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Several studies conducted in U.S. cities report an association between acute exposures to particulate matter (PM), usually measured as PM10, and mortality. Evidence of high concentrations of PM10 in Eastern Europe and in large metropolitan areas outside of the United States, such as Mexico City and Bangkok, underscores the need to determine whether these same associations occur outside of the United States. In addition, conducting studies of mortality and air pollution in regions that have distinctly different seasonal patterns than those of the United States provides an effective opportunity to assess the potentially confounding aspects of seasonality. Over the last few years, daily measures of ambient PM10 have been collected in Bangkok, a tropical city of over 6 million people. In this metropolitan area, PM10 consists largely of fine particles generated from diesel- and gasoline-powered automobiles, and from two-stroke motorcycle engines. Our analysis involved the examination of the relationship between PM10 and daily mortality for 1992 through 1995. In addition to counts of daily natural mortality (total mortality net of accidents, homicides, and suicides), the data were compiled to assess both cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, and natural mortality by age group. A multivariate Poisson regression model was used to explain daily mortality while controlling for several covariates including temperature, humidity, day of the week, season, and time. The analysis indicated a statistically significant association between PM10 and all of the alternative measures of mortality. The results suggest a 10-µg/m3 change in daily PM10 is associated with a 1–2% increase in natural mortality, a 1–2% increase in cardiovascular mortality, and a 3–6% increase in respiratory mortality. These relative risks are generally consistent with or greater than those reported in most studies undertaken in the United States.  相似文献   

Raw foodstuffs collected from Bangkok, Thailand, were analysed for the presence of PCBs, DDTs, HCHs (BHCs). HCB, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide. Residues of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides were detected in all the samples analysed. Concentrations of PCBs did not reach the tolerance limit set forth by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The concentrations of SigmaHCH were higher than those of SigmaDDT in all the farm products while the levels of SigmaDDT were greater in fishes including fish flakes and fishmeal. Meat samples recorded higher concentrations of SigmaDDT and dieldrin than SigmaHCH. Comparing the levels of organochlorines in foodstuffs from Bangkok, considerable levels of aldrin and dieldrin indicate the need for concern from the food safety point of view because of their much higher toxicity than DDT and other organochlorines. However, the levels did not exceed the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) recommended by FAO/WHO. Food contamination by HCB, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide is comparatively lower.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide data obtained at Barrow, Alaska for the May–September period of 1978 were studied to understand the causes of the day-to-day and within-day variations. Sixteen instances of 24-h change in average CO2 concentration of from 15 to 50% of the annual range (approx. 14 ppm) were identified. Within-day variations of up to 50% of the annual range were noted. The variations were found to be related to local and synoptic scale meteorology interacting with local and regional sources and sinks of CO2. The results are consistent with an overall source of CO2 in the tundra of the Alaskan North Slope and a significant sink for CO2 in the ice-free areas of the seas bordering Alaska. The analysis provides an interpretation of the Barrow CO2 record which can be used in the selection of representative data for studying large scale trends.  相似文献   

The Thai Government's search for alternatives to imported petroleum led to the consideration of mandating 10% biofuel blends (biodiesel and gasohol) by 2012. Concerns over the effects of biofuel combustion on ground level ozone formation in relation to their conventional counterparts need addressing. Ozone formation in Bangkok is explored using a trajectory box model. The model is compared against O3, NO, and NO2 time concentration data from air monitoring stations operated by the Thai Pollution Control Department. Four high ozone days in 2006 were selected for modeling. Both the traditional trajectory approach and a citywide average approach were used. The model performs well with both approaches but slightly better with the citywide average. Highly uncertain and missing data are derived within realistic bounds using a genetic algorithm optimization. It was found that 10% biofuel substitution will lead to as much as a 16 ppb peak O3 increase on these four days compared to a 48 ppb increase due to the predicted vehicle fleet size increase between 2006 and 2012. The approach also suggests that when detailed meteorological data is not available to run three dimensional airshed models, and if the air is stagnant or predominately remains over an urban area during the day, that a simple low cost trajectory analysis of O3 formation may be applicable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to obtain a better assessment of the Patras, Greece, air quality, in terms of the primary pollutants total suspended particulates (TSPs) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), because limited and short-duration measurements have been conducted in the past. Installation and operation of a mobile air monitoring station at two different locations in the Patras downtown area and one location in the outskirts of the city was undertaken and covered the periods July 1, 1994-January 30, 1995; March 18-August 23, 1995; and April 19-July 27, 1996, respectively. For both pollutants measured at each location, the monthly average concentrations and typical weekly variation of daily averages, as well as the diurnal variations and frequency concentration distributions in each month of the monitoring periods, were calculated and are presented in bar diagrams. The annual and winter period medians and the annual 98th percentile were also calculated and are compared with the limit and guide values provided by the European Economic Community Council Directive 80/779/EEC. In addition, comparison of SO2 values is made with the limit values adopted by the more recent Directive 1999/30/EC. It was found that the TSP and SO2 levels at all locations were very low and were lower than the levels found in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece. An attempt to explain what had been measured is also undertaken. The data presented are considered essential for future reference and comparison purposes.  相似文献   

The motorcycle taxi drivers of Bangkok have been heavily exposed to high concentrations of PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm), and the impact of this on their lungs has been neither documented nor studied. This study examines the association between exposure to PM10 and lung function decline among motorcycle taxi drivers. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Bangkok between two groups: a subject group of motorcycle taxi drivers and control group of enclosed vehicle taxi drivers. The findings of the Thailand Pollution Control Department were used to estimate the annual ambient PM10 concentration levels in the metropolis. Pulmonary functions of motorcycle taxi drivers and enclosed vehicle taxi drivers were measured and compared using the Mann-Whitney test. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to estimate the effects of PM10 exposure on the lung function of motorcycle taxi drivers. A total of 1283 motorcycle taxi drivers and 600 taxi drivers were investigated. The mean forced expiratory volume in 1 sec/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) of the motorcycle taxi drivers was significantly lower than that of the taxi drivers (P < 0.001). The mean FEV1/FVC of motorcycle taxi drivers exposed to ≥50 µg/m3 PM10 was statistically lower (?2.82%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: ?4.54% to ?1.09%) and the mean % vital capacity (%VC) of those exposed to 40–49.9 µg/m3 PM10 was statistically lower than that of motorcycle taxi drivers exposed to <30 µg/m3 PM10 (?3.33%; 95% CI: ?5.79% to ?0.87%). Motorcycle taxi drivers were directly exposed to air pollution in their working environment. As a result, their lung function might decrease more than that of enclosed vehicle taxi drivers. With the possible exposure to ≥50 µg/m3 PM10, the vehicular emission standards should be vigorously enforced. Further investigation is warranted to clarify the effect of lung dysfunction on the work and lifestyle of motorcycle taxi drivers.

Implications: Motorcycle taxi drivers are directly exposed to air pollution in their work environment; therefore, their lung function might decrease more than that of enclosed vehicle taxi drivers, especially when exposed to ≥50 µg/m3 PM10. World Health Organization (WHO) vehicular emission standards should be recognized and eventually enforced.  相似文献   

Accumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd was studied in snails fed for 120 days on diets contaminated with each metal separately and with all metals mixed together. The concentrations of Zn in food were in the range 39 to 12 200 mg kg(-1), Cu 9-1640 mg kg(-1), Pb 0.4-12 700 mg kg(-1), and Cd 0.16-146 mg kg(-1) on a dry weight basis. At the highest concentrations of all metals the consumption rates decreased significantly. For the remaining concentrations, Zn and Cu were accumulated in soft tissue in proportion to their concentrations in food. The lowest treatments of Pb and Cd did not cause any increase in soft tissue concentrations of these metals but at average treatments, a clear increase was observed. Copper was accumulated especially efficiently, exceeding concentrations in food throughout the whole range of treatments. Except for the lower end of experimental treatments, Zn was accumulated approximately in direct proportion to its concentration in the diet. Lead was the most efficiently regulated metal, with soft tissue concentrations always substantially lower than in food. Approximately 60% of Zn, 90% of Cu, 43% of Pb and 68% of Cd on average was assimilated from food. The assimilation efficiency of food alone was ca 74%. The concentrations of metals in shells increased significantly with exposure, but (with one exception) the concentrations in shells did not exceed 5% of those found in soft tissue. We argue that snails are more important as agents of food-chain transport of Cu and Cd, than of Zn or Pb. Our results indicate also that snails are not able to deposit significant quantities of metals in their shells, at least during the time scale of our laboratory experiment.  相似文献   

Although airborne pollutants in urban buses have been studied in many cities globally, long-distance buses running mainly on highways have not been addressed in this regard. This study investigates the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter (PM) in the long-distance buses in Taiwan. Analytical results indicate that pollutants levels in long-distance buses are generally lower than those in urban buses. This finding is attributable to the driving speed and patterns of long-distance buses, as well as the meteorological and geographical features of the highway surroundings. The levels of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) found in bus cabins exceed the proposed indoor VOC guidelines for aromatic compounds, and are likely attributable to the interior trim in the cabins. The overall average CO level is 2.3 ppm, with higher average level on local streets (2.9 ppm) than on highways (2.2 ppm). The average CO2 level is 1493 ppm, which is higher than the guideline for non-industrial occupied settings. The average PM level in this study is lower than those in urban buses and IAQ guidelines set by Taiwan EPA. However, the average PM10 and PM2.5 is higher than the level set by WHO. Besides the probable causes mentioned above, fewer passenger movements and less particle re-suspension from bus floor might also cause the lower PM levels. Measurements of particle size distribution reveal that more than 75% of particles are in submicron and smaller sizes. These particles may come from the infiltration from the outdoor air. This study concludes that air exchange rates in long-distance buses should be increased in order to reduce CO2 levels. Future research on long-distance buses should focus on the emission of VOCs from brand new buses, and the sources of submicron particles in bus cabins.  相似文献   

A photochemical smog model system, the Variable-Grid Urban Airshed Model/Systems Applications International Mesoscale Model (UAM-V/SAIMM), was used to investigate photochemical pollution in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR). The model system was first applied to simulate a historical photochemical smog episode of two days (January 13-14, 1997) using the 1997 anthropogenic emission database available at the Pollution Control Department and an estimated biogenic emission. The output 1-hr ozone (O3) for BMR, however, did not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency suggested performance criteria. The simulated minimum and maximum O3 values in the domain were much higher than the observations. Multiple model runs with different precursor emission reduction scenarios showed that the best model performance with the simulated 1-hr O3 meeting all the criteria was obtained when the volatile organic compound (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission from mobile source reduced by 50% and carbon monoxide by 20% from the original database. Various combinations of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions in Bangkok and surrounding provinces were simulated to assess the contribution of different sources to O3 pollution in the city. O3 formation in Bangkok was found to be more VOC-sensitive than NOx-sensitive. To attain the Thailand ambient air quality standard for 1-hr O3 of 100 ppb, VOC emission in BMR should be reduced by 50-60%. Management strategies considered in the scenario study consist of Stage I, Stage II vapor control, replacement of two-stroke by four-stroke motorcycles, 100% compressed natural gas bus, 100% natural gas-fired power plants, and replacement of methyltertiarybutylether by ethanol as an additive for gasoline.  相似文献   

The study concerning carbon dioxide measurements taken during the 1997, 1998 and 1999 summer campaigns at two different altitude stations and biospheric conditions are presented. The higher station (Mt. Cimone, 2165 m a.s.l.) is characterised by 360° free horizon and is located on a rocky mountain while the lower (Ninfa lake, 1550 m a.s.l.) is located inside the red spruce and beech forest. The different behaviour of CO2 at the two mountain stations has been registered. It shows the strong effect of nighttime soil emission and vegetation respiration on CO2 mixing ratio increases and of diurnal vegetative activity on CO2 concentration decreases at the lower measurement site. The baseline character of the higher measurement site has been confirmed by comparison of CO2 diurnal amplitudes recorded at the two stations.  相似文献   


A photochemical smog model system, the Variable-Grid Urban Airshed Model/Systems Applications International Mesoscale Model (UAM-V/SAIMM), was used to investigate photochemical pollution in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR). The model system was first applied to simulate a historical photochemical smog episode of two days (January 13-14, 1997) using the 1997 anthropogenic emission database available at the Pollution Control Department and an estimated biogenic emission. The output 1-hr ozone (O3) for BMR, however, did not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency suggested performance criteria. The simulated minimum and maximum O3 values in the domain were much higher than the observations. Multiple model runs with different precursor emission reduction scenarios showed that the best model performance with the simulated 1-hr O3 meeting all the criteria was obtained when the volatile organic compound (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission from mobile source reduced by 50% and carbon monoxide by 20% from the original database. Various combinations of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions in Bangkok and surrounding provinces were simulated to assess the contribution of different sources to O3 pollution in the city. O3 formation in Bangkok was found to be more VOC-sensitive than NOx-sensitive. To attain the Thailand ambient air quality standard for 1-hr O3 of 100 ppb, VOC emission in BMR should be reduced by 50-60%. Management strategies considered in the scenario study consist of Stage I, Stage II vapor control, replacement of two-stroke by four-stroke motorcycles, 100% compressed natural gas bus, 100% natural gas-fired power plants, and replacement of methyltertiarybutylether by ethanol as an additive for gasoline.  相似文献   

Sue Yai Utit is an old community located in Bangkok, Thailand which dismantles waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The surface soil samples at the dismantling site were contaminated with copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) higher than Dutch Standards, especially around the WEEE dumps. Residual fractions of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ni in coarse soil particles were greater than in finer soil. However, those metals bonded to Fe-Mn oxides were considerably greater in fine soil particles. The distribution of Zn in the mobile fraction and a higher concentration in finer soil particles indicated its readily leachable character. The concentration of Cu, Pb, and Ni in both fine and coarse soil particles was mostly not significantly different. The fractionation of heavy metals at this dismantling site was comparable to the background. The contamination characteristics differed from pollution by other sources, which generally demonstrated the magnification of the non-residual fraction. A distribution pathway was proposed whereby contamination began by the deposition of WEEE scrap directly onto the soil surface as a source of heavy metal. This then accumulated, corroded, and was released via natural processes, becoming redistributed among the soil material. Therefore, the concentrations of both the residual and non-residual fractions of heavy metals in WEEE-contaminated soil increased.  相似文献   

钙基吸附剂捕集生物质燃气中的二氧化碳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物质热解燃气中CO2的捕集,是提高燃气热值和实现碳减排的关键问题之一。为利用生物质热解燃气温度偏高的特点,拟通过化学吸附方法,捕集燃气中高浓度的CO2。为此,利用不同钙基前驱物制备了系列钙基固体吸附剂,系列钙基固体吸附剂对CO2的单次吸附和循环吸附实验结果表明,含钙和镁氧化物混合物的吸附剂具有较稳定的循环吸附特性以及较大的吸附负荷。孔结构特性分析表明,适宜于CO2吸附的有效孔径范围可能为小于4 nm。因此,可以通过对天然白云石的改性获得合适孔径的钙镁基固体吸附剂,达到有效捕集生物质燃气中CO2的目的。  相似文献   

Seedlings of Betula pubescens were grown at two CO(2) concentrations, in combination with either two O(3) concentrations or two air temperatures, during 34-35 days at 24 h day(-1) photoperiod in growth chambers placed in a greenhouse. Increasing the CO(2) concentration from 350 to 560 micromol mol(-1) at 17 degrees C air temperature increased the dry weight of the main leaves, main stem, branches and root. The mean relative growth rate (RGR) was increased 10% by CO(2) enrichment, while increasing the O(3) concentration from 7 to 62 nmol mol(-1) decreased the RGR by 9%. The relative biomass distribution between the different plant components was not significantly affected by the CO(2) concentration irrespective of the O(3) concentration. No significant interactions between CO(2) and O(3) concentration were found except on leaf size, which was stimulated more by elevated CO(2) concentration at high, compared to low, O(3) levels. In another experiment, elevated CO(2) (700 micromol mol(-1)) significantly increased the dry weight of the different plant components, and more at 20 degrees C than at 15 degrees C. Raising the CO(2) concentration increased the RGR by 5 and 10% at 15 and 20 degrees C, respectively. CO(2) enrichment increased the branch dry weight relatively more than the dry weight of the other plant parts. Increasing the CO(2) concentration or temperature increased the plant height and stem diameter, however, no interactions between CO(2) and temperature were found.  相似文献   

Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from closed landfill in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen IC  Hegde U  Chang CH  Yang SS 《Chemosphere》2008,70(8):1484-1491
The atmospheric concentrations and emission rates of CH(4) and CO(2) were studied at three sites of the Fu-Der-Kan closed landfill and after as the multi-use recreational park in northern Taiwan. Atmospheric CH(4) and CO(2) concentrations of closed landfill were 1.7-4.6 and 324-409ppm, respectively. CH(4) and CO(2) emission rates ranged from 8.8 to 163mg m(-2)h(-1) and from 495 to 1531mg m(-2)h(-1), respectively. Diurnal variation was noted with higher values at night than those in daytime. After creation of the park, atmospheric CH(4) and CO(2) concentrations were 1.8-3.1 and 332-441ppm, respectively. CH(4) and CO(2) emission rates ranged from -1.1 to 2.3mg m(-2)h(-1) and from -135 to 301mg m(-2)h(-1), respectively. There were no notable diurnal variations in either atmospheric concentrations or emission rates.  相似文献   

The effects of two alternative sources of animal fat-derived biodiesel feedstock on CO2, CO, NOx tailpipe emissions as well as fuel consumption were investigated. Biodiesel blends were produced from chicken and swine fat waste (FW-1) or floating fat (FW-2) collected from slaughterhouse wastewater treatment processes. Tests were conducted in an unmodified stationary diesel engine operating under idling conditions in attempt to simulate slow traffic in urban areas. Significant reductions in CO (up to 47% for B100; FW-2) and NOx (up to 20% for B5; FW-2 or B100; FW-1) were attained when using biodiesel fuels at the expense of 5% increase in fuel consumption. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to elucidate possible associations among gas (CO2, CO, and NOx) emissions, cetane number and iodine index with different sources of feedstock typically employed in the biodiesel industry. NOx, cetane number and iodine index were inversely proportional to CO2 and biodiesel concentration. High NOx emissions were reported from high iodine index biodiesel derived especially from forestry, fishery and some agriculture feedstocks, while the biodiesel derived from animal sources consistently presented lower iodine index mitigating NOx emissions. The obtained results point out the applicability of biodiesel fuels derived from fat-rich residues originated from animal production on mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. The information may encourage practitioners from biodiesel industry whilst contributing towards development of sustainable animal production.

Implications: Emissions from motor vehicles can contribute considerably to the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The use of biodiesel to replace or augment diesel can not only decrease our dependency on fossil fuels but also help decrease air pollution. Thus, different sources of feedstocks are constantly being explored for affordable biodiesel production. However, the amount of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and/or nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions can vary largely depending on type of feedstock used to produce biodiesel. In this work, the authors demonstrated animal fat feasibility in replacing petrodiesel with less impact regarding greenhouse gas emissions than other sources.  相似文献   

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