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Polyethylene-based passive air samplers (PSDs) were loaded with performance reference compounds (PRCs) and deployed in a wind tunnel to examine the effects of wind speed on sampler performance. PRCs could be loaded reproducibly into PSDs, with coefficients of variation only exceeding 20% for the more volatile compounds. When PSDs were exposed to low (0.5-1.5 m s-1) and high (3.5-4.5 m s-1) wind speeds, PRC loss rate constants generally increased with increasing wind speed and decreased with increasing sampler/air partition coefficients. PSD-based air concentrations calculated using PRC loss rate constants and sampler/air partition coefficients and air concentrations measured using active samplers compared closely. PRCs can be used to account for the effect of differences in wind speeds on sampler performance and measure air concentrations with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Paschke H  Popp P 《Chemosphere》2005,58(7):855-863
Two new types of passive samplers were designed and tested on semivolatile organic compounds. The first type (a spiral-rod sampler) consists of a low-density polyethylene membrane acting as a permeation film and a silicone elastomer as the receiving material; the second (a stir-bar sampler) has the same membrane material but a polydimethylsiloxane-coated stir bar acting as the collector phase and installed radially symmetrically in the sampler. The advantages of the new samplers are their simple design, low costs, and their easy processing via thermodesorption coupled with capillary gas chromatography and mass selective detection. In both samplers, the uptake of selected analytes was integrative over exposure periods of up to 384 h. The sampling rates calculated from a laboratory calibration study using the chlorinated semivolatiles hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers and polychlorinated biphenyls ranged from 88.1 ml h-1 for delta-hexachlorocyclohexane to 3443 ml h-1 for 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl. A field trial at a hazardous waste dump near Bitterfeld, Germany, for up to 21 days combined with periodical determinations of air concentrations using low-volume sampling indicated that the new samplers can in principle be used in the field, although the sampling rates derived from the field results differed considerably from the laboratory findings. Nevertheless the preliminary results suggest that the new sampler types are promising for the long-term air monitoring of semivolatiles.  相似文献   

Nine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analysed in pine needles of different ages (from 6 to 30 months) collected from two species, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster, in seven sites located along a transect from a suburban to a rural area of Genoa (Italy). In all sites and for both species, concentrations of more volatile PAHs (phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene) were higher than those for other less volatile PAHs, which are preferentially sorbed to airborne particulates (benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzofluoranthenes, benzo[a]pyrene). Concentrations of total PAHs found in P. nigra in the rural sites were, on the average, 2.3 times higher than those in P. pinaster growing nearby. In both pine species, concentrations of volatile PAHs increased according to needle age. Annual trends of other PAHs were more variable, with a general decrease in older needles. P. pinaster needles are shown to be more reliable passive samplers, since they are more resistant to plant diseases, and considerable variation in PAH concentration was observed in P. nigra needles with moulds and fungi.  相似文献   

Performance reference compound (PRC) derived sampling rates were determined for polyurethane foam (PUF) passive air samplers in both sub-tropical and temperate locations across Australia. These estimates were on average a factor of 2.7 times higher in summer than winter. The known effects of wind speed and temperature on mass transfer coefficients could not account for this observation. Sampling rates are often derived using ambient temperatures, not the actual temperatures within deployment chambers. If deployment chamber temperatures are in fact higher than ambient temperatures, estimated sampler-air partition coefficients would be greater than actual partition coefficients resulting in an overestimation of PRC derived sampling rates. Sampling rates determined under measured ambient temperatures and estimated deployment chamber temperatures in summer ranged from 7.1 to 10 m3 day−1 and 2.2-6.8 m3 day−1 respectively. These results suggest that potential differences between ambient and deployment chamber temperatures should be considered when deriving PRC-based sampling rates.  相似文献   

Different passive sampler housings were evaluated for their wind dampening ability and how this might translate to variability in sampler uptake rates. Polyurethane foam (PUF) disk samplers were used as the sampling medium and were exposed to a PCB-contaminated atmosphere in a wind tunnel. The effect of outside wind speed on PUF disk sampling rates was evaluated by exposing polyurethane foam (PUF) disks to a PCB-contaminated air stream in a wind tunnel over air velocities in the range 0 to 1.75 m s-1. PUF disk sampling rates increased gradually over the range 0-0.9 m s-1 at approximately 4.5-14.6 m3 d-1 and then increased sharply to approximately 42 m3 d-1 at approximately 1.75 m s-1 (sum of PCBs). The results indicate that for most field deployments the conventional 'flying saucer' housing adequately dampens the wind effect and will yield approximately time-weighted air concentrations.  相似文献   

Highly portable, sensitive, and selective passive air samplers were used to investigate ambient volatile organic compound (VOC) levels at multiple sampling sites in an industrial city, Fuji, Japan. We determined the spatial distributions of 27 species of VOCs in three campaigns: Mar (cold season), May (warm season), and Nov (mild season) of 2004. In all campaigns, toluene (geometric mean concentration, 14.0microg/m3) was the most abundant VOC, followed by acetaldehyde (4.76microg/m3), and formaldehyde (2.58microg/m3). The spatial distributions for certain VOCs showed characteristic patterns: high concentrations of benzene and formaldehyde were typically found along major roads, whereas high concentrations of toluene and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) were usually found near factories. The spatial distribution of PCE observed was extremely consistent with the diffusion pattern calculated from Pollutant Release and Transfer Register data and meteorological data, indicated that passive air samplers are useful for determining the sources and distributions of ambient VOCs.  相似文献   

The gas phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitro-PAHs in the atmosphere of five European countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden) were measured simultaneously during two 21-day passive sampling campaigns using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs). SPMD samplers, consisting of a pair of SPMDs covered by a metal umbrella, were deployed at 40 locations ranging from remote and rural to urban and industrial, at a similar time during each of the two sampling campaigns (autumn 1999, except in Poland, winter 1999, and summer 2000). The total amounts of PAHs and nitro-PAHs found in the SPMDs ranged between 5.0–1.2×103 and 1.1×10−3–4.0 ng SPMD−1 day−1, respectively. The measured environmental sampling conditions were similar between sites and, thus, the variations in the SPMD data reflected the spatial differences in gas phase concentrations of nitro-PAHs and PAHs within and between countries. The gas phase concentrations of nitro-PAHs and PAHs found in East Europe (Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland 1999) were 10 times higher than those measured in Sweden, Austria and Poland in 2000. In each country, the levels of PAHs and nitro-PAHs differed by one–three orders of magnitudes amongst sampling sites. The highest within-country spatial differences were found in Poland where levels of PAHs and nitro-PAHs were about one and two orders of magnitudes, respectively, higher in winter 1999 than in summer 2000, probably due to increasing emissions of coal combustion for residential heating. Differences in PAH-patterns between sites were visualized by the multivariate projection method, principal component analysis (PCA). However, no specific source patterns were found, probably since imissions rather than emissions were measured, so the PAHs detected at many sites originated from multiple sources.  相似文献   

Orliński R 《Chemosphere》2002,48(2):181-186
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) distribution along 28 km of Warsaw main street have been surveyed in July 2000 using moss passive samplers as a simple and economic surrogate of direct air sampling. Altogether 74 samplers at 39 crossroads with traffic lights were placed on the lamp post approximately/=3.5 m above ground. PAHs levels determined in samplers are in range from 828 to 3573 ng/g moss dry weight. The spatial spread of pollution within this range is statistically close to normal distribution with mean value of 2332 ng/g. Variability within and between study areas are rationalized in terms of urban environmental factors. PAHs concentrations profiles across the town have appeared uniform. The dominant compounds are phenantrene, fluoranthene and pyrene. Their contribution is 49-68% of total PAHs burden.  相似文献   

A passive air sampler was developed for collecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air mass from various directions. The airflow velocity within the sampler was assessed for its responses to ambient wind speed and direction. The sampler was examined for trapped particles, evaluated quantitatively for influence of airflow velocity and temperature on PAH uptake, examined for PAH uptake kinetics, calibrated against active sampling, and finally tested in the field. The airflow volume passing the sampler was linearly proportional to ambient wind speed and sensitive to wind direction. The uptake rate for an individual PAH was a function of airflow velocity, temperature and the octanol-air partitioning coefficient of the PAH. For all PAHs with more than two rings, the passive sampler operated in a linear uptake phase for three weeks. Different PAH concentrations were obtained in air masses from different directions in the field test.  相似文献   

The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) were determined in air samples collected at four sampling sites located in two zones of Barcelona (Spain): near a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) and a combined cycle power plant (3 sites), and at a background/control site. Samples were collected using high-volume active samplers. Moreover, 4 PUF passive samplers were deployed at the same sampling points during three months. For PCDD/Fs, total WHO-TEQ values were 27.3 and 10.9 fg WHO-TEQm(-3) at the urban/industrial and the background sites, respectively. The sum of 7 PCB congeners and the Sigma PCN levels were also higher at the industrial site than at the background site. In order to compare active and passive sampling, the accumulated amounts of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PCNs in the four passive air samplers, as well as the total toxic equivalents in each sampling site were also determined. To assess the use of PUF passive samplers as a complementary tool for PCDD/F, PCB and PCN monitoring, sampling rates were calculated in accordance with the theory of passive air samplers. PUF disks allowed establishing differences among zones for the POP levels, showing that they can be a suitable method to determine POP concentrations in air in areas with various potential emission sources. Although both particle and gas phase were sorbed by the PUFs, data of gas phase congeners are more reproducible.  相似文献   

XAD-2 resin-based passive samplers (PAS) with dimensions adapted to 100 mL accelerated solvent extraction cells were used to study the temporal and spatial variations of 17 PAHs on five sites in the atmosphere of southern Luxembourg. This new design allowed extracting the PAS without emptying the resin from the shelter. PAH analyses were done with gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. PAS were deployed for 1 year with varying sampling periodicities, and 16 PAHs were detected with concentrations ranging from 1 ng/PAS for chrysene to 9,727 ng/PAS for naphthalene. The PAS were found adapted to the monitoring of temporal and spatial variations for lightweight PAHs (up to four aromatic rings) though not for heavy PAHs with five aromatic rings or more, as these compounds are preferably in the particle phase of the atmosphere and the amount of these PAHs trapped on the PAS will be too low.  相似文献   

Integrative passive sampling with devices such as semipermeable membrane devices generally relies on rigs for month-long static exposures in water. We evaluate here whether mobile exposures of passive samplers can provide reliable estimates of dissolved contaminant concentrations. Mobile exposures were obtained by towing samplers fastened to the end of a benthic trawl net. Significant and reproducible absorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during 5 h-long deployments was made possible by high sampling rates resulting from high water turbulences during towing at 1.2-1.5 knots. Sampling rates (72-215 L d−1) estimated from the dissipation of performance reference compounds were supported by in situ calibration with samplers exposed for a 30 days in the vicinity of the test site. Higher fluoranthene and pyrene absorption in samplers exposed to the trawling-induced sediment plume could be attributed to desorption from re-suspended sediments. This mode of exposure has the potential to be used in monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) content from seven commercial waterpipe charcoals were determined during the smoking process to estimate how much PAHs would not be trapped by the water trap and could reach the lungs of the smokers. Naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, phenanthrene and fluoranthene were the most abundant PAH compounds produced during smoking. Naphthalene was the highest in all of the smoke contents and levels of 5 to 405 μg/15 minutes could be inhaled by the smoker. The amounts of PAHs produced during the smoking events in absence of tobacco varied greatly among different brands of charcoal. The amount and composition of the emitted PAH were not related to the amount and composition of the original chemicals in the charcoal prior to burning. Our findings suggest that public health agencies should regulate smoked charcoal products alongside tobacco.  相似文献   

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) were compared as thin film polymer passive air samplers for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These samplers were co-deployed for periods of up to 27 days at an urban field site in Brisbane. Despite demonstrated air side resistance to mass transfer, sampling rate ratios indicate rapid accumulation kinetics for EVA compared with LDPE. Confirming theoretically predicted values, sampler-air partition coefficients were greater for EVA as compared with LDPE. The relatively high capacity of EVA films may be an advantage in terms of sensitivity, when film thickness and hence amounts accumulated at equilibrium, are low.Predictions of times to effective equilibrium (teq(95%)) were made for a nominal film thickness of 1 μm. These predictions indicate that both types of films would be effective equilibrium phase samplers for predominantly vapour phase PAHs with log octanol-air partition coefficients (logKOA) values of ⩽8.7 (pyrene). Despite comparatively rapid linear stage kinetics for EVA, the predicted times to effective equilibrium for PAHs are less for LDPE. This arises due to the relative magnitude of their respective KSA values. The predicted times to equilibrium (25 °C) for pyrene for example are approximately 94 and 34 days for EVA and LDPE, respectively.  相似文献   


A total of 47 passive air samples and 25 soil samples were collected to study the temporal trend, distribution, and air–soil exchange of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in Shanghai, China. Atmospheric PCNs ranged from 3.44 to 44.1 pg/m3 (average of 21.9 pg/m3) in summer and 13.6 to 153 pg/m3 (average of 40.0 pg/m3) in winter. In the soil samples, PCN concentrations were 54.7–1382 pg/g dry weight (average of 319 pg/g). Tri-CNs and tetra-CNs were two dominant homolog groups in air samples, while di-CNs were also found at comparable proportions to tri-CNs and tetra-CNs in soil samples. Most air and soil samples from the industrial and urban areas showed higher PCN concentrations than those from suburban areas. However, some soil samples in urban centers presented higher PCN concentrations than industrial areas. Analysis of PCN sources indicated that both industrial thermal process and historical usage of commercial PCN mixtures contributed to the PCN burden in most areas. The fugacity fraction results indicated a strong tendency of volatilization for lighter PCNs (tri- to hexa-CNs) in both seasons, and air–soil deposition for octa-CNs. Moreover, air–soil exchange fluxes indicate that soil was an important source of atmospheric PCNs in some areas. The results of this study provide information for use in the evaluation of the potential impact and human health risk of PCNs around the study areas.


Ambient levels of ozone have been measured at 46 mountain forest, desert, Class I Wilderness areas and other remote locations using a network of passive samplers. Typical values were 40-80 ppb (2 week samples) and exhibited temporal variations (studied for up to 1 year) as well as changes with elevation (studied up to 10 500 ft (3 200 m)). The performance of the passive sampler was evaluated with respect to reproducibility, field controls, data capture (>0.95), precision for co-located samples (av. = 11.9%, n = 103), and the role of other atmospheric oxidants as potential interferents (2 locations). Suggestions for additional sampler performance evaluation and network operation are outlined.  相似文献   

Passive air samplers (PAS) can be used to monitor semi-volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere. Polyurethane foam (PUF) disks are a popular sampling medium because they have a high retention capacity for such compounds. This paper reports a highly time-resolved uptake study, to derive uptake rate data under field conditions, and investigate the effects of using different foam densities on the uptake rate. PUF disks were deployed alongside an active sampler, for periods of up to 12 weeks. The uptake rates were measured for a range of gas- and particle-bound persistent organic pollutants (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)), of different properties, to explore whether gas–particle partitioning affected uptake rate. Uptake rates for two different densities of foam (0.021 and 0.035 g cm?3) were not statistically significantly different from each other. Uptake rates of light PCBs averaged ~6.5 m3 day?1, somewhat higher than in previous studies; higher wind speeds and lower temperatures in this study are the likely reason for this difference. The study showed: i) the uptake rate of the compound with lowest KOA considered in this study (PCB-28/31) declined in the later weeks, indicating an approach to equilibrium; ii) uptake rates of lighter BDEs and heavier PCBs (compounds of intermediate KOA in this study) remain similar throughout the study period, indicating that they are not approaching equilibrium during the 12-week-study; iii) uptake rates were typically: ~8 m3 day?1 for PCB-52; ~9.5 m3 day?1 for PCB-95; ~11 m3 day?1 for BDE-28 and ~2 m3 day?1 BDE-99. The latter compound has an important particle-bound component and this lowers the sampling rate compared to predicted uptake rates for compounds which are in the gas phase only. It is shown that knowledge of gas–particle partitioning is needed to correct for this effect, and to improve predicted uptake rates.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the performance of Model 3300 Ogawa Passive Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Samplers and 3M 3520 Organic Vapor Monitors (OVMs) by comparing integrated passive sampling concentrations to averaged hourly NO2 and volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements at two sites in El Paso, TX. Sampling periods were three time intervals (3-day weekend, 4-day weekday, and 7-day weekly) for three consecutive weeks. OVM concentrations were corrected for ambient pressure to account for higher elevation. Precise results (< 5% relative standard deviation, RSD) were found for NO2 measurements from collocated Ogawa samplers. Reproducibility was lower from duplicate OVMs for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers) VOCs (> or = 77% RSD for 2-day samples) with better precision for longer sampling periods. Comparison of Ogawa NO2 samplers with chemiluminescence measurements averaged over the same time period suggested potential calibration problems with the chemiluminescence analyzer. For BTEX species, generally good agreement was obtained between OVMs and automated-gas chromatograph (auto-GC) measurements. The OVMs successfully tracked increasing levels of VOCs recorded by the auto-GCs. However, except for toluene, OVM BTEX measurements generally exceeded their continuous counterparts with a mean bias of 5-10%. Although interpretation of the study results was limited due to small sample sizes, diffusion barrier influences caused by shelters that housed OVMs and differences in sampling heights between OVMs and auto-GC inlet may explain the overestimation.  相似文献   

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are emitted from a variety of sources and can accumulate on and within surface soil layers. To investigate the level of potential risk posed by surface contaminated soils, vertical soil column experiments were conducted to assess the mobility, when leached with simulated rainwater, of six selected PAHs (naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(e)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene) with contrasting hydrophobic characteristics and molecular weights/sizes. The only PAH found in the leachate within the experimental period of 26 days was naphthalene. The lack of migration of the other applied PAHs was consistent with their low mobilities within the soil columns which generally paralleled their log K oc values. Thus, only 2.3 % of fluoranthene, 1.8 % of pyrene, 0.2 % of benzo(e)pyrene and 0.4 % of benzo(ghi)perylene were translocated below the surface layer. The PAH distributions in the soil columns followed decreasing power relationships with 90 % reductions in the starting levels being shown to occur within a maximum average depth of 0.94 cm compared to an average starting depth of 0.5 cm. A simple predictive model identifies the extensive time periods, in excess of 10 years, required to mobilise 50 % of the benzo(e)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene from the surface soil layer. Although this reduces to between 2 and 7 years for fluoranthene and pyrene, it is concluded that the possibility of surface-applied PAHs reaching and contaminating a groundwater aquifer is unlikely.  相似文献   

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