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A site-specific particulate matter PM source apportionment model has been used to estimate the contributions from local primary PM emissions, regional primary PM emissions and the regional background to PM2.5 concentrations at 102 monitoring site locations and to the centres of 1 km × 1 km grid squares across the United Kingdom. The local primary PM contributions have then been compared with Europe-wide urban PM2.5 increments estimated at 50 km × 50 km in European-scale integrated assessment models. It is concluded that Europe-wide PM increments used in policy analyses grossly underestimate urban PM concentrations obtained from the site-specific PM source apportionment model for the United Kingdom. Europe-wide urban PM2.5 increments estimated at 5 km × 5 km scale are significantly improved, particularly for London, but underestimate those for smaller towns and cities by factors of 2–3. These underestimations have important air quality policy ramifications. Although environmental policies may well be best formulated at the European scale, the underpinning air quality modelling may be best carried out at the local scale.  相似文献   

Plant communities are affected by land-use and landscape heterogeneity and can be used as indicators of environmental change. At small-scale, species composition and species richness of plant communities are influenced by local environment and by diaspores from the surroundings. Thus, they reflect the influence of both land-use type and land-use diversity. Plant community composition was studied along a gradient of agricultural disturbance in the Morvan Regional Natural Park (Burgundy, France). Six landscape units of 1 km2 were selected along a range of increasing land-use intensity. Sixteen 0.2 m2 sampling plots per unit were selected according to a grid-based design to estimate the percent cover of all plant species. Pattern analysis showed that local species richness increased from woodland to crop to grassland, and also increased with land-use diversity. Local plant biodiversity was maximized under intermediate disturbance intensity and minimized at low (woodland) and high (crop) disturbance levels.  相似文献   

As natural woodlands decline in both extent and quality worldwide, there is an increasing recognition of the biodiversity conservation value of production landscapes. In low-input, low-productivity grazing systems in Australia, the modification of natural woodlands through overstorey tree and woody regrowth removal are vegetation management options used by landholders to increase native grass production for livestock grazing; however, there is little empirical evidence to indicate at what tree densities biodiversity attributes are compromised. We examined the effects of overstorey tree density and understorey regowth on the floristic composition, stand structure and species richness of eucalypt woodlands in a grazing landscape in the Traprock region of southern Queensland, Australia. We sampled 47 sites stratified according to vegetation type (Eucalyptus crebra/Eucalyptus dealbata woodland; Eucalyptus melliodora/Eucalyptus microcarpa grassy woodland), density of mature trees (<6 trees/ha; 6–20 trees/ha; >20 trees/ha), and presence/absence of regrowth. Distinct patterns in composition were detected using indicator species analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling, with low density areas compositionally indistinguishable, although distinct from other land management units. Within vegetation type, medium tree density woodlands were compositionally similar to high density and reference woodlands. Species richness ranged from 18 to 67 species per 500 m2 across all sites. No differences in total or native species richness were detected across management units; however, some differences in exotic species richness were detected. Differences in grass cover existed between low and high density management units, yet no difference in grass cover was evident between low and medium density management units. Our results suggest that medium tree densities may provide biodiversity benefits concordant with more natural areas, yet not adversely impact on pasture production. Retaining trees in grazing landscapes provides significant landscape heterogeneity and important refuges for species that may be largely excluded from open grassland habitats. Maintaining a medium density of overstorey trees in grazed paddocks can provide both production and biodiversity benefits.  相似文献   

Using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, we analyzed the effects of different cropping systems (sole maize (CK), maize + soybean (CST) and maize + groundnut (CGT)) on the environment. The comprehensive index of environmental impacts varied in the order, sole maize > maize + groundnut > maize + soybean, with corresponding intercropping values of 0.1295, 0.1229 and 0.0945, respectively. The results showed that intercropping maize with suitable plants (e.g., groundnut and soybean) could reduce the adverse effects of over-application of nitrogen fertilizer on the environment. The study further showed that the LCA method may be a convenient and effective approach for analyzing the environmental impact of fertilizer management in agricultural fields.  相似文献   

Mapping and modelling of changes in agricultural intensity in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial maps of agricultural intensity are needed for analyses of environmental issues, including biodiversity changes. We present a method to produce such maps for Europe. While most studies beyond farm level focus on land cover change only, this paper focuses on spatial variation in land use intensity and its dynamics.Our method defines agricultural land use intensity in terms of nitrogen input. For arable land, it combines field observations with administrative-level statistics to assess probability of occurrence for three land use intensity classes. For grassland, it uses maps of livestock density to assess probability of occurrence for two intensity classes. Agricultural land is spatially allocated to intensity classes using an algorithm that downscales intensity changes simulated with an agricultural economic model.Our results are 1 km2 resolution maps of classified agricultural land use intensity in the year 2000. We illustrate the method by exploring changes in the spatial pattern of land use intensity for a financial policy reform scenario in the year 2025. Results indicate spatial heterogeneity in land use intensity across European countries, including large differences in intensity between countries, between regions, but also within regions.Our method could be improved with smaller-resolution agricultural statistics and broader intensity indicators.  相似文献   

Earthworm and termite diversity were studied in 12 long-term agricultural field trials across the sub-humid to semi-arid tropical zones of Eastern and Western Africa. In each trial, treatments with high and low soil organic C were chosen to represent contrasts in long-term soil management effects, including tillage intensity, organic matter and nutrient management and crop rotations. For each trial, a fallow representing a relatively undisturbed reference was also sampled. Earthworm taxonomic richness decreased in the direction fallow > high-C soil > low-C soil and earthworm abundance was higher in fallow than under continuous crop production. Termite abundance was not significantly different between fallow and high and low-C treatments and termite taxonomic richness was higher in fallow soil than in the two cropping systems. We concluded that fewer species of earthworms and termites were favored under agricultural management that led to lower soil C. Results indicated that the soil disturbance induced by continuous crop production was more detrimental to earthworms than to termites, when compared to the fallow.  相似文献   

Cities are developing innovative strategies to combat climate change but there remains little knowledge of the winners and losers from climate-adaptive land use planning and design. We examine the distribution of health benefits associated with land use policies designed to increase vegetation and surface reflectivity in three US metropolitan areas: Atlanta, GA, Philadelphia, PA, and Phoenix, AZ. Projections of population and land cover at the census tract scale were combined with climate models for the year 2050 at 4 km × 4 km resolution to produce future summer temperatures which were input into a comparative risk assessment framework for the temperature-mortality relationship. The findings suggest disparities in the effectiveness of urban heat management strategies by age, income, and race. We conclude that, to be most protective of human health, urban heat management must prioritize areas of greatest population vulnerability.  相似文献   

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) aims to promote sustainable management of coastal zones based on ecosystem and holistic management approaches. In this context, policies have to consider the complex interactions that influence the fragile equilibrium of coastal ecosystems. Beaches represent both valuable and vulnerable natural resources because of the various ecosystem services they provide and their sensitivity to climate change and sea level rise.We present the first comprehensive digital record of all Black Sea beaches and provide a rapid assessment of their erosion risk under different scenarios of sea level rise. Through the digitisation of freely available remote-sensed images on the web, we provide broad information on the spatial characteristics and other attributes of all Black Sea beaches (e.g. photo-based visual estimation of the sediment type, presence of coastal defences, urban development). These data have been assembled and stored in full Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) – allowing spatial queries, visualisation and data sharing – and are therefore particularly interesting to feed/supply web-GIS portals (coastal atlases) for visualisation purpose, spatial queries or spatial indicators calculations.The resulting Black Sea beaches database contains 1228 beaches, with a total coastline length of 2042 km with an area of 224 km2. The majority of the Black Sea beaches have been found to have small widths (61% have maximum widths less than 50 m), whereas 47% of all beaches presented coastal defence schemes, suggesting an already serious beach erosion problem.The erosion risk of the Black Sea beaches was assessed through the comparison of their maximum widths with estimations of the sea level rise-induced retreat by an ensemble of six 1-D analytical and numerical morphodynamic models. Following more than 17,000 experiments using different combinations of wave conditions, beach sediment textures and slopes and 11 scenarios of sea level rise (up to 2 m), the means (best fits) of the lowest and highest projections by the model ensemble were estimated; these were then compared to the maximum widths of the Black Sea beaches. The analysis showed that sea level rise will have highly significant impacts on the Black Sea beaches, as for a 0.5 m sea level rise 56% of all beaches are projected to retreat by 50% of their maximum width. For a 0.82 m sea level rise (the high IPCC estimate for the period 2081–2100) about 41% are projected to retreat by their entire maximum width, whereas for 1 m sea level rise about 51% of all Black Sea beaches are projected to retreat by (drowned or shifted landward by) their entire maximum width, if the high mean of the model ensemble projections is used.Results substantiate the risk of beach erosion as a major environmental problem along the Black Sea coast, which therefore needs to be taken into account in any future coastal management plans, as a matter of urgency. As these scenarios consider only sea level rise, they are considered to be conservative. Although the present results cannot replace detailed studies, the database and projections may assist Black Sea coastal managers and policy makers to rapidly identify beaches with increased risk of erosion, valuate accordingly coastal assets and infrastructure, estimate beach capacity for touristic development purposes, and rapidly assess direct and indirect costs and benefits of beach protection options. They also provide the necessary inputs to advance discussions relevant to the Black Sea ICZM.  相似文献   

In the present work, metal-cored arc welding process was used for joining of modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steel. Metal-cored arc welding process is characterized by high productivity, slag-free process, defect-free weldments that can be produced with ease, and good weldability. Toughness is essential in welds of P91 steel during hydro-testing of vessels. There is a minimum required toughness of 47 J for welds that has to be met as per the EN1557:1997 specification. In the present study, welds were completed using two kinds of shielding gases, each composition being 80% Argon + 20% CO2, and pure argon respectively. Microstructural characterization and toughness evaluation of welds were done in the as – weld, PWHT at 760 °C – 2 h and PWHT at 760 °C – 5 h conditions. The pure argon shielded welds (‘A2’ and ‘B2’) have higher toughness than 80% argon + 20% CO2 shielded welds (‘A1’ and ‘B1’). Pure argon shielded welds show less microinclusion content with low volume fraction of δ-ferrite (<2%) phase. Themo-calc windows (TCW) was used for the prediction of equilibrium critical transformation points for the composition of the welds studied. With increase in post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) duration from 2 h to 5 h, there was increase in toughness of welds above 47 J. Using metal-cored arc welding process, it was possible to achieve the required toughness of more than 47 J after PWHT at 760 °C – 2 h in P91 steel welds.  相似文献   

Flood protection from levees is a mixed blessing, excluding water from the floodplain but creating higher flood levels (“surcharges”) and promoting “residual risk” of flood damages. This study completed 2D hydrodynamic modeling and flood-damage analyses for the 459 km2 Sny Island levee system on the Upper Mississippi River. These levees provide large economic benefits, at least $51.1 million per year in prevented damages, the large majority provided to the agricultural sector and a small subset of low-elevation properties. However these benefits simultaneously translate into a large residual risk of flood damage should levees fail or be overtopped; this risk is not recognized either locally in the study area nor in national policy. In addition, the studied levees caused surcharges averaging 1.2–1.5 m and locally as high as 2.4 m, consistent with other sites and studies. The combined hydraulic and economic modeling here documented that levee-related surcharge + the residual risk of levee overtopping or failure can lead to negative benefits, meaning added long-term flood risk. Up to 31% of residential structures in the study area, 8% of agricultural structures, and 22% of commercial structures received negative benefits, totaling $562,500 per year. Although counterintuitive, structures at the margin of a leveed floodplain can incur negative benefits due to greater flood levels resulting from levees purportedly built to protect them. National levee policies and plans for local projects are unbalanced, crediting levee benefits but rarely fully planning for adverse impacts or considering alternatives.  相似文献   

While Carbon (C) sequestration on farmlands may contribute to mitigate CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, greater agro-biodiversity may ensure longer term stability of C storage in fluctuating environments. This study was conducted in the highlands of western Kenya, a region with high potential for agroforestry, with the objectives of assessing current biodiversity and aboveground C stocks in perennial vegetation growing on farmland, and estimating C sequestration potential in aboveground C pools. Allometric models were developed to estimate aboveground biomass of trees and hedgerows, and an inventory of perennial vegetation was conducted in 35 farms in Vihiga and Siaya districts. Values of the Shannon index (H), used to evaluate biodiversity, ranged from 0.01 in woodlots through 0.4–0.6 in food crop plots, to 1.3–1.6 in homegardens. Eucalyptus saligna was the most frequent tree species found as individual trees (20%), in windrows (47%), and in woodlots (99%) in Vihiga and the most frequent in woodlots (96%) in Siaya. Trees represented the most important C pool in aboveground biomass of perennial plants growing on-farm, contributing to 81 and 55% of total aboveground farm C in Vihiga and Siaya, respectively, followed by hedgerows (13 and 39%, respectively) and permanent crop stands (5 and 6%, respectively). Most of the tree C was located in woodlots in Vihiga (61%) and in individual trees growing in or around food crop plots in Siaya (57%). The homegardens represented the second C pool in importance, with 25 and 33% of C stocks in Vihiga and Siaya, respectively. Considering the mean total aboveground C stocks observed, and taking the average farm sizes of Vihiga (0.6 ha) and Siaya (1.4 ha), an average farm would store 6.5 ± 0.1 Mg C farm?1 in Vihiga and 12.4 ± 0.1 Mg C farm?1 in Siaya. At both sites, the C sequestration potential in perennial aboveground biomass was estimated at ca. 16 Mg C ha?1. With the current market price for carbon, the implementation of Clean Development Mechanism Afforestation/Reforestation (CDM A/R) projects seems unfeasible, due to the large number of small farms (between 140 and 300) necessary to achieve a critical land area able to compensate the concomitant minimum transaction costs. Higher financial compensation for C sequestration projects that encourage biodiversity would allow clearer win–win scenarios for smallholder farmers. Thus, a better valuation of ecosystem services should encourage C sequestration together with on-farm biodiversity when promoting CDM A/R projects.  相似文献   

The European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims to achieve the “good status” of waters by 2015, through monitoring and control of human impacts on “bodies of surface water” (BSWs), discrete elements for quality diagnosis and management. Headwater streams, however, are frequently neglected as they are not usually recognised as BSW. This poses limitations for the management of river catchments, because anthropogenic impacts on headwaters can constrain the quality of downstream rivers. To illustrate this problem, we compared nitrate levels and land use pressures in a small agricultural catchment with those recorded in the catchment in which it is embedded (Ega), and in the Ebro River Basin (NE Spain) comprising both. Agriculture greatly influenced water nitrate concentration, regardless of the size of the catchments: R2 = 0.91 for headwater catchments (0.1–7.3 km2), and R2 = 0.82 for Ebro tributary catchments (223–3113 km2). Moreover, nitrate concentration in the outlet of a non-BSW small river catchment was similar to that of the greater downstream BSW rivers. These results are of interest since, despite representing 76% of the length of the Ega catchment hydrographical network, only 3.1% of the length of the headwater streams has been identified as BSWs. Human activities affecting headwater streams should therefore be considered if the 2015 objective of the WFD is to be achieved.  相似文献   

The colonization of foliage-dwelling spiders into insecticide-free “micro” apple orchards at two distances (10 and 50 m) from an adjacent source habitat of deciduous forest was quantified in southern Québec, Canada. Both colonization rate and composition of colonizing spider assemblages were affected by distance at this small spatial scale: the samples from the micro-orchards 10 m from the forest were intermediate in composition between the assemblages in the deciduous forest and those in the micro-orchards 50 m from the forest. Spider species found in micro-orchards were the same as those documented from collections from older, insecticide-free orchards although species evenness was higher in the older orchards indicating that species composition shifts over time within the habitat. Maintaining deciduous forest near to orchards will provide a source of annual colonists for spider populations within the orchard.  相似文献   

New ‘critical levels’ (CLE) for assessing the effects of atmospheric ammonia on sensitive ecosystems have recently been adopted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) of 1 and 3 [2–4] μg NH3 m?3 of ambient air (including water vapour), for different species sensitivities and their associated habitats. Based on these values, we examined how indicator choice affects estimates of stock-at-risk in the European ‘Natura 2000’ network.We applied an atmospheric model, FRAME, to estimate surface air concentrations of ammonia at 5 km and 1 km resolution for the UK network of Natura sites, optionally including calibration with the National Ammonia Monitoring Network. As a base indicator, we estimated the overall percentage area of the UK Natura network that exceeded critical level thresholds (‘Area Weighted Indicator’, AWI). We compared this with an alternative approach, estimating the percentage number of Natura sites where the critical level was exceeded (‘Designation Weighted Indicator’, DWI), which we consider more relevant under the terms of the Habitats Directive.Using the AWI (with 1 km calibrated ammonia), we estimate that 11.2%, 1.3% and 0.2% area of the UK Natura network exceeds the critical level values of 1, 2 and 3 μg NH3 m?3, respectively. By contrast, using the DWI, the equivalent exceedances are 59.1%, 23.6% and 9.8%. The highest regional exceedance (DWI, critical level 1 μg NH3 m?3) was calculated for England (91.9% exceeded), and the lowest for Scotland (24.0% exceeded). High resolution maps show that the larger threat estimated by the DWI approach is explained by (i) an anti-correlation between NH3 concentration and Natura site area and (ii) the fact that exceedance over part of a Natura site is considered to represent a threat to the integrity of the whole site.  相似文献   

Concerted use of legumes and of functional diversity in grassland forage systems can provide major contributions to the challenges of agricultural systems being productive yet environmental friendly. Acquisition and transformation of nitrogen (N) resources by legumes and grasses were studied in a temperate grassland experiment near Zurich (Switzerland) to investigate mechanisms driving effects of functional diversity in mixed swards and to optimise mixtures for efficient resource use.Grass–legume interactions and N availability were varied by manipulating legume percentage of the sward (0–100%) and N fertiliser application (50, 150 or 450 kg of N ha?1 year?1). 15N technology quantified N derived from symbiotic (Nsym) and non-symbiotic (Nnonsym) sources.Generally, acquisition of Nsym by the entire mixture was stimulated by grasses. As a result, strong overyielding of Nsym occurred (e.g. 75 and 114% for year 1 and 2 at N150) and mixtures with only 60% and 37% legumes (year 1 and 2) already attained the same Nsym yield as pure legume stands. Legumes stimulated Nnonsym acquisition by the entire mixture, largely via increased uptake by the grass component. Thus, overyielding of Nnonsym of 31% occurred in year 1 (N150).Mutual grass–legume interactions stimulated acquisition of Nsym, acquisition of Nnonsym and efficient transformation of N into biomass compared to either monocultures. These effects of functional diversity can substantially contribute to productive and resource efficient agricultural grassland systems and were maximised in mixtures with 40–60% legumes.  相似文献   

Modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steel is widely used in the construction of power plant components. In the present study, a comparative study on influence of activated flux tungsten inert gas (A-TIG), and gas tungsten arc (GTA) welding processes on the microstructure and the impact toughness of P91 steel welds was carried out. P91 steel welds require a minimum of 47 J during the hydrotesting of vessels as per the EN1557: 1997 specification. Toughness of P91 steel welds was found to be low in the as-weld condition. Hence post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) was carried out on weld with the objective of improving the toughness of weldments. Initially as per industrial practice, PWHT at 760 °C – 2 h was carried out in order to improve the toughness of welds. It has been found that after PWHT at 760 °C – 2 h, GTA weld (132 J) has higher toughness than the required toughness (47 J) as compared with A-TIG weld (20 J). The GTA weld has higher toughness due to enhanced tempering effects due to multipass welding, few microinclusion content and absence of δ-ferrite. The A-TIG weld requires prolonged PWHT (i.e. more than 2 h at 760 °C) than GTA weld to meet the required toughness of 47 J. This is due to harder martensite, few welding passes that introduces less tempering effects, presence of δ-ferrite (0.5%), and more alloy content. After PWHT at 760 °C – 3 h, the toughness of A-TIG weld was improved and higher than the required toughness of 47 J.  相似文献   

The lower tidal stretch of the river Ganges, known as Hugli (ca. 280 km), flows southward before entering the Bay of Bengal forming a vast mangrove-enriched estuarine delta called Sunderbans. Hugli estuary is a typical example of tide-dominated sink for contaminants from multifarious sources. This major important river is subjected to anthropogenic stress due to the socio-economic importance of these areas based on growth of industry, agriculture, aquaculture, port activities, fishing and tourism. The living resources have been degraded recently due to increases in population pressure, pollution and natural resource consumption to the extent of overexploitation. The present paper critically examines the physicochemical characteristics and level of dissolved heavy metals at three ecologically distinct zones along the course of the river – Babughat located in the eastern part of the metropolitan megacity Calcutta (140 km upstream from seaface), Diamond Harbor (70 km upstream from sea face) and Gangasagar positioned at the mouth of the Ganges estuary.Physicochemical characteristics of this partially mixed estuary are largely influenced by the interaction of seawater and discharge of riverine freshwater, annual precipitation and surface runoff. The levels of salinity, total dissolved solids, hardness and conductivity showed an increasing downward trend. Marked increase in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) values (2.20–5.95 mg/l) was recorded in Babughat whereas correspondingly low values (0.75–2.82 mg/l) were noticed at Gangasagar. This can be attributed mainly due to huge organic load of untreated sewage from the twin city Howrah and Calcutta situated in the east and west of the river. Spatiotemporal distribution of heavy metals reveals a wide range of variations reflecting input of huge anthropogenic inputs associated with a number of physical and chemical processes. Levels of metals registered a seasonal pattern, with an increase during late monsoon months (September–October), a period characterized by low salinity and relatively low pH of the water. Elevated levels of dissolved Hg and Pb were also recorded in Babughat, with values ranging from 0.16 to 0.95 μg/ml and 0.017 to 0.076 μg/ml, respectively, this high values for Hg can be attributed to the discharge from pulp and paper manufacturing units and to atmospheric input and runoff of automobile emission for Pb.It was revealed that the socio-economic development of Calcutta, the most potential economic zone in India situated on the east bank of Hugli river, has had a significant impact on the water quality of this major river. The deterioration of water quality is directly related to nonfunctioning and malfunctioning of wastewater treatment plants and lack of environmental planning and coordination. To restore the ecological stability and economic vitality of this river, the following measures have been suggested: (i) strong vigilance programme is to be undertaken towards installation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plants to check the flow of persistent contaminants in the river water and (ii) execution of legislation and mass awareness programmes are to be enacted to restore the sound health of the river. The authors urge that environmental education should be used as an effective tool for water resource management dealing with intricate and complex problems in the interaction between nature, technology and human beings.  相似文献   

For addressing climate change, public support for changes in policy is needed, as well changes in individual lifestyles. Both of these appear to be intimately related with people’s worldviews. Understanding these worldviews is therefore essential. In order to research and ‘map’ them, we translated the theoretical ‘Integrative Worldview Framework’ (IWF) into an empirical, quantitative approach. We constructed a worldview-scale aiming to distinguish between four major worldviews – labeled traditional, modern, postmodern, and integrative – and explored their interface with opinions and behaviors with respect to climate change. The survey was conducted with representative samples of citizens in the Netherlands and the USA (n = 527 and n = 556). The hypothesized worldviews were found in the data with a reasonable degree of reliability, especially in the Dutch sample. We also found consistent relationships between these worldview-clusters and a range of opinions, political priorities, and behaviors. In both countries postmoderns and integratives displayed significantly more concern about climate change as well as more sustainable behaviors, compared with moderns and traditionals. The implications of these findings for environmental policy and social science are noteworthy.  相似文献   

Adoption of glyphosate-resistant canola (Brassica napus L.) has increased glyphosate applications to this crop, and concerns have been raised about unintended consequences of these multiple applications. A field trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of pre-seed and in-crop glyphosate and alternative herbicides on soil microbial community functional structure, diversity and biomass. Pre-seed treatments were 2,4-D, glyphosate and 2,4-D + glyphosate, and in-crop treatments were glyphosate applied once, glyphosate applied twice, ethalfluralin, ethalfluralin + sethoxydim + ethametsulfuron + clopyralid, and sethoxydim + ethametsulfuron. Rhizosphere and bulk soil was collected at flowering stage of canola and analyzed for bacterial community-level substrate utilization patterns and microbial biomass C (MBC). Where differences were significant, pre-seed application of both 2,4-D and glyphosate altered the functional structure and reduced the functional diversity of soil bacteria, but increased MBC. These effects were not necessarily concurrent. The reduction in functional diversity was due to reduction in evenness, which means that the soil where both pre-seed herbicides had been applied was dominated by only few functional groups. In 1 year, two in-crop applications of glyphosate also reduced the functional diversity of soil bacteria when applied after pre-seed 2,4-D, as did in-crop sethoxydim + ethametsulfuron following pre-seed glyphosate. Even though significant differences between herbicides were fewer than non-significant differences, i.e., there were no changes in soil microbial community structure, diversity or biomass in response to glyphosate or alternative herbicides applied to glyphosate-resistant canola in most cases, the observed changes in soil microbial communities could affect soil food webs and biological processes.  相似文献   

The application of controlled, low-frequency modulation (~100 Hz) superimposed onto the cutting process in the feed-direction – modulation-assisted machining (MAM) – is shown to be quite effective in reducing the wear of cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools when machining compacted graphite iron (CGI) at high machining speeds (>500 m/min). The tool life is at least 20 times greater than in conventional machining. This significant reduction in wear is a consequence of the multiple effects realized by MAM, including periodic disruption of the tool–workpiece contact, formation of discrete chips, enhanced fluid action and lower cutting temperatures. The propensity for thermochemical wear of CBN, the principal wear mode at high speeds in CGI machining, is thus reduced. The tool wear in MAM is also found to be smaller at the higher cutting speeds (730 m/min) tested. The feed-direction MAM appears feasible for implementation in industrial machining applications involving high speeds.  相似文献   

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