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科学研究表明.良好的环境可使用脑效率提高,并可消除脑力疲劳。光线在用脑时,环境光线过强会给脑细胞以不良的刺激.使人感到烦躁,甚至眩晕,影响思维判断能力;光线太弱则不能引起大脑足够的兴奋,也会影响用脑效率。温度保持适宜的环境温度,可以提高大脑处理信息和解决问题的能力。据研究.气温在18℃时,人脑思考问题最为敏捷,气温超过35C时.大脑的消耗会明显增加,容易造成大脑疲劳,人会感到烦躁不安、精神倦怠;低温虽使人头脑清醒.但用脑效率并不理想.低于10C的环境则会使人萎靡不振。空气人在紧张学习时,若供氧不足.大…  相似文献   

为切实做好黑臭水体治理,需全面掌握水体污染特征。依据2019~2020年间英洲海城区段黑臭水体监测数据,分析水质时空变化和黑臭水体程度,并采用相关性分析和主成分分析探讨监测指标间相互关系,找出主要污染物。结果表明,随着一系列整治工作的开展,2020年英洲海城区段各监测河段水质总体表现为优于2019年。监测指标中氧化还原电位、溶解氧、氨氮浓度与河道黑臭状况均有较高的相关关系;透明度、溶解氧、氧化还原电位与氨氮浓度呈显著负相关,溶解氧与氧化还原电位、透明度与溶解氧呈显著正相关;在黑臭水体评价中的作用依次为:氨氮>氧化还原电位>溶解氧>透明度。可知,周边生活污水、农业污水是导致黑臭水体形成的一个主要原因。后续黑臭治理需加强监管,降低水中氮营养盐浓度,利用生态修复措施实现英洲海城区段长治久清。  相似文献   

空气、光线、颜色、温度、湿度等环境因素与人类的生活,特别是与用脑效率息息相关。空气:人在紧张的学习时,若供氧不足,大脑工作效率就会降低。常开窗换气,使大脑有充足的氧气供应,有利于提高用脑效率。光线:在用脑时,光线过强,会给脑细胞以强刺激,使人感到烦躁,甚至眩晕,影响思维判断能力。光线太弱则不能引起大脑足够的兴奋,也会影响用脑的效率。  相似文献   

透明度是湖泊水体重要的物理参数之一,是水体光学组分的综合反映,对研究湖泊生态环境具有重要科学意义。目前,利用遥感技术手段对博斯腾湖进行大范围、连续的水透明度监测研究相对较少。基于湖泊透明度实测值、对应点的光谱数据和Landsat-8遥感影像,分析透明度敏感波段及其组合,建立博斯腾湖水体透明度遥感反演模型。实测光谱分析结果显示波段比值运算和和差组合运算的敏感性较高,相关系数可达0.8以上;Landsat-8 OLI遥感数据分析结果得到波段比值(近红外波段和蓝色波段的比值)的敏感性较高,相关系数可达0.7;基于OLI近红外波段B5和蓝色波段B1比值的线性模型反演效果最好,精度较高,且稳定性较好。博斯腾湖透明度在200 cm左右,透明度由西向东先升高再降低,呈带状分布。  相似文献   

以活性污泥法为基础的二级生化处理工艺是城市污水处理的基本方法,其出水的化学需氧量值(CODCr)不仅大于悬浮物(SS)值,而且两者之间还存在着一致性的相关关系。本文对这种关系作了相应探讨。同时对悬浮物的测定方法进行了探讨,提出了悬浮物的表示由可沉固体 透明度的概念。  相似文献   

徐州市云龙湖富营养化特征分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相关指标(叶绿素a、总磷、总氮、透明度、浮游植物密度等)分析了徐州市云龙湖水体的富营养化特征,表明磷是藻类代谢的限制性营养盐。采用综合营养状态指数法评价了湖水富营养化程度,结果显示云龙湖水体呈轻度富营养化状态,结合近10年来的评价结果分析了云龙湖水体富营养化的变化趋势。  相似文献   

根据经济欠发达地区乡镇企业排污收费工作的特点及难点,健全地方法规;加强排污收费队伍建设;增加排污收费透明度,实行阳光收费;科学制定工作程序,使其规范化、制度化、程序化,将对同类地区执法收费具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

为研究农村黑臭水体的治理方法,用狐尾藻开展模拟试验,之后用“狐尾藻+人工曝气”法在某坑塘进行治理工程试验。结果表明,狐尾藻对水中总氮、氨氮、总磷具有明显的去除效果。在“控源截污+清淤疏浚”的基础上,通过“狐尾藻+人工曝气”组合工艺可明显消除黑臭现象,透明度和溶解氧明显提高。最终该坑塘黑臭水体氨氮、溶解氧、透明度均达到《农村黑臭水体治理工作指南(试行)》中表1监测指标阈值。因此,在“控源截污+清淤疏浚”的基础上,利用“狐尾藻生态净化+人工曝气”组合工艺对农村黑臭水体具有很好的治理效果。  相似文献   

1993年5月9日(星期天)上午8时许,我局接到贵阳市百花湖网箱鱼场被贵州铝厂赤泥大坝渗漏的工业废水造成网箱大规模死鱼的紧急报告后,立即派人赶到出事现场,同时通知白云环保局及贵州铝厂环保处和氧化铝厂环保科的领导和省水产科学研究所的专家到了现场,一起察看了贵州铝厂污水口和沉积在湖边的污染物被雨水冲刷入湖的现场。根据现场情况,到场察看的同志初步判定这是一起污染事故。为此,我局经请示市政府和贵州省环保局,组成了由我局和市农业局参加的调查组,进行善后处理和调查工作。调查组经过一个多月的细致调查,收集了气象资料…  相似文献   

用小型可编程计算器编制烟尘现场采样及结果统计的程序,避免了复杂的公式计算以及查阅各种图表,不仅给现场测试人员减少负担和不安全的因素,而且为烟尘测试实现快速、高精、化繁就简的计算创造了条件,起到了事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

We used a closed-ended viewer box in the measurement of Secchi depth and compared the results with simultaneous naked-eye measurements. We have shown that use of such a viewer box increases Secchi depth measurement by removing the interfering effects of water surface glare and glitter. A viewer box also increases between-observer precision. Measurements made both with and without the viewer box are slightly greater on the shady side of the boat than on the sunny side; the latter is the preferred side if Secchi data are to be related to other optical properties. As expected, the difference between viewer box and naked eye measurements increases with increasing wave height but not with increasing illuminance. Because of the lack of uniformity in the way Secchi depth is estimated, and the inherent optical problems with current Secchi depth procedures, an appeal is made for production of a standardized protocol for Secchi observations, including the use of a closed-ended viewer box on the sunny side of the boat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Optical information on a water body is often required when only Secchi disk depths are available. Many limnologists and water managers have attempted to estimate diffuse light attenuation in water from Secchi depth data assuming a simple inverse relationship. However, we show theoretically that the product of Secchi depth and the diffuse attenuation coefficient is markedly dependent on the reflectance coefficient (“brightness”) of water. Data from 28 New Zealand lakes of diverse optical character demonstrated this dependence over a wide range of reflectance (1.1 to 35.9 percent). Uncritical estimation of attenuation coefficients for diffuse light from Secchi depths, using the currently available simple inverse expressions, is discouraged because of the possibility of bias.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The problem of estimating bulk light extinction coefficients in surface water impoundments is examined. It is shown that the bulk extinction coefficient can be accurately estimated from the Secchi disc depth. In addition, the equation derived is significantly different from that derived by Poole and Atkins in 1929. This empirical expression for the extinction coefficient is then used to develop a semiempirical expression for the euphotic depth as a function of the Secchi disc depth.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is (1) to discuss approaches and tools to set management goals using operational indicators for coastal management (i.e., indicators that are easy to measure, understand and predict) and validated predictive models and (2) to discuss remedial strategies for sustainable coastal management regarding water quality and the abundance of fish, waterfowl and large aquatic plants. These approaches are exemplified using data from Ringkøbing Fjord, Denmark, which has undergone two major regime shifts during the last decades. This work discusses the changes taken place during the period from 1980 to 2004 (when there are good empirical data). For Ringkøbing Fjord, which is a very shallow, well-oxygenated lagoon dominated by resuspension processes, we have targeted on the following operational indicators, which are meant to reflect seasonal median values for the entire defined coastal area (the ecosystem scale) and not conditions at individual sites or data from shorter time periods: Secchi depth (as a standard measure of water clarity) and chlorophyll-a concentrations (as a key measure of algal biomass). The operational indicators are regulated by a set of standard abiotic factors, such as salinity, suspended particulate matter (SPM), nutrient concentrations (N and P), coastal morphometry and water exchange. Such relationships are quantified using well-tested, general quantitative models, which illustrate how these indicators are interrelated and how they reflect fundamental aspects of coastal ecosystems. We demonstrate that the regime shift in the lagoon can be modelled and quantitatively explained and is related to changes in salinity and nutrient inflow. A very important threshold is linked to increased salinities in the lagoon. For example, when the mean annual salinity is higher than about 9.5‰, large numbers of saltwater species of clams can survive and influence the structure and function of the ecosystem in profound ways. The model also illustrates the dynamic response to changes in nutrient loading. We have presented several management strategies with the goal of keeping the Secchi depth at 2 m, which would stimulate the growth of higher aquatic plants, which are fundamental for fish production and bird abundance in the lagoon. Given the fact that the Secchi depth depends on many variable factors (temperature, TP-inflow from land, salinity, changes in biomasses of macrophytes and clams, which are accounted for in these simulations), our results indicate that in practice it will likely be very difficult to reach that goal. However, it would be realistic to maintain a Secchi depth of 1.5 m if the variability in salinity is minimized and the mean salinity is kept at about 10.2‰.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional data set of 80 lakes and reservoirs in nine southeastern states was examined to specify and parameterize trophic state relationships. The relationships fitted are based on measurements of several limnological variables taken over the course of a growing season or year in each of the lakes. The trophic state models relate phosphorus and nitrogen loading to inlake phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, which in turn are related to maximum chlorophyll level, Secchi disk depth, dominant algal species, and hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen status. Due to the empirical nature of the study, causal conclusions are limited; rather, the models are most useful for prediction of average growing season conditions related to trophic state.  相似文献   

Regression relationships were developed between summer mean total phosphorus (P) concentrations in near-surface water and both chlorophyll a concentrations and Secchi disc transparency for Puget Sound region lakes. Total P concentrations in the lakes studied ranged from 7 to 66 μ/L. The relationship between total P and chlorophyll a, based on data from 69 lakes, explained 57 percent of the variance in chlorophyll a. Predicted chlorophyll a concentrations and 95 percent confidence intervals ranged from 1 +3-0.5μg/L for 7 μg/L P to about +35-10μ/L for 66 μ/L P. The relationship between total P and Secchi disc, based on data from 71 lakes, explained 53 percent of the variance in Secchi disc. Predicted Secchi disc transparencies and 95 percent confidence intervals ranged from 5.5 +5.5-3.0 m for 7 μ/L P to 1.4 +1.5-0.7 m for 66 μ/L P.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The penetration of sunlight into the water column plays a critical role in the aquatic ecosystem. This study investigates light attenuation through the water column of the Danshuei River estuary and explores the models for quantifying it. The measurement of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) indicates that the conventional exponential attenuation of light with depth is a very good model. A light attenuation coefficient may be derived from the PAR measurements at each location. The simpler measurements of Secchi depth (SD) provide an approximate estimate of the attenuation coefficients through an inverse linear relationship. The results also reveal that the amount and kinds of materials, which are either dissolved or suspended in the water, control light attenuation through the water column. However, the linear regression with such a model results in very poor correlation, and a relatively large constant term for the Danshuei River estuary. The regression with salinity yields a good correlation, indicating that the fraction of sea water might be a good parameter for estimating light attenuation coefficient for practical application in the Danshuei River estuary.  相似文献   

We compiled Secchi depth, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a (Chla) data from Voyageurs National Park lakes and compared datasets before and after a new water‐level management plan was implemented in January 2000. Average Secchi depth transparency improved (from 1.9 to 2.1 m, = 0.020) between 1977‐1999 and 2000‐2011 in Kabetogama Lake for August samples only and remained unchanged in Rainy, Namakan, and Sand Point Lakes, and Black Bay in Rainy Lake. Average open‐water season Chla concentration decreased in Black Bay (from an average of 13 to 6.0 μg/l, = 0.001) and Kabetogama Lake (from 9.9 to 6.2 μg/l, = 0.006) between 1977‐1999 and 2000‐2011. Trophic state index decreased significantly in Black Bay from 59 to 51 (= 0.006) and in Kabetogama Lake from 57 to 50 (= 0.006) between 1977‐1999 and 2000‐2011. Trophic state indices based on Chla indicated that after 2000, Sand Point, Namakan, and Rainy Lakes remained oligotrophic, whereas eutrophication has decreased in Kabetogama Lake and Black Bay. Although nutrient inputs from inflows and internal sources are still sufficient to produce annual cyanobacterial blooms and may inhibit designated water uses, trophic state has decreased for Kabetogama Lake and Black Bay and there has been no decline in lake ecosystem health since the implementation of the revised water‐level management plan.  相似文献   

A deterministic, one-dimensional, unsteady numerical model has been developed, tested, and applied to simulate mean daily dissolved oxygen (DO) characteristics in 27 lake classes in the state of Minnesota. Reaeration and photosynthesis are the oxygen sources, while respiration, sedimentary, and biochemical water column oxygen demand are the sinks of oxygen in the model. The lake classes are differentiated by surface area (A s), maximum depth (H max), and trophic status expressed as Secchi depth (Z s). Because lake stratification is most important to lake oxygen dynamics, simulated DO characteristics are plotted in terms of a stratification parameterA s/H max 0.25 and Secchi depthZ s. Simulations provide DO profiles on a daily time scale. Specific DO characteristics of ecological and environmental interest are epilimnetic DO, hypolimnetic DO, DO gradient from surface to bottom, and DO minima and maxima. Specific results are as follows: Simulated mean daily and weekly DO values in the epilimnion of all lakes for both past and future climate scenarios are near saturation over the summer season. Hypolimnetic DO values depend strongly on lake morphometry, trophic status, and time throughout the summer season. Future climate conditions are specified as the historical records from 1955 to 1979, adjusted (monthly) by the 2 × CO2 GISS model output to account for doubling of atmospheric CO2. With this climate change, weekly averaged epilimnetic DO is projected to drop by less than 2 mg/liter, and will remain above 7 mg/liter throughout the open water season. The hypolimnetic DO reductions after climate change are on the order of 2–8 mg/liter. Periods of anoxia are longer by as much as 80 days. Those changes would alter water quality dynamics in lakes and have a profound effect on lake ecosystems including indigenous fishes. The results presented are useful for evaluating environmental management options.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Changes in water chemistry, water clarity, and planktonic chlorophyll a were measured as hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) abundance increased and then decreased in Lake Baldwin, Florida. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were used to eliminate submersed macrophytes. No major trends in lake pH, conductivity, or total nitrogen concentrations occurred in association with changes in hydrilla levels. Increased Secchi disc transparency and reductions in total alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, potassium, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a concentrations occurred as hydrilla abundance increased. Large increases in the chemical parameters and a reduction in Secchi disc transparency occurred as hydrilla decreased and was eliminated from the lake by grass carp. The effects of hydrilla on lake water chemistry are related to the percentage of the lake's volume infested with hydrilla and macrophyte standing crop.  相似文献   

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