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•Annual mean PM2.5 in Shijiazhuang were 87, 95, and 82 µg/m3 in 2015–2017. •Health risk of cardiovascular system was higher than respiratory system. •Premature mortality attributed to PM2.5 was 5088 people in 2017. •ΔMort and YLL reduced by 84.2% and 84.6% when PM2.5 reduced to 10 µg/m3. •Health risks due to PM2.5 were severe in Shijiazhuang in 2015–2017. Shijiazhuang is one of the cities in the North China Plain. In recent decades, this city has experienced high levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which have potentially significant effects on human health. In this study, the health effects of PM2.5 exposure in Shijiazhuang were estimated by applying an integrated exposure-response model. Premature mortality, years of life lost (YLL), and the mortality benefits linked to reduced levels of PM2.5 were quantified for the period 2015–2017. In 2015, 2016, and 2017, cerebrovascular diseases caused the highest premature mortality (2432, 2449, and 2483, respectively), followed by ischemic heart diseases (1391, 1479, and 1493, respectively), lung cancer (639,660, and 639, respectively), and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (533, 519, and 473, respectively). Notably, the total number of premature deaths caused by PM2.5 exposure in Shijiazhuang in 2015, 2016, and 2017 were 4994, 5107, and 5088, respectively. Moreover, the YLL in the same years were 47001, 47880 and 47381, respectively. Interestingly, the YLL per 1000 females was lower than that per 1000 males. Finally, we noted that premature mortality and YLL decreased by 84.2% and 84.6% when the PM2.5 levels diminished to 10 µg/m3. Overall, the results of this study improve our understanding of how high PM2.5 concentrations affect human health and suggest the application of more stringent measures in Shijiazhuang to alleviate the associated health risks.  相似文献   

了解北京市城区和郊区大气细颗粒物中的四种水溶性阴离子F-、Cl-、SO42-、NO3-的浓度水平,并分析影响其水平高低的因素。使用聚四氟乙烯滤膜分别采集北京市城区和郊区大气中的PM2.5,用纯水提取后采用离子色谱法测定水溶性阴离子质量浓度。采样期间北京市大气PM2.5、F-、Cl-、SO42-和NO3-质量浓度几何均数分别为55.36、0.02、0.46、6.72和1.09μg·m-3,四种水溶性阴离子质量浓度总和占PM2.5质量浓度的19.14%;同一季节(春季)郊区监测点大气PM2.5、SO42-和NO3-质量浓度显著高于城区监测点;城区大气PM2.5与四种水溶性阴离子质量浓度秋季高于春季,但差异无统计学意义;大气PM2.5与Cl-、SO42-和NO3-质量浓度均高度相关。Cl-、SO42-、NO3-是北京市大气PM2.5的重要组成成分。  相似文献   

• Urban aerosols harbour diverse bacterial communities in Shanghai. • The functional groups were associated with nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur cycling. • Temperature, SO2, and wind speed were key drivers for the bacterial community. Airborne bacteria play key roles in terrestrial and marine ecosystems and human health, yet our understanding of bacterial communities and their response to the environmental variables lags significantly behind that of other components of PM2.5. Here, atmospheric fine particles obtained from urban and suburb Shanghai were analyzed by using the qPCR and Illumina Miseq sequencing. The bacteria with an average concentration of 2.12 × 103 cells/m3, were dominated by Sphingomonas, Curvibacter, Acinetobacter, Bradyrhizobium, Methylobacterium, Halomonas, Aliihoeflea, and Phyllobacterium, which were related to the nitrogen, carbon, sulfur cycling and human health risk. Our results provide a global survey of bacterial community across urban, suburb, and high-altitude sites. In Shanghai (China), urban PM2.5 harbour more diverse and dynamic bacterial populations than that in the suburb. The structural equation model explained about 27%, 41%, and 20%–78% of the variance found in bacteria diversity, concentration, and discrepant genera among urban and suburb sites. This work furthered the knowledge of diverse bacteria in a coastal Megacity in the Yangtze river delta and emphasized the potential impact of environmental variables on bacterial community structure.  相似文献   

森林被誉为"地球之肺",在防霾治污方面有其独特不可替代的作用,不同树种沉降PM2.5的功能有很大差别.本文选取代表性城市森林——奥林匹克森林公园为研究对象,设置垂直监测塔观测大气PM2.5的浓度垂直分布,以考察不同季节城市森林对PM2.5中各组分的影响.在冬季、春季和夏季各采集PM2.5样品,分析并计算PM2.5中Na+、NH4+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Cl-、NO3-和SO42-等典型水溶性无机离子的浓度.结果表明,PM2.5中水溶性无机离子总浓度呈规律性变化特征:冬季((56.90±27.38)μg·m-3)>春季((46.69±12.24)μg·m-3)>夏季((23.16±8.75)μg·m-3).其中SO42-和NO3-浓度和占PM2.5主要水溶性无机离子总浓度的50%以上.3个季节中,除冬季外,在春季和夏季,8种离子有明显的垂直方向上的沉降,夏季的沉降速率高于春季,但是春季由于大气颗粒物浓度高,沉降通量高于夏季.NO3-和SO42-垂直方向的沉降量在所有可溶性无机离子中最高.植被密度、叶面积指数、气象条件等因素对于PM2.5的沉降特征有明显影响.  相似文献   

为研究嘉兴地区嘉善冬季污染时段和清洁时段PM2.5化学组分特征,结合气象数据对2019年1月嘉兴市嘉善县善西超级站在线自动监测PM2.5及化学组分数据、气态污染物(NO2和SO2)进行了分析.结果表明,2019年1月嘉善善西超级站污染时段PM2.5浓度(97.18μg·m-3)为清洁时段(36.77μg·m-3)的2.6倍.污染时段水溶性离子浓度(41.58μg·m-3)较清洁时段(19.82μg·m-3)高21.76μg·m-3,但占比有所降低,含碳组分比例增加.OC;EC比值为3.93,可能受到燃煤及机动车排放的共同影响.低风速及高湿有利于NO2和SO2等气态污染物进行二次转化,污染时段硫转化率和氮转化率均比清洁时段高,分别增高7.93%和54.11%,说明NOx向硝酸盐二次转化较为明显,导致颗粒物浓度升高.聚类分析结果显示67.34%气流来自北方,且相应的气流轨迹上污染物浓度比周边高,说明污染物存在一定的长距离输送.结合风玫瑰图可以看出,污染主要为本地及其周边的输送,污染物的长距离输送在短时会使污染浓度突增.因此,在重点关注本地及周边污染的同时,偏北气流下的污染物区域输送不可忽视.  相似文献   

The aerosol direct effects result in a 3%–9% increase in PM2.5 concentrations over Southern Hebei. These impacts are substantially different under different PM2.5 loadings. Industrial and domestic contributions will be underestimated if ignoring the feedbacks. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area is the most air polluted region in China and the three neighborhood southern Hebei cities, Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, and Handan, are listed in the top ten polluted cities with severe PM2.5 pollution. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of aerosol direct effects on air quality over the southern Hebei cities, as well as the impacts when considering those effects on source apportionment using three dimensional air quality models. The WRF/Chem model was applied over the East Asia and northern China at 36 and 12 km horizontal grid resolutions, respectively, for the period of January 2013, with two sets of simulations with or without aerosol-meteorology feedbacks. The source contributions of power plants, industrial, domestic, transportation, and agriculture are evaluated using the Brute-Force Method (BFM) under the two simulation configurations. Our results indicate that, although the increases in PM2.5 concentrations due to those effects over the three southern Hebei cities are only 3%–9% on montly average, they are much more significant under high PM2.5 loadings (~50 μg·m−3 when PM2.5 concentrations are higher than 400 μg m−3). When considering the aerosol feedbacks, the contributions of industrial and domestic sources assessed using the BFM will obviously increase (e.g., from 30%–34% to 32%–37% for industrial), especially under high PM2.5 loadings (e.g., from 36%–44% to 43%–47% for domestic when PM2.5>400 μg·m−3). Our results imply that the aerosol direct effects should not be ignored during severe pollution episodes, especially in short-term source apportionment using the BFM.  相似文献   

• Regional transportation contributed more than local emissions during haze episodes. • Short-range regional transportation contributed the most to the PM2.5 in the OIAs. • Low wind speeds and low PBLHs led to higher local contributions to Beijing. The 2022 Winter Olympics is scheduled to take place in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, which were defined as OIAs (Olympic infrastructure areas) in this study. This study presents the characteristics and source apportionment of PM2.5 in the OIAs, China. The entire region of mainland China, except for the OIAs, was divided into 9 source regions, including four regions in the BTH(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) region, the four provinces surrounding the BTH and the remaining areas. Using CAMx/PSAT, the contributions of the nine regions to the PM2.5 concentration in the OIAs were simulated spatially and temporally. The simulated source apportionment results showed that the contribution of regional transportation was 48.78%, and when PM2.5 concentration was larger than 75 μg/m3 central Hebei was the largest contributor with a contribution of 19.18%, followed by Tianjin, northern Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, southern Hebei, Henan and Liaoning. Furthermore, the contribution from neighboring regions of the OIAs was 47.12%, which was nearly twice that of long-range transportation. Haze episodes were analyzed, and the results presented the importance of regional transportation during severe PM2.5 pollution periods. It was also found that they were associated with differences in pollution sources between Zhangjiakou and Beijing. Regional transportation was the main factor affecting PM2.5 pollution in Zhangjiakou due to its low local emissions. Stagnant weather with a low planetary boundary layer height and a low wind velocity prevented the local emitted pollutants in Beijing from being transported outside, and as a result, local emissions constituted a larger contribution in Beijing.  相似文献   

The Eulerian Chemistry-Transport Model BelEUROS was used to calculate the concentrations of airborne PM10 and PM2.5 over Europe. Both primary as well as secondary particulate matter in the respirable size-range was taken into account. Especially PM2.5 aerosols are often formed in the atmosphere from gaseous precursor compounds. Comprehensive computer codes for the calculation of gas phase chemical reactions and thermodynamic equilibria between compounds in the gas-phase and the particulate phase had been implemented into the BelEUROS-model. Calculated concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 are compared to observations, including both the spatial and daily, temporal distribution of particulate matter in Belgium for certain monitoring locations and periods. The concentrations of the secondary compounds ammonium, nitrate and sulfate have also been compared to observed values. BelEUROS was found to reproduce the observed concentrations rather well. The model was applied to assess the contribution of emissions derived from the sector agriculture in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, to PM10- and PM2.5-concentrations. The results demonstrate the importance of ammonia emissions in the formation of secondary particulate matter. Hence, future European emission abatement policy should consider more the role of ammonia in the formation of secondary particles.  相似文献   

2013年10月至2014年7月,在太原城区,分4个月采集大气细颗粒物,每个月选取4个样品,分析了颗粒物上8种多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)和6种新型溴代阻燃剂(NBFRs)的浓度与组成。结果表明,大气PM2.5样品中PBDEs和NBFRs总浓度算术平均值分别为(10.9±10.3)pg·m-3和(22.3±24.7)pg·m-3,其中BDE-209、HBB和DBDPE是溴代阻燃剂中的主要污染物。季节变化来看,秋季样品中总PBDEs和总NBFRs的浓度要高于其他季节,夏季最低;化合物组成上,秋季样品中BDE-209含量较低,而NBFRs中HBB含量较高。相关分析显示,溴代阻燃剂的变化与颗粒物浓度和有机质的相关性不大,与大气温度与无显著性相关,而主要与气团来源有关。城市儿童的吸入暴露量约为成人的2~3倍,反映出PM2.5中溴代阻燃剂对城镇居民尤其是儿童的潜在健康危害仍不容忽视。  相似文献   

The new hybrid approaches for the source apportionment of PM2.5 were proposed. The hybrid approach can be used for source apportionment of secondary species. The metallurgy industry was the biggest contribution source to PM2.5 of Tangshan. In winter, the contribution from the coal-fired boilers was the largest one. The objective of this paper is to propose a hybrid approach for the source apportionment of primary and secondary species of PM2.5 in the city of Tangshan. The receptor-based PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization) is integrated with the emission inventory (EI) to form the first hybrid method for the source apportionment of the primary species. The hybrid CAMx-PSAT-CP (Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions – Particulate Source Apportionment Technology – Chemical Profile) approach is then proposed and used for the source apportionment of the secondary species. The PM2.5 sources identified for Tangshan included the soil dust, the metallurgical industry, power plants, coal-fired boilers, vehicles, cement production, and other sources. It is indicated that the PM2.5 pollution is a regional issue. Among all the identified sources, the metallurgy industry was the biggest contribution source to PM2.5, followed by coal-fired boilers, vehicles and soil dust. The other-source category plays a crucial role for PM2.5, particularly for the formation of secondary species and aerosols, and these other sources include non-specified sources such as agricultural activities, biomass combustion, residential emissions, etc. The source apportionment results could help the local authorities make sound policies and regulations to better protect the citizens from the local and regional PM2.5 pollution. The study also highlights the strength of utilizing the proposed hybrid approaches in the identification of PM2.5 sources. The techniques used in this study show considerable promise for further application to other regions as well as to identify other source categories of PM2.5.  相似文献   

为了解天津市采暖季细颗粒物组分对能见度的影响、明确消光组分来源,对天津市2017年采暖季大气PM2.5样品进行了为期一月的连续采集,并测定水溶性离子、有机碳和元素碳的含量,通过修正IMPROVE方程研究了细颗粒物消光特性,并采用主成分分析—多元线性回归模型(PCA-MLR)对其来源进行解析,同时应用潜在源贡献因子(PSCF)和浓度权重轨迹(CWT)明确PM2.5质量浓度的潜在污染源区域。结果表明,OC、EC以及SNA(NO3?、NH4+、SO42?)的生成和积累对于能见度的下降具有重要影响,且能见度随SOR和NOR二次转化程度的升高而下降;2017年天津市采暖季日均消光系数为(294.56±262.89)Mm?1,其中OM(34.86%)、硝酸盐(22.84%)、硫酸盐(11.59%)和EC(11.54%)为主要消光组分,硝酸盐和硫酸盐的增加对于能见度的下降起主要影响作用;根据PCA分析结果可知,天津市采暖季PM2.5中的碳组分和水溶性离子主要来源于燃煤、生物质燃烧(68%),受扬尘(22%)和海盐(8%)的影响较小;区域传输分析结果表明天津市采暖季PM2.5污染源潜在区域主要分布在河北中西部、河南北部、山西北部和内蒙古中部、西部。  相似文献   

大气PM2.5中重金属的化学形态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用多级连续提取法,对广州市不同季节不同采样高度大气PM2.5中重金属的化学形态和生物有效性进行分析。研究表明,PM2.5中各重金属元素之间的化学形态分布差异较大,Zn、Cd、As、Mn主要分布在F1(可溶态与可交换态)和F2(碳酸盐态、可氧化态与可还原态),绝大部分的Pb以F2存在,Ni和Mo主要分布在F1和F3(有机质、氧化物与硫化物结合态),Cu主要以F2和F3存在,Cr主要分布在F3和F4(残渣态),Co则4种形态平均分布。采样高度对重金属的化学形态分布影响不大,同一采样期内楼顶与地面样品中同一元素的化学形态分布结果比较一致。两个采样季节重金属的形态百分比存在不同程度的变化,2007年春重金属的不稳定态(F1)比例比2006年秋普遍增加,次稳定态(F2、F3)比例减少。在10种重金属中,Cd、Zn、Pb和As的生物有效性系数高(>0.7),属于生物可利用性元素,在环境中的活动性要明显高于其它元素;Mn、Cu、Mo、Co、Ni和Cr元素的生物有效性系数值在0.2~0.6之间,属于潜在生物有效性元素,在环境中比较稳定。  相似文献   

类腐殖质(humic-like substances, HULIS)是水溶性有机碳(WSOC)中具有吸光特性的重要组分,对空气质量、气候变化和人体健康均有重要影响.尽管目前对HULIS的研究很多,但不同方法分离机理不同,对于HULIS的分离与测定仍然缺乏统一的标准,针对HULIS分离方法的研究很少.固相萃取法(solid phase extraction, SPE)因其操作简单、分离效果较好而被广泛应用,但对于低浓度样品仍存在检出限较高、回收率较低的问题,且很少有人关注提纯过程中流程空白所包含的含碳组分及其吸光能力.本研究通过调整活化溶液(0.01 mol·L-1 HCl溶液+甲醇+2%NH3H2O/MeOH)与洗脱溶液(2%NH3H2O/MeOH)用量的比例对提纯方法进行优化.结果表明,应用优化后的方法对流程空白进行测量时,检出限(MDL)降低到0.035 mg·L-1以下,精密度RSD <5.41%(n=20),标准品回收率达到95%,在保证回收率的情况下减少了流程空白,提高了样品的精密度,使测定浓度较低的HULIS含量成为可能.为了探究生物质燃烧期间含碳组分的光学特性和来源特征,本研究对2017年10月6日至11月9日南京北郊秋季大气气溶胶样品进行采集.采样期间PM2.5的浓度为(87.9±43.7)μg·m-3,WSOC和类腐殖质碳(HULIS-C)的浓度分别为(4.2±2.3)μg·m-3和(3.6±2.0)μg·m-3,HULIS-C占WSOC的比例为47.3%,是WSOC中的重要组成部分.本研究还对HULIS在330—400 nm波段的吸光进行测定,使用Angstrom指数(absorption angstrom exponent,AAE)进行表征,得到采样期间AAE的值为2—7,说明HULIS污染主要来自二次转化.后向轨迹结果表明,重污染期间污染物来源为本地生物质燃烧和区域或者长距离气团的输送.  相似文献   

为明确NH_4~+、 NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)及金属等组分在水溶性提取液对发光细菌的光抑制过程中所起的作用,参照PM_(2.5)样品提取液浓度,模拟配制与3级以上PM_(2.5)样品提取液中主要组分:硫酸盐、硝酸盐、氨盐相同浓度的溶液,同时选取与PM_(2.5)可溶性提取液发光抑制率相关性较强的铅、锌,配制不同浓度级别模拟溶液,测试各单一组分对发光细菌的发光抑制率及其混合溶液对发光细菌的联合影响效应。基于毒性单位法(TU)、相加指数法(AI)和混合毒性指数法(MTI)评价了混合体系联合影响的作用类型。结果表明,与3~6级PM_(2.5)可溶性提取液中硫酸氨、硫酸氢氨、硝酸氨、硫酸锌和硝酸铅浓度相同的模拟溶液对发光细菌的发光没有抑制作用。不同的评价方法对PM_(2.5)主要组分混合体系联合效应评价结果具有较好的一致性,硫酸氨、硝酸氨、硫酸氢氨混合溶液中,对发光细菌的光抑制均为硫酸氢氨的独立作用,硫酸锌与硝酸铅的混合体系,锌和铅对发光细菌的联合影响效应表现为协同,硫酸氨、硝酸氨、硫酸氢氨与硫酸锌、硝酸铅的多元混合体系呈现协同作用。  相似文献   

PM2.5引起的健康危害日益受到广泛关注,但其确切的损伤机理仍不完全清楚,目前也缺乏有效拮抗PM2.5损伤的天然活性物质。因此本文对北京市PM2.5造成CHO细胞的损伤作用及天然物质的拮抗作用进行研究,结果可为PM2.5污染治理和疾病的预防提供科学依据。通过CCK-8法测定细胞存活率;通过流式细胞仪测定细胞凋亡;用荧光探针DCFH-DA法测定ROS;提取细胞内总蛋白并测定其中SOD含量;以及通过Western Blot法分别测定了p-akt/akt、p65及Bad的相对表达量。结果显示:(1)10~40μg·m L-1的PM2.5可明显降低CHO细胞存活率,并呈现极显著的剂量-效应关系(r=-0.964,P0.01);15μg·m L-1PM2.5可以显著增加细胞凋亡、引起细胞内ROS增加、SOD含量下降;p-akt/akt、p65表达量增加说明Akt通路与NF-κB通路均被激活。(2)20μmol·L-1阿魏酸、50μmol·L-1绿原酸和10μmol·L-1荭草素预处理可拮抗PM2.5引起的细胞存活率下降以及细胞凋亡率增加,同时降低细胞内ROS并增加SOD含量,下调p-akt/akt、p65及Bad的相对表达量。其中20μmol·L-1阿魏酸的保护作用最佳。结果说明,PM2.5引起的CHO细胞损伤与细胞凋亡与Akt和NF-κB通路的激活有关;三种天然活性物质具有拮抗PM2.5造成的细胞损伤的能力,其保护机理是通过其降低PM2.5引起的细胞内氧化应激反应,进而降低被PM2.5激活的Akt通路与NF-κB通路和下调Bad蛋白表达量来实现的。  相似文献   

越来越多的研究提示,主要空气污染物PM_(2.5)暴露浓度的升高与儿童过敏性疾病的发病率有着密切的关系,然而PM_(2.5)暴露与过敏性疾病之间的关联尚未完全阐明。为探究患有过敏症状儿童的室内PM_(2.5)对小鼠巨噬细胞的氧化损伤作用以及维生素E(vitamin E,VE)的抗氧化保护作用,从5户患有1种或1种以上的过敏性症状(如过敏性鼻炎、哮喘)儿童的室内采集PM_(2.5),分别考察了不同剂量PM_(2.5)暴露24 h后如何影响小鼠巨噬细胞的氧化应激水平,指标包括活性氧(ROS),还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH),丙二醛(MDA),8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OH-dG),以及炎症因子水平,指标包括肿瘤坏死因子ɑ(TNF-ɑ),白介素8β(IL-8β)的影响。结果表明,200μg·mL~(-1)PM_(2.5)暴露组与对照组比较,细胞内ROS积累,出现脂质过氧化以及DNA损伤,并伴有炎症反应的发生,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01);VE(50 mg·mL~(-1))+200μg·mL~(-1)PM_(2.5)组的ROS、MDA、8-OHdG、TNF-ɑ、IL-8β含量低于200μg·mL~(-1)PM_(2.5)组,GSH含量高于200μg·mL~(-1)PM_(2.5)组。较高剂量(200μg·mL~(-1))PM_(2.5)可诱导小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞出现氧化损伤,VE在该应激过程中起着一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

为获取土壤细颗粒组分中污染物的浓度及其生物可给性,分析了某铬渣污染场地土壤PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)组分中六价铬的浓度分布特征,并采用统一生物可给性测试方法(Unified Bioaccessibility Method,UBM)和呼吸吸入生物可给性测试方法(Inhalation Bioaccessibility Method,IBM) 2种体外模拟法测试了六价铬在胃、肠及肺中的生物可给性。结果显示:(1)六价铬和总铬在PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)组分中的含量大多明显低于PM_(250)组分,PM_(10)组分中六价铬和总铬的累积因子(accumulation factors,AF)分别为0.080#12.297和0.008#0.261,PM_(2.5)组分中六价铬和总铬的AF分别为0.019#5.721和0.005#0.342,相比于总铬而言,六价铬在细颗粒中的累积程度更高。较低的有机质(organic matter,OM)含量可能导致了六价铬AF的明显增加。不同组分中六价铬占总铬的比例分别为2%#17%(<250μm)、21%#98%(<10μm)和22%#82%(<2.5μm),表明在土壤细颗粒中,铬更多地以六价铬的形式存在;(2)通过UBM获取的PM_(250)组分中六价铬在胃提取阶段的生物可给性因子为0.0301%#0.9483%,平均值为0.4821%;肠阶段可给性因子为0.0018%#0.3934%,平均值为0.1578%,约为胃提取阶段的0.33倍;(3)通过IBM获取的PM_(10)组分中六价铬在肺阶段的生物可给性因子为2.52%#41.50%,平均值14.47%; PM_(2.5)组分中六价铬的生物可给性因子为2.40%#88.12%,平均值为48.86%,约为PM_(10)组分的3.38倍;(4)在考虑生物可给性条件下,六价铬产生的人体总致癌风险水平从2 430.04×10~(-6)下降至125.83×10~(-6),而且,六价铬呼吸途径产生的致癌风险水平极高,是经口摄入的5.04#176.38倍(胃)、10.92#10 198.00倍(肠),表明呼吸吸入是六价铬致癌风险最为关键的暴露途径。因此,通过测定土壤细颗粒组分中六价铬的生物可给性,能够显著提高铬渣污染土壤健康风险评估的可靠性。  相似文献   

Mass concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were measured near major roads in Beijing during six periods: summer and winter of 2001, winter of 2007, and periods before, during and after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Since the control efforts for motor vehicles helped offset the increase of emissions from the rapid growth of vehicles, the averaged PM2.5 concentrations at roadsides during the sampling period between 2001 and 2008 fluctuated over a relatively small range. With the implementation of temporary traffic control measures during the Olympics, a clear “V” shaped curve showing the concentrations of particulate matter and other gaseous air pollutants at roadsides over time was identified. The average concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, CO and NO decreased by 31.2%, 46.3%, 32.3% and 35.4%, respectively, from June to August; this was followed by a rebound of all air pollutants in December 2008. Daily PM10 concentrations near major roads exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (Grade II) for 61.2% of the days in the non-Olympic periods, while only for 12.5% during the Olympics. The mean ratio of PM2.5/PM10 near major roads remained relatively stable at 0.55 (±0.108) on non-Olympic days. The ratio decreased to 0.48 (±0.099) during the Olympics due to a greater decline in fine particles than in coarse-mode PM. The ratios PM1/PM2.5 fluctuated over a wide range and were statistically different from each other during the sampling periods. The average ratios of PM1/PM2.5 on non-Olympic days were 0.71.  相似文献   

春季不同天气城市街头绿地内PM2.5质量浓度分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2012年春季,采用水平分布监测法监测了3种天气下距交通污染源不同距离的街头绿地中的PM2.5质量浓度,研究了不同天气下PM2.5的日变化、水平分布规律及绿地对PM2.5的净化效应,为城市街头绿地、城市公园建设及市民合理选择休闲锻炼时间和地点提供理论依据。结果表明:1)晴天和多云时,PM2.5质量浓度上午高于下午,7:00浓度最高,15:00最低;雨后阴天基本保持上升趋势。2)PM2.5日均质量浓度为晴天(61.67μg·m-3)〈多云(187.98μg·m-3)〈雨后阴天(291.48μg·m-3)。晴天除5:00和7:00外,其他时刻均达到国家二级标准,且13:00—15:00达到国家一类功能区空气质量要求;多云和雨后阴天PM2.5质量浓度分别超过国家二级浓度限值150.6%和288.6%。3)观测时段内,无论哪种天气,5:00、7:00、11:00和15:00绿地的净化功能较强,19:00净化功能均最差,所有监测点无一例外的表现为负效应。4)3种天气下,PM2.5质量浓度在距离道路10~25 m最高,绿地的净化效应最差,55 m外基本可以形成稳定的森林内环境。5)在南方高湿环境下,空气相对湿度是影响PM2.5质量浓度的主要因素,晴天和多云天气PM2.5浓度与相对湿度呈显著正相关,而雨后阴天二者呈负相关关系。6)在一定阈值内,街头绿地能够缓解PM2.5污染,为居民提供良好的休闲环境。从游憩时间来看,市民可以选择晴天进入街头绿地休闲,多云和雨后阴天尽量减少外出;从活动最佳地段来看,距离污染源55 m以上适宜休闲锻炼;从街头绿地的规划面积来看,半径以不小于55 m为宜。  相似文献   

天然提取物抗PM2.5诱导A549细胞凋亡的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集北京城区大气可吸人颗粒物中的细颗粒物(PM25),用其对人肺腺癌A549细胞染毒,探讨PM25对细胞增殖的毒性和诱导细胞凋亡的作用,并且考察了加入不同浓度的红豆越橘提取物和竹叶提取物对其的抗性作用.实验采用MTT法检测细胞增殖作用,采用Annexi V-FITC/PI双染法和流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡.结果显示:PM2...  相似文献   

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