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采用CMAQ模型系统对珠江三角洲(以下简称珠三角)区域2006年主要大气污染物浓度进行模拟,获得该区域主要污染物浓度时空分布和大气传输季节变化特征,并结合其它相关研究方法分析长距离传输对珠三角区域空气质量的影响.模型模拟结果揭示了珠三角NO2、SO2、PM10、PM2.5浓度具有秋冬季高、春夏季低的季节变化特征,而珠三角O3浓度的高值出现在秋季.零排放扰动法表明长距离传输对珠三角15个区域监测子站NO2、SO2、PM10和PM2.5浓度平均贡献分别为2.6%、13.9%、24.2%和28.1%,并且秋冬季长距离传输贡献大于春夏季.反向轨迹聚类方法显示珠三角区域代表性站点万顷沙72 h反向控制气团依据其来向可分为沿岸气团、大陆气团、区域环流和海洋气团.万顷沙站点主要污染物小时观测浓度大于150μg·m-3的时段与短距离沿岸气团、短距离大陆气团以及区域环流主导下的污染物传输密切相关.四维传输通量分析结果证实,NO2污染传输通道无法由广东省外延伸至珠三角地区,因此珠三角大气NO2浓度主要来源于广东省内的排放.珠三角在受沿岸气团或大陆气团控制时存在从福建省或江西省一直延伸至珠三角的SO2和PM2.5高通量污染传输通道.因此控制珠三角区域大气污染需考虑区域背景气象条件差异,针对不同污染物采取不同的区域联防联控措施.  相似文献   

辽宁中部城市群一次灰霾天气过程的外来影响程度研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
唐娴  王喜全  洪也  杨婷 《环境科学学报》2014,34(6):1541-1550
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所自主开发的嵌套网格空气质量模式系统(NAQPMS)及其污染源在线追踪技术,对2011年10月27—30日辽宁中部城市群发生的一次灰霾过程的外来影响贡献率进行了模拟计算和分析.研究结果表明:NAQPMS模式能较好地模拟辽宁中部城市群PM10浓度的时空演化,特别是代表性城市沈阳的PM10浓度的时间变化,这为利用污染源在线追踪技术研究外来影响的贡献率奠定了基础;在此次辽宁中部城市群灰霾天气期间(10月27—30日),外来贡献率随着城市与京津冀地区距离的增加而减小,从营口的61%减小到铁岭的23%,而辽宁省本地贡献率则逐渐增大;京津冀城市群相对于胶东半岛城市群是主要的外来影响源地;在辽宁中部城市群近地层PM10浓度先后达到峰值时段,京津冀地区对营口、鞍山、沈阳、本溪、抚顺和铁岭的贡献率分别为60.6%、42.8%、31.8%、34.9%、30.7%和19.7%,因此,至少可以说京津冀地区对此次灰霾过程中营口、鞍山、沈阳和本溪等地的空气质量恶化具有决定性的作用.本文研究表明,虽然开展区域调控是解决区域灰霾污染的有效措施,但也要注意灰霾污染的跨控制区影响问题.  相似文献   

As the largest iron and steel producer in China, a part of Baosteel moved out of Shanghai deserves close attention due to its environmental impact. To understand the effect of Baosteel emission control on air quality in Shanghai, daily PM_(10), PM_(2.5), SO_2, NO_2 and CO were measured from 2010 to 2016. Concentrations of pollutants in Baoshan District presented a decreased trend during 2010–2016, with a reduction rate of 28.6% for PM_(10), 67.3% for SO_2, 8.6% for NO_2 and 42.0% for CO. However, fine particle pollution in Baoshan District during 2012–2016 seems to become more prominent, with PM_(2.5) concentration of 47 ± 28,45 ± 33, 38 ± 24, 54 ± 41 and 51 ± 34 μg/m3, respectively, indicating a slight increase of 8.5%in PM_(2.5). Concentrations of PM_(10) and CO decreased by 12.5% and 33.8% in the second half year in 2016(compared with that in 2015) probably due to closure of blast furnace of Baosteel. Baosteel was identified as the largest pollution source in Baoshan District.Emission from Baosteel accounted for 58.0% of SO_2, 43.6% of NO_2 and 79.3% of dust in total emission from Baoshan District during 2010–2015. Meanwhile, pollutant emission and coal consumption from Baosteel decreased by 52.0% for SO_2, 40.1% for NO_2, 15.7% for dust and22% for coal consumption. Energy consumption in Baoshan District reduced by 31% from2011 to 2015. Air quality improvement in Shanghai was attributed to local emission reduction, together with regional air quality improvement.  相似文献   

An observational study on trace gases and PM2.5 was conducted at three sites in and around Beijing, during the Olympic season from 2007 to 2009. Air quality improved significantly during the Olympic Games due to the special emission control measures. However, concentrations of the primary pollutants and PM were found to have risen significantly after the Games. Although the major O3 precursors (NOx and VOCs) were well controlled during the Olympic season, O3 was still found to be the highest in 2008, based on the data of ground-based observation. All this information suggests that while control of regional emissions for the Beijing Olympic Games did improved the air quality in Beijing, more efforts will be needed for the continuous improvement of regional air quality, especially for significant reductions of O3 and fine particulate pollution, and not only in Beijing, but also in the B eijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.  相似文献   

Traffic emission and its impact on air quality in Guangzhou area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 IntroductionIntheprocessofrapidurbanization,totalamountofvehicleinChinaincreaseddramaticallyandreachedmorethan20millionin1995withanaverageincreaserateof15%.Becauseofpoorqualityofvehicle,badroadcondition,lowdrivingspeed,andnocatalyticconverter,theem…  相似文献   

针对传统的机动车污染物排放空间分配方法精度不高的问题,提出了一种基于交通流量与道路系统的机动车污染物排放"标准道路长度"空间分配的新方法.该方法以实际道路网络作为机动车污染物排放的分配基底,根据不同等级道路交通流量的差异引入"标准道路长度"转换体系,并利用GIS技术完成机动车污染物排放的空间分配过程.将该方法应用于珠三角地区,建立了2004年珠三角地区的机动车污染物空间分配清单.研究结果表明,珠三角地区机动车高污染物排放集中在车辆保有量大、路网密集、交通流量大的城市和地区,且高污染物排放空问分布情况与主干路网的分布一致,呈现出明显的路状分布;结果显示,该方法能有效降低传统方法空问分配的偏差,尤其当路网分辨率提高时.分配结果精度更高,更切合实际排放情况.  相似文献   

A comprehensive field measurement was set up in Guangzhou City of China and the key was placed on NOx and O3 pollution. The results indicated that the average driving speed of vehicle was only 14 km/h in downtown with high frequency of idle and acceleration. Upward fluxes of CO and NO were observed in Dongfeng street. NOx annual mean concentration in urban area increased year by year, and NOx was identified as the most important pollutant since 1995. Photochemical smog pollution was serious in general,spatial and seasonal distribution of O3 was observed. O3 concentration was kept in a high level in autumn, and its formation was restrained in summer due to frequent thunderstorm and high humidity. The numerical simulation showed the average concentration  相似文献   

Visibility observed at different altitudes is favorable to understand the causes of air pollution. We conducted 4-years of observations of visibility at 2.8 and 60 m and particulate matter(PM) concentrations from 2015 to 2018 in Shenyang, a provincial city in Northeast China. The results indicated that visibility increased with the increasing height in winter(especially at night), and decreased with height in summer(especially at the daytime). PM concentration exhibited opposite vertical variati...  相似文献   

Two methods for solving stiff systems of ordinary differential equations describing nonlinear chemical kinetics in air quality models, namely the hybrid and the quasi-steady state approximation (QSSA) schemes, are compared with respect to their accuracy and computational speed. Their implementation for parallel and vector processing computers is discussed. Tests are conducted using two different photochemical mechanisms. Also, a new test problem is developed to represent various degrees of stiffness encountered in urban and regional air quality simulations. It is concluded that the hybrid scheme is more accurate than the QSSA scheme. Different techniques are considered to eliminate conservation errors and make the solutions more accurate. As for the computational efficiency, the QSSA scheme is approximately two to four times faster than the hybrid scheme.  相似文献   

针对源清单中部分点源烟囱参数缺失而采用源排放模型SMOKE(Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions)默认的烟囱参数对空气质量模型模拟结果造成的不利影响,综合考虑气象观测数据、空气质量监测数据、源排放强度以及相关标准和规范对烟囱设计的要求,分别基于最大落地浓度法和基于统计方法对2009年珠三角地区源清单中缺失烟囱参数点源的烟囱参数进行了估算,并将估算烟囱参数用在WRF/SMOKE-PRD/CMAQ空气质量模型系统分析其对模型模拟的改善情况.相比于采用SMOKE默认烟囱参数,基于最大落地浓度估算烟囱参数对NO2、NOx、SO2、PM10及O3的模拟结果均具有一定改善作用,而基于统计方法估算烟囱参数仅对SO2、O3的模拟结果有所提高.结果表明,使用基于最大落地浓度法估算得到的烟囱参数更为合理,使污染物的垂直排放分配更加合理,可以应用于空气质量模型输入源清单中缺失烟囱参数点源的估算,从而一定程度上改善空气质量模型的模拟效果.  相似文献   

基于多卫星遥感的东北地区霾污染时空特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用多卫星(MODIS、CALIPSO、VIIRS)观测的气溶胶产品、地面空气质量监测数据和气象资料,获取了东北地区2006—2015年期间气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的季节和年际变化特征,并对2014年10月14日东北地区一次典型重霾污染过程的特征及其潜在传输路径进行了深入讨论.研究结果显示,自2008年起东北地区灰霾污染范围扩大且污染程度加剧,呈带状空间分布(营口-长春-哈尔滨);区域内AOD值呈春、秋和冬季高,夏季低的时间变化特征.采用CALIPSO星载激光雷达数据与MODIS、VIIRS卫星获取的AOD开展综合分析,可有效弥补MODIS、VIIRS卫星因冬季积雪亮地表干扰所产生的AOD缺省区域,增强对长期积雪覆盖地区霾污染的时空特征分析能力.与反映霾污染空间分布范围更广的VIIRS卫星相比,MODIS卫星AOD值与东北地区地面观测获取的AQI、PM10和PM2.5相关系数更高,分别为0.89、0.73和0.83.进一步研究结果显示,秋末冬初东北地区的霾污染事件与农作物秸秆焚烧有关,同时,华北地区灰霾污染可跨越渤海湾传输至东北地区,进一步形成更大尺度的带状区域污染.  相似文献   

O3查算表的建立及其在区域空气质量模式中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用光化学机制RADM2、CBM-Z建立箱模式,分析了影响O3生成的主要物理、化学因子,将这些因子进行分档计算,建立了能够描述光化学反应中O3及其前体物(挥发性有机物VOC、氮氧化物NOx)浓度变化的查算表,并在区域空气质量模式CALGRID中加以应用.通过对2006年1、4、7、10月珠江三角洲的模拟计算和比较分析表明,查表法显著提高了计算效率,运算时间减少45%~48%,并且与光化学机制直接耦合计算结果符合较好,其中基于RADM2的查算表对O3模拟效果较好,而基于CBM-Z的查算表对NOx模拟更佳.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲大气面源排放清单及空间分布特征   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
估算了珠江三角洲地区2006年大气面源污染物的排放清单,并利用2006年珠江三角洲人口分布栅格数据作为代用空间分配权重因子,建立了该地区大气面源3km′3km的SO2、NOx、PM10和VOC网格化排放清单.结果表明,2006年珠江三角洲大气面源排放的SO2为1.12′105 t, NOx为5.25′104 t, PM10为1.6′105 t, VOC为3.14′105 t.SO2、NOx和PM10排放量较大的区域集中在广州市区、佛山、东莞和中山,而VOC排放量较大的区域位于广州市区、东莞和深圳.  相似文献   

区域空气质量监测网络优化布点方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析区域空气质量监测网络(RAQMN)优化布点的各种限制因素,利用空气质量模型模拟数据构建综合评价浓度,建立以最大贴近度为优化目标,以建设成本、地形、行政区域、人口布局和空间覆盖率等为约束条件的RAQMN优化布点方法.以珠江三角洲为案例背景,利用此方法分析了考虑常规污染物(SO2、NO2和PM10)、区域特征污染物(O3和PM2.5)和同时考虑包括常规、区域特征污染物等多种污染物组合3种情景下的RAQMN的优化布点.结果表明,该方法能够成功地应用于RAQMN的优化选址.与仅考虑常规污染物和仅考虑区域特征污染物的优化结果相比,同时考虑多种污染物优化结果的空间代表性更好,更能满足RAQMN的监测目标与优化布点的要求.  相似文献   

利用林业二类调查蓄积资料广泛调研植物源挥发性有机物(BVOCs)排放因子的最新研究成果,运用光温影响模型对北京森林BVOCs排放特征进行研究,并分析其对区域空气质量的影响.结果显示,2015年北京森林BVOCs排放量平均值为27.97× 109g C/a,变化域值范围为(9.46~76.45)× 109g C/a,其中...  相似文献   

Air pollution is a major obstacle to future sustainability, and traffic pollution has become a large drag on the sustainable developments of future metropolises. Here, combined with the large volume of real-time monitoring data, we propose a deep learning model, iDeepAir, to predict surface-level PM2.5 concentration in Shanghai megacity and link with MEIC emission inventory creatively to decipher urban traffic impacts on air quality. Our model exhibits high-fidelity in reproducing pollutant concentrations and reduces the MAE from 25.355 µg/m3 to 12.283 µg/m3 compared with other models. And identifies the ranking of major factors, local meteorological conditions have become a nonnegligible factor. Layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) is used here to enhance the interpretability of the model and we visualize and analyze the reasons for the different correlation between traffic density and PM2.5 concentration in various regions of Shanghai. Meanwhile, As the strict and effective industrial emission reduction measurements implementing in China, the contribution of urban traffic to PM2.5 formation calculated by combining MEIC emission inventory and LRP is gradually increasing from 18.03% in 2011 to 24.37% in 2017 in Shanghai, and the impact of traffic emissions would be ever-prominent in 2030 according to our prediction. We also infer that the promotion of vehicular electrification would achieve further alleviation of PM2.5 about 8.45% by 2030 gradually. These insights are of great significance to provide the decision-making basis for accurate and high-efficient traffic management and urban pollution control, and eventually benefit people's lives and high-quality sustainable developments of cities.  相似文献   

基于利用AMDAR数据确定大气混合层高度进而对飞机不同工作状态下的时间进行修正的计算方法,核算了2017年华北地区6座典型机场大气污染物排放量.结果显示,6座机场NOx、CO、VOC、SO2与PM2.5的排放总量分别为21504.2,7074.8,1424.0,1283.6和323.2t.飞机源NOx、CO、VOC与SO2的排放量远高于机场内其他污染源,而对PM2.5的排放贡献相差较小.HC与CO的排放主要集中在滑行阶段,占比分别为90.6%与90.2%,而NOx、SO2与PM2.5的排放主要集中在爬升阶段,排放占比分别为58.9%、38.7%和43.5%.6座机场1月份污染物排放量较低,在8月份达到峰值.基于本研究建立的天津滨海国际机场大气污染物排放清单,利用WRF-CAMQ模型研究机场排放对周边区域PM2.5浓度的影响.结果表明机场区域小时最大贡献浓度为3.24μg/m3;距离机场5km处的年均贡献浓度与小时最大贡献浓度分别为0.08和2.84μg/m3.  相似文献   

自2017年《广州市空气质量达标规划》实施以来,广州空气质量大幅改善并于2020年首次实现全面达标,评估《规划》中本地污染减排措施实施成效可为后续大气污染防治提供参考.本研究基于各种减排情景的排放核算结果,综合运用空气质量模型模拟和数据融合技术,量化评估了本地污染减排措施、新冠疫情防控工作、周边排放控制及气象条件变化4种影响因素对2017—2020年广州市空气质量改善的贡献.评估结果显示,本地污染减排措施是2017—2020年SO2、NO2、PM10及PM2.5浓度下降的主导因素,其浓度削减贡献分别为53.58%、31.60%、34.24%及30.82%;疫情防控工作的浓度削减贡献在初期较大,但在后期随着复工复产而减弱;周边减排空气质量改善效果弱于本地污染减排;气象条件变化对各污染物浓度下降均存在正贡献,且对O3浓度削减的贡献(81.96%)尤为显著.  相似文献   

基于曲面响应建模的PM2.5可控人为源贡献解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以东莞市PM_(2.5)重污染月份为例,使用强力法(Brute Force)和RSM/CMAQ曲面响应模型法分别解析了珠三角地区人为源排放对东莞PM_(2.5)的贡献,以及区域传输的可控人为源SO_2、NO_x和一次颗粒物(PM)在不同控制比例下(25%、50%、75%和100%)对东莞PM_(2.5)的累积浓度贡献.强力法研究结果表明,2014年1月珠三角地区人为源二次转化对东莞市PM_(2.5)的贡献(约58.10%)大于一次PM排放贡献(约41.90%),其中,人为源NH_3排放贡献最大,约占总量的21.66%.RSM/CMAQ动态源贡献结果显示,东莞市PM_(2.5)的人为可控源排放贡献(SO_2、NO_x和一次PM)占比为82.17%,受本地排放影响较大,且叠加区域排放的影响;一次PM减排对PM_(2.5)环境浓度的贡献高于仅减排SO_2和NO_x.在减排比例较低时,一次PM减排可有效削减东莞市PM_(2.5)浓度;随控制比例加大,二次前体物(SO_2和NO_x)减排对东莞市PM_(2.5)浓度削减率的影响加大.进一步使用HYSPLIT模式和轨迹聚类分析方法研究了2014年1月东莞市PM_(2.5)污染传输过程.结果显示,该时段共有6条长、短距离污染传输路径,污染物主要来自东莞市东、东北及东南方向,途经其上风向区域(惠州、深圳和广州等)传输至东莞;惠州是各主导上风向出现频率最高的城市,因而其区域传输对东莞PM_(2.5)的贡献也较大,深圳次之.  相似文献   

Decision making in the field of air quality and greenhouses gases reductions can nowadays be supported by a clear overall framework and by computer tools that integrate the most relevant aspects of the problem. This approach is particularly important at local scale since new general rules on emission abatement at European level can only marginally modify the most critical hotspots and may be very costly. This paper adapts the general Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses (DPSIR) scheme proposed by the European Environment Agency to the specific case of local air quality policies and shows how the most recent scientific developments in impact evaluation and social acceptance can be integrated. The proposed decision framework represents a general methodology to design Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) systems aimed at the implementation of effective Air Quality Plans (AQP). An extensive survey across European countries shows the current degree of adoption of these approaches.  相似文献   

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