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The condition of the green-lipped mussel Perna canaliculus (Gmelin) from 7 sites around the northern half of New Zealand was determined monthly between December 1973 and February 1975. Seven separate estimates of condition were calculated for each sample; 4 condition indices, 2 percentage glycogen analyses and 1 estimate of percentage solids. All showed a similar annual cycle, with minimum values in winter (June/ August) rising to peak levels in spring (October/ December). The 7 sites were divided into 3 groups, (i) a central New Zealand group, characterised by high levels of condition index (CI) throughout most of the year >10 CIweight for 8 to 11 months, average to high percentage glycogen (annualmeans 25 to 35% dry weight), and high percentage solids (annual means > 20% dry weight); (ii) an intertidal group, having low levels of CI (<10 CIweight for 10 to 11 months), low percentage glycogen(mean <20%), and low percentage solids (mean <18%); and (iii) a northern group, showing intermediate values for each of the estimates of condition. Difficulties in defining the causes of changes in the condition cycle are discussed. There is an inverse relationship between CI and mussel size, resulting from changes in body proportions. An inverse relationship is also suggested between CI and water temperature. A precise index, $$CI_{weight} = \frac{{100 \times dry meat weight}}{{whole{\text{ weight - shell weight}}}}$$ is recommended for biological studies on mussels and a rapid simple index, $$CI_{commercial} = \frac{{100 \times wet meat weight}}{{whole{\text{ (live) weight}}}}$$ for use in the field and in mussel farming practice.  相似文献   

Length is the most precise (and the most practical) linear measurement for predicting total weight (r>0.98 at P=0.001) in the green-lipped mussel Perna canaliculus Gmelin. The allometry varies with the environmental conditions under which the mussels grow, resulting in morphologically distinct forms of raft- and shore-grown mussels. Mussels grown intertidally are wider, less high and heavier than mussels of similar length grown in suspension. Increase in length and total weight of P. canaliculus grown in suspended cultivation was recorded at 8 experimental sites around New Zealand, during 1973–1975. Comparisons are drawn with growth on an intertidal mussel bed, where length increase was less than half that in the same period in suspension. The growth rate of mussels transferred from intertidal to suspended conditions depends on the size at transfer. Close similarity in growth rate occurred at the majority of sites in spite of a direct correlation between water temperature and length increment and substantial, differences in temperature between sites. Reasons for the uniformity are suggested. Average values for growth at sites over the northern half of New Zealand were 73 mm length (32.5 g weight) after 12 months, 113 mm (110 g) after 2 years. Growth continued throughout the year, highest growth rates corresponding to highest water temperatures. Variation due to depth was not significant. Larger mussels grew more slowly. P. canaliculus can be grown in suspended cultivation in New Zealand at a rate comparable to that in other commercial mussel-farming areas.  相似文献   

 The accumulation and depuration of Cs in the green mussels (Perna viridis) commonly found in the subtropical and tropical waters were studied under the laboratory conditions using radiotracer techniques. Following an initial rapid sorption onto the mussel's tissues, uptake of Cs exhibited linear patterns over a short exposure time (8 h) at different ambient Cs concentrations. The concentration factor was independent of ambient Cs concentration. The calculated uptake rate and initial sorption constant of Cs were directly proportional to the ambient Cs concentration. The calculated uptake rate constant from the dissolved phase in the mussels was as low as 0.026 l g−1 d−1. Uptake rates of Cs in the mussels were inversely related to the ambient salinity. Uptake increased about twofold when the salinity was reduced from 33 to 15 ppt. The effect of salinity on Cs uptake was primarily due to the change in ambient K+ concentration. The uptake rate decreased in a power function with increasing tissue dry weight of the mussels, although the initial sorption was not related to the mussel's body size. The efflux rate constant of Cs in the mussels was 0.15 to 0.18 d−1, and was the highest recorded to date among different metals in marine bivalves. The efflux rate constant also decreased in a power function with increasing tissue dry weight of mussels. A simple kinetic model predicted that the bioconcentration factor of Cs in the green mussels was 145, which was higher than measurements taken in their temperate counterparts. The bioconcentration factor also decreased in a power function with increasing tissue dry weight of mussels. Received: 27 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 June 2000  相似文献   

The effects of chronic copper exposure on growth and physiological responses of the green mussel Perna viridis were investigated by exposing the mussels to 50 μg l−1 Cu for 3 mo at 17 and 25 °C. These temperatures represent, respectively, the winter and summer seawater temperatures in Hong Kong. Differences in the level of response between mussels exposed for 3 mo to 50 μg Cu l−1 generally increased with duration of exposure. The tissue concentration of copper had increased by 280 and 450% after 3 mo exposure at 17 and 25 °C, and growth performances were reduced, with the 25 °C sets suffering from larger negative impact of copper in most responses. The inhibitory effects of copper on production of the various body components generally followed the order linear shell growth (greatest) > tissue production > byssus production > shell production. There were also decreases in the condition index (43 and 35% reductions at 17 and 25 °C), clearance rates (10.3 and 18.5%), faeces production (11 and 16.3%), assimilation efficiency (6.8 and 9.2%) and oxygen consumption rate (12.8 and 24.8%). In contrast, the organic content of the faeces (9.2 and 13.2% increases at 17 and 25 °C) and rate of ammonia excretion (21 and 28.6%), increased upon chronic copper exposure. Many of the responses (e.g. changes in tissue copper content, body dry wt, shell organic content, clearance rate and oxygen consumption rate) exhibited fluctuating levels of impact during prolonged copper exposure, while others (e.g. faecal production rate, assimilation efficiency, tissue organic content) demonstrated steady decreasing trends with increasing exposure time. Received: 17 September 1999  相似文献   

Butyltin compounds (BTs) and organochlorine residues (OCs) were determined in green mussel (Perna viridis L.) collected along the coastal waters of India in 1994 and 1995 to elucidate their contamination levels and distribution. BTs were detected in all of the mussel samples, ranging from 2 to 378 ng/g wet wt, which indicated that BTs are widely distributed, with elevated concentrations in intense boating areas. BTs concentrations in green mussels were lower than those reported for developed nations as well as developing countries such as Thailand. Concentrations of OCs were much lower than those of BTs. Among OCs examined, DDTs were found to be greatest, followed by HCHs, PCBs, CHLs and HCB. Considering the fact that the usage of tributyltin (TBT), DDTs and HCHs are not controlled in India, their contamination in the aquatic environment may increase unless regulatory measures are imposed. To our knowledge, this is a first report on the detection of BTs in Indian mussels.  相似文献   

Chromosomes of Perna viridis were characterized by karyotype analysis, C-banding and nucleolus organizer regions (NORs). The diploid chromosome number was confirmed as 30 and the karyotype is composed of ten metacentric and five submetacentric chromosome pairs. Constitutive heterochromatin blocks were found on all chromosomal pairs except chromosomal pair 15, which showed uniform staining throughout the entire chromosomes. Silver staining revealed nucleolus organizer regions on telomeric region of four chromosomal pairs, viz. 1, 3, 7 and 11. This is the first comprehensive study undertaken on chromosomes of Perna viridis.  相似文献   

The sublethal effect of silver and chromium on some biochemical constituents was studied in the green mussel Perna viridis. The results revealed an overall reduction in total protein, total DNA, total RNA, glycogen, protein bound sugars and total lipid in the gill, hepatopancreas, and ovary of the mussels exposed to metals individually and in combination when compared with control. It was apparent that mussels exposed to mixtures of metals exhibited highly significant (P?P?P?相似文献   

Predator evasion behaviour patterns of three populations of rainbowfish (Melanotaenia eachamensis) were compared. The populations differed in the level of complexity of their natural habitats and the type and extent of predation. The predator recognition abilities of fish were assessed by exposing them to models differing in their degree of predator realism. The availability of vegetated cover and the location of the models with respect to cover were manipulated. Fish from Lake Tinaroo, a relatively open habitat containing numerous predators, showed strong changes in elective group size (EGS) in response to the different models but did not rely on cover as a place of refuge. In contrast, Dirran Creek fish originate from a small, fast-flowing, structurally complex stream lacking predatory fish species, and they showed little ability to distinguish between the different models and responded to threat by spending longer in vegetated areas. Members of the Lake Eacham captive stock increased their EGS in response to models representing low threat and with more threatening models increased the amount of time spent in vegetated regions of the arena. The contrasting reactions to predatory threat displayed by these populations highlights the need to use a number of different response indices when comparing the anti-predator responses of different fish populations. These data suggest that the level of habitat complexity as well as prior predator experience influence anti-predator responses of different fish popu-lations. Received: 2 October 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

S. Kaehler 《Marine Biology》1999,135(3):505-514
The incidence, distribution and infestation sequences of four endolithic cyanobacteria in the shells of the brown mussel Perna perna (L.) were studied along the south coast of South Africa. The incidence of endolith-infested shells varied significantly among the 21 study sites (∼23 to 95%), with highest infestation rates occurring on promontories and headlands as compared to sites within bays. At a smaller scale, the incidence of infested shells also varied with tidal height, being high at the upper tidal levels of mussel distribution and low or absent on the lowshore. The observation that small-scale variability in infestation rates was positively related to water movement suggested that physical damage to the outer protective periostracum of mussels may have facilitated colonisation by endoliths. This hypothesis was supported by the fact that shells with artificially damaged periostraca became infested at a greater rate than did control shells. Once colonisation by the filamentous cyanobacteria Plectonema terebrans, Hyella caespitosa and Mastigocoleus testarum had taken place, endoliths spread throughout the shell, causing progressive shell deformation and damage. Only older shells that were infested by the late successional, cavity-forming Pleurocapsa sp., however, exhibited severe shell deformations, became brittle and eventually fractured near the structurally important site of adductor muscle attachment. Heterotrophic endoliths typically associated with shell degradation in previous studies were extremely rare and if present did not contribute to shell disintegration. Although it is generally perceived that endolithic algae and cyanobacteria are restricted to the surface layers of shells by light limitation within the substratum, it is clear from this study that the interaction of a combination of factors (i.e. erosion of the periostracum, successional sequence of colonists and mechanical properties of the shell) may result in phototrophic endoliths causing severe shell degradation and eventually mussel mortality. Received: 18 December 1998 / Accepted: 18 June 1999  相似文献   

This study assesses the potential of the fluorochrome calcein for use as a growth marker in bivalve shell growth studies. Calcein solutions were administered in situ to the brown mussel Perna perna (Linneaus), both by injection and immersion, and the effect of calcein concentrations on fluorescent mark deposition and mussel mortality was investigated in the laboratory. Field investigations showed that, 1 month after administration, calcein injection (125 mg l−l) into the mantle cavity produced superior results to the immersion treatments (150 and 500 mg l−l). Both methods resulted in fluorescent mark incorporation at the growing edge, but during immersion general calcein deposition associated with endolith activity resulted in fluorescence that made identification of a distinct datum point difficult. In contrast, the injection method produced clearly defined growth marks, which were easily distinguished from autofluorescence and persisted without visible degradation for a minimum of 9 months. Shell growth rates estimated using the fluorescent mark as a datum point were similar to those from earlier studies using different methods. Laboratory investigations revealed that at␣calcein concentrations of 80 mg l−l and above, 100% of juvenile (20 to 30 mm) and adult mussels (60 to 70 mm) retained a visible growth mark, while at concentrations >160 mg l−l all marks were bright and clearly defined. No mussel mortality was exhibited at any time, even at calcein concentrations of 640 mg l−l, eight times higher than those required for mark deposition. These results suggest that, compared to traditional methods of bivalve growth determination, the use of fluorochromes presents a relatively inexpensive, non-invasive and rapid alternative. When using calcein as a growth marker, problems associated with some other fluorochromes (e.g. inconsistent mark incorporation, high post-treatment mortality) were not exhibited. Received: 14 July 1998 / Accepted: 23 October 1998  相似文献   

翡翠贻贝内脏团抗氧化防御系统对菲胁迫的生物响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验室条件下研究了海水中不同浓度(2.0、10.0、50.0μg L-1)菲胁迫1、4、8、15 d和清水恢复2、7 d后翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)内脏团中抗氧化酶(SOD、GSH-Px、CAT)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化.结果表明,翡翠贻贝内脏团CAT活性在d 1即受到显著诱导(P<0.05),对菲胁迫的反应非常敏感;SOD活性和GSH-Px活性对菲胁迫的生物响应呈先诱导后抑制的变化规律,而MDA含量随曝露时间延长呈现上升的趋势,且浓度越高,这3种指标的变化趋势越明显.因此翡翠贻贝内脏团中SOD、GSH-Px、CAT活性及MDA含量均适合作为菲污染对水生生物毒性效应的指示指标.在清水恢复阶段,相对于对照组各指标均表现出一定程度的恢复,也表明翡翠贻贝能对一定程度的菲胁迫带来的氧化损伤进行自我修复.图2表1参19  相似文献   

Animals that bore into calcareous material can cause considerable damage to molluscan shells. In contrast, smaller microbial phototrophic endoliths have until recently been thought of as relatively benign. Phototrophic endoliths (primarily cyanobacteria) infest the shells of 50 to 80% of midshore populations of the mussel Perna perna (L.) in South Africa. This infestation causes clearly visible shell degradation, and we record here ecologically important lethal and sub-lethal effects (e.g. changes in growth and reproductive output) of the endoliths on their mussel hosts. Endolith infestation reduced the strength of shells significantly and also affected shell growth. In situ marking of shells, using the fluorochrome calcein, showed that infested and non-infested mussels increased in shell length at the same rate. However, the rate of increase in shell thickness (associated with shell repair) was significantly faster in infested than in uninfested individuals. This increase in the rate of shell thickening was not sufficient to compensate for rapid endolith-induced shell degradation and, around the site of adductor muscle attachment, infested shells were thinner than their uninfested counterparts. The shells of 18% of recently dead mussels had holes induced by endolith erosion. This effect was highly size dependent, and the proportion of mortality due to endoliths rose to almost 50% for the largest mussels. The re-routing of energy due to shell repair had important sub-lethal effects on the reproductive rates of mussels. During the reproductive period, mean dried flesh mass for large (>70 mm), non-infested P. perna was substantially higher than for infested individuals. This difference was almost entirely due to differences in gonad mass, which was approximately 100% higher for non-infested mussels. We conclude that, by attacking the shell, phototrophic endoliths reduce both the longevity and reproductive output of large mussels on the midshore. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

We examined trace metal ingestion and assimilation (Cd, Se, Zn) by the green mussel Perna viridis in a mixture of diatoms and sediment at concentrations below and above the pseudofeces production levels. Dual gamma radiotracers (109Cd, 65Zn) were used to investigate particle selection on marine diatoms and sediments. The diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii) was radiolabeled with 109Cd, and the natural sediment was radiolabeled with 65Zn. By comparing the ratios of 109Cd:65Zn in the particle mixture, mussel tissues and pseudofeces within a short-term exposure period (35 min), the results demonstrated that the green mussels were able to selectively ingest the diatom particles at a high particle load. Efficiency of selection for nutritious particles (e.g. diatoms) increased with increasing ratio of sediments in the particle mixture. Pseudofeces contained a higher ratio of sediments relative to that in the feeding suspension. No major particle selection was observed at concentrations below the level for pseudofeces production. The assimilation of Cd, Se and Zn by the green mussels was quantified using a pulse-chase feeding technique. The assimilation of Se and Zn by the green mussels from ingested diatoms was reduced with the presence of sediment within the mussel gut, presumably due to the resorption of metals onto the sediment, leading to a quicker passage of metals through the digestive tract and a lower proportion of metals subjected to intensive digestion. In contrast, the presence of diatoms did not significantly affect metal assimilation from ingested sediment. A significant correlation between metal assimilation efficiency and metal gut passage time was also observed. Metal assimilation by the green mussels appeared to be little dependent on the particle concentration in seawater. Our study suggests that particle selection may potentially alter metal influx from ingested food sources, particularly at high particle concentrations. Selective feeding of nutritious particles, coupled with a high assimilation efficiency from these ingested particles, may increase metal influx into mussels from the dietary phase.  相似文献   

The influence of wave exposure and of tidal height on mussel (Perna perna Linnaeus) population structure (size, density, biomass and adult/juvenile correlations) was examined at 18 sites along the south coast of South Africa. Sites were classified as exposed or sheltered prior to sampling, without reference to the biota, on the basis of aspect, topography and wave regime. A single set of samples was collected from each site during three spring tide cycles. Adult mussels on these shores almost always attach directly to the rocks, and layering of mussels is virtually absent. Shore height always had a strong influence on population structure, but exposure had significant effects only lower on the shore, and almost exclusively on mussel sizes. Principal component analysis (PCA), based on size distribution data for each population, revealed a general upshore decrease in the modal size of the adult cohort. The effects of exposure on size distribution, however, varied with tidal height. PCA separated exposed zones, with larger mussels, from sheltered zones on the low-shore. Farther upshore the two shore types were increasingly confounded. The maximum size of mussels showed a similar pattern, with significant differences (ANOVA, p < 0.05) between exposed and sheltered sites only on the low- and mid-shores. Density was calculated from randomly placed quadrats (i.e. not necessarily from areas of 100% cover) and showed a different pattern. Adult (>15 mm) densities decreased up the shore, with low-, mid- and high-shore zones being significantly different from one another (ANOVA, p < 0.0001; followed by multiple range tests). However, exposure had no significant effect on density, nor was there a significant interaction with zone. Recruit (<15 mm) densities were positively correlated with adult (>15 mm) densities in all zones and for both exposure regimes ( p < 0.05 in all cases), but there was considerable variability and extremely low predictability in these relationships (r 2 generally <0.2). Predictability tended to be greater towards the high-shore, where adults were more clumped. As with density, biomass was not affected by exposure, but decreased upshore as mean size and density decreased. A reduction in the influence of exposure farther upshore may be caused by greater emersion overriding the effects of exposure. The presence of free space within mussel beds and significant correlations between recruit and adult densities suggest that these mussel populations are recruit limited. Received: 7 January 2000 / Accepted: 6 July 2000  相似文献   

Summary Anti-predator behaviors of the bannertail kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) toward snake predators were investigated. We induced responses by presenting a live (tethered) snake and an inflatable snake decoy to rats of known ages and sex in their territories. Comparisons of behaviors during spontaneous activity (baseline), naturally occurring snake-rat interactions, and experimental procedures further clarified anti-predator behaviors. The tethered snake immediately induced high rates of footdrumming (the repeated striking of the hind feet on the ground) in all rats (n=24) (Table 2), and individuals of both sexes and all ages footdrummed significantly more at the tethered snake than at the decoy. Other antipredator behaviors included alert postures, jumpback, kicking sand and avoidance. Juvenile rats exhibited more avoidance behavior and alert postures than adults and footdrummed at the decoy only if they experienced the snake first. We conclude that footdrumming functions as an individual alarm signal against predation by snakes in D. spectabilis. The drumming probably informs a snake that it has been detected and may cause it to leave. Because rats did not footdrum in response to aerial predators (owls), we suggest that kangaroo rats use different anti-predator strategies that depend on the kind of threat and the type of predator.  相似文献   

On the south coast of South Africa, the invasive alien mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis shows partial habitat segregation with the indigenous mussel Perna perna. P. perna predominates in the lower mussel zone and M. galloprovincialis in the upper zone, with mixed beds where the two overlap. We examined competitive interactions between these species by translocating mussels into small plots at high densities. Treatments involved different combinations of species and densities placed in each zone. Mortality was monitored regularly and at the end of each experiment, growth and condition index were measured. The experiment was attempted three times. The first two attempts were disrupted by wave action, especially winter storms, but provided information on species-specific effects of wave action. In experiment one, wave induced mortality decreased from a mean for both species of approximately 90% on the low shore to ca. 50% on the high shore, and was 15–30% lower for P. perna than M. galloprovincialis in each zone. In experiment two, M. galloprovincialis mortality was not affected by zone (Kruskal–Wallis test, P > 0.05), but was higher than P. perna mortality in the low zone (P < 0.05). P. perna survival was significantly (P < 0.05) lower on the high than mid and low zones, apparently due to the effects of greater emersion. Condition index showed a similar pattern, being lowest in the low zone for M. galloprovincialis and in the high zone for P. perna (3-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). Growth rates were fastest for both species in the low zone (Kruskal–Wallis, P < 0.05 in both cases). The third experiment was run for 12 months in the low zone only and provided evidence of intraspecific competition for P. perna and of interspecific competition. Condition was significantly greater for P. perna in all treatments (2-way ANOVA), as was growth (Kruskal–Wallis P < 0.05). Significant treatment effects indicated that P. perna had a negative effect on M. galloprovincialis survival (Kruskal–Wallis, P < 0.05). Again wave action was important; by the end of the experiment all mussels had been removed from plots stocked only with M. galloprovincialis. Thus P. perna improves survival of M. galloprovincialis on the low shore in the short term, by providing protection against wave action, but excludes it competitively in the longer term. The results show that partial habitat segregation is likely to be a permanent feature on the south coast, with M. galloprovincialis unable to dominate the low shore due to the effects of waves and competitive exclusion by P. perna. This study is the first attempt to examine the mechanisms of interaction between invasive and indigenous marine mussel species and provides evidence of the importance of environmental conditions in the mediation of this interaction.  相似文献   

Suspension-feeding bivalves increase the quantity and quality of sedimenting organic matter through the production of faeces and pseudofaeces that are remineralised in coastal sediments and thus increase sediment oxygen demand and nutrient regeneration. Bivalves are intensively cultivated worldwide; however, no bivalve biodeposit decay rates are available to parameterise models describing the environmental effects of bivalve culture. We examined sediment biogeochemical changes as bivalve biodeposits age by incubating coastal sediments to which we added fresh mussel (Perna canaliculus) biodeposits and measured O2 and nutrient fluxes as well as sediment characteristics over an 11-day period. Biodeposits elevated organic matter, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin a, organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in the surface sediments. Sediment oxygen consumption (SOC) increased significantly (P=0.016) by ∼1.5 times to 1,010 μmol m−2 h−1 immediately after biodeposit addition and remained elevated compared to control cores without additions for the incubation period. This increase is in the range of observed in situ oxygen demand enhancements under mussel farms. To calculate a decay rate for biodeposits in sediments we fitted a first-order G model to the observed increase in SOC. The significant model fit (P=0.001, r 2=0.72) generated a decay rate of 0.16 day−1 (P=0.033, SE=0.05) that corresponds to a half-life time of 4.3 day. This decay rate is 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than published decay rates of coastal sediments without organic enrichment but similar to rates of decaying zooplankton faecal pellets. NH4+ release increased rapidly on the day of biodeposit addition (P=0.013) and reached a maximum of 144 μmol m−2 h−1 after 5 days which was 3.6 times higher compared to control cores. During this period NH4+ release was significantly (P<0.001 to P=0.043) higher in the cores with biodeposit additions than in control cores.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that organisms make certain adjustments to their current and future reproductive effort such that fitness is maximized. Moreover, these adjustments may be fine tuned in response to risks of attack by natural enemies. Thus, we may predict that as an organism ages it will accept increasing levels of exposure to predators during mating activities, effectively trading the risk of losing terminal mating opportunities for the risk of predation. We tested this prediction in an acoustic moth, Achroia grisella, in which females orient toward and evaluate males based on their ultrasonic calling song, and both sexes may be vulnerable to predation by insectivorous bats while in flight as well as on the substrate. In the latter situation, singing males and orienting females show silence and arrestment responses, respectively, when presented with synthetic bat echolocation signals broadcast above a threshold amplitude. We found that both males and females become less sensitive to these broadcasts over the course of their brief reproductive periods, 7 and 5 days, respectively. Over the same periods, sensitivity to male song in both males and females remains constant, and relatively little senescence in sexual behavior is observed. These results support the risk trading hypothesis, and they indicate that life history principles may apply over a very short lifespan.  相似文献   

The reintroduction of large predators provides a framework to investigate responses by prey species to predators. Considerable research has been directed at the impact that reintroduced wolves (Canis lupus) have on cervids, and to a lesser degree, bovids, in northern temperate regions. Generally, these impacts alter feeding, activity, and ranging behavior, or combinations of these. However, there are few studies on the response of African bovids to reintroduced predators, and thus, there is limited data to compare responses by tropical and temperate ungulates to predator reintroductions. Using the reintroduction of lion (Panthera leo) into the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP) Main Camp Section, South Africa, we show that Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) responses differ from northern temperate ungulates. Following lion reintroduction, buffalo herds amalgamated into larger, more defendable units; this corresponded with an increase in the survival of juvenile buffalo. Current habitat preference of buffalo breeding herds is for open habitats, especially during the night and morning, when lion are active. The increase in group size and habitat preference countered initial high levels of predation on juvenile buffalo, resulting in a return in the proportion of juveniles in breeding herds to pre-lion levels. Our results show that buffalo responses to reintroduced large predators in southern Africa differ to those of northern temperate bovids or cervids in the face of wolf predation. We predict that the nature of the prey response to predator reintroduction is likely to reflect the trade-off between the predator selection and hunting strategy of predators against the life history and foraging strategies of each prey species.  相似文献   

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