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Concepts of sustainable development have stimulated innovation in the delivery of environmental management. In particular, new partnership approaches have been developed in recognition of the need to adopt more holistic perspectives and facilitate multi-sectoral and cross-sectoral working. River catchments are complex systems and have been one particular focus of experimentation in environmental management mechanisms. This paper provides a brief overview of river management experience in the UK, charting changing approaches in terms of scope and organisation since the 1970s. This sets the context for a more detailed examination of the Mersey Basin Campaign and, in particular, its River Valley Initiatives. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the merits of this approach in relation to sustainable river management.  相似文献   

流域可持续发展是以流域作为特殊区域的一种可持续发展模式。文章将流域可持续发展视为一个整体,称为“流域可持续发展”。它是一类开放的复杂巨系统,对于因素众多、规模庞大、结构复杂、功能综合、关系较为模糊、开放复杂的这一类巨系统的建模,近年来引起许多学者的关注,文章对流域可持续发展系统分析的有关建模问题进行了讨论。在对流域可持续发展系统进行分析研究的基础上,给出了流域可持续发展系统建模的原则、方法和步骤。  相似文献   

Urban Waterfront Regeneration in the Mersey Basin,North West England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The economic decline of traditional dockland areas has released considerable areas of land for redevelopment, much of which is close to the heart of city centres. The property development industry has capitalized upon these assets to the extent that port-related redevelopmentis a common feature throughout North America and Europe. This paper explores the experience of the Mersey Basin in North West England which, under the Mersey Basin Campaign initiative, has sought to explicitly connect improvements in water quality to economic regeneration. A small survey of commercial property valuers was used to explore this relationship and revealed the importance of water in the property development process, through potential increases in value and an enhancement of the marketability of property adjacent to water. Equally, improved water quality is revealed as an important precursor to waterside economic regeneration. Here, investment must, as with the preparation of derelict and contaminated land for redevelopment, be regarded as a public good, nurturing good water quality as an asset for the benefit of future generations and as a part of realizing the full potential of waterfront regeneration.  相似文献   

淮河流域水资源环境与可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于经济的快速发展和人口的过快增加,加上以往的环境治理不到位,使淮河流域水环境问题始终未得到有效的控制和解决。从淮河流域水资源的概况、特点、存在问题和对策等方面对淮河流域水环境问题进行了简要的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

This paper presents the local institutional and organizational development insights from a five-year ongoing interdisciplinary research project focused on advancing the implementation of sustainable urban water management. While it is broadly acknowledged that the inertia associated with administrative systems is possibly the most significant obstacle to advancing sustainable urban water management, contemporary research still largely prioritizes investigations at the technological level. This research is explicitly concerned with critically informing the design of methodologies for mobilizing and overcoming the administrative inertia of traditional urban water management practice. The results of fourteen in-depth case studies of local government organizations across Metropolitan Sydney primarily reveal that (i) the political institutionalization of environmental concern and (ii) the commitment to local leadership and organizational learning are key corporate attributes for enabling sustainable management. A typology of five organizational development phases has been proposed as both a heuristic and capacity benchmarking tool for urban water strategists, policy makers, and decision makers that are focused on improving the level of local implementation of sustainable urban water management activity. While this investigation has focused on local government, these findings do provide guideposts for assessing the development needs of future capacity building programs across a range of different institutional contexts.  相似文献   

流域复合系统可持续发展的评价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以水文循环的基本单元“流域”为研究空间,以流域中人和自然构成的复合系统为研究对象,建立了流域复合系统可持续发展的评价指标体系及指标体系的基本结构,并对 江上中持续发展进行了定量评价 。  相似文献   

Management plans are in preparation for many of England's estuaries. The paper outlines the background to the Mersey Estuary Plan, discusses its style and format, explains its approach to estuary resource issues and outlines policy responses in the areas of estuary dynamics, water quality and pollution control, biodiversity, and land use and development. The paper concludes by drawing lessons which may be of relevance elsewhere.  相似文献   

对长春市松花江流域水污染防治的重要意义进行了论述,对松花江流域污染防治工作取得的进展和松花江规划项目建设情况进行了介绍。  相似文献   

环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵文玉 《四川环境》2004,23(1):100-104
环境问题包括生态环境与社会、经济与生态环境关系两方面的问题,本文从社:会、经济、文化以及环境科技发展等不同角度论述了环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建,认为环境可持续发展必须是在体现公平性、可持续性、协调性的基础上,建立以生态思维为基础的社会环境伦理观、发展环境科学技术、实现经济的有机增长,不断完善环境政策与环境法制体系,  相似文献   

张捷 《中国环境管理》2017,9(3):27-29,36
本文结合近期案例,分析我国的流域横向生态补偿试点在科斯范式基础上结合中国国情进行的制度创新。当上下游的博弈难以同时满足参与约束和激励相容约束时,合约中引入了纵向补偿来填平双方的"价格"鸿沟,形成了"纵横"交织的嵌套式合约;以奖罚并举的双向补偿来化解上下游的"产权"争议;借助中央政府的支持和地方政府的环保"锦标赛"机制克服了科斯定理对交易成本过度敏感的难题。最后,本文针对横向生态补偿试点中存在的问题提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

生态旅游:实现山区可持续发展的理想途径--以临安市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以临安市生态旅游发展实践为例,通过参与性农村快速评估方法(PRRA),实证分析了生态旅游对开发企业、当地农民和政府带来的经济效益,以及对改善生态环境、增加就业、提高农民素质等方面发挥的生态效益与社会效益,指出准确的市场定位、参与式市场运作、政府重视和支持是临安生态旅游发展的成功经验.说明生态旅游业作为最终需求产业,在具备一定资源优势和区位优势的山区,是实现山区经济、生态、社会协调发展的理想途径.  相似文献   

The Commission on Sustainable Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two years after Rio, the Commission on Sustainable Development is taking shape. The broad terms of its mandate allow for a policy discussion that brings new developments to the forefront and that may assist the world community in taking the road to sustainable development.  相似文献   

陈发青 《青海环境》2008,18(3):95-97
旅游业的发展促进了经济、社会多方面的发展,也带来一些环境问题。文章就旅游业与环境保护的关系、旅游业的环境影响尤其是景观影响进行评述,提出了旅游和环境保护协调发展的模式及可行性。  相似文献   

黄昊 《绿色视野》2009,(11):35-37
近几十年来,伴随着世界范围内城市化进程的加速,城市人口密集、交通拥挤、资源短缺、环境污染、生态恶化等问题,已成为人类社会关注的焦点。就我国城市目前的环境状况而言,问题十分严峻,在一些城市地区,污染已相当严重,极大地影响和制约了城市的可持续发展。城市以环境为体,经济为用,生态为纲,  相似文献   

青海湖流域自然生态保护与经济社会可持续发展对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨彦 《青海环境》2009,19(3):120-122
青海湖流域是青海省重要的畜牧业生产基地之一,在全省经济社会中有着特殊的地位。文章在阐述青海湖流域自然生态环境现状、分析流域生态环境主要问题及其原因和流域生态环境保护重要性的基础上,提出了青海湖流域生态保护与可持续发展对策与建议。  相似文献   

合理施肥可以提高作物产量和品质,降低农业生产成本,增加农民收入,减少环境污染;但是,在我国农业发展过程中,农民施用化肥时存在化肥的过量施用、化肥的错误选用以及化肥施用方法不科学等问题;不合理施肥引发了水污染、大气污染和土壤污染。从农业可持续性发展的角度,提出了根据作物性质选择合适肥料,测定土壤性质,根据土壤性质选择合适的肥料,采取科学的方法施肥等建议。  相似文献   

森林资源可持续发展问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林是陆地生态系统的主体,是维持生态平衡和改善生态环境的重要保障,是国民经济和社会发展的物质基础,在应对全球气候变化中发挥着不可替代的作用,并且有着巨大的经济、社会和生态效益。通过分析我国的森林资源结构、质量和区域分布,发现我国森林资源保护和发展工作中面临着诸如森林资源总量不足、质量偏低、破坏严重、火灾频繁等问题,提出了森林资源可持续发展要以科学发展观为指导,围绕建设生态文明,提高森林质量,增强森林功能。  相似文献   

文章从可持续发展的角度详细阐述了电力工业可持续发展的内涵,从能源结构、环境保护和资源利用等方面提出中国电力工业实施可持续发展的必要性,并提出实现电力工业可持续发展的途径是采用新型发电技术加强环境保护,节约能源并开发新能源,重点对绿色电力进行分析,提出积极发展绿色电力。  相似文献   

马超群 《四川环境》2021,40(1):209-212
绿色发展是乡村振兴的必由之路.通过对南京市D村的实地调查,发现政府主导的转型模式在推动村庄绿色发展的同时,存在村庄内生动力不足、内部利益分化以及产业市场竞争力较弱等风险,制约着村庄可持续发展.基于此提出,政府在开发与建设过程中要充分保障村民主体性的发挥,同时注重提高产业的市场竞争力.  相似文献   

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