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A comprehensive air toxics measurements program designed to establish baseline concentrations of atmospheric polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) in the South Coast Air Basin has been completed. The program utilized state-of-the-art air sampling and laboratory analysis techniques (HRGC/HRMS) to quantify the fifteen 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs/PCDFs congeners of primary toxicological significance. This study, which included nine discrete sampling sessions between December 1987 and March 1989, provides the first systematic assessment of ambient PCDDs/PCDFs concentrations in the state of California. The highest PCDDs/PCDFs concentrations noted during this study occurred in December 1987. This period was dominated by off-shore air flows, suggesting a regional air mass and transport phenomena. Concentrations of the PCDDs/PCDFs were diminished markedly in subsequent sampling sessions where air flow patterns were primarily of on-shore or of coastal origin. Ambient PCDDs/PCDFs concentrations, expressed as toxic equivalents, were highest during the December 1987 sampling period. The El Toro monitoring site, located approximately 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles, consistently showed the lowest measured ambient PCDDs/PCDFs concentrations and toxic equivalents values. In the majority of the sessions and samples examined the PCDDs/PCDFs congener profiles strongly suggest combustion source influences. Typical of combustion source profiles, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD was the predominant 2,3,7,8-substituted species and most prevalent PCDD after OCDD. The congener of highest toxicological significance, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, was reported below the 10-20 fg/m3 detection limit for most of the ambient air samples selected for analysis.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the annual average radon concentrations in California residences, to determine the approximate fraction of the California population regularly exposed to radon concentrations of 4 pCI/l or greater, and to the extent possible, to identify regions of differing risk for high radon concentrations within the state. Annual average indoor radon concentrations were measured with passive (alpha track) samplers sent by mail and deployed by home occupants, who also completed questionnaires on building and occupant characteristics. For the 310 residences surveyed, concentrations ranged from 0.10 to 16 pCI/l, with a geometric mean of whole-house (bedroom and living room) average concentrations of 0.85 pCI/l and a geometric standard deviation of 1.91. A total of 88,000 California residences (0.8 percent) were estimated to have radon concentrations exceeding 4 pCI/l. When the state was divided into six zones based on geology, significant differences in geometric mean radon concentrations were found between several of the zones. Zones with high geometric means were the Sierra Nevada mountains, the valleys east of the Sierra Nevada, the central valley (especially the southern portion), and Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Zones with low geometric means included most coastal counties and the portion of the state from Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties south.  相似文献   

Diurnal radon concentrations were measured in a school and an office that exhibited high average annual radon concentrations from passive alpha track detector measurements. The diurnal measurements in both cases showed very high nighttime concentrations (3000–6000 Bq m−3) and low daytime concentrations under the action level of 200 Bq m−3 used in Norway. These results suggest that the only way to accurately assess radon exposure in day-use buildings is to include measurements of radon concentrations limited to the hours when the buildings are actually in use.  相似文献   

In urban and suburban settings, indoor ozone exposures can represent a significant fraction of an individual's total exposure. The decay rate, one of the factors determining indoor ozone concentrations, is inadequately understood in residences. Decay rates were calculated by introducing outdoor air containing 80-160 parts per billion ozone into 43 residences and monitoring the reduction in indoor concentration as a function of time. The mean decay rate measured in the living rooms of 43 Southern California homes was 2.80 +/- 1.30 hr-1, with an average ozone deposition velocity of 0.049 +/- 0.017 cm/sec. The experimental protocol was evaluated for precision by repeating measurements in one residence on five different days, collecting 44 same-day replicate measurements, and by simultaneous measurements at two locations in six homes. Measured decay rates were significantly correlated with house type and the number of bedrooms. The observed decay rates were higher in multiple-family homes and homes with fewer than three bedrooms. Homes with higher surface-area-to-volume ratios had higher decay rates. The ratio of indoor-to-outdoor ozone concentrations in homes not using air conditioning and open windows was 68 +/- 18%, while the ratio of indoor-to-outdoor ozone was less than 10% for the homes with air conditioning in use.  相似文献   

Stored extracts of passive samplers exposed in 757 randomly selected Canadian residences provided a unique opportunity for retrospective determination of the occurrence of airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Aliquots of the individual extracts were pooled to form a composite exposure sample and a corresponding blank sample. To identify and quantitate potentially hazardous organics in the samples, GC-MS analyses were conducted by several approaches. The amounts of 52 target compounds in the the composite sample were estimated based on selected ion monitoring (SIM) results, extraction recoveries, average air volume sampled, and 3M OVM 3500 passive sampling rates. Forty of the organics were detected and were present in amounts equivalent to airborne concentrations ranging from <1 to 104 μg m−3. Several other compounds were also tentatively identified by full scan analysis. Many of the detected organics have been reported to be associated with activities such as tobacco smoking and the presence of consumer products and plastic materials indoors. The analytical results have been useful in risk assessments and establishment of a new Canadian priority substances list (PSL).  相似文献   

Concentrations of nine heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb, Mn, Mo and Zn) were determined in the hepatic and renal tissues of 80 stranded California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). Significant age-dependant increases were observed in liver and kidney concentrations of cadmium and mercury, and renal zinc concentrations. Hepatic iron concentrations were significantly higher in females than males. Animals with suspected domoic acid associated pathological findings had significantly higher concentrations of liver and kidney cadmium; and significantly higher liver mercury concentrations when compared to animals classified with infectious disease or traumatic mortality. Significantly higher hepatic burdens of molybdenum and zinc were found in animals that died from infectious diseases. This is the largest study of tissue heavy metal concentrations in California sea lions to date. These data demonstrate how passive monitoring of stranded animals can provide insight into environmental impacts on marine mammals.  相似文献   

Having a quantitative understanding of the carbon cycle in forests is of great importance for predicting global warming issues. Carbon dioxide production in soil is the largest CO2 source in forests, and exhibits large temporal and spatial variations. Continuous observation of soil CO2 flux at many sites over a forest is therefore necessary to obtain representative soil CO2 fluxes for the forest. In this study, a gradient method to measure soil CO2 flux indirectly from soil radon and CO2 measurements was theoretically modified to conveniently measure the soil CO2 flux from soil radon and CO2 concentrations measured at one soil depth. To experimentally test the modified method, a field observation was conducted continuously in a forest over a 31-day period.Since changes in the soil water content near the soil surface were small throughout the observation, a constant effective diffusivity for CO2 was assumed for the soil CO2 flux estimation. The soil CO2 flux was then calculated as the product of the effective diffusivity and the gradient of the soil CO2 concentration, each calculated from soil radon and CO2 concentrations. The estimated flux ranged from 1.9 to 5.8 μmol m?2 s?1, and, correlating well with the reference value, measured with a conventional ventilated-chamber method. We therefore conclude that the modified gradient method based on the measurement of soil CO2 and radon concentration at one depth is reliable, at least under conditions where the change in the soil water content is small.  相似文献   

Recent observations of air pollutant concentrations measured within and above street canyons were used to study the average vertical profiles of vehicular pollutant concentrations in the urban environment. The idea of an exponential vertical concentration distribution, exp( −Bzq), resulted from a near ground-level source diffusing over flat terrain, was tentatively extended to the urban street canyons, where the empirical parameters B and q are generally dependent on the atmospheric stability and the aerodynamic characteristics of the canyon.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for estimating hourly distribution of air pollutants, based on data collected by passive sensors on a weekly or bi-weekly basis with no need for previous measurements at a site. In order for this method to be applied to locations where no hourly records are available, reference data from other sites are required to generate calibration histograms. The proposed procedure allows one to obtain the histogram of hourly ozone values during a given week with an error of about 30%, which is good considering the simplicity of this approach. This method can be a valuable tool for sites that lack previous hourly records of pollutant ambient concentrations, where it can be used to verify compliance with regulations or to estimate the AOT40 index with an acceptable degree of exactitude.  相似文献   

An energy research house in Maryland was found to have radon concentrations far in excess of recommended guidelines. A mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery was installed in this house to test its effectiveness as an energy-efficient control technique for indoor radon. Radon concentration was monitored continuously for 2 weeks under varying ventilation conditions [0.07–0.8 air changes per hour (ach)] and radondaughter concentrations were measured by grab-sample techniques about nine times daily during this period. At ventilation rates of 0.6 ach and higher, radon-daughter levels dropped below guidelines for indoor concentrations. Comparison with other studies indicates that indoor radon buildup may be a problem in a considerable portion of houses characterized by their low infiltration rates. The use of mechanical ventilation systems with air-to-air heat exchangers may offer a practical, cost-effective and energy-efficient means of alleviating not only the radon problem specifically but also the general deterioration of indoor air quality in many houses designed or retrofitted to achieve low infiltration.  相似文献   

A prominent television station developed a special series of newscasts and public service announcements about radon. This was combined with their advertising of the availability of reduced-price radon test kits in a local supermarket chain. The large number of test kits sold was a success from a marketing perspective, but not from a public health perspective--especially because of the very small share of high readings that were mitigated. In contrast, a study of housing sales showed a much higher testing rate and corresponding mitigation when risk communication accompanied the housing transaction, rather than being directed toward the general public. This paper examines the relative effectiveness of these alternative approaches to radon risk communication, emphasizing the implications for developing and implementing radon programs.  相似文献   

The city of Missoula is located in a high mountain valley (elevation 3200 ft.) in western Montana and contains one of the largest populations in the entire Rocky Mountain Region completely enclosed by mountains. During the 2000/2001 Missoula Valley Sampling Program, ambient levels of 61 semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and 54 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were originally quantified before refining the analytical program to 28 of the most prominent SVOCs and VOCs found in the Missoula Valley airshed. These compounds were measured over 24-hr periods at two locations throughout an entire year. This study provides the first, comprehensive appraisal of the levels of SVOCs and VOCs measured simultaneously throughout all four seasons at two locations in the Missoula Valley, including those levels measured during the 2000 Montana wildfire season. Generally, SVOC levels were comparable between both sides of the Missoula Valley. However, there were nearly double the amount of VOCs measured at the more urban Boyd Park site compared with the rural Frenchtown sampling site, a result of the greater number of automobiles on the eastern side of the Valley. SVOCs and VOCs were measured at their highest levels of the sampling program during the winter. Forest fire smoke samples collected during the summer of 2000 showed significant increases in SVOC phenolic compounds, including phenol, 2-methylphenol, 4-methylphenol, and 2,4-dimethylphenol. Although there were modest increases in some of the other SVOCs and VOCs measured during the fire season, none of the increases were as dramatic as the phenolics.  相似文献   

Systematic measurement of fine particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microm [PM2.5]) mass concentrations began nationally with implementation of the Federal Reference Method (FRM) network in 1998 and 1999. In California, additional monitoring of fine particulate matter (PM) occurred via a dichotomous sampler network and several special studies carried out between 1982 and 2002. The authors evaluate the comparability of FRM and non-FRM measurements of PM2.5 mass concentrations and establish conversion factors to standardize fine mass measurements from different methods to FRM-equivalent concentrations. The authors also identify measurements of PM2.5 mass concentrations that do not agree with FRM or other independent PM2.5 mass measurements. The authors show that PM2.5 mass can be reconstructed to a high degree of accuracy (r2 > 0.9; mean absolute error approximately 2 microg m(-3)) from PM with an aerodynamic diameter < or =10 microm (PM10) mass and species concentrations when site-specific and season-specific conversion factors are used and a statewide record of fine PM mass concentrations by combining the FRM PM2.5 measurements, non-FRM PM2.5 measurements, and reconstructions of PM2.5 mass concentrations. Trends and spatial variations are evaluated using the integrated data. The rates of change of annual fine PM mass were negative (downward trends) at all 22 urban and 6 nonurban (Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments [IMPROVE]) monitoring locations having at least 15 yr of data during the period 1980-2007. The trends at the IMPROVE sites ranged from -0.05 to -0.25 microg m(-3) yr(-1) (median -0.11 microg m(-3) yr(-1)), whereas urban-site trends ranged from -0.13 to -1.29 microg m(-3) yr(-1) (median -0.59 microg m(-3) yr(-1)). The urban concentrations declined by a factor of 2 over the period of record, and these decreases were qualitatively consistent with changes in emissions of primary PM2.5 and gas-phase precursors of secondary PM. Mean PM2.5 mass concentrations ranged from 3.3 to 7.4 microg m(-3) at IMPROVE sites and from 9.3 to 37.1 microg m(-3) at urban sites.  相似文献   

During wintertime measurements in coastal southern California, organonitrate groups accounted for up to 10% of organic mass (OM) in submicron particles. In this study, we report the calibrated absorptivity, the uncertainties in the calibrations, the detection limits for 12 and 24 h ambient sampling, and the multipeak retrieval algorithm for the method developed. Organonitrate groups were observed when both submicron particle-phase nitrate and OM concentrations exceeded 1 μg m?3. These high concentrations were associated with a mixed urban fossil fuel combustion source type that had potential source regions near Riverside and the South Coast Air Basin. The high frequency of these organonitrate observations contrasts with a number of studies of aerosol particles in other regions with more humid conditions, in which organonitrate groups were not detected and submicron sulfate concentrations exceeded those of nitrate. Our results suggest both that organonitrates form and/or exist in significant concentrations during polluted urban conditions and that their lifetime may be limited by hydrolysis in the particle phase.  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of interzonal air flow for indoor air quality assessment, few studies have characterized these flows. As part of the Boston Exposure Assessment in Microenvironments (BEAM) Study, air flow rates were estimated within 45 residences in the Boston area, most over two seasons. Thirty-five residences had basements, 11 of which also had attached garages, and 10 other residences had common apartment hallways. Air flow rates between zones were calculated using tracer gases (PFTs and SF6) and mass-balance models. Mean air flow rates from the basement to the occupied zone were significantly higher in the winter (174 m3 h−1) than in the summer (67 m3 h−1). The mean percent of the total air flow within the occupied zone of the residence from the basement was 26% (SD=34%) in the summer and 47% (SD=26%) in the winter while the mean percent from apartment hallways was 22% (SD=33%). Residences with garages attached to the basement had higher air flow rates to the adjacent zone (means from 50 to 887 m3 h−1) than those with garages attached directly to the occupied zone (means from 1 to 65 m3 h−1). These data provide a basis for modeling the contribution of indoor sources to concentrations in occupied zones.  相似文献   

Indoor particulate matter samples were collected in 17 homes in an urban area in Alexandria during the summer season. During air measurement in all selected homes, parallel outdoor air samples were taken in the balconies of the domestic residences. It was found that the mean indoor PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 and ≤10 μm, respectively) concentrations were 53.5 ± 15.2 and 77.2 ± 15.1 µg/m3, respectively. The corresponding mean outdoor levels were 66.2 ± 16.5 and 123.8 ± 32.1 µg/m3, respectively. PM2.5 concentrations accounted, on average, for 68.8 ± 12.8% of the total PM10 concentrations indoors, whereas PM2.5 contributed to 53.7 ± 4.9% of the total outdoor PM10 concentrations. The median indoor/outdoor mass concentration (I/O) ratios were 0.81 (range: 0.43–1.45) and 0.65 (range: 0.4–1.07) for PM2.5 and PM10, respectively. Only four homes were found with I/O ratios above 1, indicating significant contribution from indoor sources. Poor correlation was seen between the indoor PM10 and PM2.5 levels and the corresponding outdoor concentrations. PM10 levels were significantly correlated with PM2.5 loadings indoors and outdoors and this might be related to PM10 and PM2.5 originating from similar particulate matter emission sources. Smoking, cooking using gas stoves, and cleaning were the major indoor sources contributed to elevated indoor levels of PM10 and PM2.5.

Implications: The current study presents results of the first PM2.5 and PM10 study in homes located in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. Scarce data are available on indoor air quality in Egypt. Poor correlation was seen between the indoor and outdoor particulate matter concentrations. Indoor sources such as smoking, cooking, and cleaning were found to be the major contributors to elevated indoor levels of PM10 and PM2.5.  相似文献   

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