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Fine-scale movement patterns in penaeid prawns are rarely observed in situ, but are essential in understanding habitat use, foraging, and anti-predator behaviour. Acoustic telemetry was applied to examine the activity, space utilization, and habitat use of the eastern king prawn Penaeus (Melicertus) plebejus, at small temporal and spatial scales. Tracking of sub-adult P. plebejus (n = 9) in Wallagoot Lake (36.789°S, 149.959°E; 23 April–12 May 2009) and calculation of a minimum activity index (MAI) revealed high variation in activity rates across diel periods and in different habitats. Elevated activity rates and movement indicated foraging in unvegetated habitats during the night. Areas within the 95 and 50% space utilization contours averaged 2,654.1 ± 502.0 and 379.9 ± 103.9 m2, respectively, and there was a significant negative relationship between these areas and prawn activity rates in unvegetated habitats. This study provides the first estimates of prawn activity rates and space utilization in the field. Application of acoustic telemetry can increase knowledge of prawn movements and their interactions with other marine species in different habitats.  相似文献   

Most of the current knowledge on Mediterranean gorgonians is restricted to investigations of those populations found within shallow sublittoral waters, and only limited data are available for populations located below scuba depth. To overcome this lack of information, the occurrence and abundance of the gorgonians Eunicella singularis, Paramuricea clavata, and Leptogorgia sarmentosa were investigated in northwestern Mediterranean benthic communities over a wide geographical (60 km of coastline) and bathymetrical (0–70 m deep) extent using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The greatest occurrence and abundances of E. singularis and P. clavata were concentrated in areas that are directly exposed to strong near-bottom currents. E. singularis was the most common and abundant species and displayed great plasticity and amplitude in its environmental preferences. Conversely, P. clavata showed a very patchy distribution that was associated with vertical rocky walls. Only isolated colonies of L. sarmentosa were observed in the study area. Hot spots of abundance of E. singularis and P. clavata were identified below a depth of 40 m, which demonstrates the importance of studying the distribution of benthic species over a wide geographical and bathymetrical extent.  相似文献   

Grapsoid crabs of the genera Planes and Plagusia are commonly referred to as “rafting crabs” due to their propensity to live on flotsam and pelagic marine animals. Planes minutus and Planes major (=Planes cyaneus) are epibionts of sea turtles. Occurrences of grapsoid crabs in the genera Planes and Plagusia were evaluated on a total of 27 olive ridley sea turtles, Lepidochelys olivacea, from the eastern tropic Pacific (1998–2001) and the Hawaiian Islands (2002) captured in July–December each year. This is the first report of Planes marinus and Plagusia squamosa on sea turtles, and of P. major, P. marinus, and P. squamosa in sympatry on a confined substrate. Stomach content analyses showed P. major and P. marinus consumed a variety of neuston and marine vegetation, with the former consuming considerably more animal material. Epibiotic P. squamosa consumed mostly plant material. The three Planes species had distinctive differences in gastric mill tooth morphology. The versatile mouthparts of P. marinus are described and resemble those of their congeners. Most female P. major and P. marinus collected were ovigerous and present in all survey months.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure originally developed for the study of post-conflict behaviour in captive groups was used to study a group of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in the wild. During 5 months, 156 post-conflict observations on victims of agonistic conflicts were collected and compared with matched-control observations. The findings reported previously for a captive group of the same species were confirmed. After a conflict victims scratched themselves more often and received more attacks than in control periods. Reconciliation and redirection were found to be characteristic of post-conflict situations. Their occurrence seemed to follow similar patterns in captivity and in the wild. The frequency of reconciliation, but not that of redirection, seemed to be lower after conflicts over food than in other situations. No evidence for consolation was found. In the wild, victims have the option of leaving the (sub)group in order to avoid the former aggressor. No evidence for this behaviour was actually found, but within the (sub)group victims tended to keep the former aggressor at a distance. Victims also seemed to suffer ecological costs in that they spent less time foraging than in control periods.  相似文献   

Most research on biological invasions to date has focused on the population dynamics of very successful and disruptive introduced species; however, additional knowledge of the biology of the native species is essential for understanding interactions between the two and may reveal factors that limit invasion success. The invasive bryozoan Membranipora membranacea interacts with native Electra pilosa on two substrates in northwest Atlantic subtidal habitats: highly dynamic and fast-growing kelps; and smaller, more stable, and slow-growing fucoid algae. We quantified the relative abundance and evaluated encounter outcomes in different seasons of these two bryozoans on kelp and Fucus at four sites in Nova Scotia. We also examined the effects of substrate (kelp, Fucus), temperature (7, 10, 13°C), and food (limited, unlimited) on growth rates of E. pilosa in laboratory experiments and using field manipulations. We compared our findings on factors affecting the growth of E. pilosa to those on M. membranacea obtained in similar and thus directly comparable experiments from a previous study. The proportional abundance of M. membranacea was greater than that of E. pilosa on kelps, but the opposite was observed on Fucus. Competitive standoffs between the two bryozoans were more frequent than expected, with no differences recorded between substrates; most encounters were won by M. membranacea. Growth of E. pilosa was faster on Fucus than kelp, decreased with increasing temperature only on Fucus, and was not affected by food. Growth rate of E. pilosa in all treatments was slower than that previously measured for M. membranacea. Faster growth and strong overgrowth abilities likely interact on kelps to ensure success of the invasive bryozoan. Success can be limited by low space availability, which in turn restricts growth rate, and consequently, colony size, such as on fucoid substrates. The incorporation of alternative contexts into invasion research can reveal factors involved in the resilience of native communities.  相似文献   

The rhopalia and statocysts of Periphylla periphylla (Péron and Lesueur in Ann Mus Hist Nat Marseille 14:316–366,1809) and Chironex fleckeri Southcott (Aust J Mar Freshw Res 7(2):254–280 1956) were examined histologically and showed several homologous characteristics. Differences in sensory area distribution could be connected to a slightly different functionality of equilibrium sensing. In P. periphylla, the statoliths (crystals) grow independently of each other; whereas in C. fleckeri, one large crystal covers the smaller ones. The structures of both statoliths were examined in detail with single-crystal diffraction, microtomography and diffraction contrast tomography. The single compact statolith of C. fleckeri consisted of bassanite as was previously known only for other rhopaliophoran medusae. An origin area with several small oligocrystals was located in the centre of the cubozoan statolith. The origin areas and the accretion of statoliths are similar in both species. Our results lead to the assumption that the single bassanite statolith of C. fleckeri (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) is a progression of the scyphozoan multiplex statolith. It is therefore suggested that the Cubozoa are derived from a scyphozoan ancestor and are a highly developed taxa within the Rhopaliophora.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory suggests that between-group competition is an important factor affecting the nature of primate social relationships. Between-group encounters in macaques may involve female resource defense, male mate defense, and male resource defense. We observed between-group encounters in two groups (a forest group and a temple group) of bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata). We observed 102 encounters in 875 h of observation of the forest group (1.40 per 12-h day) and 58 encounters in 907 h of observation of the temple group (0.77 per 12-h day). Aggressive interactions between groups occurred in 32.4% and 29.3% of encounters in the forest and temple groups, respectively. Overall, we found little support for the female resource defense hypothesis. Females in both groups rarely participated aggressively in between-group encounters. We found support for the male mate defense hypothesis. For example, males of the forest group were more aggressive during encounters in the mating season than in the non-mating season. Males were also aggressive to females from their own group immediately following encounters. We also found partial support for the male resource defense hypothesis. Encounters in the forest group occurred in a feeding context more often than expected based on time budgets. Also, males in the temple group were more often aggressive in food-related encounters than in other encounters. The findings of this study suggest that socioecological models of primate social relationships need to distinguish male and female strategies during between-group encounters and integrate the resulting functional outcomes.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Infanticide by males is common in mammalian species such as primates in which lactation lasts much longer than gestation. It frequently occurs in one-male groups following male takeovers and is likely a male reproductive strategy. Reported female countertactics include abrupt weaning of infants, dispersal, or paternity confusion. Here, we estimated costs of female countertactics in terms of weaning ages and interbirth intervals. We observed a population of white-headed leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) in Nongguan Nature Reserve, China (1995–2006) mainly composed of one-male groups. Takeovers (N = 11) coincided with the peak conception period. Detailed data are presented for five takeovers (34 females, 29 infants, and 47 group-years) leading to six infant disappearances (42.9% of infant mortality). All presumed infanticides were in accordance with the sexual selection hypothesis. Following a takeover, females without infants or with old infants stayed with the new males, incurring no or low costs (via abrupt weaning). Females with young infants dispersing with the old males also experienced low costs. High costs (due to infant loss) were incurred by pregnant females and those with young infants who stayed with the new males indicating that paternity was not confused. Costs in terms of long interbirth intervals were also high for females leaving with the old males to later join the new males, despite infant survival. Female countertactics reflected female philopatry mediated by infant age. Presumably due to the seasonal timing of takeovers, most countertactics seemed successful given that 32.3% of females apparently incurred no costs and 41.2% incurred only low costs.  相似文献   

The venomous striped eel catfish Plotosus lineatus was first recorded in the Mediterranean in 2002. Within 1–3 years, it has spread throughout the entire Israeli coast. We have studied its spatiotemporal distribution patterns via trawl surveys in order to determine the scale and extent of this invasion. Findings indicate that a population explosion has occurred, and the catfish now inhabits all sandy and muddy substrates up to ca 80 m. P. lineatus was found to recruit in autumn in the Mediterranean and displays similar or improved growth patterns and condition factor compared to those found in its native habitat. We discuss the possible ecological mechanisms responsible for its success: Benthic invaders are among its main prey items, suggesting an invasional meltdown process. We also point to the decline of indigenous species using its trophic and behavioral–ecological niche and hypothesize that they might be outcompeted and displaced by the catfish.  相似文献   

Conservation and management of the endangered Florida manatee is often centered on reducing mortality caused by watercraft collisions. Lee County, Florida, has led the state in watercraft-related mortality for eight of the last 10 years. This county is of particular concern as it contains important habitat for manatees, including extensive feeding grounds and an artificial warm-water refuge where more than 900 manatees have been recorded on a single day. Distributional aerial surveys were conducted from April 2007 through April 2009 over Lee County waters. Surveys yielded higher numbers of manatees than previously observed in this area. Using GIS methodology, kernel density analysis illustrated seasonal changes in distribution patterns and highlighted areas where manatees were most densely clustered. For example, during summer months, manatees were widely distributed throughout the survey area, with high-density areas associated with seagrass beds. During winter months, manatees were densely clustered at warm-water sites and over feeding grounds within close distance of these sites. These seasonal distribution patterns coincide well with speed zone designations. Counts and distributions of manatees were made available, almost immediately if necessary, to local marine law enforcement in an attempt to focus resources toward reducing manatee-watercraft collisions. Future studies should implement similar communication strategies to improve conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Paraeuchaeta norvegica (8.5 mm total length) and yolk-sac stage Atlantic cod larvae (4 mm total length) (Gadus morhua) larvae were observed in aquaria (3 l of water) using silhouette video photography. This allowed direct observations (and quantitative measurement) of predator–prey interactions between these two species in 3-dimensions. Tail beats, used by cod larvae to propel themselves through the viscous fluid environment, also generate signals detectable by mechanoreceptive copepod predators. When the prey is close enough for detection and successful capture (approximately half a body-length), the copepod launches an extremely rapid high Reynolds number attack, grabbing the larva around its midsection. While capture itself takes place in milliseconds, minutes are required to subdue and completely ingest a cod larva. The behavioural observations are used to estimate the hydrodynamic signal strength of the cod larva’s tail beats and the copepod’s perceptive field for larval fish prey. Cod larvae are more sensitive to fluid velocity than P. norvegica and also appear capable of distinguishing between the signal generated by a swimming and an attacking copepod. However, the copepod can lunge at much faster velocities than a yolk-sac cod larva can escape, leading to the larva’s capture. These observations can serve as input to the predator–prey component of ecosystem models intended to assess the impact of P. norvegica on cod larvae.  相似文献   

Evolutionary diversification of the broadly distributed copepod sibling species complex Eurytemora affinis has been documented in the northern hemisphere. However, the fine scale geographic distribution, levels of genetic subdivision, evolutionary, and demographic histories of European populations have been less explored. To gain information on genetic subdivision and to evaluate heterogeneity among European populations, we analyzed samples from 8 locations from 58° to 45°N and 0° to 23°E, using 549 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. We discovered three distinct lineages of E. affinis in Western Europe, namely the East Atlantic lineage, the North Sea/English Channel (NSEC) lineage, and the Baltic lineage. These geographically separated lineages showed sequences divergence of 1.7–2.1%, dating back 1.9 million years (CI: 0.9–3.0 My) with no indication of isolation by distance. Genetic divergence in Europe was much lower than among North American lineages. Interestingly, genetic structure varied distinctively among the three lineages: the East Atlantic lineage was divided between the Gironde and the Loire populations, the NSEC lineage comprised one single population unit spanning the Seine, Scheldt and Elbe rivers and the third lineage was restricted to the Baltic Proper (Sweden). We revealed high haplotype diversity in the East Atlantic and the Baltic lineages, whereas in the NSEC lineage haplotype diversity was comparatively low. All three lineages showed signs of at least one demographic expansion event during Pleistocene glaciations that marked their genetic structure. These results provide a preliminary overview of the genetic structure of E. affinis in Europe.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by honeybee queens results in colonies of genotypically diverse workers. Recent studies have demonstrated that increased genetic diversity within a honeybee colony increases the variation in the frequency of tasks performed by workers. We show that genotypically diverse colonies, each composed of 20 subfamilies, collect more pollen than do genotypically similar colonies, each composed of a single subfamily. However, genotypically similar colonies collect greater varieties of pollen than do genotypically diverse colonies. Further, the composition of collected pollen types is less similar among genotypically similar colonies than among genotypically diverse colonies. The response threshold model predicts that genotypic subsets of workers vary in their response to task stimuli. Consistent with this model, our findings suggest that genotypically diverse colonies likely send out fewer numbers of foragers that independently search for pollen sources (scouts) in response to protein demand by the colony, resulting in a lower variety of collected pollen types. The cooperative foraging strategy of honeybees involves a limited number of scouts monitoring the environment that then guide the majority of foragers to high quality food sources. The genetic composition of the colony appears to play an important role in the efficiency of this behavior.  相似文献   

Brooding, embryonic and larval development, and the influence of environmental and biological factors in tidepool habitats were studied in the sea star, Anasterias minuta, at various sites along ~220 km of the Patagonian coast. This species has a benthic, lecithotrophic development that includes eight distinct developmental stages. A larval organ, the connection cord, is developed from a small preoral lobe at early stages of development and becomes larger and thinner at advanced stages. Fecundity and average egg size increased with female body size. The regression of log egg number to log sea-star size and weight at different sites had a slope significantly less than 3.0, resulting in negative allometry and indicating that brood capacity was limited in large females. Development was generally synchronous among sites, but varied within each brood at advanced stages, with more developed brooded larvae located at the periphery of the brood mass. Brooding was synchronous among various populations at different years and spatial scales, and extended over a period of 8 months. The highest proportion of brooding females occurred during May and June (austral winter). Juveniles were released mainly during September. The likelihood of finding brooding sea stars decreased with increasing sea water temperature, tidal height, and wave exposure, and increased with increasing body size. Both body size of brooding females and brooding rate were higher in the infralittoral fringe than at midlittoral levels. A revision of the current model of brooding behavior and development among forcipulate sea stars is given.  相似文献   

The wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) is a panoceanic, long-lived, deep-water demersal species, characterized by an extended pelagic juvenile phase associated with floating objects. In the present study morphometric data from 435 specimens collected from Greece (Crete), Italy (Ionian Sea) and the Atlantic coast of France from September 1999 to March 2001 were analyzed to estimate the settlement size of the species and associated changes in morphology. The fishery sample included specimens from both the pelagic and the demersal stage. Length-at-settlement (TL50) and 95% confidence intervals were estimated by fitting a logistic function. Eleven morphometric characters were analyzed, and the existing inflection points, reflecting alterations in body shape, were defined: (1) iteratively, as the transition point, splitting the data set into two groups, for which the reduced major axis functions, between a character and total length, of the successive groups best fit (minimum sum of squares of residuals) the combined data set and (2) where the second derivative of the fitted third-order polynomial functions to morphometric ratios equaled zero. The main size range within which wreckfish settled was 56-65 cm, and the means of the inflection points defined by the two methods were 61 and 64 cm. These results indicate changes in functional morphology associated with settlement. The monitoring of wreckfish juveniles caught in the wild and kept individually in captivity showed changes in growth and food intake at approximately the estimated settlement length and suggested that temperature was the most likely factor triggering settlement.  相似文献   

Individual-level variation in resource use occurs in a broad array of vertebrate and invertebrate taxa and may have important ecological and evolutionary implications. In this study, we measured the degree of individual-level variation in prey preference of the hunting wasp Trypoxylon albonigrum, which inhabits the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. This wasp captures several orb-weaving spider genera to provision nests. Individuals consistently specialized on a narrow subset of the prey taxa consumed by the population, indicating the existence of significant individual-level variation in prey preferences. The population niche was broader in the wet season in terms of both prey size and taxa. In the case of prey size, the population niche expansion was achieved via increased individual niche breadths, whereas in the case of prey taxa, individual niches remained relatively constrained, and the population niche expanded via increased interindividual variation. The observed pattern suggests the possibility of functional trade-offs associated with the taxon of the consumed prey. The nature of the trade-offs remains unknown, but they are likely related to learning in searching and/or handling prey. We hypothesize that by specializing on specific prey taxa, individuals increase foraging efficiency, reducing foraging time and ultimately increasing reproductive success.  相似文献   

The experiments were undertaken to measure, for the first time, cardiac output in yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) during exposure to a harmful red tide flagellate (Chattonella marina). The responses were compared with those during exposure to environmental hypoxia to evaluate the significance of the drop of arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) in the fish-kill mechanisms by C. marina. PaO2 immediately decreased, whereas heart rate (HR) was maintained until shortly before death during exposure to C. marina. Suffocation developing during the exposure resulted from a decrease in blood oxygen content, but not from lowered blood flow to the tissue. Although exposure to both C. marina and hypoxia immediately decreased PaO2, arterial oxygen content (CaO2) and pH (pHa) were significantly lower, whereas HR and cardiac output (&Qdot;) remained significantly higher, for the C. marina-exposed fish than for hypoxia-exposed fish. Although the drop in PaO2 appears to play a pivotal role in the mechanisms of fish death by C. marina, other physiological response(s) should also be considered.  相似文献   

The main aims of this study were to investigate (1) the occurrence and strength of the shyness–boldness behavioural syndrome in brown trout fry, (2) whether this syndrome is associated with paternal migratory life history, (3) whether fry survival and growth in the wild is associated with paternal life history and/or boldness and (4) whether offspring performance showed maternal effects. Nine female migratory trout were each crossed with one migratory and one resident male and the offspring were raised in hatchery tanks until first feeding. The behavioural studies showed that fry that responded bold towards a novel object also accepted a novel food item earlier and responded more aggressively towards their own mirror image. Principal component analysis showed that this shyness–boldness syndrome (PC1) explained 34% of the behavioural variation. Offspring boldness was not affected by paternal migratory life history, but significant effects of the female parent suggested maternal and/or genetic effects. Deviations from this pattern (PC2), where some individuals behaved less aggressively and performed more approaches to food, explained an additional 17% of the variation in behaviour, and was significantly influenced by length and paternal migratory life history. Fry growth and survival in nature was not associated with boldness (PC1) or PC2, suggesting that alternative behavioural strategies can be successful in nature. However, female parent effects on variation in fry size persisted over the first growth period in the wild, suggesting that these effects may influence offspring fitness during early life when major selection occurs.  相似文献   

The issue of adaptive adjustment of offspring sex ratio (proportion of male births) in polytocous mammals, producing several offspring per litter, is controversial because females of these species can maximize their fitness mainly by adjusting offspring number. To address this issue, we examined the effect of maternal condition at mating, experimentally decreased by pre-mating food restriction, on the sex ratio variation in 137 female mice. We tested two basic sex allocation hypotheses plausible for polytocous mammals: (1) the Myers hypothesis, predicting that cheaper sex should be favored in poor environmental conditions to maximize offspring number; and (2) the Williams hypothesis, predicting maximum fitness returns by adjusting size- and sex-specific composition of the litter according to the maternal condition. The food-restricted mothers produced larger litters with a higher proportion of cheaper daughters than the control mothers. By contrast, the control mothers optimized size and sex composition of the litter according to their weight at mating. In addition, the offspring of the food-restricted mothers suffered less from pre-weaning mortality than those of the control mothers. Therefore, when comparing the groups, the Myers hypothesis had a general significance while the Williams hypothesis was plausible only for the control mothers. Furthermore, some of the food-restricted mothers partly coped with the pre-mating food restriction and increased the proportion of sons in the litter with the increasing maternal weight loss (during the period of food restriction). The sex ratio variation was thus a result of three sex allocation strategies depending on the maternal condition at mating.  相似文献   

Social insects are a widespread and ecologically dominant group. Reproductive division of labour among the females in the colonies is a key trait for their success, but at the same time, it creates dense aggregations of relatives which may promote the spread of disease in the colonies. Hence, the appropriate regulation of immune defence is crucial for the well-being of a colony. Inbreeding may disturb this process through reduced resistance or by impairing the colony’s ability to regulate the responses. We tested the effect of inbreeding and the within-colony differences in the encapsulation response between the two female castes of the ant Formica exsecta. New reproductive females (gynes) born in more inbred colonies, and being more inbred themselves, showed an elevated immune response whereas inbreeding had no effect on worker response. Furthermore, the immune response exhibited by gynes was lower than that of workers and was not dependent on their body size whereas the worker response increased with body size. The elevated response is likely to reflect genetic stress caused by inbreeding, which in turn may compromise colony founding and longevity. Indeed, eliciting a high immune response in itself might not be adaptive. Our results show that the regulation of the expression of immunity differs between female castes despite their similar genetic make-up.  相似文献   

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