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本研究将经济集聚、收入差距和化学需氧量(COD)排放强度纳入统一框架下,构建时空双向固定效应的动态空间杜宾模型(DSDM)和门槛空间动态面板模型(SDPTM),通过中国2011-2020年省级面板数据实证检验,考察经济集聚和收入差距对COD排放强度的影响机制。研究发现:①经济集聚呈“先促排、后减排”的倒“U”形特征,具有本地空间减排效应和空间溢出减排效应;②收入差距呈非线性的倒“N”形特征,具有本地空间减排效应,经济集聚在收入差距对COD排放的影响中存在门槛效应,当经济集聚超过门槛值1.1164时,收入差距的促排和减排效应均明显增强;③收入差距呈倒“N”形特征,具有空间溢出减排效应,且收入差距的长期空间溢出减排效应明显减弱;④收入差距在经济集聚时对COD排放强度的影响中起部分中介效应;⑤COD排放强度具有显著的时间和空间路径依赖性,经济集聚对COD排放的空间依赖特征的影响具有显著的区域异质性。  相似文献   

Our immense national water quality control program has been launched on a wholly empirical basis, much as our ancestors initiated early navigation improvements and flood control. Not only has there been no effort to determine the benefits of water quality control; the theoretical groundwork for optimization has not been developed. Three main national objectives for consideration are national economic efficiency, preserving and improving the national environment for man's use and development (conservation), and regional development. Although popular at present, the regional development objective is not particularly useful from an economic viewpoint. Efficiency objectives other than environmental can be evaluated but are apt to be minor. Other water quality benefits can be broken down appropriately into four main categories: (a) man's recreational environment; (b) man's home environment; (c) man's working environment; (d) intangibles related to scientific, historic, health and cultural values. In management of water quality, various technical relationships must be considered, particularly as to quantity of water needed for waste disposal, and relationship of this use to water supply withdrawals. Advanced waste treatment must be compared with other alternatives, not only of flow augmentation, but also technological process changes, distribution of effluents, and artificial river aeration.  相似文献   

A fundamental purpose of intergovernmental growth management has been to infuse regional concerns—especially regional environmental and economic development concerns—into local land use planning. This paper presents results from a study of state-mandated local planning in coastal North Carolina during the mid-1990s, addressing in particular local efforts to ‘strike a balance’ between environment and economy as required by the state's planning mandate. While acknowledging the need for coastal resource protection, coastal localities were not striking a balance between environment and economy through their planning efforts beyond stating support for the State's minimum resource protection rules. Within this context, key factors yielding less environmentally focused local planning included both local elected officials' concerns about the need for economic development for jobs and their belief that environmental protection was not a local problem. Factors that tended to shift local planning back toward environmental protection included local officials' perception that the local economy was in good shape and heightened citizen engagement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Water and related land resource planning has generally been characterized by project evaluation in isolation. Feasible alternatives have been ignored because the economic analysis did not include the interdependence of such subregional and regional variables as factor and product prices and production possibilities. This paper presents an economic framework, consistent with a regional development objective and an efficiency criterion, for proposing and evaluating resource projects. Subregional and regional derived demand curves for water are developed under alternative assumptions of subregional competition, regional market restraints, and yield and price uncertainty. The derivation of water demand curves using the proposed regional framework as compared to sub regional isolation has the desirable properties of (1) a marginal analysis that is more flexible over time is substituted for a static average analysis; (2) range estimates incorporating probabilities are substituted for point estimates; (3) approximations to functional demand curves are substituted for “needs”; and (4) fewer resources are required to meet a regional market restraint.  相似文献   

陆楠  魏斌  朱琦  刘定  杨毅 《中国环境管理》2015,7(6):66-70,83
区域大气污染防治管理系统是生态环境保护信息化工程(《"十二五"国家政务信息化工程建设规划》中规划的国家级信息系统之一)项目建设的重要内容之一.本文对区域大气污染防治管理系统的建设需求进行了分析,系统针对大尺度的区域性大气环境质量问题,紧密结合国务院"大气污染防治行动计划"的目标任务要求,开展数据调度与综合分析等功能的建设,旨在通过数据分析提高重点区域大气环境质量状况与污染成因的评估能力,通过情景模拟与模型运算为区域大气污染治理措施的制定与动态调整提供定量化数据支持.系统的建设与实施将有望成为国家大气污染防治领域跨部门数据共享与交换的基础工程,为区域大气污染防治工作提供有力的信息化技术支撑.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper provides a critical analysis of the Bureau of Reclamation's Auburn-Folsom South project in California. While this massive $1.5 billion project is temporarily halted for redesign for earthquake hazard, it is timely to examine its justification on economic grounds. The key finding is that several major benefit categories, irrigation and recreation, have been grossly overstated. In addition, the Bureau failed entirely to estimate the cost of use on the free-flowing American River, or a probability-weighted estimate of catastrophic loss. Revised estimates indicate that the project is not economically justified. In addition, the project has unattractive distributive effects. The implications of this case study for current revisions in U.S. water policy are explored. The Auburn study basically provides support for the U.S. Water Resource Council's draft manual of procedures for evaluating federal water resource projects.  相似文献   

The decline of a regional fishing nation: The case of Ghana and West Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inadequate trade policies, globalization of the fishing industry, dominance of Europe's distant water fleets, declarations of exclusive economic zones (EEZs) by neighbouring West African nations, overfishing and a lack of good governance contributed to the decline of Ghana as a regional fishing nation, a position it had held since the 18th century. The prohibitive cost of access arrangements limited Ghana's access to distant waters. The country's marine environments have been impacted by overexploitation of stocks and the use of destructive methods. Subsistence fishing has become the sole means of survival for many fishers. The decline of the fishing sector has limited the country's ability to meet domestic demand and threatened the economic and food security of many Ghanaians. The article traces the early history of Ghana's fisheries, their gradual decline during the last four decades, and outlines recommendations for policy changes to address the situation and steer the nation on a course towards sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

A government-funded scheme, the UK Climate Change Communications Initiative (UKCCCI), has provided money for organisations to deliver projects that attempt to impact positively on people's attitudes towards climate change. This devolution of communications is a relatively novel approach after previous centralised campaigns. This paper considers what size of target audience is most appropriate for attitude change initiatives. It compares data from a regional UKCCCI project aimed at residents of two counties with a nationally representative dataset. Regional data are also analysed to see if there are differences in attitudes within the two-counties target audience. The study suggests that attitude change interventions must strike a balance between personalisation of information and the higher cost of targeting smaller groups with more specific material.  相似文献   

The publication of the Brundtland report has stimulated the quest for the holy grail of sustainable development. In the UK, a focus for the economic analysis of this subject has been provided by the Pearce report. One strand of analysis is concerned with policy and project appraisal which in turn is the subject of the Department of the Environment's guide Policy Appraisal and the Environment. This paper provides some of the background and discusses some of the distributional issues not addressed in the guide.  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,越来越多的国家和地区开始重视绿色高质量发展,对生态产品的研究也在不断加强。各种政策工具相继出现,致力于将自然给予的生态产品资本化,并赋能经济发展。其中,衢州市柯城区的“一村万树”项目就是一种具有创新性的生态产品价值实现模式。本文对衢州市柯城区“一村万树”项目及其绿色期权模式进行研究,结合部门统计数据和空间信息数据,对“一村万树”项目实施区2018年的生态效益进行核算,并选取柯城区2010—2018年相关社会经济统计数据进行相关性分析,探析项目的社会经济效益,最后在量化分析的基础上结合公共池塘资源治理的八条设计原则,定性分析了“一村万树”绿色期权的合理性。结果显示:“一村万树”实施区2018年的生态效益为124.63亿元,约为研究区国内生产总值估算值的1.68倍,说明该项目具有巨大的生态效益;同时,相关分析结果表明该项目实施对当地第三产业的发展有较大的促进作用。柯城区“一村万树”项目以及绿色期权模式给当地带来了巨大的生态和社会经济效益,为我国的乡村绿化建设和生态产品价值实现提供了一种新范式。  相似文献   

在国家主体功能区规划和区域经济发展战略的共同推动下,大量污染密集型企业从东部沿海向中西部地区迁移。中西部地区如何实现经济发展和生态环境保护的双赢,迁移企业的环境行为改善成为问题的关键。本文以江西省G市H电源公司为案例,研究迁移企业环境行为改善的阶段特征,分析各利益相关者的相互作用以及企业响应,探讨促进企业环境行为改善的驱动机制。研究发现,迁移企业的环境行为优化和环境绩效提高不是自发的,是各利益相关者多次博弈的过程。在这个过程中,严格的环境规制和民众环保意识的提高是重要的推动因素;地方政府具有执行环境规制和追求经济增长的双重角色,使迁移企业环境行为的改善进程更加复杂,污染密集型企业的可持续发展需要新的思路。在案例研究的基础上,本文试图探索中西部地区实现经济发展与生态环境保护双赢的路径,为实现中国经济的绿色转型和升级提供有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

环境货物和服务部门(EGSS)统计框架是由欧盟统计署研究制定的、用于收集和整理环境产品与服务相关统计数据的方法,已经被联合国统计署纳入"环境经济统计体系(SEEA)"中,成为一项国际统计标准。中国的经济普查工作在数据采集方式上与EGSS具有较好的一致性,本文主要对我国的经济普查与EGSS统计框架进行比较研究,探索从经济普查表核算EGSS数据的方法和思路。结果表明:经济普查可作为常规统计口径核算EGSS数据的一个切入点,但是需要在数据连续性、行业小类划分、统计的经济指标范围方面进行衔接融合;基于经济普查数据引进EGSS统计框架可采取分阶段推进方式。  相似文献   

This paper considers whether South Africa's Integrated Development Plans provide an adequate framework for achieving sustainable regional development, particularly for peripheral regions of developing countries. It examines the case of Integrated Development Planning in the Ugu District Municipality, which has been acclaimed for its emphasis on incorporating principles of sustainable development into its planning processes. While the emphasis on integration and the multi‐sectoral approach are strengths, greater attention needs to be given to environmental aspects, and the form of planning needs to be adapted to the context, and its social, economic and political dynamics.  相似文献   


Sweden has led the way in Europe in environmental protection, ecologically based technological innovation and social democracy. As new economic and ethnographic realities impact upon it, it faces challenges to its policies and practices long familiar elsewhere in Europe. We report on a study for the Swedish Research Councils in which we examined the national framework and political strategy for sustainable development, and how the strategy is being implemented in Sweden's three major cities and two case-study municipalities. History and tradition, cultural homogeneity and a strong and shared sense between sectors of 'the public good', emerged as very important. Until recently, these have obviated the need for formal links between the environmental, social and economic agendas. They now appear inadequately developed at all levels of governance. Tensions in policy are being played out at the level of the municipality, to which power is highly devolved, and Local Agenda 21, interpreted as project rather than process, seems unequal to the task of integration. We suggest what lessons may be drawn from the Swedish experience if issues of power and trust, leadership and participatory vs representative democracy are to be resolved.  相似文献   

Material selection in manufacturing may be characterized as a series of trade-offs between characteristics, properties, environmental impacts, sustainability, availability, and economics. Societal concerns about the environmental impacts of construction practices and materials have been expressed through an increase in the demand, production and use of “green” building products. This, combined with a desire to integrate more bioproducts and natural and renewable resources into the construction industry, has extended to the production and promotion of insulation made from sheep's wool.Although substantial literature exists on the insulation properties and other benefits of wool, less is known about the economics and manufacturing processes of sheep's wool insulation at varying scales of production. This paper contributes to this field of enquiry through presentation of the preliminary results of a wool insulation manufacturing pilot project, in which the scale and economics of the production of sheep's wool insulation were considered. Processing techniques, the impact of sheep breed, yield, energy use, and manufacturing costs were also examined. The results of the pilot project indicate that, while sheep's wool insulation produced at a smaller, or artisanal scale shows some potential, scale of operation and volume of production need to be carefully considered in order to ensure long-term sustainability of the operation. Using the least expensive sheep's wool available for the manufacture of wool batt insulation (and thereby reducing production costs) did not, in this pilot study, have a negative impact on productivity or product performance. Diversion of this waste stream of currently less marketable, and consequently less valuable wool, into the production of a green building material may offer small but significant benefit to sheep producers and the broader agricultural community, as well as consumers.  相似文献   

探究沿海城市化推进与海洋污染间的关系对沿海城市绿色发展具有重要意义。本文基于2006—2013年中国沿海46个地级市的海洋污染物浓度数据和遥感所得的夜间灯光亮度数据,运用面板空间计量技术从深度推进和广度推进两方面系统考察了沿海城市化对海洋污染的影响及作用机制,结果表明:以紧凑集约为特征的城市化深度推进与海洋污染之间存在着非线性的“U形”关系,而以规模扩张为特征的城市化广度推进只会单纯地加剧海洋污染。城市化深度推进会通过集聚效应和技术进步效应对海洋污染产生积极影响,而城市化广度推进过程中所带来的人口规模的扩大会加剧海洋污染,此外产业结构和绿色技术未能转型升级也是城市扩张加剧海洋污染的关键因素所在。本研究提出在海洋环境管理过程中,一是要加强区域合作,实现海洋污染的区域联防联控;二是应注重城市的紧凑集约化发展,发挥沿海城市化推进对海洋污染防治的正外部性影响;三是需推进海洋经济的绿色可持续发展,实现海洋经济发展与海洋环境污染的脱钩。  相似文献   

经过近60年的探索和实践,我国海洋生态环境管理机制体制不断完善,海洋生态环境综合管理能力显著提升。本文立足我国海洋生态环境管理现状,重点从强化制度约束性、机制协同性和政策指导性等角度分析了存在的主要问题,阐述了陆海统筹的海洋生态环境管理体系框架,并提出了构建以生物多样性保护为核心的海洋生态环境管理分区、建立以氮磷污染物为重点的陆海协同排放管控制度、完善以监测评估为核心的海洋生态监管制度、建立以入海河流和海湾为重点的区域联防联控机制和完善以海洋生态补偿和赔偿为核心的财政政策等重点任务,可为建立陆海统筹的生态环境治理制度提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT India's multidimensional water development programs have contributed significantly to the promotion of the country's economic growth. Rapid growth of irrigation has substantially increased agricultural production. Hydro power generation has doubled during the last two decades, and this has accelerated industrialization and extended rural electrification. Minor irrigation has taken on a new importance in the Fourth Five Year Plan, signifying a departure from the earlier Plans. “Green Revolution” owes a large measure of its success to the availability of assured water supplies. Water development projects have also generated tremendous employment opportunities. Despite its pronounced impact on the economy, India's water planning strategy has some glaring weaknesses: the failure to incorporate “indirect benefits” in cost-benefit calculations; the under-utilization of water potential; and, the progressive increase in the cost of irrigating an acre of land. The prevailing institutional structure in India constitutes a major deterrent to the diffusion of the benefits of water development. There are stubborn psychological factors which render the adoption of innovative irrigation practices difficult. There is thus an overwhelming need to revamp India's institutional framework. On balance, however, water development in India has made its impact felt on India's myriads of villages. And from the arid “dust bowls” of India new life has emerged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Regional development and industrialization patterns are investigated and related via regression analysis to water resource investments for the island of Puerto Rico. Although results of this study indicate such investments have little immediate or short-term impact, significant relationships and variations in regional responses appear over longer time periods. This is shown by applying a variation of Zellner's method of performing seemingly unrelated regressions jointly. By this method, subsets of parameter coefficients of specific economic variables were restricted across regional equations while unrestricted coefficients were interpreted as explaining systematic regional variations in response to public investment. Regional differences, obtained by using this method, are frequently neglected when simply examining the overall development process. Among the more interesting results in terms of policy implications is the apparent significant relationship, over the period considered, between changes in the distribution of income and the pattern of water resource development.  相似文献   

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