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Oxygenated volatile organic compounds(OVOCs) are important precursors and products of atmospheric secondary pollution. The sources of OVOCs, however, are still quite uncertain,especially in the atmosphere with much pollution in China. To study the sources of OVOCs in rural atmospheres, a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry(PTR-MS) was deployed at a northern rural site(WD) and a southern rural site(YMK) in China during the summer of 2014 and 2016, respectively. The continuous observation showed that the mean concentration of TVOCs(totally 17 VOCs) measured at WD(52.4 ppbv) was far higher than that at YMK(11.1 ppbv), and the OVOCs were the most abundant at both the two sites. The diurnal variations showed that local sources of OVOCs were still prominent at WD, while regional transport influenced YMK much. The photochemical age-based parameterization method was then used to quantitatively apportion the sources of ambient OVOCs. The anthropogenic primary sources at WD and YMK contributed less(2%–16%) to each OVOC species. At both the sites, the atmospheric background had a dominant contribution(~ 50%) to acetone and formic acid, while the anthropogenic secondary formation was the main source(~ 40%) of methanol and MEK. For acetaldehyde and acetic acid, the biogenic sources were their largest source(~ 40%) at WD, while the background(39%) and anthropogenic secondary formation(42%) were their largest sources at YMK, respectively. This study reveals the complexity of sources of OVOCs in China, which urgently needs explored further.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) play an important role in the formation of ground-level ozone and secondary organic aerosol(SOA), and they have been key issues in current air pollution prevention and control in China. Considerable attention has been paid to industrial activities due to their large and relatively complex VOCs emissions. The present research aims to provide a comprehensive review on whole-process control of industrial VOCs, which mainly includes source reduction, collection enhan...  相似文献   

Total suspended and size-segregated aerosol samples were collected at one industrial and one coastal location. Measurements of inorganic ions, trace elements and organic/elemental carbon (OC/EC) permitted us to conclude that at the marine site most carbonaceous mass is associated with vehicle emissions and long-range transport, being well correlated with lead. At the industrial location the picture is not so clear because lead is also emitted by local industries. A good correlation, however, exists for EC between both sites, indicating that elemental carbon is well mixed in the lower troposphere and has a regional character. EC and OC frequently have a bimodal size distribution, each mode being approximately log-normal. At both sites ≈ 78% of EC and 68–76% of OC are in the fine-particle mode fraction. High levels of elemental carbon are present in aged polluted air masses transported from industrialized regions in Europe. These air masses contain relatively much less particulate organic carbon. During long-range transport the organic constituents of the aerosol are depleted while elemental carbon is transported efficiently.  相似文献   

As an effective pollution control method, emission allowance and allocation just implemented in volatile organic compounds(VOCs) control strategy of China in 2016. This article presents a possible way to set the emission allowance targets and establishes an allowance allocation model for the object year, 2020 and 2030, using 2010 as the reference year. On the basis of regression and scenario analysis method, the emission allowance targets were designed,which were 17.902 Tg and 18.224 Tg for 2020 and 2030, with an increasing rate of 28.75% and31.06% compared to 2010. From the perspective of industries, processes using VOCscontaining products, like machinery and equipment manufacturing, would continue to be the most significant industrial VOCs emission sources in the future of China. Four allocation indicators were selected, which are per capita GDP of each province, per capita industrial VOCs emission of each province, the economic contribution of industrial sector to regional economy of each province, and the emission intensity per land area of each province, respectively.Based on information entropy, the weights of the indicators were calculated and an emission allocation model was established, and the results showed that provinces like Shandong,Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Fujian were calculated to obtain more emission allowance while burden more reduction responsibility. Meanwhile, provinces like Guizhou, Ningxia,Hainan, Qinghai and Xizang were on the contrary. This paper suggests governments to enhance or ease to industrial VOCs reduction burden of each province in order to stimulate its economy or change its way of economy development.  相似文献   

2019年在珠三角典型产业重镇佛山市狮山镇在线监测大气挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),并开展大气VOCs污染特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)及来源贡献分析.观测期间共测得56种VOCs物种,总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)体积浓度为(39.64±30.46)×10-9,主要组成为烷烃(56.5%)和芳香烃(30.1%).大气VO...  相似文献   

挥发性有机物(VOCs)已经与氮氧化物(NOx)、颗粒物等成为我国典型城市群的主要大气污染物,其中工业源VOCs排放量大,是珠江三角洲地区影响最大的一类VOCs排放源。由于VOCs种类繁多,来源及转化生成臭氧的机制复杂,为解决此类复杂的VOCs污染问题,文章以东莞市作为珠三角典型区域代表,归纳总结了VOCs防控措施,分析了工业源VOCs治理的难点,有针对性地提出相关的有效对策建议,以期为大气环境质量管理和决策提供有益帮助,也为全国其他城市的VOCs污染防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)是臭氧和二次有机气溶胶形成的关键前体物之一,研究表明烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃是我国大气VOCs的重要组分。在不同区域,城市地区烷烃含量最高,而偏远地区芳香烃为含量最丰富的VOCs。VOCs浓度日间变化多呈双峰分布趋势,峰值多出现在早晨与傍晚的上下班高峰期。目前对我国臭氧污染事件的研究均表明芳香烃和烯烃是对臭氧生成贡献最大的化合物。VOCs源解析中广泛运用的模型包括CMB、PMF和PCA/APCS,各模型均存在优点和局限性。比较各地VOCs源解析结果,发现交通排放源和工业排放源为我国VOCs的主要人为来源。VOCs的跨区域传输决定与周边地区的合作将是未来空气治理中的发展方向。  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential benefits of biomass use for air pollution control, this paper identified and quantified the emissions of major reactive organic compounds anticipated from biomass-fired industrial boilers. Wood pellets(WP) and straw pellets(SP) were burned to determine the volatile organic compound emission profiles for each biomass-boiler combination. More than 100 types of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) were measured from the two biomass boilers. The measured VOC species included alkanes, alkenes and acetylenes, aromatics, halocarbons and carbonyls. A single coal-fired boiler(CB) was also studied to provide a basis for comparison. Biomass boiler 1(BB1) emitted relatively high proportions of alkanes(28.9%–38.1% by mass) and alkenes and acetylenes(23.4%–40.8%),while biomass boiler 2(BB2) emitted relatively high proportions of aromatics(27.9%–29.2%)and oxygenated VOCs(33.0%–44.8%). The total VOC(TVOC) emission factors from BB1(128.59–146.16 mg/kg) were higher than those from BB2(41.26–85.29 mg/kg). The total ozone formation potential(OFP) ranged from 6.26 to 81.75 mg/m~3 with an average of 33.66 mg/m~3 for the two biomass boilers. The total secondary organic aerosol potential(SOAP) ranged from 61.56 to 211.67 mg/m~3 with an average of 142.27 mg/m~3 for the two biomass boilers.The emission factors(EFs) of TVOCs from biomass boilers in this study were similar to those for industrial coal-fired boilers with the same thermal power. These data can supplement existing VOC emission factors for biomass combustion and thus enrich the VOC emission inventory.  相似文献   

Ambient volatile organic compounds pollution in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to rapid economic and industrial development, China has been suffering from degraded air quality and visibility. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important precursors to the formation of ground-level ozone and hence photochemical smog. Some VOCs adversely affect human health. Therefore, VOCs have recently elicited public concern and given new impetus to scientific interest. China is now implementing a series of polices to control VOCs pollution. The key to formulating policy is understanding the ambient VOCs pollution status. This paper mainly analyzes the species, levels, sources, and spatial distributions of VOCs in ambient air. The results show that the concentrations of ambient VOCs in China are much higher than those of developed countries such as the United States and Japan, especial benzene, which exceeds available standards. At the same time, the ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAFP) of various VOCs are calculated. Aromatics and alkenes have much higher OFPs, while aromatics have higher SOAFP. The OFPs of ambient VOCs in the cities of Beijing, Guangzhou and Changchun are very high, and the SOAFP of ambient VOCs in the cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Changchun are higher.  相似文献   

AsayofsomevolatilecompoundsinhumanexhalationQinTao,XuXiaobaiResearchCenterforEcoEnvironmentalSciences,ChineseAcademyofScie...  相似文献   

中国室内挥发性有机物污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来室内空气污染问题频发,已引起全社会的广泛关注.挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是室内空气的主要污染物之一,其成分复杂,来源广泛,严重威胁人体健康.本文综述了中国近十年来室内VOCs在来源、浓度水平、影响因素及健康评价方面的研究进展.研究表明,室内建筑装修材料、人类活动及室外污染等来源都会影响VOCs的室内浓度;中国住宅内甲醛、苯等VOCs污染普遍存在,家具市场是甲醛污染最高的公共场所;VOCs浓度受到温湿度、通风和装修时间等因素影响;中国室内部分VOCs对人体健康影响评估值超过美国环保署可接受水平.调查更全面的室内VOCs数据,探索对各类因素影响机制,提出更有效降低VOCs对人体健康影响的措施将是未来室内空气治理重点发展方向.  相似文献   

Enrichment of volatile organic compounds(VOC) and semi-volatility organic compounds(SVOC) in surface microlayer(SM) of three ddnking water sources were studied. The enrichment factor(EFs) were 0.67 to 13.37 and 0.16 to 136, respectively. The results showed some VOC and most SVOC could enrich in SM. Some EFs of SVOC was quite high. Suspension and temperature could affect EFs of SVOC, slim wind and water movement do not destroy enrichment of organic in SM.  相似文献   

水中微量有机物氯化物脱除复合膜的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用溶液聚合法合成了丙烯酸及丙烯酸酯共聚物,并利用该共聚物可与环氧树脂交联的作用制备出交联聚丙烯酸及基酯的共聚物,并在聚砚底膜上涂膜形成可优先透过氯化有机物(THMs)的复合膜,以1,1,2-三氯乙烷,三氯乙烯等稀水溶液对丙烯酸酯系列复合膜进行了系统测试和研究,分别考察了不同制膜液、交联剂、操作压力、操作温度、进料液浓度、不同分离体系等条件对膜性能的影响,并优选出交联AB-AA-MAA/PS复合膜,表明效果良好,有很好的研究和发展前景。  相似文献   

京津冀天然源挥发性有机物排放研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
夏春林  肖琳 《环境科学学报》2019,39(8):2680-2689
为探明2017年京津冀地区天然源挥发性有机物(BVOCs)的空间分布,将研究区划分成3 km分辨率的格网,并通过WRF模型提供气象驱动数据,MODIS影像提供植被功能类型和叶面积指数,最终利用MEGAN模型进行模拟研究.结果表明,该模型将BVOCs分成147个细类,其中主要有异戊二烯、单萜烯41类、半萜烯32类、其他VOC73类.2017年京津冀地区BVOCs排放总量为426.26×10~3 t,四大类别的排放比例依次为29.38%、12.32%、6.24%、52.05%.单萜烯中排放较高的类别是α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、t-β-罗勒烯,而半萜烯中排放较高的是α-法呢烯和β-石竹烯.整个研究区域内BVOCs排放较高的区域位于北部森林与灌丛分布密集的燕山山脉和西南的太行山山脉,其中主要的城市有承德、北京、张家口、保定、石家庄等.排放量较低的地区为廊坊、衡水、天津等地.本研究通过模型模拟得到了京津冀地区2017年高时空分辨率BVOCs排放清单,同时可为以后的大气环境研究提供基础数据.  相似文献   

研制了一种可剥性气相防锈涂料,主要以乙烯基高分子树脂和环氧树脂为成膜物质,另还有复合型油溶性气相缓蚀剂、稳定剂、增韧剂、抗氧剂和混合有机溶剂等。该涂料能够在常温下快速成膜,所形成的涂层具有优良的柔韧性能、耐冲击强度、气相防锈性能和可大面积地进行剥离性能。针对4种不同的海洋环境进行了实际的防锈性能实验,结果表明该涂料短期内可以在海洋环境下对金属进行防锈。  相似文献   

在测度海洋科技进步和海洋产业结构演化的基础上,运用计量面板模型检验海洋科技进步和产业结构调整对海洋经济增长的影响。研究发现:海洋产业结构调整和海洋科技进步的经济增长效应存在明显的差异,现阶段中国海洋经济增长动力逐渐由海洋产业结构调整转换为海洋科技进步,海洋科技进步不仅是未来中国海洋经济增长的主要动力,也是化解海洋产业结构调整对经济增长负向影响的主要途径。这一结论能够为推动海洋经济新旧动能转换、加快建设海洋强国提供指导。  相似文献   

广州番禺大气成分站挥发性有机物的污染特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
应用GC/FID在线挥发性有机物(VOCs)检测仪,于2011年6月~2012年5月在中国气象局广州番禺大气成分观测站进行了1a的连续监测,获得了具有高时间分辨率的VOCs组成、含量及其时间变化规律.结果表明:VOCs浓度月变化范围是(40.99~65.400)×10-9,月平均浓度48.10×10-9,冬季VOCs浓度高于夏季.VOCs日浓度变化范围是(35.10~59.13)×10-9.VOCs组分随季节变化所占比例不同,烷烃、烯烃和芳香烃全年平均所占比例分别为58%、16%和26%.采样点在7月份没有周末效应,而在12月份表现出显著周末效应.国庆长假期间的大气VOCs浓度比国庆节放假前、后均有大幅度降低,降幅分别达到39.3%和56.7%.采样点的大气VOCs浓度与风速呈负相关性.当风向为NNE、NE和SSW时,风速较大,VOCs的浓度较低;当风向为WNW和ENE时则相反.由于夏季温度高使溶剂挥发性和植物排放增强,所以导致BTEX(苯、乙苯、甲苯和二甲苯)和异戊二烯的浓度在夏季明显高于冬季.  相似文献   

广州大田山垃圾填埋场空气中微量挥发有机污染物组成   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
以广州大田山垃圾填埋场为例,研究了在不同季节填埋场空气中微量挥发性有机污染物的种类和含量变化情况。结果表明,在春、夏季样品中可分别检测出47和64种化合物,其中有些化合物为USEPA优先控制毒害有机污染物;夏季样品中微量挥发性有机污染物的浓度大多比春季样品高,有的甚至高1个数量级以上。因此加强对垃圾的卫生填埋,尤其是加强对夏季的垃圾卫生填埋的科学管理,减少挥发性有机污染物向大气中的扩散,应给予充分的关注。  相似文献   

中国生物源挥发性有机物(BVOCs)时空排放特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
生物源挥发性有机物(BVOCs)对O_3和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)生成具有重要的影响.本研究基于MODIS卫星遥感数据和WRF模拟的气象结果,运用MEGAN3.0模型对中国2005—2016年BVOCs排放量进行估算,分析了BVOCs及其亚类化学物种的时空分布特征.同时,对人为源挥发性有机物(AVOCs)排放量、总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)排放量和OMI卫星反演获取的甲醛柱浓度之间的关系进行了初步探讨.结果表明:2005—2016年中国BVOCs年均排放量约为10 Tg,其中,异戊二烯约为6.13 Tg,甲醇约为1.47 Tg,单萜烯约为1.03 Tg,其余生物源挥发性有机物(OBVOCs)约为2.84 Tg;近10年我国BVOCs排放量略呈下降趋势,AVOCs呈明显的波动上升趋势,而TVOCs则呈现逐年增加趋势;BVOCs存在明显的季节性变化,呈现夏季高、冬季低的规律,夏、冬两季排放量各占全年排放量的51.50%和3.40%;BVOCs排放量高值分布于中国东南植被密集区域,主要分布于广西(0.87 Tg)、云南(0.84 Tg)和湖南(0.81 Tg);不同土地覆盖类型的BVOCs排放贡献具有显著差异,其中,森林(43.93%)最大,灌木(31.62%)和农田(15.13%)次之,草地(9.31%)最小.本研究所获取的中国近10年BVOCs的时空分布特征可为后续定量评估BVOCs对O_3和SOA生成的贡献提供基础支撑.  相似文献   

人体代谢产生的内源性挥发性有机物(VOCs)可用作健康状况的标志物.本研究选择17~26岁无呼吸系统疾病的高校学生(73人)作为观察对象,使用气相色谱-火焰离子化检测器/质谱联用仪(GC-FID/MS)分析收集到的呼出气样本,对呼出气中VOCs的种类、浓度进行研究,发现了其5种卤代物的浓度高于室内浓度,其次是室外浓度.其中,在人体呼出气中1,1-二氯乙烯的浓度为室内浓度的近20倍,是室外浓度的近300倍,人体呼出气是环境中1,1-二氯乙烯的一个重要源.定量分析健康人呼出气,对比其与环境空气样本的浓度差异,并进行统计学检验,共筛选出1,1二氯乙烯、丙酮、1-己烯、甲基环己烷、2-戊酮、反-2-戊烯、2,4-二甲基戊烷、3-戊酮、四氯乙烯、对二氯苯、间二氯苯11种特征性内源性VOCs.  相似文献   

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