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ABSTRACT. The Orange County Water District has conducted studies in waste water reclamation and groundwater recharge since 1965. The work has been done in three phases: (1) Study in both laboratory and pilot-scale units on the feasibility of reclaiming trickling filter effluent for injection through wells into confined aquifers; (2) long-term injection study to determine the fate of injected reclaimed water and to observe the performance of a multi-casing injection well; (3) testing alternative treatment methods in a 25,000 gpd pilot plant to solve the water quality problems which developed during the injection study. The reclaimed trickling filter effluent was found to be injectable and did not cause excessive well clogging. The multi-casing injection wells performed very satisfactorily. The reclaimed water would be acceptable for domestic use after travel through 500 feet of a confined aquifer in that bacteria, virus and toxic material were consistently absent. However, the odor and taste which persisted in the injected reclaimed water and the high concentration of dissolved inorganics are undesirable characteristics. Methods to eliminate the odor are being tested at the present time. A cooperative project with the Office of Saline Water is under way to develop a source of desalted seawater to blend with reclaimed waste water.  相似文献   

分析了钻井作业对地下水污染的特点、污染途径,针对性地提出了钻井作业对地下水污染的预防措施,以及污染物处理技术,其中氧化还原技术、气体抽取技术、环境生物技术主要用于有机物污染治理,SRB技术、废弃钻井液固化技术、钻井液转换为水泥浆(MTC)的固井技术可用于处理废弃钻井液。钻井引起的污染治理应以"预防为主,防治结合",切实推行清洁生产和HSE管理。  相似文献   

钻井废水的处理现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
油气井钻探过程中产生大量钻井废水,会对环境产生污染。本文介绍了钻井废水的来源、组成及其对环境的影响,着重介绍了目前钻井废水的处理工艺、方法和处理剂,并对钻井废水处理技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The cost of the liquid wast treatment measures required to meet federal as well as typical state and local regulations was examined for dairy processing plants of various sizes. Federal effluent standards were found to produce higher estimated capital costs per unit of raw material for smaller plants, even with relaxed requirements for smaller plants. State regulations limiting the effluent BOD5- concentration were also found to result in inequitable costs for smaller processors. These inequities result from economies of scale and not such factors as level of process technology employed or amount of waste produced per unit of raw material. In contrast, applying an example sewer surcharge formula did not produce inequities from economies of scale.  相似文献   

利用地下盐穴进行各种工业废物的埋藏处理目前在国外已得到很好的应用。文章针对油田废钻井液的填埋处理技术,详述了建设盐穴所需要选择的地质条件:必须具有良好的封闭性;造穴方式主要通过水溶洗盐形成地下溶洞;埋藏废物需要通过一系列的特定工艺才能完成;废钻井液埋藏处理后需要进行监测以防止产生污染事故。一般来说,由于地下盐穴埋深大、盐穴封闭性好,具有较高的安全性。利用盐穴进行废钻井液的埋藏具有费用低、容量大、占地少、安全性高等优点。  相似文献   

查清了冀东油田废水池分布和分析了废水水质,提出了废井回灌、集中处理后回灌或回注、用废水处理机现场处理后回注或回灌等三种处理方案。通过室内、外试验论证了废水和废水池废泥治理方法,在采油所产生的含油污水实现全部回注不外排的基础上,再加上钻井废水不外排处理,从此做到了防治环境污染。  相似文献   

: The danger to the environment associated with the injection of liquid industrial wastes into a deep, confined, subsurface rock formation may arise from the transport of the waste laterally or vertically in the formation. The pattern of lateral transport, which can take place as a result of convection as well as dispersion and diffusion, can be determined by an approximate analytical solution to the mass transport equation. Vertical transport may take place through both natural fractures and fractures created by hydrostatic stresses generated around the well during injection. To determine the stresses, we used the finite element method to get a numerical solution of the flow equation. We applied a solution of the flow equation to calculate the stress buildup and decay for the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation's injection well near Hennepin in Putnam County, Illinois. According to our computations, the stress buildup due to injection is about 0.16 pounds per square inch per foot - psi - (0.362 Newton per square centimeter per meter), which, added to normal pressure, makes an estimated total stress of 0.60 psi/ft (1.36 Newton/cm2/m). That pressure is insufficient to cause fracturing of the Cambrian Eau Claire aquitard, the confining bed for the disposal zone.  相似文献   

从试验考核指标出发,运用“水质指数(WQI)”,分析影响废水处理效果的诸因素,选取pH值和处理剂加入量为可控因素,利用优选法找出钻井废水处理的最佳条件;选取两个因素水平进行正交试验,选用L4(23)正交表,合理安排试验,确定最优因素水平组合。总之,应用优选法及正文试验于钻井废水处理工作中,获得了处理的最佳条件,对钻井生产中废水处理统一操作,降低消耗,保证废水处理达标率起着很重要的作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Tucson area is totally dependent on ground water, which is in increasingly short supply due to excessive overdrafts. Tucson area waste water treatment plants discharge material quantities of secondary effluent downstream, which is lost to evapotranspiration and recharge of the ground water basin. The city and the four large mining companies who share the common Santa Cruz basin ground water, recognized the common water supply problem and agreed to fund a feasibility study for mining process use of the effluent to partly alleviate the overdraft of ground water. The study analyzed the projected waste water effluent resources, potential mining company demand for waste water effluent and possible interface of an effluent delivery facility with the proposed Central Arizona Project. The effluent resources were analyzed with respect to potential demand. An optimum alignment was selected. An optimum system was detailed through design schematics, amortized cost and finance requirements, and an implementation schedule. It was concluded that a waste water effluent delivery facility could be implemented which would utilize reclaimed effluent in quantities approximating 35 percent of basin overdraft and which would provide revenue for full cost recovery over a 20 year operation period. The mining companies are studying the internal economic impacts of the project.  相似文献   

中原油田产生的钻井污水的化学需氧量(COD)、矿化度、色度、悬浮物及含油量均比较高,直接外排将会对周边生态环境造成污染,与采油污水混合处理又将导致处理后的水质达不到标准,因而采用将钻井污水处理后再与采油污水混合的方法,这种混合污水进入采油污水处理系统的试验结果表明,处理后的钻井污水与采油污水配伍性良好,净化水无结垢倾向,处理后的净化水与杀菌剂、缓蚀剂相容性良好,其主要指标均达到部颁注水水质标准。  相似文献   

CX170-1井钻井废水及废钻井液处理技术   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
CX170-1井位于川西平原,周围良田环绕。文章就川西地区钻井作业现状提出了比较可行的钻井废水及废钻井液无害化处理工艺技术。针对钻井废水,详细介绍了轻度污染废水;严重污染废水和特殊作业废水的处理工艺及处理效果。对于废钻井液,该井主要采用了固化处理。结果表明:经固化处理的废钻井液干结后具有一定强度,失去了水敏性,不再具有返浆性。浸泡实验表明,有害物得到了比较彻底的固定,经检测,各种污染指标大都低于国家一级标准,自然条件下外排的废钻井液不再对环境造成污染。  相似文献   

针对急需解决的钻井废水、废气治理问题,以钻井作业大功率柴油机废气余热回收利用为出发点,研制了钻井废水废气综合治理设备。通过现场试验对钻井废水、废气治理效果及噪声影响的分析,试验结果表明,日处理钻井废水可达11~13m3/d,柴油机废气中污染物排放有一定程度的降低,柴油机高频噪声得到较明显降低,并有利于增加柴油机扭距。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study determined the acute toxicity of waste water disinfected with chlorine, bromine chloride, or ozone. The residual toxicity of effluent dechlorinated with sulfur dioxide was also tested. Toxicity tests were conducted with cyprinid, salmonid, and centrarchid fishes, as well as several species of fresh water macroinvertebrates. Residual chlorine exhibited the greatest toxicity of the disinfectants tested; dechlorination with sulfur dioxide effectively eliminated the toxicity of chlorinated effluent. Residual ozone produced mortality in test animals only under special conditions where subjects were exposed to effluent immediately after it was contacted with ozone, and chlorobrominated effluent was more toxic to salmonids than chlorinated effluent.  相似文献   

PDW-Ⅱ型石油钻井污水处理机的研制与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍了PDW-Ⅱ型石油钻井污水处理机的开发研究及现场试验结果。该机采用一步絮凝沉淀的工艺过程,适用于低色度、低浊度石油钻井污水的处理。试验表明:处理后出水达到国家综合污水二级排放标准,可以排放或回用于井场。  相似文献   

油田固体废物的毒性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对某油田3个区域井场的废弃钻井液和取自集输站及注水站的油泥(砂)等两种固体废物进行急性生物毒性试验和浸出毒性试验,试验结果表明:该油田的废弃钻井液急性生物毒性相对较大,油泥(砂)不具有急性生物毒性;这两种固体废物均不具有浸出毒性和腐蚀性。  相似文献   

不合理地片面强调钻井废水的回用,是造成废水处理质量不高的重要原因之一。现在根据钻井生产的特点,分析讨论了钻井废水回用率合理控制的必要性,同时提出分阶段控制回用率的方法。现场实践证明,在这个方法实施的基础上,再加上一些有效的辅助措施,能有效地提高钻井废水达标率并减轻其对环境的污染。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Phoenix metropolitan area has a unique combination of circumstances which makes it one of the prime areas in the Nation for waste water reuse. Overriding all of these conditions is the long-term inadequacy of the existing water supplies. The Salt River Valley has a ground water overdraft of about 700,000 acre feet per year. To help alleviate this situation, the Corps of Engineers in conjunction with the MAG 208 is looking at ways to reuse a projected 2020 waste water flow of 340,000 acre feet per year. Reuse options identified include ground water recharge, agricultural irrigation, turf irrigation, recreational lakes, fish and wildlife habitats, and industrial cooling. These look nice on paper but before they can be implemented, some hard questions have to be answered, such as: How acceptable are local treatment plants when 15 years ago there was a major push to eliminate local plants; is the Phoenix area ready for reuse in urban areas; what are people willing to pay for water; who benefits if a city goes to ground water recharge; how much agriculture will be left in the area by 2020? These and other questions must be resolved if reuse is to become a viable option in water resource planning in the Phoenix area. Summary. Large scale reuse of waste water conforms with the national goal of better resource management through recycling. The Phoenix metropolitan area has a unique combination of circumstances which makes it one of the prime areas in the nation for waste water reuse. Some of the most notable conditions are: the existence of a large and rapidly growing urban area which is in the process of planning for future waste water management systems; the existence of agricultural areas which are projected to be farmed well into the future, and the existence of constructed and planned major recreational systems such as Indian Bend Wash which can use recycled waste water; the existence of extensive depleted ground water aquifers; the need for a dependable source for the cooling of the Palo Verde Nuclear reactors; and finally, overriding all of this, the long-term inadequacy of the existing water supplies. Given this, one would expect to find total reuse within the Phoenix metropolitan area. Reuse is taking place with irrigation and nuclear power cooling to the west but there is no long term plan which looks at the Valley as a whole and considers waste water as part of the Valley's water resources. The Corps 208 plan is looking at waste water in this manner but initial analysis shows that although reuse is technically feasible there are many financial, social, institutional, and political questions still to be answered. These include: determining the value of existing diminishing water sources and what people are willing to pay for the next source of water; are people willing to identify priority uses of water for the area so that water of varying quality is put to its highest and best use; will the present institutional boundaries remain to create water-rich and water-poor areas; and will legislation be forthcoming to simplify the complex surface and ground water laws that presently exist? The Corps 208 study will not be able to answer these questions, but the goal at the moment is to identify feasible reuse systems along with decisions the public, owners, agencies, and politicians must make to select and implement them. If some sort of logical process is not developed and public awareness not increased, the chance for a long-term plan to utilize waste water as a major element in the Phoenix area water resource picture, may be missed.  相似文献   

钻井废水的处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文针对钻井废水的处理,综述了现有的处理方法、处理药剂以及处理装置,并对钻井废水的处理、排放提出了一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

废钻井液复合固化处理技术及应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了达到“以废治废、变废为宝”的目的,胜利油田对废钻井液固化处理技术进行了研究。详细分析了钻井液的有害成分及固化处理的作用机理,在确定了固化物设计指标的前提下,进行了大量实验室分析、检测及试样配比研究,得到了适合不同钻井液体系的固化处理配方,并对复合固结材料进行了击实、抗干湿、抗冻融等耐久性试验。结果表明,28d后,复合固结材料的抗压强度一般为0.5~1.5 MPa,可用于铺设简易道路或修建井场用。另外,在废钻井液中添加固结材料、稳定剂及骨料,并利用废钻井液的潜在活性,使其成为具有硅酸盐凝胶结构或水泥石结构的建筑材料,可以进行砌体施工。该项技术具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

为提高污水处理效果,降低运行成本,惠州大亚湾石化区综合污水处理厂针对实际来水状况,对原有工艺进行一系列工艺技术改造,改造后工艺系统运行良好,出水水质较高,达到广东省《水污染物排放限值》(DB4426-2001)第二时段一级标准。惠州大亚湾石化区综合污水处理厂的小水量技术改造表明:通过有效的技术改造和调整技术管理措施,可提高污水处理率、减少环境污染、降低生产成本、减少资源浪费。  相似文献   

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