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The study presents a 3-year time series data on dissolved trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) in a monsoon-dominated river basin, the Nethravati River in tropical Southwestern India. The river basin lies on the metamorphic transition boundary which separates the Peninsular Gneiss and Southern Granulitic province belonging to Archean and Tertiary–Quaternary period (Western Dharwar Craton). The basin lithology is mainly composed of granite gneiss, charnockite and metasediment. This study highlights the importance of time series data for better estimation of metal fluxes and to understand the geochemical behaviour of metals in a river basin. The dissolved trace elements show seasonality in the river water metal concentrations forming two distinct groups of metals. First group is composed of heavy metals and minor elements that show higher concentrations during dry season and lesser concentrations during the monsoon season. Second group is composed of metals belonging to lanthanides and actinides with higher concentration in the monsoon and lower concentrations during the dry season. Although the metal concentration of both the groups appears to be controlled by the discharge, there are important biogeochemical processes affecting their concentration. This includes redox reactions (for Fe, Mn, As, Mo, Ba and Ce) and pH-mediated adsorption/desorption reactions (for Ni, Co, Cr, Cu and REEs). The abundance of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides as a result of redox processes could be driving the geochemical redistribution of metals in the river water. There is a Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*) at different time periods, both negative and positive, in case of dissolved phase, whereas there is positive anomaly in the particulate and bed sediments. The Ce anomaly correlates with the variations in the dissolved oxygen indicating the redistribution of Ce between particulate and dissolved phase under acidic to neutral pH and lower concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. Unlike other tropical and major world rivers, the effect of organic complexation on metal variability is negligible in the Nethravati River water. 相似文献
Trace element pollution in rivers by anthropogenic activities is an increasing problem worldwide. In this study, the contamination and ecological risk by several trace elements were evaluated along a 100-km stretch of the San Jorge River in Colombia, impacted by different mining activities. The increase of average concentration levels and range of trace elements in sediments (in μg/g) was as follows: Cu 6656 (454–69,702) > Cd 1159 (0.061–16,227) > Zn 1064 (102–13,483) > Ni 105 (31–686) > Pb 7.2 (5.1–11.7) > As 1.8 (1.0–3.2) > Hg 0.31 (0.12–1.37). Results showed that surface sediments could be classified as very high ecological risk index (RI > 600), associated with high contamination of Hg, Cd, and Cu, in stations close mining activities. Values for pollution load index indicate an environmental deterioration (PLI > 1), and sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) suggested that Cu, Ni, Zn, and Hg caused adverse biological effects. We further used pollution indices such as contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor (EF), and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) to assess the extent of contamination. According to these indices, discharges of hazardous chemicals over many years have resulted in a high degree of pollution for Cu, Pb, and Cd, with critical values in stations receiving wastes from mining activities. Multivariate statistical analysis suggested that Hg, Cd, Cu, and Zn derived from gold and coal mining, Ni and As were related from the mining of ferronickel and coal, respectively, whereas the high Pb load was attributed to diffuse source of pollution. In sum, our study provided the first detailed database on metal concentration and ecological risks to organisms in sediments of the San Jorge River Basin, and the current results also suggested future research for public health action. 相似文献
The spatial distribution of trace elements in surface sediments of the Hooghly estuary was studied over the monsoons in 2014–2017. As, Cd, Ni, Pb and U were two- to sixteen-fold the crust means with increasing levels toward the estuary, with Ni peak during the post-monsoon. Pearson’s correlation matrix, cluster analysis, enrichment factors and pollution index revealed the anthropic source and association of trace elements with Fe, Mn and Al and of Pb with U. Geoaccumulation index revealed for Ni an extremely contaminated situation at the estuary water during monsoon and for Cd a heavily contaminated situation at freshwater location. The potential contamination index was >6; thus, sediments were very severely contaminated by As, Cd and Ni with worst situation for As and Cd at fresh and brackish water and during post-monsoon. The overall ecological risk was severe, 300≤RI<600 at all sites and seasons, especially after the monsoon, at fluvial and brackish locations. 相似文献
The effect of heavy metal contamination on biological and biochemical properties of Italian volcanic soils was evaluated in a multidisciplinary study, involving pedoenvironmental, micromorphological, physical, chemical, biological and biochemical analyses. Soils affected by recurring river overflowing, with Cr(III)-contaminated water and sediments, and a non-flooded control soil were analysed for microbial biomass, total and active fungal mycelium, enzyme activities (i.e., FDA hydrolase, dehydrogenase, beta-glucosidase, urease, arylsulphatase, acid phosphatase) and bacterial diversity (DGGE characterisation). Biological and biochemical data were related with both total and selected fractions of Cr and Cu (the latter deriving from agricultural chemical products) as well as with total and extractable organic C. The growth and activity of soil microbial community were influenced by soil organic C content rather than Cu or Cr contents. In fact, positive correlations between all studied parameters and organic C content were found. On the contrary, negative correlations were observed only between total fungal mycelium, dehydrogenase, arylsulphatase and acid phosphatase activities and only one Cr fraction (the soluble, exchangeable and carbonate bound). However, total Cr content negatively affected the eubacterial diversity but it did not determine changes in soil activity, probably because of the redundancy of functions within species of soil microbial community. On the other hand, expressing biological and biochemical parameters per unit of total organic C, Cu pollution negatively influenced microbial biomass, fungal mycelium and several enzyme activities, confirming soil organic matter is able to mask the negative effects of Cu on microbial community. 相似文献
Trace elements found in aerosols were monitored in Jerusalem during the 1979 winter season utilizing an X-ray fluoresence technique. Most of the particulate mass was associated with the natural soil elements, such as Ca, Fe, K and Ti. Only a small fraction of the mass was comprised of elements clearly emitted from human sources, e.g. Pb, Br, V, Ni and Zn. An excellent correspondence was found between the enrichment factors observed in this study and those postulated for other parts of the world. However, the concentration of Ca and Sr in the Jerusalem suspended dust is substantially higher when compared with world averages of urban aerosols. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rivers engage in carbon cycle by transporting the dissolved products of weathering of rocks to the oceans, and this process is sensitive to the global... 相似文献
We used the biomonitor, Corbicula fluminea, to investigate the contributions of trace elements associated with different point sources and land uses in a large river. Trace elements were analyzed in tissues of clams collected from 15 tributary streams draining five land use or point source types: agriculture, forest, urban, coal-fired power plant (CFPP), and wastewater (WWTP). Clams from forested catchments had elevated Hg concentrations, and concentrations of arsenic and selenium were highest (5.0+/-0.2 and 13.6+/-0.9 microg g(-1) dry mass (DM), respectively) in clams from CFPP sites. Cadmium concentrations were significantly higher in clams from urban and CFPP sites (4.1+/-0.2 and 3.6+/-0.9 microg g(-1) DM, respectively). Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) of tissue concentrations in clams clustered at CFPP and forest/agriculture sites at opposite ends of the ordination space, and the distribution of sites was driven by Cu, Zn, Cd, and Hg. 相似文献
Black carbon (BC) aerosols were monitored continuously at Pune, a tropical urban location in southwest India, using aethalometer AE-42 model. Results of the data for the 1-year period (January to December 2005) have been discussed here. Seasonal and diurnal variations of BC in relation to changes in the regional meteorological conditions and local boundary layer characteristics have been studied along with the mass fraction of BC to the total suspended particulates (TSP) in different months. Also, using the Hysplit model, back-trajectories are studied to assess the sources for transported BC particles. The data collected during January to December 2005 indicated that annual average BC concentration (4.1 μg m −3) at Pune was comparable to that reported for other urban locations in southern Indian region. During winter season, BC concentrations were maximum (about 80% more than annual mean), mainly due to prevailing meteorological conditions like low wind speeds and low ventilation coefficients; as well as due to the transport from northeast regions. Minimum BC concentrations were observed during monsoon season (about 68% less than annual mean), which could be attributed to the wash-out effects due to precipitation as well as due to southwesterly winds coming from marine areas. Diurnal variation of BC showed two peaks, one in morning and another in the evening, which are mostly related to the daily changes in the local boundary layer. However, the intensity of local traffic emissions could have some impact on the magnitude of these peaks. BC aerosols formed about 2.3% of the total aerosol mass fraction at Pune. 相似文献
Volcanic soils affected by different numbers of polluted river flooding events were investigated. Chromium and Cu were the major soil contaminants. Nickel, Fe, Zn and Mn total content never exceeded the Italian mandatory limits. The distribution of Cr and Cu total contents among studied soils indicated that only Cr contamination was related to overflowing events. In polluted soils, sequential chemical extractions revealed a preferential association of Cr and Cu with organic forms. A progressive Cr insolubilization with ageing was observed. Significant amounts of Cr and Cu were extracted by NH(4)-oxalate, suggesting metals association with short-range-order aluminosilicates and organo-mineral complexes. Possible methodological drawbacks in the use of the EU-BCR chemical speciation protocol on volcanic soils are discussed. Micromorphology and SEM/WDS analyses revealed Cr and Cu enriched silt and clay coatings in surface and subsurface soil horizons, suggesting a transfer of metal-rich sediments along the soil pore network with water movement. 相似文献
A unique dataset of airborne in situ observations of HCl, O 3, HNO 3, H 2O, CO, CO 2 and CH 3Cl has been made in and near the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). A total of 16 profiles across the tropopause were obtained at latitudes between 10°N and 3°S from the NASA WB-57F high-altitude aircraft flying from Costa Rica. Few in situ measurements of these gases, particularly HCl and HNO 3, have been reported for the TTL. The general features of the trace gas vertical profiles are consistent with the concept of the TTL as distinct from the lower troposphere and lower stratosphere. A combination of the tracer profiles and correlations with O 3 is used to show that a measurable amount of stratospheric air is mixed into this region. The HCl measurements offer an important constraint on stratospheric mixing into the TTL because once the contribution from halocarbon decomposition is quantified, the remaining HCl (>60% in this study) must have a stratospheric source. Stratospheric HCl in the TTL brings with it a proportional amount of stratospheric O 3. Quantifying the sources of O 3 in the TTL is important because O 3 is particularly effective as a greenhouse gas in the tropopause region. 相似文献
This paper discusses the biomonitoring of trace element air pollution. Much attention is given to both lichens and mosses as the dominant plant species used in biomonitoring surveys. Biomonitoring is regarded as a means to assess trace element concentrations in aerosols and deposition. This implies that the monitor should concentrate the elements of interest and quantitatively reflect its elemental ambient conditions. Environmental impact on the biomonitor's behaviour is viewed as resulting in changes in the dose-response relationships. The current literature is briefly reviewed, for plant's behaviour modelling, for laboratory studies on physiological processes responsible for accumulation, retention and release, and for field work on quantification of dose-response relationships. Monitoring of elemental atmospheric availability is presented as deriving its relevance from presumed impact on both ecosystem performance and human health; source apportionment is regarded as an important parallel result for purposes of emission regulatory management. For source apportionment, the paper argues in favor of multi-elemental determinations, supplemented by information on organic compounds and elemental chemical forms. Furthermore, the discussion points towards more explicit coupling of biomonitoring data to knowledge and databases on both emission registration, ecosystem performance and human health. This means that multidisciplinary programs should be set up, which accommodate expert inputs from biomonitoring, emission control programs, analytical chemistry, ecology, and epidemiology. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Ooty lake, in the southern part of India, has raised huge concern about the role of metals in a lake due to increasing anthropogenic activities.... 相似文献
Trace elements and metals in the ultrafine (<0.18 μm) and accumulation (0.18–2.5 μm) particulate matter (PM) modes were measured during the winter season, next to a busy Southern California freeway with significant (∼20%) diesel traffic. Both ambient and concentrated size-segregated impactor samples were taken in order to collect enough mass for chemical analysis. Data at this location were compared to a site located 1 mile downwind of the freeway, which was reflective of urban background. The most abundant trace elements in the accumulation mode detected by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICPMS) were S (138 ng m −3), Na (129 ng m −3), and Fe (89 ng m −3) while S (35 ng m −3) and Fe (35 ng m −3) were the most abundant in the ultrafine mode. The concentrations of several trace elements, including Mg, Al, and Zn, and in particular Ca, Cu, and Pb, did not uniformly increase with size within fine PM, an indication that various roadway sources exist for these elements. Calculation of crustal enrichment factors for the two sites indicates that the freeway traffic contributed to enriched levels of ultrafine Cu, Ba, P and Fe and possibly Ca. The results of this study show that trace elements constitute a small fraction of PM mass in the nanoparticle size range, but these can and should be characterized due to their likely importance to human health. 相似文献
In the modern times, due to high rise multistoried buildings, especially in metropolitan cities, the habitable heights have changed from the ground floor level to higher levels. Present study is focused at generating a vertical profile of aerosols and the elemental concentrations in an un-inhabited environment in the envelope of a high rise building in a relatively clean environment of Mumbai. This can serve as a base line information to study the vertical profile in polluted areas like city centres and street canyons. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) at different floors and particle size distribution of aerosols at 12th floor (top floor) have been estimated. Thirteen trace metals, namely Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn were estimated in the SPM and in size separated aerosols, monitored over a period of 2 months. An attempt is also made to identify the sources of SPM at different heights using correlation matrix and factor analysis. The study indicates insignificant differences in the concentration levels of SPM and trace metals at different heights, when compared to the first floor level in the height range of 4.5–37.5 m. Of the 13 measured elements at the first floor level, Na (64.4%) and Ca (13.9%) constituted the dominant fractions followed by Fe (8.3%), Mg (5.7%), K (3.1%), Al (2.3%), Zn (1.3%) and Pb (0.5%). A similar distribution was also found for the 12th floor level (top floor). Factor analysis carried out using the measured elements, identified soil and sea salt spray as the main sources for the SPM at all the floors monitored. 相似文献
Clear and through-fall bulk depositions were collected in the downwind of a highly industrialized region in Sonbhadra district of India to estimate the influence of anthropogenic activities on chemical composition of depositions. Significant spatial and temporal variations in depositions of cations and anions were observed. Depositions were higher near the thermal power stations and coal mines as compared to distantly situated site. Seasonally summer samples showed maximum cation and anion depositions followed by winter and minimum in rainy season. The mean pH of the depositions indicates that rainfall in the area is alkaline. Among the anions, maximum deposition was recorded for SO4(2-) followed by NO3- and minimum for Cl-. Among the cations, Ca2+ deposition was maximum followed by NH4+. Na+, K+ and Mg2+ deposition rates showed more or less similar values. The depositions of cations and anions as well as pH were higher in through-fall than clear-fall samples. Results of the present study suggest that atmospheric depositions are strongly modified due to thermal power stations and coal mines in the area. 相似文献
To evaluate today’s trace element atmospheric concentrations in large urban areas, an atmospheric survey was carried out for 18 months, from March 2002 to September 2003, in Saclay, nearby Paris. The total suspended particulate matter (TSP) was collected continuously on quartz fibre filters. The TSP contents were determined for 36 elements (including Ag, Bi, Mo and Sb) using two analytical methods: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The measured concentrations were in agreement within the uncertainties with the certified values for the polycarbonate reference material filter SRM-2783 (National Institute for Standard Technology NIST, USA). The measured concentrations were significantly lower than the recommended atmospheric concentrations. In 2003, the Pb atmospheric level at Saclay was 15 ng/m 3, compared to the 500 ng/m 3 guideline level and to the 200 ng/m 3 observed value in 1994. The typical urban background TSP values of 1–2, 0.2–1, 4–6, 10–30 and 3–5 ng/m 3 for As, Co, Cr, Cu and Sb, respectively, were inferred from this study and were compared with the literature data. The typical urban background TSP concentrations could not be realised for Cd, Pb and Zn, since these air concentrations are highly influenced by local features. The Zn concentrations and Zn/Pb ratio observed in Saclay represented a characteristic fingerprint of the exceptionally large extent of zinc-made roofs in Paris and its suburbs. The traffic-related origin of Ba, Cr, Cu, Pb and Sb was demonstrated, while the atmospheric source(s) of Ag was not identified. 相似文献
A field experiment consisting of drought and warming manipulation was conducted in a Mediterranean shrubland dominated by the shrubs Erica multiflora and Globularia alypum. The aim was to investigate the effects of the climatic changes predicted by IPCC models for the coming decades on trace element concentration and accumulation in aboveground biomass, plant litter, and soil. Warming increased concentrations and aboveground accumulation of some trace elements related to plant root uptake, such as Al, As, Cr, Cu, and partially Pb. This effect was more general in E. multiflora than in G. alypum. The stronger effects were increases in Al leaf concentrations (42%) and aboveground accumulation (500gha(-1)) in E. multiflora, in As stem biomass accumulation (0.2gha(-1)) in E. multiflora, and in Cr leaf concentrations (51%) in G. alypum and stem aboveground accumulation in E. multiflora (1.1gha(-1)). These species-specific increases were related to greater retranslocation, photosynthetic capacity and growth in E. multiflora than in G. alypum. Warming decreased the concentrations of some trace elements in leaf litter, implying the existence of an increased leaf retranslocation. Drought increased As (40%) and Cd (55%) in E. multiflora stems, whereas it decreased Cu (50%) in leaves, Ni (28%) in stems and Pb (32%) in leaf litter of G. alypum. The increasing concentrations of some trace elements in E. multiflora and not in G. alypum were related to a greater growth reduction in E. multiflora than in G. alypum. Warming increased As soil solubility (67%) and decreased total soil As (21%). Those changes were related to a greater Fe mobilization in warming plot and to a greater plant capture. Drought increased Hg (350%) concentrations in soils but had no significant effects on trace element accumulation in aboveground biomass. The different response to warming and drought in the two dominant species implies uneven changes in the quality of the plant tissues that may have implications for herbivores. This may be specially important for the performance of the studied Mediterranean ecosystems under the warmer and drier conditions predicted by the next decades by the GCM and ecophysiological models. 相似文献
Moss bags of the aquatic bryophyte Rhynchostegium riparioides (Hedw.) C. Jens. were transplanted into an irrigation ditch in the Province of Vicenza (NE Italy), affected by intermittent trace element contamination due to galvanics. The study aimed at: (a) testing the ability of mosses to detect different patterns of pollution, (b) providing information about intensity and temporal extension of pollution events, and (c) localising the main sources. Moss bags were collected after 20, 34, 48 and 62 days of exposure. The concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in the desiccated apical shoots of mosses were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The mean concentrations measured in non-contaminated stations of a previous work were adopted as background values, to calculate the contamination factor (CF). Transplants were able to: (a) detect spatial patterns of bioaccumulation, (b) reveal chronic contamination by Pb and Cu, intermittent contamination by Cr, Zn, and Ni, and a release of Cd by moss bags, and (c) localise the main emission sources. 相似文献
Compared with birds, mammals, fish, and even amphibians, very little is known about the effects of contaminants on reptiles. Recent evidence that many reptile populations may be declining has stimulated demand for toxicological studies of reptiles as well as development of nondestructive sampling techniques useful for assessing and monitoring contaminant exposure. The current study experimentally evaluated the utility of shed skins, tail clips, and blood samples as nondestructive indices of trace element exposure in banded water snakes, Nerodia fasciata. For 13.5 months, snakes were either fed fish from a coal ash-contaminated site or uncontaminated food from a reference site. Snakes fed contaminated prey accumulated As, Cd, Se, Sr, and V in various organs (i.e. liver, kidney, and/or gonads). Moreover, non-parametric discriminant function analysis revealed that snakes could be placed in two groups that reliably reflected their experimental diet based upon Se, Sr, and As concentrations in tail clips, blood, and/or shed skins. We suggest that nondestructive sampling techniques, particularly analyses of blood and tail clips, may be easily applied in evaluations of contaminant exposure in the field and laboratory and may prevent excessive destructive sampling of potentially threatened reptile species. 相似文献
Surface air samples were collected near Hyderabad during the period of 12–27 March 1985. These samples were analysed for CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-114, CFC-12B1, CH 4 and CO using gas Chromatographic techniques. Results show lower mixing ratios of these halogenated hydrocarbons near Hyderabad compared with concentrations observed at other places in the tropical/extratropical regions. However, the concentration of methane observed near Hyderabad is the same as the annual average observed in the same latitude region as well as the global average. This indicates that there is no significant regional source of these species in the Hyderabad region. 相似文献