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An individual method cannot achieve the optimum risk-assessment result in the worksites, and future perspectives should focus on the parallel application of a deterministic approach with a stochastic approach. In particular, the risk analysis and assessment techniques of the deterministic (DET) approach are classified into three main categories: (a) the qualitative, (b) the quantitative, and (c) the hybrid techniques (qualitative-quantitative, semi-quantitative). Furthermore, the stochastic (STO) approach includes the classic statistical approach (CSA) and the accident forecasting modeling (AFM). The objective of this paper is triple: (a) the presentation and classification of the main risk analysis and risk assessment methods and techniques of the deterministic approach and the stochastic approach as well, (b) the development and presentation of a new alternative risk assessment framework (called as STODET) including a stochastic and a deterministic process, and (c) the application of STODET in the Greek Public Power Corporation (PPC) by using occupational accidents that have been recorded, during the 17-year period of 1993-2009. In particular, the STODET application proves that required actions (or suppressive measures) are essential and must be taken in a medium-term period (1 working year) for abolishing the hazard sources.  相似文献   

The occupational accidents have a major impact upon human integrity and also bring about high costs for the social health and insurance system of a country. In addition, risk analysis is an essential process for the safety policy of a company, having as main aim the effacement of any potential of damage in a productive procedure, while the quantified risk evaluation is the most crucial part of the whole procedure of assessing hazards in the work. The main goal of this study is double: a) the development and presentation of a new hybrid risk assessment process (HRAP) and b) the application of HRAP in the Greek Public Power Corporation (PPC) (the unique electric power provider and the largest industry in Greece), by using occupational accidents that have been recorded, during the 12-year period of 1993-2004. The new process consists of four distinct phases a) the hazard sources’ identification phase, b) the risk consideration phase, c) the risk-evaluation phase, and d) the phase of the risk assessment and safety-related decision making. The results show that in some cases the risk value has been calculated in PPC to be higher than 500 (in the risk rating of 0-1000), which imposes the taking of suppressive measures for abolishing the danger source, while the fatal accident frequency rate (per 108 man-hrs) is FAFR ≅ 2.4.  相似文献   

With more than 350 GWh per year and thousands of installations around the world, biogas is an appealing strategy in the field of energy production and industrial waste optimization. In this sense, it is of paramount importance to address the risk associated with such plants, as an increasing trend of accidents have been recorded in the last 20 years. In this work, a representative biogas production plant was considered, and a risk assessment was carried out through the combination of Recursive Operability Analysis and Failure Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis. The methodology is rigorous and allows for both the identification and the quantification of accidental scenarios due to procedural errors and equipment failures, which miss in the literature for the case of biogas. The analysis allows the automatic generation of the Fault Trees for the identified Top Events, which can be numerically solved. Results show that the most critical accidental scenario in the biogas plant here considered is the formation of an explosive air-biogas mixture, which can occur in both anaerobic digester and condensate trap. The calculated probabilities agree with the results available in literature on similar plants. Pumps and Distributed Control System were found to be the most critical components.  相似文献   

We discuss how confirmatory factor analysis results should be used to examine potential higher‐order constructs and advocate that researchers present five types of evidence, which are as follows: (1) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables; (2) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables better than more parsimonious alternative models—and no less well than less parsimonious alternative models; (3) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among lower‐order factors; (4) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in lower‐order factors; and (5) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in manifest variables. We illustrate how this type of evidence could be presented with a worked example and contrast our recommendations with the manner in which higher‐order confirmatory factor analysis has been used in the organizational sciences over the past 25 years to support claims regarding higher‐order constructs such as core self‐evaluations and transformational leadership. Our review shows that a substantial proportion of the 44 examined articles failed to present enough evidence to allow readers to understand the size and importance of higher‐order factors. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Within the UK offshore oil and gas industry all installations require to be under the charge of a ‘competent’ installation manager in accordance with the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations (MAR) 1995. The Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) is responsible for the safety of all persons onboard and within 500 m of an installation. Should an incident arise, the OIM performs one of the most critical roles within the offshore industry - management of the response to the emergency to mitigate and make safe the installation to secure a place of safety for persons onboard or organise their safe evacuation. The emergency response also includes limiting the loss of hydrocarbons to the environment.Research at the University of Aberdeen has identified 8 potential barriers to the effective competence assessment of OIMs in controlling emergencies. These underlying barriers are a consequence of current UK legislation and industry practices in the assessment of OIM competence and result from:
  • •multiple definitions of competence,
  • •competence assessment predominantly by observation,
  • •lack of specific and unambiguous competence requirements for trainers and assessors,
  • •complexity in UK legislation and complicated interpretation of terms,
  • •lack of statutory competence requirements for OIMs in controlling emergencies,
  • •lack of ownership of OIM competence and competence assessment,
  • •complex interactions across multiple UK Government departments, and
  • •lack of regulation and independent audit of the competence assessment process of OIMs in controlling emergencies.
The potential barriers were identified by qualitative analysis of key documentation, including legislation, using a critical hermeneutic approach. Hermeneutics has historically been used to analyse texts within the domains of theology, business and law. It arguably, however, represents a powerful approach to the study of documents within the engineering domain and the offshore oil and gas industry.This paper discusses the identified potential barriers, research conclusions and recommendations and represents the culmination of three years of doctoral research investigating the competence assessment of OIMs in controlling emergencies within the offshore oil and gas industry. The research, in particular, is relevant to Duty Holders within the offshore industry, safety engineers and UK Government departments.  相似文献   

针对山区丘陵公路边坡安全存在多种随机性、模糊性和不确定性因素等问题,优化改进了标准集对分析理论,并将熵权-集对分析模型应用于公路边坡安全评价中。以河南省修武县5处典型山区丘陵公路边坡为例,构建了由4大类共14个指标组成的评价指标体系,再利用熵权法确定各指标权重,最后通过单指标联系度、综合联系度等计算,得出综合评价结果。结果表明,1、4、5号路段边坡安全性较差,建议采取及时的防治措施;2、3号路段边坡大体安全,可留意观察,暂不处理。与传统方法相比,熵权-集对分析模型理念清晰、计算简单、准确度高、实用性强。  相似文献   

为了研究"清剿火患"行动对安徽省火灾形势的抑制作用,采用ARIMA干预模型与火灾数据对比的方法对2007—2012年安徽省火灾统计数据进行了分析。2种ARIMA干预模型都能检测到"清剿火患"行动对季节调整后火灾起数时间序列的抑制效果。根据干预模型,抑制效果在"清剿火患"行动开展后第3个月时出现,火灾立即减少约300起,随后抑制效果逐渐衰减。在"清剿火患"行动开展14个月后,抑制效果几乎衰减为0。通过对比"清剿火患"期间与2009-10—2010-02、2010-10—2011-02的火灾统计数据,发现"清剿火患"行动期间的火灾起数较前两年同期的火灾起数大幅度降低,平均降幅达64%。在此基础上又分析了不同火灾原因、火灾场所和火灾起数的降低情况。对比发现,"清剿火患"期间火灾死亡人数与死亡人数不低于3人的火灾起数均降低为0。  相似文献   

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