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草地NPP对气候变化的响应是全球变化研究的重要内容之一。为了明确草地NPP与水热的关系及实现南方草地NPP的大面积估算,本文以气候数据为基础,以南方草山草坡为研究对象,结合野外实测数据,分析南方草地NPP与月平均温度及平均降水量之间的关系,结果表明:南方草地NPP与月平均温度之间呈对数相关,相关系数r=0.462 9**(n=66);与月平均降水量之间呈线性正相关,相关系数r=0.783 6**(n=66),结果均达到了极显著水平(P<0.01)。在此基础上构建以温度和降水为自变量的南方草地NPP估算模型:NPP=Ln(T/16.7+2.5)×Sqrt(W/84.5+0.5)×(T+W),其中T为全年月平均温度(℃),W为全年月平均降水量(mm)。通过不同年份的实测数据对模型进行验证,草地NPP的模拟值和实测值之间有很好的相关性,R2为0.787,也达到极显著水平,RMSE和RRMSE均较小,分别为60.272和0.387,表明模型的模拟结果比较可靠。利用上述模型对2011年的南方草地NPP进行估算,模拟结果呈现一定的地带性,总体分布由西北向东南逐渐增加,其中四川西北部及其与云南交界等地区草地NPP值较小,基本在200 g·m-2以下,而海南、广西、江西以及广东等地草地NPP值较高,相当一部分地区达到700 g·m-2以上。通过分析可知,整个南方草地NPP平均值约为321.8 g·m-2左右,和实测结果比较接近。结果为南方草山草坡NPP估算提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

Foragers of the stingless bees genus Melipona may produce intranidal sounds that are correlated with food location and quality. In this study, we provide the first detailed analysis of pulsed sounds produced by Melipona panamica foragers while feeding on a carbohydrate food source. We trained foragers to a 2.5-M sucrose feeder under normal, ambient temperature (23–33°C) and lower temperature (11–25°C) conditions. We recorded forager sounds under both conditions and tested the effect of temperature of the thorax, feeder plate, and air on sound temporal characteristics. Forager energetic expenditure and the number of pulses per visit were significantly higher in the cold condition than in the normal condition. Foragers spent a longer time at the feeder under the cold condition than during the normal condition. Interpulse durations were significantly shorter in the cold condition than in the normal condition and became progressively and significantly shorter at the end of each performance. Thus, pulse production increased before departure. Foragers increased their thoracic temperatures above ambient at all experimental air temperatures. Under chilled conditions, foragers had a significantly greater difference between thorax temperature and ambient air temperature than under normal conditions. Foragers must achieve a minimum flight muscle temperature before take-off, and thus forager sounds may be linked to muscle warm-up.  相似文献   

Air pollution poses a serious threat to human health in Asia. This study analyzes the association of air pollutants and greenness with incidence rates of allergic rhinitis in Seoul at the administrative district level to gain insight into district-level urban policies to improve public health. A spatial regression model is constructed to investigate the correlation between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and five air pollutants measured at 128 air pollution monitoring stations around Seoul: sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter less than 10 μm (PM10), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). The allergic rhinitis incidence data are derived from the National Health Insurance Service’s database that includes the number of allergic rhinitis-related clinic visits by the patients over 20 years of age and living in Seoul. A kriging geostatistical interpolation was used to estimate average air pollution level of 423 administrative districts. To assess pollen concentrations that can affect allergic rhinitis, the average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is measured based on the urban greenness. The model, controlling for built environment and socio-economic attributes, identifies the possibility of a weak association between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and carbon monoxide levels. The NDVI value is negatively correlated with allergic rhinitis incidence rates, implying a complicated aspect in relation to the effect of urban greenness.  相似文献   

We test two hypotheses that are derived from the anthropogenic theory of climate change. The first postulates that a growing population and increasing economic activity increase anthropogenic emissions of radiatively active gases relative to natural sources and sinks, and this alters global biogeochemical cycles in a way that increases the persistence of radiative forcing and temperature. The second postulates that the increase in the persistence of radiative forcing transmits a stochastic trend to the time series for temperature. Results indicate that the persistence of radiative forcing and temperature changes from I(0) to I(1) during the last 500 years and that the I(1) fingerprint in radiative forcing can be detected in a statistically measureable fashion in surface temperature. As such, our results are consistent with the physical mechanisms that underlie the theory of anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   

In this paper, emergy accounting (EA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) methods are employed to investigate a typical urban wetland park, the Green Lake Urban Wetland Park (GLUWP) of Beijing, in terms of its environmental and capital inputs, ecosystem services and organic matter yields, environmental support, and sustainability. The LCA method is also used to obtain a quantitative estimation of the environmental impact of discharges during the entire life cycle of the GLUWP. Various emergy-based indices, such as emergy yield ratio (EYR), environmental load ratio (ELR), emergy sustainability index (ESI), net economic benefit (Np), and environmental impacts of process-based LCA, including global warming potential (GWP), eutrophication (EU), nonrenewable resource depletion (RU), energy consumption (EN), acidification potential (AP), photochemical oxidant creation potential (POCP), particulate matter (PM) and wastes (W), are calculated. The results show that the GLUWP has higher proportions of renewable resource input, less pressure on the environment, more environmental support and better ecological and economic benefits, which can be considered as an environment-friendly and long-term sustainable ecological practice, compared with another constructed wetland in Beijing. Meanwhile, the dominant environmental impact is induced by POCP with the construction phase contributing the most on the entire life cycle. It is expected that increasing green area, extensively using environment-friendly materials, optimizing construction techniques and reducing power consumption can promote the sustainability of the GLUWP.  相似文献   

Soil moisture variability in natural landscapes has been widely studied; however, less attention has been paid to its variability in the urban landscapes with respect to the possible influence of texture stratification and irrigation management. Therefore, a case study was carried out in the Beijing Olympic Forest Park to continuously monitor the soil in three typical profiles from 26 April to 11 November 2010. The texture stratification significantly affected the vertical distribution of moisture in the non-irrigated profile where moisture was mostly below field capacity. In the profile where irrigation was sufficient to maintain moisture above field capacity, gravity flow led to increased moisture with depth and thus eliminated the influence of texture. In the non-irrigated sites, the upper layer (above 80 cm) exhibited long-term moisture persistence with the time scale approximating the average rainfall interval. However, a coarse-textured layer weakened the influence of rainfall, and a fine-textured layer weakened the influence of evapotranspiration, both of which resulted in random noise-like moisture series in the deeper layers. At the irrigated site, frequent irrigation neutralized the influence of evapotranspiration in the upper layer (above 60 cm) and overshadowed the influence of rainfall in the deeper layer. As a result, the moisture level in the upper layer also behaved as a random noise-like series; whereas due to deep transpiration, the moisture of the deep layer had a persistence time-scale longer than a month, consistent with characteristic time-scales found for deep transpiration.  相似文献   

Recent calls for the development of ecosystem-based fisheries management compel the development of resource management tools and linkages between existing fisheries management tools and other resource tools to enable assessment and management of multiple impacts on fisheries resources. In this paper, we describe the use of the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Ecosystem Model (CBFEM), developed using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software, and the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model (WQM) to demonstrate how linkages between available modeling tools can be used to inform ecosystem-based natural resource management. The CBFEM was developed to provide strategic ecosystem information in support of fisheries management. The WQM was developed to assess impacts on water quality. The CBFEM was indirectly coupled with the WQM to assess the effects of water quality and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) on blue crabs. The output from two WQM scenarios (1985-1994), a baseline scenario representing actual nutrient inputs and another with reduced inputs based on a tributary management strategy, was incorporated into the CBFEM. The results suggested that blue crab biomass could be enhanced under management strategies (reduced nutrient input) when the effective search rate of blue crab young-of-the-year's (YOY's) predators or the vulnerability of blue crab YOY to its predators was adjusted by SAV. Such model linkages are important for incorporating physical and biological components of ecosystems in order to explore ecosystem-based fisheries management options.  相似文献   

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