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贵州省天柱县某钡盐厂污染排放导致周边土壤遭受污染,为此对钡盐厂周边污染土壤进行采样分析。分析结果表明,钡盐厂周边土壤存在严重的钡富集,钡盐厂周边2km范围内土壤钡的浓度范围为760.4~3196mg.kg-1;污染区土壤表层钡的分布受污染源的距离关系及所在风向的控制,各形态钡占总钡平均比例大小关系为残渣态>Fe/Mn结合态>有机结合态>弱酸结合态;土壤剖面钡的分布规律为表层土壤中的总钡及各形态钡的含量远高于下层,总体呈垂直递减规律;钡及形态钡在土壤中的迁移转化规律受土壤pH、电导率、有机质、总氮以及碱解氮等诸多因素的影响。  相似文献   

华北地区粮食生产与水供应情势分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
华北地区是我国重要的粮食生产基地,其粮食产量在全国粮食总产中的比重由1949年的22%上升到1998年的29.6%。灌溉是保证该区粮食高产稳产的重要保证。华北地区目前用水处于严重紧张状态,1997年人均综合用水量为315m3,农业是用水大户,工农业用水比为1∶5,水资源供需的主要矛盾在农业。华北地区水资源利用率高达98.5%,整体供水潜力所剩无几;随着工业和城镇的发展,农业用水分额将继续减少;同时,受频繁的旱涝灾害、日益严重的水污染和大面积的地下水位下降的影响,农业供水保证率将进一步降低。分析指出,若无连续丰水年和外调水源的补给,要继续保证或发展本区的粮食生产规模,本区的农业用水情势有恶化之势,急需研究并制定出解决本区粮食生产和水资源供给不足矛盾的办法。  相似文献   

Results of 32 individual flights during 1985, 1986 and 1988 using a King Air research aircraft over the western North Atlantic Ocean and the Adirondack Mountains are presented. Measurements were made for selected trace organic compounds including α- and γ-isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), the summed isomers of α- and γ-chlordane, dieldrin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The concentrations of compounds at altitudes of 300–10,000 ft indicate that these compounds were well mixed in the atmosphere and that for the most part, ground-level and higher-altitude concentrations were similar in magnitude. There was a high degree of variability due to time, meteorological events and location. Concentrations over the Adirondack Mountains in 1985 were the highest measured with means of 0.198 ng m−3 for HCB, 0.388 ng m−3 for α-HCH, 0.509 ng m−3 for γ-HCH, 0.340 ng m−3 for dieldrin, 0.480 ng m−3 for chlordane and 0.951 ng m−3 for total PCBs. Concentrations over the western North Atlantic south-east of Bermuda in summer 1988 wer lower, with means of 0.093 ng m−3 for HCB, 0.142 ng m−3 for α-HCH, 0.012 ng m−3 for γ-HCH, 0.016 ng m−3 for dieldrin 0.020 ng m−3 for chlordane and 0.600 ng m−3 for PCBs. During 1988 concentrations of most of the compounds were similar in the atmosphere of the coastal zone, 50–100 km off the U.S., to those measured near Bermuda. Chlordane, and to a lesser extent dieldrin, showed a decrease in concentration away from North America.  相似文献   

针对辽东湾北部海域水浅、潮差大等海洋环境特点,采用D钢、DH钢和API5LX—52钢在现场进行了时间分别为1a、2a的长尺挂片实验,得到了该浅水海域全浸区海水腐蚀特别严重的结论(上述三种钢材腐蚀速率分别为0.7068、0.4735和0.5491mm/a),为在辽东湾北部及具有相似特征的海域建设海工结构物或钻井平台等的防腐工作提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

北大西洋周边区域(SCANNET区域)涵盖了广泛的气候区、自然环境和可用自然资源范围.除了最北部地区,至少自最后一次冰期结束以来,这里就有人和多种文化存在.然而,该区在大的地理尺度上也是非常重要的,因为它影响着全球气候并支撑着在北极地区和世界其它大陆之间迁徙的动物.这一区域的气候、环境和土地利用正在发生急剧变化,预测显示,全球变暖在这里的表现会更强,而土地利用的增加会使剩余的野地急剧减少.因为本区大部分地方人口稀疏(如果有人居住的话),过去环境变化及其影响方面的观测记录也都是很少而且时段很短的.然而,记录现在正在进行的变化、认识这些变化的驱动力和预测这些变化的后果变得非常重要了.为了促进认识全球变化对北大西洋区域陆地的影响的研究,同时也为了实时监测这种变化,2000年欧共体资助成立了一个研究站点网络及其下设机构,命名为SCANNET--斯堪的纳维亚(半岛)(瑞典、挪威、丹麦、冰岛的泛称)/北欧陆地野外基础网络.SCANNET目前包括9个核心站及当地网络里面的5个站,它们一起覆盖了该区当前气候和预测的变化的广泛区域.气候指标在网络内部是共同的,而每个站点都选择特殊的环境和生态主题进行精细观测.这既保证了主题覆盖面的多样性又保证了专门技术的多样性.我们总结了SCANNET到目前为止的发现,并概述其资料基础,以增加对北大西洋环境变化数据的了解.同时我们也总结我们在理解方面的重要缺陷以及SCANNET已经存在机构和行动在促进今后的研究、监测和野外实证行动方面的作用.  相似文献   

北方某城市饮用水处理中卤乙酸浓度水平的调查研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用SPEGCFPD对厦门附近海域的微表层、表层、底层海水及九龙江入海口高、低潮水中有机磷农药进行了分析.结果表明,有机磷农药的含量范围为:低于检测限~725.54ng·L-1,平均值为136.47ng·L-1.研究海区中马銮内湾有机磷农药污染最为严重(165.77~453.42ng·L-1,平均296.01ng·L-1),九龙江口、西海域和西南海域污染水平接近(16.26~200.65ng·L-1,平均84.59ng·L-1),东部海域有机磷农药污染最轻(10.38~66.01ng·L-1,平均38.14ng·L-1).九龙江入海口高潮水中农药的浓度明显低于低潮水中浓度,说明海域中多数农药污染来源于九龙江流域输入,少数农药来源于海域周边地区或九龙江流域和海域周边地区共同输入,微表层对有机磷农药的富集作用不明显.  相似文献   

The methodology and key findings are presented of a study to evaluate costs and benefits of alternative acid rain control strategies to be implemented at a European Community level between 1980 and 2000. The methodology adopted was decision analysis whose key advantage is an explicit consideration of uncertainty. Benefits predicted under some of the control strategies were found to be significantly greater than those predicted for the ‘no control’ case, particularly for lakes; urban environmental quality was only expected to improve greatly under the strategy that specifically targeted urban emissions; predictions for crops and forests were relatively uncertain due to inadequacies in the measurement and modelling of ozone.  相似文献   

The biological toxicity of aquatic ecosystems should be considered when assessing the effects of toxicity on the water environment. The aim of this study was to identify the main pollutants in the Baiyangdian (BYD) and the factors that contribute to biological toxicity. We determined various physical and chemical indicators in the surface water of the BYD, including nutrients and heavy metals, and the biological toxicity. We also explored the sources of the main pollutants and how the pollutants contributed to toxicity in the lake, using correlation analysis and an index of the biological toxicity. The results showed that total nitrogen (TN), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4+-N), chromium (Cr), and zinc (Zn) were the main pollutants in the BYD surface water. The average concentration of Cr was 2.3 times greater than the Class V threshold, and the concentrations at about 65% of the sampling points, mainly those in the southern part of the BYD, exceeded the threshold standard. The average concentration of Zn was 1.25 times higher than the Class V threshold, with the concentrations of about 35% of the samples greater than the threshold concentration. The integrated toxicity of the surface water to luminescent bacteria ranged from 0.51% to 58%, and averaged 24.07%, which was within the range of moderate toxicity. The inhibition rates were high near Diantou (59%) and Duan (51.6%). The pollutant levels in the BYD tend to be related to the population density, with pollution mainly caused by sewage and domestic garbage, with little influence from local industries. Cr and TN were strongly correlated, but the biological toxicity was not correlated with any of the individual environmental indicators, which suggests that the toxicity in the surface water of the BYD reflected the combined effects of the environmental factors, rather than a single factor. The information from this study, about the main pollutants and the relationships between the physical and chemical properties of the surface water in the BYD, can be used to support plans for restoring the BYD.  相似文献   

华北平原的水土资源平衡研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
采用精确的水土资源平衡计算模型 ,辅以田间观测资料 ,分析计算了华北平原农业水资源量与作物需水量之间的平衡问题。结果显示 :在充分供水的条件下 ,本区农田 (884.8万hm2)需水量为744.36亿m3,相应的作物亏水量为309.37亿m3,有效灌溉面积 (653.2万hm2)上的亏水量为228.73亿m3;而1995年水利工程提供的农业总用水量已达261.78亿m3,但仍有116.16亿m3的亏水量 ;文中同时对评价区内农田的有效降水量、灌溉水的田间利用量、毛管上升水量等进行估算。指出 ,虽然冬小麦的平均水分满足率为82 % ,但关键期的水分满足率 (64 % )仍然制约粮食产量的增长 ,设想通过提高渠系利用系数和优化灌溉等措施 ,华北平原的农业可望达到水土资源平衡利用的状态  相似文献   

酸雨(水)对地质环境的影响研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸雨沉降对地质环境产生危害.地质体(岩石、矿物)为酸雨敏感性研究不可或缺的组成部分.开展地质环境对酸雨危害降解效应的研究具有重要的理论与现实意义.  相似文献   

正The 6th International Water Association Asia Pacific Regional Grouping(IWA-ASPIRE)Conference and Exhibition was held on September 20–24,2015,in Beijing.The conference was hosted by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences(RCEES)of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS);with  相似文献   

Global food production and security rely heavily on finite reserves of newly mined phosphate for fertilizers. However, systemic inefficiencies result in the deposition in aquatic ecosystems of much of the phosphorus mined for food production causing costly eutrophication problems that damage aquatic ecosystems and human health. The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance (SPA, formerly named North American Partnership for Phosphorus Sustainability) was created to implement sustainable phosphorus solutions through active engagement of stakeholders in both the private and public sectors. This paper describes a conceptual model of transformative change to a sustainable phosphorus system for the North American region. The model emerged from discussions at a series of formal and informal meetings held in conjunction with a ‘Future of Phosphorus’ event (National Science Foundation’s Phosphorus Sustainability Research Coordination Network) and an inaugural SPA Board meeting. Model development drew on the multi-level perspective of socio-technical transitions to develop a series of pathways to a transformed phosphorus system. The uses of the model and transition pathways are discussed in terms of their potential to form an important first step towards the development of a regional vision for improved phosphorus sustainability. The process provides an example of how research in sustainability science can contribute to action on environmental improvement.  相似文献   

酸雨的危害及防治措施   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
酸雨已被公认为全球性的重大环境问题之一,文中对酸雨的定义及形成的原因进行了分析,以实例详细论述了酸雨的危害性,提出探讨性的防治措施。  相似文献   

Some statistical characteristics of concentration (C) and wet deposition (D) for sulfate and nitres in rain water per rain event are described in relation to rainfall amount (R), using the data obtained at Shobara in Japan. The lognormal distributions may be appropriate for C of sulfate and nitrate, and R. In addition, logC of these two compositions has significant correlations with logR. Consequently, the bivariate distribution of C and R is assumed, then, the regression model of logC on logR and that of logD on logR are presented. It is shown that the expectation of logC, given R = r, corresponding to the regression function of logC on logR, is linear to logR, whereas its variance does not depend on r. Similarly, the regression function of logD on logR is linear to logr and its variance is also the same as that of logC on logR. Based on these results, the relationship: β′ = β + 1 (ϱ ≠ 0) is obtained, where β′, β and ϱ are the coefficient of slope of logD on logR, that of logC on logR, and population correlation coefficient between logC and logR, respectively. The values of β are −0.476 for sulfate and −0.479 for nitrate. From this result, concentrations of sulfate and nitrate are approximately predicted from rainfall amount by the inverse half-power relationships.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) is one of the most toxic contaminants found in the environment. Development of novel detection methods for As species in water with the potential for field use has been an urgent need in recent years. In past decades, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has gained a reputation as one of the most sensitive spectroscopic methods for chemical and biomolecular sensing. The SERS technique has emerged as an extremely promising solution for in-situ detection of arsenic species in the field, particularly when coupled with portable/handheld Raman spectrometers. In this article, the recent advances in SERS analysis of arsenic species in water media are reviewed, and the potential of this technique for fast screening and field testing of arsenic-contaminated environmental water samples is discussed. The problems that remain in the field are also discussed and an outlook for the future is featured at the end of the article.  相似文献   

Serious water deficits and excessive nitrogen (N) applications are threatening the sustainability of intensive agriculture in the North China Plain (NCP). This study examined the possibility of replacing the conventional system (Con.W/M) of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.), with an optimized double cropping system (Opt.W/M), a 2-year system (winter wheat/summer maize-spring maize, W/M-M), and a monoculture system (spring maize, M) based on optimal water and N management strategies. From 2004 to 2010, a long-term field experiment conducted in the NCP showed that although >70 mm of irrigation water can be saved with Opt.W/M compared with Con.W/M, annual net groundwater use under Opt.W/M was still 250 mm, 65-90% of which was consumed during the winter wheat season. When wheat production was decreased, 35% and 61% of irrigation water could be reduced in W/M-M and M compared to Con.W/M, respectively. As a result, annual groundwater use was decreased to 190 mm in W/M-M and 94 mm in M. Meanwhile, the N fertilizer rate was reduced 59% and 72% in W/M-M and M compared to Con.W/M, respectively. There were no significant differences in net economic returns between Con.W/M and W/M-M across the 6-year period. In the 6 years, no significant economic loss was observed between Con.W/M and M except in the 2008-2010 rotation. The W/M-M and M systems showed great potential to reduce water and N application and achieve groundwater use balance, and thus should be considered for economic and sustainable agricultural development in the NCP.  相似文献   

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