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微波消解平台石墨炉原子吸收法测定活性污泥中重金属   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以铜和铅为例建立了一种微波消解样品,平台石墨炉原子吸收法测定活性污泥中重金属含量的方法,该方法的样品加标回收率Cu为91 0%~97 3%,Pb为93 1%~98 0%,相对标准偏差RSD(%):Cu为1 38%~1 61%,Pb为1 28%~1 94%,检验限Cu为0 0052ng g,Pb为0 0073ng g,该方法应用于活性污泥中重金属的分析,实验所需时间短,取样量少,空白值低,实验过程中样品损失小,准确度和灵敏度高,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

大气颗粒物样品中有机碳和元素碳的测定   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
采用元素分析仪测定大气颗粒物样品中有机碳、元素碳。应用商业化仪器元素分析仪 ,在燃烧炉温度为 4 50°C时 ,一步测出样品中有机碳的含量 ;再运用加酸的方法除去样品中的碳酸盐 ,然后在燃烧炉温度为 950°C时测出样品中有机碳、元素碳含量之和。通过差减计算 ,得出元素碳的值。有机碳、元素碳测量的标准偏差平均值分别为 0 2 5%、0 50 %。  相似文献   

碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法测定水中总氮采用的消解器皿是玻璃比色管,易造成空白偏高、结果偏低等问题。采用双圆柱状的消解杯对水样进行消解。结果表明,消解杯消解水中总氮,线性相关系数均大于0.999,检出限为0.05 mg/L,相对标准偏差小于5%,相对误差为0.88%~1.00%;改进后的消解器皿具有较好的精密度和准确度,能够更加准确测定水中总氮的含量。  相似文献   

北京大气颗粒物中有机碳和元素碳的浓度水平和季节变化   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
分析了北京市两个采样点十三陵站(清洁对照点)和天坛站(居民生活区)的110个大气颗粒物样品有机碳和元素碳的测定数据,结果表明两站点具有明显的季节变化特征.一号站OC质量浓度年均值为22.0μg/m3,EC为3.6μg/m3,五号站OC质量浓度年均值为41.5μg/m3,EC为7.8μg/m3.OC百分含量秋季高,反映出活跃的大气化学反应和严峻的污染形势,春季低表现了风沙气候的影响.城区的EC百分含量冬季增高则是燃煤贡献所致.对1998年1月份和9、10月份的数据进行了实例分析.结果表明稳定的天气条件和北京特殊的地貌容易导致空气污染事件.有机物污染是1998年北京秋季空气污染的一个特征.  相似文献   

This investigation aims to represent aerobic utilization of biodegradable organic matter present in wastewater by a rate equation. This rate equation can then be used to develop a substrate utilization (removal) kinetic model for unsteady state activated sludge process. To achieve this objective, theoretical utilization of biodegradable organic matter in batch process and growth pattern theory were studied. Also, experimental data representing removal of organic matter in different types of wastewaters were collected and analyzed for batch and continuous activated sludge assays. A rate equation was proposed to describe the utilization of biodegradable organic matter based on theoretical analysis of batch process. This rate equation was then verified through differential and integral analysis of the experimental data. Furthermore, a substrate kinetic model for batch and continuous processes was developed. The developed rate equation will facilitate the analysis and design of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) technology for biological treatment of wastewater.  相似文献   

大气总悬浮颗粒中有机碳的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出一种新的高灵敏度测定总悬浮颗粒中有机碳的方法一元素分析法。该方法是在氧化炉最佳温度为600℃时,一步测定出样品中有机碳的含量,并成功地对齐齐哈尔市大气总悬浮颗粒中的有机碳进行了连续的监测。结果表明,总悬浮颗粒中有机碳的含量有较明显的变化规律。  相似文献   

运用GC MS等多种有机分析技术对河南省主要城市的23个水源水中的有机物进行了分析研究,共检出740种有机物,初步筛选出261种有毒污染物;多环芳烃类和酞酸酯的污染非常突出;各点位检出物浓度较低,绝大部分化合物远低于国标;但检出种类多,均受到不同程度的有机污染,而地下水污染相对较轻。  相似文献   

燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法测定废水中TOC   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过选择一定的仪器使用条件及样品预处理方法,利用燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法对生活污水、工业废水中TOC进行测定,方法的检出限为0.5mg/L,RSD为4.4%,加标回收率在91.0%~102%。本方法操作简单、快速,成本较低,灵敏度完全能满足废水中TOC项目的监测要求。  相似文献   

This study investigates the microorganism growth indicator and determines the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) content at the Cheng-Ching Lake Advanced Water Treatment Plant (CCLAWTP) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Notably, AOC is associated with the biological stability within the water distribution network and has garnered considerable attention in the environmental engineering field in recent years. Water samples were collected from the effluent of each unit in CCLAWTP once monthly during December 2008 to November 2009. Items of water quality related to carbon concentration levels, including AOC, total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, UV254, and specific ultraviolent absorbance were analyzed. Analytical results demonstrate that the average AOC concentration in raw water was 83.61 ??g/L and reduced in freshwater was controlled at an average of 50 ??g/L after an advanced treatment system of roughly 54% of AOC was removed in compliance with treatment plant standards. If AOC concentrations in freshwater can be reduced, study results can provide a direction for improving water treatment capabilities.  相似文献   

利用 Triolein 半渗透膜采样技术 ( Triolein SPMD)采集了淮河信阳、淮南断面水样 ,测定了采样器中多氯联苯、多环芳烃、取代苯等有毒有机污染物浓度。污染物在 SPMD酯中高浓度富集 ,使其定性和定量更加容易和准确。根据SPMD酯 水分配平衡理论 ,进一步估算得到目标污染物在水中的平均浓度。本研究证明 Triolein SPMD技术可用于水中多氯联苯、多环芳烃、取代苯等污染物的采集和定量分析 ,可在我国的优先污染物监测、控制工作中发挥作用。  相似文献   

采用GC/MS联用仪对焦化、染料废水和地表水中有机物进行定性、定量分析,探讨了污染源与受纳区的地表水中有机物种类和含量间的关系。  相似文献   

湖泊底泥挖掘可能导致水体氮磷平衡破坏的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
挖掘底泥是减少富营养化湖泊内源性氮、磷元素的主要手段 ,但若挖掘不当 ,则一段时间内可能会导致水体氮、磷平衡破坏 ,富营养化加剧。从底泥挖掘可能导致水体营养元素平衡破坏的成因入手 ,探讨避免水体富营养化加剧的对策。  相似文献   

Soil organic matter not only affects sustainability of agricultural ecosystems, but also extremely important in maintaining overall quality of environment as soil contains a significant part of global carbon stock. Hence, we attempted to assess the influence of different tillage and nutrient management practices on various stabilized and active soil organic carbon pools, and their contribution to the extractable nitrogen phosphorus and sulfur. Our study confined to the assessment of impact of agricultural management practices on the soil organic carbon pools and extractable nutrients under three important cropping systems, viz. soybean–wheat, maize–wheat, and rice–wheat. Results indicated that there was marginal improvement in Walkley and Black content in soil under integrated and organic nutrient management treatments in soybean–wheat, maize–wheat, and rice–wheat after completion of four cropping cycles. Improvement in stabilized pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) was not proportional to the applied amount of organic manures. While, labile pools of SOC were increased with the increase in amount of added manures. Apparently, green manure (Sesbania) was more effective in enhancing the lability of SOC as compared to farmyard manure and crop residues. The KMnO4-oxidizable SOC proved to be more sensitive and consistent as an index of labile pool of SOC compared to microbial biomass carbon. Under different cropping sequences, labile fractions of soil organic carbon exerted consistent positive effect on the extractable nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur in soil.  相似文献   

讨论了大伙房水库水体中的氮、磷污染状况及来源 ,提出了防治氮、磷污染的方案  相似文献   

采用增压溶样器加7:3:5的HNO3-H2SO4-HClO4混合酸处理煤样.用冷原子荧光法测定煤样中的总汞含量。该法的加标回收率为92.7~112.5%,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

水样中痕量有机物分析的前处理方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对几种常用或新近发展起来的水中有机物分析的前处理方法作了简要论述 ,着重讨论了它们的应用特点、优缺点以及发展前景  相似文献   

近年来淮河干流氮污染状况与变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对淮河干流1990年至2002年氮污染和溶解氧监测数据的分析表明,沿淮河干流上游至下游氮污染加重,溶解氧含量降低。在一年中的6~9月,淮河干流无机氮和溶解氧浓度为最低。溶解氧的浓度直接影响到氨氮向亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮转化这一氧化自净过程。  相似文献   

GC-MS检测济南市东部空气中气相与颗粒物上有机污染物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用GDX-101吸附剂和玻璃纤维滤膜(GF)同时采集气相和颗粒物上有机污染物,样品经提取分离后用GC-MS进行定性分析.结果表明,颗粒物上有机污染物的种类和含量都高于气相,工业区空气中有机污染较生活区严重,仍以燃煤、燃油污染为主.  相似文献   

GC/FTIR-FID测定石化废水中挥发性有机物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所述石化废水中挥发性有机物分析方法 ,以 GC分离 ,FTIR定性 ,FID定量。水样前处理采用大吹脱体积 ,两级捕集的吹脱捕集技术。为解决剖析分析无标样定量问题 ,成功地实现了 GC/FTIR-FID匹配联机 ,使得未知组分定性定量一次完成。方法变异系数低于 5% ,回收率高于 90 % ,最低检出浓度可达 0 .0 0 5mg/L  相似文献   

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