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ABSTRACT: Much of the Obion River in western Tennessee was channelized into the 1960s. Stage data from three stream-flow gaging stations on the Obion were used to determine how channelization affected flood frequency and annual maximum stage. Channelization affected the upper and lower Obion River differently. Flooding has become infrequent on the upper Obion River since channelization, even during the winter and spring which is the wettest time of year. In contrast, except for the winter months, there has been little effect on flood frequency on the lower Obion River where stage is highly dependent on the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River often backs up and floods the Obion River more than 50 km above its mouth and may contribute to flooding at an even greater distance upstream by reducing the water-surface gradient and slowing discharge. Channelization on the upper section of the river and many of the small tributaries has increased flow efficiency, but has also caused channel erosion and downstream deposition, reducing the cross-sectional channel area and possibly contributing to downstream flooding. Maximum annual stages at the upper and lower Obion River changed little. Therefore, the maximum surface area, submerged at least once each year, has been unaffected by channelization.  相似文献   

Kroes, Daniel E. and Cliff R. Hupp, 2010. The Effect of Channelization on Floodplain Sediment Deposition and Subsidence Along the Pocomoke River, Maryland. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(4): 686-699. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00440.x Abstract: The nontidal Pocomoke River was intensively ditched and channelized by the mid-1900s. In response to channelization; channel incision, head-cut erosion, and spoil bank perforation have occurred in this previously nonalluvial system. Six sites were selected for study of floodplain sediment dynamics in relation to channel condition. Short- and long-term sediment deposition/subsidence rates and composition were determined. Short-term rates (four years) ranged from 0.6 to 3.6 mm/year. Long-term rates (15-100+ years) ranged from −11.9 to 1.7 mm/year. 137Cs rates (43 years) indicate rates of 0.24 to 7.4 mm/year depending on channel condition. Channelization has limited contact between streamflow and the floodplain, resulting in little or no sediment retention in channelized reaches. Along unchannelized reaches, extended contact and depth of river water on the floodplain resulted in high deposition rates. Drainage of floodplains exposed organic sediments to oxygen resulting in subsidence and releasing stored carbon. Channelization increased sediment deposition in downstream reaches relative to the presettlement system. The sediment storage function of this river has been dramatically altered by channelization. Results indicate that perforation of spoil banks along channelized reaches may help to alleviate some of these issues.  相似文献   

Channelization is one of the most common solutions to urban drainage problems, despite the fact that channelized streams are frequently morphologically unstable, biologically unproductive, and aesthetically displeasing. There is increasing empirical and theoretical evidence to suggest that channelization may be counterproductive unless channels are designed to prevent the bank erosion and channel silting that often accompanies stream dredging. Many of the detrimental effects of channelization can be avoided, with little compromise in channel efficiency, by employing channel design guidelines that do not destroy the hydraulic and morphologic equilibria that natural streams possess. These guidelines include minimal straightening; promoting bank stability by leaving trees, minimizing channel reshaping, and employing bank stabilization techniques; and, emulating the morphology of natural stream channels. This approach, called stream restoration or stream renovation, is being successfully employed to reduce flooding and control erosion and sedimentation problems on streams in Charlotte, North Carolina.  相似文献   

River engineers use sediment transport formulas to design regulated channels in which the river's ability to transport bedload would remain in equilibrium with the delivery of materials from upstream. In gravel-bed rivers, a number of factors distort the simple relationship between particle size and hydraulic parameters at the threshold of sediment motion, inherent in the formulas. This may lead to significant errors in predicting the bedload transport rates in such streams and hence to instability of their regulated channels. The failure to recognize a nonstationary river regime may also result in unsuccessful channelization. Rapid channel incision has followed channelization of the main rivers of the Polish Carpathians in the 20th century. A case study of the Raba River shows that incision has resulted from the increase in stream power caused by channelization and the simultaneous reduction in sediment supply due to variations in basin management and a change in flood hydrographs. Calculations of bedload transport in the river by the Meyer-Peter and Müller formula are shown to have resulted in unrealistic estimates, perhaps because the different degree of bed armoring in particular cross-sections was neglected. It would have been possible to avoid improper channelization if the decreasing trend in sediment load of the Carpathian rivers had been recognized on the basis of geomorphological and sedimentological studies. Allowing the rivers to increase their sinuosity, wherever possible without an erosional threat to property and infrastructure, and preventing further in-stream gravel mining are postulated in order to arrest channel incision and reestablish the conditions for water and sediment storage on the floodplains.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Within the flood plain of the lower reach of Peaks Branch, a stream in east Dallas Texas, 500 buildings would be partially inundated by the 100-year flood. The fully-developed watershed and flood plain mainly accommodate low-cost housing. Eight alternative flooding remedies, ranging from no action to stream channelization to complete redevelopment, are considered. The alternates are evaluated in terms of their relative safety, effects on neighborhoods, required relocations of families and businesses, initial costs, and maintenance costs. Creation of a stream-side greenway, offering lakes and parks, is recommended. This plan best balances costs and required relocations with community benefits, including flood protection.  相似文献   

Wetland protection and restoration strategies that are designed to promote hydrologic resilience do not incorporate the location of wetlands relative to the main stream network. This is primarily attributed to the lack of knowledge on the effects of wetland location on wetland hydrologic function (e.g., flood and drought mitigation). Here, we combined a watershed‐scale, surface–subsurface, fully distributed, physically based hydrologic model with historical, existing, and lost (drained) wetland maps in the Nose Creek watershed in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America to (1) estimate the hydrologic functions of lost wetlands and (2) estimate the hydrologic functions of wetlands located at different distances from the main stream network. Modeling results showed wetland loss altered streamflow, decreasing baseflow and increasing stream peakflow during the period of the precipitation events that led to major flooding in the watershed and downstream cities. In addition, we found that wetlands closer to the main stream network played a disproportionately important role in attenuating peakflow, while wetland location was not important for regulating baseflow. The findings of this study provide information for watershed managers that can help to prioritize wetland restoration efforts for flood or drought risk mitigation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to characterize the sources, concentrations, and distribution of total and methylmer‐cury in water, and channel and bank sediments of Steamboat Creek, Nevada. This information was needed to begin to assess the potential impacts of stream restoration on mercury pollution in this tributary to the Truckee River. The Truckee River flows into Pyramid Lake, a terminal water body home to one endangered and one threatened fish species, where stable pollutants will accumulate over time. Mercury in Steamboat Creek was originally derived from its headwaters, Washoe Lake, where several gold and silver mills that utilized mercury were located. In the 100 plus years since ore processing occurred, mercury‐laden alluvium has been deposited in the stream channel and on streambanks where it is available for remobilization. Total mercury concentrations measured in unfiltered water from the creek ranged from 82 to 419 ng/L, with greater than 90 percent of this mercury being particle‐bound (> 0.45 (m). Mercury in sediments ranged from 0.26 to 10.2 μg/g. Methylmercury concentrations in sediments of Steamboat Creek were highest in wetlands, lower in the stream channel, and still lower in streambank settings. Methylmercury concentrations in water were 0.63 to 1.4 ng/L. A streambank restoration plan, which includes alterations to channel geometry and wetland creation or expansion, has been initiated for the creek. Data developed indicate that streambank stabilization could reduce the mercury loading to the Creek and that wetland construction could exacerbate methylmercury production.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of loss of natural stream and riparian habitat is of concern throughout the United States and Europe. Environmental impacts related to such activities as channelization of and levee construction along streams and rivers are particularly apparent in the Midwestern United States. The objective of the research presented here was to delineate the extent, relative degree of impact, and implications for management of channelization and levee construction along watercourses located in the state of Illinois. According to records maintained through the Illinois Streams Information System data base (Illinois Department of Conservation), nearly 25% of surface water resources in the state have been modified directly by channelization and/or levee construction. Reviews of agency records, elaboration of case histories, interviews with agency personnel, and inspections of impacted sites indicated that these alterations have occurred without the benefit of effective mitigation. Although permit records may provide suggestions for mitigation to be incorporated in the design of a particular project, permits issued generally do not require even minimal instream habitat and bank stabilization efforts in conjunction with channel alteration. Information derived from policy and case study analyses suggests that institutional constraints, rather than lack of particular understanding about mitigation, provide major barriers to protecting the state's surface water resources in terms of regulatory review, policy interpretation and implementation, and project evaluation. Recommendations for environmental management efforts regarding these and similar channel alterations are elaborated from these findings.  相似文献   

Over the past century, channelization, agricultural tiling, and land use changes have resulted in significant stream channel degradation of the Cache River in southern Illinois. With the increasing interest in restoration of the watershed's bottomland forests and swamps, we sought to characterize geomorphic change over the past 110 years to inform restoration and management. A previously surveyed stretch of river was resurveyed in the fall of 2011, following a record flood in the spring of that year. Results suggest that the slope of the channel in this section of the river has increased 345% between 1903 and 1972 (p < 0.01), but has not changed significantly since (p = 0.12). Within that same time period, bank heights increased between 1 and 7 m and bed elevation decreased between 1 and 5 m. Changes in resurveyed cross sections appear to be primarily due to recent flood scour. It appears as though early 20th Century stream channel modifications had immediate effects on the geomorphology of the channel; however, channel geometry is now at or near equilibrium. This case study of the Cache River watershed demonstrates how and why successful restoration will require integration of geomorphic processes of the system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Geologic, engineering, and biological investigations of six Pennsylvania coldwater streams were undertaken to determine the impact of channel modifications instituted both prior to and following Hurricane Agnes. The primary focus of the study was on the ecological changes brought about by stream channelization. No long-term deleterious effects on water quality, attached algae, benthic fauna, or forage fish populations were found. Trout, however, were found to be greater in numbers and weight in natural than in channelized stream reaches. Lack of suitable physical habitat appears to be the primary cause of reduced trout populations in stream reaches which have been channelized.  相似文献   

Geomorphic, hydraulic and hydrologic principles are applied in the design of a stable stream channel for a badly disturbed portion of Badger Creek, Colorado, and its associated riparian and meadow complexes. The objective is to shorten the period of time required for a channel in coarse alluvium to recover from an impacted morphologic state to a regime condition representative of current watershed conditions. Channel geometry measurements describe the stream channel and the normal bankfull stage in relatively stable reaches. Critical shear stress equations were used to design a stable channel in noncohesive materials with dimensions which approximate those of less disturbed reaches. Gabion controls, spaced at approximately 300 m intervals, are recommended to help reduce the chance of lateral migration of the newly constructed channel. Controls are designed to allow for some vertical adjustment of the channel bed following increased bank stability due to revegetation. The flood plain is designed to dissipate flood flow energy and discourage multiple flood channels. The channel has approximately a 90 percent chance of remaining stable the first two years following construction, the time estimated for increased stability to occur due to revegetation.  相似文献   

Densmore, Roseann V. and Kenneth F. Karle, 2009. Flood Effects on an Alaskan Stream Restoration Project: The Value of Long‐Term Monitoring. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1424‐1433. Abstract: On a nationwide basis, few stream restoration projects have long‐term programs in place to monitor the effects of floods on channel and floodplain configuration and floodplain vegetation, but long‐term and event‐based monitoring is required to measure the effects of these stochastic events and to use the knowledge for adaptive management and the design of future projects. This paper describes a long‐term monitoring effort (15 years) on a stream restoration project in Glen Creek in Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. The stream channel and floodplain of Glen Creek had been severely degraded over a period of 80 years by placer mining for gold, which left many reaches with unstable and incised streambeds without functioning vegetated floodplains. The objectives of the original project, initiated in 1991, were to develop and test methods for the hydraulic design of channel and floodplain morphology and for floodplain stabilization and riparian habitat recovery, and to conduct research and monitoring to provide information for future projects in similar degraded watersheds. Monitoring methods included surveyed stream cross‐sections, vegetation plots, and aerial, ground, and satellite photos. In this paper we address the immediate and outlying effects of a 25‐year flood on the stream and floodplain geometry and riparian vegetation. The long‐term monitoring revealed that significant channel widening occurred following the flood, likely caused by excessive upstream sediment loading and the fairly slow development of floodplain vegetation in this climate. Our results illustrated design flaws, particularly in regard to identification and analysis of sediment sources and the dominant processes of channel adjustment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The volume and sustainability of streamflow from headwaters to downstream reaches commonly depend on contributions from ground water. Streams that begin in extensive aquifers generally have a stable point of origin and substantial discharge in their headwaters. In contrast, streams that begin as discharge from rocks or sediments having low permeability have a point of origin that moves up and down the channel seasonally, have small incipient discharge, and commonly go dry. Nearly all streams need to have some contribution from ground water in order to provide reliable habitat for aquatic organisms. Natural processes and human activities can have a substantial effect on the flow of streams between their headwaters and downstream reaches. Streams lose water to ground water when and where their head is higher than the contiguous water table. Although very common in arid regions, loss of stream water to ground water also is relatively common in humid regions. Evaporation, as well as transpiration from riparian vegetation, causing ground‐water levels to decline also can cause loss of stream water. Human withdrawal of ground water commonly causes streamflow to decline, and in some regions has caused streams to cease flowing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the biggest challenges in managing cold water streams in the Midwest is understanding how stream temperature is controlled by the complex interactions among meteorologic processes, channel geometry, and ground water inflow. Inflow of cold ground water, shade provided by riparian vegetation, and channel width are the most important factors controlling summer stream temperatures. A simple screening model was used to quantitatively evaluate the importance of these factors and guide management decisions. The model uses an analytical solution to the heat transport equation to predict steady‐state temperature throughout a stream reach. The model matches field data from four streams in southwestern Wisconsin quite well (typically within 1°C) and helps explain the observed warming and cooling trends along each stream reach. The distribution of ground water inflow throughout a stream reach has an important influence on stream temperature, and springs are especially effective at providing thermal refuge for fish. Although simple, this model provides insight into the importance of ground water and the impact different management strategies, such as planting trees to increase shade, may have on summer stream temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract: In 2006, we collected flow, sediment, and phosphorus (P) data at stream locations upstream and downstream of a small degraded wetland in south‐central Wisconsin traversed by a stream draining a predominantly agricultural watershed. The amount of sediment that left the wetland in the two largest storms, which accounted for 96% of the exported sediment during the observation period, was twice the amount that entered the wetland, even though only 50% of the wetland had been inundated. This apparently anomalous result is due to erosion of sediment that had accumulated in the low‐gradient channel and to the role of drainage ditches, which trapped sediment during the wetland‐filling phase. In the case of total P, the inflow to the wetland approximately equaled the outflow, although the wetland sequestered 30% of the incoming dissolved reactive P. The discrepancy is almost certainly due to net export of sediment. Many wetlands in the glaciated midwestern United States are ditched and traversed by low‐gradient channels draining predominantly agricultural areas, so the processes observed in this wetland are likely to be common in that region. Knowledge of this behavior presents opportunities to improve water quality in this and similar regions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus exports from channelizedstream watersheds were elevated over those from nearby natural swamp-stream watersheds. Nitrate exports were significantly greater from channelized-stream watersheds, and higher exports were attributed to faster groundwater drawdown, continual streamflow, and transformation of former floodplain to croplands following channelization. Exports of total organic nitrogen and total nitrogen were also significantly greater from channelized-stream watersheds. Differences in the exports of ammonium, filterable reactive phosphorus, and filterable unreactive phosphorus between the two watershed types were not detectable. Particulate phosphorus exports were significantly higher from channelized-stream watersheds, presumably because of greater erosion potential of nearby croplands and steep channel banks in the altered watersheds. The presence of nonpoint sources of pollution increased watershed exports of nutrients regardless of stream morphology. Examination of nutrient budgets for a portion of swamp floodplain at the base of one natural-stream watershed revealed that changes in local groundwater hydrology and stream morphology associated with channelization appeared to have greater effect on nutrient exports than simply the loss of bordering forested floodplain.  相似文献   

Wetland conservation is a critical environmental management issue. An emerging approach to this issue involves the construction of wetland environments. Because our understanding of wetlands function is incomplete and such projects must be monitored closely because they may have unanticipated impacts on ecological, hydrological, and geomorphological systems. Assessment of project-related impacts on stream channel stability is an important component of riverine wetlands construction and operation because enhanced erosion or deposition associated with unstable rivers can lead to loss of property, reductions in channel capacity, and degradation of water quality, aquatic habitat, and riparian aesthetics. The water/sediment budget concept provides a scientific framework for evaluating the impact of riverine wetlands construction and operation on stream channel stability. This concept is based on the principle of conservation of mass, i.e., the total amount of water and sediment moving through a specific reach of river must be conserved. Long-term measurements of channel sediment storage and other water/sediment budget components provide the basis for distinguishing between project-related impacts and those resulting from other causes. Changes in channel sediment storage that occur as a result of changes in internal inputs of water or sediment signal a project-related impact, whereas those associated with changes in upstream or tributary inputs denote a change in environmental conditions elsewhere in the watershed. A geomorphic assessment program based on the water/sediment budget concept has been implemented at the site of the Des Plaines River Wetlands Demonstration Projection near Chicago, Illinois, USA. Channel sediment storage changed little during the initial construction phase, suggesting that thus far the project has not affected stream channel stability.  相似文献   

This paper recounts our predictions of channel evolution of the Black Vermillion River (BVR) and sediment yields associated with the evolutionary sequence. Channel design parameters allowed for the prediction of stable channel form and coincident sediment yields. Measured erosion rates and basin‐specific bank erosion curves aided in prediction of the stream channel succession time frame. This understanding is critical in determining how and when to mitigate a myriad of instability consequences. The BVR drains approximately 1,062 km2 in the glaciated region of Northeast Kansas. Once tallgrass prairie, the basin has been modified extensively for agricultural production. As such, channelization has shortened the river by nearly 26 km from pre‐European dimensions; shortening combined with the construction of numerous flow‐through structures have produced dramatic impacts on discharge and sediment dynamics. Nine stream reaches were established within three main tributaries of the BVR in 2007. Reaches averaged 490 m in length, were surveyed, and assessed for channel stability, while resurveys were conducted annually through 2010 to monitor change. This work illustrates the association of current stream state, in‐channel sediment contributions, and prediction of future erosion rates based on stream evolution informed by multiple models. Our findings suggest greater and more rapid sedimentation of a federal reservoir than has been predicted using standard sediment prediction methods.  相似文献   

Since 1994, water-quality constituents have been measured monthly in three adjacent Coastal Plain watersheds in southwestern Georgia. During 1994, rainfall was 650 mm above annual average and the highest flows on record were observed. From November 1998 through November 2000, 19 months had below average rainfall. Lowest flows on record were observed during the summer of 2000. The watersheds are human-dominated with row-crop agriculture and managed forestlands being the major land uses. However, one watershed (Chickasawhatchee Creek) had 10 to 13% less agriculture and greater wetland area, especially along the stream. Suspended particles, dissolved organic carbon, NH4-N, and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were greater during wet and flood periods compared with dry and drought periods for each stream. Regional hydrologic conditions had little effect on NO3-N or dissolved inorganic carbon. Chickasawhatchee Creek had significantly lower suspended sediment and NO3-N concentrations and greater organic and inorganic carbon concentrations, reflecting greater wetland area and stronger connection to a regional aquifer system. Even though substantial human land use occurred within all watersheds, water quality was generally good and can be attributed to low stream drainage density and relatively intact floodplain forests. Low drainage density minimizes surface run-off into streams. Floodplain forests reduce nonpoint-source pollutants through biological and physical absorption. In addition to preserving water quality, floodplain forests provide important ecological functions through the export of nutrients and organic carbon to streams. Extreme low flows may be disruptive to aquatic life due to both the lack of water and to the scarcity of biologically important materials originating from floodplain forests.  相似文献   

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