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The relationship between reproduction and condition was studied in a 15 mo sample of 919 maturing, mature and post-spawning female Octopus mimus (388 to 3714 g) caught in Iquique (North Chile). O. mimus is a semelparous species, with reproduction taking place all year round. Investment in reproductive tissues was, on average, 9.9% of mature female body weight, independent of season. However, somatic growth during maturation was dependent on season and varied between 26 and 63% of the whole-body growth in weight. The condition of females did not vary markedly until spawning, although seasonal variations were apparent, winter being the most unfavourable. Condition deteriorated dramatically after spawning, during parental care of the eggs. During this period, somatic-tissue depletion, mainly from the muscles, was >25% of the total body weight of mature females. The fecundity of O. mimus was probably limited by the costs associated with parental care of the eggs.  相似文献   

The natural feeding of 485 Octopus mimus (164 to 3088 g) was studied in relation to the species' life cycle and environmental seasonal variations off the north of Chile from autumn 1991 to summer 1992. Analysis of digestive-tract contents revealed that O. mimus preyed upon 25 different prey items belonging to five zoological groups (Teleostei, Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata and Polychaeta). Cannibalism was only occasional. The results indicate that the diet and food intake of this species are significantly affected by sex and maturation. Senescent individuals ingest a small amount of food, and their diet is mainly based on small, not very motile prey. The food intake, expressed as body weight, of non-senescent individuals is higher in females than in males. Seasonal changes in sea-water temperature seem to be followed by adjustments in food intake. Like other Octopus species, O. mimus appears to be an opportunistic predator.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the biology of Bathypolypus sponsalis were studied from 297 individuals (115 males, 180 females and 2 indeterminates) caught in a depth range of 200–800 m depth in the western Mediterranean Sea. The paper presents data on sizes (length-weight relationships, size-frequency distributions) and reproduction (sex ratio, maturation, condition), and also analyses of the diet of B. sponsalis from samples taken throughout the year. Length-weight relationships showed that females are heavier than males at the same mantle length. Although mature individuals were found all year round, the maximum number occurred in spring and summer. Sexual maturation data revealed that males mature at smaller sizes than females. The gonadosomatic index increased with maturity in both sexes; the increase was gradual in males, but abrupt in females. The digestive gland index was used as a condition index and showed a differential behaviour with maturity; it increased gradually in females, but decreased in males. Like other octopus species, B. sponsalis appears to be an opportunistic predator, feeding on a great variety of preys. Stomach content analysis yielded a total of 19 different prey items belonging to four major groups (Crustacea, Mollusca, Ophiuroidea and Osteichthya). The first three groups were the more frequent preys, since crustaceans, molluscs and ophiuroids appeared in 76%, 49% and 30% of the stomachs, respectively. Decapoda Reptantia (among crustaceans) and cephalopods and bivalves (among molluscs) constituted the more abundant prey items. While the Decapoda Reptantia group was significantly more abundant in stomach contents of females, gastropods were taken more frequently by males. These differences in diet could reveal females as a more active predators than males. Received: 5 March 2000 / Accepted: 7 November 2000  相似文献   

L. M. Joll 《Marine Biology》1976,36(4):327-333
Observations on mating, egg-laying and hatching of aquarium-held individuals of Octopus tetricus Gould, 1852 are described. Females were able to store viable spermatozoa for periods up to 114 days, and laid many small eggs in strings 10 to 12 cm long. The duration of embryonic development varied inversely with temperature. The newly hatched planktonic larvae were 2.5 mm long by 1.1 mm wide, but attempts to rear them were unsuccessful, the longest survival being 21 days. The females died following egg hatching.  相似文献   

Confusion abounds regarding the relative generic status of many member species of the squid family Loliginidae. A taxonomie reorganisation within the family has been proposed in whichLoligo species from the Indo-Pacific possessing photophores on the ink sac, includingLogligo edulis andLoligo chinensis, are removed to the newly created genusPhotololigo. This system of classification has not however gained general acceptance, and some authors have continued to refer to these species asLoligo. Here biochemical genetic data gathered using allozyme electrophoresis are presented supporting the assertion thatL. edulis andL. chinensis should indeed be positioned in a genus distinct from that characterised by the type speciesLoligo vulgaris vulgaris. Cluster analysis of allele frequency data from 22 putative enzyme-coding loci suggests thatL. edulis andL. chinensis are as genetically distant fromL. vulgaris vulgaris as are members of the confamilial generaAlloteuthis, Uroteuthis andSepioteuthis, and as such warrant separate generic status. We conclude that the genusPhotololigo is valid.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in various tissues (hepatopancreas, branchial hearts, salivary gland, gills, genital tract, mantle, arms and skin) of Octopus vulgaris collected from three different contaminated sites in front of Alexandria (Egypt) during 2000. All collected tissues displayed high enrichment factors when compared to ambient levels. Heavy metal concentrations in most tissues displayed significant differences among sites, sizes and sex. This study suggests that hepatopancreas, and to a lesser extent branchial hearts, are better indicators of chronic Cu, Fe, Zn and Cd contamination than edible tissues. The enrichment factor (EF) for heavy metals in the hepatopancreas and in edible tissues allowed discriminating our samples into three main groups; (1) EF?>?55 (Cu), (2) EF ranging from 15 to 7.5 (Fe, Cd and Zn) and (3) EF?相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of eight species of incirrate octopodid from western Antarctica were investigated using molecular sequence data from the mitochondrial 16s ribosomal RNA gene. The genus Pareledone, which is endemic to the Antarctic, was found to be polyphyletic. On the basis of this and previous morphological studies, it is suggested that species that are morphologically similar to Pareledone polymorpha should be removed from the genus. This simplifies the diagnosis of Pareledone: a new diagnosis is given. The subfamilies Eledoninae and Graneledoninae were also found to be polyphyletic. The applicability of using the presence of an ink sac as a taxonomic character to define the subfamilies is discussed. Loss of an ink sac is almost certainly an adaptation to depth and use of this character has produced an artificial classification with no evolutionary significance. As the other two subfamilies, Octopodinae and Bathypolypodinae, are also separated by this character, it is probable that all the subfamilies of the Octopodidae are polyphyletic. The use of subfamilies should therefore be discontinued until our understanding of the evolution of the family Octopodidae increases.  相似文献   

Respiration and calcification were investigated in the ectocochleate cephalopod Nautilus macromphalus Sowerby. Specimens were collected off New Caledonia, in October 1991, and kept at the Nouméa Aquarium until December 1991. The respiratory quotient and calcification rate of 5 individuals were measured during 14 short term incubations (63 to 363 min). Oxygen uptake was recorded with a polarographic oxygen sensor. CO2 flux and calcification were calculated from changes in pH and alkalinity (alkalinity-anomaly technique). Several methods were used to compute the respiratory quotient (RQ); a functional regression indicated an RQ of 0.74. CaCO3 exchange rates were linearly related to respiratory quotient, calcification occurring in individuals with a low RQ. CaCO3 uptake from the surrounding water was noncontinuous. From the highest CaCO3 uptake, maximum growth rate was estimated as 7.1 mg shell wt h- (=61 g yr-1).  相似文献   

Coleoid cephalopods show flexibility in their reproductive strategies or mode of spawning, which can range from simultaneous terminal spawning over a short period at the end of the animal’s life to continuous spawning over a long period of the animal’s life. Although a simultaneous terminal spawning strategy is typical of shallow water temperate octopuses, it is not known whether deep-sea octopods would have the same reproductive strategy. The reproductive strategies and fecundity were investigated in nine species of deep-sea incirrate octopuses: Bathypolypus arcticus, Bathypolypus bairdii, Bathypolypus ergasticus, Bathypolypus sponsalis, Bathypolypus valdiviae, Benthoctopus levis, Benthoctopus normani, Benthoctopus sp., and Graneledone verrucosa (total n = 85). Egg-length frequency graphs and multivariate analysis (principal components analysis) suggest that B. sponsalis has a synchronous ovulation pattern and therefore a simultaneous terminal spawning strategy. Although a simultaneous terminal spawning strategy is most likely for B. levis and B. normani, the egg-length frequency graphs and multivariate analysis also suggest a greater variation in egg-lengths which could lead to spawning over an extended period.  相似文献   

The present study reports the gametogenic cycle of the common octopus, Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 in the Atlantic coast of Andalusia between May 2001 and May 2002. A total of 673 specimens of total weight ranging from 30 to 3,732 g were analysed. The gonad development was defined by means of histological methods and gonadosomatic indexes. Four gametogenic stages were identified in males (I immature, II maturing, III mature, IV spawning) and in females (I immature, II maturing, III pre-spawning, IV spawning). The sex ratio obtained was not significantly different from 1:1 (P>0.01). Mature males were found during the whole year, September being the month when the highest rate of sexually active individuals occurred (48%). In females, the gametogenic cycle commenced in December and ended in November, and spawning occurred between April and October, with two maximum peaks in August and September (48% in each). Size at sexual maturity was 850 g of total body weight for males and 1,250 g of total body weight for females. Males mature earlier than females.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

Restriction-site variation in mitochondrial (mt) DNA was assayed among 1675 red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus Linnaeus) sampled from 20 localities along the southeastern coast of the USA (western Atlantic) and the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf). Up to four consecutive year-classes (cohorts) were sampled at most localities. Nucleotide-sequence divergence among 170 mtDNA haplotypes identified ranged (in percentage) from 0.184 to 1.913, with a mean (±SD) of 0.887 ± 0.300. Comparisons of mtDNA haplotype frequencies across year-classes within localities were non-significant, indicating temporal stability of breeding components within localities. Significant heterogeneity in mtDNA haplotype frequencies was found across all localities, between (pooled) samples from the western Atlantic and the Gulf, and among geographically spaced, regional groupings in the Gulf. Genetic divergence between subpopulations of red drum in the western Atlantic and Gulf follows a pattern exhibited in other marine fishes, and probably stems from physical (historical environmental heterogeneity, absence of suitable habitat, and current patterns) and, perhaps, behavioral factors. Genetic differences among red drum in the Gulf appear to be due largely to an isolation-by-distance effect that is attributable to behavioral factors. The latter may include female philopatry to natal bays or estuaries, limited offshore (coastwise) movement of females relative to their natal bay or estuary, or both. Genetic divergence among red drum in the Gulf occurs despite high gene flow (estimated as the number of genetic effective migrants in an island mode). Conservation and management of red drum should be based on the premise that strategies for a given bay or estuary will impact geographically proximal bays or estuaries more than distal ones. Trajectories of correlograms in spatial autocorrelation analysis suggest a geographic neighborhood size, relative to genetic migration of red drum from a bay or estuary, of roughly 500 to 600 km. Received: 22 July 1998 / Accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Analyses of bottom trawl samples and feeding experiments in the laboratory revealed a reproduction period ranging from late March to early August in Eledone cirrosa of the Catalonian Sea (Western Mediterranean). The embryonic development, studies for the first time on eggs laid in the laboratory, shows no basic difference from that of other Octopodidae. The newly hatched animals are planktonic; morphologically, this feature is expressed by a relatively small arm-length.Laboratoire associé au C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

The sperm kinetics and fertilisation literature in marine invertebrates is heavily biased toward free-spawning species. Nonetheless, many species (e.g. cephalopods) transfer and/or fertilise gametes in confined external spaces or internally, creating very different selective pressures on sperm storage, sperm longevity and hence sperm competition. Here we report the results of an investigation into the effects of sperm age, water temperature and sperm concentration on sperm motility in the giant cuttlefish (Sepia apama). Significant positive correlations were found between percent motility and sperm concentration, and between sperm motile speed and sperm concentration. Mean percent motility of cuttlefish sperm suspension was still 9% eight hours after being released from the spermatophore and diluted into filtered seawater at 12°C (ambient field temperature during the spawning season). Sperm resuspended from spermatangia taken from (mated) females in the field were motile for up to 100 hours. When spermatophores were stored at 4°C motility was still observed in resuspended sperm after two months. Our results show that spermatangia and spermatophores can retain and release live sperm for long periods. The observed longevity of sperm in S. apama greatly increases the potential for sperm competition in this species.  相似文献   

Feeding causes an increase of metabolic rate, which initially escalates rapidly, reaches a peak value and then gradually declines to the pre-feeding rate. This phenomenon, termed specific dynamic action (SDA), reflects the energy requirements of the behavioral, physiological and biochemical processes that constitute feeding. The effect of temperature on SDA of the common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, was evaluated, by measuring the temporal pattern of the oxygen consumption rates of octopuses, after feeding, at two constant temperatures, 20°C and 28°C. At 20°C, the relative increase in the oxygen consumption rate after feeding (relative SDA) was significantly greater than at 28°C. The peak of the relative SDA occurred 1 h after feeding, and it was 64% at 20°C and 42% at 28°C. However, the SDA absolute peak, SDA duration (9.5 h) and SDA magnitude (the integrated postprandial increase in oxygen uptake) did not differ significantly between the two temperatures, indicating that the energetic cost of feeding was the same at both temperatures. The SDA response in O. vulgaris was much faster than it was in polar species, which have extended SDA responses due to low temperatures, and was also relatively fast in relation to the response in other temperate species, which is probably connected to the remarkably high growth rates of the species. A possible explanation of the observed summer migration of large octopuses from shallow to deeper areas is given, based on the effect of temperature on the energetic requirements of octopuses.  相似文献   

The location of spawning grounds of the squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii (D'Orbigny) was investigated in the years 1988–1990. At least 39 spawning sites were found during this period along the inshore areas of the Eastern Cape coastline between Algoa Bay and Plettenberg Bay. The substrate chosen for egg laying was mostly fine sand or flat reef, frequently in large and relatively shettered bays. Spawning was found to occur sporadically throughout the year, and some spawning sites were used repeatedly within a particular year and in subsequent years. Squid migrate in discrete schools separated by sex in the vicinity of the spawning sites; these schools mix during spawning. Mating and egg deposition behaviour is described from observations made on the spawning grounds. Cannibalism was seen on a number of occasions, but no post-spawning mortality was recorded. Egg beds consisted mostly of large concentrations of egg strands (>3 m in diameter), with smaller aggregations of one to ten egg strands surrounding these, with single strands in the immediate vicinity. Three basic patterns of echotraces were identified and interpreted according to diving observations. These patterns were classified as loose patches, dense patches, and complex patterns. The first two represent non-spawning schooling patterns and the third, mating and egg laying behaviour. This observation led to the general classification of squid aggregations: schools (non-spawning mode) and concentrations (spawning mode). Concentrations as far as Loligo vulgaris reynaudii was concerned were further divided into two patterns: suprabenthic and benthic (spawning) squid.  相似文献   

We explore the phylogeography of the broadcast spawner Marthasterias glacialis along south Europe and Azores. Sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase gene from 225 specimens, belonging to 10 localities, were analysed. We found 73 haplotypes grouped within two lineages (divergence 2.9%). One lineage was Atlanto–Mediterranean, whereas another one was exclusively Mediterranean. Estimation of lineages split goes back to 830,000–580,000 (±120,000) years ago. This suggests that sea-level oscillations during the Pleistocene glaciations promoted gene flow interruption, lineage divergence between basins and cryptic speciation. Secondary contact between populations allowed a recolonization of the Mediterranean by the Atlantic lineage. When animals of the Atlanto–Mediterranean lineage were considered separately, F st index and AMOVA did not show significant differences between populations along either the Iberian Peninsula or basins. Isolation by distance between populations was not detected, and only populations of Plymouth and Azores showed significant differences to all the others. The remoteness of Azores islands might explain the structure of this population. Haphazard arrival of larvae and local extinctions rather than contemporary restricted gene flow might be responsible for the distinctive population structure of Plymouth.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic diversity among populations of the shrimp Farfantepenaeus notialis, the most abundant penaeid species around Cuba. A total of 25 allozyme loci were analyzed in samples of shrimps from seven localities at the south central platform of the island (Ana María Gulf). Samples from three of these localities and from Batabanó Gulf and Guacanayabo Gulf at the south west and south east platforms of the island, respectively, were also characterized at the mtDNA level through sequence variation of a 2027 bp segment including part of the COI and COIII genes. Of the 25 allozyme loci studied 9 were polymorphic: Akp2, Akp3, AmyB, Est3, Gdh, GP7, and Per1, 2 and 3. In contrast to mtDNA, the pattern of allozyme variation among localities revealed strong population structuring at Ana María Gulf, with significant F st in all pairwise comparisons. The magnitude of F st estimates as well as the grouping pattern obtained by a UPGMA analysis based on a distance matrix indicated that the level of differentiation was concordant with the geographical position of the localities and the hydrographic regime. Homogeneity of mtDNA suggested that differentiation of allozyme loci might be due to more recent events rather than historical isolation of the sampled populations. Ana María and Guacanayabo Gulf populations were differentiated by mtDNA from Batabanó Gulf, at the southwestern end of the island. The analysis showed three restriction site differences among them, suggesting genetic isolation of the two regions. The present results also suggest that an artificial introduction of larvae from Tunas de Zaza into Batabanó Gulf, in an effort to repopulate this fishing region, may have been ineffective. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of ribosomal ITS1-sequence analysis for evolutionary relationships between four species of corallimorphs which are morphologically very similar but have distinct distributions. The analyses highlight the unreliability of morphological criteria in establishing systematic relationships amongst tropical corallimorphs. Both parsimony and distance methods of phylogenetic analysis strongly support a deep divergence between the Caribbean species Rhodactics sanctithoma and the three morphologically-related species R. howesii and R. indosinensis from the Indo-Pacific and R. rhodostoma from the Red Sea. The analyses also strongly support a closer relationship between the Red Sea species, R. rhodostoma, and one of the Indo-Pacific species, R. howesii, than between these two and the second Indo-Pacific species, R. indosinensis. The first of these results is presumably a consequence of the closure of the Central American Seaway, the event which led to the separate development of Atlantic and Indo-Pacific coral faunas. However, the lack of detailed distribution data represents a major barrier to reconstructing the evolutionary history of the genus.  相似文献   

The known distribution of Calanus helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Drift is difficult to explain in the absence of a reproductively active population inhabiting continental waters off eastern North America. New evidece indicates that this population, overlooked in the past, does in fact exist. The species has been found in a study of zooplankton samples from a number of MARMAP (Marine Resource Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction Program) cruises surveying ichthyoplankton between Cape Hatteras and the New York Bight. Sexual activity in these stocks of C. helgolandicus was indicated by the ripeness of ovaries, the frequency of males, the presence of sperm in the females' seminal receptacles and the appearance of a female bearing a Calanus spermatophore. The new records provide a likely origin for the presence of the species in the vicinity of the Labrador Grand Banks as well as further east in the North Atlantic Drift. C. finmarchicus, similarly sexually active, was found to be sympatric with C. helgolandicus in the MARMAP collections which were taken from a region contiguous with the southernmost, known distribution, of C. glacialis. The distribution of integumental organs (i.e., pore signature patterns) was examined in the three species to determine whether they would be taxonomically useful. Strikingly different patterns were found on the female urosome. Pore signature differences between the polar species C. glacialis and the temperate C. helgolandicus proved to be as pronounced as those between the boreal C. finmarchicus and its two neighboring species. The successively overlapping ranges and the distinctive differences in pore signature patterns suggest that divergence from the generic pattern of integumental organ distribution has been a product of selection against hybridizing among the three species. If this is in fact the case, the reproductive range of C. helgolandicus has overlapped with those of C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis for appreciable periods in the history of the three species.  相似文献   

The lipid content of the digestive gland and the gonad of cuttlefishes (Sepia officinalis L.) caught off the French coasts in 1979–1980 was determined and analysed by thinlayer chromatography. The total sterol and phospholipid levels were also determined. The results from immature and mature females and males were compared in an attempt to correlate variations of the lipids with sex or state of gonad maturation. The fluctuations in the lipid level of the digestive gland, which acts as a storage organ, seemed far better related to the diet than to sex or sexual maturity. In the gonads, the lipids were few and seemed to be mostly membrane constituents. However, the increase of phospholipids in the mature ovary could be related to yolk synthesis.  相似文献   

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