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Slices from the hepatopancreas of various oceanic curstaceans incorporated radioactivity into wax esters from 14C glucose and 14C aspartic acid to a lesser extent and from 14C palmitic acid to a much greater extent. Radioactivity was incorporated from 14C palmitic acid into both fatty acid and fatty alcohol moieties of wax esters, the percentage of total radioactivity present in alcohol moieties being greater in deep-living than in shallow-living species. Cell-free preparations from the hepatopancreas but not from muscle, supplemented with ATP and reduced pyridine nucleotides, incorporated radioactivity from 1-14C palmitoyl Coenzyme A into both fatty alcohol and fatty acid moieties of wax esters. Incorporation into fatty alcohol was NADPH- rather than NADH-specific. Preparations from deep-living species had a greater percentage of total radioactivity in the fatty alcohol moieties of wax esters than preparations from shallow-living species. We conclude that the level of wax esters in a given species is correlated with the rate at which the species biosynthesises these lipids de novo; deep-living species have higher rates of wax ester biosynthesis and higher levels of wax esters than shallow-living species. The results support the thesis that wax esters in oceanic crustaceans are derived largely from the animals' internal biosynthetic activities, presumably in response to particular biochemical and/or physiological requirements, rather than from their diets.  相似文献   

Coelenterazine biosynthesis has recently been demonstrated in the developing eggs of the decapod Systellaspis debilis. The cellular source of coelenterazine and the potential for biosynthesis in adult decapods, however, have not been fully investigated. We have conducted a systematic study of coelenterazine content in >230 individual decapods representing 19 species of Oplophoridae and 22 species from other families. We show for the first time that coelenterazine is responsible for both secretory and photophore luminescence in the same decapod. Tissues associated with secretory luminescence (hepatopancreas and stomach) in the Oplophoridae contained almost 3 orders of magnitude more coelenterazine (mean value=2154 pmol per specimen) than cuticular photophores (mean value=8 pmol per specimen). Coelenterazine content increases by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude during the development of three species of Oplophoridae. Species of Oplophoridae contain an order of magnitude more coelenterazine than those of other families (mean value=154 pmol per specimen). Coelenterazine was also detected in 11 apparently nonluminous decapod species (mean value=200 pmol per specimen). S. debilis luciferase characterisation enabled a luciferase assay to be developed to facilitate studies of the environmental control of bioluminescence. We hypothesise that the coelenterazine requirement in secretory bioluminescence exceeds that which could be assimilated from the food-chain. The significant increase of coelenterazine during the life cycle of secretory decapods supports this hypothesis. Putative evidence for environmental control of coelenterazine luminescence is also reported.  相似文献   

In Emerita asiatica and Ligia exotica, starvation for 1 week steadily depleted the free sugar values, indicating their involvement in nutritive physiology. Protein-bound blood sugars showed no change during starvation, indicating their non-involvement in general carbohydrate metabolism; it is suggested that they may be involved in the moulting physiology related to the synthesis of structural components such as chitin. The extent of glycogen storage is found to be greater in the anomuran E. asiatica than in the isopod L. exotica. In the latter, the fall in free sugar values during starvation is greater, due to meagre storage of glycogen in the hepatopancreas. these features are related to habitat and availability of food in the environment.  相似文献   

Eggs of meso- and bathypelagic decapod crustaceans were removed from gravid females and allowed to develop in vitro. The time course of embryonic development, as indicated by the appearance of certain morphological and physiological features, was determined for most species at a constant temperature of 12°C. The embryonic period, and the time between the appearance of certain key features such as naupliar and compound eyes and heartbeats, showed little variation in any one species. Significant differences were observed in the development times of different species. In general, species with large eggs have a longer embryonic period than those with small eggs, but there also variations between species with eggs of similar size. During the development of Acanthephyra eggs there is an approximate doubling of the egg volume, correlated with a decrease in egg density and an increase in the water content. The increase in the water content and egg volume is similar to that of other decapod eggs. It is concluded that those species with small eggs could have several broods in 1 year, whereas those species with large eggs are likely to be restricted to one, or in some cases possibly two, broods.  相似文献   

Wet and dry weight, total carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and ash contents were determined on 33 species of zooplankton distributed predominantly in the open sea region of the North Pacific. Sampling covered the waters from 44°N to the equator. Average percentage of dry weight to wet weight was about 19% of all samples from the whole area. Percentage dry weight of carbon in copepods was on an average 51.5%. The highest value, 66.6%, was obtained in eggs of the copepod Pareuchaeta sarsi. Mixed zooplankton was assumed to contain carbon comprising about 35 to 45% of the dry weight. Carbon contained in the zooplankton biomass existing in the upper 200 m in the western parts of the northern North Pacific and Bering Sea during spring and summer was estimated to range from 20 to 85 mg C/m3. Nitrogen content varied considerably with localities. Average ratio of carbon to nitrogen was 8.5 in subarctic copepods, and 4.1 in subtropic-tropic copepods. This ratio also varied with season. In the copepod Calanus cristatus the ratio was highest (10.0) in May, immediately after the spring bloom of phytoplankton, when the animals contained much fat. The ratio fell to 5.1 in December. There seemed to be a large seasonal variation in boreal zooplankton due to great fluctuations of environmental conditions, especially the amount of food available; in tropical species the range was small because of environmental uniformity. Average hydrogen content was about 6 to 10%. The percentage of ash to dry weight amounted to 39.3% in pteropods and 3.4% in copepods.  相似文献   

The endocrine regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the decapod Ocypoda platytarsis was investigated by eyestalk ablation at all stages of the moult cycle. Eyestalk removal (and hence removal of a substance probably produced by it) profoundly influences the carbohydrate level of the major storage organ, the hepatopancreas. The changes taking place storage organ, the hepatopancreas. The changes taking place in hepatopancreatic glycogen are reflected in the blood sugar (glycemic) level. The blood-sugar level is also related to dynamic events taking place in the cuticle during the moult cycle. At the intermoult and postmoult stages, the eyestalk factor directs the sugar supply for energy metabolism, and prevents sugar deposition as glycogen in the hepatopancreas. At the premoult stage, the activity of the eyestalk is suppressed by the moulting gland (the Y organ), as eyestalk ablation does not alter the blood-sugar value or the hepatopancreatic glycogen-level. After the increase at the freshmoult stage due to eyestalk ablation, the blood-sugar level tends to re-attain its previous low level at the postmoult stage.  相似文献   

The phosphorus metabolism of Pyrocystis noctiluca Murray (Schuett) 1886 has characteristics which may enhance its potential for success in orthophosphate impoverished waters. The steady-state phosphate uptake rates were equal in the light and dark, and were directly proportional to both the phosphorus cell quota and the cell division rate. In contrast, nutrient-saturated uptake rates were multiphasic, faster in the light than the dark, 2 to 4 orders of magnitude greater than steady-state rates, and were inversely proportional to both the phosphorus cell quota and the cell division rate. These uptake characteristics suggest that P. noctiluca may take up phosphate coincidently at their typically low ambient concentrations as well as to exploit episodic nutrient events in nature. Cell division rates were a hyperbolic function of the ambient orthophosphate concentration. The shortest doubling time was 8.7 d, the phosphate concentration at half the maximum division rate was 0.15 M and the threshold, concentration for cell division was ca 0.05 M PO 4 3- . Division rates of P. noctiluca in the ocean are much faster than predicted from the measured ambient orthophosphate concentrations. Since this dinoflagellate has high naturally occurring alkaline phosphatase activities, and can utilize organic-P compounds, we suggest that organic-P can be as important as orthophosphate in supporting the observed division rates of P. noctiluca in the sea.  相似文献   

Some aspects of protein metabolism were studied in foot, hepatopancreas and mantle tissues of snail, Pila globosa on exposure to lethal concentration for 2 days (336.7 mg/L) and sublethal concentration (67.34 mg/L) of nickel for 1, 5 and 10 days. Total, structural and soluble proteins decreased significantly and to continence, this the levels of amino acids and protease activity increased in all the tissues of snail at all time points examined. Activities of AAT (Aspartate aminotransferase) and AlAT (Alanine aminotransferase) showed contrasting trends of inhibition and elevation during lethal and sublethal concentrations of nickel treatment. GDH (Glutamate dehydrogenase) activity was increased in all the tissues with increase in exposure time. Level of ammonia decreased in snails at sublethal concentration, but increment was observed in lethal concentration along with increased urea content. Under lethal and sublethal exposures, the changes in all the parameters were more pronounced in hepatopancreas followed by foot and mantle. At most instances, snails in the lethal medium were affected more compared to sublethal concentration.  相似文献   

有机无机肥配施对烤烟脂类代谢的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验,研究了有机肥与无机肥不同比例配施对烤烟脂类代谢的影响.试验结果表明,配施有机肥提高了烤烟生长后期烟叶的脂氧合酶活性,增强了烟叶生长后期的脂类代谢.同时,配施适量有机肥提高了烟叶生长后期的饱和脂肪酸、类胡萝卜素、乙醚提取物含量和成熟期的腺毛密度、腺毛分泌物含量,并降低不饱和脂肪酸的含量.烘烤后以配施30%有机肥处理烟叶的总饱和脂肪酸含量最高,总不饱和脂肪酸含量最低,有利于烟叶品质的提高.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and body size on the intermolt periods (molting frequencies) of the North Pacific euphausíid Euphausia pacifica and the Mediterranean forms of Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Euphausia krohnii, Nematoscelis megalops, and Nyctiphanes couchii were studied under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Mean intermolt periods for E. pacifica and M. norvegica were inversely and linearly related to temperature, over temperature ranges which the euphausiids normally encounter in the sea. At higher temperatures there was a tendency for three size groups of M. norvegica to approach a minimum intermolt period independent of temperature. M. norvegica cycled for different time periods between 13° and 18°C molted regularly at mean frequencies which would be expected if the animals had been held constantly at the timeweighted means of the two experimental temperatures. The increase in mean intermolt period per unit weight was faster in small, fast-growing M. norvegica than in large, slow-growing adults. This relationship was corroborated by following the changes in the intermolt period of an actively growing individual N. couchii over an 11 month period. Neither feeding nor the time of year of collection affected the molting frequency as long as temperature and animal weight were held constant. No tendency was found for euphausiids of the same species and/or size, and from the same collection, to molt on the same night. Molting occurred at night 80 to 90% of the time for all species, over the temperature ranges normally experienced by the euphausiids in the sea, and over all animal weights tested. There appeared to be a weakening of the night-time molting rhythm at low temperatures. Although neither temperature nor anímal weight substantially affected the night-time molting rhythm, both affected the mean intermolt period. Therefore, both temperature and body size apparently act together to adjust the length of the intermolt period of each individual in increments of whole days, but they exert little control over time of molting within any 24h period. No information was obtained regarding the factors which specify night-time molting over daytime molting within any 24 h period; however, regulation of certain hormone activities is probably involved.  相似文献   

Documented evidence of the suitability of various artificial light sources for the culture of unicellular algae is scarce. This paper reports the results of a comparison of the growth rates of 5 species of marine unicellular algae at various light intensities produced by an incandescent filament source or daylight fluorescent tubes. Under light saturating conditions the maximum growth rate achieved by each species was the same under each artificial source. Under sub-optimal intensities, no difference in the growth rates under the 2 sources was detected in the case of Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Chlorella ovalis or Monochrysis lutheri. However, under these conditions both Brachiomonas submarina and Dunaliella primolecta required higher intensities of incident illumination from the fluorescent source than from the incandescent source to maintain a particular relative growth rate.  相似文献   

Effects of periodic hypoxia on distribution of demersal fish and crustaceans   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Effects of periodic hypoxia (O2 < 2 mg l–1) on distribution of three demersal fish species, spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus) and croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), and of two crustacean species, mantis shrimp (Squilla empusa) and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), were investigated in the lower York River, Chesapeake Bay, USA. Trawl collections were made in four depth strata (5 to 10, 10 to 14, 14 to 20 and > 20 m) during normoxia and hypoxia from 26 June to 20 October 1989. Three periods with hypoxia in the bottom water (below 10 m depth) occurred in mid-July, early August and early September, each with a duration of 6 to 14 d. The demersal fish and crustaceans studied were all affected by hypoxia, and a general migration from deeper to shallower water took place during July and August. However, when oxygen conditions improved after a hypoxic event all species, exceptS. empusa, returned to the deeper areas. The degree of vertical migration was related to levels of oxygen concentration and varied for the different species.M. undulatus was the most sensitive species to low oxygen, followed byL. xanthurus andC. sapidus. T. maculatus andS. empusa were more tolerant and survived in 14 to 25% oxygen saturation by increasing ventilation rate and, forS. empusa, by also increasing blood pigment (haemocyanin) concentration. Periodic hypoxia driven by the spring-neap tidal cycle may represent a natural phenomenon with which the fishes and crustaceans are in a delicate balance. Areas experiencing periodic short-lived hypoxia may be good nursery grounds for fisheries species, and there is no indication that the habitat value in the study area of lower York River is lessened. However, if eutrophication lengthens the time of hypoxia or brings the system closer to anoxia the system may change and become characteristically stressed. The migratory and physiological responses of these species to hypoxia are good indicators of the severity of oxygen stress and could be used as part of an early warning monitoring system for changes in environmental quality.Contribution of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

We compared the population growth patterns of 5 species of the rotifer genus Lecane [(L. quadridentata (Ehrenberg, 1830), L. comuta (Muller, 1786), L. papuana (Murray, 1913), L. unguitata (Fadeev, 1925) and L. pyriformis (Daday, 1905)] ranging in adult average body size from 30 to 140 microm. All species were cultured under laboratory conditions for 25-30 days using the green alga Scenedesmus acutus as the exclusive diet, at a density of 1.0 x 10(6) cells ml(-1) at 24 degrees C. Regardless of the species, lecanids reached their peak population densities after 4 weeks. Peak population densities ranged from 15 to 320 ind. ml(-1), depending on body size. There was an inverse curvilinear relation between body lengths and peak population abundances (densities) of the Lecane species. Egg ratios (eggs per female) for the tested species were < 0.6 during the exponential phase but declined to 0.1 (or lower) as the population density increased. The rates of population increase for the lecanids were in general lower(0.10 to 0.21 day (-1)) than other well-studied rotifer species including members of Brachionidae.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in abundance caused by vertical migrations have been examined in populations of copepods, ostracods, euphausiids, amphipods, decapods, chaetognaths, siphonophores and fish. The animals were taken in a series of hauls made over a 24 h period with an opening-closing midwater trawl system (RMT 1+8), consisting of a net of 1 m2 mouth area combined in the same frame as one of 8 m2 mouth area. The samples were taken at 250 m depth in a position 30°N; 23°W on 7/8 April 1972. The specific composition of the community and the numbers of individuals changed continuously with time. The numbers of fish, decapods and chaetognaths increased at night, but those of copepods, ostracods and euphausiids decreased. More species of fish, decapods and copepods were present by night than by day, whereas the numbers of species per haul for other groups remained fairly constant. The relative abundances of groups caught by the RMT 1 have been analysed, but similar treatment of the RMT 8 samples was impossible as only 3 groups were taken from this net. Non-migrants were a minority in every group except chaetognaths. Migrant species have been put into one of 6 transitory categories according to their patterns of abundance and hence migrations. Within each category, migratory behaviour varied both inter- and intraspecifically. The patterns of abundance of many species were smooth and continuous, suggesting slow migratory cycles of small amplitude. Conversely, extensive migrants had discontinuous patterns and presumably more rapid movements. Few migrants had a steady numerical plateau between their upward and downward migrations, and most apparently moved up or down continuously. The presence of migratory species in the sampled layer depended upon the time of day or night. It is concluded that, in a vertical series of hauls, the depths of occurrence of migrants will vary with the sampling time. Further-more, a vertical series will show a species minimum migration range but not necessarily its maximum. Individuals of some species were out of phase with the migrations of their main populations. There is evidence that the distributions and migrations of some species of decapods, euphausiids, copepods and fish could be related to the distribution of underwater light. Three pairs of congeneric copepod species were both spatially and temporally segregated for at least part of their diurnal cycles. Such an orderly arrangement could provide a means of reducing competition between species. Some species, however, overtook others on their migrations and the pattern of underwater light cannot, therefore, regulate the distribution of all species in the same way.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton distribution, metabolism and feeding were investigated in the slope water oceanic anticyclonic eddy (SWODDY) AE6 during the cruise Gigovi-0898, which was conducted in August 1998 in the Bay of Biscay. According to the distribution of isotherms at 200 m depth, the sampling area was divided into three zones: SWODDY centre (C), edge (E) and outside the SWODDY (O). Multivariate analysis identified four different zooplankton assemblages. Such separation was closely related to the structure of the SWODDY, with each grouping associated to a particular zone of this mesoscale structure. Thus, two of the groups were located at the SWODDY centre and outside (groups C and O, respectively), whereas the two remaining station groupings (TWE and TNS) were situated at the SWODDY margin. The assemblages C and O differed clearly from each other in their taxonomic composition. In contrast, TWE and TNS were separated because of the differences observed in numerical abundance rather than by a different composition. Some taxa were found exclusively outside the SWODDY, while others were confined to the centre, suggesting a large degree of isolation of the SWODDY with respect to the surrounding waters. Phytoplankton and mesozooplankton biomass followed a similar pattern, with highest values in the SWODDY centre, although the differences between zones were significant only for phytoplankton. The highest grazing impact for both phytoplankton standing stock (3.4%) and primary production (12.7%) was observed outside the SWODDY. Ammonium released by mesozooplankton accounted for between 25.3% (outside the SWODDY) and 44.4% (SWODDY centre) of total phytoplankton nitrogen demands. The percentage of total phosphorus required to be fulfilled by phosphate excretion ranged from 14.0% at the edge to 17.5% outside. Mesozooplankton underwent intense vertical migrations, especially at the SWODDY edge. The role of the mesozooplankton in the biological pump releasing metabolic end-products below 200 m at night time is proposed as one of the main sources of downward export of biogenic material in these systems.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

Twombly S  Wang G  Hobbs NT 《Ecology》2007,88(3):658-670
Understanding the processes that control species abundance and distribution is a major challenge in ecology, yet for a large number of potentially important organisms, we know little about the biotic and abiotic factors that influence population size. One group of aquatic organisms that defies traditional demographic analyses is the Crustacea, particularly those with complex life cycles. We used likelihood techniques and information theoretics to evaluate a suite of models representing alternative hypotheses on factors controlling the abundance of two copepod crustaceans in a small, tropical floodplain lake. Quantitative zooplankton samples were collected at three stations in a Venezuelan floodplain lake from June through December 1984; the average sampling interval was two days. We constructed a series of models with stage structure that incorporated six biotic and abiotic covariates in various combinations to account for temporal changes in abundance of these target species and in their population growth rates. Our analysis produced several novel insights into copepod population dynamics. We found that multiple forces affected the abundance of particular stages, that these factors differed between species as well as among stages within each species, and that biotic processes had the largest effects on copepod population dynamics. Density dependence had a large effect on the survival of Oithona amazonica copepodites and on population growth rate of Diaptomus negrensis.  相似文献   

Temporal adaptations in visual systems of deep-sea crustaceans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The temporal characteristics of the visual systems of deep-sea crustaceans were examined at varying light levels. Experimental organisms were collected off Hawaii and southern California in 1991 and 1992, and continually maintained in the dark. At the University of California Santa Barbara Marine Laboratory, the temporal components of both visual interneuron activity and electroretinograms (ERGs) of adult Gnathophausia ingens were tested at threshold and with background light levels up to 6 log units above threshold. To compare these responses with those of mid-water organisms inhabiting shallower depths, the temporal characteristics of the ERGs of Oplophorus spinosus and juvenile G. ingens were assessed. Adults of both species showed little or no change in the time components of their responses when light-adapted, except for the response latency. There was also no evidence of a circadian rhythm in visual sensitivity. O. spinosus, a vertical migrator, and juvenile G. ingens, which inhabit a shallower depth than the adults, exhibited more rapid responses than adult G. ingens. These varying responses are considered adaptations to the differences in light levels at the characteristic depths of the organisms.  相似文献   

Protein, lipid, phosphorus, and organic carbon contents, as well as electron transport system (ETS) activity, lactatedehydrogenase activity, and gut evacuation rate, were measured in four interzonal species of Pacific copepods:Calanus australis, C. pacificus, Eucalanus inermis, andE. elongatus f.hyalinus, collected at the upwelling areas off Peru (8°S) and California (27°N), and in the middle of the North Pacific (30°N), from February to April 1987. The two Eucalanidae species —E. inermis andE. elongatus — have distinctive biochemical and elemental body composition and rates of main physiological processes. Relative protein, lipid, phosphorus, and organic carbon contents (µg mg–1 wet weight) in these species were, respectively, ca. 1/7 to 1/10, 1/5 to 1/20, 1/5 to 1/10, and 1/5 those inCalanus spp. Likewise, oxygen uptake rate per unit of wet weight (based on ETS activity) inE. inermis andE. elongatus was 5 to 10% of that in calanids; a similar difference was found in phosphorus excretion rate. In addition, gut evacuation rates inE. inermis andE. elongatus were ca. one-fifth of those inCalanus spp. Based on these data, we considered the eucalanids as belonging to a distinctive physiological group, figuratively named jelly-body copepods. In contrast with calanids, active lactatedehydrogenase has been found in the bodies ofE. inermis andE. elongatus, apparently allowing them to survive for a long time in layers of extremely low oxygen content (<0.2 ml l–1). The adaptive value of physiological features in these eucalanids and typical calanids is compared.  相似文献   

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