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技术进步、结构变动与中国能源利用效率   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着中国经济的快速增长,能源生产与消费量呈几何级数增长,而单位GDP的能耗却不断下降.理论上,能源利用效率的变化可以归因于结构变化与技术进步.为了解释中国能源效率的这种变化过程,本文采用对数平均的LMDI方法将中国1994-2005年的能源强度变化分解为六大类产业结构变化、两位数产业结构变化效应和技术进步效应.研究结果表明,1994-2005年,能源强度降低主要得益于技术进步,但技术进步的贡献在2001年后不断降低,产业结构变动在1998年前降低了能源强度,1998年之后导致能源强度的上升.在技术效应中,化学原料及制品制造业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿物制品业等高耗能产业部门及居民消费业的技术进步是导致我国能源强度下降的主要原因.  相似文献   

从地区、产业以及规模以上工业三个视角,利用四种没有残值的指数分解方法将山东省的有关能源消费强度指标分解为效率效应和结构效应,研究结果显示:山东省生产总值的地区结构变动对其能源强度的下降有阻碍作用,而各地区能源效率的提高则有促进作用;农业、工业、建筑业、交通运输和仓储邮政、商业和住宿餐饮、其它服务业六大产业的增加值占全省增加值比重的变动对山东省能源强度的下降有不利影响,而各产业能源效率的变动则基本上起到促进作用;规模以上工业增加值的行业结构对规模以上工业能源强度的下降有增进作用,而各行业能源效率变动的影响则不稳定.着重发展第三产业,尤其是交通运输、商业、住宿餐饮之外的其它服务业、重视高耗能行业能源效率的持续提高、加强对重点地区的监控,包括泰安市、日照市、莱芜市、临沂市、聊城市等,是降低山东省能源强度的主要途径.  相似文献   

在发展低碳经济的趋势下,新疆过高的能源强度成为其自身发展和全国节能工作的"短板",会给我国的节能减排工作造成越来越难以解决的障碍,因此新疆面临严峻的节能减排挑战。能源强度(单位GDP能耗)是一个地区能源综合利用效率指标,受到多方面因素的影响。本文编制了1992、1997、2002和2007年新疆30部门能源投入产出表,采用投入产出结构分解方法(SDA),全面并深入分析GDP变动、单位产出能耗(即直接能源消耗系数)、技术变动和最终需求(包括消费规模、消费结构、投资规模、投资结构和净出口)变动对新疆生产能源强度的影响效应,并基于节能降耗角度分析技术变动和最终需求对产业结构变动的影响效应。结果表明:1992-2007年技术变动、消费规模、消费结构、投资规模和投资结构均对新疆生产能源强度的降低起抑制作用,并推动了产业结构中低能耗部门比重的下降。最后结合测算结果与新疆资源经济的特殊性,从技术投入、投资与消费引导以及民生扶持等方面提出了新疆能源强度治理策略建议。  相似文献   

在分析我国能源比价扭曲对能耗强度影响效应的基础上,建立了Bayesian时变动态回归模型,测算了能源价格变动对能耗的影响效果及变动趋势。主要结论为:①能源比价关系的调整比单种能源价格的国际接轨更为重要。相比国际市场的能源比价结构,中国能源商品价格结构的扭曲度提高了中国的能耗强度,促进了第二产业的增长。②能源价格的变动对单位GDP能耗的影响效应具有显著的时变特征。在电力、煤炭、石油三种能源中,电力价格的变动对能耗强度的影响最大。电力价格变化对单位GDP能耗的影响边际效应在逐年下降,但节能的效果仍很显著。煤电价格联动制约及"从量计征"的资源税偏低使得煤炭价格的上涨反而加大了能耗强度,且1996年以来煤炭价格的提高对单位GDP能耗上升的影响效应还在不断加强,原油价格的提高对单位GDP能耗的影响在不同的时间段有不同的作用,但相对煤炭及电力价格来说,石油价格的影响效应最小。2002年以前石油价格的上升对能耗的上升起助推作用,2003年后石油价格的上升对能耗的上升起降低作用且强度逐年加大。  相似文献   

中国高技术产业技术创新与能源效率协同发展实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术创新对能源效率的提高具有重要影响。技术创新可分为产品创新和工艺创新两种类型,且不同类型的技术创新在提高能源利用效率上具有差异性。然而,只有产品创新和工艺创新都与能源效率协同发展才能更有效促进经济增长。根据协同学理论,建立技术创新和能源效率复合系统协同度模型,采用1995-2009年中国高技术产业科技活动和能耗数据,对中国高技术产业产品创新、工艺创新和能源效率协同发展状况进行实证研究和理论解释。实证研究结果表明,从1995-2009年,中国高技术产业技术创新和能源效率协同发展的程度并不高;工艺创新与能源效率协同发展程度要高于产品创新与能源效率协同发展程度,但产品创新与能源效率协同发展增长速度更快。高技术产业应进一步加强技术创新、降低能耗,提高技术创新-能源效率协同水平。其中,提升工艺创新-能源效率协同水平将成为未来中国高技术产业技术创新与能源效率系统协调发展的重要任务。  相似文献   

能源强度是反映一国综合能源利用效率的重要指标。在我国,工业是能源消费最多的生产部门,其出口产品的生产已成为影响能源强度的重要因素,由此也说明出口贸易结构的调整是实现节能降耗的重要措施之一。本文基于中国33个工业行业的时间序列数据,运用Granger因果关系模型及多元线性回归模型分析了1992-2008年工业低、中、高能耗行业组出口比重的变化对能源强度的实际影响。分析结果表明,我国能源强度和出口贸易结构之间存在单向因果关系,中、高能耗行业组与低能耗行业组出口比重变动对能源强度的影响分别表现为正向与反向作用。并且,低能耗行业组出口比重的上升对降低我国能源强度的作用远大于中、高能耗行业组出口比重下降所产生的节能影响。三个能耗组出口比重变动对能源强度的影响反映了我国工业内部结构的变动及不同行业的能源需求特征。据此,本文提出了优化产业结构和工业内部结构、融入更多有效可行的经济手段于节能减排措施中、加大研发投入以促进传统出口产品更新换代等政策建议。  相似文献   

能源在社会经济发展中具有重要作用。随着能源消耗量剧增,能源供需矛盾、环境问题日益突出,研究区域能源强度变化具有重要的现实意义。采用Laspeyres因素分解法,定量分析江苏省和安徽省的产业结构和产业效率对能源强度的影响。研究发现:(1)安徽省的能源强度高于江苏省的能源强度,不过差距在逐渐变小,利用重标极差法预测未来两省的能源强度会逐渐趋同;(2)江苏省的产业结构发展有减小能源强度的趋势,不过作用过程有波动;产业效率有利于降低能源强度;(3)安徽省的产业结构有助于增加能源强度,作用趋势还在增大,产业效率有利于降低能源强度,降低作用大于江苏省。因此本文提出目前同样的投入应该偏向欠发达地区或能源强度较高地区,这有利于快速取得降低能源强度的成效.  相似文献   

中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004   总被引:171,自引:14,他引:157  
能源消费是碳排放的主要来源。随着中国经济的快速发展,能源消费的急剧增长以及以煤为主的能源结构在短期内很难改变,因此,碳排放不可避免地会出现一定幅度的增加。本文基于碳排放量的基本等式,采用对数平均权重Divisia分解法(Logarithmic mean weight Divisia method,LMD),建立中国人均碳排放的因素分解模型,定量分析了1995-2004年间,能源结构、能源效率和经济发展等因素的变化对中国人均碳排放的影响,结果显示经济发展对拉动中国人均碳排放的贡献率呈指数增长,而能源效率和能源结构对抑制中国人均碳排放的贡献率都呈倒“U”。这说明能源效率对抑制中国碳排放的作用在减弱,以煤为主的能源结构未发生根本性变化,能源效率和能源结构的抑制作用难以抵销由经济发展拉动的中国碳排放量增长。  相似文献   

为减少旅游业能源消耗,实现旅游低碳绿色发展,探讨如何提高旅游业能源效率,基于包含非期望产出的方向性距离函数,首先构建了适应旅游业的Biennial Malmquist-Luenberger(BML)效率指数,以中国30个省市2005~2013年旅游业为实证对象,测度了其能源效率,9 a来旅游业能源效率变化源泉可被分解为全要素生产率、资本对能源替代效应、劳动对能源替代效应、能源结构效应和产出结构效应5项影响因素。研究发现:(1)中国旅游业能源效率整体上处于较低水平,旅游业能源效率可以扩张提升的比例较大。(2)整体上全要素生产率、资本对能源替代效应、劳动对能源替代效应和能源结构效应的提升能促进旅游业能源效率提高。(3)近3 a来劳动和资本投入的能源替代效应对旅游业能源效率变化的作用超过了全要素生产率。(4)区域层面上,东部地区旅游业能源效率高于中西部地区,主要由地区间旅游业对资本投入使用和能源消耗结构的差异造成。(5)整个样本期间,中国17个省市旅游业能源效率呈现下降趋势,背后的因素各有不同,旅游业资本替代效应是湖北省、福建省和浙江省等多数省市旅游业能源效率下降的主要因素,全要素生产率是安徽省、海南省、贵州省和甘肃省旅游业能源效率下降的主要原因。因此,合理利用投入的资源要素对旅游业低能耗发展至关重要,尤其是要发挥好资本对能源的替代效应,高效的资本配置能极大提高旅游能源效率。  相似文献   

提高能源效率已成为我国节能减排政策的重点,但是由于经济系统内在的调整机制作用,在宏观层面所能实现的节能效果可能不及微观技术层面能源效率提高的程度,甚至还会诱发更多的能源消耗,该现象被称为“宏观能耗回弹”效应.本文通过构建一个中国环境资源CGE模型,测算生产部门提高能源效率的宏观能耗回弹效应.结果显示,能源效率提高5%后,短期回弹效应为52.38%,节能效果仅达到技术层面预期的一半左右;长期回弹效应达178.61%,在高耗能部门竞争力提高、耗能产品出口扩张和经济增长的推动下,节能效果不但被完全抵消,总能耗还进一步增加.因此,生产部门提高能源效率在短期内确实能够降低我国能源消耗,但是由于回弹效应的存在,长期来看,在技术层面“产量相同投入更少”的努力反映到宏观经济层面则转变成“生产更多投入更多”,并且加剧了我国经济高耗能的偏好,提高能源效率所引发的产出增长和结构调整对能耗增加的刺激作用可能最终会抵消或者超过提高能源效率的节能效果.  相似文献   

十一五期间中央环境保护专项资金下达近91亿元,为我国环境污染防治和监管基础能力建设提供了强有力的资金保障。随着财政资金使用改革的不断深入,财政部和环保部对中央环境保护专项资金的管理已从过去以评审为中心转变为以绩效为中心,无论在资金投向、分配方式、过程管理、绩效评估等方面都紧密围绕环境绩效这一中心开展。本文在对十一五期间中央环境保护专项资金资金分配总体情况总结归纳的基础上,分析了资金分配方式制约绩效发挥的主要问题,以改革创新资金分配方式、提高环境绩效为目的,对中央统筹法、项目申报法、因素分配法等三种分配方式提出了若干改革优化的建议。  相似文献   

Refrigerants used in refrigerators are an important source of ozone depleting substances released into the atmosphere, and can have a significantly negative effect on the hole in the ozone layer. But most-emission of refrigerants is man-made, unreasonable and needless. Since in most emission cases the refrigerants are contained in the refrigerators, we can retrieve them by some technique that changes the 'manual emission' into manual retrieving. To promote the retrieval action and diminish the pollution, society can use economic, administrative and technical countermeasures, which can create a 'good-cycle' both 'harnessing pollution and earning income simultaneously', reinforce the motive of retrieving, and retrieve most proportion of refrigerants used by'all refrigerators. This 'good-cycle' method can be easily promoted, and also a valuable way to promote other forms of environmental protection. The three countermeasures have almost no social cost, even no cost at all.  相似文献   


Refrigerants used in refrigerators are an important source of ozone depleting substances released into the atmosphere, and can have a significantly negative effect on the hole in the ozone layer. But most emission of refrigerants is man-made, unreasonable and needless. Since in most emission cases the refrigerants are contained in the refrigerators, we can retrieve them by some technique that changes the ‘manual emission’ into manual retrieving. To promote the retrieval action and diminish the pollution, society can use economic, administrative and technical countermeasures, which can create a ‘good-cycle’ both ‘harnessing pollution and earning income simultaneously’, reinforce the motive of retrieving, and retrieve most proportion of refrigerants used by all refrigerators. This ‘good-cycle’ method can be easily promoted, and also a valuable way to promote other forms of environmental protection. The three countermeasures have almost no social cost, even no cost at all.  相似文献   

The results of more than 1 yr of air monitoring inside and outside of five homes in each of two communities are presented for SO2, NO2, mass respirable particles, SO4, Al, Br, Cl, Mn, Na, and V. Outdoor measurements across the home site in each city are consistent with proximity to outdoor sources. Looking across indoor residential sites in each city, the home appears to alter outdoor concentrations in several ways. Indoor level of SO2, SO4, Mn, and V are lower than those measured outdoors. These constituents are thought generally to result from outdoor sources. The other constituents studied are at times found in excess within homes. In some cases the source or sources of excess concentration of a particular constituent could be identified; often, however, the source of excess indoor concentration could not be identified.  相似文献   

The proposed conversion from gasoline powered automobiles to diesel powered vehicels has prompted the Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate the potential health effects associated with exposure to diesel emissions. At present, there is no direct epidemiological link between this exposure and human health. Therefore, a research program was constructed to compare the health effects associated with diesel emissions with those from other emission sources for which epidemiological information was available. The emission sources chosen were cigarette smoke, roofing tar, and coke oven. An additional comparative emission source which was a gasoline catalyst engine. Respirable particles from a variety of combustion sources have the potential of being carcinogenic and mutagenic. The objective of these studies was to determine the relative biological activity of the organic material adsorbed on these particles in both in vitro mutagenesis and in vitro and in vivo bioassays. The organic extracts from the following series of emission sources were quantitatively bioassayed in a matrix of tests for their carcinogenic and mutagenic activity: (1) a light-duty Oldsmobile diesel 350 engine; (2) a heavy-duty Caterpillar diesel engine; (3) a light-duty Nissan engine; (4) a Volkswagen Rabbit diesel engine; (5) cigarette smoke; (6) roofing tar; (7) coke oven; and (8) a gasoline catalyst Mustang. The test matrix consisted of the following bioassay: reverse mutation in Salmonella typhimurium; mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; DNA damage in Syrian hamster embryo cells (SHE); sister chromatid exchange in CHO cells; gene mutation in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells, Balb/c 3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts and CHO cells; viral enhancement of SHE cells; oncogenic transformation in Balb/c 3T3 cells; and skin tumor initiation in SENCAR and C57 black mice. The results of this test matrix are discussed.  相似文献   

The widespread use of brominated flame-retarded products in the last two decades has resulted in an increasing presence of bromine in thermal processes such as waste combustion and accidental fires. Brominated and brominated-chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDDs/PBDFs, PXDDs/PXDFs) are micropollutants of concern arising from such processes. The present review aims to evaluate the relevance of these compound classes in actual thermal processes. Four categories of thermal processes are discussed in this respect according to their potential for PBDD/PBDF and PXDD/PXDF generation: thermal stress, pyrolysis/gasification, insufficient combustion conditions and controlled combustion conditions. Under thermal stress situations, as they may occur in production or recycling processes, PBDDs/PBDFs precursors like polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE) can have a relevant potential for PBDD/PBDF formation via a simple elimination. Under insufficient combustion conditions as they are present in, e.g. accidental fires and uncontrolled burning as well as gasification/pyrolysis processes, considerable amounts of PBDDs/PBDFs can be formed from BFRs, preferably via the precursor pathway. In contrast, under controlled combustion conditions, BFRs and PBDDs/PBDFs can be destroyed with high efficiency. The relevance of de novo synthesis of PXDDs/PXDFs is discussed for this condition.Providing a basis for the understanding of PXDD/PXDF formation in actual thermal processes, the present paper also summarises the formation pathways of brominated and brominated-chlorinated PXDDs/PXDFs from brominated flame retardants (BFRs) investigated during laboratory thermolysis experiments. Relevant mechanistic steps for PBDD/PBDF formation from brominated precursors are discussed including elimination reactions, condensation steps and debromination/hydrogenation reactions.In addition, chlorination/bromination and halogen exchange reactions are briefly discussed with respect for their relevance on the final distribution of PBDDs/PBDFs, mixed chlorinated PXDDs/PXDFs and PCDDs/PCDFs resulting from thermal processes.  相似文献   

Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are top predators in the North Sea and consequently accumulate a variety of pollutants in their tissues. Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated metabolites (HO-PCBs and HO-PBDEs) were measured in serum of wild harbour seals (n = 47) and captive harbour porpoises (n = 21). Both species exhibit long life spans and do not have extreme situations, such as complete fasting during periods of lactation, in their annual cycles. For PCBs, concentrations in adult males were slightly higher than in juveniles and lowest in juvenile females. For PBDEs, juveniles have higher levels than adult males and females, probably as a consequence of lactational transfer. However, differences between these age–gender groups were not statistical significant, indicating that individual variation was limited within each species, even without knowing the feeding status of the animals. Body condition, particularly emaciation, has a major influence on the levels of chlorinated and brominated contaminants in serum. Profiles of PCBs were CB 153 > CB 138 > CB 187 > CB 180 and CB 153 > CB 138 > CB 149 > CB 187 > CB 180 for harbour seals and porpoises respectively. For PBDEs, BDE 47 was the predominant congener followed by BDE 100 and 99 in both species. In harbour seals, concentrations of sum PCBs (median: 39,200 pg/ml) were more than 200 times higher than levels of sum PBDEs (median: 130 pg/ml) and almost 10 times higher than concentrations of sum HO-PCBs (4350 pg/ml). In harbour porpoises, concentrations of sum PCBs (median: 24,300 pg/ml) were about 20 times higher than concentrations of PBDEs (median: 1300 pg/ml). HO-PCBs were detected in only 4 harbour porpoises and this at very low concentrations. Naturally-produced MeO-PBDEs were only found in harbour porpoises at concentrations ranging from 120 to 810 pg/ml. HO-PBDEs were not found in any species. In general, harbour seals accumulate less compounds and have mostly lower concentrations than harbour porpoises possibly as a result of a better developed metabolism.  相似文献   

探矿权资产化、证券化是我国改革探矿业投融资体制,解决探矿业资金瓶颈问题的关键。本文从制度建设、机构投资者的发展状况等方面分析了我国初步推行探矿权资产化、证券化的有利条件.指出了探矿权资产化、证券化的三种模式。并以基金模式和股权模式为例提出了实施探矿权资产化、证券化的步骤设想。  相似文献   

中国工业化进程与能源矿产供需均衡的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业化与能源需求的均衡关系及解决工业化进程中能源供需失衡的战略途径是中国工业化进程中需要探讨的重大问题.文章运用协整技术,就1990-2008年间中国工业化进程与能源需求协整关系的检验,认为中国工业化与能源需求增长具有长期稳定的均衡关系,能源需求将继续保持增长,能源利用效率也将持续提高.然而工业化进程中重工业化高能耗结构特征与能源低效利用并存的困境以及能源供需矛盾不利于能源供需平衡的平稳发展.我国应适应工业化进程的基本规律,转变能源消费方式;走新型工业化道路,适当限制低附加值产业发展,鼓励产业向离附加值、低能耗、高技术产业转移;在实现能源开发利用技术进步和创新的同时.有效利用国内外能源资源;建立能源应急机制等战略途径来实现工业化进程中能源供需平衡发展.  相似文献   

Fate and transport of pathogens in lakes and reservoirs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Outbreaks of water-borne disease via public water supplies continue to be reported in developed countries even though there is increased awareness of, and treatment for, pathogen contamination. Pathogen episodes in lakes and reservoirs are often associated with rain events, and the riverine inflow is considered to be major source of pathogens. Consequently, the behaviour of these inflows is of particular importance in determining pathogen transport and distribution. Inflows are controlled by their density relative to that of the lake, such that warm inflows will flow over the surface of the lake as a buoyant surface flow and cold, dense inflows will sink beneath the lake water where they will flow along the bathymetry towards the deepest point. The fate of pathogens is determined by loss processes including settling and inactivation by temperature, UV and grazing. The general trend is for the insertion timescale to be shortest, followed by sedimentation losses and temperature inactivity. The fate of Cryptosporidium due to UV light inactivation can occur at opposite ends of the scale, depending on the location of the oocysts in the water column and the extinction coefficient for UV light. For this reason, the extinction coefficient for UV light appears to be a vitally important parameter for determining the risk of Cryptosporidium contamination. For risk assessment of pathogens in supply reservoirs, it is important to understand the role of hydrodynamics in determining the timescale of transport to the off-take relative to the timescale of inactivation. The characteristics of the riverine intrusion must also be considered when designing a sampling program for pathogens. A risk management framework is presented that accounts for pathogen fate and transport for reservoirs.  相似文献   

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