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《Journal of environmental radioactivity》1987,5(6):445-458
Activity concentrations of the long-lived natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 40K and of 7Be in surface air were measured twice monthly at a semi-rural location 10 km north of Munich (FRG) for at least three years. For the time interval 1983–1985, all values were found to be distributed log-normally, with geometric means (in μBq m−3) of 1·2 for 226Ra, 0·5 for 228Ra, 580 for 210Pb, 12 for 40K and 3500 for 7Be. Reflecting their common origin, the activity concentrations of 226Ra and 40K are correlated with surface air dust concentrations (geometric mean 59 μg m−3). Seasonal variations of 210Pb and 7Be air activity concentrations are established for the time interval 1978–1985.The contribution of local soil activity to the air activity concentrations of these radionuclides and of natural uranium is discussed. Resuspension factors are found to be of the order of 10−9m−1. 相似文献
Speciation of 210Po and 210Pb in air particulates determined by sequential extraction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Al-Masri MS Al-Karfan K Khalili H Hassan M 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2006,91(1-2):103-112
Speciation of (210)Po and (210)Pb in air particulates of two Syrian phosphate sites with different climate conditions has been studied. The sites are the mines and Tartous port at the Mediterranean Sea. Air filters were collected during September 2000 until February 2002 and extracted chemically using different selective fluids in an attempt to identify the different forms of these two radionuclides. The results have shown that the inorganic and insoluble (210)Po and (210)Pb (attached to silica and soluble in mineral acids) portion was found to be high in both sites and reached a maximum value of 94% and 77% in the mine site and Tartous port site, respectively. In addition, only 24% of (210)Pb in air particulates was found to be associated with organic materials probably produced from the incomplete burning of fuel vehicle and similar activities. Moreover, the (210)Po/(210)Pb activity ratio in air particulates was higher than that in all samples at both sites and varied between 3.85 in November 2000 at Tartous port site and 20 in April 2001 at the mine area. These activity ratios were also higher than the natural levels. The (210)Po/(210)Pb activity ratio was also determined in each portion resulting from the selective extraction and found to be higher than that in most samples. The sources of (210)Po excess in these portions are discussed. Soil suspension, which is common in the dry climate dominant in the area, sea water spray and heating of phosphate ores were considered; polonium is more volatile than the lead compounds at even moderate temperature. Furthermore, variations in the chemical forms of (210)Po and (210)Pb during the year were also investigated. However, the results of this study can also be utilized for dose assessment to phosphate industry workers. 相似文献
Skuterud L Gwynn JP Gaare E Steinnes E Hove K 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2005,84(3):441-456
Concentrations of (90)Sr, (210)Po and (210)Pb in lichen and reindeer were studied in central (?stre Namdal) and southern Norway (V?g?) during 2000-2003. The study focussed on potential differences in concentrations of these nuclides in reindeer of different ages. Concentrations of (90)Sr in bones of approximately 10 year old adult females were about 40% higher than those in calves' antlers ((90)Sr concentrations in antlers and bones of calves are similar), while the available data from V?g? suggest that (90)Sr concentrations in reindeer calves decreased with an effective ecological half-time of 9.03+/-0.06 years during 1988-2002. Furthermore, (90)Sr concentrations were 50-80% higher in bone of reindeer of a similar age from V?g? compared to those from ?stre Namdal. Concentrations of (210)Po and (210)Pb in muscle and liver tissues were comparable to those reported for reindeer in other Nordic areas, with no significant difference in (210)Po and (210)Pb concentrations between adults and calves or between reindeer from the two different study areas. 相似文献
A survey was carried out on the activity concentrations of 210Pb and 210Po in cereal grains produced in Finland. The cereal species were wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), which account for 90% of the Finnish consumption of cereal products. The survey consisted of 18 flour and 13 unprocessed cereal samples and one hulled grain sample from 22 flour mills. According to the results, the mean 210Pb/210Po concentrations in wheat grains, wheat flour, rye flour, oat grains and barley grains were 0.29, 0.12, 0.29, 0.36 and 0.36 Bq kg−1, respectively. Combined with the consumption rates of the products, we assess that the mean effective doses from 210Pb and 210Po in cereal products for the adult male and female population are 22 and 17 μSv per year, respectively. 相似文献
Todorovic D Popovic D Djuric G Radenkovic M 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2005,79(3):297-307
7Be to 210Pb concentration ratios in ground level air on two monitoring stations (MS1 and MS2) in Belgrade area were determined from 1996 to 2001. The average monthly concentrations of 7Be in ground level air were in the range of 0.6-18.3 mBq/m3 and exhibited one or two summer/early fall maxims and one minimum in winter. The maximum concentrations for 210Pb were generally observed in the fall, with the average concentrations in the range of 1.09 x 10(-4) to 30.9 x 10(-4) Bq/m3. The 7Be/210Pb ratios were in the range of 1.7-12.7 (MS1) and 1.8-11.3 (MS2), with summer maxims and late fall/winter minimums. The mean Radionuclides Loading Indices values approach zero except for 1996/1997 (MS1) and 2001 (MS2) due to higher concentrations of 7Be and 210Pb. The mean monthly concentrations of both radionuclides exhibited lognormal distributions. There is significant correlation between the 7Be/210Pb activities ratio and the air stability classes A + B + C for both monitoring stations (correlation coefficients 0.61-0.65), and no correlation with D class and E + F classes. Correlation was found between the activity of 7Be and air stability classes A + B + C (0.46-0.68), and E + F (0.38 for MS1), while for 210Pb, a moderate correlation (0.38-0.40) was found with the E + F air stability classes. 相似文献
《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2006,85(3):441-456
Concentrations of 90Sr, 210Po and 210Pb in lichen and reindeer were studied in central (Østre Namdal) and southern Norway (Vågå) during 2000–2003. The study focussed on potential differences in concentrations of these nuclides in reindeer of different ages. Concentrations of 90Sr in bones of ∼10 year old adult females were about 40% higher than those in calves' antlers (90Sr concentrations in antlers and bones of calves are similar), while the available data from Vågå suggest that 90Sr concentrations in reindeer calves decreased with an effective ecological half-time of 9.03 ± 0.06 years during 1988–2002. Furthermore, 90Sr concentrations were 50–80% higher in bone of reindeer of a similar age from Vågå compared to those from Østre Namdal. Concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb in muscle and liver tissues were comparable to those reported for reindeer in other Nordic areas, with no significant difference in 210Po and 210Pb concentrations between adults and calves or between reindeer from the two different study areas. 相似文献
Carvalho FP 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2011,102(5):462-472
The determination of 210Po and 210Pb was performed in marine organisms from the seashore to abyssal depths, encompassing a plethora of species from the microscopic plankton to the sperm whale. Concentrations of those radionuclides ranged from low values of about 5 × 10−1 Bq kg−1 (wet wt.) in jellyfish, to very high values of about of 3 × 104 Bq kg−1 (wet wt.) in the gut walls of sardines, with a common pattern of 210Po > 210Pb.These radionuclides are primarily absorbed from water and concentrated by phyto- and microzooplankton, and then are transferred to the next trophic level along marine food chains. Investigation in epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic and abyssobenthic organisms revealed that 210Po is transferred in the marine food webs with transfer factors ranging from 0.1 to 0.7, and numerically similar to those of the energy transfer in the marine food chains. As 210Po preferentially binds to amino acids and proteins, its transfer in food chains likely traces protein transfer and, thus, 210Po transfer factors are similar to ecotrophic coefficients. 210Pb is transferred less efficiently in marine food chains and this contributes to increased 210Po:210Pb activity ratios in some trophic levels. 相似文献
Iron and steel manufacture has been ranked as the largest industrial source of environmental contamination in the USA; the wastes generated in their production processes contain heavy elements that can be a source of contamination, and natural radionuclides that can produce an occupational and/or public radiological impact. In this work the potential occupational effective dose rate (μSv/y) due to inhalation in four integrated steel-making factories from Egypt has been evaluated, by assuming a well defined scenario and with basis in the 210Pb and 210Po activity concentrations determined in ore and wastes collected in the aforementioned factories. Activity concentrations, in Bq/kg, of 210Pb and 210Po, and leachable Pb and Fe were measured using gamma-ray spectrometry based on HPGe detector, alpha particle spectrometry based on PIPS detector, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Levels of 210Pb and 210Po in the range of <DL-4238 and 1-5660 Bq/kg, respectively, were found. According to the assumed scenarios, the occupational exposures by inhalation are much lower than the recommended annual effective dose limit, although the environmental impact due to waste storage and/or use should be considered based on case by case evaluation. 相似文献
Distribution of fallout radionuclides (7Be, 137Cs, 210Pb and 239,240Pu) in soils of Taiwan 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Depth profiles and cumulative deposition of four fallout radionuclides (7Be, 137Cs, 210Pb and 239,240Pu) were determined in presumably undisturbed soils in Taiwan. Inventories of these radionuclides in different areas correlate significantly with each other (except 7Be) and with mean annual rainfall, providing a necessary condition for the development of soil erosion studies in Taiwan. However, the data show very large spatial variability between and within landscape units, reflecting the steep topographic and meteorological gradients in the island. Thus, the application of fallout radionuclides to study soil conservation in Taiwan is expected to be a demanding task; it will call for dense sampling even at undisturbed reference sites. 相似文献
Cigarette smoking is one of the pathways that might contribute significantly to the increase in the radiation dose reaching man, due to the relatively large concentrations of 210Pb and 210Po found in tobacco leaves. In the present study, the concentrations of these two radionuclides were determined in eight of the most frequently sold cigarette brands produced in Brazil. 210Pb was determined by counting the beta activity of 210Bi with a gas flow proportional detector after radiochemical separation and precipitation of PbCrO4. 210Po was determined by alpha spectrometry using a surface barrier detector after radiochemical separation and spontaneous deposition of Po on a copper disk. The results showed concentrations ranging from 11.9 to 30.2 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for 210Pb and from 10.9 to 27.4 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for 210Po. The collective committed effective dose resulting from the use of cigarettes produced in Brazil per year is estimated to be 1.5 x 10(4) man-Sv. 相似文献
B Skwarzec J Ulatowski D I Struminska A Bory?o 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2001,57(3):221-230
The carcinogenic etfect of 210Po and 210Pb with respect to lung cancer is an important problem in many countries with very high cigarette consumption. Poland has one of the highest consumptions of cigarettes in the world. The results of 210Po determination on the 14 most frequently smoked brands of cigarettes which constitute over 70% of the total cigarette consumption in Poland are presented and discussed. Moreover, the polonium content in cigarette smoke was estimated on the basis of its activity in fresh tobaccos, ash, fresh filters and post-smoking filters. The annual effective doses were calculated on the basis of 210Po and 210Pb inhalation with the cigarette smoke. The results of this work indicate that Polish smokers who smoke one pack (20 cigarettes) per day inhale from 20 to 215 mBq of 210Po and 210Pb each. The mean values of the annual effective dose for smokers were estimated to be 35 and 70 microSv from 210Po and 210Pb, respectively. For persons who smoke two packs of cigarettes with higher radionuclide concentrations, the effective dose is much higher (471 microSv yr(-1)) in comparison with the intake in diet. Therefore, cigarettes and the absorption through the respiratory system are the main sources and the principal pathway of 210Po and 210Pb intake of smokers in Poland. 相似文献
Natural radionuclides, such as (210)Po and (210)Pb were measured in the water samples collected from six stations at Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. Results for (210)Po and (210)Pb in dissolved and particulate phases have showed the difference in distribution and chemical behavior. The fluctuation activities of (210)Po and (210)Pb depend on wave action, geology and degree of fresh water input occurring at study areas and probably due to different sampling dates. The distribution coefficient, K(d), values of (210)Po and (210)Pb ranged from 2.0 x 10(3)lg(-1) to 265.15 x 10(5)lg(-1), and from 3.0 x 10(3)lg(-1) to 558.16 x 10(5)lg(-1), respectively. High K(d) values of (210)Po and (210)Pb indicated that a strong adsorption of (210)Po and (210)Pb onto suspended particles, and the sinking of both nuclides on the seabed at study locations were controlled by the characteristics of suspended particles. 相似文献
Al-Masri MS Al-Akel B Nashawani A Amin Y Khalifa KH Al-Ain F 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2008,99(2):322-331
Transfer factors of (40)K, (238)U, (210)Pb, and (210)Po from soil to some agriculture crops in various locations in south of Syria (Dara'a and Assuwaydaa districts) have been determined. Soil and vegetable crops (green pepper, cucumber, tomato, and eggplant), legumes crops (lentil, chickpea, and broad bean), fruit trees (apple, grape, and olives) and cereals (barley and wheat) were collected and analyzed for (238)U, (210)Pb, and (210)Po. The results have shown that higher transfer factors (calculated as Bqkg(-1) dry wt. plant material per Bqkg(-1) dry wt. soil) for (210)Po, (210)Pb and (238)U were observed in vegetable leaves than fruits and cereals leaves; the highest values of transfer factor (TF) for (238)U were found to be 0.1 for straw of chickpea. Transfer factors for (210)Po varied between 2.8x10(-2) and 2 in fruits of eggplant and grain of barley, respectively. In addition, several parameters affecting transfer factors of the radionuclides were evaluated. The results can be considered as base values for TF of natural radionuclides in the region. 相似文献
Tobacco leaves are large and have sticky exudates that retain the radon decay products once they deposit on the leaves. The study of 210Po in tobacco is required, because of the cumulative alpha-radiation dose delivered to humans from inhaled 210Po in cigarette smoke. 210Pb is the other element of interest since it is the 210Po precursor in the radioactive decay chain. In the present study, the concentrations of these two radionuclides were determined in tobacco samples from seven regions in Greece. 210Po was determined by alpha spectrometry using a surface barrier detector after radiochemical separation and spontaneous deposition of polonium on a nickel disk. The 210Pb activity in the samples was determined via the 210Po resulting from the decay of 210Pb. The results of the present study indicate that 210Po concentrations ranged from 3.6 to 17.0 mBqg(-1) (average 13.1 mBqg(-1)) of dry tobacco, while 210Pb concentrations ranged from 7.3 to 18.0 mBqg(-1) (average 13.4 mBqg(-1)). The mean value of the annual committed effective dose for smokers (20 cigarettes per day) of Greek tobacco was estimated to be 287 microSv (124 microSv from 210Po and 163 microSv from 210Pb). The inhalation dose for smokers is on average about 12 times higher than for non-smokers living in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere. 相似文献
Activity of 210Po and 210Pb were measured in soil and sediment samples collected from the major rivers Kali, Sharavathi and Netravathi of Coastal Karnataka. The activity of these two radionuclides were determined by radiochemical separation of 210Po and counting the activity using a ZnS(Ag) Alpha counter. The activity of 210Pb was higher than that of 210Po in the riverine environs. The 210Po and 210Pb content in sediment was found to increase with silt/clay and organic matter contents. However no significant correlation was found between the activity 210Po and 210Pb with pH in sediments. The activity of 210Po and 210Pb and influence of physico-chemical parameters on these radionuclides were studied and discussed in this paper. 相似文献
Measurements of (210)Po were carried out in various marine matrices (mussels, oysters, seaweed, fish, and abalones) and in seawater at several points along the French coast, over a period of 2 years (2003-2005). These measurements contribute to a better knowledge of this element, since few recent data exist for the French coast. Marked seasonal variations have been revealed in some species and there are differences according to the way of life of these species. Activities in mussels (Mytilus edulis) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) are similar and varying between 90 and 600 Bq kg(-1) (d.w.). Activities in macroalgae (Fucus serratus) are lowest, between 4 and 16 Bq kg(-1) (d.w.). In oyster, abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) and fish (Solea solea, Sparus sp.), the strongest activities are measured in the digestive glands, the gills and the gonads. (210)Po/(210)Pb ratios in all cases have values of more than one for all species. From a significant number of measurements, CFs were calculated for seaweed (between 4.6 x 10(3) and 5.0 x 10(3)) and for molluscs, with highest CFs (>10(5)) found for the digestive gland and gills of the oysters, the digestive gland of the abalones and the liver of fish. Finally, the activities measured have made it possible to estimate the internal dose from chronic exposure due to (210)Po received by the marine organisms (0.05 microGh(-1) for macroalgae, between 0.70 and 1.5 microGh(-1) for mussels and oyster), and the contribution of seafood to the dose received by humans (46-129 microSvy(-1)). 相似文献
Results of analysis of 7Be, 137Cs and 210Pb on aerosol filters carried out from 1998 to 2010 in Monaco show that a weak correlation between activity concentrations of these radionuclides in the atmosphere and meteorological parameters has been found for 7Be and temperature (r = 0.50), 210Pb and temperature and humidity (r = 0.43 and 0.41, respectively), and 137Cs and precipitation (r = 0.51). The minimum and maximum 7Be activity concentrations were observed during 2000 and 2009, corresponding with the maximum and minimum solar activity, respectively. The maximum 137Cs activity concentration found in May-June 1998 was due to the accident at Algeciras in Spain. The deposition velocities of 7Be, 137Cs and 210Pb depended on the precipitation rate, and attained maximum values during dry seasons. The investigated radionuclides may be used as atmospheric tracers, especially in long-term periods. 相似文献
Gascó C Antón MP Delfanti R González AM Meral J Papucci C 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2002,62(3):241-262
The activity concentrations and fluxes of natural (210Pb, 210Po) and anthropogenic (239,240Pu, 137Cs) radionuclides have been determined in the different water masses crossing the Strait of Gibraltar. New data have been gathered during four multidisciplinary and multinational sampling campaigns, performed between 1997 and 1999 within the framework of the CANIGO-FLUGIST Project. Mean activity concentrations of 210Po (1.53+/-0.34 Bq m(-3), n = 30) and 210Pb (1.16+/-0.50 Bq m(-3), n = 31) in the Atlantic water entering the Mediterranean basin are about double those measured in the Mediterranean outflow, namely 0.84+/-0.34 Bq m(-3) (n = 22) for 210Po and 0.66+/-0.34 Bq m(-3) (n = 22) for 210Pb. The opposite trend is observed for 231,240Pu, with average concentrations of 9.9+/-3.0 mBq m(-3) (n = 29) in the incoming Atlantic flow and 22.0+/-3.0 mBq m(-3) (n = 22) in the outpouring Mediterranean water. In the case of 137Cs, the same concentrations were quantified in the waters moving inwards (2.52+/-0.28 Bq m(-3), n = 27) and outwards (2.14+/-0.52 Bq m(-3), n = 21) from the Mediterranean Sea. On this basis, the Mediterranean basin experiences a net annual input flux of 14 TBq of 210Pb and 19 TBq of 210Po, and a net annual loss of 0.34 TBq of 239,240Pu, while--at present--137Cs input and output fluxes appear to be balanced. 相似文献
Likuku AS 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2006,87(3):289-304
Concentrations of (210)Pb and (7)Be in air were continuously monitored, using a high-volume air sampler and a high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer, during the period of July 2002 to June 2003 at the University of Edinburgh 55.9 degrees N, 03.2 degrees W. The time series of both radio-isotopes show seasonality, dependence on air-mass origin, residence time and precipitation. Surface air concentrations of (210)Pb and (7)Be ranged from 0.01 to 0.74 mBq m(-3) and 0.63-6.54 mBq m(-3), respectively. The measurements indicate that the average concentrations of both (210)Pb and (7)Be in surface air were 0.21+/-0.01 and 2.50+/-0.04 mBq m(-3), respectively; which agrees closely with the corresponding values reported for coastal air measurements in Europe. 相似文献
Comparative advantages and limitations of the fallout radionuclides (137)Cs, (210)Pb(ex) and (7)Be for assessing soil erosion and sedimentation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The fallout radionuclides (FRNs) (137)Cs, (210)Pb(ex) and (7)Be are increasingly being used as a means of obtaining quantitative information on soil erosion and sediment redistribution rates within agricultural landscapes, over a range of different timescales, and they are frequently seen to represent a valuable complement to conventional measurement techniques. The recent development of the (7)Be method has greatly extended the timescale over which FRNs can be used, by permitting assessment of short-term soil erosion linked to individual events and changing soil management practices. This paper aims to review the advantages and limitations of each of the three FRNs and to identify key knowledge gaps linked to their use. In addition, guidelines for selecting the most appropriate FRN and associated approach, in order to deal with a range of spatial and temporal scales and to investigate specific sets of agro-environmental problems, are provided. Key requirements for future work, related to the application of FRNs in soil erosion investigations, are also identified. These include the upscaling of the approach to the catchment scale and a shift from use of the approach as a research tool to a decision support tool. 相似文献