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以十八烷基三甲氧基硅烷为改性剂,对废陶瓷进行表面改性,使改性后的废陶瓷粒具有疏水性表而.考察了改性废陶瓷粒对工业废水的有机物去除作用以及对染料废水的脱色作用.实验结果表明,在改性废陶瓷粒径为1 -4 mm、改性废陶瓷加入量为500 g/L、吸附时间为30 min的条件下,造纸废水的COD去除率可达42%,亚甲基蓝溶液的...  相似文献   

低浓度甲苯在固定床活性炭上的吸附及其数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对气体中低浓度甲苯在固定床活性炭上的吸附作了系统研究,测定了甲苯-空气活性炭系统的吸附等温线以Φ260×140mm活性炭固定床的穿透曲线,并在低浓度范围建立了固定床活性炭吸附甲苯数学模型。计算结果与实验结合吻合良好,所建模型可用于预测其它条件下的穿透曲线。  相似文献   

城市污泥制备水中重金属吸附剂及其吸附特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验利用城市污水厂的脱水污泥,通过化学活化法制备活性炭.研究活化温度、活化时间、固液比和活化剂浓度等因素对制备污泥活性炭的影响,确定氯化锌法制备污泥活性炭的最佳工艺为活化温度550 ℃、活化时间30 min、固液比1∶2、氯化剂浓度45%.将制备的污泥活性炭吸附Cu2+,Cr6+,Cd2+3种重金属离子模拟废水,研究pH值、吸附时间、污泥投加量、温度等因素对吸附过程的影响.实验结果表明,剩余污泥对Cu2+,Cr6+,Cd2+3种重金属离子都具有良好的吸附效果,在优化条件下,3种重金属离子去除率分别达到94%,76%,81%,吸附能力大小顺序为Cu2+>Cd2+>+Cr6+.  相似文献   

该发明公开了一种凹凸棒颗粒吸附过滤剂及其制备方法。其制备方法:用凹凸棒石黏土作为原料,经酸化处理后烘干,添加稻谷壳共同磨粉、造粒、焙烧,成品为凹凸棒颗粒吸附过滤剂。该发明的凹凸棒颗粒吸附过滤剂,酸化效果完全,无二次污染,颗粒表面粗糙坚硬、比表面积大、孔隙率高、吸附脱色性能好、过滤截污能力强、使用寿命长、反冲洗耗水量少,并且不含对人体有害的物质,生产工艺简单,  相似文献   

吸附-催化氧化法深度去除采油废水中COD的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘春英  袁存光  张超 《化工环保》2001,21(4):200-204
采用载铜活性炭和废水中溶解氧体系,用催化氧化法深度去除采油废水中的COD.活性炭用质量分数为7.5%的Cu(NO3)2溶液浸渍,在260℃下还原固化,制得催化剂.采用固定床式水处理柱,对混凝沉降处理后COD难以达标的采油废水进行了深度处理研究.pH为7.5±0.5、经曝气处理后的采油废水,在25~35℃条件下与催化体系接触2h,可将45倍于催化剂体积的采油废水中的COD由400mg/L以上降至100mg/L以下.催化剂可以再生.  相似文献   

采用水热法制备碳改性陶粒和铁/碳改性陶粒,对改性陶粒表面进行了表征,研究了改性陶粒对废水中磷的吸附效果。表征结果显示,改性后陶粒形貌更规则,比表面积增加,有机官能团种类增多。吸附实验结果表明,碳改性陶粒和铁/碳改性陶粒在初始磷质量浓度为5 mg/L、pH分别为6和5、陶粒投加量为0.03 mg/L的条件下,于35℃下吸附8 h,磷的去除率分别达到97.28%和93.10%,剩余磷质量浓度分别为0.136 mg/L和0.345 mg/L;Langmuir等温吸附模型和准二级动力学方程更适合描述两种改性陶粒对磷的吸附过程,且改性后陶粒均具有良好的解吸能力,解吸率随解吸剂浓度的增加而增大。  相似文献   

碱渣对Cd2+的吸附特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了碱渣对溶液中Cd2+的吸附特征。实验结果表明,碱渣对Cd2+的吸附量随温度升高而降低,随Cd2+初始质量浓度增加而增大,随体系pH升高而增大。当体系pH〈7.52时,表面吸附起主导作用,吸附作用力主要为偶极间力和氢键力,碱渣对Cd2+的吸附热力学可用Freundlich等温吸附方程较好地描述;而当吸附体系pH〉8.00时,吸附作用力主要为化学键力,吸附过程可用Langmuir等温吸附方程较好地描述。当体系pH=7.00时,碱渣对Cd2+的吸附动力学用二级动力学方程拟合效果最佳;当体系pH为8.00和9.01时,用Langmuir动力学方程拟合的效果最佳。  相似文献   

于峥  王琼  张振群 《化工环保》2024,(2):242-248
以掺烧污泥型粉煤灰(电力燃煤和市政污泥混合共燃产生)和纯煤粉型粉煤灰为对象,研究了其物理化学性质,分析了其重金属含量和浸出毒性,并进一步考察了其重金属吸附性能。结果表明:与纯煤粉型粉煤灰相比,掺烧污泥型粉煤灰的微观形貌更接近于规则球形颗粒;二者矿物组成差异明显,掺烧污泥型粉煤灰由多种矿物质均衡组成;两种粉煤灰浸出液中各重金属浓度远低于GB 8978—1996的排放浓度限值,可再利用为水中重金属吸附剂;掺烧污泥型粉煤灰对铜、铅、镉、镍、铬的饱和吸附量分别为107.53,119.99,73.39,53.14,42.19 mg/g,均远高于纯煤粉型粉煤灰,这归因于其矿物相反应活性高、化学吸附能力强。  相似文献   

陈良杰  王京刚 《化工环保》2007,27(5):409-412
采用kc-4.0型颗粒活性炭对甲苯、对二甲苯、乙酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、乙醇、正丙醇进行吸附实验,研究挥发性有机物的物化性质与活性炭饱和吸附量之间的相关性。实验结果表明,活性炭对乙酸甲酯、乙醇和正丙醇的吸附性能较差,对乙酸乙酯、甲苯和对二甲苯的的吸附性能较好,饱和吸附量最大的是甲苯(达312.92mg/g),饱和吸附量最小的是乙酸甲酯(为224.93mg/g)。6种挥发性有机物的吸附等温线用Langmuir方程进行拟合,效果良好。挥发性有机物的比蒸发速度、饱和蒸气压和电离势能与活性炭饱和吸附量具有显著的相关性。比蒸发速度越快、饱和蒸气压越高或电离势能越大,活性炭饱和吸附量越小。  相似文献   

麦饭石对NOx的吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了麦饭石在不同预处理方法、粒径、活化温度、NOx初始质量浓度和吸附时间等条件下对NOx的吸附性能。实验结果显示:粒径为0.18mm的麦饭石经过400~600℃活化1h后,NOx吸附率大于99%,饱和吸附量大于6.3m g/g。经4次重复活化后,麦饭石对NOx的吸附效果仍然很好,可作为处理含NOx废气的吸附剂。  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental investigation of converting waste medium density fibreboard (MDF) sawdust into chars and activated carbon using chemical activation and thermal carbonisation processes. The MDF sawdust generated during the production of architectural mouldings was characterised and found to have unique properties in terms of fine particle size and high particle density. It also has a high content of urea formaldehyde resin used as a binder in the manufacturing of MDF board. Direct thermal carbonisation and chemical activation of the sawdust by metal impregnation and acid (phosphoric acid) treatment prior to pyrolysis treatment were carried out. The surface morphology of the raw dust, its chars and activated carbon were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Adsorptive properties and total pore volume of the materials were also analysed using the BET nitrogen adsorption method. Liquid adsorption of a reactive dye (Levafix Brilliant red E-4BA) by the derived sawdust carbon was investigated in batch isothermal adsorption process and the results compared to adsorption on to a commercial activated carbon (Filtrasorb F400). The MDF sawdust carbon exhibited in general a very low adsorption capacity towards the reactive dye, and physical characterisation of the carbon revealed that the conventional chemical activation and thermal carbonisation process were ineffective in developing a microporous structure in the dust particles. The small size of the powdery dust, the high particle density, and the presence of the urea formaldehyde resin all contributed to the difficulty of developing a proper porous structure during the thermal and chemical activation process. Finally, activation of the dust material in a consolidated form (cylindrical pellet) only achieved very limited improvement in the dye adsorption capacity. This original study, reporting some unexpected outcomes, may serve as a stepping-stone for future investigations of recycle and reuse of the waste MDF sawdust which is becoming an increasing environmental and cost liability.  相似文献   

循环流化床锅炉灰渣物化性能分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以石家庄热电厂改造工程拟选用的燃煤及石灰石粉试烧所产生的灰渣实验数据为基础,从灰渣的常量化学成分、颗粒组成、干密度、含水量、透水性、抗剪性等方面,对循环流化床锅炉灰渣的物化性能进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Experiences gained from full-scale evaluation of advanced treatment processes used for reclaiming wastewaters should help in the evaluation of potential treatment systems for treatment and reuse of water in space. Water Factory 21 is a 0.66 m3s−1 (15 million gallons per day) water reclamation plant in California that has been in operation since 1976. The plant receives biologically treated wastewater. Lime treatment is effective for removal of heavy metals. Volatile organic constitutes are efficiently removed by air stripping. Non-volatile organic constituents are removed by activated carbon adsorption and reverse osmosis (RO). RO is a highly effective polishing step, and removes most of the remaining materials including inorganic salts, heavy metals, and organics. RO removed 85% of the total organic carbon, down to about 1 mg 1−1, which is lower than in many treated drinking waters. The series of treatment processes used insured virus and pathogen removal, with lime treatment and chlorination together proving highly effective. Sufficient data has been collected to provide statistically reliable confidence limits to be set on the performance of each unit process.  相似文献   

采用ZnCl2活化废菌渣(MR)制备了废菌渣活性炭(MRAC),再采用聚吡咯(Ppy)改性MRAC制备复合材料Ppy-MRAC.以水中SO42-的吸附量为优化指标,分别用单因素实验和响应面法优化制备和改性条件,并对优化条件下制备的MRAC和Ppy-MRAC进行了SEM、EDS和FTIR分析表征.MRAC最佳制备条件为浸...  相似文献   

Waste to energy conversion is based on the classification of waste. In-flight catering wastes resulting from Egypt Airlines economy class passengers were classified. The solid waste stream generated contains plastic, paper, left-over waste food and aluminum. The type of meal served varies according to the period of flight and so the quantity and content of the waste stream. It was found that the waste generation rate varied from 61.3 to 265 g according to the meal type. Breakfast snack meal generates the highest weight of waste which recorded an average of 265 g. Plastic waste generated varied from 39.6% to 64.6% by weight for the various types of meals served. A total amount of 725 tons were generated annually from organic waste (paper, plastic and food waste) among which a non combustible 39.4 tons of aluminum. The calorific value for each generated item is calculated and the total energy potential reached up to 14.3 TJ annually.  相似文献   

NaOH改性活性炭的表面特征及吸附甲醛的性能   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了NaOH改性活性炭(AC)的表面官能团变化特征及其吸附甲醛的性能.实验结果表明:改性AC表面的羧基、酚羟基、内酯基等官能团均与NaOH发生化学反应;质量分数为30%的NaOH溶液对AC表面的清洗作用最大,能将AC表面的杂质基本清除,此时AC表面羧基、酚羟基、内酯基和羰基浓度均达到最大;NaOH溶液质量分数为30%时,改性AC吸附甲醛的效果最好;改性AC表面酚羟基浓度的大小与改性AC吸附甲醛气体穿透时间的长短呈正比.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion risk characterization efforts are challenging due to complexities associated with background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, and representativeness limitations associated with traditional randomly timed time‐integrated sampling methods that do not sufficiently account for factors controlling concentration dynamics. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends basing risk related decisions on the reasonable maximum exposure (RME). However, with very few exceptions, practitioners have not been applying this criterion. The RME will most likely occur during upward advective flux conditions. As such, for RME determinations, it is important to sample when upward advective flux conditions are occurring. The most common vapor intrusion assessment efforts include randomly timed sample collection events, and therefore do not accurately yield RME estimates. More specifically, researchers have demonstrated that randomly timed sampling schemes can result in false negative determinations of potential risk corresponding to RMEs. For sites experiencing trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor intrusion, the potential for acute risks poses additional challenges, as there is a critical need for rapid response to exposure exceedances to minimize health risks and liabilities. To address these challenges, continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor indoor concentrations of key volatile constituents, atmospheric pressure, and pressure differential conditions that can result in upward toxic vapor transport and entry into overlying buildings. This article demonstrates how vapor intrusion RME‐based risks can be successfully and efficiently determined using continuous monitoring of concentration and parameters indicating upward advective chemical flux. Time series analyses from multiple selected 8‐ and 24‐hr time increments during upward advective TCE flux conditions were performed to simulate results expected from the most commonly employed sampling methods. These analyses indicate that, although most of the selected time increments overlap within the same 24‐hr window, results and conclusions vary. As such, these findings demonstrate that continuous monitoring of concentration and parameters such as differential pressure and determination of a time‐weighted concentration average over a selected duration when upward advective flux is occurring can allow for a realistic RME‐based risk estimate.  相似文献   

在添加乙酸钾的条件下将污泥低温热解制备出污泥基生物炭,并将其用于溶液中Hg~(2+)的吸附,考察了Hg~(2+)吸附效果的影响因素,并对吸附机理进行了分析。表征结果显示:热解对污泥有一定的造孔作用,而乙酸钾对孔隙结构的形成影响更大。实验结果表明:在吸附温度为25℃、溶液p H为6、初始Hg~(2+)质量浓度为15 mg/L、污泥基生物炭投加量为6 g/L的条件下,吸附24 h时的Hg~(2+)去除率达97.08%;污泥基生物炭对Hg~(2+)的吸附过程符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,吸附行为符合Lagergren准二级动力学方程。  相似文献   

采用颗粒活性炭掺杂生物质材料并在微波作用下制备了小麦秸秆(WH)微波生物炭和玉米秸秆(CB)微波生物炭,并用比表面积孔径分析仪、扫描电子显微镜和傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对其进行了表征,考察了微波生物炭对水中亚甲基蓝的吸附特性.实验结果表明:所制备的微波生物炭具有较大的比表面积和丰富的表面官能团,微波功率500 W制备的微波...  相似文献   

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