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The extent to which marine populations are “open” (panmixia) or “closed” (self-recruitment) remains a matter of much debate, with recent reports of high levels of genetic differentiation and self-recruitment among populations of numerous species separated by short geographic. However, the interpretation of patterns of gene flow (connectivity) is often based on a stepping stone model of dispersal that can genetically homogenise even distant populations and blur genetic patterns that may better reflect realised dispersal. One way in which realised long-distance dispersal can be accurately determined is by examination of gene flow of taxa between isolated archipelagos and a mainland where there is no possible stepping stone dispersal across the open ocean. We investigated the genetic structuring of populations of the intertidal gastropod Nerita melanotragus from the subtropical Kermadec Islands and temperate New Zealand’s North Island (the mainland), separated by 750 km of open ocean and characterised by contrasting environmental conditions. Analyses of seven microsatellite markers revealed an absence of genetic structuring with low F ST and Jost’s D values (from 0.000 to 0.007 and from 0.000 to 0.015, respectively) over large geographic distances and no evidence of isolation by distance among all populations. These results indicate that the realised dispersal of N. melanotragus is of at least 750 km, this species exhibits a very “open” form of connectivity and its larvae exhibit sufficient phenotypic plasticity to settle successfully in different environmental conditions, ranging from subtropical to cool temperate.  相似文献   

Pelagic larval duration (PLD) is a commonly used proxy for dispersal potential in coral reef fishes. Here we examine the relationship between PLD, genetic structure and genetic variability in geographically widespread and ecological generalist species from one coral reef fish family (Pomacentridae) that differs in mean larval duration by more than a month. The genetic structure was estimated in eight species using a mitochondrial molecular marker (D-loop) and in a sub-set of five species using nuclear molecular markers (ISSRs). Estimates of genetic differentiation were similar among species with pelagic larvae, but differed between molecular markers. The mtDNA indicated no structure in all species except one, while the ISSR indicated some structure between the sampling locations in all species. We detected a relationship between PLD and genetic structure using both markers. These relationships, however, were caused by a single species, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, which differs from all the other species examined here in lacking a larval phase. With this species excluded, there was no relationship between PLD and genetic structure using either marker despite a range of PLDs of more than 20 days. Genetic diversities were generally high in all species and did not differ significantly among species and locations. Nucleotide diversity and total heterozygosity were negatively related to maximum PLD but again these relationships were caused by A. polyacanthus and disappeared when this species was excluded. These genetic patterns are consistent with moderate gene flow among well-connected locations and indicate that at this phylogenetic level (i.e., within family) the duration of the pelagic larval phase is unrelated to the patterns of genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

The plankton larval duration for 100 species of Pacific and Atlantic damselfishes was estimated from daily growth increments on the otolith of juvenile fish collected at various localities between July 1987 and September 1988. For newly-settled fishes, larval duration was determined by counting the entire number of increments present on the otolith, while for older juveniles estimates were made by counting the number of increments between the center of the otolith and a mark corresponding to settlement. We document the development of otolith formation during the period when eggs are incubated on the reef and show that daily increments are only accreted after larvae hatch and enter the planktonic phase. The planktonic larval duration for damselfish is shorter and less variable, both between and within species, compared to other groups of reef fishes such as wrasses and surgeonfishes. Larval duration ranged from 12 to 39 d. Average duration between species ranged from 13.1 to 35.2 d. The time spent in the plankton was not significantly correlated with geographic distribution when evaluated among species, however, genera with confined regional distribution have a shorter mean larval life than do widely distributed genera. Size at settlement was positively correlated with time spent in the plankton among species, but a significant correlation between these variables was only evident within one of ten species. The low variance in planktonic larval duration within species indicates that most damselfish are unable to delay metamorphosis following competency. This inability to postpone settlement limits the potential for dispersal, especially when dispersal time between suitable habitats is greater than about 30 d.  相似文献   

Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) larvae were collected from 10 monthly cruises (June–October 2003 and 2004) across the Straits of Florida to test (1) whether growth differed between the more productive western region near the Florida shelf, and the less productive eastern region toward the Bahamas, and (2) whether growth was related to prey consumption. Examination of larval sagittal otoliths revealed that instantaneous growth and daily growth during the first 2–3 weeks of life did not vary significantly between the two regions for either species. However, recent growth during the last two full days prior to collection was greater in the west for blue marlin larvae. Recent growth of blue marlin larvae <9 mm SL (primarily zooplanktivorous) was significantly related to prey composition (faster growth when higher proportions of Farranula copepods were consumed). Western larvae grew faster and had higher proportions of Farranula in their guts. Trends for sailfish larvae were not significant. In both species, comparison of early growth between <9 and ≥9 mm SL size groups indicated that growth trajectories diverged around 5–8 mm SL, the time when billfish larvae become capable of piscivory. Significantly faster growth of larger (older) larvae suggests that mortality was selective for fast growers and that the transition to piscivory may be a critical point in the early life of billfish.  相似文献   

 Population genetic theory predicts that marine animal species with planktonic larvae will have less genetic structure than those with direct development. We compared the genetic structure of four species of littorinid snails – two with planktonic egg capsules that hatch as planktonic larvae and two with benthic egg masses that hatch as crawl-away juveniles. We used DNA sequencing and single stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) to assess sequence variation in a 480 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and then used an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) to estimate Φst for populations from the northeastern Pacific coast. One of the two direct-developing species, Littorina subrotundata, had a moderate amount of population structure (Φst=0.209) as expected but the other direct-developing species, L. sitkana, was nearly fixed for a single haplotype that made it impossible to precisely estimate Φst. One of the two planktonic-developing species, L. scutulata, did not show any significant population structure (Φst=0.004). In contrast to our expectations, the other planktonic-developing species, L. plena, showed some weak but statistically significant population structure (Φst=0.052). We discuss how differences in population genetic structure between species with the same type of development may reflect differences in their historical demography. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 24 July 2000  相似文献   

S. Herke  D. Foltz 《Marine Biology》2002,140(1):103-115
The loliginid squids Loligo pealei LeSueur and L. plei Blaineville (both recently proposed for reclassification as Doryteuthis) are commercially important, similar in appearance, and sympatric throughout much of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. To investigate possible cryptic speciation and population structure, we examined samples (collected from 1995 to 1997) of both species for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in PCR products of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase (subunit I). RFLP haplotypes were further characterized by direct sequencing. In North American waters, cryptic speciation was rejected by the far greater nucleotide sequence divergence between species (~14%) versus within species (<1%). Each species displayed about a dozen RFLP haplotypes, but only three of their respective haplotypes were found among 90% of L. pealei specimens (n=356) and 97% of L. plei specimens (n=431). For L. pealei, a genetic break existed between the northern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean; among sample units within each population, gene flow was consistent with panmixia. The phylogeography of L. pealei is likely a consequence of the eastward currents of the Florida Straits, the elevated temperatures of those surface waters, and the restriction of this species to the continental shelf. For L. plei, a genetic break existed between longitudes 88°W and 89°W, with the northwestern Gulf of Mexico and the northeastern Gulf-Atlantic Ocean comprising separate populations; among sample units within each population, gene flow fit an isolation-by-distance model. If the genetic break found for L. plei represents resident populations separated by nearshore physical parameters (e.g. effects of the Mississippi River and the sediment boundary at longitude 88°W), the lack of structure within the Gulf for L. pealei might be due to its distribution farther from shore. However, the two populations of L. plei probably represent annual recolonization from the southwestern Gulf of Mexico and from the eastern Caribbean Sea, whereas the populations of L. pealei probably are permanent residents within their respective regions.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the planehead filefish Stephano-lepishispidus (Pisces: Monacanthidae) (Linnaeus, 1766) are a major component of the Sargassum spp. community, yet little is known of their ecology. In this study, the otolith record of age, growth, and ontogeny in S. hispidus was examined. Juveniles caught off Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina (USA) on 30 June 1996 were marked with alizarin complexone and reared in a flow-through, outdoor tank for up to 19 days. Examination of marked otoliths at several time intervals showed that increment formation was not significantly different than one increment per day, and thus, increment number was used to estimate age. Depth-distribution, morphology, and meristics of larvae and juveniles collected (1990–1992) between Cape Romain, South Carolina, and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, were examined to identify the timing of the larval to juvenile transition. All indicators suggested the transition occurred between 17 and 20 days. Mean otolith increment widths exhibited a marked change at about 20 days, coinciding with the timing of the larval to juvenile transition and a change in the depth distribution from bottom to surface waters. Increment width of individual juveniles, however, did not exhibit the same pattern; only 40% conformed to the pattern identified for all fish. Thus, the record of the larval to juvenile transition is clear at the population level, but unresolved at the individual level. Received: 1 November 1999 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

W. S. Grant  M. Lang 《Marine Biology》1991,109(3):479-483
We examined electrophoretic variation in the supralittoral gastropod,Nodilittorina africana knysnaensis, along the coast of South Africa in 1989. There was little allozyme variation in nine samples collected over 1 500 km for three highly polymorphic loci,Est, Gpi, andPgm, and Wahlund's effect was absent in the pooled sample. A gene diversity analysis showed that 98.1% of total genic diversity, on average, was contained within populations, and that only 1.9% was due to allozyme frequency differences among populations. Since the mode of larval development has not yet been described for this species, we suggest that the lack of strong allozyme frequency differences over long distances indicates thatN. a. knysnaensis has a planktonic mode of larval development.  相似文献   

Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars)is a pelagic crustacean that plays a key role in marine food webs of North Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas. We studied eight population samples collected in the European Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. By means of single strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) and direct sequencing, we investigated a segment of 158 base pairs of the mitochondrial gene coding for the subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase. We found 12 sequence variants among the 385 individuals studied. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 14.75% of the total genetic variability was explained by differences between populations, thus indicating absence of panmixia for these populations. Pairwise comparisons revealed three distinct genetic pools: the first one represented by Cadiz Bay, the second one by the Ligurian Sea, and the third one included all the NE Atlantic samples. We also investigated one population from the Alboran Sea (within the Mediterranean basin, east of the Strait of Gibraltar). This population was found to be genetically intermediate between the NE Atlantic samples and the Ligurian sample, suggesting that the restriction to the gene flow is not associated with the Strait of Gibraltar, but possibly with the Oran–Almeria oceanographic front. The present work indicates that M. norvegica, although endowed with a high dispersal capacity because of its pelagic habit, can develop separate breeding units inside the same oceanic basin (the Atlantic). Furthermore, the Ligurian sample should be considered as a distinct evolutionary entity, separated from the Atlantic population. Received: 2 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 November 1999  相似文献   

Several cetacean species exhibit fine-scale population structure despite their high dispersal capacities and the apparent continuity of the marine environment. In dolphins, most studies have focused on coastal areas and continental margins, and they revealed differentiated populations within relatively small geographic areas, sometimes in conjunction with a specialisation for different habitats (ecotypes). We analysed the population genetic structure of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the Azores and Madeira, the two most isolated archipelagos of the North Atlantic. The archipelago of the Azores is divided into three groups of islands and stands 900 km away from Madeira. It is not known whether individuals migrate between groups of islands and archipelagos, nor whether distinct ecotypes are present. These questions were investigated by genetic analyses of 343 biopsy samples collected on free-ranging dolphins. The analyses consisted in sequencing part of the mitochondrial hyper-variable region, screening up to 14 microsatellite loci, and molecular sexing. Results did not unravel any population structure at the scale of the study area. Lack of differentiation matches expectations for spotted dolphins, which are transient in both archipelagos, but not for common dolphins, which are present year-round in the Azores and potentially resident. Absence of genetic structure over hundreds and even thousands of kilometres implies the existence of gene flow over much larger distances than usually documented in small delphinids, which could be achieved through individual movements. This finding indicates that population structure in oceanic habitat differs from that observed in coastal habitat.  相似文献   

The mechanisms driving genetic structure in marine systems are elusive due to the difficulty of identifying temporal and spatial barriers to dispersal. By studying marine invertebrate species with limited dispersal potential, genetic structure can be directly related to physical and biological factors restricting connectivity. In the northwest Atlantic, the benthic brood-rearing amphipod Corophium volutator is distributed across basins with distinct circulation patterns and has the potential to disperse passively during its adult stage. We analyzed spatial genetic variation and migration rates across C. volutator’s North American range with sequence data for mitochondrial DNA and three novel nuclear markers using frequency and coalescent-based methods. We found low genetic differentiation within basins, but strong subdivision within the Bay of Fundy and a striking biogeographic break between the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine, suggesting that genetic drift may act on populations in which connectivity is restricted due to the limitation of passive dispersal by hydrological patterns.  相似文献   

A thorough knowledge on the genetic connectivity of marine populations is important for fisheries management and conservation. Using a dense population sampling design and two types of neutral molecular markers (10 nuclear microsatellite loci and a mtDNA cytochrome b fragment), we inferred the genetic connectivity among the main known spawning grounds of sole (Solea solea L.) in the North-East Atlantic Ocean. The results revealed a clear genetic structure for sole in the North-East Atlantic Ocean with at least three different populations, namely the Kattegat/Skagerrak region, the North Sea and the Bay of Biscay, and with indications for a fourth population, namely the Irish/Celtic Sea. The lack of genetically meaningful differences between biological populations within the southern North Sea is likely due to a large effective population size and sufficient connection (gene flow) between populations. Nevertheless, an isolation-by-distance pattern was found based on microsatellite genotyping, while no such pattern was observed with the cytochrome b marker, indicating an historical pattern prevailing in the latter marker. Our results demonstrate the importance of a combined multi-marker approach to understand the connectivity among marine populations at region scales.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments with larvae of the cheilostome bryozoan Bugula stolonifera Ryland, 1960 assessed the time to settlement in the presence of a constantly available polystryrene substrate, the development of competence for metamorphosis, and the effects of the duration of swimming period on early colony development. Sexually mature colonies of B. stolonifera were collected on 11 and 18 September 1987; 2 and 18 August, 1988; and 6, 12, 19, and 26 September 1988, from Eel Pond (Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA) and were maintained at 20°C. In the presence of a constantly available substrate, cumulative percent settlement curves were sigmoid, with 75% of larvae settled in 3.2±0.5 h. Typically, 50% of the larvae settled in less than 3 h and 95% settled in 6.1±1.2 h. The number of settled individuals that developed feeding ancestrulae by 3 d and the number that developed first-feeding autozooids by 6 d was assessed as a function of duration of larval swimming. Individuals which were kept swimming for 8 and 10 h after hatching developed significantly more slowly to the ancestrula and autozooid stages in 13 out of 14 experiments than did larvae that swam 2 or 6 h. This is the first report for any bryozoan that prolongation of the larval free-swimming period affects the rate of colony development.  相似文献   

Patterns of activity and metabolism were investigated in larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) between December 1991 and July 1992: (1) throughout larval development; (2) between two genetically discrete populations (Scotian Shelf and Newfoundland) and (3) as a function of two different culture temperatures. During the yolk-sac stage (0 to 5 d post-hatch), changes in swimming speed were not related to mass-specific metabolic rates; no portion of the mass-specific oxygen consumption could be explained by changes in activity. In the mixed feeding stage (6 to 14 d posthatch), there was a tendency for oxygen consumption to be related to changes in swimming speed. In the exogenous feeding stage (>14 d post-hatch), oxygen consumption significantly increased with swimming speed. These ontogenetic patterns of activity and metabolism were the same for larvae from the Scotian Shelf and Newfoundland populations. However, over the entire larval life and among ontogenetic stages, the metabolic cost of activity (mass-specific O2 consumption/swimming speed) of Scotian Shelf larvae was significantly higher than that of Newfoundland larvae. When cod larvae, that had developed at 5°C, were acutely exposed to 10°C, Scotian Shelf larvae had a higher intrinsic cost of activity than Newfoundland larvae, over the entire larval life. During the exogenous feeding stage, the mean metabolic cost of activity for Newfoundland larvae raised at 10°C and tested at 10°C was significantly higher and more variable than that of larvae raised at lower temperatures. However, the metabolic cost of activity of larvae raised and tested at 10°C was not significantly different between source populations. Together these findings suggest that differences in swimming energetics reflect changing energy requirements for activity among ontogenetic stages, and reflect adaptation to regional environments among genetically discrete populations.  相似文献   

Lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus Girard, have a 3-month pelagic larval stage and are an important recreational and commercial species on the west coast of North America. Cytochrome-c oxidase I sequences from tissue samples were used to characterize population structure and infer patterns of gene flow from California to Alaska. No significant genetic structure was found when estimates of Wright’s F ST (i.e., ΦST) were generated among all populations sampled. Nesting populations within regions, however, indicated that the inner coast of Washington State is distinct, a result corroborating previous allozyme work. Coalescent-based estimates of gene flow indicate that although migration can be high from an evolutionary perspective, nearly half of all comparisons among populations showed no gene flow in at least one direction. From an ecological perspective, moderate migration rates (Nm < 10) among most populations provide surprisingly limited connectivity at large (∼ 1,000 km) and small (∼100 km) spatial scales. Coalescent-based estimates also show that gene flow between the inner and the outer coasts is asymmetric, a result consistent with prevailing surface currents. Because the expected inter-locus variances for coalescent-based estimates of gene flow are likely large, future work will benefit from analyses of nuclear DNA markers. However, limited demographic connectivity on large spatial scales may help explain why stock recovery has been uneven, with greater recovery in the northern (87% rebuilt) than in the southern (24% rebuilt) fishery region, supporting a regional management strategy. These results suggest that despite a 3-month pelagic larval stage, some areas may be effectively closed with respect to both population dynamics and fishery management issues.  相似文献   

Due to the sparse and unstable nature of insular freshwater habitats, marine larval dispersal of amphidromous species is considered a critical element of population persistence. We assessed population genetic structure of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lar across its range that encompasses two biogeographic barriers: the vast open ocean separating Western and Central Pacific regions and the Indo-Malay archipelago separating Indian and Pacific oceans. A total of 173 samples collected from 21 islands throughout the Indo-Pacific were sequenced at 16S and 28S rDNA. We observed distinct genetic isolation of populations located at the eastern and southwestern edge of the species range but no evidence of an effect of the Indo-Pacific barrier. Differentiation patterns are consistent with a stepping-stone model of dispersal. Genetic differences of Central Pacific populations may reflect founder events associated with colonization of isolated islands, or be a signature of a past bottleneck after population depletion caused by drastic climatic events.  相似文献   

The planktonic larval durations of a preliminary sample of one hundred species of wrasses from both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans were estimated with the use of the daily otolith-increment aging-technique. Larval durations were determined by counting the number of daily increments between the center of the otolith and the mark corresponding to settlement. The duration of the planktonic larval phase of wrasses appears to be extremely variable between species, ranging from 15 d in Diproctacanthus xanthurus to 121 d in a specimen of Thalassoma ballieui. Larval durations within species were also variable, especially in species with relatively long durations. Congeners tended to have similar larval durations and similar otolith-increment characteristics. Hawaiian and Eastern Pacific species had longer larval durations than their Caribbean or Western Pacific congeners. Similarly, Hawaiian populations had significantly longer larval durations than their Western Pacific conspecifics. The implications of these findings for biogeographical studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and function of structures important to energy acquisition were studied from spawning to the stage of transformation of larva to pelagic juvenile in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., from December 1991 to July 1992. Fertilized eggs produced by adult fish from two genetically discrete populations (Newfoundland and Scotian Shelf) were raised under similar conditions in the laboratory at temperatures of 5 and 10°C. Subsamples of larvae were removed from cultures daily for 10 d, and then less frequently, and fixed for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Nine functional morphological landmarks important to feeding, respiration and locomotion were chosen from observation of 280 ind. These landmarks defined 12 major developmental stages, from hatching to the pelagic juvenile stage. One of the feeding landmarks, intestinal stage, varied as a function of age and size and the variance in development was higher at 10°C than at 5°C; Newfoundland larvae developed more complex intestines than did Scotian Shelf larvae. In addition, Newfoundland larvae had significantly higher growth rates than those of Scotian Shelf larvae. Despite the higher growth rates and greater structural complexity of the intestine in Newfoundland larvae, the rate of yolk utilization was not significantly different between Newfoundland and Scotian Shelf larvae. Staging of respiratory landmarks showed that the gill arches were probably used preferentially in feeding while respiration was cutaneous. The gills, operculum and gill rakers developed late in larval life and accompanied the transition from cutaneous to branchial respiration. In the yolk-sac period, development of feeding and respiratory structures may be largely genetically controlled. During exogenous feeding, extrinsic factors also become important, as shown by the size and age-independent variation in intestinal development of larval cod raised at different temperatures.  相似文献   

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