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随着越来越多的农民进城打工,农村“留守儿童”这个特殊群体也越来越大。据全国妇联统计,目前农村留守儿童约有5800万,约占全部农村儿童的29%,其中14周岁以下有4000多万。由此所带来的一系列社会问题,尤其是安全问题正不断凸显出来。面对这样一个数量巨大且缺乏足够自我保护能力的群体,怎样去为他们提供一个更为安全的成长环境,成了当前新农村建设中一个不可回避的现实问题。 相似文献
安全生产不是单纯的管理问题和人员素质问题。从体制上讲,安全生产实质是社会公正问题,关乎政府权威、国家形象,同时它还是政治问题,关乎社会利益分配的公正与否,关乎社会稳定,反映了资本拥有者和权力拥有者的公正心以及社会结构的合理化程度。简 相似文献
正美国北卡罗来纳州教育部门近期推出了一档名为"不要开门!"的儿童安全特别节目。结果,有一半孩子让节目组人员装扮的送货员进门,还领着陌生人逐一参观家里的各个房间。这档节目立即引起了广大父母对孩子独自在家安全问题的高度关注。由此,北卡罗来纳州立大学官网最新载文,刊出儿童安全问题专家尼尔·卡拉翰博士总结的"儿童安全手册"。本期,我们就请家长和孩子一起来 相似文献
Safety line method for the prediction of deep coal-seam gas pressure and its application in coal mines 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Gas pressure is an important index for evaluating the outburst risk and determining the gas content in coal seams. It is recommended to predict coal-seam gas pressure of the workface at deep levels before extending mining activities to deeper levels. According to the prediction results, measurements are taken for gas outburst prevention and control and for workload estimation. At present, regression methods are always used to process the numerous gas pressure data for prediction. Because there are many factors that influence the gas pressure which could lead to a deviation from actual values, the measured data do not possess basic conditions for regression methods; this can cause unexpected dangers if the methods are adopted.Based on a statistical analysis of actual measured results of coal-seam gas pressure in a same geological section in certain coal mine, two symbol measured points are selected to make a line for prediction, i.e. safety line, and the other measured points should be below the line except the abnormal points due to the confined water. It has been successfully applied in numerous coal mines in China. Particularly, this method is analyzed in this paper for the case of the No. 82 coal seam in the Taoyuan coal mine in Huaibei coalfield, China. By comparatively analyzing the relationship between gas pressure and depth from surface using regression methods, it is found that the safety line method could lead to a better prediction for deep coal-seam gas pressure, and therefore promote early warning ability and mining safety. 相似文献
对“系统安全”(system safet)一词,我国安全界并不陌生,但对这个词的解释却不尽相同。有人认为它指系统的安全性如可靠性、维修性,是系统的一种特性,所以常被译成“系统安全性”。也有人认为“系统安全”就是常说的“系统安全工程”,是进行安全分析而采用的工程技术方法,把“系统安全”与故障树分析等方法联系在一起。而在发达国家如美国、欧盟,“系统安 相似文献
《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2003,16(2):103-109
In this work, the safety analysis of a new production line in a pesticide factory in Northern Italy is presented. The analysis was based on four different methods in a way that every part of the new line was investigated. The eventual incidents identified by this analysis were further examined with regard to their consequences using three different simulation models for the release and dispersion of the resultant toxic cloud. This analysis has proven that the risk level for the personnel of the factory and the surroundings is acceptable. 相似文献
阐述了建筑施工企业建立安全管理体系的重要性 ;提出了安全管理体系的主要内容 ;指出了形成安全管理体系的途径 ;最后强调 ,全体员工对安全生产的态度、责任感和安全科技文化素质是安全管理体系中最重要的因素之一。 相似文献
Mining remains one of the most hazardous occupations worldwide and underground coal mines are especially notorious for their high accident rates. In this work, we provide an overview of the broad and multi-faceted topic of safety in the mining industry. After reviewing some statistics of mining accidents in the United States, we focus on one pervasive and deadly failure mode in mines, namely explosions. The repeated occurrence of mine explosions, often in similar manner, is the loud unfinished legacy of mining accidents and their occurrence in the 21st century is inexcusable and should constitute a strong call for action for all stakeholders in this industry to settle this problem. We analyze one such recent mine disaster in which deficiencies in various safety barriers failed to prevent the accident initiating event from occurring, then subsequent lines of defense failed to block this accident scenario from unfolding and to mitigate its consequences. We identify the technical, organizational, and regulatory deficiencies that failed to prevent the escalation of the mine hazards into an accident, and the accident into a “disaster”. This case study provides an opportunity to illustrate several concepts that help describe the phenomenology of accidents, such as initiating events, precursor or lead indicator, and accident pathogen. Next, we introduce the safety principle of defense-in-depth, which is the basis for regulations and risk-informed decisions by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and we examine its relevance and applicability to the mining system in support of accident prevention and coordinating actions on all the safety levers, technical, organizational, and regulatory to improve mining safety. The mining system includes the physical confines and characteristics of the mine, the equipment in the mine, the individuals and the organization that operate the mine, as well as the processes and regulatory constraints under which the mine operates. We conclude this article with the proposition for the establishment of defense-in-depth as the guiding safety principle for the mining industry and we indicate possible benefits for adopting this structured hazard-centric system approach to mining safety. 相似文献
●我们这里有一个条件,就是长期从事具有高级职称工作的人员才能认定。●有些同志经当地安全监督管理部门认可为注册安全主任,这些同志今后是否能全部转为注册安全工程师,这就要从实际出发。作为全国实行注册安全工程师执业资格,标准是统一的。●要给各省、自治区特别是已经实施注册安全主任的省市一些灵活性,说得通俗一点,这个叫地方粮票。●有一个问题,我们也在研究探索,就是注册安全工程师要不要分等级。 相似文献
创新安全教育教学思路增强安全教育实效 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在安全教育教学实践中,创新安全教育教学思路,采用互动式教育法、正反例证教育法、安全文化教育法、格言警句教育法等职工乐于接受的方式方法,对于增强安全教育效果有重要的作用。针对不同的教育对象,方法上要有所侧重。同时安全教师应选择新近、及时的安全教育内容,并不断提高自身素质。 相似文献