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Lee BK  Smith TJ  Garshick E  Natkin J  Reaser P  Lane K  Lee HK 《Chemosphere》2005,61(11):1677-1690
This study analyzed the workplace area concentrations and the personal exposure concentrations to fine particulate (PM2.5), elemental carbon (EC), and organic carbon (OC) measured during the winter period in trucking companies. The averaged personal exposure concentrations at breathing zones of workers are much greater than those of the microenvironment concentrations. The highest difference between the area (microenvironment) and personal exposure concentrations was in the PM2.5 concentrations followed by the OC concentrations. The area concentrations of PM2.5, EC, and OC at a large terminal were higher than those at a small one. The highest area concentrations of PM2.5, EC, and OC were observed in the shop areas followed by pick-up and delivery (P&D) areas. The area concentrations and personal exposure to PM2.5, EC, and OC in the shop and P&D areas which are highly affected by diesel engine exhaust emissions were much higher than those in the docks which are significantly affected by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) engine exhaust emissions. The highest EC fraction to the total carbon (EC + OC) concentrations was observed in the shops, while the lowest one was identified in the offices. The personal exposure of the smoking workers to PM2.5 and OC was much higher than that of the non-smoking workers. However, the smoking might not significantly contribute to the personal exposure to EC. There were significant correlations between the PM2.5 and OC concentrations in both the area and personal exposure concentrations. However, significant correlations between the PM2.5 and EC concentrations and between the OC and EC concentrations were not identified.  相似文献   

Modeling exposure to particulate matter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exposure assessment, a component of risk assessment, links sources of pollution with health effects. Exposure models are scientific tools used to gain insights into the processes affecting exposure assessment. The purpose of this paper is to review the process and methodology of estimating inhalation exposure to particulate matter (PM) using various types of models. Three types of models are discussed in the paper. Indirect type of models are physical models that employ inventories of outdoor and indoor sources and their emission rates to identify major sources contributing to exposure to PM, and use fate and transport and indoor air quality models to estimate PM concentrations at receptor sites. PM concentrations and time spent by a subject at each receptor site are input variables to the conventional exposure model that estimates the desired exposure levels. Direct type models use measured exposure or exposure concentrations in conjunction with information obtained from questionnaires to formulate exposure regression models. Stochastic models use exposure measurements, estimates can also be used, to formulate exposure population distributions and investigate associated uncertainty and variability. Since models developed using databases from western countries are not necessarily applicable in developing countries, the difference in requirements among western and developing countries is highlighted in the paper. Employment of exposure modeling methods in developing countries requires development of local information. Such information includes local outdoor and indoor source inventories, local or regional meteorological conditions, adjustment of indoor models to reflect local building construction conditions, and use of questionnaires to obtain local time budget and activity patterns of the subject population.  相似文献   

Indoor sources have been identified as a major contributor to the increase of particle concentration in indoor environments. The work presented here is a study of the characteristics of particulate matter number size distribution and mass concentration under controlled indoor activities in a laboratory room. The objective is to characterize particulate matter concentrations indoors resulted under the influence of specific sources. Measurements were performed in an empty laboratory (period September–October 2006) using a GRIMM SMPS+C system (particle size range between 11.1 and 1083.3 nm), a DustTrak Aerosol Monitor (TSI) and a P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter (TSI). The studied indoor activities included candle burning, hot plate heating, water boiling, onion frying, vacuuming, hair drying, hair spraying, smoking and burning of incense stick. The AMANpsd computer algorithm was used to evaluate the modal structure of measured particle number size distribution data. Furthermore, the change of the particle number size distribution shape under the influence of different emission sources was studied versus time. Finally the particle emission rates were computed. High particle number concentrations were observed during smoking, onion frying, candle burning and incense stick burning. The highest particle mass concentrations were measured during smoking and hair spraying. The shift of the particle size distribution to larger diameters suggests the presence of strong coagulation effect during candle burning, incense stick burning, smoking and onion frying. The size distribution was mainly bimodal during onion frying and candle burning, whereas the size distribution remained unimodal during incense stick burning and smoking experiments.  相似文献   

The behavior of particulate matter (PM) during high-concentration episodes was investigated using monitoring data from Guui station, a comprehensive air monitoring station in Seoul, Korea, from January 2008 to March 2010. Five non-Asian dust (ND) episodes and two Asian dust (AD) episodes of high PM concentrations were selected for the study. During the ND episode, primary air pollutants accumulated due to low wind speeds, and PM2.5 increased along with most other air pollutants. Particles larger than PM2.5 were also high since these particles were generated by vehicular traffic rather than wind erosion. During strong AD episodes, PM10–2.5 primarily increased and gaseous primary air pollutants decreased under high wind speeds. However, even during the AD episode, PM2.5 and gaseous primary air pollutants increased when the effects of AD were weak and wind speeds were low. This study corroborates that accumulation of air pollutants due to a drop in surface wind speed plays an important role in short-term high-concentration occurrences. However, low wind speeds could not be directly linked to local emissions because a significant portion of accumulated air pollutants resulted from long-range transport.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters > or = 2.5 microm (PM2.5) and 2.5-10 microm (PM10-2.5) exposure levels of drivers and to analyze the proportion of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) in PM2.5 in Bangkok, Thailand. Four bus routes were selected. Measurements were conducted over 10 days in August (rainy season) 2008 and 8 days in January (dry season) 2009. The mean PM2.5 exposure level of the Tuk-tuk drivers was 86 microg/m3 in August and 198 microg/m3 in January. The mean for the non-air-conditioned bus drivers was 63 microg/m3 in August and 125 microg/m3 in January. The PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 exposure levels of the drivers in January were approximately twice as high as those in August. The proportion of total carbon (TC) in PM2.5 to the PM2.5 level in August (0.97 +/- 0.28 microg/m3) was higher than in January (0.65 +/- 0.13 microg/m3). The proportion of OC in the TC of the PM2.5 in August (0.51 +/- 0.08 microg/m3) was similar to that in January (0.65 +/- 0.07 microg/m3). The TC exposure by PM25 in January (81 +/- 30 microg/m3) remained higher than in August (56-21 microg/m3). The mean level of OC in the PM2.5 was 29 +/- 13 microg/m3 in August and 50 +/- 24 microg/m3 in January. In conclusion, the PM exposure level in Bangkok drivers was higher than that in the general environment, which was already high, and it varied with the seasons and vehicle type. This study also demonstrated that the major component of the PM was carbon, likely derived from vehicles.  相似文献   

A method previously described for estimating the protection from being indoors against inhalation of suspended particulate matter of outdoor origin was applied to a wide variety of building and room types. The average protection factor was found to be about 4.5 for large particles and 2.2 for submicron particles.  相似文献   

Wastewater disinfection is practiced with the goal of reducing risks of human exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. In most circumstances, the efficacy of a wastewater disinfection process is regulated and monitored based on measurements of the responses of indicator bacteria. However, inactivation of indicator bacteria does not guarantee an acceptable degree of inactivation among other waterborne microorganisms (e.g., microbial pathogens). Undisinfected effluent samples from several municipal wastewater treatment facilities were collected for analysis. Facilities were selected to provide a broad spectrum of effluent quality, particularly as related to nitrogenous compounds. Samples were subjected to bench-scale chlorination and dechlorination and UV irradiation under conditions that allowed compliance with relevant discharge regulations and such that disinfectant exposures could be accurately quantified. Disinfected samples were subjected to a battery of assays to assess the immediate and long-term effects of wastewater disinfection on waterborne bacteria and viruses. In general, (viable) bacterial populations showed an immediate decline as a result of disinfectant exposure; however, incubation of disinfected samples under conditions that were designed to mimic the conditions in a receiving stream resulted in substantial recovery of the total bacterial community. The bacterial groups that are commonly used as indicators do not provide an accurate representation of the response of the bacterial community to disinfectant exposure and subsequent recovery in the environment. UV irradiation and chlorination/dechlorination both accomplished measurable inactivation of indigenous phage; however, the extent of inactivation was fairly modest under the conditions of disinfection used in this study. UV irradiation was consistently more effective as a virucide than chlorination/dechlorination under the conditions of application, based on measurements of virus (phage) diversity and concentration. Taken together, and when considered in conjunction with previously published research, the results of these experiments illustrate several important limitations of common disinfection processes as applied in the treatment of municipal wastewaters. In general, it is not clear that conventional disinfection processes, as commonly implemented, are effective for control of the risks of disease transmission, particularly those associated with viral pathogens. Microbial quality in receiving streams may not be substantially improved by the application of these disinfection processes; under some circumstances, an argument can be made that disinfection may actually yield a decrease in effluent and receiving water quality. Decisions regarding the need for effluent disinfection must account for site-specific characteristics, but it is not clear that disinfection of municipal wastewater effluents is necessary or beneficial for all facilities. When direct human contact or ingestion of municipal wastewater effluents is likely, disinfection may be necessary. Under these circumstances, UV irradiation appears to be superior to chlorination in terms of microbial quality and chemistry and toxicology. This advantage is particularly evident in effluents that contain appreciable quantities of ammonia-nitrogen or organic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Assessment of human exposure to ambient particulate matter   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent epidemiological studies have consistently shown that the acute mortality effects of high concentrations of ambient particulate matter (PM), documented in historic air pollution episodes, may also be occurring at the low to moderate concentrations of ambient PM found in modern urban areas. In London in December 1952, the unexpected deaths due to PM exposure could be identified and counted as integers by the coroners. In modern times, the PM-related deaths cannot be as readily identified, and they can only be inferred as fractional average daily increases in mortality rates using sophisticated statistical filtering and analyses of the air quality and mortality data. The causality of the relationship between exposure to ambient PM and acute mortality at these lower modern PM concentrations has been questioned because of a perception that there is little significant correlation in time between the ambient PM concentrations and measured personal exposure to PM from all sources (ambient PM plus indoor-generated PM). This article shows that the critical factor supporting the plausibility of a linear PM mortality relationship is the expected high correlation in time of people's exposure to PM of ambient origin with measured ambient PM concentrations, as used in the epidemiological time series studies. The presence of indoor and personal sources of PM masks this underlying relationship, leading to confusion in the scientific literature about the strong underlying temporal relationship between personal exposure to PM of ambient origin and ambient PM concentration. The authors show that the sources of PM of non-ambient origin operate independently of the ambient PM concentrations, so that the mortality effect of non-ambient PM, if any, must be independent of the effects of the ambient PM exposures.  相似文献   

The externally-mixed source-oriented UCD/CIT air quality model was applied to determine the significance of inter-regional transport for primary and secondary particulate matter (PM) in California's Central Valley during a severe wintertime PM pollution episode from December 15, 2000 to January 7, 2001. The gases and primary PM emitted from eight different geographical sub-regions were tracked separately in a model simulation that included transport, physical and chemical transformation and deposition processes. The model results directly predict the contribution that each sub-region makes to PM concentrations throughout the entire model domain. The boundary layer was relatively stagnant during the simulated 3-week air quality episode, and no consistent transport pattern for primary PM was predicted. Several significant inter-regional transport events were identified that each lasted a few days. Each of these inter-regional events was characterized by transport of gas-phase precursors of nitrate that combined with local emissions of ammonia to produce particulate nitrate. Nitrate already in the particle phase was not transported efficiently due to higher dry deposition rates for particles relative to gas-phase nitrogen oxides. The distinctive pattern of transport for nitrate precursors reflects the relatively long timescales required to convert NOx emissions to nitrate during winter conditions characterized by low temperatures, weak photolysis rates, and low oxidant concentrations. The equilibrium partitioning of nitrate and ammonia to the particle phase is relatively fast once the nitrate has been produced. The most-likely transport distance for nitrate during the current episode varied from 130–140 km for the northern portion of the Central Valley to 50–60 km in the southern portion of the Central Valley. Sub-regions further south in the Valley have smaller transport distances because of slower wind speeds and the greater abundance of ammonia in these areas, leading to faster conversion of gas-phase reactive nitrogen into particulate nitrate, which has a higher dry deposition rate than the gas-phase species. The most-likely transport distance for primary organic compounds (OC) was found to be less than that for nitrate, varying from 50 to 60 km for the northern portion of the Valley to 20–30 km for southern portion of the Valley. Overall, 68% of the particulate nitrate formed in the most polluted sub-regions of the Central Valley originates from emissions in those same sub-regions. Local emissions controls should therefore provide an effective strategy to reduce airborne particulate matter concentrations to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Monitoring of particulate matter outdoors   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The chemical speciation of Ni in fly ash produced from approximately 0.85 wt % S residual (no. 6 fuel) oils in laboratory (7 kW)- and utility (400 MW)-scale combustion systems was investigated using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and acetate extraction [1 M NaOAc-0.5 M HOAc (pH 5) at 25 degrees C]-anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). XAFS was also used to determine the Ni speciation of ambient particulate matter (PM) sampled near the 400-MW system. Based on XAFS analyses of bulk fly ash and their corresponding acetate extraction residue, it is estimated that > 99% of the total Ni (0.38 wt %) in the experimentally produced fly ash occurs as NiSO4.xH2O, whereas > 95% of the total Ni (1.70 and 2.25 wt %) in two fly ash samples from the 400-MW system occurs as NiSO4.xH2O and Ni-bearing spinel, possibly NiFe2O4. Spinel was also detected using XRD. Acetate extracts most of the NiSO4.xH2O and concentrates insoluble NiFe2O4 in extraction residue. Similar to fly ash, ambient PM contains NiSO4.xH2O and NiFe2O4; however, the proportion of NiSO4.xH2O relative to NiFe2O4 is much greater in the PM. Results from this and previous investigations indicate that residual oil ash produced in the 7-kW combustion system lack insoluble Ni (e.g., NiFe2O4) but are enriched in soluble NiSO4.xH2O relative to fly ash from utility-scale systems. This difference in Ni speciation is most likely related to the lack of additive [e.g., Mg(OH)2] injection and residence time in the 7-kW combustion system.  相似文献   

In the US EPA's 1998 Baltimore Epidemiology-Exposure Panel Study, a group of 16 residents of a single building retirement community wore personal monitors recording personal fine particulate air pollution concentrations (PM2.5) for 27 days, while other monitors recorded concurrent apartment, central indoor, outdoor and ambient site PM2.5 concentrations. Using the Baltimore panel study data, we develop a Bayesian hierarchical model to characterize the relationship between personal exposure and concentrations of PM2.5 indoors and outdoors. Personal exposure is expressed as a linear combination of time spent in microenvironments and associated microenvironmental concentrations. The model incorporates all available monitoring data and accounts for missing data and sources of uncertainty such as measurement error and individual differences in exposure. We discuss the implications of using personal versus ambient PM2.5 measurements in characterization of personal exposure to PM2.5.  相似文献   

The current status of the mathematical modeling of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is reviewed in this paper. Simulating PM requires treating various processes, including the formation of condensable species, the gas/ particle partitioning of condensable compounds, and in some cases, the evolution of the particle size distribution. The algorithms available to simulate these processes are reviewed and discussed. Eleven 3-dimensional (3-D) Eulerian air quality models for PM are reviewed in terms of their formulation and past applications. Results of past performance evaluations of 3-D Eulerian PM models are presented. Currently, 24-hr average PM2.5 concentrations appear to be predicted within 50% for urban-scale domains. However, there are compensating errors among individual particulate species. The lowest errors tend to be associated with SO4(2-), while NO3-, black carbon (BC), and organic carbon (OC) typically show larger errors due to uncertainties in emissions inventories and the prediction of the secondary OC fraction. Further improvements and performance evaluations are recommended.  相似文献   

Measurements collected using five real-time continuous airborne particle monitors were compared to measurements made using reference filter-based samplers at Bakersfield, CA, between December 2, 1998, and January 31, 1999. The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the suitability of each instrument for use in a real-time continuous monitoring network designed to measure the mass of airborne particles with an aerodynamic diam less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) under wintertime conditions in the southern San Joaquin Valley. Measurements of airborne particulate mass made with a beta attenuation monitor (BAM), an integrating nephelometer, and a continuous aerosol mass monitor (CAMM) were found to correlate well with reference measurements made with a filter-based sampler. A Dusttrak aerosol sampler overestimated airborne particle concentrations by a factor of approximately 3 throughout the study. Measurements of airborne particulate matter made with a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) were found to be lower than the reference filter-based measurements by an amount approximately equal to the concentration of NH4NO3 observed to be present in the airborne particles. The performance of the Dusttrak sampler and the integrating nephelometer was affected by the size distribution of airborne particulate matter. The performance of the BAM, the integrating nephelometer, the CAMM, the Dusttrak sampler, and the TEOM was not strongly affected by temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, or wind direction within the range of conditions encountered in the current study. Based on instrument performance, the BAM, the integrating nephelometer, and the CAMM appear to be suitable candidates for deployment in a real-time continuous PM2.5 monitoring network in central California for the range of winter conditions and aerosol composition encountered during the study.  相似文献   

Airborne particulates were sampled daily in Ghent, Belgium, before, during and after a period of unusually high particulate levels in September 1972. The collected aerosols were chemically analyzed for 44 components. The concentrations of nearly all determined components increased by at least a factor of 8 and afterwards dropped to the original levels under the influence of atmospheric conditions. The anthropogenic origin of the bulk of most elements is demonstrated. On the basis of their concentration patterns the elements are divided in 5 groups, whose origin is explained by results from other investigations in Belgium or by known source characteristics. For all 5 groups readily detectable indicators are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evaluation and application of a new generation of particulate matter (PM) emission factor model (MicroFacPM). MicroFacPM that was evaluated in Tuscarora Mountain Tunnel, Pennsylvania Turnpike, PA shows good agreement between measured and modeled emissions. MicroFacPM application is presented to the vehicle traffic on the main approach road to the Ambassador Bridge, which is one of the most important international border entry points in North America, connecting Detroit, MI, with Windsor, Ontario, Canada. An increase in border security has forced heavy-duty diesel vehicles to line up for several kilometers through the city of Windsor causing concern about elevated concentrations of ambient PM. MicroFacPM has been developed to model vehicle-generated PM (fine [PM2.5] and coarse < or = 10 microm [PM10]) from the on-road vehicle fleet, which in this case includes traffic at very low speeds (10 km/h). The Windsor case study gives vehicle generated PM2.5 sources and their breakdown by vehicle age and class. It shows that the primary sources of vehicle-generated PM2.5 emissions are the late-model heavy-duty diesel vehicles. We also applied CALINE4 and AERMOD in conjunction with MicroFacPM, using Canadian traffic and climate conditions, to describe the vehicle-generated PM2.5 dispersion near this roadway during the month of May in 2003.  相似文献   

介绍了室内外空气颗粒物吸入暴露的评价方法,选择PM2.5作为检测评价的对象,初步评价了上海市某区不同年龄段人员的PM2.5暴露水平。结果表明:(1)成人和老人的全年日平均PM2.5吸入暴露量均较高,并且成人的全年日平均PM2.5吸入暴露量变化曲线和儿童相似。(2)老人室内PM2.5吸入暴露量要明显高于室外,其主要原因是老人在室内时间较长。儿童和成人的室外PM2.5吸入暴露量高于室内。(3)不同人员的年平均PM2.5吸入暴露量的排序为成人老人儿童,其年平均PM2.5吸入暴露量分别为1.141、1.046、0.935mg。  相似文献   

Source contributions to fine particulate matter in an urban atmosphere   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Park SS  Kim YJ 《Chemosphere》2005,59(2):217-226
This paper proposes a practical method for estimating source attribution by using a three-step methodology. The main objective of this study is to explore the use of the three-step methodology for quantifying the source impacts of 24-h PM2.5 particles at an urban site in Seoul, Korea. 12-h PM2.5 samples were collected and analyzed for their elemental composition by ICP-AES/ICP-MS/AAS to generate the source composition profiles. In order to assess the daily average PM2.5 source impacts, 24-h PM2.5 and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) ambient samples were simultaneously collected at the same site. The PM2.5 particle samples were then analyzed for trace elements. Ionic and carbonaceous species concentrations were measured by ICP-AES/ICP-MS/AAS, IC, and a selective thermal MnO2 oxidation method. The 12-h PM2.5 chemical data was used to estimate possible source signatures using the principal component analysis (PCA) and the absolute principal component scores method followed by the multiple linear regression analysis. The 24-h PM2.5 source categories were extracted with a combination of PM2.5 and some PAH chemical data using the PCA, and their quantitative source contributions were estimated by chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model using the estimated source profiles and those in the literature. The results of PM2.5 source apportionment using the 12-h derived source composition profiles show that the CMB performance indices; chi2, R2, and percent of mass accounted for are 2.3%, 0.97%, and 100.7%, which are within the target range specified. According to the average PM2.5 source contribution estimate results, motor vehicle exhaust was the major contributor at the sampling site, contributing 26% on average of measured PM2.5 mass (41.8 microg m-3), followed by secondary sulfate (23%) and nitrate (16%), refuse incineration (15%), soil dust (13%), field burning (4%), oil combustion (2.7%), and marine aerosol (1.3%). It can be concluded that quantitative source attribution to PM2.5 in an urban area where source profiles have not been developed can be estimated using the proposed three-step methodology approach.  相似文献   

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