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单力 《环境》2007,(5):20-23
在经过几十年的发展成型后,除尘器产业终于迎来了"十一五"兴旺的福音.这一可以预期的产业前景,与国家调整经济增长方式,加强环境保护工作,对主要污染物实施强制性减排的国家政策有关,同时与日益快速的城市化进程不无关系.  相似文献   

长三角地区大气污染物对新冠肺炎封城的时空响应特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2020年1月1日—2月29日上海、南京、合肥和杭州4个城市常规污染物的逐时监测资料,结合卫星反演的NO2垂直柱浓度信息,探讨了新冠肺炎封城的前、中、后期长三角地区城市大气污染物的污染水平及响应特征.结果显示:除O3外,其余大气污染物的平均浓度在时间上的整体变化趋势均表现为封城前>封城中(1月24日—2月10日)>...  相似文献   

近45年中国12个一级站大气气溶胶光学厚度变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用常规观测的总辐射和散射辐射日曝辐量资料,结合NASA GISS的月平均平流层气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品,反演计算了北京等12个台站1961~2005年0.75μm对流层AOD和气溶胶标高数据.基于这些数据,分析了各站AOD、气溶胶标高和地面能见度的年、季、月变化特征.结果表明:①就12个站45a总平均而言,光学厚度为0.276,年增长为0.0034;气溶胶标高为1.65km,年增加为0.015km;能见度为17.1km,年变化值为-0.08km;AOD春夏较大,秋冬较小;气溶胶标高夏季最高,春季次之,冬季最低.②各站点45a平均AOD范围为0.116~0.387;除格尔木外,各站AOD均有增长.年变化值为0.0010~0.0079.③20世纪70、80年代AOD增加明显;20世纪90年代以来,多数站点AOD有所下降,能见度有转好趋势.  相似文献   

IntroductionCarboncirculatesbetweentheatmosphere ,biosphere ,oceansandthelithosphere(Warneck ,1988) .Thecarbonfluxesbetweenthesereservoirs,suchasburningoffuels ,photosynthesisandrespirationofecosystems,andtheuptakeoftheocean ,havebeenestimatedquantitative…  相似文献   

利用区域空气质量模式WRF-Chem,对亚洲季风气候变化背景下云南省蒙自市大气环境容量进行模拟评估.根据标准化南亚夏季风指数分别选取2005年和2015年为强、弱季风年.对2015年四季(以1月、4月、7月和10月为代表月)和2005年夏季(7月为代表月)的主要大气污染物浓度进行模拟.结果表明蒙自市2015年全年CO、NO2、SO2、PM2.5、PM10的大气环境容量分别为120.31、1.127、1.875、1.267、1.688(×104t/a),其中各污染物冬季大气环境容量最小,春季的最大(PM10除外),且PM2.5在冬季排放量已饱和.强季风年相对弱季风年夏季CO、NO2、SO2、PM2.5、PM10的大气环境容量分别提升4.81%、3.86%、12.6%、18.4%、8.7%,其中PM2.5的容量提升最高.亚洲季风年际变化对云南高原空气质量及大气环境容量具有重要的调制作用.  相似文献   

根据煤炭、石油和天然气等化石燃料的CO2排放量及其碳稳定同位素组成,用按比例叠加的方法逐年计算1860~1996年CO2化石燃料源的d13CO2(PDB),用简单全球碳循环模式研究该变化对大气d13CO2的影响,并将计算结果与CMDL近10年的监测数据进行对比.结果表明,化石燃料源的d13CO2在140年内下降了4.5‰,在碳循环模式中考虑这种动态变化之后,大气d13CO2的模拟结果与同期实测值的相关程度有较大提高.  相似文献   

基于我国1997~2018年投入产出表及水资源和能源消耗数据,运用投入-产出模型计算了三大产业虚拟水、能的消耗量.在此基础上,通过构建虚拟水-虚拟能系统综合评价指标体系,对虚拟水、能系统发展状况进行了综合评价.与此同时,运用耦合协调度模型,测算了虚拟水、能系统的耦合协调水平.最后,利用指数平滑模型,预测了我国2022~2032年虚拟水、能消耗总量.结果表明:(1)近20年来,三大产业虚拟水、能消耗量均呈上升趋势,但第一、二产业的虚拟水、能消耗占比呈波动下降趋势,而第三产业的呈上升趋势,其中,GDP和第三产业完全用水(能耗)系数是影响我国虚拟水(能)消耗量的重要因素;(2)三大产业直接用水(能耗)系数、完全用水(能耗)系数呈下降趋势,水资源和能源利用效率不断提高;(3)通过间接消耗大量水资源和能源,第二、三产业的用水和能耗乘数较高,是“隐形”的高耗水、高耗能产业;(4)虚拟水-虚拟能系统处于高水平耦合,但仅达到初级协调发展阶段;(5)未来10年,我国虚拟水、能及实体能消耗量仍呈上升趋势,但实体水消耗量呈下降趋势.为此,应通过优化产业结构,提高产业链各环节水、能资源利用效率,改善消费结构,提升虚拟水-虚拟能系统耦合协调度,以缓解我国水资源和能源危机.  相似文献   

长三角地区近15年大气臭氧柱浓度时空变化及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于OMI遥感数据,分析了2005-2019年长三角地区O3柱浓度的时空分布特征及影响因素,同时采用后向轨迹(HYSPLIT)模型进行对流层O3来源的解析.结果表明:①从时间分布来看,15年间O3柱浓度年际变化呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,其中,2005-2010年呈上升趋势,2010-2019年呈下降趋势,2010年和2...  相似文献   

Comprehensive reviews of the plant science literature indicate that a 300 part per million (ppm) increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration generally increases plant growth by approximately 30%. Working with two species of floating aquatic plants and three terrestrial species, we demonstrate that this stimulatory effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment is strongly temperature dependent. Indeed, our results suggest that for a 3°C increase in mean surface air temperature (as is generally predicted to result from the ‘greenhouse effect’ of such an increase in the CO2 content of the air), the growth enhancement factor for such a CO2 increase rises from 1.30 to 1.56. If the non-CO2 trace gas greenhouse effect is equally as strong, as recent model studies suggest, the growth enhancement factor rises still higher to a value of 1.85. On the other hand, our results also indicate that atmospheric CO2 enrichment tends to reduce plant growth at relatively cold air temperatures, i.e. below a daily mean air temperature of approximately 18.5°C. As a result, predicting the ultimate biospheric consequences of a doubling of the Earth's atmospheric CO2 concentration may prove to be much more complex than originally anticipated.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用NO2卫星遥感数据估算近海海域NO2干沉降与无机氮(除氨氮)湿沉降通量的新方法。利用该方法对中国黄海海域2009年N沉降通量进行了估算,并将估算结果与其他研究结果进行了对比。结果表明:该方法估算通量均值相对较高,但与其他研究在数量级上是一致的,并能够反映研究海域大气N沉降通量的空间分布状况,可为我国海洋环境监测与评价大面积数据获取提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Concentrations of atmospheric H2O2 were measured in air, rain, cloud and dew samples in forested areas of the San Bernardino Mountains, southern California, from spring through fall of 1987–1990 O3 measurements in air were also conducted for comparison. Typical ranges of H2O2 concentrations measured were 1–3 ppb in air, 10–90 μM in rain and cloud water, and < μM in dew. The results show that gas-phase H2O2 concentrations were slightly higher at nighttime than at daytime or nearly constant throughout a 24-hr period, whereas O3 concentrations were highest during the afternoon, when polluted air masses from Los Angeles carried by daily sea breezes reached the mountain region. Afternoon concentrations of gaseous H2O2 and O3 in the mountain region were compared with those measured in Los Angeles urban sites to elucidate the regional variation of these oxidants. The results show that ambient concentrations of H2O2 and O3 were about 50–100% higher at the mountains sites than at the Los Angeles sites.  相似文献   

利用Li-8150系统在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地进行了冬季近地层(£6m)CO2浓度数据收集,结合同步气象资料,分析了近地层CO2浓度变化特征,土壤呼吸速率及气温、风速等气象因素对其变化特征的影响.结果表明,近地层CO2浓度日变化曲线呈单峰型结构,白天浓度高于夜晚.沙漠腹地冬季近地层大气CO2浓度主要集中分布在371.6~387.1μmol/mol,日平均最高值出现在12:00,最低值出现在凌晨;近地层CO2浓度对土壤呼吸速率的响应程度较好;不同高处气温与CO2浓度均存在着显著的正相关关系;近地层(31m)的CO2浓度受风速变化影响较大,而风速对0.5m及以下高度CO2浓度分布特征的影响相对较小;流动沙漠腹地,土壤呼吸和微弱的气象条件相互作用,共同调节和控制着近地层CO2的浓度变化.  相似文献   

2010年夏季珠江口海域溶解氧的分布特征和海气交换通量   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
根据2010年8月的调查资料,分析了珠江口海域溶解氧的分布特征,探讨了其与水体稳定性、营养盐、叶绿素a及CO2分压的关系。结果表明,溶解氧浓度由珠江口内向口外近海逐渐递增,在垂向上则随着水深由浅至深呈下降趋势。相关性分析显示,溶解氧在表底层的浓度差与温度差、盐度差和叶绿素a含量差都达到显著相关的水平,低氧区的形成与水体层化和有机质的降解耗氧密切相关,其中珠江冲淡水为浮游植物的生长和繁殖提供了丰富的N、P营养盐,而浮游生物的消亡和有机质的分解加剧了氧的亏损。溶解氧海气通量呈现明显的空间差异,其中河口上游表现为氧汇,而下游海域为氧源。  相似文献   

Marine aerosols play an important role in the global aerosol system. In polluted coastal regions, ultra-fine particles have been recognized to be related to iodine-containing species and is more serious due to the impact of atmospheric pollutants. Many previous studies have identified iodine pentoxide (I2O5, IP) to be the key species in new particles formation (NPF) in marine regions, but the role of IP in the polluted coastal atmosphere is far to be fully understood. Considering the high humidity and concentrations of pollutants in the polluted coastal regions, the gas-phase hydration of IP catalyzed by sulfuric acid (SA), nitric acid (NA), dimethylamine (DMA), and ammonia (A) have been investigated at DLPNO-CCSD(T)//ωB97X-D/aug-cc-pVTZ + aug-cc-pVTZ-PP with ECP28MDF (for iodine) level of theory. The results show that the hydration of IP involves a significant energy barrier of 22.33 kcal/mol, while the pollutants SA, NA, DMA, and A all could catalyze the hydration of IP. Especially, with SA and DMA as catalysts, the hydration reactions of IP present extremely low barriers and high rate constants. It is suggested that IP is unstable under the catalysis of SA and DMA to generate iodic acid, which is the key component in NPF in marine regions. Thus, the catalytic hydration of IP is very likely to trigger the formation of iodine-containing particles. Our research provides a clear picture of the catalytic hydration of IP as well as theoretical guidance for NPF in the polluted coastal atmosphere.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of greenhouse gas concentrations in China during the COVID-19 lockdown in China is analyzed in this work using high resolution measurements of near surface △CO2, △CH4 and △CO concentrations above the background conditions at Lin'an station (LAN), a regional background station in the Yangtze River Delta region. During the pre-lockdown observational period (IOP-1), both △CO2 and △CH4 exhibited a significant increasing trend relative to the 2011-2019 climatological mean. The reduction of △CO2, △CH4 and △CO during the lockdown observational period (IOP-2) (which also coincided with the Chinese New Year Holiday) reached up to 15.0 ppm, 14.2 ppb and 146.8 ppb, respectively, and a reduction of △CO2/△CO probably due to a dramatic reduction from industrial emissions. △CO2, △CH4 and △CO were observed to keep declining during the post-lockdown easing phase (IOP-3), which is the synthetic result of lower than normal CO2 emissions from rural regions around LAN coupled with strong uptake of the terrestrial ecosystem. Interestingly, the trend reversed to gradual increase for all species during the later easing phase (IOP-4), with △CO2/△CO constantly increasing from IOP-2 to IOP-3 and finally IOP-4, consistent with recovery in industrial emissions associated with the staged resumption of economic activity. On average, △CO2 declined sharply throughout the days during IOP-2 but increased gradually throughout the days during IOP-4. The findings showcase the significant role of emission reduction in accounting for the dramatic changes in measured atmospheric △CO2 and △CH4 associated with the COVID-19 lockdown and recovery.  相似文献   

Comprehensive observations of the nocturnal atmospheric oxidation of NO3 and N2O5 were conducted at a suburban site in Changzhou in the YRD using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) from 27 May to 24 June, 2019. High concentrations of NO3 precursors were observed, and the nocturnal production rate of NO3 was determined to be 1.7 ± 1.2 ppbv/hr. However, the nighttime NO3 and N2O5 concentrations were relatively low, with maximum values of 17.7 and 304.7 pptv, respectively, illustrating the rapid loss of NO3 and N2O5. It was found that NO3 dominated the nighttime atmospheric oxidation, accounting for 50.7%, while O3 and OH only contributed 34.1% and 15.2%, respectively. For the reactions of NO3 with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), styrene was found to account for 60.3%, highlighting its dominant role in the NO3 reactivity. In general, the contributions of the reactions between NO3 and VOCs and the N2O5 uptake to NO3 loss were found to be about 39.5% and 60.5%, respectively, indicating that N2O5 uptake also played an important role in the loss of NO3 and N2O5, especially under the high humidity conditions in China. The formation of nitrate at night mainly originated from N2O5 uptake, and the maximum production rate of NO3 reached 6.5 ppbv/hr. The average NOx consumption rate via NO3 and N2O5 chemistry was found to be 0.4 ppbv/h, accounting for 47.9% of the total NOx removal. The predominant roles of NO3 and N2O5 in nitrate formation and NOx removal in the YRD region was highlighted in this study.  相似文献   

利用OMISO2遥感数据,在常见的0.125°、0.25°、0.4°3种不同精度下进行普通克里金插值,采用归一化的方法与地基数据进行相关性比较,择优选择0.125°插值精度,分析中国区域SO2空间分布及影响SO2变化敏感因子.结果表明:①全国范围内存在1个五级SO2柱量值区域和4个四级SO2柱量值区域,在空间上呈现聚集状分布;②在我国季风区,夏季风对二、三级SO2柱量值区域面积减少贡献显著,四、五级SO2柱量值区域基本不受夏季风影响;非季风区,冬季风是SO2柱量值全面升高的主要原因.③影响因子方面,季风区四、五级柱量值区域,平均相对湿度对降低SO2柱量值更明显,干沉降是SO2柱量值降低的主要途径;三级柱量值区域,平均气温与SO2柱量值高度负相关,冬季采暖和随中纬度环流地面流向低纬风速扩散形成三级柱量值区域;非季风区,平均气温和随降水湿沉降是主要影响因子.  相似文献   

大气CO2中放射性碳同位素(14C)的水平可以反映化石源CO2的影响程度,这对于评估我国目前化石源CO2的排放状况和制定节能减排政策具有重要的指导意义。本文在概述大气14CO2采样和分析方法的基础上,简要介绍了大气14CO2观测的起源和主要的源汇过程,重点论述了大气14CO2的时空分异特征及其驱动因素;阐述了化石源CO2浓度的估算方法及14CO2在国内外化石源CO2示踪中的应用现状,并对大气14CO2观测在我国化石源CO2示踪中的应用前景进行了展望;旨在为我国正确地开展大气14CO2的观测研究,深刻地理解特定区域大气14CO2的时空分异特征和化石源CO2的分布状况提供参考。  相似文献   

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