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Sociality has positive effects on female fitness in many mammalian species. Among female baboons, those who are most socially integrated reproduce most successfully. Here we test a number of predictions derived from kin selection theory about the strength of social bonds among adult female baboons. Our analyses are based on systematic observations of grooming and association patterns among 118 females living in seven different social groups in the Amboseli Basin of Kenya over a 16-year period. Females in these groups formed the strongest bonds with close kin, including their mothers, daughters, and maternal and paternal sisters. Females were also strongly attracted toward females who were close to their own age, perhaps because peers were often paternal sisters. Females’ bonds with their maternal sisters were strengthened after their mother’s deaths, whereas their relationships with their maternal aunts were weakened after their mother’s death. In addition, females formed stronger bonds with their paternal sisters when no close maternal kin were available, and they compensated for the absence of any close kin by forming strong bonds with nonrelatives. Taken together, these data suggest that social bonds play a vital role in females’ lives, and the ability to establish and maintain strong social bonds may have important fitness consequences for females.Joan B. Silk is on sabbatical at Cambridge University from September 2005 to August 2006. Tel.: +44-7929759697; Fax: +44-1223-335460.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that social bonds have adaptive value for animals that live in social groups. Although these findings suggest that natural selection may favor the ability to cultivate and sustain social bonds, we know very little about the factors that influence the quality or stability of social bonds. Here, we draw on data derived from a 16-year study of baboons living in seven different social groups in the Amboseli basin of Kenya to evaluate the quality and stability of social bonds among females. Our results extend previous analyses, which demonstrate that females form the strongest bonds with close maternal and paternal kin, age mates (who may be paternal kin), and females who occupy similar ranks but are not maternal relatives. Here we show that the same factors influence the quality and strength of social bonds. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the quality of social bonds directly affects their stability.  相似文献   

Group living provides benefits to individuals while imposing costs on them. In species that live in permanent social groups, group division provides the only opportunity for nondispersing individuals to change their group membership and improve their benefit to cost ratio. We examined group choice by 81 adult female savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus) during four fission events. We measured how each female’s group choice was affected by several factors: the presence of her maternal kin, paternal kin, age peers, and close social partners, her average kinship to groupmates, and her potential for improved dominance rank. Maternal kin, paternal kin, and close social partners influenced group choice by some females, but the relative importance of these factors varied across fissions. Age peers other than paternal kin had no effect on group choice, and average kinship to all groupmates had the same effect on group choice as did maternal kin alone. Most females were subordinate to fewer females after fissions than before, but status improvement did not drive female group choice; females often preferred to remain with social superiors who were their close maternal kin, rather than improving their own social ranks. We suggest that during permanent group fissions, female baboons prefer to remain with close maternal kin if those are abundant enough to influence their fitness; if they have too few close maternal kin then females prefer to remain with close paternal kin, and social bonds with nonkin might also become influential. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Kinship and aggression: do house sparrows spare their relatives?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kin-selection theory predicts that relatedness may reduce the level of aggression among competing group members, leading to indirect fitness benefits for kin-favoring individuals. To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether relatedness affects aggressive behavior during social activities in captive house sparrow (Passer domesticus) flocks. We found that sparrows did not reduce their aggression towards kin, as neither the frequency nor the intensity of fights differed between close kin and unrelated flock-mates. Fighting success was also unrelated to kinship and the presence of relatives in the flock did not influence the birds’ dominance rank. These results suggest that the pay-offs of reduced aggression towards kin may be low in non-breeding flocks of sparrows, e.g. due to competition among relatives as predicted by a recent refinement of kin-selection theory. Our findings indicate that the significance of kin selection may be restricted in some social systems such as winter aggregations of birds. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Lactation imposes substantial physiological costs on mothers and should therefore not be directed towards foreign offspring. Such allonursing, however, is common in mammal species that share roosts. Hypotheses to explain allonursing among such plural breeders include misdirected parental care, milk evacuation, brood parasitism, reciprocity, and kin selection. The necessary behavioral data, in combination with data on kinship and kin recognition, have rarely been available to distinguish among these explanations, however. In this study, we provide evidence for cooperative nursing and adoption by plural-breeding females in a nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), in which females forage solitarily during the night, but form day-time sleeping groups with one to two other females. We observed 34 resident females in an 8 ha study area in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, over three consecutive annual breeding seasons and determined genetic relationships among all members of this population. Five sleeping groups of adult females were filmed inside their roosts during one breeding season after females gave birth. The composition of groups changed substantially across years, but they always consisted of close maternal relatives. All females within a group gave birth to one to three infants. They regularly transferred only their own offspring among roosting sites, demonstrating an ability to discriminate between their own and other’s offspring, but they regularly groomed and nursed related offspring other than their own and adopted related dependent young after their mother’s death. Kin selection may therefore be the main selective force behind cooperative breeding among these closely related females with a high mortality risk, providing each of them with family insurance.  相似文献   

Kin-biased social tolerance among house mice has been interpreted in terms of kin discrimination. However, several lines of evidence suggest it may instead be an incidental artifact of group member discrimination. This leads to very different predictions about the social consequences of relatedness within and between social groups. Social interactions between wild-stock adult female and juvenile house mice (Mus domesticus) established in neighbouring territorial groups within enclosures reveal relatedness to dominant males within groups as the major factor determining social tolerance of juveniles by females. Relatedness to the female herself had no significant independent effect on responses indicating tolerance. Females were generally more aggressive toward neighbouring-group juveniles (all unrelated to females) compared with those from their own group (all related to females), but were most aggressive toward neighbouring juveniles sired by the neighbouring dominant male. They were also more aggressive toward their own-group juveniles that had been sired by the neighbouring dominant but only when encountered in the neighbouring territory and with a greater bias against female juveniles. Females were least aggressive toward own-group juveniles sired by their own-group dominant male. The sire-bias in tolerance among females is similar to that reported among the dominant males themselves in an earlier study. As a result of the combined sire-bias in tolerance by adult males and females, juveniles sired by their own-group dominant males become less likely to intrude into a neighbouring territory with time. Overall, the results suggest that differences in social tolerance reflect discrimination on the basis of social group membership rather than relatedness between interactants and thus provide strong experimental evidence in support of incidental kin bias rather than kin discrimination.  相似文献   

Evaluation of evolutionary mechanisms proposed to promote cooperative behavior depends on the relative influence of the behavior on the reproductive success of individuals, the reproductive success of the group in which they interact behaviorally, and the degree of gene correlation among cooperators. The genetic relationship within cooperative coalitions of female red howler monkeys was examined for three populations with different densities and growth rates. Patterns of gene correlation change within coalitions is documented using data from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, and long-term census monitoring. Differences in fecundity and infant survivorship within and between groups of unrelated (=0) and related (≥ 0.25) females are compared. Females that emigrate from their natal groups form coalitions with other migrant females. These coalitions attempt to establish a territory and, once successful in producing offspring, exclude other females from feeding resources. Females in these coalitions had different mtDNA haplotypes and a genetically estimated mean r of 0, supporting demographic data on emigration patterns indicating that these females rarely have the opportunity to form coalitions with kin. Patterns of recruitment and rate of matriline development within social groups supported behavioral data indicating that females actively attempt to promote their own matriline as breeders over that of other females, and that some matrilines are more successful at this than others. Mean r among females was significantly higher in coalitions established as social groups for several generations (=0.44). In these groups, females all shared the same mtDNA haplotype, and mtDNA haplotype divergence was significantly higher between than within groups. Females in coalitions with kin had significantly higher reproductive success than females in unrelated coalitions in all populations. This difference was not a function of coalition size, number of males, socionomic sex ratio, or primiparity, although anecdotal evidence suggests that allomothering may compensate for inept new mothers in related coalitions more often than in unrelated ones. Differences in territory quality could not be ruled out as a potential causal factor in the saturated populations, but were unlikely in the low-density, growing population. There were substantial differences among long-established coalitions in overall reproductive output in all three populations, and this was significantly correlated with the number of breeding females. Increase in coalition size was a function of both group age and the behavioral tolerance among females. Regardless of the underlying reasons for the patterns observed, reproductive success clearly increases with degree of gene correlation among females within cooperative coalitions, and coalitions that recruit more daughters produce more offspring. The nature of the cooperative relationship among group females directly influences both of these outcomes. This is associated with substantial genetic differentiation among social groups within populations, creating conditions in which genetic tendencies towards cooperative behavior can become tightly associated with group reproductive success. Received: 15 September 1999 / Revised: 27 April 2000 / Accepted: 27 May 2000  相似文献   

Theory predicts that females in species with matrilineal dominance hierarchies should use nepotistic support systems to maintain their family’s rank. Female Old World monkeys, however, form alliances against other females at surprisingly low rates. Nonetheless, in many species, females utter threat vocalizations when observing others’ disputes, suggesting that these vocalizations may function as ‘vocal alliances’. We describe a playback experiment testing the efficacy of vocal alliances in free-ranging female baboons. Subjects were played the same female’s threat-grunts under three separate conditions: after being threatened by the signaller’s close relative to mimic kin support, after being threatened by a female maternally unrelated to the signaller to mimic non-kin support, and after a friendly interaction with the signaller’s close relative as a control. Subjects responded more strongly to the playback and avoided the signaller and her matrilineal relatives for a longer period of time in kin support trials than in either non-kin support or no aggression trials. In contrast, there was no difference in subjects’ behaviour between non-kin support and no aggression trials. These results corroborate observational data showing that vocal support occurs at a higher rate than physical support in female baboons, and that kin are more likely to provide vocal support than non-kin. We conclude that vocal support plays a similar role as physical support in the alliances of female baboons.  相似文献   

The extent to which active female mating preferences influence male reproductive success in mammals is unclear, particularly for promiscuously breeding species like chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Previous studies from multiple long-term study sites have shown that female chimpanzees mate more restrictively around ovulation, and this has been taken as evidence for female choice. However, none of these studies rigorously evaluated the alternative hypothesis that restrictive mating results not from unconstrained choice, but in response to coercive mate guarding, in which males use punishment and intimidation to reduce female promiscuity and promote their own mating interests. Nor did they consider evidence for the potential genetic or phenotypic benefits that females might be choosing. Using 11 years of data from the Kanyawara community in Kibale National Park, Uganda, we previously demonstrated that males achieve elevated mating success with those females toward whom they direct high levels of aggression. Here we extend those findings to show that even female copulatory approaches, which have previously been attributed to female choice, are correlated with male aggression. Specifically, individual females at our site initiated periovulatory copulations most frequently with the males who were most aggressive toward them throughout their cycles. Those males showed high rates of aggression toward females throughout estrus, despite achieving high copulation rates, demonstrating a continuing conflict of interest over the exclusivity of mating access. Because sexual coercion is potentially widespread in primates and other mammals, our results stress the importance of considering the influence of male aggression in studies of female choice.  相似文献   

The quality, availability and distribution of food resources and their influence on types and levels of feeding competition play a central role in ecological models of female social structure in mammals. Here, we investigate the impact of social and ecological factors on rates of food-related aggression and the use of potential conflict avoidance mechanisms in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) in northeastern Thailand. These questions were addressed by examining feeding competition at the level of individual food patches which provides detailed information on resource characteristics, aggression and feeding party composition. Results suggest that the frequency of aggression in food patches increases with increasing feeding group size and decreasing patch size but is not affected by ecological variables representing resource value (abundance and nutritional value of food items in a patch). Interestingly, females appear to employ several mechanisms to avoid direct conflicts, including the use of alternative feeding sites within food patches, delayed arrival at feeding sites, storing food in cheek pouches and co-feeding with individuals they share strong social bonds with. Conflict avoidance may be partially responsible for the absence of a rank-related skew in female energy intake in this population and may explain other cases where empirical data do not fit the predictions of socio-ecological theory. Our findings also inform the debate about the mechanisms generating fitness benefits from strong social bonds by suggesting that by increasing feeding tolerance, social bonds may enhance resource acquisition, reduce the risk of injuries and lower levels of agonism-related stress.  相似文献   

Cooperative mate guarding by males is unusual in mammals and birds, largely because fertilizations are non-shareable. Chimpanzees live in fission-fusion communities that have cores of philopatric males who cooperate in inter-group aggression and in defending access to the females in their community. Male contest mating competition is restrained within communities, but single high-ranking males sometimes try to mate guard estrous females. Data from an unusually large chimpanzee commmunity at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, that contains more males than any previously studied community show new variation in chimpanzee mate-guarding behavior. Contrary to expectation given the large number of males, mate guarding was as common as, or more common than, at other sites, and males other than the alpha male guarded more often. More strikingly, pairs or trios of top-ranking males sometimes engaged in cooperative aggression to prevent estrous females from mating with other males, but tolerated each other's mating activities. Both single males and coalitions mostly guarded periovulatory females. Mate-guarding coalitions were previously unknown in chimpanzees. Coalitions occurred in large mating parties, seemingly because these often contained too many males for single males to maintain exclusive access to estrous females. Coalition members gained higher shares of copulations than they could have expected from solo mate guarding, and suffered lower per capita costs of guarding (as inferred from aggression rates). Two males who most often participated in coalitions formed two-male coalitions at about the point where the number of males present made it unlikely that either could get 50% or more of total copulations on his own, and formed trios when this value dropped below 33%. Kin selection could be a factor in cooperation among male chimpanzees, but coalition members were not necessarily close relatives and the apparent structure of payoffs fit that of mutualism. Furthermore, reliance of male chimpanzees on support from allies to maintain high rank could have led to trading of mating exclusivity for support against mating competitors. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 16 May 1998  相似文献   

We examined patterns of affiliation, association, and aggression to inquire whether spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) can distinguish among various groups of maternal and paternal siblings. If so, and if these animals conform to predictions of kin selection theory, then behavioral interactions among hyenas should vary with relatedness. We also considered familiarity-based recognition and phenotype matching as mechanisms hyenas might use to recognize kin. Patterns of affiliative behavior indicated that hyenas favored full-sibling littermates over half-sibling littermates or any other group of half-siblings. Rates of dyadic aggression generally did not vary with kinship. Hyenas associated more closely with half-sibling littermates than with non-littermate half-siblings, and hyenas affiliated more with maternal half-siblings than with paternal half-siblings, suggesting that familiarity-based cues might mediate discrimination among these sibling classes. In addition, operation of a phenotype-matching mechanism was suggested by the preference hyenas demonstrated during affiliative interactions for full- over half-sibling littermates, and by their lack of preference in these interactions for half-sibling littermates over non-littermate half-siblings. Phenotype matching was also suggested by our observation that paternal half-siblings cooperated more, and fought less, than did non-kin. Our data indicate that hyenas can discriminate among various types of siblings, that their social behavior conforms to predictions of kin selection theory, and that they recognize kin using mechanisms of both familiarity and phenotype matching.Communicated by S. Alberts  相似文献   

A variety of factors can influence an individual’s choice of within-group spatial position. For terrestrial social animals, predation, feeding success, and social competition are thought to be three of the most important variables. The relative importance of these three factors was investigated in groups of ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) in Iguazú, Argentina. Different age/sex classes responded differently to these three variables. Coatis were found in close proximity to their own age/sex class more often than random, and three out of four age/sex classes were found to exhibit within-group spatial position preferences which differed from random. Juveniles were located more often at the front edge and were rarely found at the back of the group. Juveniles appeared to choose spatial locations based on feeding success and not predation avoidance. Since juveniles are the most susceptible to predation and presumably have less prior knowledge of food source location, these results have important implications in relation to predator-sensitive foraging and models of democratic group leadership. Subadults were subordinate to adult females, and their relationships were characterized by high levels of aggression. This aggression was especially common during the first half of the coati year (Nov–April), and subadults were more peripheralized during this time period. Subadults likely chose spatial positions to avoid aggression and were actively excluded from the center of the group by adult females. In the Iguazú coati groups, it appeared that food acquisition and social agonism were the major determinants driving spatial choice, while predation played little or no role. This paper demonstrates that within-group spatial structure can be a complex process shaped by differences in body size and nutritional requirements, food patch size and depletion rate, and social dominance status. How and why these factors interact is important to understanding the costs and benefits of sociality and emergent properties of animal group formation.  相似文献   

Summary A laboratory study on the ontogeny of social behavior in pikas (Ochotona princeps), an alpine lagomorph, was conducted to determine the role of early relationships between adult females and young and among siblings in the development of territorial and dispersal behaviors. Sex differences during development were examined because field studies have reported greater dispersal distances in young females than young males. At birth, females were significantly heavier than males. There were no sex differences in nursing frequency until after the 2nd week of age, when males initiated more nursing attempts than females. By the end of the weaning period (weeks 5 and 6), adult females became non-interactive with young, but aggression of young toward littermates and the mother increased until the eighth week. At this time, young males outweighed their sibling females. Young were dominant over their mothers by the age of 5 weeks, and young males were dominant over their sibling females.Sex differences were observed in aggression, scent-marking, exploratory activity, and submissive vocalizations, with higher rates in young males, except for submissive vocalizations, which were higher in females (Table 2). Vocalizations and scent-marking behavior increased over time, and were positively correlated with interaction rates.These data support the hypothesis that female young disperse farther than male young largely as the result of unsuccessful competition with male siblings for available territories close to the birthplance. A dispersal strategy for pkkas is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary The social organization of the Galápagos mockingbird (Nesomimus parvulus) in unusual in that groups frequently include more than one breeding pair (plural breeding), and helping behavior is flexible: some birds neither breed nor help, while others do both. To investigate the influence of kinship on helping behavior, I categorized each bird as a helper or non-helper with respect to each nest within its group where it had an opportunity to help. The incidence of helping varied with relatedness: more birds helped when nestlings available to be fed were close relatives than when not. This result was independent of a higher incidence of helping among males than among females and of variation with age among males. Proportionally more nonbreeding than breeding males helped, but breeding and nonbreeding females helped equally infrequently; breeders helped most often after their own nests failed. The incidence of helping was highest among birds with opportunities to feed offspring of breeders that had fed the potential helper as a nestling, suggesting a mechanism for kin discrimination based on associative learning. Juveniles with opportunities to choose among alternative recipients preferentially fed closely related nestlings, but insufficient information was available to determine if adults also did so. Kinship did not influence the rate at which nestlings were fed by helpers. Juveniles fed nestlings at lower rates than did adult helpers, but helping effort was otherwise unaffected by age, sex, or relatedness. Limitation of help to former feeders functions as a mechanism for directing aid to relatives in a plural breeding system where degrees of kinship vary among potential recipients within the same group.  相似文献   

Summary Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) were live-trapped from 5 to 7 years at three sites in southwestern Alberta, Canada. The two most common adult matrilineal relatives for 2-year-old females were the mother and a 1 year older non-littermate sister. Co-occurrence of female kin depended firstly on size and sexual composition of litters and secondly on age-specific survival and recruitment rates. Adult matrilineal kin frequently coexisted among breeding females of this species, leading us to predict a social system strorgly influenced by nepotism. However, the life history traits of S. columbianus suggest an adult female kin cluster unlike that found for other species of Spermophilus in which littermate sisters are common. If availability of adult female kin influences kin-differential behaviour, then female S. columbianus should favour mothers, daughters and non-ittermate sisters.  相似文献   

The capacity to recognise a conspecific intruder was investigated in Parischnogaster jacobsoni, Liostenogaster flavolineata and L. vechti, three species of primitively social wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae. Results of behavioural experiments carried out in the field showed that females of all three species react pacifically if presented with female nestmates, but aggressively reject an intruder from a conspecific colony. As L. flavolineata and L. vechti both build large clusters of nests, often very close to each other, the recognition capacity among females from different nests, but in the same conspecific cluster, was also investigated. Females of both species were more aggressive towards females from a different colony in the same cluster than towards their female nestmates. Additional experiments on L. flavolineata showed that there was no difference in reaction towards females from colonies nearer or further from the tested colony but within the same cluster, nor towards females from a different cluster. The capacity to recognise an alien conspecific nest containing immature brood was investigated in P. jacobsoni. Adult females of this species, invited to land on an alien nest which had experimentally been exchanged for their own, accepted the new nest and partially destroyed the immature brood. The behaviour of the females when they land on an alien nest, however, suggests that they do recognise the nest as foreign. Acceptance of foreign nests coupled with low immature brood destruction is probably due to the high energetic costs of egg-deposition and larval rearing in stenogastrine wasps. These results suggest that nestmate recognition in these wasps is very efficient, even though they belong to the most primitive subfamily of social wasps. Received: 16 April 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

Both solitary and primitively social nests of the facultatively social carpenter bee Xylocopa pubescens can be found throughout most of the breeding season. In social nests there is reproductive division of labour between a dominant forager and a guarding female. Two types of guarding females can be discerned: the young pre-reproductive guards, and older, formerly reproductive guards. The latter type of guard is found when, after a take-over of reproductive dominance either by a nestmate (mostly a daughter) or an intruder, the defeated female stays in the nest instead of leaving to try and found or usurp another nest. She is then manipulated into the role of a guard. The dominant female profits from the presence of the guard since she protects the nest against pollen robbery by conspecifics (Hogendoorn and Velthuis 1993). We have studied why superseded females might prefer to remain as a guard, rather than try their luck somewhere else. The hypotheses investigated pertain to (1) the difficulty for the defeated female of finding a new nest and of restarting reproductive activities due to (a) ecological constraints (nest and pollen shortage) and (b) the effect of age and wear on the defeated female; (2) the effects of guarding in terms of inclusive fitness. We found that superseded females remained as guards significantly more often when a nestmate (not necessarily close kin) took over reproductive dominance than when an intruder did so. Other factors associated with the decision of the defeated female to stay or leave were her age and the number of her own young still present after the supersedure. The probability of finding or constructing a new nest was lower for old than for young females. After finding a nest, old females produced less brood than young foundresses. As a result of these two factors old superseded females gained, in terms of inclusive fitness, by staying as guards, whereas young females profited from leaving the nest. We interpret these results as an indication that guarding behaviour has evolved due to kin selection. However, kin discrimination apparently did not occur. Therefore we conclude that in this species kin selection is not, in the proximate frame of reference, based on kin recognition and preference for helping kin. Correspondence to: K. Hogendoorn  相似文献   

Summary Injurious aggression, scent marking and some visual displays shown in situations analogous to territorial defense were studied in young saddleback tamarins who had lived with nonrelated adult and juvenile social partners from 6 months of age under the experimental conditions outlined below. Twenty male and 20 female tamarins were removed from their natal families when 6 months old, and were used to form pairs and trios of the following composition: (1) one juvenile female and one juvenile male (10 pairs); (2) one juvenile female and one adult male (4 pairs); (3) one juvenile female, one juvenile male, and one adult male (6 trios); (4) one adult female and one juvenile male (4 pairs). These groups cohabited permanently and when the subjects were between 10 and 12 months old, their social interactions with adult conspecific strangers were studied, using series of 10-min social encounter tests. During these tests injurious aggression (attacks, fights, chases), a number of visual hostile displays (threat face, ruffle, arch) and scent marking were recorded.Young males and females living with adults of the opposite sex showed more injurious aggression against strangers and scent marked more frequently than young subjects living with partners of their own age. Males living with adult females also showed more facial threat than males living with young females (Figs. 1 and 2). Young males living in trios with adult males and young females scent marked less frequently than males living only with a young female. Aggression, scent marking and facial threat shown by subjects living with adult sex partners were at the level of socially and sexually experienced, pair-bonded adults (Fig. 3). No differences in ruffling and arching scores were found. The injurious aggression scores of the subjects were correlated with those of their mates. These results show that tamarins can fulfill the behavioral roles of pair bonded adults and also breed (Epple and Katz 1980) at an unexpectedly early age, when they live under the influence of an adult sex partner. Young animals cohabiting with an adult of the same sex, on the other hand, show a trend toward inhibition of adult-like behaviors.  相似文献   

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