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The 2009 Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) field campaign had several components that yielded information on the primary vehicular emissions of formaldehyde (HCHO) and nitrous acid (HONO), in addition to many other species. Analysis of HONO measurements at the Moody Tower site in Houston, TX, yielded emission ratios of HONO to the vehicle exhaust tracer species NOx and CO of 14 pptv/ppbv and 2.3 pptv/ppbv, somewhat smaller than recently published results from the Galleria site, although evidence is presented that the Moody Tower values should be upper limits to the true ratios of directly emitted HONO, and are consistent with ratios used in current standard emissions models. Several other Moody Tower emission ratios are presented, in particular a value for HCHO/CO of 2.4 pptv/ppbv. Considering only estimates of random errors, this would be significantly lower than a previous value, though the small sample size and possible systematic differences should be taken into account. Emission factors for CO, NOx, and HCHO, as well as various volatile organic compounds (VOCs), were derived from mobile laboratory measurements both in the Washburn Tunnel and in on-road exhaust plume observations. These two sets of results and others reported in the literature all agree well, and are substantially larger than the CO, NOx, and HCHO emission factors derived from the emission ratios reported from the Galleria site.

Implications: Emission factors for the species measured in the various components of the 2009 SHARP campaign in Houston, TX, including HCHO, HONO, CO, CO2, nitrogen oxides, and VOCs, are needed to support regional air quality monitoring. Components of the SHARP campaign measured these species in several different ways, each with their own potential for systematic errors and differences in vehicle fleets sampled. Comparisons between data sets suggest that differences in sampling place and time may result in quite different emission factors, while also showing that different vehicle mixes can yield surprisingly similar emission factors.  相似文献   

The Environmental Protection Agency is reviewing the need for a short-term NO2 standard based on an averaging time of three hours or less. State Implementation plans and New Source Reviews will require air quality simulation techniques capable of estimating ambient NO2 concentrations. There is a need for multi-source (urban) models and for point source models.

A review of currently available techniques for the estimation of NO2 concentrations resulting from NOx point sources is presented. The available methods include simple screening techniques and refined reactive plume models. The screening techniques first use a standard gaussian dispersion model to estimate the maximum 1 hr NOx concentration caused by the source. The second step involves estimating the fraction of this NO* concentration occurring as NO2.

Reactive plume models numerically simulate the simultaneous effects of dispersion and chemistry on NO2 concentrations. Organic as well as inorganic reactions are incorporated. Reactive plume models should be used, where screening techniques indicate the potential for violation of the NO2 standard.

Current generation reactive plume models neglect the effect of turbulent concentration fluctuation on NO2 formation and use inappropriately large dispersion coefficients to estimate plume concentrations. Approaches being developed to resolve these problems are discussed.  相似文献   

The reactive and optics model of emissions (ROME) is a reactive plume visibility model that simulates the potential atmospheric impacts of stack emissions. We present here an evaluation of the ability of ROME to simulate several plume physical and chemical variables, using an experimental data base that consists of a total of 40 case studies from four field programs. The evaluation variables include plume height, horizontal width, NOx and SO2 maximum concentrations, NO2/NOx concentration ratio at the plume centerline, and plume-to-sky radiance ratios. Three algorithms used to simulate plume dispersion in ROME were compared: (1) the empirical Pasquill–Gifford–Turner (PGT) scheme, (2) a first-order closure (FOC) algorithm and (3) a second-order closure (SOC) algorithm that simulates the instantaneous plume dimensions.The plume height results show a correlation of 0.82 between simulated and measured values and a gross error that is 13% of the mean measured value. For plume horizontal dispersion, the second-order closure algorithm produces a moderate correlation (0.54) and a small bias (5% of the mean measured value) in comparison with the field data. Although the PGT scheme also demonstrates moderate correlation with the measurements, it produces a negative bias by significantly underestimating plume horizontal dispersion. The first-order closure algorithm overestimates plume width and shows the least correlation (with the measurements) of the three dispersion algorithms.For the NYSEG data set where coordinated measurements of stack emissions, meteorology at plume height and plume characteristics were available, the SOC algorithm provides better correlations for NOx concentrations, NO2/NOx ratios and plume visibility than the FOC and PGT algorithms. For plume visibility, the SOC algorithm shows a correlation of 0.96 at 405 nm, the wavelength where the plume was visible, and it simulates no visible plume at the other wavelengths (550 and 700 nm).A comparison of ROME simulations with those of the plume visibility model PLUVUE II shows that ROME, with the SOC algorithm, performs better for all variables.  相似文献   

Because investigations of PAN at higher southern latitudes are very scarce, we measured surface PAN concentrations for the first time in Antarctica. During the Photochemical Experiment at Neumayer (PEAN'99) campaign mean surface PAN mixing ratios of 13±7 pptv and maximum values of 48 pptv were found. When these PAN mixing ratios were compared to the sum of NOx and inorganic nitrate they were found to be equal or higher. Low ambient air temperatures and low PAN concentrations caused a slow homogeneous PAN decomposition rate of approximately 5×10−2 pptv h−1. These slow decay rates were not sufficient to firmly establish the simultaneously observed NOx concentrations. In addition, low concentration ratios of [HNO3]/[NOx] imply that the photochemical production of NOx within the snow pack can influence surface NOx mixing ratios in Antarctica. Alternate measurements of PAN mixing ratios at two different heights above the snow surface were performed to derive fluxes between the lower troposphere and the underlying snow pack using calculated friction velocities. Most of the concentration differences were below the precision of the measurements. Therefore, only an upper limit for the PAN flux of ±1×1013 molecules m−2 s−1 without a predominant direction can be estimated. However, PAN fluxes below this limit can still influence both the transfer of nitrogen compounds between atmosphere and ice, and the PAN budget in higher southern latitudes.  相似文献   

The nitrate radical (NO3) was first measured in the atmosphere in the 1970s and suggestions were made that it could play a major role in oxidising many unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as those emitted from the biosphere. Analysis of the hydrocarbon mix over the North Atlantic Ocean suggested subsequently that the influence of NO3 radical chemistry at night was even more extensive, being on a par with hydroxyl radical chemistry at some times of the year.The paper presents a detailed analysis of an extensive database of many nonmethane hydrocarbons collected at various sites around the North Sea in the mid 1990s during the HANSA project. By comparing the relative rates of oxidation of iso and normal pentane with that of toluene and benzene it clearly shows that the efficiency of NO3 radical chemistry and hydroxyl radical chemistry over northwest Europe are similar in springtime and predicts an average nighttime NO3 concentration of the order of 350 pptv, assuming an annual average OH concentration of 0.6×106 cm−3. This value is very dependant on the average emission ratios of the different hydrocarbons and values between 200 and 600 pptv are possible. It is much larger than direct measurements made in Europe at the surface, but is of the same magnitude as concentrations measured recently from aircraft in the boundary layer over the northeast USA, and previously in vertical profiles by remote sounding over Europe.A simple analytical expression can be derived to calculate the NO3 concentration at night with the only variables being ozone and the loss rate of N2O5, either to the ground or to aerosol surfaces. The concentrations of NO3 calculated in this manner are similar to those derived from the analysis of the HANSA hydrocarbon database for typical conditions expected over Europe, but they are very dependant on the efficiency of the aerosol sink for N2O5.It is shown that NO3 oxidation of many unsaturated hydrocarbons can indeed be more efficient than OH oxidation, especially at times of the year outside the summer season. Direct evidence for hydrocarbon oxidation by NO3 radicals is shown by a series of peroxy radical measurements where the nighttime concentrations can be significantly higher than daytime concentrations in polluted air on occasion. Also the winter/summer (W/S) ratios of many unsaturated hydrocarbons are much lower than those expected from their removal purely by hydroxyl radical chemistry.The consequences of these findings are profound especially as satellite measurements of NO2, a major precursor to NO3, suggest that these high average concentrations of several hundred pptv could be widespread over most of the continents. This needs to be confirmed by direct in-situ measurement of nitrate radicals but it suggests a much larger role for NO3 chemistry in the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere than realised hitherto.  相似文献   

The impact of ship emissions on air quality in Alaska National Parks and Wilderness Areas was investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model inline coupled with chemistry (WRF/Chem). The visibility and deposition of atmospheric contaminants was analyzed for the length of the 2006 tourist season. WRF/Chem reproduced the meteorological situation well. It seems to have captured the temporal behavior of aerosol concentrations when compared with the few data available. Air quality follows certain predetermined patterns associated with local meteorological conditions and ship emissions. Ship emissions have maximum impacts in Prince William Sound where topography and decaying lows trap pollutants. Along sea-lanes and adjacent coastal areas, NOx, SO2, O3, PAN, HNO3, and PM2.5 increase up to 650 pptv, 325 pptv, 900 pptv, 18 pptv, 10 pptv, and 100 ng m?3. Some of these increases are significant (95% confidence). Enhanced particulate matter concentrations from ship emissions reduce visibility up to 30% in Prince William Sound and 5–25% along sea-lanes.  相似文献   

Nitrogen oxides are a potential atmospheric pollutant. Their formation and decomposition were studied in an experimental pulverized-coal-fired furnace. The concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) was a maximum in the combustion zone and decreased as the combustion gas cooled. At a coal burning rate of 2 Ib/hr and 22% excess air, reduction of nitrogen oxides was obtained by selective secondary-air distribution. With 105% cf the stoichiometric air fed to the coal-combustion zone and 17% additional air fed just beyond the flame front, 62% reduction of NOx occurred with good combustion efficiency. Lowering the quantity of excess air lowered the NOx concentration, but at the expense of combustion efficiency. When 22% excess air was fed to the primary combustion zone, NOx concentration in the effluent was 550 ppm and carbon in the fly ash 2.0%. With 5% excess air, the NOx concentration fell to 210 ppm and carbon in the fly ash rose to 13.8%. With stoichiometric combustion the NOx was 105 ppm a reduction of 81 %, and the carbon was 42.3%. Recirculation of combustion gas was not an effective means of lowering NOx formation.  相似文献   

We have used a three-dimensional off-line chemical transport model (CTM) to assess the impact of lightning emissions in the free troposphere both on NOx itself and on other chemical species such as O3 and OH. We have investigated these effects using two lightning emission scenarios. In the first, lightning emissions are coupled in space and time to the convective cloud top height calculated every 6 h by the CTM's moist convection scheme. In the second, lightning emissions are calculated as a constant, monthly mean field. The model's performance against observed profiles of NOx and O3 in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean improves significantly when lightning emissions are included. With the inclusion of these emissions, the CTM produces a significant increase in the NOx concentrations in the upper troposphere, where the NOx lifetime is long, and a smaller increase in the lower free troposphere, where the surface NOx sources dominate. These changes cause a significant increase in the O3 production in the upper troposphere and hence higher calculated O3 there. The model indicates that lightning emissions cause local increases of over 50 parts per 1012 by volume (pptv) in NOx, 200 pptv in HNO3 and 20 parts per 109 by volume (ppbv) (>40%) in O3. In addition, a smaller increase of O3 in the lower troposphere occurs due to an increase in the downward transport of O3. The O3 change is accompanied by an increase in OH which is more pronounced in the upper troposphere with a corresponding reduction in CO. The method of emission employed in the model does not appear to have a significant effect globally. In the upper troposphere (above about 300 hPa) NOx concentrations are generally lower with monthly mean emissions, because of the de-coupling of emissions from the model's convection scheme, which vents NOx aloft more efficiently in the coupled scheme. Below the local convective outflow altitude, NOx concentrations are larger when using the monthly mean emissions than when coupled to the convection scheme, because the more dilute emissions, and nighttime emissions, lead to a slower NOx destruction rate. Only minor changes are predicted in the monthly average fields of O3 if we emit lightning as a monthly constant field. However, the method of emission becomes important when we make a direct comparison of model results with time varying data. These differences should be taken into account when a direct comparison of O3 with measurements collected at particular times and locations is attempted.  相似文献   

The threshold values of indicator species and ratios delineating the transition between NOx and VOC sensitivity of ozone formation are assumed to be universal by various investigators. However, our previous studies suggested that threshold values might vary according to the locations and conditions. In this study, threshold values derived from various model simulations at two different locations (the area of Switzerland by UAM Model and San Joaquin Valley of Central California by SAQM Model) are examined using a new approach for defining NOx and VOC sensitive regimes. Possible definitions for the distinction of NOx and VOC sensitive ozone production regimes are given. The dependence of the threshold values for indicators and indicator ratios such as NOy, O3/NOz, HCHO/NOy, and H2O2/HNO3 on the definition of NOx and VOC sensitivity is discussed. Then the variations of threshold values under low emission conditions and in two different days are examined in both areas to check whether the models respond consistently to changes in environmental conditions. In both cases, threshold values are shifted similarly when emissions are reduced. Changes in the wind fields and aging of the photochemical oxidants seem to cause the day-to-day variation of the threshold values. O3/NOz and HCHO/NOy indicators are predicted to be unsatisfactory to separate the NOx and VOC sensitive regimes. Although NOy and H2O2/HNO3 provide a good separation of the two regimes, threshold values are affected by changes in the environmental conditions studied in this work.  相似文献   

Year-long measurements of NOx and ozone performed during the NOXAR project are compared to results from the ECHAM4.L39(DLR)/CHEM (E39/C) and GISS coupled chemistry–climate models. The measurements were taken on flights between Europe and the eastern United States and between Europe and the Far East in the latitude range 40–65°N. Our comparison concentrates on the upper troposphere and reveals strong longitudinal variations in seasonal mean NOx of more than 200 pptv, which both models are able to reproduce qualitatively. Vertical profiles show maximum NOx values 2–3 km below the tropopause (“E-shape”) with a strong seasonal cycle. E39/C simulates a maximum located at the tropopause and with a reasonable seasonal cycle. The GISS model reproduces the seasonal cycle but not the profile's shape due to its coarser vertical resolution. A comparison of NOx frequency distributions reveals that both models are capable of reproducing the observed variability, except that E39/C shows no very high NOx mixing ratios.Both models show that lightning and surface NOx emissions contribute the most to the seasonal cycle of NOx at tropopause altitudes. The impact of lightning in the upper troposphere does not vary strongly with altitude, whereas the impact of surface emissions decreases with altitude. Among all sources, lightning contributes the most to the variability of NOx in the upper troposphere in northern mid-latitudes during summer.  相似文献   

Bromine chemistry in the marine boundary layer is recognized to play an important role through catalytic ozone destruction, changes to the atmospheric oxidising capacity (by changing the OH/HO2 and NO/NO2 ratio) and oxidation of compounds such as dimethyl sulphide (DMS). However, the chemistry of bromine in polluted environments is not well understood and its effects are thought to be inhibited by reactions involving NOx (NO2 & NO). This paper describes long-path Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) observations of bromine oxide (BrO) at a semi-polluted coastal site in Roscoff, France. Significant concentrations of BrO (up to 7.5 ± 1.0 pptv) were measured during daytime, indicating the presence of unknown sources or efficient recycling of reactive bromine from bromine nitrate (BrONO2), which should be the major reservoir for bromine in a high NOx environment. These measurements indicate that bromine chemistry can play an important role in polluted environments.  相似文献   

The interest on outdoor photocatalytic materials is growing in the last years. Nevertheless, most of the experimental devices designed for the assessment of their performance operate at controlled laboratory conditions, i.e., pollutant concentration, temperature, UV irradiation, and water vapor contents, far from those of real outdoor environments. The aim of the present study was the design and development of an experimental device for the continuous test of photocatalytic outdoor materials under sun irradiation using real outdoor air as feed, with the concomitant fluctuation of pollutant concentration, temperature, and water vapor content. A three-port measurement system based on two UV-transparent chambers was designed and built. A test chamber contained the photoactive element and a reference chamber to place the substrate without the photoactive element were employed. The third sampling point, placed outdoors, allowed the characterization of the surrounding air, which feeds the test chambers. Temperature, relative humidity (RH), and UV-A irradiance were monitored at each sampling point with specific sensors. NO x concentration was measured by a chemiluminescence NO x analyzer. Three automatic valves allowed the consecutive analysis of the concentration at the three points at fixed time intervals. The reliability of the analytical system was demonstrated by comparing the NO x concentration data with those obtained at the nearest weather station to the experimental device location. The use of a chamber-based reaction system leads to an attenuation of NO x and atmospheric parameter profiles, but maintaining the general trends. The air characterization results showed the wide operating window under which the photoactive materials should work outdoors, depending on the traffic intensity and the season, which are reproduced inside the test chambers. The designed system allows the measurement of the photoactivity of outdoor materials or the comparison of several samples at the same time. The suitability of the system for the evaluation of the DeNO x properties of construction elements at realistic outdoor conditions was demonstrated. The designed experimental device can be used 24/7 for testing materials under real fluctuations of NO x concentration, temperature, UV irradiation, and relative humidity and the presence of other outdoor air pollutants such as VOCs, SO x , or NH3. The chamber-based design allows comparing a photocatalytic material with respect to a reference substrate without the photoactive phase, or even the comparison of several outdoor elements at the same time. Figure
?  相似文献   


The rate of formation of secondary particulate matter (PM) in power plant plumes varies as the plume material mixes with the background air. Consequently, the rate of oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to sulfate and nitric acid, respectively, can be very different in plumes and in the background air (i.e., air outside the plume). In addition, the formation of sulfate and nitric acid in a power plant plume is a strong function of the chemical composition of the background air and the prevailing meteorological conditions.

We describe the use of a reactive plume model, the Reactive and Optics Model of Emissions, to simulate sulfate and nitrate formation in a power plant plume for a variety of background conditions. We show that SO2 and NO2 oxidation rates are maximum in the background air for volatile organic compound (VOC)-limited airsheds but are maximum at some downwind distance in the plume when the background air is nitrogen oxide (NOx)-limited. Our analysis also shows that it is essential to obtain measurements of background concentrations of ozone, aldehydes, peroxyacetyl nitrate, and other VOCs to properly describe plume chemistry.  相似文献   

Radical chemistry in the nocturnal urban boundary layer is dominated by the nitrate radical, NO3, which oxidizes hydrocarbons and, through the aerosol uptake of N2O5, indirectly influences the nitrogen budget. The impact of NO3 chemistry on polluted atmospheres and urban air quality is, however, not well understood, due to a lack of observations and the strong impact of vertical stability of the boundary layer, which makes nocturnal chemistry highly altitude dependent.Here we present long-path DOAS observations of the vertical distribution of the key nocturnal species O3, NO2, and NO3 during the TRAMP experiment in Summer 2006 in Houston, TX. Our observations confirm the altitude dependence of nocturnal chemistry, which is reflected in the concentration profiles of all trace gases at night. In contrast to other study locations, NO3 chemistry in Houston is dominated by industrial emissions of alkenes, in particular of isoprene, isobutene, and sporadically 1,3-butadiene, which are responsible for more than 70% of the nocturnal NO3 loss. The nocturnally averaged loss of NOx in the lowest 300 m of the Houston atmosphere is ~0.9 ppb h?1, with little day-to-day variability. A comparison with the daytime NOx loss shows that NO3 chemistry is responsible for 16–50% of the NOx loss in a 24-h period in the lowest 300 m of the atmosphere. The importance of the NO3 + isoprene/1,3-butadiene reactions implies the efficient formation of organic nitrates and secondary organic aerosol at night in Houston.  相似文献   


In this study, a two-bed electrically heated regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) was used to test the thermal destruction and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) formation characteristics in burning airstreams that contain either N, N-dimethylformamide or dimethylformamide (DMF) mixed with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). The RTO contained two 0.152 m × 0.14 m × 1 m (L × W times] H) beds, both packed with gravel particles with an average diameter of approximately 0.0111 m and a height of up to 1 m with a void fraction of 0.42 in the packed section. The thermal recovery efficiency (TRE) and the gas pressure drop over the beds were also studied. Experimental results reveal that, with a valve shifting time (t s) of 1.5 min, a superficial gas velocity (U g) of 0.39 m/sec (evaluated at an influent air temperature of around 30 °C) and preset maximum destruction temperatures (T S) of 750–950 °C, no NOx was present in the effluent gas from the RTO when it was loaded with DMF-free air. When only DMF was present in the influent air, the average destruction efficiencies exceeded 96%, and increased with the influent DMF concentration from 300 to 750 mg/N?m3. The “NOx-N formation/DMF-N destruction” mass ratios were in the range 0.76–1.05, and decreased as the influent DMF concentration increased within the experimental range. When both DMF and MEK were present in the influent gas, the NOx formation ratio was almost the same and the DMF destruction efficiency increased with the influent MEK/DMF ratio from 150/300 to 4500/300 (mg/mg) and in the preset temperature range. The NOx formation ratios were in the range 0.75–0.96. The TRE decreased as U g increased but was invariant with T s. The Ergun equation was found to suffice in the estimation of the pressure drop when the gas flowed over the packing beds.  相似文献   

Nitrous acid is an important component of nighttime N-oxide chemistry, and provides a significant source of both OH and NO in polluted urban air masses shortly after sunrise. Several recent studies have called for new sources of HONO to account for daytime levels much higher than are consistent with current understanding. However, measurement of HONO is problematic, with most in-situ techniques reporting higher values than simultaneous optical measurements by long-path DOAS, especially during daytime. The discrepancy has been attributed to positive interference in the in-situ techniques, negative interference in DOAS retrievals, the difficulty of comparing the different air masses sampled by the methods, or combinations of these.During August and September 2006, HONO mixing ratios from collocated long-path DOAS and automated mist-chamber/ion chromatograph (MC/IC) systems ranged from several ppbv during morning rush hour to daytime minima near 100 pptv. Agreement between the two techniques was excellent across this entire range during many days, showing that both instruments accurately measured HONO during this campaign. A small bias towards higher LP-DOAS observations at night can be attributed to slow vertical mixing leading to pronounced HONO profiles. A positive daytime bias of the MC/IC instrument during several days in late August/early September was correlated with photochemically produced compounds such as ozone, HNO3 and HCHO, but not with NO2, NOx, HO2NO2, or the NO2 photolysis rate. While an interferant could not be identified organic nitrites appear a possible explanation for our observations.  相似文献   

UV-B radiation is a driving factor for the chemistry of the polluted boundary layer. It is involved in the formation of radicals and consequently influences the formation and concentration of photo-oxidants. The 3-D mesoscale photochemical Metphomod model was employed to study the effect of changes in UV-B radiation on the concentration of photo-oxidants in the boundary layer over the Swiss Plateau. The model chemistry is based on the RACM mechanism and a two-stream approximation of radiative transfer. A summer (July) and a late winter (February) episode were simulated. All simulations were replicated with relatively large changes in the prescribed total ozone. The results for an increase in UV-B radiation show increases in PAN, HNO3, and ozone at noon in NOx-rich areas and a decrease in NOx. In NOx-poor areas in summer the effect on ozone is weak and has a negative sign, the main effect being an increase in H2O2. The spatial variability of NOx concentrations in the Swiss Plateau in the summer case is such that the effect of increased UV-B radiation on ozone is spatially variable. The effect on the ozone production rate in summer is strongest positive at the surface in the NOx-rich regions in the morning and strongest negative at some altitude above ground in NOx-poor regions in the early afternoon. In the winter episode, NOx-rich conditions are found almost everywhere on the Swiss Plateau, the effect of increased UV-B radiation on the ozone production rate is positive all day long and is largest at 300 m above ground at noon. In this case, in contrast to the summer case, the increase in ozone is carried over to the next day. The model results for ozone are in good agreement with results from a case study and a time series analysis of surface ozone measurements. We estimate the effect of day-to-day changes in total ozone on surface ozone peaks to range from 4 to 6 ppb at most.  相似文献   

The present study reviews the sampling environments and chemical transformations of nitrogen oxides that may occur within probes and sample lines while sampling combustion products. Experimental data are presented for NOx transformations in silica and 316 stainless steel tubing when sampling simulated combustion products in the presence of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen. A temperature range of 25° to 400°C is explored. In the absence of CO and H2, 316 stainless steel is observed to promote the reduction of nitrogen dioxide to nitric oxide at temperatures in excess of 300°C, and silica is found to be passive to chemical transformation. In the presence of CO, reduction of N02 to NO is observed in 316 stainless steel at temperatures in excess of 100°C, and reduction of NO2 to NO in silica is observed at 400°C. In the presence of H2, NO2 is reduced to NO in 316 stainless steel at 200°C and NOx is removed at temperatures exceeding 200°C. In silica, the presence of H2 promotes the reduction of NO2 to NO at 300°C and the removal of NOx above 300°C.  相似文献   

Airborne measurements were performed in the plume of the Cumberland Power Plant during August 1998 using a highly sensitive SO2 instrument. The measurements confirmed previous suggestions that NOy species are removed from the plume at a faster rate than SO2. The differential removal rate (the difference between loss rate of NOy and that of SO2) was estimated to be 0.06 h−1. This value implies that the NOy loss rate is in the range of 0.09–0.14 h−1. The application of a mathematical argument, based on the convolution integral, enabled improved synchronization of the data from the SO2 and NOy instruments. Examination of the synchronized data revealed that the concentration ratio of SO2 and NOy varies across the plume. Near the source it is higher at the wings of the plume, while in the core of the plume it is similar to the ratio at the release point. Two possible explanations of the observations are discussed: conversion to non-measurable NOy species, and in-plume loss of NOy (as HNO3) via dry deposition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to investigate the behaviour and variability of oxidant levels (OX?=?NO2?+?O3), for the first time, in a rural coastal area in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, affected by several air masses types. Detailed database (built-up over the years 2008 to 2011, and containing around 500,000 data) from the Atmospheric Sounding Station “El Arenosillo” was used. The observed daily cycles of NO x and OX were influenced by air masses coming from industrial and urban area. It can be seen that the concentration of OX is made up of a NO x -independent ‘regional’ contribution (i.e. the O3 background), and a linearly NO x -dependent ‘local’ contribution from primary emissions, such as traffic. The local emission is very low in this area. Also, the regional contribution is similar to unpolluted sites and presents seasonal variation, being higher in May. However, our measurements showed that the proportion of OX in the form of NO2 increases with the increase in NO x concentration during the day. The higher proportion of NO2 observed at night must be due to the conversion of NO to NO2 by the NO?+?O3 reaction. With regards to the source of the local NO x -dependent contribution, it may be attributed to industrial emission, or the termolecular reaction 2NO?+?O2?=?2NO2, at high-NO x levels and stagnant air during several days. Finally, we estimated the photolysis rate of NO2, J NO2, an important key atmospheric reaction coupled with ozone. We also present surface plots of annual variation of the daily mean NO x and OX levels, which indicate that oxidants come from transport processes instead of local emissions associated as local photochemistry.  相似文献   

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