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Environmental monitoring data for planning, implementing and evaluating the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) management system have been measured at about 8-day intervals in a number of rivers in Korea since 2004. In the present study, water quality parameters such as Suspended Solids (SS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP) and the corresponding runoff were collected from six stations in the Yeongsan River basin for six years and transformed into monthly mean values. With the primary objective to understand spatiotemporal characteristics of the data, a methodologically systematic application of a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) was made. The SOM application classified the environmental monitoring data into nine clusters showing exclusively distinguishable patterns. Data frequency at each station on a monthly basis identified the spatiotemporal distribution for the first time in the study area. Consequently, the SOM application provided useful information that the sub-basin containing a metropolitan city is associated with deteriorating water quality and should be monitored and managed carefully during spring and summer for water quality improvement in the river basin.  相似文献   

The paper presents the analysis of anthropogenical modifications of the landscape in relation to the course and consequences of floods. The research was conducted in the Otava river basin which represents the core zone of the extreme flood in August 2002 in Central Europe. The analysis was focused on the key indicators of landscape modification potentially affecting the runoff process - the long-term changes of land-use, changes of land cover structure, land drainage, historical shortening of the river network and the modifications of streams and floodplains. The information on intensity and spatial distribution of modifications was derived from different data sources - historical maps, available GIS data, remote sensing and field mapping. The results revealed a high level of spatial diversity of anthropogenical modifications in different parts of the river basin. The intensive modifications in most of indicators were concentrated in the lowland region of the river basin due to its agricultural use; however important changes were also recorded in the headwater region of the basin. The high spatial diversity of the modifications may result in their varying effect on the course and consequences of floods in different parts of the river basin. This effect is demonstrated by the cluster analysis based on the matrix of indicators of stream and floodplain modification, physiogeographical characteristics and geomorphological evidences of the flood in August 2002, derived from the individual thematic layers using GIS.  相似文献   

Identification of representative sampling sites is a critical issue in establishing an effective water quality monitoring program. This is especially important at the urban-agriculture interface where water quality conditions can change rapidly over short distances. The objective of this research was to optimize the spatial allocation of discrete monitoring sites for synoptic water quality monitoring through analysis of continuous longitudinal monitoring data collected by attaching a water quality sonde and GPS to a boat. Sampling was conducted six times from March to October 2009 along a 6.5 km segment of the Wen-Rui Tang River in eastern China that represented an urban-agricultural interface. When travelling at a velocity of ~2.4 km h(-1), this resulted in water quality measurements at ~20 m interval. Ammonia nitrogen (NH(4)(+)-N), electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity data were collected and analyzed using Cluster Analysis (CA) to identify optimal locations for establishment of long-term monitoring sites. The analysis identified two distinct water quality segments for NH(4)(+)-N and EC and three distinct segments for DO and turbidity. According to our research results, the current fixed-location sampling sites should be adjusted to more effectively capture the distinct differences in the spatial distribution of water quality conditions. In addition, this methodology identified river reaches that require more comprehensive study of the factors leading to the changes in water quality within the identified river segment. The study demonstrates that continuous longitudinal monitoring can be a highly effective method for optimizing monitoring site locations for water quality studies.  相似文献   

The problem of managing scientific information for widespread availability and use can be overwhelming. At Oregon State University, the Quantitative Sciences Group has found a workable solution. The group has developed a Forest Science Data Bank (FSDB) to house data generated by scientists and collaborating researchers in the Andrews Long-Term Ecological Research program. Today the FSDB houses some 2400 data sets from over 350 existing ecological studies and adds about 20 new studies yearly. This paper describes what we have learned in setting up the FSDB as a facility that can be used by researchers who both deposit information in and retrieve information from the FSDB.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to: (1) analyzehistorical diazinon water column monitoring data frominconsistent monitoring programs in mainstem and tributary sitesin the Sacramento and Feather River watersheds from 1991 to 2001to assess possible spatial and temporal trends and (2) determinethe probability of measured diazinon concentrations by site orsimilar pooled sites exceeding various proposed effectsbenchmarks such as Water Quality Criteria and 10th centilesderived from species sensitivity distributions proposed as targetconcentrations for Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). An analysisof diazinon monitoring data from both fixed and rain eventsampling from the Sacramento/Feather River watersheds from 1991to 2001 showed that 90th centiles for 27 different mainstemand tributary sites ranged from 12 to 14,897 ng L-1. The 90th centiles were generally higher at tributary sites (as compared to mainstem sites) during rain event sampling prior to 1995. A comparison of rain event samples for similar sites sampled in 1994 and 2000 showed that 90th centiles were lower in seven of eight sites in 2000. A comparison of pooled mainstemsites between 1994 and 2000 for rain event data showed a lower90th centile value for 2000; 90th centiles were alsolower in 2000 at all pooled tributary sites and all sites whendata from a highly influential site was removed. For varioussite designations (all sites, pooled mainstem sites etc.) theprobability of exceeding the acute and chronic diazinon targetsdeveloped by California Department of Fish and Game decreasedfrom 1994 to 2000. These data clearly show progress in the 6 yrperiod in reducing environmental concentrations of diazinon.Probability of exceeding the 10th centile targets based onspecies sensitivity distributions for arthropods (the mostsensitive taxa to diazinon exposure) was similar and fairly lowbetween years; the highest percent probability of exceedance forany site designation was 20%.Results from a two-way ANOVA using individual measurementsfrom all sites sampled showed a significant decrease during rainevents between 1994 and 2000, although the decrease was notequivalent for all sites. Sources of uncertainty identified inthe analysis of rain event data from 1994 and 2000 wereinconsistent frequency of sampling during rain events for eachyear, unknown definition of rain events between the two years andnon-defined measurement point within the hydrograph of rainevents sampled in each year. Analysis of diazinon trends fromfixed sampling was limited due to lack of yearly data by site;therefore, only parametric analysis could be conducted. Based onparametric analysis of diazinon monitoring data from fixedsampling sites, the percent detected concentrations were greaterthan 20% for 12 tributary sites and 5 mainstem sites fromsamples collected during January-March. On the average over allsites and months, diazinon concentrations have decreased at fixedsampling sites in the Sacramento/Feather River watershed from1991 to 2001.  相似文献   

Guadalquivir River (South of Spain) is among the major freshwater sources of the European Atlantic basin. Until now scientific efforts have been focused on contamination by heavy metals and some priority pollutants in Guadalquivir River. However, the presence of "emerging contaminants", such as pharmaceutically active compounds, has not yet been studied. In this work the occurrence and risk assessment of sixteen pharmaceutically active compounds, belonging to different therapeutic groups, in Guadalquivir River during its course through Seville city are reported. Wastewater effluents from four wastewater treatment plants discharging into Guadalquivir River and river water samples were analyzed. All studied pharmaceutically active compounds, except sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, estrone and clofibric acid, were detected in effluent wastewaters at concentration levels up to 28.9 μg L(-1). Among the pharmaceutically active compounds found in effluent wastewater, seven were present in Guadalquivir River samples at concentration levels up to 0.75 μg L(-1), which indicated an important dilution from effluent discharge. Environmental risk assessment reveals that potential ecotoxicological risk cannot be expected on Guadalquivir River at measured concentration levels. Only, the lipid regulator gemfibrozil showed a medium risk for the environment. The risk for acute toxic effects in the environment with the current use of active pharmaceutical ingredients is unlikely. However, the results do not rule out the potential for chronic environmental effects.  相似文献   

Mechanistic hydrologic and water quality models provide useful alternatives for estimating water quality in unmonitored streams. However, developing these elaborate models for large watersheds can be time-consuming and expensive, in addition to challenges that arise during calibration when there is limited spatial and/or temporal monitored in-stream water quality data. The main objective of this research was to investigate different approaches for developing multivariate analysis models as alternative methods for rapidly assessing relationships between spatio-temporal physical attributes of the watershed and water quality conditions in monitored streams, and then using the developed relationships for estimating water quality conditions in unmonitored streams. The study compares the use of various statistical estimates (mean, geometric mean, trimmed mean, and median) of monitored water quality variables to represent annual and seasonal water quality conditions. The relationship between these estimates and the spatial data is then modeled via linear and non-linear multivariate methods. Overall, the non-linear techniques for classification outperformed the linear techniques with an average cross-validation accuracy of 79.7%. Additionally, the geometric mean based models outperformed models based on other statistical indicators with an average cross-validation accuracy of 80.2%. Dividing the data into annual and quarterly datasets also offered important insights into the behavior of certain water quality variables impacted by seasonal variations. The research provides useful guidance on the use and interpretation of the various statistical estimates and statistical models for multivariate water quality analyses.  相似文献   

The impact of point (domestic and industrial effluents) and non-point (agricultural land runoff) pollution sources on the quality of the receiving waters of the Evrotas River (Laconia, Greece) was investigated during a monitoring study from August 1991 to August 1992. The part of the river which was located near the city of Sparta was seasonally influenced by the discharge of effluents from orange juice plants (operating during winter) and by the discharge of septage for the emptying of cesspools which are serving part of the city. The low dilution of incoming pollutants (septage) during the low water flow in summer lead to the decreasing self-purification capacity of the river and the development of septicity conditions in some of its parts. In the vicinity of intensively cultivated areas, the high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus which were detected in the river water during winter and spring may be partly attributed to the leaching of the applied fertilizers because of nirogen mobilization and soil erosion, following the season's precipitations. The protection of the Evrotas River water Quality must therefore include adequate treatment of the septage produced in the area, as well as the construction of wastewater treatment plants for the major industries of the area. The non-point pollution could be controlled by the restoration of the Evrotas riparian vegetation, together with a more rational use of fertilizers in the area.  相似文献   

The Micro Prespa basin is a trilateral catchment area of significant importance with a unique ecosystem closely related to the homonymous lake. In this frame, a fully operational monitoring project was carried out including continuous real-time measurements in Micro Prespa Lake with the use of a multi-sensor probe, as well as periodical sampling and analyses of all available water systems for an extended set of 85 parameters. Four main interacting water systems were identified, including alluvial and karstic aquifers, Micro Prespa Lake and adjacent drainage network. The results outlined that general environmental conditions are satisfying in respect to the relative legislation and the hydrogeochemical signatures. However, trends of environmental pressures were ascertained as a result of natural (geogenic) factors, embracing seasonal peaks for Ni, Pb, and NH4 mainly in groundwater systems. Based on chlorophyll a records, Micro Prespa is classified as oligotrophic to slightly mesotrophic, subjected to seasonal variations. Heavy metal concentrations are low, except Ni which appears to have elevated values during the dry hydrological period. Finally, the hydrogeochemistry of drainage network is primarily influenced by surface runoff of the surrounding mountainous areas, hence elevated phosphorus values of the Aghios Germanos stream are possibly linked with the leaching of the granitic formations on the east.  相似文献   

The proposed removal of three run-of-river dams (all ≤5-m height) in eastern Pennsylvania along lower Bushkill Creek, a tributary of the Delaware River, has provided a valuable opportunity for multidisciplinary research involving the collection of more than 5 years of pre-removal monitoring data, analysis of heavy metals in legacy sediment cores, and associated toxicity assays to determine the singular and interactive effects of lead, copper, and cadmium on survival and behavior of a common macroinvertebrate found in Bushkill Creek. Monitoring data were collected from sites approximately 35 m upstream and downstream of dams and reference sites located approximately 5 km upstream of all dams. Results indicate that oxygen levels, macroinvertebrate diversity, and proportion of sensitive taxa were significantly lower upstream and downstream of dams in comparison with upstream reference reaches. The strong correlation between water quality and macroinvertebrates in this system implies that removal of the lower three dams would lead to improvements in water quality, biotic integrity, and resilience in lower Bushkill Creek. Sediment analyses and toxicity assays suggest that dam removal and sediment mobilization may route contaminated sediments downstream at concentrations that may harm more sensitive biota. However, macroinvertebrate mortality and behavior were not significantly different from clean water controls for the large majority of toxicity assays. All together, these results suggest that dams 1–3 are good candidates for successful stream restoration but that the removals would best be planned in a way that mitigates potential impacts of contaminated legacy sediment.  相似文献   

Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a powerful statistical method which incorporates one or more covariates into the analysis to reduce error associated with measurement. ANCOVA (modeling response as a function of fish size) is frequently used to analyze environmental effects monitoring (EEM) fish survey data. In approximately 12% of fish survey data sets taken from cycles 1 to 3 of Environment Canada’s EEM database for pulp and paper mills, the standard assumption of parallel regression slopes is not met. For the first three cycles of the EEM program, these data sets were classified as indicating a mill effect, but for the most part were excluded from subsequent analyses aimed at quantifying the effect. We present two different methods for initially dealing with data sets that exhibit heterogeneous slopes so that they can be analyzed using the parallel slope model. The first method identifies data sets where heterogeneous slopes are forced by a few high-influence observations. The second approach identifies data sets where a model with heterogeneous slopes is statistically, but not practically, significant: with a high coefficient of determination for the parallel slope model. These new methodologies are applied to EEM pulp and paper data sets and about 55% of cases with heterogeneous slopes can be described by a parallel slope model. We also discuss a third method that can be used to describe mill effects when regression slopes remain heterogeneous even after applying the above two methods, enabling comparison with a critical effect size. These new methodologies could benefit the EEM program by enabling more data sets to be incorporated into meta-analyses and be used to make more equitable mill monitoring decisions in the future.  相似文献   

Two-year monitoring data (2006 and 2009), collected at the sub-urban site (WQS) and the background site (TH), were used to study the characteristics of Particulate Matter (PM) pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Similar levels of PM(2.5) concentration measured at both sites seem to confirm that the fine particles have emerged as a major regional pollution issue. The seasonal variation of PM(2.5) concentration is associated with the regional monsoon circulations while the diurnal variation is related to land-sea breeze, traffic emissions and boundary layer development. Negative correlation was found in PM(2.5)-wind speed and PM(2.5)-humidity. Analysis of radiation, temperature and ozone suggests the existence of secondary aerosol formation. Transport effect may be another contributing factor to high PM pollution in the region, such as occasional long-distance dust intrusion and trans-boundary effects from upwind areas.  相似文献   

As part of our efforts to find effective methods to the drinking water risk management, the health risk assessment of arsenic and cadmium in groundwater near Xiangjiang River was analyzed. The results suggest that although the arsenic and cadmium concentrations in 97% of groundwater sources are less than the requirement of Water Quality Standards for Drinking Water (GB5749-2006) in China, the residents served by almost all of the investigated centralized drinking water sources have a significant potential health risk by consumption, especially cancer risk. It is justified through analyses that risk assessment is an effective tool for risk management, and the maximum permissible concentration of arsenic and cadmium in drinking water (0.01 and 0.005?mg L-1, respectively) is suitable for China at present, considering the current economic status of China. Risk managers develop cleanup standards designed to protect against all possible adverse effects, which should take into account highly exposed individuals, effects of mixtures of toxic substances, attendant uncertainties, and other factors such as site-specific (or generic) criteria, technical feasibility, cost?Cbenefit analyses, and sociopolitical concerns.  相似文献   

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