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单力 《环境》2006,(11):50-53
日前,国家环保总局透露,我国将分别在2007年全面实施国家第三阶段排放标准(国Ⅲ标准),2010年全面实施国家第四阶段的机动车排放标准(国Ⅳ标准)。机动车污染物排放标准的提高,一时成为社会各界热议的话题。  相似文献   

Emission projection and marginal abatement cost curves (MACs) are the central components of any assessment of future carbonmarket, such as CDM (clean development mechanism) potentials, carbon quota price etc. However, they are products of very complex,dynamic systems driven by forces like population growth, economic development, resource endowments, technology progress and so on. The modeling approaches for emission projection and MACs evaluation were summarized, and some major models and their results were compared.Accordingly, reduction and cost requirements to achieve the Kyoto target were estimated. It is concluded that Annex I Parties‘ total reduction requirements range from 503--1304 MtC with USA participation and decrease significantly to 140--612 MtC after USA‘ s withdrawal. Total costs vary from 21--77 BUSD with USA and from 5--36 BUSD without USA if only domestic reduction actions are taken. The costs would sharply reduce while considering the three flexible mechanisms defined in the Kyoto Protocol with domestic actions‘ share in the all mitigation strategies drons to only 0--16%.  相似文献   

我国城镇居民对CO2减排的支付意愿调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
运用权变评价法(CVM)调查了我国城镇居民对CO2减排的支付意愿.结果表明,我国城镇居民愿意为到2050年全球CO2减排30%而每年支付132元;减排60%而每年支付216元;减排85%而每年支付264元.一般线性回归模型分析结果显示,城镇居民的受教育程度、家庭年收入、职业类型、所在城市、对气候变化的认知程度和环境意识,都对CO2减排的支付意愿有显著影响; 而且不同的CO2减排成本分配方案对人们的支付意愿也有显著影响.  相似文献   

Current knowledge regarding deposition of atmospheric pollutants to mountain ecosystem is reviewed focusing on the mountains of eastern North America. Despite a general paucity of published data on the subject, some generalization emerge. Wet deposition (i.e. precipitation input) of SO42−, NO3, H+ and Pb tends to increase with elevation, primarily because of the orographic increase in precipitation amount. Cloud water deposition of these substances can be very significant for mountain forests, but is highly variable spatially because of its strong dependence on wind speed, cloud characteristics, and vegetation canopy structure, which are all heterogeneously distributed. Dry deposition has not been quantified sufficiently to draw empirical generalizations, but the processes involved are discussed with regard to expected elevational trends. Based on the few studies in which total annual deposition (wet, dry, plus cloud water inputs for an entire year) has been measured, it appears that some high-elevation sites in the Appalachian Mountains receive substantially more SO42−, NO3+ deposition than do typical low-elevation sites. The amount of elevational increase depends largely on the amount of cloud water deposition at the mountain site. Data from two clusters of sites in the northern Appalachians indicate that total deposition of SO42−, NO3, and H+ to mountaintop sites is typically 3–7 times greater than deposition to nearby lowland sites. Similarly, some studies of Pb accumulation in organic soil horizons suggest a two- to four-fold increase from lowlands to mountaintops. Deposition in mountain areas can be highly variable over short distances because of the patchiness of meteorological conditions and vegetation canopy characteristics, and also because exposed trees and forest edges can receive deposition loads much higher than the landscape average. Night-time and early-morning O3 concentrations are greater at high-elevation than at low-elevation sites. Daytime O3 levels are equal or slightly higher at high-elevation sites. Additional studies are suggested which would allow better characterization of pollutant exposure along elevational gradients.  相似文献   

在一台装备有电控单体泵增压中冷系统柴油机的进气管上,加装甲醇喷射装置并向进气道喷入定量的纯甲醇,结合废气再循环(EGR)技术并使用氧化催化转化器(DOC)组合微粒氧化催化器(POC)后处理系统,使其常规排放能满足国五排放法规基础上,全面研究了柴油甲醇双燃料(Diesel Methanol Dual Fuel,DMDF)发动机的非常规排放特性.在采用国五排放法规标准规定的ESC(稳态13点工况)测试方法条件下,利用FTIR(傅里叶变换红外检测法)对DMDF发动机的检测结果表明:该机非常规排放物主要为甲醇、甲醛、1,3-丁二烯、苯、甲苯和SO2,非常规排放物的全工况加权比排放为19.532 g·kW~(-1)·h~(-1),其中,甲醇的全工况加权比排放为11.395 g·kW~(-1)·h~(-1),甲醛的全工况加权比排放为5.927g·kW~(-1)·h~(-1),SO2的全工况加权比排放为0.053 g·kW~(-1)·h~(-1),其余排放物为痕量水平.在催化氧化装置处理后非常规排放物全工况加权比排放为0.115 g·kW~(-1)·h~(-1),降幅为99.41%.催化氧化装置对甲醇、1,3-丁二烯、苯和甲苯的消除率为100%,对甲醛的消除率为99.04%.  相似文献   

随着我国房地产市场的发展,空心砖的需求越来越大.随之产生了大量含氟废气。由于空心砖厂的隧道窑没有除尘设备,处于无组织排放状态,必然对下风向造成一定的影响。本文通过现场监测数据论证含氟废气对玉米生长的危害。  相似文献   

This paper examines to what extent climate change policies will alter the effectiveness of agreed-upon or future policies to reduce regional air pollution in Europe and vice versa. And when is it cost-effective to combat regional air pollution with clean technology instead of add-on technology?For this exercise, several extensions were made to the energy model TIMER, to introduce add-on abatement technologies, specified in terms of costs and reduction potentials, in order to be able to calculate cost-effective emission reduction strategies for different scenarios and regions.The results show that add-on technologies to reduce regional air pollution remain necessary throughout the century. The costs to reach the NOx emission reduction targets in Europe are about three times as high as for SO2. Mitigation costs averaged over the century by add-on technologies can be reduced by climate measures by 50–70% for SO2 and around 50% for NOx. The costs of SO2 and NOx mitigation by add-on technology in a world without climate policy are comparable or in some periods even higher than the costs of an integrated mitigation of SO2, NOx and CO2 emissions if a reduction of specific costs by learning is, in contrast with energy technologies, not assumed for abatement technologies. So, the costs of SO2 and NOx add-on measures avoided by climate policies can outweigh the costs of these climate measures. The total annual costs are in the order of 1 or 2% of the present GDP, depending on the scenario.  相似文献   

中国南方土壤对酸沉降的敏感性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在综合考虑我国南方土壤和土壤资料特点的基础上,基于Klopatek的敏感性分类体系,建立了适合我国南方土壤的敏感性分类体系,并用其对南方土壤的敏感性进行了评价。此外也根据土壤盐基含量分析了南方土壤的缓冲能力。  相似文献   

确定机动车排放因子的几种方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭丽辉  高原 《云南环境科学》2004,23(Z1):191-192
介绍了确定机动车排放因子的几种方法,即台架测试法、模式计算法、实际行驶工况测试法、公路隧道法,并简要介绍了它们的特点、应用的范围.  相似文献   

海洋大气N沉降通量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究近海污染来源和负荷,必须综合考虑大气沉降对污染物输送入海的贡献及影响.相关研究表明,大气输入是陆源N人海洋生态系统的重要途径,且占有相当大的比重,并与富营养化有紧密关系.随着我国近年来经济的迅速发展尤其是工农业生产和交通运输业的发展,已成为除欧洲和北美之外的第三大N降区,并且氮沉降仍呈增加趋势,因此,有必要对将N降通量及其对海洋生态环境的影响等问题进行深入研究,本文综述了海洋大气N降通量研究现状与发展趋势、监测技术体系等,并对发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

李国香 《交通环保》1999,20(1):34-38
针对我国在用车排放比较严重的现状,我们认为:短期内易于实现,花费不高,不用对现有车辆作重大技术变动的有效措施是完善在用车I/M计划和进行在用国的加速淘汰工作。而且,对于用率和高污染车辆,完善的I/M计划也是更有效控制机动车排放污染所必需的。  相似文献   

化工行业具有传统的工业类型和新兴产业交叉渗透的特点。现有的污染物排放标准因涵盖行业过多、细化内容不够、可操作性不强、行业特点不突出,故不太适应化工行业的发展,建立新的化工行业污染物排放标准势在必行。文章概要介绍了我国现有污染物排放标准,分析了美国、欧盟、日本、德国等一些国家和组织的排放标准,提议建立能够体现化工行业特点的行业排放标准,以达到淘汰落后工艺和促进清洁工艺的目的。  相似文献   

张勇 《环境保护科学》2010,36(1):1-3,10
介绍排放绩效法在火电企业二氧化硫指标控制方面的应用,根据沈阳市"十一五"二氧化硫总量控制要求制定了排放绩效标准,并利用绩效法对各燃煤电厂二氧化硫总量控制指标进行了测算,提出了总量分配方法。  相似文献   

随着市场经济在我国的建立和完善,经济手段也日益广泛地被用于环境保护领域。排污权交易制度作为法律化的经济制度在中国不仅有实施的必要性,而且已经具备相应的实施基础,在对排污权交易的作用意义及前提条件进行调研分析的基础上,结合嘉兴市南湖区实际,对嘉兴市南湖区利用排污权交易来控制污染物排放实现减排的可行性作了研究并提出相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

During the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), it was agreed that adequate chemical management based on risk assessment should be achieved by 2020. To achieve the WSSD goals, it is important to evaluate and enhance the voluntary activities of corporations because they are the main agents dealing with chemical management. To this end, we developed new evaluation indicators that were combined with the SCP Axes (Science Axis - evaluation of the scientific basis; Capacity Axis - evaluation of the abilities of personnel and organizations; and the Performance Axis - evaluation of results of activities and information disclosure to the community, etc.) and 4 elements (hazard assessment, exposure assessment, risk assessment, and risk management). We administered surveys to Japanese corporations from 2006 to 2008 to verify the developed indicators. The survey results showed that the activities concerning chemical management were very different across corporations for each industry category and that the hazard assessment improved, reflecting a vigorous social movement that included legal obligations. Therefore, the new evaluation indicators possessed high resolution and precisely grasped the changes in corporate activities. We found that these indicators provided an effective way to understand corporate activities designed to meet the goals of the WSSD.  相似文献   

Soluble sulphate has been used as a marker for fine aerosols and dry deposition has been estimated using a profile technique. The effects of coarse particles were excluded from the measurements by passage of the sampled air through Nuclepore polycarbonate prefilters, resulting in a 2μm upper cut-off. A total of 99 separate experiments were conducted between June 1988 and June 1989 and 50 acceptable profiles remained after the application of a rigorous quality control procedure. The mean deposition velocity was found to be equal to 0.1 ± 0.03 (standard error) cm s−1. There were no observed dependences of deposition velocity on either atmospheric stability or friction velocity within the range of conditions encountered.  相似文献   

排污权交易应用于农业面源污染控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前农业面源污染已经成为我国水环境污染的主要根源,文中通过对农业非点源污染现状的调查和对治理污染的手段和措施的分析,结合排污权交易的优势和特点,探讨排污权交易体系引入农业非点源污染控制系统的可行性,相比较于大型工业点源,农业面源污染减排成本较低的状况为排污权交易提供了有利条件。在分析面源污染具有涉及个体多、发生不确定性强、减排结果监测困难等特征的基础上,提出了工业点源与农业面源排污权交易的总体框架。同时针对农业面源排污权交易中可能存在的一些问题进行了初步探讨,提出解决思路,期待着为今后相关研究抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

以 2005 年为基准,采用 IPCC 清单指南推荐的方法测算了上海市能源活动产生的 CO2 排放清单。并采用情景分析方法,预测了高碳情景和低碳情景下上海市能源需求及相应的二氧化碳排放趋势,探讨了节能减排等低碳政策所产生的碳削减的潜力。研究表明,2005 年上海市能源活动所排放的 CO2 总量为 1.72 亿 t,其中,能源加工转换产生的 CO2 排放量为 7740 万 t,占排放总量的 44%;工业次之,占 30%;交通运输的排放比例为 16%。煤炭和石油的消费是导致 CO2 排放的主要原因,2005 年煤炭所带来的 CO2 排放量为1.10 亿 t,油品所产生的 CO2 排放量为 0.58 亿 t,分别占到能源活动 CO2 排放总量的 64.0%和 33.7%。 2005 年上海市人均 CO2 排放量为9.68 t/人,是世界平均水平的 2.4 倍,是中国平均水平的 3.8 倍。研究表明,在低碳政策下,上海能源需求将有所控制,到 2020 年全市能源需求总量为 1.6 亿 t 标煤, 比高碳情景节约 1.4 亿 t 标煤。节能减排政策还将使得全市能源活动 CO2 排放比高碳情景显著下降,到2020 年全市 CO2 排放量为 3.26 亿 t,比高碳情景减少 3.1 亿 t,低碳政策所产生的碳减排效益十分明显。  相似文献   

In order to reduce the pollutant emission and alleviate the pressure of petroleum resources shortage and greenhouse gas emission at the same time,the use of clean and renewable alternative fuel for marine engines is a promising option.In this study,a marine diesel engine,which was modified to run in diesel methanol compound combustion (DMCC) mode,was investigated.After the diesel injection parameters were calibrated,and combined with a sample after-treatment device DOC (diesel oxidation catalyst...  相似文献   

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