was no evidence that hosts selectively destroyed parasitic eggs. Four hypotheses that explain why hosts accepted dumped eggs are considered. (1) The host pair were unaware of the dump, (2) the host male had copulated with the dumping female, (3) the dumper was related to one of the host pair, and (4) there was a benefit to the host pair because they gained extra helpers. These hypotheses were not supported by the data, but further tests are needed. As the cost of desertion was greater than the cost of acceptance of parasitic eggs, hosts may have been forced to accept.  相似文献   

‘False feeding,’ where helpers arrive at nests with food but fail to provision the young, has been reported in several cooperative species. This and other potentially ‘deceptive’ behavior has been interpreted as indicating that helping may operate as a signal within such social groups. We critically examine these phenomena in the provisioning behavior of the bell miner Manorina melanophrys. Excessively close observation distances can artificially elevate the rate of false feeding in this (and other) species, but once this had been accounted for, there was little evidence for any ‘deceptive’ behavior by helpers or breeders. Natural and experimentally induced variation in the presence of a potential conspecific audience at the nest did not have any consistent influence upon the rate of false feeds, which was low at 7.94% of 6,880 nest visits. Instead, encountering unexpectedly low levels of brood demand provided a more parsimonious explanation for those visits where helpers failed to feed nestlings or ate the food themselves. Failure to completely transfer a load to nestlings was more likely when the load contained a high proportion of sticky lerp, indicating a simple prey-transfer problem. Finally, individuals that arrived at nests without prey were often members of neighboring breeding pairs, suggesting that these few non-feeding visits may instead involve an information-gathering function. We, therefore, suggest that future studies explicitly exclude the possibility of observer disturbance and all aspects of normal provisioning behavior before applying the terms ‘false feeding’ or ‘deceptive’ and inferring anything more than straightforward helping at the nest.  相似文献   

Although it is known that parents can differ in their optimal resource allocation to offspring in size-structured broods, the mechanisms determining differences in allocation rules of carers are not yet clarified. In cooperatively breeding species, breeders and non-reproductive helpers often differ in their fitness payoffs of providing care and in their breeding experience. Cooperative breeders thus provide an appropriate system to examine two hypotheses originally proposed to explain differences in food allocation among parents: (i) food allocation between carers differs because of the distinct cost-benefit ratio of selective feeding (i.e. breeders and helpers are expected to differ in food allocation) and (ii) carers differ in their ability to feed selectively (i.e. differences in food allocation are expected between experienced adults and inexperienced yearlings). We compared feeding rates with which breeders, old helpers and yearling helpers provisioned nestlings of different hatching rank. The influence of experience upon food allocation was further assessed by comparing food allocation of yearlings early and late during nesting. We show that allocation rules differ between age classes because breeders and old helpers fed the youngest chicks most, whereas yearlings showed the opposite pattern. The role of experience was supported by the fact that yearlings adjusted food allocation to that observed in experienced adults during the breeding season. We thus suggest that food allocation in El Oro parakeets depends either on differential skills of adults to transfer food to the youngest chick or on their ability to recognize nestling needs.  相似文献   

Recent models of the evolution and dynamics of family structure in cooperatively breeding vertebrates predict that the opening of breeding vacancies in cooperatively breeding groups will result in (1) dispersal movements to fill the reproductive position, and (2) within-group conflict over access to reproduction. We describe the behavioral and demographic changes that followed the creation of breeding vacancies in three wild groups of cooperatively breeding common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Replacement of the breeding female was rapid when no adult females remained in the group, but did not occur for several months when other adult females were present. Aggression of adult animals towards same-sex potential immigrants was associated with a period of reduced affiliation, increased intragroup agonism, no intragroup sexual behavior, and frequent extragroup copulations. This ended with the fissioning of groups along sexual lines. After replacement, multiple males copulated with multiple females and vice versa, with no increases in sexually related aggression. Female-female conflict was resolved through infanticide. The lack of direct conflict between males is consistent with cooperative polyandry. After a breeding vacancy appeared, marmoset groups showed conflict of interests among group members similar to those shown by cooperatively breeding birds, but they used different behavioral mechanisms to resolve those conflicts. Our data provide important evidence from a cooperatively breeding mammal to support Emlen’s model for the evolution of vertebrate families, but they suggest that species-specific inter- and intrasexual competitive strategies should be considered before the model can be applied to other cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Received: 23 November 1999 / Received in revised form: 28 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

The effects of landscape fragmentation on nest predation and brood parasitism, the two primary causes of avian reproductive failure, have been difficult to generalize across landscapes, yet few studies have clearly considered the context and spatial scale of fragmentation. Working in two river systems fragmented by agricultural and rural-housing development, we tracked nesting success and brood parasitism in > 2500 bird nests in 38 patches of deciduous riparian woodland. Patches on both river systems were embedded in one of two local contexts (buffered from agriculture by coniferous forest, or adjacent to agriculture), but the abundance of agriculture and human habitation within 1 km of each patch was highly variable. We examined evidence for three models of landscape effects on nest predation based on (1) the relative importance of generalist agricultural nest predators, (2) predators associated with the natural habitats typically removed by agricultural development, or (3) an additive combination of these two predator communities. We found strong support for an additive predation model in which landscape features affect nest predation differently at different spatial scales. Riparian habitat with forest buffers had higher nest predation rates than sites adjacent to agriculture, but nest predation also increased with increasing agriculture in the larger landscape surrounding each site. These results suggest that predators living in remnant woodland buffers, as well as generalist nest predators associated with agriculture, affect nest predation rates, but they appear to respond at different spatial scales. Brood parasitism, in contrast, was unrelated to agricultural abundance on the landscape, but showed a strong nonlinear relationship with farm and house density, indicating a critical point at which increased human habitat causes increased brood parasitism. Accurate predictions regarding landscape effects on nest predation and brood parasitism will require an increased appreciation of the multiple scales at which landscape components influence predator and parasite behavior.  相似文献   

White-winged choughs (Corcorax melanorhamphos) are obligate cooperative breeders, living in groups which may contain up to 20 birds. Although breeding is dominated by a single pair, all birds contribute to rearing young, including the provisioning of nestlings. However, some birds which have carried food to the nest, even to the point of placing the food in the gaping mouth of a nestling, consume the food themselves rather than provision the nestlings. Birds which fail to feed nestlings are typically young, and are only likely to fail to deliver food when they cannot be observed by other group members. Birds which have just failed to deliver food are more likely to engage in alternative helping behaviours such as allopreening the nestlings than are helpers which have just delivered food in the conventional manner. Failure to deliver food is almost eliminated when foraging constraints are experimentally reduced by supplemental feeding of the group. Collectively these observations suggest that young white-winged choughs act deceptively by simulating helping behaviours without sacrificing food supplies. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 6 June 1997  相似文献   

Neolamprologus pulcher, a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika, lives in permanent social groups comprising one breeding pair and helpers of both sexes. Variation in group size (1-14 helpers) provides an opportunity to investigate factors that affect how many helpers remain in a group and in turn how group size affects reproductive success. This field study showed that larger groups live in larger territories with more shelter. Group size was more strongly correlated with territory quality than with breeder size. Experimental enhancement of territory quality did not affect group size but group size decreased when territory quality was reduced. Breeders living in a large group benefit because such individuals feed more often and have lower workloads and greater reproductive success. Helpers in larger groups also fed more frequently but did not have lower workloads. This is one of the first experimental studies to examine the factors influencing group size in cooperative breeders.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding males or females were removed from groups of the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker to study (1) competition among individuals from different groups to fill the breeding vancancies, (2) conflict between parents and offspring within groups over replacement of the removed bird, and (3) conflict between parents and offspring for breeding status. Intense fights (power struggles) among nonbreeders from other groups to fill the breeding vacancies developed after the removals. In groups containing only helpers of the opposite sex as the removed bird, replacement was rapid, but in groups containing helpers of the same sex as the removed bird replacement was delayed substantially. In these latter groups parent-offspring conflict developed: helpers could not breed because their parent of the opposite sex was present, and they attacked potential replacements, while their remaining parent advertised for a new mate by calling. Once replacement had occurred, dominance interactions between parents and offspring and among siblings appeared to prevent some individuals from breeding. We conclude that the potential for competition among close kin is high in cooperative species because breeding opportunities are limited.  相似文献   

The repayment hypothesis posits that primary sex ratios in cooperative species should be biased towards the helping sex because these offspring “repay” a portion of their cost through helping behavior and therefore are less expensive to produce. However, many cooperatively breeding birds and mammals do not show the predicted bias in the primary sex ratio. Recent theoretical work has suggested that the repayment hypothesis should only hold when females gain a large fitness advantage from the presence of auxiliary adults in the group. When auxiliaries provide little or no fitness advantage, competition between relatives should lead to sex ratios biased towards the dispersing (non-helping) sex. We examined the benefits auxiliaries provide to females and corresponding offspring sex ratios in the red-backed fairy-wren (Malurus melanocephalus), a cooperatively breeding Australian bird with male auxiliary helpers. We found that auxiliaries provide little or no benefit to female reproductive success or survival. As predicted, the population primary sex ratio was biased towards daughters, the dispersing sex, and females with auxiliaries produced female-biased broods whereas females without auxiliaries produced unbiased broods. Moreover, offspring sex ratios were more strongly biased toward females in years when auxiliaries were more common in the population. These results suggest that offspring sex ratios are associated with competition among the non-dispersing sex in this species, and also that females may use cues to assess local breeding opportunities for their offspring.  相似文献   

In semi-colonial species, some individuals choose to breed in isolation while others aggregate in breeding colonies. The origin and the maintenance of this pattern have been questioned, and inherited phenotype dependency of group breeding benefits has been invoked as one of the possible mechanisms for the evolution of semi-coloniality. Using field observations and behavioural tests in the semi-colonial barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), we tested the hypothesis that breeding group size is related to personality. We measured neophobia (the fear and avoidance of new things) and social tolerance of adults and showed that these two independent traits of personality are strongly related to breeding group size. The biggest colonies hosted birds with higher neophobia, and larger groups also hosted females with higher social tolerance. This parallel between group size and group composition in terms of individual personality offers a better understanding of the observed diversity in breeding group size in this species. Further studies are, however, needed to better understand the origin of the link between individual personality and group breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Measures of relative gamete contribution were related to degree of parental investment for both males and females from six groups of communally breeding pukeko (Porphyrio porphyrio). If there is a fitness cost to participation in parental duties, then for males parental investment should relate to degree of confidence of paternity while for females investment should relate to the number of eggs laid. Data were analysed in two ways: (1) by looking at individuals of the same sex within the same group to see if males that had a greater probability of paternity and females that had greater number of eggs in a nest subsequently invested relatively more in parental duties and (2) by pooling the data from the six groups and determining if there was a positive correlation between measures of presumed gamete contribution and amount of parental investment. The results from both types of analyses are variable and give no clear support for a positive relationship between presumed gamete contribution and parental investment even though a possible fitness cost is suggested. Factors which might influence investment are discussed.  相似文献   

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