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Since the inception of the U.S. DOE Hanford Site in 1943, numerous studies have been conducted on terrestrial wildlife. Onsite contractors have focused their attention on the role of wildlife in the uptake and transport of radionuclides. Graduate students from across the nation have also completed more than 15 theses on wildlife. This paper discusses the past history of wildlife research at Hanford and the individual species of wildlife that have been observed at Hanford. Forty species of mammals, 187 species of birds, 3 species of amphibians and 9 species of reptiles have been documented on the Hanford Site to date.  相似文献   

Iodine-129 in controlled amounts has been released into the air from the operating chemical separations facilities on the Hanford Site. Small amounts of 129I have accumulated in surface soils especially at locations near the chemical separations facilities. Enriched levels of 129I also occur in the thyroid glands of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) residing on the Hanford Site.Stable iodine is present in low concentrations in Hanford Site soils and it is not avidly accumulated by wild plants. Soils at high elevations have greater concentrations of 127I than low elevations soils. Mule deer thyroids had higher concentrations of stable iodine than the thyroids of black-tailed jackrabbits. Stable iodine in black-tailed jackrabbit thyroids varied with the season with maximal concentrations in summer.Iodine-131 has not been released into the air from operating chemical separations facilities for more than 10 yr. Because of its short half-life 131I of Hanford Site origin has disappeared from the Hanford Site. In the event of a future restart of the chemical separations facilities black-tailed jackrabbits can be used as biological indicators of 131I in the terrestrial environment of the Hanford Site.  相似文献   

We conducted a laboratory evaluation to assess the risk to early life stage (i.e., eyed egg to swim up) fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) for exposure to hexavalent chromium from a contaminated groundwater source. Local populations of fall Chinook salmon were exposed to Hanford Site source groundwater that was diluted with Columbia River water. Specific endpoints included survival, development rate, and growth. Tissue burdens of fish were also measured to estimate uptake and elimination rates of chromium. Survival, development, and growth of early life stage fall Chinook salmon were not adversely affected by extended exposures (i.e., 98 day) to hexavalent chromium ranging from 0.79 to 260 μg/l. Survival for all treatment levels and controls exceeded 98% at termination of the test. In addition, there were no differences among the mean lengths and weights of fish among all treatment groups. Whole-body concentrations of chromium in early life stage fall Chinook salmon had a typical dose-response pattern; i.e., those subjected to highest exposure concentrations and longest exposure intervals had higher tissue concentrations. Given the spatial extent of chromium concentrations at the Hanford Site, and the dynamics of the groundwater–river water interface, the current cleanup criterion of 10 μg/l chromium appear adequate to protect early life stage fall Chinook salmon. These findings, together with previous research indicate low risk to these populations.  相似文献   

Strontium-90 (90SR) released to the ground near the N Reactor at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site enters the Columbia River through shoreline seeps. The 90Sr is then potentially available for uptake by plants and animals. The life history and foraging behavior of nesting Canada geese is such that female geese could ingest 90Sr while foraging on shoreline plants. Radichemical analyses showed that goose eggshells taken from an island, downstream from the N Reactor, contained more 90Sr than did eggshells collected from other downstream islands. Reed canary grass samples taken from shoreline areas immediately downstream from the N Reactor contained higher concentrations of 90Sr than samples from other downstream areas. All goose eggshells did not contain enhanced levels of 90Sr, and all reed canary grass samples did not contain enhanced levels of 90Sr, but a relationship exists between the releases of 90Sr to the Columbia River and the enhanced levels of 90Sr in some of the environmental samples analyzed.Pacific Northwest Laboratory is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-ACO6-76RLO 1830.  相似文献   

Selection of fish species for sampling to assess extent and potential effects of fish tissue contaminants is a criticalconsideration in the design of regional probability-designsurveys. The ideal species would be ubiquitous, bioaccumulatetoxic chemicals, and be prey of consumers of concern(piscivorous wildlife, humans). In first to third order streams,small short-lived forage fish (minnows (F. Cyprinidae), darters (F. Percidae), and sculpins (F. Cottidae), are more frequently found and therefore likely to be prey to more species ofwildlife than those of sportfish whose adults grow to a largesize (suckers (F. Catostomidae), trout (F. Salmonidae), bass, andsunfish (F. Centrarchidae), and carp). Targeting smaller foragefish should also produce a larger number of individuals persample on average than may be achieved with the larger species.An analysis of fish collected in 1993 and 1994 as part of theMid-Atlantic Highlands Assessment (MAHA) showed that, asexpected, forage fish were more ubiquitous than sportfishspecies. Analysis also revealed that, on a regional basis, forage fish bioaccumulated comparable levels to sportfish, ofsome widely occurring contaminants such as DDT, MeHg, and PCBs.Results indicated that smaller forage fish can be used asindicator species for a regional assessment for mostcontaminants (Zn being the one clear exception), that was notsignificantly different from one based on the larger species.Forage fish may therefore be an excellent choice as indicatorspecies for regional streams ecological risk assessment studies.  相似文献   

A vegetation mapping system for change detection was tested at the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (HNWR) on the Lower Colorado River. A low-cost, aerial photomosaic of the 4200 ha, study area was constructed utilizing an automated digital camera system, supplemented with oblique photographs to aid in determining species composition and plant heights. Ground-truth plots showed high accuracy in distinguishing native cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and willow (Salix gooddingii) trees from other vegetation on aerial photos. Marsh vegetation (mainly cattails, Typha domengensis) was also easily identified. However, shrubby terrestrial vegetation, consisting of saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima), arrowweed (Pluchea sericea), and mesquite trees (Prosopis spp.), could not be accurately distinguished from each other and were combined into a single shrub layer on the final vegetation map. The final map took the form of a base, shrub and marsh layer, which was displayed as a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index map from a Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) image to show vegetation intensity. Native willow and cottonwood trees were digitized manually on the photomosaic and overlain on the shrub layer in a GIS. By contrast to present, qualitative mapping systems used on the Lower Colorado River, this mapping system provides quantitative information that can be used for accurate change detection. However, better methods to distinguish between saltcedar, mesquite, and arrowweed are needed to map the shrub layer.  相似文献   

Statistical analyses were applied at the Hanford Site, USA, to assess groundwater contamination problems that included (1) determining local backgrounds to ascertain whether a facility is affecting the groundwater quality and (2) determining a ‘pre-Hanford' groundwater background to allow formulation of background-based cleanup standards. The primary purpose of this paper is to extend the random effects models for (1) assessing the spatial, temporal, and analytical variability of groundwater background measurements; (2) demonstrating that the usual variance estimate s 2, which ignores the variance components, is a biased estimator; (3) providing formulas for calculating the amount of bias; and (4) recommending monitoring strategies to reduce the uncertainty in estimating the average background concentrations. A case study is provided. Results indicate that (1) without considering spatial and temporal variability, there is a high probability of false positives, resulting in unnecessary remediation and/or monitoring expenses; (2) the most effective way to reduce the uncertainty in estimating the average background, and enhance the power of the statistical tests in general, is to increase the number of background wells; and (3) background for a specific constituent should be considered as a statistical distribution, not as a single value or threshold. The methods and the related analysis of variance tables discussed in this paper can be used as diagnostic tools in documenting the extent of inherent spatial and/or temporal variation and to help select an appropriate statistical method for testing purposes.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 13 radionuclides (137Cs, 129I, 60Co, 152Eu, 90Sr, 99Tc, 241Am, 238Pu, 239,249Pu, 234U, 235U, 236U, 238U were examined in seven species of invertebrates from Amchitka and Kiska Islands, in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska, using gamma spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, and alpha spectroscopy. Amchitka Island was the site of three underground nuclear test (1965–1971), and we tested the null hypotheses that there were no differences in radionuclide concentrations between Amchitka and the reference site (Kiska) and there were no differences among species. The only radionuclides where composite samples were above the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) were 137Cs, 241Am, 239,249Pu, 234U, 235U, 236U, and 238U. Green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus), giant chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri), plate limpets (Tectura scutum) and giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) were only tested for 137Cs; octopus was the only species with detectable levels of 137Cs (0.262 ± 0.029 Bq/kg, wet weight). Only rock jingle (Pododesmus macroschisma), blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) and horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) were analyzed for the actinides. There were no interspecific differences in 241Am and 239,240Pu, and almost no samples above the MDA for 238Pu and 236U. Horse mussels had significantly higher concentrations of 234U (0.844 ± 0.804 Bq/kg) and 238U (0.730 ± 0.646) than the other species (both isotopes are naturally occurring). There were no differences in actinide concentrations between Amchitka and Kiska. In general, radionuclides in invertebrates from Amchitka were similar to those from uncontaminated sites in the Northern Hemisphere, and below those from the contaminated Irish Sea. There is a clear research need for authors to report the concentrations of radionuclides by species, rather than simply as ‘shellfish’, for comparative purposes in determining geographical patterns, understanding possible effects, and for estimating risk to humans from consuming different biota.  相似文献   

An ecological risk assessment of the spatial distribution of metal concentrations along the Hanford Reach of the free-flowing Columbia River in southcentral Washington, identified great blue herons, Ardea herodias, at potential risk through the ingestion of contaminated riverine biota, especially fish. We measured metal concentrations in livers of pre-flight herons from the Hanford Reach and excrement samples taken from the same nests. Nests were distributed among three colonies situated upstream and downstream from nine retired plutonium production reactors along the river where metals in reactor coolant waters had been released directly into the river or disposed to shoreline retention basins and ditches. Distances traveled by parent herons to foraging areas along the river shore were determined by visually tracking parent birds as they flew from nests to upriver and downriver foraging sites. Foraging flight distances varied between colonies with mean distances ranging between 0.7 and 3.1 km. Cadmium, Cr, and Pb concentrations were higher in excrement than in the livers of pre-flight herons but the opposite was noted for Cu, Hg, and Zn. Highest metal concentrations of Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, were measured in excrement taken from heron nests at the colony located upstream from all reactors. These results were consistent with metal concentrations reported in river sediment from the same regions, indicating excrement from the heron nests may be a useful indicator of dietary uptake of metals by herons. Fledging success and eggshell thickness measurements were used as an index of health of the local heron population. The results indicate that the reproductive health of great blue herons nesting along the Hanford Reach is among the highest reported in the continental United States.  相似文献   

The persistence of an island of remnant vegetation within a tailings retention system provided an opportunity to conduct a pilot study to develop hypothesis concerning the impacts of acid spray and radiation on arid zone flora and fauna. Ecological changes were investigated by comparing species abundance and condition on both the study island and remote control areas. Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa), geckos and a common ant species, Iridomyrmex rufoniger sp. B were abundant in control regions but absent from the study region, whereas densities of colonising plant species, Helea beetles and scorpions were unusually high at the impacted site. These disparities are probably attributable to acid spray at the impacted site and hence are potentially useful bioindicators of these impacts. Dragon and skink populations were apparently unaffected by the polluted ecosystem, although Ctenophorus nuchalis proved to be a significant bioaccumulator of radionuclides. Bioaccumulation of the radionuclides, 238U, 230Th, 210Pb and particularly 210Po were significantly greater than that reported elsewhere in the literature. Further radionuclide monitoring of herbivorous dragon species, possibly concentrating upon 210Po levels, was the suggested outcome of this pilot study.  相似文献   

Twelve water quality variables from upstream and downstream locations in the Hanford Reach of the mainstem Columbia River, southcentral Washington, were compared statistically for the two time periods 1951 to 1953 and 1986 to 1988. During the 1951 to 1953 period, beta radioactivity and, most likely, water temperatures in the Hanford Reach were significantly higher downstream than upstream, while dissolved oxygen and sulfate were significantly lower. The increased beta radioactivity and temperature downstream were due to the discharge of cooling water from five single-purpose production reactors then operating on the Hanford Site. The last production reactor closed in January 1971. During the 1986 to 1988 period, beta radioactivity and water temperatures were similar upstream and downstream, but nitrate nitrogen had become significantly higher downstream. Comparison of 1951 to 1953 with 1986 to 1988 showed, as expected, that beta radioactivity was much lower today, at essentially background levels. Phosphate in the Hanford Reach had decreased significantly over the 35 year interval, while biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, and nitrate nitrogen had increased. These changes, while detectable statistically, were relatively small. Today, the quality of water in the Hanford Reach remains well within Washington State standards for Class A waters. Occasional low pH values, which appear to orginate upriver, violate these standards.  相似文献   

The influence of the Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump Superfund Site on the Sudbury River, Massachusetts, was assessed by analysis of sediment, fish prey organisms, and predator fish from four locations in the river system. Whitehall Reservoir is an impoundment upstream of the site, and Reservoir #2 is an impoundment downstream of the site. Cedar Street is a flowing reach upstream of the site, and Sherman Bridge is a flowing reach downstream of the site. Collections of material for analysis were made three times, in May, July, and October. Sediment was analyzed for acid-volatile sulfide (AVS), simultaneously-extracted (SEM) metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Sb, Zn), and total recoverable Hg. The dominant predatory fish species collected at all sites, largemouth bass (Micropterussalmoides), was analyzed for the same suite of metals as sediment. Analysis of stomach contents of bass identified smallfish (yellow perch Perca flavescens, bluegill Lepomismacrochirus, and pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus), crayfish,and dragonfly larvae as the dominant prey organisms. Samples of the prey were collected from the same locations and at the sametimes as predator fish, and were analyzed for total and methyl mercury. Results of AVS and SEM analyses indicated that sediments were not toxic to aquatic invertebrates at any site. The SEM concentrations of As, Cd, and Cr were significantly higher at Reservoir #2 than at the reference sites, and SEM As and Cdwere significantly higher at Sherman Bridge than at Cedar St. Sediment total Hg was elevated only at Reservoir #2. Hg washigher at site-influenced locations in all fish speciesexcept brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus). Cd washigher in bluegill, black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus),and brown bullhead, and Cr was higher in largemouth bass filletsamples but not in whole-body samples. There were no seasonal differences in sediment or prey organism metals, but some metalsin some fish species did vary over time in an inconsistent manner. Predator fish Hg concentration was significantly linearlyrelated to weighted prey organism methyl Hg concentration. Largemouth bass Hg was significantly lower at Reservoir #2 in our study than in previous investigations in 1989 and 1990. High concentrations of inorganic Hg remain in river sediment asa result of operation of the Nyanza site, and fish Hg concentrations in river reaches downstream of the site areelevated compared to upstream reference sites. However, thedifferences are relatively small and Hg concentrations inlargemouth bass from the site-influenced locations are nohigher than those from some other, nearby uncontaminatedsites. We hypothesize that this results from burial ofcontaminated sediment with cleaner material, which reducesbioavailability of contaminants and possibly reducesmethylation of mercury.  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of anthropogenic pollution on the aquatic environment of Plitvice Lakes National Park (PLNP) was investigated during 2011–2012 using a combination of chemical and cytogenetic analyses. Four groups of major contaminants [(volatile organic compounds: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX); persistent organochlorine pollutants: organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); major and trace elements; anthropogenic radionuclides (90Sr, 134Cs, and 137Cs)] were determined in three aquatic compartments (water, sediment, fish). Mass fractions of inorganic constituents in different compartments reflected the geological background of the area, indicating their origin from predominantly natural sources. Levels of volatile and persistent organic compounds in water and fish, respectively, were very low, at levels typical for remote pristine areas. Analysis of anthropogenic radionuclides in water and sediment revealed elevated activity concentrations of 137Cs in water, and measurable 134Cs in the upper sediment layers from April 2011, possibly as a consequence of the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011. The potential genotoxicity of river and lake water and lake sediment was assessed under laboratory conditions using the alkaline comet assay on human peripheral blood lymphocytes, and measured levels of primary DNA damage were within acceptable boundaries. The results showed that despite the protected status of the park, anthropogenic impact exists in both its terrestrial and aquatic components. Although contaminant levels were low, further monitoring is recommended to make sure that they will not rise and cause potentially hazardous anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

The degree of cadmium (Cd) contamination in wildlife is often used as an indicator in the environmental monitoring of Cd poisoning. However, previous studies have not clarified the correlation between levels in wildlife and levels in the environment by comparing levels among different species of animals; therefore, assessing the level of pollution in this manner is not considered a reliably accurate indicator of levels in the environment. The aim of this study was to establish a new indicator for the non-polluted warm-blooded animals, one that is not species-dependent, which will facilitate using different species for Cd monitoring. First, the previous publications regarding Cd contents in wildlife, 27 reports in which Cd contents were represented as arithmetic means and described for both kidney and liver were selected. A regression line (CSRL) between Cd contents of kidney and that of liver was obtained in a high correlation coefficient (R 2 = 0.943, P < 0.01). The mean values from land and waterfowl, terrestrial mammals, seabirds, marine mammals, and non-polluted humans were located on the line and aligned in order. CSRL might allow an accurate determination of whether an animal is polluted by Cd. CSRL was confirmed using well-established and widely recognized pollution models such as Itai-itai patients and Cd-exposed experimental animals. The Cd contents from these models were located in different positions relative to CSRL depending on the level of contamination. Thus, this new indicator determining the Cd-pollution status of animals would be useful for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Radio transmitters are a useful tool in determining the degree of use of and extent of movement from contaminated sites by highly mobile wildlife species. Programs monitoring wildlife species for environmental contaminants from localized sources can maximize the amount of information obtained from an individual animal by using radio-telemetry to ascertain residence history. The use of radio-telemetry techniques on two mobile wildlife species, mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), to document their use of and movement from low-level radionuclide contaminated waste ponds are described.  相似文献   

The Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site is a former nuclear weapon material production and current research facility located in South Carolina, USA. Wastewater discharges from a fuel and nuclear reactor target manufacturing facility released depleted and natural U, as well as other metals into the Tims Branch-Steed Pond water system. We investigated the current dynamics of this system for the purposes of environmental monitoring and assessment by examining metal concentrations, bioavailability, and trophic transfer of contaminants in seven ponds. Biofilm, detritus, and Anuran and Anisopteran larvae were collected and analyzed for stable isotopes (δ 15N, δ 13C) and contaminants of potential concern (COPC) with a focus on Ni, U, and Hg, to examine metal mobility. Highest levels of Ni and U were found in biofilms U (147 and 332 mg kg?1 DW, respectively), while highest Hg levels were found in tadpoles (1.1 mg kg?1 DW). We found intraspecific biomagnification of COPCs as expressed through stable isotope analysis. Biofilms were the best indicators for contamination and Anuran larvae with the digestive tract removed were the best indicators of the specific bioavailability of the focal metals. Monitoring data showed that baseline δ 15N values differed between ponds, but within a pond, values were stable throughout tadpole Gosner stage, strengthening the case to use this species for monitoring purposes. It is likely that there still is risk to ecosystem integrity as COPC metals are being assimilated into lower trophic organisms and even low levels of this mixture has shown to produce deleterious effects to some wildlife species.  相似文献   

The Croatian part of the Danube River extends over 188 km and comprises 58 % of the country’s overall area used for commercial freshwater fishing. To date, the heavy metal contamination of fish in the Croatian part of the Danube has not been studied. The main purpose of this study was to determine heavy metal levels in muscle tissue of sampled fish species and to analyze the measured values according to feeding habits of particular groups. Lead ranged from 0.015 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous fish, cadmium from 0.013 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous to 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in piscivorous fish, mercury from 0.191 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous to 0.441 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous fish and arsenic from 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous fish. Among the analyzed metals in muscle tissue of sampled fish, only mercury exceeded the maximal level (0.5 mg kg?1) permitted according to the national and EU regulations determining maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs, indicating a hazard for consumers of fish from the Danube River.  相似文献   

We examined how length of fish is related to mercury concentrations in muscle tissue of seven species of fish from Lake Meredith, Texas and determined how sex and growth rate are related to mercury concentration in walleye (Sander vitreus). Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris), walleye and white bass (Morone chrysops) had the highest concentrations of mercury and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), river carpsucker (Carpiodes carpio) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) had the lowest concentrations of mercury. Mercury concentrations were positively correlated with total length (TL) of fish for all species except gizzard shad, which exhibited a negative correlation between mercury concentration and TL. Male walleye grew more slowly than females, and males had higher concentrations of mercury than females. We also assessed the differences in fish consumption advisories that would be issued using Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) guidelines versus United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommendations. Using DSHS guidelines, no fish species in Lake Meredith would be issued a fish consumption advisory. Nevertheless, DSHS has issued an advisory for walleye in Lake Meredith, possibly due to an inadequate sample size of fish. Using USEPA guidelines, a fish consumption advisory would be issued for the largest size class of flathead catfish but no advisory exists for flathead catfish in Lake Meredith. We suggest that when fish in a lake may be contaminated with mercury, all game fish in the lake should be assessed, and mercury advisories should take fish size into account.  相似文献   

The Columbia River at the Hanford Site, located in south-central Washington State, U.S.A., is a regionally important refugium for overwintering birds. Some of the river shoreline has been designated by the U.S. Department of Energy for environmental clean-up following past production of materials for nuclear weapons. We evaluated the effects of soil remediation on winter birds at six inactive nuclear reactor areas. Remediation activities consisted of daily excavation and removal of approximately 1035 t of contaminated soil from previously herbicided and denuded areas located between 30 and 400 m and mostly in line-of-sight of the river shoreline. Remediation activities had no apparent effect on numbers of riverine or terrestrial birds using adjacent undisturbed shoreline and riparian habitat.  相似文献   

Deforestation in the biosphere reserves, which are key Protected Areas has negative impacts on biodiversity, climate, carbon fluxes and livelihoods. Comprehensive study of deforestation in biosphere reserves is required to assess the impact of the management effectiveness. This article assesses the changes in forest cover in various zones and protected areas of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the first declared biosphere reserve in India which forms part of Western Ghats-a global biodiversity hotspot. In this study, we have mapped the forests from earliest available topographical maps and multi-temporal satellite data spanning from 1920’s to 2012 period. Mapping of spatial extent of forest cover, vegetation types and land cover was carried out using visual interpretation technique. A grid cell of 1 km?×?1 km was generated for time series change analysis to understand the patterns in spatial distribution of forest cover (1920–1973–1989–1999–2006–2012). The total forest area of biosphere reserve was found to be 5,806.5 km2 (93.8 % of total geographical area) in 1920. Overall loss of forest cover was estimated as 1,423.6 km2 (24.5 % of the total forest) with reference to 1920. Among the six Protected Areas, annual deforestation rate of >0.5 was found in Wayanad wildlife sanctuary during 1920–1973. The deforestation in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is mainly attributed to conversion of forests to plantations and agriculture along with submergence due to construction of dams during 1920 to 1989. Grid wise analysis indicates that 851 grids have undergone large-scale negative changes of >75 ha of forest loss during 1920–1973 while, only 15 grids have shown >75 ha loss during 1973–1989. Annual net rate of deforestation for the period of 1920 to 1973 was calculated as 0.5 followed by 0.1 for 1973 to 1989. Our analysis shows that there was large-scale deforestation before the declaration of area as biosphere reserve in 1986; however, the deforestation has drastically reduced after the declaration due to high degree of protection, thus indicating the secure future of reserve in the long term under the current forest management practices. The present work will stand as the most up-to-date assessment on the forest cover of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve with immediate applications in monitoring and management of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

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