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Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Albis) was grown in the field at a site located in central Switzerland, and exposed to chronic doses of ozone (O(3)) in open-top chambers to study impacts on yield. The experiment was carried out in 1986, 1987 and 1988. The treatments used included charcoal-filtered air (CF), non-filtered air (NF) and non-filtered air to which constant amounts of O(3) (two levels, O(3)-1 and O(3)-2) were added daily from 09.00 until 17.00 local time. Mean solar radiation-weighted O(3) concentrations during the fumigation period were in the range 0.016-0.022 microl litre(-1) (CF), 0.036-0.039 microl litre(-1) (NF), 0.057-0.058 microl litre(-1) (O(3)-1, used in 1987 and 1988 only) and 0.078-0.090 microl litre(-1) (O(3)-2). Fumigation was maintained from the three-leaf stage until harvest. Ambient plots were used as a reference. Plant characteristics examined included straw yield, grain yield, number of grains per head, number of heads per surface area, weight of individual grains and harvest index (ratio of grain weight to total dry weight). Pollutant concentrations and other environmental parameters were monitored continuously inside and outside the chambers. In 1986 and 1987, enclosure mostly increased the values of different parameters, while in 1988, they were decreased. The negative enclosure effect was due to extremely turbulent winds, which caused lodging inside the chambers. In all 3 years, increasing O(3) concentrations negatively affected the parameters studied, except for the number of heads per surface area, which showed no treatment response. Grain yield showed a very sensitive response to O(3). The effect of O(3) on grain yield was due to an effect primarily on grain size and secondarily on grain number. The relative response of grain yield to O(3) was similar in all 3 years, despite year-to-year differences in climatic conditions and enclosure effects. The analysis of the data for combined years revealed an increase of about 10% in grain yield due to air filtration. The corresponding increase in straw yield was only about 3.5%. Exposure-response models were developed for individual years and combined years. It is concluded that, in the study area, ambient O(3) may affect grain yield in spring wheat.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Drabant) was exposed to different concentrations of ozone in open-top chambers for two growing seasons, 1987 and 1988, at a site located in south-west Sweden. The chambers were placed in a field of commercially grown spring wheat. The treatments were charcoal-filtered air (CF), non-filtered air (NF) and non-filtered air plus extra ozone (NF(+)). In 1988, one additional ozone concentration (NF(++)) was used. Grain yield was affected by the ozone concentration of the air. Air filtration resulted in an increase in grain yield of about 7% in both years, compared to NF. The addition of ozone (NF(+), NF(++)) reduced grain yield and increased the content of crude protein of the grain in both years. Filtration of the air had no significant effect on the content of crude protein, compared to NF. The results showed a strong positive chamber effect on grain yield in the cold and wet summer of 1987. In 1988, there was no net chamber effect on grain yield. The relative differences between the CF, NF and NF(+) treatments with respect to grain yield were of the same magnitude in the two years, despite the very different weather conditions.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Turbo was exposed to different levels of ozone and water supply in open-top chambers in 1991. The plants were grown either in charcoal filtered air (CF), not filtered air (NF), in charcoal filtered air with proportional addition of ambient ozone (CF1), or in charcoal filtered air with twice proportional addition of ambient ozone (CF2). The mean seasonal ozone concentrations (24 h mean) were 2.3, 20.6, 17.3, and 24.5 nl litre(-1) for CF, NF, CF1, and CF2 treatments, respectively. Ozone enhanced senescence and reduced growth and yield of the wheat plants. At final harvest, dry weight reductions were mainly due to reductions in ear weight. Grain yield loss by ozone mainly resulted from depressions of 1000 grain weight, whereas numbers of ears per plant and of grains per ear remained unchanged. Pollutants other than ozone did not alter the response to ozone, as was obvious from comparisons between CF1 and NF responses. Water stress alone did not enhance senescence, but also reduced growth and yield. However, yield loss mainly resulted from reductions in the number of ears per plant; 1000 grain weight was not influenced by water stress. No water supply by ozone treatment interactions were detected for any of the estimated parameters.  相似文献   

In a three-year study carried out at a rural site in Switzerland, spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Albis) was exposed to different levels of ozone (O(3)) in open-top-field chambers from the two-leaf stage until harvest. Field plots in ambient air (AA) were used for comparison. Grain recovered from the different treatments was analyzed for minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P), starch, protein, amino acids and alpha-tocopherol, in order to investigate the effect of O(3) on grain composition. Chamber-enclosure had small effects on some parameters (K, protein), but not on others (starch), as shown by the comparison of data from the AA and non-filtered-air treatment (NF). Differences between NF and charcoal-filtered air (CF) were very small. At O(3) concentrations higher than in the NF treatment (O(3)-1 = 1.5xNF and O(3)-2 = 2.5xNF), mineral contents were higher than in the NF and CF treatments. Protein content was increased only in the O(3)-2 treatment. Starch contents decreased from about 63% in the CF treatment to 54% in the O(3)-2 tratment. No effect of O(3) on the content of alpha-tocopherol and on the essential amino acid index of the protein was observed. It is concluded that compositional changes in wheat grain in response to O(3) are minor, and that ambient O(3) is not likely to cause important changes.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to ozone of ten Bangladeshi wheat cultivars was tested by exposing plants to eight ozone exposure regimes (50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 135, 150, and 200 ppb for 14, 11, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1 days, respectively, for 8 h/day) in controlled environment chambers. Visible leaf injury, dry weight, chlorophyll, carotenoid content, leaf greenness (SPAD value), quantum yield of photosynthesis, and stomatal resistance were measured to evaluate response. Shoot biomass, total chlorophyll, leaf greenness, and carotenoid content were reduced in ozone-exposed plants. Based on the results of principal component analysis (PCA)-biplot analysis, the order of sensitivity to ozone was: Akbar?>>?Sufi?≥?Bijoy?≥?Shatabdi?>?Bari-26?≥?Gourab?>?Bari-25?≥?Prodip?≥?Sourav?>>?Kanchan. The most important parameters to discriminate cultivars with respect to ozone sensitivity were visible injury and chlorophyll b/a ratio, whereas quantum yield of photosynthesis was less important. Differences in stomatal resistance were not a significant factor in ozone response. Regression of cultivars’ PCA scores against year of release revealed no trend, suggesting that ozone tolerance was not incorporated during cultivar breeding.  相似文献   

Dong B  Sang WL  Jiang X  Zhou JM  Kong FX  Hu W  Wang LS 《Chemosphere》2002,46(1):87-92
We have found that rice bran effectively adsorbed chloroform from tap water. The amount of chloroform adsorbed was plotted against the equilibrium concentration of chloroform in solution on a logarithmic scale. A linear relationship was obtained, indicating that the adsorption reaction was a Freundlich type. The removal of chloroform by rice bran was attributed to the uptake into intracellular particles called spherosomes.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and ambient air experiments have shown ethylene diurea (EDU) to be a strong and specific protective suppressant of ozone injury in plants. To examine how EDU affects plant responses to various ozone (O(3)) levels under controlled field conditions, Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Lit was treated with 150 ppm EDU every 14 days and exposed in open-top chambers to charcoal-filtered air (CF), nonfiltered air (NF) or two cf treatments with ozone added. The ozone treatments were proportional additions of one (CF1) and two (CF2) times ambient ozone levels. The mean ozone concentrations in the CF, NF, CF1 and CF2 treatments were 0.98, 14.1, 14.98 and 31.56 nl litre(-1). A two-way split plot ANOVA revealed that shoot dry weight was significantly reduced by ozone. EDU treatment was highly significant for leaf dry weight, root dry weight and shoot dry weight, but not for pod dry weight; leading to a higher biomass of EDU-treated plants. Ozone/EDU interactions were significant for root weight only, indicating that EDU reduced growth suppression by ozone. These results show that EDU action on plant biomass could be interpreted as a delay in senescence since EDU-treated plants showed a significant decreased biomass loss even in the CF treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine if ozone produced similar effects on spring wheat growth with and without small amounts of nitrogen oxides. Two methods were used to produce ozone: the first method consisted of dry pressurized air fed to an electric discharge generator generating the byproducts, N2O5 and N2O, the second method consisted of ambient air fed to UV-lamps. Two spring wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Minaret and Eridano) were exposed in small open-top chambers to charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered ambient air, and non-filtered ambient air with the addition of ozone for 8 h (0900 to 1700 h) daily, for five weeks. Plants were harvested every week. The growth of Minaret was shown to be more sensitive to O3 than that of Eridano. Leaf senescence increased with increasing ozone level in both cultivars. The total above-ground biomass dry weight decreased with increasing ozone concentration in Minaret, but not in Eridano. The Minaret plants reacted with more damaged leaf dry weight and inhibition of growth when O3 was produced by UV-lamps than when O3 was produced by air fed to an electric discharge generator. This could be explained by more nitrogen content per plant but not by increased nitrogen concentration in plant tissue in plants exposed to increased O3 and small amounts of incidental nitrogen oxides.  相似文献   

Hu X  Ding Z  Chen Y  Wang X  Dai L 《Chemosphere》2002,48(6):621-629
Through short-term exposure (7-d exposure), long-term exposure (16-d exposure) and exposure-recovery (7-d exposure + 9-d recovery), the bioaccumulation and distribution of La and Ce and their effects on growth of wheat seedlings were studied. Addition of La (0.5-25 mg/l) and Ce (0.5-25 mg/l) to the culture medium individually and in combination inhibited primary root elongation, reduced the dry weight of roots and shoots and the content of mineral elements (Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Zn). The damage increased with an increase in the concentrations of La and Ce in culture medium. Relative damage ratio increased with an increase in concentrations of La and Ce in the culture medium and with exposure time. Comparing exposure-recovery groups with long-term exposure groups, primary root lengths, dry weight of roots and shoots and the content of five mineral elements were higher. The accumulation of La and Ce in the seedlings was positively correlated with the concentrations of La and Ce in the culture medium and with exposure time. Bioaccumulation factors of La and Ce in roots were much higher than those of shoots. The uptake rates of La and Ce by the plants were much higher than the translocation rates from roots to shoots. The accumulation and distribution of La and Ce in the seedlings in exposure-recovery groups showed that there was very little excretion through metabolism during the recovery period, but redistribution occurred throughout the whole plant. No apparent selective uptake was found between La and Ce by the plants when they were applied in combination.  相似文献   

Field trials with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in open-top chambers and exposed to either ambient filtered (F) or unfiltered (NF) air were carried out for 3 years in northern Italy. The experiments were performed at two places, a rural and an urban site in the Po Plain. The data obtained show no significant difference in protein, starch and glucose contents between the treatments; nevertheless, a tendency towards an increase in glucose and a decrease in starch contents was observed in the F chambers compared with NF. In addition, potassium levels were lower in F than in NF treatment, while calcium were higher. Ozone levels observed in the Po Valley are not sufficiently high to cause significant differences in quality parameters of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Open-top chambers (OTC) were established in a field of managed pasture, and environmental parameters were recorded inside and outside to study the influence of OTCs on radiation, air temperature (T(air)), saturation vapour pressure deficit (svpd), and soil water content in relationship to plant growth and yield. Canopy development in OTCs supplied with non-filtered air (NF) and in ambient (AA) plots was followed by measuring leaf area index (LAI). The dry matter yield was determined after three growth periods in each of two consecutive seasons. Boundary layer conductance (g(bw)) and wind speed (u) were measured along a vertical profile, and day-time flux were measured along a vertical profile, and day-time flux of O(3) was estimated throughout the experiment on the basis of a mass balance. The vertical profile of u showed values in the range 1-1.2 m s(-1) at the top of the canopy, and maximum g(bw) was 20-25 mm s(-1). Average reduction in global radiation in OTCs was 25%, and volumetric soil water content was reduced by about 5%. Daily mean T(air) was increased by 1.3 degrees C, mean daily maximum svpd by 0.08 kPa, and the temperature sum (degree days with base temperature of +5 degrees C) by 12%. Fluctuations in the difference in daily mean T(air) and svpd during the daytime between OTCs and ambient air were related to canopy structure. Differences were largest after each cut and declined with increasing LAI. A small effect of changes in LAI on T(air) and svpd occurred during periods with low soil water content. The flux of O(3) in OTCs was largest (>100 microg m(-2) min(-1)) before and smallest (<20 microg m(-2) min(-1)) after each cut. Calculated deposition velocities for O(3) (nu(d)) in the range 0-3 cm s(-1) were generally higher than those measured under most field conditions. Overall, in OTCs the deficit in soil and atmospheric moisture was larger than in the open field, and the increase in daily mean T(air) was strongly influenced by the stage of canopy development. Changes in microclimate and incoming radiation affected pasture development. LAI was slightly reduced in OTCs as compared to AA plots. The total accumulated dry matter yield for all six growth periods was only about 7% lower in OTCs, but the contribution of clover to total forage mass declined during the experiment. OTCs had no significant effect on weeds. The results indicate that OTCs reduced the competitiveness of clover, and that the increase in growth of grasses compensates for the loss in clover yield. The shift in species composition caused by OTCs must be considered when studying the effect of pollutants on pasture.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Turbo) was exposed to different levels of ozone and water supply in open-top chambers in 1991. Air was charcoal filtered (CF), non-filtered (NF) and CF plus proportional addition of ambient or twice ambient ozone (CF1, CF2). Seasonal means of O(3), taken over 24 h, were 2.3, 20.6, 17.3, and 34.5 nl litre(-1) for CF, NF, CF1 and CF2 treatments, respectively. A split-plot design was used to obtain two levels of water supply: one-half of the pots was irrigated sufficiently not to show any symptoms of drought stress; the others were exposed to low water supply and received 50% of these amounts. Using a steady-state porometer approximately 800 measurements of stomatal conductance (g(s)) were made on flag leaves from 68 to 106 days after sowing. The measurements yielded only small differences of maximum conductance between the two levels of water supply. Therefore, low water supply did not protect wheat plants against ozone injury via reduced stomatal uptake in this experiment. To describe the effects of environmental variables on the stomatal behaviour, boundary-line analysis and non-linear regression analysis were used. Besides microclimatic parameters, the ozone dose of flag leaves was introduced as an independent variable affecting stomatal aperture. A well-defined boundary line for ozone dose was found, suggesting that increasing ozone dose caused stomatal closure in wheat flag leaves. But at high ozone doses, co-acting senescence seems also responsible for the decrease in stomatal conductance. A multiplicative boundary-line model was used to predict stomatal conductance from combinations of environmental variables. In the test carried out with the measurements of stomatal conductance, the model accounted only for 40% of the variation of g(s). Generalized stomatal response patterns of the herbaceous growth form, the dependence of the variables' age and ozone dose and the lack of an important factor influencing stomatal response (water status of the plant) in the model, are suggested as explanations of the poor results of the test.  相似文献   

Grafted Norway spruce trees were subjected to exposure beginning in April 1988, to one of four different air treatments in open-top chambers: Charcoal filtered air (CF), non-filtered air (NF), non-filtered air with the addition of O(3) during summer (NFO), and SO(2) plus NO(2) during winter (NFOSN). CF trees were considered as the reference group. No effects on growth parameters were observed. Samples of the two youngest needle year classes were taken late in November 1989 for enzyme determinations. The activity of ascorbic acid peroxidase (A-POD) increased the same level in all treatments, and activities of catalase and dehydroascorbic acid reductase (DHA-R) increased only in NF and NFO treatments. A higher level of activity in the NFOSN treatment was observed only for glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (Glc-6-P-DH) and non-specific peroxidase (POD). Isoelectric focusing of POD showed a changed pattern in the NFOSN treatment. Neither activity nor isoelectric focusing of superoxidase dismutase (SOD) was changed in any of the treatments.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The large-scale use of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in medicines or disinfectants can lead to their release into the environment, posing a...  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Bintje) was grown in open-top chambers under three carbon dioxide (ambient and seasonal mean concentrations of 550 and 680 mumol mol-1 CO2) and two ozone concentrations (ambient and an 8 h day-1 seasonal mean of 50 nmol mol-1 O3) between emergence and final harvest. Periodic non-destructive measurements were made and destructive harvests were carried out at three key developmental stages (24, 49 and 101 days after emergence) to establish effects on growth and tuber yield. Season-long exposure to elevated O3 reduced above-ground dry weight at final harvest by 8.4% (P < 0.05), but did not affect tuber yields. There was no significant interaction between CO2 and O3 for any of the growth and yield variables examined. Non-destructive analyses revealed no significant effect of elevated CO2 on plant height, leaf number or green leaf area ratio. However, destructive harvests at tuber initiation and 500 degrees Cd after emergence showed that above-ground dry weight (8 and 7% respectively) and tuber yield (88 and 44%) were significantly increased (P < 0.05) in the 550 mumol mol-1 CO2 treatment. Responses to 550 and 680 mumol mol-1 CO2 were not significantly different for most parameters examined, suggesting the existence of an upper limit to the beneficial influence of CO2 enrichment. Significant effects on above-ground dry weight and tuber yield were no longer apparent at final harvest, although tuber numbers were increased (P < 0.05) under elevated CO2, particularly in the smaller size categories. The results show that the O3 treatment imposed was insufficient to reduce tuber yields and that, although elevated CO2 enhanced crop growth during the early stages of the season, this beneficial effect was not sustained to maturity.  相似文献   

Geng CN  Zhu YG  Tong YP  Smith SE  Smith FA 《Chemosphere》2006,62(4):608-615
Two cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (Jing 411 and Lovrin 10) were used to investigate arsenate (As) uptake and distribution in plants grown in hydroponic culture and in the soil. Results showed that without As addition, Lovrin 10 had higher biomass than Jing 411 in the soil pot experiment; in the hydroponic experiment Lovrin 10 had similar root biomass to and lower shoot biomass than Jing 411. Increasing P supply from 32 to 161 microM resulted in lower tissue As concentrations, and increasing As supply from 0 to 2,000 microM resulted in lower tissue P concentrations. Increasing P supply tended to increase shoot-to-root ratios of As concentrations, and increasing As supply tended to decrease shoot-to-root ratios of As concentrations. Both cultivars invested more in root production under P deficient conditions than under P sufficient conditions. Lovrin 10 invested more biomass production to roots than Jing 411, which might be partly responsible for higher shoot P and As concentrations and higher shoot-to-root ratios of As concentrations. Moreover, Lovrin 10 allocated less As to roots than Jing 411 and the difference disappeared with decreasing P supply.  相似文献   

Spring wheat, Triticum aestivum, was grown in open-top field chambers and exposed during the whole life cycle to filtered and non-filtered ambient air. The relatively low ambient pollution level did affect plant growth but had no effect on the overall grain yield of the two spring wheat cultivars Echo (1987) and Pelican (1988). A reduced root growth was found in both years which could be attributed mainly to the deposition of NO2 and SO2. Effects on crop development most likely due to ozone were limited to the 1987 growing season during which the ambient ozone concentrations were enhanced compared to 1988. This resulted in a slightly increased grain harvest index, a reduced 1000-grain weight, straw yield and a greater reduction in root growth. Visible damage resembling ozone injury appeared both years during seedling growth.  相似文献   

Most available exposure-response relationships for assessing crop loss due to elevated ozone (O3) have been established using data from chamber and open-top chamber experiments, using a simulated constant O3 concentration exposure (square wave), which is not consistent with the diurnal variation of O3 concentration that occurs in nature. We investigated the response of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) to O3 as affected by two exposure regimes: one with a diurnal variation (CF100D) and another with a constant concentration (CF100). Although the two exposure regimes have the same mean O3 concentration and accumulated O3 concentration above 40 ppb (AOT40), our results show that O3 at CF100D reduced biomass and number of pods/plant more than O3 at CF100. Both O3 exposures resulted in larger seed weights/100 pods compared to CF. Numbers of seeds/100 pods were reduced by CF100, while numbers of seeds/100 pods in the CF100D chambers were comparable to those in CF. Our results suggest that chamber experiments that use a constant O3 exposure may underestimate O3 effects on biomass and yields.  相似文献   

Sun Q  Wang XR  Ding SM  Yuan XF 《Chemosphere》2005,60(1):22-31
Phytochelatins (PCs) have been proposed as a potential biomarker for metal toxicity. In this study, cadmium (Cd) toxicity, PCs production and their relationship in wheat under Cd stress were examined using various exogenous organic chelator-buffered nutrient solutions. Single Cd stress produced strong toxic effects, as indicated by decreases of growth parameters, high level of lipid peroxidation in leaf and overproduction of PCs in root. Exogenous organic chelators with proper dose more or less reduced Cd toxicity by increasing growth parameters and decreasing lipid peroxidation in leaves. Of organic chelators (EDTA, DTPA, citric acid, malic acid and oxalic acid), EDTA was the most effective in decreasing Cd toxicity in plants, followed by DTPA and citric acid. Simultaneously, the concentrations of Cd-induced PCs in roots decreased, and the greatest decrease was caused by application of EDTA and DTPA. Linearly positive relationships were observed between Cd toxicity and root PCs concentrations under the influences of organic chelators, particularly EDTA, DTPA and citric acid. Furthermore, present results provide stronger evidence that PCs synthesis in plant cells was related to free Cd ion concentrations, not total Cd, and demonstrate that the levels of PCs production in plants correlated well with toxic effects caused by the bioavailable Cd levels.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Revival of natural colorants in textile dyeing is one of the important strategies to reduce synthetic chemical-based environmental pollution. The...  相似文献   

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