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In order to achieve sustainable utilization of natural resources, save energy and protect environment and ecosystem, it is important for a region or a nation to develop and implement a viable waste recycling model from both theoretical and practical point of view. Some packaging recycling models operated in developed countries are introduced in this article. Aluminium can recovery and recycling is emphasized. Cost effective, economic and environmental benefit of different models are compared and analyzed. The result shows that all recycling models have their characteristics due to the initial purpose of recovery and the situation of the implementing country. However, all the models contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste disposal and resources conservation.  相似文献   

促进废旧资源循环利用是加快推进我国生态文明建设,完成节能减排目标的必然选择。本文基于生命周期评价模式,从微观企业层面入手,构建产品全生命周期基准流程,引入能量输入与环境输出参数,建立废旧资源循环利用节能减排效果量化核算模型,评估再生产品的节能减排经济成效,并以吉林省某钢铁企业为例,评估"废钢-电炉"短流程和"铁矿石-高炉-转炉"长流程的能源、环境、成本差异,辨识影响废钢再循环节能减排效果的主要因素和重要环节。结果显示,再生钢铁全生命周期与原生钢铁全生命周期相比,节能588.48kgce/t,节能率为84%;主要污染物中SO2减排率最高,达92%;CO2总减排1 180.92 kg/t,减排率为67%;总成本却高出198元/t。其中,炼铁工序的节能量和减碳量最大,烧结工序SO2、NOx和烟(粉)尘减排量最大,焦化工序COD和氨氮减排量最大,回收、加工处理、炼钢环节节能量和减碳量以及SO2、NOx和烟(粉)尘减排量均为负。成本方面,再生钢铁生产成本高于原生钢铁308元/t,虽然再生钢铁由于污染减排可节省56元/t的排污费并获取54元/t的碳交易收益,但都不足以扭转电炉炼钢费用较高的现状。因此,国家应在电炉炼钢方面给予钢企及相关企业适当的财税扶持政策,在电价方面给予钢企一定的优惠或补贴,并完善废钢回收加工体系等,以促进废钢循环利用。基于LCA的废旧资源循环利用节能减排效果评估可以实现对产品生命周期全过程的资源、环境、成本的优化管理。  相似文献   

Recycling of post-consumer waste materials is gaining increased interest due to public awareness, legislative promotion and imposition, economic benefits and appropriate technologies being available. The present paper does not deal with municipal solid waste as such, but only with the recyclable constituents. The paper does not aim at presenting recycling process details and/or fundamental research results, but reviews the major recyclables with their reuse potential, recycling technologies used, problems, solutions and potential areas of future research and development. These target recyclables include paper and cardboard, aluminium cans, glass beverage bottles, scrap metal and steel cans, scrap tyres, batteries and household hazardous waste. The present paper sets the overall picture and deals with paper, cardboard and aluminium cans only. A second part of the paper assesses the other target recyclables. The assessment of the waste availability, the existing and currently developed recovery and recycling technologies, and the economically rewarding markets while recycling, stress the technical, economic and environmental importance of this waste management sector. The activities associated with the recovery and recycling of post-consumer wastes require a strong sustainable engineering input at all phases of the treatment, from input quality control, to the selection of the most appropriate technology and the delivery of the recyclables as readily reusable feedstock.  相似文献   

拍卖作为一种有偿分配机制已经确立为我国碳市场配额分配的基本方式之一,而拍卖机制的灵活运用以及与市场运行之间的关系也成为实践中亟待解决的难题。传统的排放权拍卖理论以政府收入最大化作为目标函数,并没有将企业预算和交易策略纳入到分析框架中,同时对于拍卖收入资金的再分配方法缺乏可行的指导。本文将企业的成本约束(或预算)作为一个因素引入,提出了最优拍卖数量模型以及基于双重红利思想的资金再分配模型。分析表明最优拍卖数量由企业的边际减排成本和二级市场弹性系数决定,二级市场弹性系数则取决于排放的不确定性水平;边际减排成本越高的企业,其承受的拍卖成本随着拍卖价格增长越快,这可能导致减排空间小的企业承担的拍卖成本增长过高,从而产生不公平问题,因此本文提出了一种基于多轮竞价的资金分配策略,根据企业参加拍卖的投标情况间接评估企业的边际减排成本水平,并制定相应的补贴标准。最后以广东碳市场为例,从市场结构、履约成本、市场价格三个方面深入讨论了拍卖对碳市场的影响以及最优参数的选择策略。广东的经验为拍卖机制的引入提供了良好的建议:在二级市场流动性不足,价格发现能力较弱的情况下,引入拍卖机制可以快速建立一级市场的价格发现机制;由于历史法的不可靠,拍卖会将履约成本分配不合理的问题进一步放大,加剧市场的不公平问题,甚至出现劣币驱逐良币的现象,但拍卖收入资金的循环利用可以在一定程度上纠正这一问题;短期内拍卖底价是政府建立市场预期的辅助工具,是在二级市场供求关系尚未建立时的一种过渡手段,但从长期来看随着二级市场的成熟,底价政策应该逐渐放松或退出,建立起一级市场价格与二级市场价格联动的定价机制。  相似文献   

This research proposes for the introduction of a recycling system in the Gambia to enhance sustainable municipal solid waste management. Poor infrastructures, coupled with inadequate resources and lack of funding, work against the optimization of a MSW disposal service. In the authors’ view, authorities in charge of waste management need to change not only behaviors, but modernize their processes. Recycling technology is a key part of the solution. A model has been developed which suggest the involvement of stakeholders to achieve meaningful sustainable MSWM. This can be achieved by recognizing the role of the informal sector through community-based organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. The open dump approach is leading to severe environmental consequences as the groundwater and soil within the dump is been contaminated. In this study, an integrated municipal solid waste management approach was developed with a model to help achieve sustainable municipal solid waste management. Resource recovery, not waste disposal, must be the ultimate goal with clearly defined end user markets so that the recovery loop is complete. Mandatory sorting of waste at household level would help greatly in making recycling activity successful.  相似文献   

The tannery industry in Hazaribag, which is one of the most polluted areas in Dhaka City, produces a huge quantity of wastes every day. Without treatment, these are discharged into the Buriganga River and pollute the surrounding environment. This article examines the impacts of tannery wastes on workers’ health and the environment in that particular area. As part of the methodology, a semi-structured interview was conducted in order to obtain quantitative data and 112 respondents were interviewed using purposive sampling. The findings of the study indicate that tannery wastes affect the environment severely, causing ecological imbalance and the spreading of different kinds of fatal and contagious disease among the tannery workers and other individuals. Moreover, the current waste management system of the Hazaribag tannery industries is very suspect due to outdated technology, defective drainage systems, lack of financial input, and the exploitative attitude of their owners. The findings also indicate that tannery workers are unaware of the effects of tannery waste as they choose not to wear personal protective equipment in the workplace. This empirical study helps policy makers implement appropriate measures to raise awareness, among both owners and workers, that can influence changes in the public’s attitude and reduce environmental pollution to a great extent. Although considerable research has been undertaken focusing on tannery waste impact assessment, less attention has been paid to the issue of workers’ health. Therefore, both governments and policy makers can benefit from the findings of this study.  相似文献   

Biomass energy has become an important measure to alleviate ecological environment security and energy supply security in China. Emergy accounting method is used to analyze and evaluate economy, environment, and sustainability of corn straw generation system, which includes corn planting subsystem, collection and transportation subsystem, and corn straw power generation subsystem. The key substances that need to be optimized in the system are identified by using sensitivity analysis. Based on the position of key substances in the system, emergy accounting optimization methodology is conducted. Corresponding optimization design scheme is proposed based on the “3R” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) principle of circular economy. Current study shows that emergy yield ratio, emergy investment ratio, environmental loading ratio, and emergy sustainability index of the corn straw power generation system are 3.69, 2.68, 1.61, and 2.29, respectively, which are better than wind power generation system and thermal power generation system. In addition, it is proposed that the fertilizer alternative plan and the transportation redesign plan can replace 50,000 tons potash and reduce equipment resources by 20% and energy resources input by 30%. Economy and sustainable development of the system is significantly improved. The optimization design method based on the “3R“ principle proposed in this paper can provide a useful reference for the research in the field of resource recycling.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Due to the high density of users hosted everyday, public buildings are important producers of waste and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Public...  相似文献   

Dhaka city in Bangladesh has been passing through a hasty process of urbanization and population growth since the last few decades. Rapid growth of population, unplanned urbanization and industrialization in the periphery has generated pressure to the changes in land use pattern, which has also caused huge urban expansion. This expansion process is engulfing cultivated land, vegetation, wetlands and water bodies without considering their environmental impacts. This study argues that these changes and their scale of environmental impacts or sufferings are not equally distributed among the dwellers in Dhaka city. It seeks to explore variations of environmental qualities on the basis of people’s perceptions. The study finds that the dwellers in the city perceive their neighborhood environment differently, which may affect environmental qualities of the area and their sustainable management as well. Therefore, it is imperative to consider spatial variations and inequalities of environmental opportunities or sufferings in urban planning of Dhaka city.  相似文献   

In southern India, tens of thousands of village-level irrigation systems (‘tanks’ and feeder channels) are in disrepair. This paper analyses the results of a local NGO effort that focused on awareness-raising and advice to bring about self-sustained community action for irrigation system restoration. After designing a model structure that contains both motivational and capacity (social capital) factors, it is found that (pre-existing) collective social capital, as measured through five simple indicators, strongly correlates with success of the NGO strategy. The intensity of the NGO’s effort shows a negative correlation with success, however. The discussion focuses on issues of social capital definition and measurement and the practical implications of the concept for environmental action, especially the difference between using existing social capital for environmental management versus the construction of social capital as a basis for later self-sustained environmental work. Readers should send their comments on this paper to BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   


Continuously reducing the CO2 intensity of GDP is the core strategy for developing countries to realize the dual targets of economic growth and CO2 emissions reduction. The measures are twofold: one is to strengthen energy saving and decrease energy intensity of GDP and the other is to promote energy structural decarbonization and reduce CO2 intensity of energy consumption. In order to control global temperature rise no more than 2°C, the decrease in CO2 intensity of GDP needs surpass 4% before 2030, but it could be merely about 2% based on the current trend. Therefore, all countries ought to speed up the low-carbon transition in energy and economy. As for China, keeping a continuous decline in CO2 intensity of GDP of 4%–5% will ensure the realization of the NDC objectives, and also promotes the early peaking of CO2 emissions before 2030. China will play a positive leading role in realizing a win-win low-carbon development coordinating sustainable development and climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

本文从生产要素投入端将环境污染引至索洛增长模型,理论考察工业经济结构、经济增长对环境污染的非线性影响机制,基于1999—2014年我国30个省份的面板数据,以SO_2排放量作为环境污染水平的代理变量,采用面板平滑迁移回归(PSTR)模型检验全国及分区域工业经济结构、经济增长对环境污染的非线性影响效应及区域差异性。研究结果表明:随着工业化进程的不断加快,工业产出及污染排放均呈现不断上升的趋势,但由于资本边际收益递减规律使得这种增长趋势逐渐减弱,最终导致经济增长和环境污染增长趋于稳态,当污染排放增长率降低为负时,经济增长对环境污染的影响作用由正向转变为负向。实证表明我国工业经济结构、经济增长与SO_2排放具有显著的产出水平门槛效应,随着经济产出水平由低区制平滑的过渡到高区制,经济增长对SO_2排放的影响由正向促进作用转变为负向减排效应,但工业经济结构对SO_2排放呈现逐渐增强正向促进作用,可见工业经济结构、经济增长对SO_2排放具有显著的非线性影响。此外,研究发现工业经济结构、经济增长对SO_2排放的非线性影响存在显著的区域差异性,东部地区经济增长与SO_2排放呈现显著的倒"U"型曲线关系,而在中西部地区表现出逐渐增强的促进作用,中部地区的工业经济结构对SO_2排放的促进作用最大,西部其次,东部最弱,研究还表明,减排技术水平以及环境治理投资增加对SO_2污染排放具有遏制作用,能源投资的增加加速了SO_2的排放。在未来经济发展中,应摒弃传统"高投入、高消耗"的工业化模式,政府应实施创新管理,完善环境保护立法,鼓励企业发展环境污染治理方面的技术,避免以环境容量过渡为代价,追求工业经济高质量、可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

Rural human settlement is a significant indicator of the living standards of rural residents, and its improvement can contribute to promoting the positive interaction between inhabited environment and the social, economic, and resource environment in the countryside. Based on 557 valid questionnaires of satisfaction evaluation of human settlement in the peripheral metropolitan area of Beijing, this paper analyzed the elemental characteristics and factors influencing human settlement quality using multivariate statistical analysis and a structural equation model. The result shows that, first, the rural residents in a peripheral metropolitan area of Beijing are generally satisfied with the quality of human settlement (satisfaction rate is 66.2%). Specifically, the natural and social environment of the countryside is excellent and harmonious and corresponding standard of countryside infrastructure is advanced, but the quality of public services and follow-up management of facilities are in urgent need of improvement and the imbalance between revenue and expenditure of rural households has led to a continuous increase in the pressures of life. Second, factors such as social atmosphere, appearance of the village, entertainment, living costs, fundamental public services, and production costs have significant effects on human settlement quality in this peripheral metropolitan area, with social atmosphere as the main one. Living costs and supporting services are the main constraints to improvement in the quality of human settlement.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - This article outlines a conceptual model and comparatively applies it to results from environmental justice (EJ) studies of flood risk in the Miami, Florida, and...  相似文献   

Using a case study, involving turtle-based ecotourism, we explore the role of ecotourism in promoting environmental learning and in sustaining conservation of nature. Mon Repos Conservation Park (an important marine turtle rookery involved in ecotourism) in Queensland, Australia, was selected for this study and visitors were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The reported on-site experiences of respondents are analysed to identify important factors that alter their stated conservation attitudes and behaviours. The impact of these factors (such as the amount of environmental education that respondents claimed they obtained, sighting of sea turtles, nationality) is quantified using regression analyses. There has been little previous quantification of such influences. The study reveals that a considerable amount of environmental knowledge is gained by visitors to Mon Repos. The ecotourism experience, involving environmental education and seeing of turtles, was found to have positive and statistically significant impacts on the visitors' stated desire and intended behaviour to protect sea turtles. The study reveals the importance of learning and the interaction of tourists with wildlife as a contributor to their pro-conservation sentiments and actions. It shows how ecotourism can support nature conservation. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

确立科学合理的生态标准是建立和提高社会主义生态文明的关键。本文对当前我国运用选择实验法对农田生态补偿标准估算多假设受访者同质性偏好的现状,运用潜在分类模型(Latent Class Model,LCM)研究武汉市不同类别特征的市民对农田生态服务价值的保有意愿情况,并进一步运用Gold Latent软件测算基于市民支付意愿的武汉市农田生态补偿标准。研究发现:193.5%的武汉市受访市民愿意为保有和改善农田生态系统的服务功能进行一定额度的农田生态补偿标准支付,但仍有部分比例的受访者对农田生态服务价值的全面认知还不够(如空气质量)。2武汉市不同受访市民对农田生态属性的偏好存在异质性,93%的受访市民属于正常偏好型。另有7%的受访市民属于空气质量偏好型。受访者的收入水平、对农田生态服务价值的意识程度和是否愿意进行一定额度的农田生态补偿支付三个变量是影响其类别归属的决定性因素。3正常偏好型和空气质量偏好型市民对于农田生态补偿的支付意愿分别为6 888.74元/hm~2和518.50元/hm~2,计算得到基于武汉市市民平均支付意愿的农田生态补偿标准为7 407.24元/hm~2。研究结果不仅可以为武汉市农田保护制定出更具针对性和合理的农田生态补偿标准提供初步的科学依据,还可以为农田生态补偿筹集到除了中央政府财政转移之外的来自于农田生态服务受益者的资金支付。  相似文献   

Best management practices, such as conservation tillage, the optimum level of irrigation, fertilization, are frequently used to reduce non-point source pollution from agricultural land and improve water quality. In this study, we used the soil and water assessment tool to model the impacts of different irrigation (adjusted to crop need), cropping and fertilization practices on total nitrogen loss. The economic impacts of these practices on crop net farm income were also evaluated. For this purpose, the model was calibrated through comparing model outputs with observations to ensure reliable hydrologic, crop yield and nitrate leaching simulations. The results showed that by reducing water or fertilizer or combination of both, we can reduce nitrate leaching. For wheat and corn, the best scenario was S1n1 (combination between reduction by 10 % of water and nitrogen fertilizer application, simultaneously) and S2n3 (combination of 20 and 30 % reduction in water and fertilizer application), respectively. These scenarios are both ecologically and economically desirable. Also, decreasing nitrogen fertilization by 50 % for corn would decrease the nitrate pollution from 101.1 to 32.3 kg N ha?1; therefore, this strategy is ecologically desirable but economically unsound. So, there are opportunities for environmental decision makers to encourage farmers to implement these strategies. Also, since the nitrogen leaching cannot decrease without a reduction in net farm income for crops such as corn; hence, the losses of farmers should be compensated.  相似文献   

Modern societies face a dilemma called electronic waste (e-waste). This waste, which may contaminate the soil or cause unwanted impacts on human health when treated improperly, is one of the fastest growing waste streams in developed as well as developing countries and has brought great environmental impacts. Developing countries like Iran also face this modern waste management challenge. In order for more appropriate disposal or, if possible, recycling of this waste, more attention has been paid to reverse logistics as the most appropriate way to manage them. The first and most important action to address e-waste and implementation of reverse logistics is to persuade residents to bring back their obsolete electronic products. This paper attempts to understand significant factors affecting residents’ incentive dependency to participate in e-waste recycling program. Socioeconomic and demographic information of different residents is discussed by means of logistic regression for the first time in Iran. The results show that about 58.7 % of residents will participate even if no incentive is given. Household income, household size, education, e-waste concern level, and marital status are the significant factors affecting the incentive dependency of respondents.  相似文献   

Transportation is a sector with high energy consumption as well as high emissions. Generally speaking, economic growth will inevitably lead to the increase of travel demand and vehicle population, which in turn results into the augmentation of environmental and social costs. For metropolis like Beijing under rapid development, there exist various possibilities and options for transport development policy instruments. But there is no guarantee that they will be suitable for Beijing, although they are effective in their local places. This article assesses what kind of policy can most effectively improve the traffic conditions in Beijing in the future. After literature reviews on the practices of foreign policy and we established several feasible scenarios. Then, we used the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LREAP) analyzed their corresponding results of reduced energy consumption and emissions. Finally, by simulating and computing the realistic Beijing transportation scenarios, this paper scientifically assesses what kind of policy can most effectively improve the traffic condition in Beijing in the coming decade.  相似文献   

中国天然气产业的最大特点是垄断程度较强,政府对天然气产业的各个环节均存在价格管制。鉴于此,本文通过构建CGE模型以期全面量化分析政府对天然气产业价格管制政策变动产生的影响,从而为政府制定决策提供可供借鉴的依据。与以往的研究不同,本文构建的静态CGE模型,不仅刻画了天然气产业非完全竞争的市场结构还刻画了政府对天然气产业的价格管制行为。运用该模型,本文分别从消费侧以及供应侧的角度模拟了政府对天然气产业价格管制政策变动对我国碳排放及经济的影响,并且从经济结构以及能源消费结构的角度进一步分析了天然气价格管制政策变动的二氧化碳排放机制。模拟结果表明:1消费侧价格管制。提高天然气价格能够通过产业结构调整以及能源消费结构调整降低经济主体对天然气的消费进而降低二氧化碳的排放,同时由于天然气市场规模的缩小导致天然气产业的超额利润率有所下降。提高天然气价格提高了居民消费价格指数(CPI),降低了实际GDP以及居民福利水平。降低天然气价格对二氧化碳排放的影响、传导机制以及经济影响与提高天然气价格产生的影响类似,但是作用效果基本上相反。2供应侧价格管制。取消天然气供应侧价格管制能够通过优化要素配置促进实际GDP的增长、居民福利水平的改善并且降低居民消费价格指数(CPI),在收入效应的作用下不仅提高了经济主体对天然气的消费还提高了对能源总量的消费,从而增加了二氧化碳排放,同时由于天然气市场规模的扩大促进了天然气产业超额利润率的增长。因此,应该逐渐建立完善的天然气价格管理体制,确保天然气资源的有效利用;对天然气产业超额利润率进行管控,避免产生较大的负面收入分配效应;逐步取消天然气供应侧的价格管制,打破行政垄断,引入市场竞争机制,推动天然气产业的市场化进程。  相似文献   

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