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Landfill leachate contains a high concentration of ammoniacal substances which can be a potential supply of N for plants. A bioassay was conducted using seeds of Brassica chinensis and Lolium perenne to evaluate the phytotoxicity of the leachate sample. A soil column experiment was then carried out in a greenhouse to study the effect of leachate on plant growth. Two grasses (Paspalum notatum and Vetiver zizanioides) and two trees (Hibiscus tiliaceus and Litsea glutinosa) were irrigated with leachate at the EC50 levels for 12 weeks. Their growth performance and the distribution of N were examined and compared with columns applied with chemical fertilizer. With the exception of P. notatum, plants receiving leachate and fertilizer grew better than those receiving water alone. The growth of L. glutinosa and V. zizanioides with leachate irrigation did not differ significantly from plants treated with fertilizer. Leachate irrigation significantly increased the levels of NHx-N in soil. Although NOx-N was below 1 mg N L−1 in the leachate sample, the soil NOx-N content increased by 9-fold after leachate irrigation, possibly as a result of nitrification. Leachate irrigation at EC50 provided an N input of 1920 kg N ha−1 over the experimental period, during which up to 1050 kg N ha−1 was retained in the soil and biomass, depending on the type of vegetation. The amount of nutrient added seems to exceed beyond the assimilative capability. Practitioners should be aware of the possible consequence of N saturation when deciding the application rate if leachate irrigation is aimed for water reuse.  相似文献   

While accurately estimating electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) generation is important for building appropriate infrastructure for its collection and recycling, making reliable estimates of this kind is difficult in Hong Kong owing to the fact that neither accurate trade statistics nor sales data of relevant products are available. In view of this, data of e-products consumption at household level was collected by a tailor-made questionnaire survey from the public for obtaining a reasonable e-waste generation estimate.It was estimated that on average no more than 80,443 tonnes (11.5 kg/capita) of waste is generated from non-plasma and non-liquid crystal display televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioners and personal computers each year by Hong Kong households. However, not more than 17% of this is disposed as waste despite a producer responsibility scheme (PRS) not being in place because of the existence of a vibrant e-waste trading sector. The form of PRS control that can possibly win most public support is one that would involve the current e-waste traders as a major party in providing the reverse logistics with a visible recycling charge levied at the point of importation. This reverse logistic service should be convenient, reliable and highly accessible to the consumers.  相似文献   

The effect of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill leachate application upon soil respiration and microbial biomass was investigated in a northern hardwood forest of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.). One-way analysis of variance and multiple range testing of soil respiration estimates indicated that the lightly sprayed area had significantly higher respiration rates than the unsprayed control. Soil respiration in the heavily sprayed area did not differ from the lightly sprayed area or the control. The application of landfill leachate had a negative effect on the total microbial biomass present in the soil. Microbial biomass decreased significantly in those areas which were spray-irrigated in comparison to those which were not, with the areas receiving the highest application yielding the lowest biomass-carbon estimates. Also notable was a decrease in microbial biomass with increasing soil depth and with time during the latter part of the season.  相似文献   

 The effect of the soil solids concentration in batch tests on the measured values of the partition coefficient (K p) of organic pollutants in landfill liner-soil material was investigated. Since this study was based on the results of batch and column tests conducted independently, there were limitations to the conclusions derived. The organic compounds tested were benzene, methylene chloride, toluene, trichloroethylene, and p-xylene. The results of this study showed that as soil solids concentrations increased, the measured K p values of these organic compounds strongly decreased. The observed values of K p stabilized when the soil solids concentration was above a certain value. Typical K p values obtained from batch tests conducted under high soil solids concentrations were close to those obtained from column tests. It was concluded that the K p values of organic compounds measured under low soil solids concentrations, i.e., less than 100 g/l, may not correctly simulate the field situation. Consequently, the values of K p obtained with low soil solids concentrations can result in an overestimation of the retardation factor of the landfill liner material. Received: March 14, 2002 / Accepted: August 25, 2002  相似文献   

Leachate was collected from an anaerobic lagoon at Shanghai Laogang refuse landfill, the largest landfill in China, and the sample was separated into six fractions using micro-filtration membranes, followed by ultra-filtration membranes. Several parameters of the samples were measured, including chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), total solids (TS), pH, total phosphate (TP), total nitrogen (TN), fixed solids (FS), NH4+, orthophosphate, color, turbidity, and conductivity. These parameters were then quantitatively correlated with the molecular weight cutoff of the membrane used. Organic matter in the dissolved fraction (MW<1kDa) predominated in the leachate, accounting for 65% of TOC. Thermal infrared spectroscopy was used to characterize the filter residues. Asymmetric and symmetric stretching of methyl and methylene groups, and of functional groups containing nitrogen and oxygen atoms, were observed. In addition, the ability of two different samples to adsorb heavy metals was tested. Cu2+ was chosen as the representative heavy metal in this study, and the samples were soil; aged refuse, which had spent 8 years in a conventional sanitary landfill; and samples of soil and aged refuse treated for 48h with leachate in the ratio of 5g of sample per 50ml of leachate. Cu2+ uptake by the raw soil was approximately 4.60microg/g, while uptake by the leachate-contacted soil and leachate-contacted aged refuse were 5.66 and 5.11microg/g, respectively. These results show that the organic matter in the leachate enhanced the capacity of aqueous solutions to adsorb Cu2+.  相似文献   

Landfill sites are emerging in climate change scenarios as a significant source of greenhouse gases. The compacted final soil cover at landfill sites plays a vital role for the emission, fate and transport of landfill gases. This study investigated the effects of dry bulk density, ρ(b), and particle size fraction on the main soil-gas transport parameters - soil-gas diffusivity (D(p)/D(o), ratio of gas diffusion coefficients in soil and free air) and air permeability (k(a)) - under variably-saturated moisture conditions. Soil samples were prepared by three different compaction methods (Standard and Modified Proctor compaction, and hand compaction) with resulting ρ(b) values ranging from 1.40 to 2.10 g cm(-3). Results showed that D(p) and k(a) values for the '+gravel' fraction (<35 mm) became larger than for the '-gravel' fraction (<2mm) under variably-saturated conditions for a given soil-air content (ε), likely due to enhanced gas diffusion and advection through less tortuous, large-pore networks. The effect of dry bulk density on D(p) and k(a) was most pronounced for the '+gravel' fraction. Normalized ratios were introduced for all soil-gas parameters: (i) for gas diffusivity D(p)/D(f), the ratio of measured D(p) to D(p) in total porosity (f), (ii) for air permeability k(a)/k(a)(,pF4.1), the ratio of measured k(a) to k(a) at 1235 kPa matric potential (=pF 4.1), and (iii) for soil-air content, the ratio of soil-air content (ε) to total porosity (f) (air saturation). Based on the normalized parameters, predictive power-law models for D(p)(ε/f) and k(a)(ε/f) models were developed based on a single parameter (water blockage factor M for D(p) and P for k(a)). The water blockage factors, M and P, were found to be linearly correlated to ρ(b) values, and the effects of dry bulk density on D(p) and k(a) for both '+gravel' and '-gravel' fractions were well accounted for by the new models.  相似文献   

The present work undertaken in the environmental context aims to study the distribution of heavy metals in plants that grow naturally around uncontrolled landfills. The study's goal was to identify plants that can be used to remediate contaminated soils. For this purpose, 14 plants species and their rhizospheric soil samples were collected and analyzed for arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc by inductively coupled plasma‐atomic emission spectrometry. The results showed the presence of elevated metal concentrations in soil, many exceeding the regulatory values, and that many species exhibited an ability to accumulate multiple metals in their shoots and roots without sustaining toxicity. This was confirmed by bioconcentration and translocation factors generally higher than 1.  相似文献   

The application of biosolids such as sewage sludge is a concern, because of the potential release of toxic metals after decomposition of the organic matter. The effect of application of sewage sludge (Sw) and compost (C) to the soil (S) on the Cu and Cd sorption, distribution and the quality of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the soil, was investigated under controlled conditions. Visible spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy, sorption isotherms (simple and competitive sorption systems), and sequential extraction methods were used. The E4/E6 (lambda at 465 and 665 nm) ratio and the infrared spectra (IR) of DOM showed an aromatic behaviour in compost-soil (C-S); in contrast sewage sludge-soil (Sw-S) showed an aliphatic behaviour. Application of either Sw or C increased the Cu sorption capacity of soil. The Cd sorption decreased only in soil with a competitive metal system. The availability of Cu was low due to its occurrence in the acid soluble fraction (F3). The Cu concentration varied in accordance with the amounts of Cu added. The highest Cd concentration was found in the exchangeable fraction (F2). The Sw and C applications did not increase the Cd availability in the soil.  相似文献   

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) such as Fenton, electro-Fenton and photo-Fenton have been applied effectively to remove refractory organics from landfill leachate. The Fenton reaction is based on the addition of hydrogen peroxide to the wastewater or leachate in the presence of ferrous salt as a catalyst. The use of this technique has proved to be one of the best compromises for landfill leachate treatment because of its environmental and economical advantages. Fenton process has been used successfully to mineralize wide range of organic constituents present in landfill leachate particularly those recalcitrant to biological degradation. The present study reviews the use of Fenton and related processes in terms of their increased application to landfill leachate. The effects of various operating parameters and their optimum ranges for maximum COD and color removal are reviewed with the conclusion that the Fenton and related processes are effective and competitive with other technologies for degradation of both raw and pre-treated landfill leachate.  相似文献   

To reliably predict field operation performance derived from lab-based tests, it is very important to observe and consider all the specific landfill-site properties. The purpose of this study was to suggest and discuss the availability of batch and lysimeter tests to estimate the oxygen amount and the aeration period. To achieve this purpose, a comparison between lab test (batch and lysimeter tests) and full-scale applications was conducted. This study showed that aerobic batch and lysimeter tests could be used to estimate the amount of oxygen (mg-O2/g-DM) required to bio-stabilize landfilled wastes within a short period of time. In addition, aeration periods necessary to reach the target value can be calculated by a first-order kinetic depending on moisture content. Therefore, this study suggests that when applying in situ aeration processes to field-scale landfills, the amount of aeration required to bio-stabilize landfilled wastes has to be determined by the aerobic batch test, and then the aeration period required to reach the target value can be calculated by a reliable monitoring of the oxygen concentration in a landfill site in combination with the first-order kinetic.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste landfills represent the dominant option for waste disposal in many parts of the world. While some countries have greatly reduced their reliance on landfills, there remain thousands of landfills that require aftercare. The development of cost-effective strategies for landfill aftercare is in society’s interest to protect human health and the environment and to prevent the emergence of landfills with exhausted aftercare funding. The Evaluation of Post-Closure Care (EPCC) methodology is a performance-based approach in which landfill performance is assessed in four modules including leachate, gas, groundwater, and final cover. In the methodology, the objective is to evaluate landfill performance to determine when aftercare monitoring and maintenance can be reduced or possibly eliminated. This study presents an improved gas module for the methodology. While the original version of the module focused narrowly on regulatory requirements for control of methane migration, the improved gas module also considers best available control technology for landfill gas in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, and emissions of odoriferous compounds. The improved module emphasizes the reduction or elimination of fugitive methane by considering the methane oxidation capacity of the cover system. The module also allows for the installation of biologically active covers or other features designed to enhance methane oxidation. A methane emissions model, CALMIM, was used to assist with an assessment of the methane oxidation capacity of landfill covers.  相似文献   

Old and unlined landfill sites pose a risk to groundwater and surface water resources. While landfill leachate plumes in sandy aquifers have been studied, landfills in clay till settings and their impact on receiving water bodies are not well understood. In addition, methods for quantitatively linking soil and groundwater contamination to surface water pollution are required. This paper presents a method which provides an estimate of the contaminant mass discharge, using a combination of a historical investigation and contaminant mass balance approach. The method works at the screening level and could be part of a risk assessment. The study site was Risby Landfill, an old unlined landfill located in a clay till setting on central Zealand, Denmark. The contaminant mass discharge was determined for three common leachate indicators: chloride, dissolved organic carbon and ammonium. For instance, the mass discharge of chloride from the landfill was 9.4 ton/year and the mass discharge of chloride to the deep limestone aquifer was 1.4 ton/year. This resulted in elevated concentrations of leachate indicators (chloride, dissolved organic carbon and ammonium) in the groundwater. The mass discharge of chloride to the small Risby Stream down gradient of the landfill was approximately 31 kg/year. The contaminant mass balance method worked well for chloride and dissolved organic carbon, but the uncertainties were elevated for ammonium due to substantial spatial variability in the source composition and attenuation processes in the underlying clay till.  相似文献   

Mature landfill leachate is typically non-biodegradable. A combination process was developed that includes coagulation, Fenton oxidation, and biological aerated filtering to treat biologically-produced effluent. In this process, coagulation and Fenton oxidation were applied in order to reduce chemical oxygen demand (COD) organic load, and enhance biodegradability. Poly-ferric sulfate (PFS) at 600 mg l?1 was found to be a suitable dosage for coagulation. For Fenton oxidation, an initial pH of 5, a total reaction time of 3 h, and an H2O2 dosage of 5.4 mmol l?1, with a (H2O2)/n(Fe2+) ratio of 1.2 and two-step dosing were selected to achieve optimal oxidation. Under these optimal coagulation and Fenton oxidation conditions, the COD removal ratios were found to be 66.67% and 56%, respectively. Following pretreatment with coagulation and Fenton oxidation, the landfill leachate was further treated using a biological aerated filter (BAF). Our results show that COD was reduced to 75 mg l?1, and the color was less than 10 degrees.  相似文献   

Landfill leachates sampled during and after an accidental landfill fire were analysed and the levels of selected metals and chemical compounds compared to those occurring in the leachate under normal conditions. The fire at the landfill site was put out by excavation and cooling by use of water. The investigation during the fire and fire fight revealed a moderate increase in the level of nitrogen and also in pH and conductivity. Heavy metals and COD in the leachate showed considerably increased levels. In general, the determined variables appeared to normalise within one week after the fire was extinguished. It can be concluded that landfill fires extinguished by excavation may lead to elevated leachate levels of especially COD and heavy metals, but that this is only a short-term effect.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the durability and mechanical properties of landfill leachate collection HDPE pipes which had been made of different weight percent amounts of virgin and reprocessable HDPE compounds (VC and RC). Durability is reported base on the chemical properties, obtained through oxidative induction time (OIT) and melt flow index (MFI) measurements, at the temperature of 50 °C and over a period of 12 months immersion in a synthetic leachate. Mechanical properties are also described according to tensile and pressure tests which had been conducted on the pipes samples. All of the factors were examined had been affected by the addition of RC, but for the special combination the antioxidant depletion was significantly affected by the experimental aging condition and no important changes had been observed in the other pipe properties. The results from OIT tests indicate that the rate of antioxidant depletion is reduced by an increase in the weight percent amounts of RC, during the experimental aging condition. This reduction is probably attributed to the extraction of antioxidants from RC in their recovery process. Finally, although these results are related to the particular HDPE compound, antioxidant formulation and condition examined, but it can be said that the use of clean own reprocessable material for the production of landfill leachate pipes shall be permitted without limitations.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study characterizes the municipal solid waste (MSW) accumulated for more than 25&nbsp;years at Bhalswa dumpsite, Delhi, India. 50...  相似文献   

This article aims to generate the environmental profile of Singapore's Semakau landfill by comparing three different operational options associated with the life cycle stages of landfilling activities, against a 'business as usual' scenario. Before life cycle assessment or LCA is used to quantify the potential impacts from landfilling activities, an attempt to incorporate localized and empirical information into the amounts of ash and MSW sent to the landfill was made. A linear regression representation of the relationship between the mass of waste disposed and the mass of incineration ash generated was modeled from waste statistics between years 2004 and 2009. Next, the mass of individual MSW components was projected from 2010 to 2030. The LCA results highlighted that in a 'business as usual' scenario the normalized total impacts of global warming, acidification and human toxicity increased by about 2% annually from 2011 to 2030. By replacing the 8000-tonne barge with a 10000-tonne coastal bulk carrier or freighter (in scenario 2) a grand total reduction of 48% of both global warming potential and acidification can be realized by year 2030. Scenario 3 explored the importance of having a Waste Water Treatment Plant in place to reduce human toxicity levels - however, the overall long-term benefits were not as significant as scenario 2. It is shown in scenario 4 that the option of increased recycling championed over all other three scenarios in the long run, resulting in a total 58% reduction in year 2030 for the total normalized results. A separate comparison of scenarios 1-4 is also carried out for energy utilization and land use in terms of volume of waste occupied. Along with the predicted reductions in environmental burdens, an additional bonus is found in the expanded lifespan of Semakau landfill from year 2032 (base case) to year 2039. Model limitations and suggestions for improvements were also discussed.  相似文献   

湿法脱硫烟气直接排放的环境问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
讨论了湿烟气直接排放带来的3个环境问题:抬升高度低,地面污染浓度较大;水汽凝结造成白烟;凝结水对局地气候的影响。通过简化计算,给出了某些环境和排放条件下抬升高度、地面最大浓度、白烟长度和数结水量的定量估算,对进行湿烟气直接排放可行性研究的人员有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

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