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本文对ISO10605:2008+A1:2014《道路车辆-静电放电产生的电干扰的试验方法》与IEC61000-4-2:2008 《电磁兼容性(EMC)-第4-2部分:试验和测量技术静电放电抗扰度试验》的差异内容进行了详细解读与比较分析,提炼总结出了两个标准在仪器要求、测试环境条件、测试场地、测试布置等方面的差异,并在此基础上结合实际经验提出一种可以兼容两种测试标准的实验场地解决方案,对于实验人员执行测试以及建设同时满足两个标准测试能力的第三方试验室或研发实验室提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从人体ESD(Electrostatic Discharge)干扰的实际案例出发,基于故障现象及故障发生的环境因素分析了空调控制面板ESD异常损坏的原因。并通过对ESD干扰产生机理及浪涌电压传递路径的分析,针对空调控制面板ESD失效问题产生的原因提出了有效的解决方案.同时根据ISO 10605:2008规定的测试方法给出了针对整改方案的验证方法。并证明了整改方案的有效性。  相似文献   

邵娜  吴琼 《环境技术》2011,(6):64-68
本文着重介绍了《道路车辆——由传导和耦合引起的电骚扰:沿电源线的电瞬态传导》IS0 7637-2:2011与ISO7637-2:2004的差异,对测试布置要求,瞬态脉冲抗扰度的测试等级,瞬态脉冲发射的限值等方面都进行了深入的研究.  相似文献   

对ISO 7637-4:2020标准内容进行解析,给出了新能源车辆车载高压电气系统的沿高压屏蔽电源线的电瞬态传导测试方法的适用范围及车载高压电气系统产生的两种典型脉冲,阐述了沿高压屏蔽电源线的电瞬态发射和抗扰度测量的试验设备、测试要求、测试方法以及严酷等级.  相似文献   

本文针对汽车电子零部件产品,采用ISO 16750标准和丰田整车厂标准中场衰减和抛负载的试验条件,对汽车电子零部件产品的场衰减和抛负载的试验要求进行了阐述,对应的测试系统和测试方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

本文通过研究汽车电源异常现象的来源,结合ISO 16750-2及各大车厂的要求,对各种汽车电源异常现象进行了分类和全面的阐述,使大家对ISO 16750-2有更加深入的理解。同时对ISO 16750-2:2010中出现的几个标误进行了分析说明,可供实验室和相关产品的供需双方参考。  相似文献   

许毅  马壮  王家星 《环境技术》2020,38(3):17-21
本文针对3.5 t以下汽车电气和电子部件,采用ISO 16750系列标准和多个主流整车企业近年来实际使用的供货规范中关于环境试验与可靠性的要求,对于车辆中不同电子电气部件的环境试验序列与方案的设置、试验中和试验后的参数验证测试进行了详细解析。  相似文献   

今天我们在独山子石化分公司开办宣贯HSE管理体系学习班,这也是我们化工与销售分公司正式开始实施HSE管理体系的誓师会。就是说从现在开始,我们化工与销售分公司和所属地区分公司就要全面开始建立和实施HSE管理体系。下面我就有关HSE方面的情况和要求讲几点意见。HSE管理体系结合了ISO 9000质量管理体系和ISO14000环境管理体系的优点,是当前国际石油界普遍采用的现代化管理方法。它吸取了ISO9000的戴明模式,即P(PLAN计划)、D(DO实施)、C(CHECK检查)、A(AUDIT审核总结)。同时,又吸取了ISO14000的持续改进的…  相似文献   

编者按;ISO14000系列环境管理标准是国际标准化组织继ISO9000(质量管理标准)后的重大举措,是当今国际潮流。该文从ISO14000对国际贸易的影响及对消费倾向的引导等方面,分析了其对我国企业的冲击.指出我国企业应认识到问题的严重性,并将实施ISO14000作为企业自身发展的需要.采取积极有效的措施.逐步达到标准要求并通过认证。一、ISO14000是当今国际潮流ISO1400o是国际标准化组织为保护全球环境·促进世界经济持续发展·针对全球工业企业、商业、政府部门、非盈利团体和其他用户而制定的系列环境管理标准.是国际标准化组织…  相似文献   

ISO14000系列标准及其实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从ISO14000系列标准的起源、标准的制定、标准的构成、标准的特点对ISO14000系列标准进行了全面介绍,阐述了我国实施ISO14000系列标准的必要性和组织如何实施环境管理体系,介绍了环境管理体系的认证和EMS审核员的要求,供读者对ISO14000系列标准有一全面的了解。  相似文献   

本文介绍了基于GB/T 19746—2005/ISO 11130:1999等材料腐蚀性能试验标准的试验装置设计要求以及试验装置的主要组成。重点是添加了温度控制系统,优化了潮差控制系统,模拟了海洋波浪。本试验装置是一种结构简单、能够较真实模拟海洋环境腐蚀的试验装置。该试验装置研制成功,为研究海洋用材料的腐蚀行为与机理提供重要的技术设备支持。  相似文献   

At long last, the ISO 14000 environmental auditing guidelines have been issued in final form and have been accepted in the United States and elsewhere as official national standards. The auditing guidelines consist of: Guidelines for environmental auditing—General principles (ISO 14010: 1996(E)) Guidelines for environmental auditing—Audit procedures—Auditing of environmental management systems (ISO 14011: 1996(E)) Guidelines for environmental auditing—Qualification criteria for environmental auditors (ISO 14012: 1996(E)) Unlike the environmental management system (EMS) standard (ISO 14001), the auditing guidelines are just that, guidelines. The ISO 14000 auditing guidelines are not long documents: ISO 14010 is three pages, ISO 14011 is five pages and ISO 14012 is three pages.  相似文献   

车载电子电器设备的温度变化试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢兆明 《环境技术》2009,27(5):12-18,36
ISO16750《道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验》系列国家标准转化已进入报批阶段。系列标准的第4部分《气候负荷》引用IEC 60068-2-14规定的试验N:温度变化(GB/T2423.22)中的试验Na:规定转换时间的温度快速变化和试验Nb:按规定温度变化速率的温度变化试验。2009年1月,IEC对60068-2-14进行了技术性改版。将IEC 60068-2-33《温度变化导则》(GB/T2424.13)的内容并入;对试验及温度变化容差的描述和要求、编辑和插图都做了修改和修订。等同采标的GB/T2423.22的改版修订工作已在进行,估计2010年稍晚就可以发布。这里就当前国际标准和将发布等同国标的试验方法对车载电子电器设备的温度变化试验进行描述,同时对试验要素和及其应用要素作一些介绍。ISO16750《道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验》系列国家标准转化已进入报批阶段。系列标准的第4部分《气候负荷》引用IEC 60068-2-14规定的试验N:温度变化(GB/T2423.22)中的试验Na:规定转换时间的温度快速变化和试验Nb:按规定温度变化速率的温度变化试验。2009年1月,IEC对60068-2-14进行了技术性改版。将IEC 60068-2-33《温度变化导则》(GB/T2424.13)的内容并入;对试验及温度变化容差的描述和要求、编辑和插图都做了修改和修订。等同采标的GB/T2423.22的改版修订工作已在进行,估计2010年稍晚就可以发布。这里就当前国际标准和将发布等同国标的试验方法对车载电子电器设备的温度变化试验进行描述,同时对试验要素和及其应用要素作一些介绍。  相似文献   

ISO16750-4:2010(3Ed)道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验气候负荷增加了凝露试验.就凝露试验,介绍一些标准起草中的技术背景和标准文字中的未尽之言;也指出一些试验实践中应予把握的要点.  相似文献   

For decades, industry has been the main source of pollution in China. Determined to make changes, the mainland Chinese authorities have decided to promote mechanisms that incorporate environmental concerns into the internal management of enterprises. This is manifested in the rapid adoption of the ISO14000 standards, including a significant increase in ISO14001 registrations in China. Thus, this study examined the environmental policy statements of 106 certified facilities in mainland China against a strict interpretation of the mandatory requirements of the ISO 14001:1996 standard and the nonmandatory ISO14004 requirements in order to shed some light on the implementation of environmental management systems in an emerging economic giant. It was decided to analyze the environmental policy statement because such a statement is a core element in the ISO system of environmental management of each facility and there are relatively clear and specific requirements on what an environmental policy statement shall include. An analysis of the contents of the environmental policy statements shows that conformance to the relevant requirements of both the mandatory ISO14001 standard and the nonmandatory ISO14004 standard is far from impressive and that the facilities in our sample seldom went beyond the minimum requirements. By using ISO14001 and ISO14004 conformance scores as the dependent variables, we found that conformity to ISO14001 and overall conformance to ISO14000 series can be explained to some extent by the degree of top management commitment, the experience with informal environmental management systems, and the form of ownership of the facilities.  相似文献   

The intention of this article is to clarify the current status of ISO 14001, the internationally accepted voluntary environmental management system (EMS) standard, which is an effective means to generate continuous environmental performance improvement in an organization as well as significant financial benefits such as operational efficiency improvements (e.g., energy and water savings), reduction in environmental risks and liability expenses, protection of corporate asset value, and public image improvements. The number of “ISO 14001” companies in Europe and the Pacific Rim is steadily increasing with customer and governmental pressure as the driving forces. In the United States, ISO 14001 implementation has lagged behind due to the fact that, so far, the EPA has not supported ISO 14001 as being sufficient for guaranteeing a reliable environmental performance record. Most ISO 14001 certified companies in the United States have been driven by overseas demand, particularly in the microelectronics industry because customers in this industry, especially those in Europe, will simply not do business in the future with companies that are not registered to ISO 14001. It is expected that European demand will continue to push ISO 14001 certification in the United States. Six ISO 14001 case studies in the U.S. chemical, electronics, and plastics industries, along with EPA's attitude toward ISO 14001 are described in this article. The case studies contain the reasons, steps taken, costs, benefits, problems, and future trends of ISO 14001 implementation and certification.  相似文献   

In 1996, the International Standards Organization (ISO) completed work on an environmental management system (EMS) standard: ISO 14001. The standard involves only five required elements, spans less than five pages, and upon initial review, appears relatively uncomplicated. As well, many of the ISO 14001 requirements may already be present in an organization's existing EMS. Nevertheless, the new standard presents a number of challenges to industry implementation. Whether an organization aims to start from scratch in developing an EMS under ISO 14001 or modify its existing EMS to meet the ISO challenge, implementation requires careful planning and analysis. This article provides a summary of the planning required to implement ISO 14001 at the facility level, including the initial planning effort and the identification of significant environmental impacts, objectives, and targets. The aim will be to eliminate some of the “hype” associated with ISO and provide some practical “how to” guidance for implementing the standard. The discussion begins with an overview of the initial planning effort and then turns to key planning requirements.  相似文献   

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