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作者在文章中说,国家环保局1986年环境统计公报表明,我国1986年仅治理废水一项资金达10亿元,而工业废水的处理率只有22%。这说明,现有的污水处理设备还没有发挥出潜力。作者认为目前的管理体制对调动工业废水处理系统职工的积极性,挖掘设备潜力不利,建议污水处理厂(站)由现在隶属厂矿、局纵向领导,改为由市、县环保局横向领导。这样做的好处是: 1、可以避免有些企业重经济轻环保,甚至把环保当作额外负担和包袱的现象,使工业废水处理设备正常运转。 2、工业废水处理系统统一归环保部门管理,便于环保部门通盘老虑,全面规划,按  相似文献   

现将我省1993年度环境统计主要数据公布如下:一、“三废”排放及处理利用情况(一)汇总企业工业总产值(按九①年不变价)615335万元占全省工业总产值比重87%万元产值工业废水排放量88吨/万元(二)废水l废水排放总量9207万吨2.工业废水排放量5410万吨其中:经过处理的2450万吨处理率49.3%符合排放标准的2682万吨达标率49.6%经过处理外排达标量931万吨处理达标率38%经过处理回用量1310万吨回用率53%(三)废气l.废气排放总量462亿标立米2.工业废气排放量397亿标立米其中:燃料燃烧废气排放量175亿标立米其中:经过消烟除尘的150亿标立米…  相似文献   

对工业废水和生活污水进行科学规划后合并处理可以大大提高污水处理的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。合并处理可以降低污水厂的建设和运行费用,提高工业废水的处理效果,但工业废水中的有毒有害物质会影响生活污水处理效果和再生水品质。胶州市工业园区的废水特征污染物较复杂,因此根据不同工业园区的特点提出了不同的处理方案,对含重金属和有毒有害物质的园区工业废水进行初步处理再与生活污水进行合并,对仅含有高CODCr、高氨氮或油污的工业废水直接与生活污水进行合并处理。  相似文献   

一、提出问题石河子市是一座新兴的城乡结合式的、以轻纺工业为主体的中小城市。周围有十八个大中型国营农牧团场,一个人民公社。随着工农业生产的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,城市的工业废水及生活污水也在不断增加,据有关资料,一九七八年全年污水总量为九百七十七点六万吨,一九八○年为一千四百万吨,一九八二年为一千九百六十点四万吨。这些污水主要来自市区内的糖厂、造  相似文献   

2000年我国环境控制目标工业废水排放量控制在300亿吨左右;工业废水处理率达到84%;城市污水集中处理率达到20%左右;SO。排放量控制在2100~23O0万吨;工业废气处理率达到gO%;城市居民燃气化率达60%;集中供热面达到4.7亿立方米;工业...  相似文献   

为及时让各级政府和广大群众了解我省的环境状况及污染治理情况,现将我省一九九一年环境统计主要数据公布如下:一、“三废”排放及处理情况 其中:工业固体废物综合利用量 45万吨(一)废水 综合利用率 16%1.废水排放总量 9615:彳吨 工业固体废物贮存量 119万吨2.工业废水排放量 5890:矿吨 工业固体废物处置量 5万吨 其中:经过处理的 1618:矿吨 处置率 2% 处理率 r;6% 工业固体废物排放量 114万吨 符合排放标准的 272l:彳吨 (五)“三废”综合利用经济效益 达标率 怕% 1.“三废”综合利用产品产值 1684万元 经过处理达标的 1062:虿吨 2.“三…  相似文献   

安徽是养殖大县,随着畜牧业"千区万场规范养殖推进工程"的实施,在三年内,生猪年出栏达4000万头,禽类养殖9亿只。由此每年产生畜禽粪便近12亿吨,粪便的化学需氧量排放达510万吨,超过了工业废水和生活污水的排放量。  相似文献   

桂林市橡胶工业公司重视环境保护工作,在经济承包中,将环保工作与经济责任挂钩,纳入公司和企业管理体系,建立健全环保制度,从而使环保工作在经济发展的同时,同样得到发展。 1985年全公司用水7501518吨,循环用水3476931吨占46.35%;余下工业废水1598240吨,经处理达标1258392吨占78.74%;工业生产煤渣47418吨,全部回收利用;工业尾气回收(废气)87840吨;烟气排放量5393.68万标立米,经消烟除尘全部达  相似文献   

正3月22日,亚洲开发银行签署一项2.5亿美元贷款协议,用以支持中国处理中小企业产生的有害工业废水和污泥。这项贷款支持中滔环保集团在当地政府指定区域内建设—拥有—运营—一系列专业化工业废水和污泥处理厂,预计到2019年日均污水处理能力达45万吨,污泥处理能力达4200吨。  相似文献   

1985年全国废水排放总量为342亿米~3,其中:生活污水为85亿米~3(经二级处理的约2.6亿米~3,占3.1%;经氧化塘处理的约4.3亿米~3,占1.8%占5.1%;仅经一级处理约1.5亿米~3,占1.8%);工业废水为257亿米~3(经过处理的为57亿米~3,占22%;符合排放标准的为99亿米~3,占38%)。随着我国国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,城市生活、工业污水的排放量还将日益增加,预计到2000年,全国废水排放总量可达832—911亿米~3。  相似文献   

中国的污水处理与水环境管理政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国已建有420座污水处理厂,城市污水处理率达30%以上。但污水处理任务仍很艰巨,必须采取加强工业污染防治,建设大批新的污水处理厂和控制面源污染等对策。  相似文献   

本文分析了玻璃生产企业废水的来源,并从耀华玻璃集团实施的废水治理项目的实际出发,阐述了废水经过治理后综合利用的途径,实现废水的零排放,减少环境污染,节约水资源。  相似文献   

Managing disposal of water produced with petroleum in Kuwait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disposal of water produced with petroleum has been of great interest in Kuwait for the last 20 years. The current problem arose when the Burgan oil field, which is the second largest field in the world, experienced successive increases in the water content of the produced oil. This study introduces a decision-making analysis of the considered alternatives for the disposal of the produced water. Four alternative solutions exist for the industry as practical solutions for the disposal of water produced in Kuwait. The first method utilizes a large number of pits to discharge water. The second alternative depends on discharging water into sealed pits. The third approach to dispose water is by injecting the water underground. The last method is similar to the previous one, but takes into consideration the recovery of reservoir pressure to maintain the rate of oil production. A questionnaire was distributed to 48 experts at the top management level of the petroleum companies and the governmental authority. The data collected considered cost, efficiency, and environmental parameters. Based on the data, a statistical analysis was conducted using the factor analysis method to reduce the number of investigated variables. The analysis concluded that the optimal solution is to use the effluent injection method to discharge water produced with oil in Burgan and similar fields in Kuwait.  相似文献   

As a result of the UK Government's waste policy, which increasingly encourages sustainable development, and the realisation that water in the UK cannot be treated as an unlimited resource, there is growing interest in reducing the demand for water by industry. A series of industrial waste minimisation clubs have been set up within the country. This paper identifies the effectiveness of these clubs in reducing the demand for water. An overview of some of the clubs show how there is a major discrepancy between potential and implemented water savings, whilst a more detailed analysis of three specific examples show how water demand and cost to the company can be reduced, with the project paying for itself within around 1 year. It appears that companies are able to reduce water consumption by approximately 30%. If this level of saving was taken up by the entire industrial sector in England and Wales, water consumption could be reduced by approximately 1500 Ml/day. This reduction would be more significant in regions of lower rainfall, for example East Anglia and Southeast England.  相似文献   

以苛性法软化油田采出水用作锅炉给水的处理新工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在应用蒸汽开采重油(稠油)生产中,常因采出水不需回注而带来环境保护上的问题。较适宜的处置方法是将采出水处理后作为发生蒸汽的锅炉给水。而软化具高矿化度的采出水使其符合硬度指标要求极为严格的锅炉用水,是处理工艺中关键技术之一。本文对美国当前在这方面的一般处置方法作了综合性介绍,着重介绍了Belridge油田水软化处理厂采用苛性法和弱离子交换法这一新工艺的成功经验。  相似文献   

超滤膜技术在21世纪水处理领域的展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了半死端超滤膜技术的典型设备和运行工艺及其优化。并且介绍了在世界范围内此项技术在地下水,地表水等常规水源处理以及海水和污水回用等非常规水源方面的应用。  相似文献   

本文从造纸工业废水治理技术现状分析入手,讨论了目前用于处理造纸黑液和白水的主要处理工艺及其特点。在此基础上,提出了造纸工业废水尤其是造纸黑液综合利用的新途径。着重对造纸工业废水污灌作了重点的分析,对用造纸黑液作为型煤粘合剂和水煤浆生产工艺用水作了探讨性分析,为造纸工业废水尤其是造纸黑液资源化途径的探讨提出了新思路。  相似文献   

从试验考核指标出发,运用“水质指数(WQI)”,分析影响废水处理效果的诸因素,选取pH值和处理剂加入量为可控因素,利用优选法找出钻井废水处理的最佳条件;选取两个因素水平进行正交试验,选用L4(23)正交表,合理安排试验,确定最优因素水平组合。总之,应用优选法及正文试验于钻井废水处理工作中,获得了处理的最佳条件,对钻井生产中废水处理统一操作,降低消耗,保证废水处理达标率起着很重要的作用。  相似文献   

In 2007, in England, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) published Waste Strategy 2007 for England. To help drive the required behaviour change for increased sustainable practice the Government in England signalled up in the Strategy the intention to launch a Zero Waste Places (ZWP) initiative to develop innovative and exemplary practice. By inviting places (including cities, towns and rural communities) to bid for ZWP status, the successful applicants were then expected to become exemplars of good environmental practice on all waste issues. The ZWP programme commenced in October 2008 with the selection of 6 distinct places based upon an application by a partnership containing a Local Authority or in one case a Regional Development Agency. The places ranged in size from the very small (one street of 201 properties) to a Region of England (5 million population). These 6 were chosen from an initial list of 12 applicants via a rigorous selection process against fixed criteria that were designed to support Zero Waste practice. The funding was £70,258 and the mean was £11,709. The overall assessment suggests that the Local Authorities and their project partners rose to the challenge of zero waste and in most cases met or even exceeded their objectives (meeting at least 80% of aims and planned actions) and achieved high value for money in terms of Government funded initiatives. Evaluation suggested that there is a requirement to link, in the future, ZWP initiatives with other recent developments such as Transition Towns, Eco-Town and Total Place developments within Local Authorities. A Certificated Standard for ZWP was developed and is perceived as being both useful and valuable and it is hoped that it will spur a large number of new ZWP applications.  相似文献   

Traditionally solid waste management has evolved as mainly the removal of municipal wastes by hauling them out of the city boundaries and dumping them ‘there’. This is in conformity with the ‘out of sight out of mind’ philosophy. However, with the ever increasing tonnage of refuse due to the expansion of urban centers, which implies increased collection, transportation and disposal costs, recycling is currently accepted as a sustainable approach to solid waste management. This paper reports on the findings of a study, conducted in the city of Dar es Salaam between the years 1993 and 1995, on the scavenging activities and recycling trends of some selected items in Dar es Salaam. Apart from the discussions on existing solid waste generation rates (2000 tonnes/day), composition (60% being organic/or vegetable matter) and their management in Dar es Salaam, the paper also presents data obtained through a survey of Vingunguti dump site and other waste collection centers. It was established that there are currently about 600 solid waste scavengers in Dar es Salaam, approximately 109 of whom operate at Vingunguti dump site and others at 14 different collection centers. Many of them opted for scavenging due to unemployment. The study findings indicate that their average monthly income exceeded the official minimum wage (at the time of study) enabling them to support their families. This demonstrates the potential of recycling to generate gainful employment with implied lower crime rates among the unemployed. Recycling activities in the city were observed to be not only a critical source of raw materials for small-scale industries, in the absence of which they would cease to operate, but also a widely accepted environmentally friendly technology for solid waste management. Out of 294 tonnes of studied waste materials (paper, metal, plastic, glass and textiles) only 4 tonnes are recovered and recycled. The remaining 290 tonnes/day of recyclable material are left to pollute the environment or are collected and transported for final disposal and, therefore, unnecessarily contribute to the shortening of the life span of the dump site. Finally, the paper gives some recommendations for improved recycling activity so as to make it an important means of reducing the overall volume of waste materials to be transported and deposited in the dump site and at the same time provide a potential opportunity for employment for unskilled workers.  相似文献   

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