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ABSTRACT: The hypothesis of this paper is that the frequently used regulatory practice which employs point estimates in water pollution control objectives, in combination with monitoring at infrequent intervals, is an inadequate scientific procedure for the measurement and control of pollution. The first part of this paper outlines the relevant sampling theory which applies to the measurement of effluent from industrial plants and describes the possible errors in sampling practice which currently affect the interpretation and enforcement of environmental standards. In the second part of the paper, the authors describe briefly the environmental significance of biological damage functions. In the final part of the paper, the authors recommend that existing pollution control regulations be restructured to be more efficient and effective in the protection of both corporate and social interests. By adopting two different approaches to regulation depending upon the nature of the appropriate damage functions and critical fish species, it is possible to reduce significantly the waste of resources.  相似文献   

各级政府贯彻落实绿色发展的理念,实现经济增长与环境保护的共赢,才能真正实现"绿水青山就是金山银山"。在经济"新常态"背景下,防治环境污染是个复杂而系统性的工程,需要进行经济追因与综合治理,其中,制定实施有效的环境政策工具尤为关键。本文把微观经济学中的双寡头产量竞争模型作为基准模型拓展用于环境经济分析,并把环境税、环境规制、排污权交易这三类主要环境工具对企业生产决策的影响纳入基准模型,旨在对比研究不完全竞争行业中环境工具的有效性问题。结果表明:主要基于市场机制的环境经济政策比行政色彩浓厚的环境规制更有效率。提高环境税率或排污权价格均能显著削减行业污染物排放量,如果环境税率恰好等于排污权价格,则环境税与排污权交易这两类环境工具的效力相等。这对进一步建立和完善我国尚处于探索或初始实施阶段的环境工具,促进石化、电力、钢铁等不完全竞争行业的主要污染物减排,具有一定参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

There has been much criticism of the system for the control of industrial pollution, but not much is known about the views of the regulators and the industry. The objective of this study was to explore the attitudes at this regulatory interface towards the current and proposed regulatory system and make recommendations for improvements. The methodology involved a questionnaire survey sent to over 700 key personnel. Statistical analysis revealed similarities and significant differences between the views of industry and the regulator on the effectiveness of the current regime. Weaknesses related to the derivation and enforcement of standards were identified. The Environmental Quality Standards system was acknowledged to be flawed by both operators and regulators who agreed it should be improved by the expansion of listed chemicals, the introduction of sediment environmental quality standards and direct toxicity assessment of effluents. This paper concludes that these measures should be incorporated into the regulatory system, together with more rigorous enforcement of environmental performance standards including serious sanctions for non-compliance. In the longer term, a reappraisal of the regulatory system is required in order to establish an appropriate framework to ensure that environmental policy commitments are implemented.  相似文献   

生态环境大数据,是反映生态环境状况,污染物来源、构成及排放主体,公众环境诉求等方面的数据集合,是预测环境质量变化、评价污染治理效果、解决紧迫环境问题的科学基础。推动生态环境保护大数据的发展和应用,对于我国供给侧结构性改革,加快绿色环保产业发展,优化社会治理结构,实现治理能力现代化等,具有重大的现实意义。应加强生态环境大数据建设的顶层设计,以改善环境质量和服务民生为核心,完善法规标准,统筹基础设施建设,推动互联互通和开放共享,为公众提供便捷、高效和低成本的公共环境信息服务,让公众看得见、感受到环境质量的改善和生活环境的宜居,确保信息安全。  相似文献   

控制环境与健康风险:美国环境标准制度功能借鉴   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
传统观念下,环境与健康分属两个不同领域,美国作为最早遭遇环境与健康问题的国家,经过多年努力,形成了建立以保障公共健康为核心的环境标准体系和环境与健康风险评估框架,实现了对环境与健康风险的有效控制。美国对环境污染物的界定主要取决于其对公共健康的影响,将污染物分为普遍及对公共健康危害较大的污染物、一些污染范围较小或对公共健康危害较小的污染物两类,且采取不同的标准制定方法。在标准制定方面,主要是将有关科学共识转化为可执行的环境标准。为了避免环境标准的不确定性带来的不利影响,建立了包括科学论证、公开透明、周期性审查等较为严格的环境标准制定程序。美国赋予环境标准制度以控制环境与健康风险的功能,并通过建立以保障公共健康为核心的环境标准体系,实现对环境与健康风险有效控制的执法路径,对解决中国目前存在的环境标准价值缺失、体系割裂、内容缺失等问题,实现环境标准的功能再造具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

京津冀PM2.5浓度控制目标可达性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
雾霾污染已成为京津冀地区最突出的环境问题,国务院颁布了《大气污染防治行动计划》,明确提出了京津冀地区雾霾治理的浓度目标和减排措施。但是这些减排措施能否够实现PM2.5的浓度目标呢?本文基于数据分析方法,量化了2013—2014年京津冀地区PM2.5浓度与污染物排放量的关系,预测了现有减排措施可以达到的PM2.5浓度以及实现既定的PM2.5浓度目标的大气污染物减排要求,对"大气十条"减排政策的有效性进行了科学评估。结果显示,现有的减排措施难以实现PM2.5浓度控制目标,天津和河北的大多数地市需要进一步加大污染物减排力度。河北的部分地市即使实现了PM2.5浓度下降25%的目标,PM2.5浓度仍然过高,应改下降百分比为绝对值目标。北京的污染物减排率过高,减排难度较大,可以考虑一个现实合理的PM2.5浓度目标和污染物减排计划。由于污染物减排行动涉及区域经济和民生保障,PM2.5浓度受到风力等自然因素的影响较大,京津冀地区的雾霾治理应确定现实可行的浓度控制目标,并制定相应的污染物排放量管理目标。  相似文献   

Hazardous pollutants pose a number of distinct problems for the public policy maker, most notably because of the uncertainty surrounding the effects of such pollutants and the potentially serious or irreversible outcomes of hazardous pollution damage. Policy approaches to the problem have generally used some kind of balancing approach—between costs and benefits, or between risks and benefits. Direct controls such as standards or bans are the most commonly used policy instruments in dealing with hazardous pollutants due to the certainty of outcome which they provide. However, many more regulatory options are available to the public policy maker, for example, economic incentives and legal procedures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Agricultural lands (including most forest lands) make up almost four-fifths of the total land area of the United States and include, or are traversed by, perhaps an equal proportion of our ground and surface waters. Therefore, a very large part of our environment is directly “agriculture-related” in any consideration of the discharge of pollutants. Several important Federal and State laws relate to the control or abatement of agriculture-related pollution. Existing legislation generally mandates the control or abatement of pollution (from point or nonpoint sources) or authorizes the use use of public funds or other resources for such purposes. Some of these laws can be effective instruments in keeping pollutants from being discharged into surface or ground waters or into the air, but the degree to which some pollutants originating from agricultural lands and operations constitute a serious environmental hazard in waters remains controversial. Although most of the technology exists to reduce greatly the movement of these pollutants, investments are often required which benefit the nonfarm public without economic returns to the farmer. Whether a zero discharge is either an environmentally or economically feasible alternative to more limited or selective control, is explored. However, if the public is willing to bear its reasonable share of the cost for clean air and water, the needed basic legislation already largely exists. Under it, agricultural land holders may apply program standards and use their own and available program resources to bring about effective control or abatement of pollutants.  相似文献   

当前,我国大气污染形势严峻,复合型污染特征突出。新修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《环境空气质量标准》以及《大气污染防治行动计划》的发布和实施,对我国大气污染防治工作提出了更高要求。"十三五"时期是我国环境保护负重前行困难期和大有作为关键期,也是我国改善大气环境质量的攻坚期,需要系统谋划大气污染防治战略。欧盟和美国在制定大气污染防治战略时,以改善空气质量为核心,构建了涵盖一次污染物和二次污染物的多污染物目标体系,规定了环境浓度、排放量、直观感受(能见度)、健康以及管理等约束性指标,并且针对大气污染防治政策分析实施的成本与收益,开发相应的模型工具,基于收益成本比进行科学决策。本文对欧美环境规划和战略中的多污染物协同控制目标体系以及大气污染防治政策成本效益评估经验进行梳理,分析我国大气污染防治战略的现状和问题,并提出相关政策建议,以期为解决"心肺之患"、实现环保"十三五"总体目标提供参考。  相似文献   

微生物法和微生物生态法作为生物治理方案的两大类型,已日益受到环保工作者的重视。这两种类型的治理方法各有特点,各有利弊。如何选择使用?主要取决于污染场所中污染形成的时间长短、污染程度、污染物浓度、污染物中是否含有污水、是否需要快速治理等。应明确指出的是,采用生物治理法虽可在多种情况下大大降低污染物的浓度,但从长远来看,还不能单纯依靠降低污染物的排放浓度,而是应从低浓度污染物对人和环境产生的长期影响着眼,制定出一套治理标准,这样才能准确评价生物治理技术在环境保护中所起的真正作用。  相似文献   

The need for scientifically defensible water quality standards for nonpoint source pollution control continues to be a pressing environmental issue. The probability of impact at differing levels of nonpoint source pollution was determined using the biological response of instream organisms empirically obtained from a statistical survey. A conditional probability analysis was used to calculate a biological threshold of impact as a function of the likelihood of exceeding a given value of pollution metric for a specified geographic area. Uncertainty and natural variability were inherently incorporated into the analysis through the use of data from a probabilistic survey. Data from wadable streams in the mid‐Atlantic area of the U.S. were used to demonstrate the approach. Benthic macroinvertebrate community index values (EPT taxa richness) were used to identify impacted stream communities. Percent fines in substrate (silt/clay fraction, > 0.06 mm) were used as a surrogate indicator for sedimentation. Thresholds of impact due to sedimentation were identified by three different techniques, and were in the range of 12 to 15 percent fines. These values were consistent with existing literature from laboratory and field studies on the impact of sediments on aquatic life in freshwater streams. All results were different from values determined from current regulatory guidance. Finally, it was illustrated how these thresholds could be used to develop criterion for protection of aquatic life in streams.  相似文献   

我国土壤环境管理政策制度分析及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国土壤环境修复属于政策驱动型产业,完善政策制度和标准体系对推动我国土壤修复健康发展、保障土壤环境安全具有重要意义。本文从国家和地方两个层面,系统分析了我国当前已经发布的土壤污染防治相关环境管理政策法规和技术标准现状、内容特点及其在推进土壤环境管理过程中发挥的作用,总结归纳出国家层面环境管理文件和地方层面制度建设的不同特点。针对国家层面和地方层面环境管理文件的不同特点,结合"十三五"国家土壤污染防治行动计划体现的土壤环境管理总体思路和任务要求,借鉴国际土壤污染防治制度建设经验,提出"十三五"时期我国土壤污染防治政策制度和标准体系建设的主要方向,即"一中心、三方向",包括基于风险管理的分级分类核心思想,重点提高政策制度操作性、提高技术标准的精细化和针对性、提高关键环境管理的有效性三个主要方向。  相似文献   

《大气污染防治法》授权国家环境保护主管部门制定大气污染物排放标准,但关于标准的法律规则还不够全面,在一定程度上影响了排放标准的功能发挥,也给标准限值确定带来了困难。当前国家正在对《大气污染防治法》进行修订,为完善相关标准条款,本文在对我国大气污染物排放标准立法现状分析的基础上,借鉴国外相关标准的立法规则和我国标准实践经验,提出了适用于我国的大气污染物排放标准制定的主要法律原则和程序建议。研究认为,制定大气污染物排放标准应考虑污染物对公众健康、空气质量和生态环境的影响,以及可采取的污染控制技术措施等情况,通过技术经济论证确定排放限值和相关技术要求,做到技术可行、经济合理、减排效益突出。标准制定过程要充分听取各方意见,经标准评审委员会审查通过后方可按照部门规章批准发布。  相似文献   

岷江水环境容量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜娟 《四川环境》2009,28(3):41-45
本文首先论述了国内外对水环境容量的研究现状以及对岷江流域水环境容量研究的意义。接着根据已有资料对岷江现状进行评价,选定COD为岷江污染物主要控制性指标,确定水环境容量研究的各主要参数,建立进行计算的数学模型。根据COD的水环境容量,进行水容量迭标分析,从而提出COD的削减目标。本研究为有效确定控制岷江水体污染,科学保护岷江水资源,促进岷江流域水资源、水环境与经济社会的协调发展提供合理的科学依据。  相似文献   

Wastewater management in small and medium-sized enterprises representing the chemical and food industries was investigated. The results showed that wastewater discharged from an ink-production factory was highly contaminated with organic pollutants. Anaerobic biological treatment followed by chemical coagulation using ferric chloride aided with lime proved to be very effective and produced an effluent that complied with national regulatory standard for wastewater discharge into public sewage network. Also, management of wastewater from a confectionery factory representing the food sector was carried out. Aerobic biological treatment using plastic-packed trickling filter proved to be an effective treatment method. However, application of in-plant control measures alleviated the requirement for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. The applied pollution prevention and cleaner production measures involved good housekeeping, recovery of spent chocolate, modification of floor cleaning and installation of suction devices for the removal of sugar and starch powders. All improvement measures were documented by cost/benefit analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Enforceable standards play a crucial role in the design and implementation of most water quality policies. The impacts of these standards on farm income and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution can provide valuable information to develop economic policies that can improve water quality with minimal loss in income and minimal risk. This study uses an integration of nonlinear programming and a simulation model to assess the impacts of enforceable standards at technology and farm boundary levels. The results indicate that the type of pollutant regulated, enforcement type, and the level of standard had a significant impact on farm income and water quality. Choice of farm boundary standards over technology standards is dependent on the impact of the policy on other NPS pollutants, in addition to the reduction of nitrate and phosphorus pollutants. Enforcing farm boundary standards on nitrates had desirable effects on subsurface and percolate nitrogen and variance in income. Technology standards were uncertain in their effects because of the restriction on the choice of technologies available to farmers. A comparative policy analysis considering incentives, multiple impacts, transaction costs of implementation, and regional consideration is important to an effective policy design.  相似文献   

One of the objectives of US environmental regulations was to reduce industrial air pollution emissions, especially from the electric utility industry, the major industrial air polluter. In this study, a comparative analysis of air pollution emissions from fossil-fuel-burning electric utility plants is conducted. The analysis focuses on a 12-yr period from 1975 to 1987 for three air pollutants: particulates, surfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. The results indicate that particulate emissions have been significantly reduced but that sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are still major problems for a number of plants. Furthermore, the disparity in the performance by plants indicates that by using current technology, the industry as a whole could greatly reduce these emissions. These results have policy implication for future environmental legislation.  相似文献   

The long-term ecological recovery of an impaired stream in response to an industrial facility’s pollution abatement actions and the implications of the biological monitoring effort to environmental management is the subject of this special issue of Environmental Management. This final article focuses on the synthesis of the biological monitoring program’s components and methods, the efficacy of various biological monitoring techniques to environmental management, and the lessons learned from the program that might be applicable to the design and application of other programs. The focus of the 25-year program has been on East Fork Poplar Creek, an ecologically impaired stream in Oak Ridge, Tennessee with varied and complex stressors from a Department of Energy facility in its headwaters. Major components of the long-term program included testing and monitoring of invertebrate and fish toxicity, bioindicators of fish health, fish contaminant accumulation, and instream communities (including periphyton, benthic macroinvertebrate, and fish). Key parallel components of the program include water chemistry sampling and data management. Multiple lines of evidence suggested positive ecological responses during three major pollution abatement periods. Based on this case study and the related literature, effective environmental management of impaired streams starts with program design that is consistent across space and time, but also adaptable to changing conditions. The biological monitoring approaches used for the program provided a strong basis for assessments of recovery from remedial actions, and the likely causes of impairment. This case study provides a unique application of multidisciplinary and quantitative techniques to address multiple and complex regulatory and programmatic goals, environmental stressors, and remedial actions.  相似文献   

全面推动实现减污降碳协同增效是新发展阶段我国兑现碳达峰碳中和庄严承诺、深入打好污染防治攻坚战、建设美丽中国的必然要求。环境污染物与二氧化碳排放的高度同源性是实现减污降碳协同增效的理论基础。本文首先就目标指标、管控区域、控制对象、措施任务、政策工具五个方面的协同性系统讨论了减污降碳协同增效的基本内涵。其次,着眼于当前大气环境治理与碳减排在中国的重要性,本文在国家层面讨论了二者的中长期协同控制路线图,阐述了重点协同区域的识别方法和重点部门的协同治理思路,系统提出了大气环境治理与碳减排的协同路径。再次,本文还就“无废城市”建设和生态保护这两个领域与碳减排的协同治理思路展开分析讨论。最后,针对减污降碳协同治理对政策体系的需求,提出了统筹优化减污降碳协同目标、建立协同法规标准、建立减污降碳协同管理制度三个方面的建议。本研究将有助于厘清各方对减污降碳协同增效的认识,对各级政府后续推进减污降碳协同治理工作提供理论和科学基础。  相似文献   

Recently the possible link between air pollution and asthma has been at the centre of much political, public and media attention. This concern has been fuelled by evidence of increasing respiratory ill health, especially in children, and the search for an explanation has focused upon environmental pollution, particularly emissions from road transport. Paradoxically this concern has not been induced by new findings that address the fundamental question of the importance of current levels of air pollution in the causation, severity and responses in asthma. Asthma is predominantly an allergic disease of the human airways. These airways are known to become inflamed in response to exposure to a host of environmental factors. This paper reviews evidence of a link between pollution and asthma and examines the role of pollution in the expression of asthma. In more than 90 percent of children in the UK with asthma the major allergen is a protein particle secreted by house dust mites and this is likely to be the cause of the disease in most sufferers. However, if air pollution has a role it must be expressed in one of three ways. First, certain pollutants acting together, singly, or with other environmental triggers, may cause changes in airways and cause symptoms in people already suffering from asthma. Secondly, air pollution may be causing the initiation of asthma by a mechanism independent of other factors. Thirdly, exposure to pollutants may act in combination with allergens to initiate the asthmatic tendency. The medical evidence for each of these possible roles will be discussed. It is crucial that answers are forthcoming to these questions in order that effective and timely air pollution control strategies may be introduced.This paper was delivered at the Global Forum '94 Academic Conference.  相似文献   

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